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Jargon refers to the specialized language of a professional or occupational group.

Jargon is also sometimes known as lingo or argot. A passage of text that is full of jargon
is said to be jargony.

● Jargon is the complex language used by experts in a certain discipline or field.

This language often helps experts communicate with clarity and precision.
● Jargon is different from slang, which is the casual language used by a particular
group of people.
● Critics of jargon believe such language does more to obscure than clarify; they
argue that most jargon can be replaced with simple, direct language without
sacrificing meaning.

It's a common shorthand among experts and used sensibly can be a quick and efficient
way of communicating. Jargon certainly has relevance on a peer-to-peer level. It helps
people within the same profession identify each other and speak more efficiently and
effectively about ideas. But, for the same reason that jargon can create closeness, it
also creates separation.Jargon should be avoided in any format of communication
unless it is meant for the particular audience being addressed.


Development Terms

1. Application programming interface (API): API is software that allows computers

or applications to communicate with each other.
2. Application: An application is software that completes a task, whether for a user
or another application.
3. Attribute: An attribute is a specification that provides extra information about an
4. Back end: The back end is the server side of an application that provides
functionality and is inaccessible to users.
5. Bug: A bug is a coding error that interferes with a website's normal operation.
6. DevOps: DevOps is a series of practices and tools that blends software
development and IT operations.
7. Framework: A framework is a program, code library or another component for
developing software applications.
8. Front end: The front end is the user side of an application that displays
information and allows users to interact with the program.
9. Library: A library is a collection of pre-written code that programmers often use to
save time when writing applications.
10. Object-oriented programming (OOP): OOP is a programming model that
categorizes software design by data (objects) instead of logic and functions.
11. Software: Software is a computer's operating instructions that tell it how to
12. Text editor: A text editor is a program for writing plain text for coding.
13. Version control: Version control is a program that tracks code or file changes to a
website or app, allowing users to restore earlier versions.
14. Web server: A web server is a computer that stores and delivers web pages.

Coding Terms

1. At-rule: An at-rule is a statement that provides a programming language with

2. Coding: Coding refers to using a programming language for software
3. Comment: A comment adds explanatory notes to the code without affecting the
document's layout.
4. Declaration: A declaration is a statement that introduces identifiers and specifies
their properties.
5. Element: An element is a single component of a larger group, like a fragment of
computer code.
6. Identifier: An identifier is a symbol that names language entities like types,
variables and labels.
7. Meta elements: Meta elements are tags part of a web site's head section that
structure metadata.
8. Opening and closing tags: Opening and closing tags start and end a section of
page content.
9. Padding: Padding is the space between an element's border and content.
10. Selector: A selector instructs the elements you want the programming language
to target.
11. Self-closing tag: A self-closing tag is a code element that automatically ends.
12. Semantic element: A semantic element is a human language that describes the
meaning of a piece of code.
13. Structural elements: Structural elements are pieces of code that organize a
14. Value: A value is a definite object that a program can manipulate.
15. Whiteboarding: Whiteboarding is the manual process of tracking work progress,
typically using whiteboards, charts or drawings.

Data Terms

1. Algorithm: An algorithm is a set of instructions for a program.

2. Big data: Big data is a set of data that's too large for a traditional processing
system to handle.
3. Data architecture: Data architecture is the structure that an organization has to
collect, store and use its information.
4. Database: A database is a collection of information that is easily accessible by
5. Data modeling: Data modeling is analyzing a business's requirements for
collecting and storing information.
6. Data visualization: Data visualization is the use of charts, tables or graphics to
analyze and communicate information.
7. Load balancing: Load balancing distributes tasks across multiple resources.
8. Parallel processing: Parallel processing is a method of running two or more
CPUs to complete separate parts of a task.
9. Relational database management system (RDMS): An RDMS organizes
information into tables while maintaining data integrity.
10. Semi-structured data: Semi-structured data is information that contains some
standard tags and structural elements but varies from traditional organizational
11. Volume: Volume is the total amount of data.

Graphic Design Terms

1. Color theory: Color theory is a set of guidelines designers use to create visually
appealing color combinations.
2. Color value: Color value is a color's shade or hue.
3. Grid system: The grid system contains a set of rows and columns for arranging
content on a website.
4. Pixels per inch (PPI): PPI is a measurement that shows the clarity of a digital
5. Raster images: Raster images are computer graphics that designers can edit
pixel by pixel.
6. Resolution: Resolution is how many pixels a device can display.
7. Retina display: Retina display is when a device has a PPI that's so high that
users can't see the individual pixels.
8. Vector images: Vector images are graphics that comprise mathematical lines
instead of pixels.

Growth Hacking Terms

1. A/B testing: A/B testing is an experiment that compares the performance of two
versions of a website or app.
2. Content marketing: Content marketing uses blog posts, videos and other
materials to attract potential customers.
3. Conversion: Conversion is when a potential customer becomes a paying
4. Data mining: Data mining is the practice of analyzing consumer behaviors to
optimize marketing campaigns.
5. Email marketing: Email marketing is the practice of sending emails to potential
and current customers.
6. Growth hacking: Growth hacking is using technology, analytics and product
development to grow a company's audience.
7. Website optimization: Website optimization is the practice of improving a site's
ability to rank in search engines and appeal to users.

Hardware Terms

1. Address: An address is a series of numbers that identifies a network adapter.

2. Bus: A bus is a data path that transfers information within a computer or between
3. Cache: A cache is a storage location that gathers temporary data to help
websites load faster.
4. Core: The core is the part of the CPU that performs logical operations and
5. Flash memory: Flash memory is a computer storage chip that is easilyre-
6. Hardware: Hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer.
7. Input device: An input device is a piece of equipment that controls or provides to
a computer.
8. Mouse: A mouse is a device that users move to navigate a cursor on a screen.
9. Network: A network is a group of computers and other devices
10. Operating system: An operating system is software that manages computer
hardware and provides services for computer programs.
11. Output device: An output device is a piece of equipment that displays information
from a computer.
12. Random-access memory (RAM): RAM is a type of data storage that makes data
items quickly accessible.
13. Volatile memory: Volatile memory is a type of data storage that requires power to
store information.

Mobile Technology Terms

1. Hybrid app: A hybrid app is a combination of a native app and a web app.
2. Integrated development environment (IDE): IDE is a software application with
source code editors, automation tools and debuggers.
3. Native app: A native app is a software program that works on a specific platform.
4. Near field communication (NFC): NFC is a technology mobile devices use to
communicate via radio waves.
5. Responsive web design: Responsive web design ensures websites can perform
well on devices of various sizes like computers, tablets and phones.
6. Software development kit (SDK): An SDK is a collection of tools for creating
7. Web apps: Web apps are websites that look and function like apps.

Systems Terms

1. Cloud computing: Cloud computing is a method of storing data across remote

servers instead of on a local computer.
2. Domain Name System (DNS): A DNS is a service for accessing a networked
computer by its name instead of its IP address.
3. Downloading and uploading: Downloading and uploading transfers files from a
remote computer to your computer.
4. Firewall: A firewall is a security device that monitors network traffic and prevents
unauthorized access.
5. Routers: A router is a device that connects two local area networks.
6. Uptime and downtime: Uptime and downtime describe how long a website or
computer has been operating or not operating.
7. Virtual machine (VM): A virtual machine is software that allows you to use one
computer operating system with another.
8. Virtual private network (VPN): A VPN is a network that allows you to use public
Internet connections as private networks.

Typography Terms

1. Character: A character is any number, letter, punctuation mark or symbol within a

2. Font family: A font family is a collection of similar typefaces that share standard
design traits.
3. Kerning: Kerning is a typeface's built-in spacing between individual characters.
4. Leading: Leading is the vertical space between lines of text.
5. Tracking: Tracking is the spacing between characters across a sequence of
6. Typeface: Typeface is the style of a font.
7. Type hierarchy: A type hierarchy is a system for organizing type on a web page,
usually designating fonts for headings and subheadings.
8. Serif: Serif describes a font that has characters with small lines at the ends of the
letters' larger strokes.

User Experience Terms

1. Bounce rate: Bounce rate is a measurement that describes how quickly users
leave a page once they click on it.
2. Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs are a series of hyperlinked text boxes that help
users navigate back to previous pages.
3. Clickstream: A clickstream is the pathway users take as they navigate a website.
4. Sitemap: A sitemap is a website's outline that shows the relationship between
components like pages, links and videos.
5. User interface (UI): A UI includes display screens, website menus and other
parts of a website that visitors can view and manipulate.
6. User persona: A user persona is a theoretical profile that describes a website's
ideal visitor.
7. User research: User research is analyzing visitor behavior to create an optimized
8. User experience (UX): UX considers how easy a website is for someone to use
and the visitor's emotions while on the page.

9. Wireframe: A wireframe is a sketch that shows what's going to appear on a


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