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4.AB Psychology

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Program Description

The AB Psychology program is anchored on a liberal arts education which aim to

train students to analyze understand and appreciate the complexities of human
mental processes and behavior and equip them with knowledge, skills and values
to perform tests in various settings such as school, industry and community. This
will prepare them for other career opportunities in Guidance and Counseling, Early
Childhood Education, Forensic Psychology, Law, Human Resource Development and
Clinical work.

Students enrolled in the program have options whether to take A.B. in Psychology
only or opt to have additional certificates in Marketing, and Human Resources
Management by enrolling specified courses in these fields.

Program Educational Objectives:

Within three to five years after obtaining a bachelor’s degree in BA Psychology
graduates are expected to:
1. practiced basic knowledge, skills, and capabilities required in performing the
various functions in the fields of Psychology, responsive to the mental health
needs of their respective communities;
2. pursued graduate education, passed the professional licensure examination for
Psychometricians and/or Psychologists, and obtained continuous professional
development through practical training, specialty certification, and/or research;
3. assumed leadership roles in their respective organizations while adhering to
ethical standards of the profession and promoting social transformation as
socially-responsible Christians.

Program Outcomes
By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have develop the ability to:
1. Demonstrate the capacity to analyze and effectively communicate the major
theories and concepts in psychology.
2. Demonstrate and apply the methods of psychological inquiry in building
knowledge on local culture and context using their critical thinking skills.
3. Demonstrate and apply psychological theories and methods in personal,
professional and community settings in consonance with being socially
responsible Christians.
4. Demonstrate the capability for critical thinking as a manifested in their self-
reflection and independent learning in graduate education or in professional
5. Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors in research and practice in
psychology as socially responsible Christians.
6. Demonstrate harmonious relationship with self, colleagues, clients and others in
diverse settings through effective communication.
7. Demonstrate critical thinking skills in the conduct of psychological assessment
and evaluation, and other psychology-related functions such as, but not limited
to, counseling/psychotherapy, training, coaching.

La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City 6100 PHILIPPINES | | +63 34 4346100

Admission Requirements
Admission to the Program starts at the freshman year. To be admitted, a student
1. meet the requirements for general admission to the University;
2. pass a set of psychological tests;
3. must have a grade of 83% and above in Psych 1; and
4. meet the criteria set by the Screening Committee conducted during the second
year of the program.

Retention Policies
To be retained in the program, a student must:
1. pass and maintain a Grade of 83% or better in all the professional courses; failure
in any of these courses will mean no readmission; and
2. actively participate in the Psych Society and the Psychology Department’s co-
curricular activities.

La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City 6100 PHILIPPINES | | +63 34 4346100

First Semester Lec # of Lab # of Total Total
Units hrs/wk Units hrs/wk Credit Assessed
Units Units
USELF Understanding the Self 3 3 0 3 3
IRS1 Lasallian Spirituality 3 3 0 3 3
PED1 Physical Education 1
(Wellness and Fitness) 2 2 0 2 2
ETHICS Ethics 3 3 0 3 3
PCOM Purposive Communication 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC101 Psychological Statistics 1 (Descriptive) 3 3 0 3 3
Total 17 17 0 17 17

Second Semester Lec # of Lab # of Total Total

Units hrs/wk Units hrs/wk Credit Assessed
Units Units
RIZAL Life and Works of Rizal 3 3 0 3 3
IRS2 Lasallian Formation on Christian
Morality 3 3 0 3 3
PED2 Physical Education 2
(Team Sports and Rhythmic Activities) 2 2 0 2 2
IGG Group Guidance 1.5 1.5 0 1.5 1.5
PSYC102 Introduction to Psychology 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC103 Psychological Statistics 2 (Inferential) 3 3 0 3 3
Total 15.5 15.5 0 15.5 15.5

First Semester Lec # of Lab # of Total Total
Units hrs/wk Units hrs/wk Credit Assessed
Units Units
PSYC201 Psychology of Learning 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC104 Physiological / Biological Psychology 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC105 Developmental Psychology 3 3 0 3 3
LOGIC Logic 3 3 0 3 3
GENSOC GE Electives 3 (Gender & Society) 3 3 0 3 3
NSTP1 National Service Training Program 1 3 3 0 3 3
PED3 Physical Education 3
(Swimming and Recreation) 2 2 0 2 2
Total 20 0 20 20

Second Semester Lec # of Lab # of Total Total

Units hrs/wk Units hrs/wk Credit Assessed
Units Units
PSYC106 Experimental Psychology 2 2 3 3 5 5
PSYC107 Theories of Personality 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC108 Cognitive Psychology 3 3 0 3 3
MATHMW Mathematics in the Modern World 3 3 0 3 3
PSPEAK Public Speaking in the Discipline 3 3 0 3 3
NSTP2 National Service Training Program 3 3 0 3 3
PED4 Physical Education 4
(Individual and Dual Sports) 2 2 0 2 2
Total 19 19 3 3 22 22

First Semester Lec # of Lab # of Total Total
Units hrs/wk Units hrs/wk Credit Assessed
Units Units
PSYC109 Psychological Assessment 1 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC111 Field Methods in Psychology 5 5 0 5 5
PSYC112 Filipino Psychology or Sik. Pilipino 3 3 0 3 3
DAFIL Dalumat ng/sa Filipino 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC113 Social Psychology 3 3 0 3 3
IRS3 Spirituality in the Workplace 3 3 0 3 3
Total 20 20 0 20 20

La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City 6100 PHILIPPINES | | +63 34 4346100

Second Semester Lec # of Lab # of Total Total
Units hrs/wk Units hrs/wk Credit Assessed
Units Units
PSYC110 Psychological Assessment 2 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC114 Abnormal Psychology 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC202 Group Dynamics 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC115 Research in Psychology 1 3 3 0 3 3
STS Science Technology and Society 3 3 0 3 3
CWRLD Contemporary World 3 3 0 3 3
LITE Living in the IT Era 3 3 0 3 3
Total 21 21 0 21 21

Summer Lec # of Lab # of Total Total

Units hrs/wk Units hrs/wk Credit Assessed
Units Units
Internship (Optional) 3 3 0 3 3
Total 3 3 0 3 3

First Semester Lec # of Lab # of Total Total
Units hrs/wk Units hrs/wk Credit Assessed
Units Units
PSYC116 Research in Psychology 2 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC117 Industrial / Organizational Psychology 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC203 Counseling/Clinical Psychology 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC204 Internship 1 3 3 0 3 3
RHIST Readings in Philippine History 3 3 0 3 3
PPOP Philippine Popular Culture 3 3 0 3 3
Total 18 18 0 18 18

Second Semester Lec # of Lab # of Total Total

Units hrs/wk Units hrs/wk Credit Assessed
Units Units
PSYC206 Strategic Human Resource
Management 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC118 Professional Enrichment Course 3 3 0 3 3
PSYC205 Internship 2 3 3 0 3 3
FL201 Foreign Language (Spanish) 3 3 0 3 3
ARTAP Art Appreciation 3 3 0 3 3
Total 15 15 0 15 15

La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City 6100 PHILIPPINES | | +63 34 4346100

AB Psychology

No. of Units Total

Courses Equivalent Units

General Education Courses


Purposive Communication 1 3
Dalumat ng Filipino 1 3
GE Electives 4 (Philippine Popular Culture) 1 3
Foreign Language (Spanish) 1 3 12
Mathematics in the Modern World 1 3 3
Social Sciences
Understanding the self 1 3
Art Appreciation 1 3
GE Electives 3 (Gender and Society) 1 3 9

Mandated Courses
Physical Education 4 8
Institutional Religious Studies 3 9
National Service Training Program 2 6
Institutional Group Guidance 1 1.5
The Contemporary World 1 3
Ethics 1 3
Science, Technology and Society 1 3
Logic 1 3
Public Speaking 1 3
Rizal 1 3
Readings in Philippine History 1 3
GE Electives 1 (Living In the IT Era) 1 3 48.5

Major Courses
PSYC101 Psychological Statistics 1 (Descriptive) 1 3
PSYC102 Psychological Statistics 2 (Inferential) 1 3
PSYC103 Introduction to Psychology 1 3
PSYC104 Physiological/Biological Psychology 1 3
PSYC105 Developmental Psychology 1 3
PSYC106 Experimental Psychology 1 5
PSYC107 Theories of Personality 1 3
PSYC108 Cognitive Psychology 1 3
PSYC109 Psychological Assessment 1 1 3
PSYC110 Psychological Assessment 2 1 3
PSYC111 Field Methods in Psychology 1 5
PSYC112 Filipino Psychology or Sik. Pilipino 1 3
PSYC113 Social Psychology 1 3
PSYC114 Abnormal Psychology 1 3
PSYC115 Research in Psychology 1 1 3
PSYC116 Research in Psychology 2 1 3
PSYC117 Industrial/Organizational Psychology 1 3
PSYC118 Professional Enrichment Course 1 3
PSY201 Psychology of Learning 1 3
PSY202 Group Dynamics 1 3
PSY203 Clinical Psychology/Counseling 1 3
PSY204 Internship 1 1 3
PSY205 Internship 2 1 3
PSY206 Strategic Human Resource Management 1 3 76
Total 148.5

La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City 6100 PHILIPPINES | | +63 34 4346100

AB Psychology
PSYC101 3 units PSYC106 5 units
(Descriptive) The philosophy and methods of science focusing
Basic concepts and methods of descriptive particularly on experimentation in the investigation
statistics and their use in the design, analysis, and of problems and issues in psychology including
interpretation of psychological studies. ethical considerations in the conduct of
experimental research. The student is expectedto
Apply the appropriate descriptive statistical tools design and conduct experiments in psychology,
for collecting, organizing, presenting and analyzing write research reports, and present and defend
data. the findings of the experiment.

PSYC102 3 units Apply the principles of experimentation in the

PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTICS 2 (Inferential) investigation of psychological problems guided by
Basic concepts and methods of inferential statistics ethical standards.
and their use in the design, analysis, and Prerequisite: Psyc 101 (Psychological Statistics 1)
interpretation of psychological studies. and Psyc102 (Psychological Statistics 2)

Apply the underlying principles of statistical PSYC107 3 units

techniques, perform statistical tests, and interpret THEORIES OF PERSONALITY
statistical data. A survey of the major theories of personality and
Prerequisite: PSYC101 the theoretical and practical issues involved in the
scientific study and understanding of personality
PSYC103 3 units formation and dynamics.
A broad coverage of the conceptual and empirical Apply the various personality theories in
foundations of psychology in its main fields. The understanding and explaining human behavior.
discussion of the theories, concepts, and empirical
findings focuses on complex human behavior – how PSYC108 3 units
and why we think, feel, and behave the way we do, COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY
how we act and interact with others, and why and An introduction to research and knowledge in the
how we become the unique individuals that we are. psychological study of important cognitive abilities
including sensation and perception, attention,
Apply concepts, theories, and methods to memory and representation, language and thinking.
understand complex human behavior.
Demonstrate the significance of cognitive functions
PSYC104 3 units in understanding human behavior.
The physiological approach to studying human PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 1
behavior. Basic concepts and findings in Introduces to the nature and uses of psychological
neuroscience with special emphasis on brain- body tests in the educational, industrial, and community
relationship, brain-behavior relationship, and settings. It also covers the essentials of reliability,
mind-behavior relationship are treated in the validity, and item analysis in test construction, as
course. well as the ethical issues and social considerations
involved in psychological testing. Emphasis is placed
Distinguish the various structures of the brain and on the principles of selection, administration and
their functions in relation to human behavior. scoring, and interpretation of psychological tests.

PSYC105 3 units Apply the principles of psychometrics and

DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY psychological assessment in the selection,
A study of human development throughout the administration and scoring, and interpretation of
life span in the areas of physical, social, cognitive, tests guided by ethical standards.
emotional, and moral development. Major Prerequisite: Psyc 107 (Theories of Personality)
developmental theories are tackled. Emphasisis
given on the system perspective and the interactive PSYC110 3 units
dimensions of human development particularly in PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 2
the Filipino setting. Focuses on the assessment of human personality
and other non-intellective aspects of behavior like
Demonstrate the process of human development in interests, values, and attitudes. It also introduces
terms of its physical, social, cognitive, emotional, students to other techniques such as interviews,
and moral aspects. observations, surveys, and checklistsas a means
to assess human behavior and to facilitate
understanding of individual differences in the
contexts of school, industry, and community.

La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City 6100 PHILIPPINES | | +63 34 4346100

Explain the etiology, essential features and possible
Emphasis is placed in the principles of instrument
interventions of various psychological disorders.
development aimed at measuring affective aspects
Prerequisite: Psyc 107 (Theories of Personality)
of behavior.
PSYC115 3 units
Apply the principles of psychometrics and
psychological assessment in the use and
A research methods course which aims to train the
development of tests.
student in psychological research beginning from
Prerequisite: Psyc 109 (Psychological Assessment
choosing a relevant problem-topic, reviewing the
literature, postulating a conceptual framework, to
PYSC111 5 units planning for methodology and data analysis. The
FIELD METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY output is a mature research proposal.
This course covers both quantitative and
Demonstrate the capacity to apply the principles
qualitative field methods. It includes the design and
of scientific inquiry in the formulation of a research
administration of surveys, interviews, and focus
group discussion. Learners will also be oriented on
Prerequisite: Psyc 106 (Experimental Psychology)
the use of secondary data and observations.
and Psyc 111 (Field Methods in Psychology)
Apply the various quantitative and qualitative field
PSYC116 3 units
methods in studying human behavior.
Prerequisite: Psyc 106 (Experimental Psychology)
The second part is the implementation of the
research proposal. The student is expected to come
PSYC112 3 units
up with a well-written empirical research paper and
is expected to defend the results, the discussion,
and the conclusions.
The course is a study of concepts and methods in
the field of culture and psychology, giving meaning
Demonstrate the capability to implement, and
to psychological reality based on the languageand
communicate the results of, the process scientific
worldview of the Filipino. The students will be
inquiry in understanding human behavior.
introduced to indigenous concepts in Sikolohiyang
Prerequisite: Psyc 115 (Research in Psychology 1)
Pilipino, and its applications in various fields of
psychology. They will also be trained in the use of
PSYC117 3 units
indigenous research methods. Furthermore, issues
regarding Sikolohiyang Pilipino as a discipline and
as a movement will also be discussed. The course
A course providing and overview of psychological
will be conducted in Filipino or in English.
concepts, theories and research findings for
effective human interactions and performance
Explain psychological reality from the Filipino
in the workplace. Topics include organizational
perspective through the use of indigenous
structures and systems, organizational
concepts and research methods.
communication processes, leadership, motivation,
PSYC113 3 units conflict resolution, problem solving and decision
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY making, team dynamics, efforts in human resource
The scientific study of human social behavior – how development and management, and organizational
and why we think, feel, behave, and relateto one change and development.
another in social situations the way wedo. The
Explain the concepts and theories for effective
major theories, concepts, and empirical findings in
performance and human interactions in the workplace.
social psychology are dealt with. Social behavior
and social phenomena in the Philippine setting are
PSYC118 3 units
examined from the social psychologicalperspective.
This course leads students to integrate all
Demonstrate human behavior using the concepts
significant learnings obtained from major courses to
and theories from the psychosocial perspective.
prepare them towards the practice of learning
Prerequisite: Psyc 106 (Experimental Psychology)
outcomes and professional board examination
PSYC114 3 units
ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY Demonstration of expected professional knowledge
and skills as well as satisfactory performance as
An introduction to the nature, causes, andpossible
indicated in their mock board ratings.
interventions of psychological disorders. The
Prerequisite: Seniors Standing
students are expected to be familiar withthe
nomenclature and classifications of mental
PSYC 201 3 units
disorders, by the end of the course. Indigenous
concepts of abnormality and abnormal behavior will
The study of the processes of learning. Biological,
also be discussed. Ethical considerations in abnormal
cognitive, social, and cultural factors in learning are
psychological/clinical psychology are discussed.
examined. Problems and issues on learning and
education in the Philippine setting are considered.

La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City 6100 PHILIPPINES | | +63 34 4346100

agency, non-government organization or
Explain the human learning process in terms of its
academic institution where they will achieve better
biological, cognitive, social and cultural aspects.
understanding of the process of hiring and
PSYC 202 3 units recruitment, to work effectively with othersin a
GROUP DYNAMICS team, develop appropriate professional work
attitude and behavior and understand the ethical
Using experiential/inductive methods, the course
practice and standards of the profession. They will
provides students the opportunity to understand
also participate and join in seminars, workshops
the dynamics of group processes and functioning
and other related activities scheduled by the
such as communication, problem-solving, decision-
Psychology Department as part of their
making, leadership/membership, collaboration/
department-based practicum. Students are
competition, and self-awareness, particularly in a
required to complete a total of 150 hours of
Philippine organizational setting.
practicum work. The Practicum class should meet
Demonstrate understanding of the dynamics at least twice a month to discuss the students’ work
of group processes and functioning through progress, the observations, insights, reflections,
structured and unstructured experiential learning. and learning of the students during their practicum
work, as well as issues in professional psychology
PSYC 203 3 units including ethics and areas of concern of the
INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY students in their practicum work.
Demonstrate acquired knowledge and skills
The course aims to provide students with a basic
necessary for the performance of tasks required
understanding of the nature, scope, and
during the internship in the industrial work setting.
techniques used in the field of counseling
psychology, and other psychological interventions,
PSYC 206 3 units
including approaches in the assessment of various
psychological disorders. Emphasis is on various
cognitive, affective and behavioral approaches in
This course focuses on Strategic Human Resource
counseling. The course also discusses the roles,
Management (SHRM) theories and principles. The
functions, and ethical considerations involved in
course aims to provide students with basic
the practice of the profession.
principles in human resource development. It aims
to equip students with skills important in needs
Demonstrate knowledge and skills used in various
theoretical framework/orientations in counseling assessment, organizing and planning training
and clinical psychology guided by ethical standards. programs relevant to the corporate world as well
as government and non-government agencies.
Prerequisite: Psyc 114 (Abnormal Psychology)
Demonstrate knowledge and skills in applying the
PSYC 204 3 units
principles of human resource development.
This 3-unit course aims to expose students to the
practical application of the roles and functions of
a guidance counselor / school psychologist and
orients them to the different types of psychologist-
This is course provides an overview of the impact of
administered tests and assessment tools used by
disasters on individuals, families, and communities.
various academic institutions. They will also
Learners will be introduced to disaster preparedness
participate and join in seminars, workshops and
and how it can be facilitated. The course seeks to
other related activities scheduled by the Psychology
provide learners an understanding of the impact
Department as part of their department-based
of disasters in mental health and the principles in
practicum. Students are required to completea
providing psychosocial support for survivors.
total of 150 hours of practicum work. The Practicum
class should meet at least twice a month to discuss
the students’ work progress, the observations,
This course will introduce students to the emerging
insights, reflections, and learning of the students
field of Positive Psychology – the scienceof positive
during their practicum work, aswell as issues in
experiences, positive institutions, and human
professional psychology including ethics and areas
strengths. For the past several years, psychology
of concern of the students in theirpracticum work.
was devoted mainly on studying mental illness and
how to treat patients. The positive Psychology
Demonstrate acquired knowledge and skills
movement reminds us that psychology is also
necessary for the performance of tasks required
during the internship in the educational work setting. dedicated to promoting human strengths and
virtues and that its goal is not merely to treat but
PSYC 205 3 units also prevent illness. The course will evaluate
INTERNSHIP 2 empirical studies on happiness and other positive
This 3-unit course aims to expose students to real- concepts and students will learn primarily form
world learning experiences in an organizational classroom discussions.
context by placing them in the human resources
department of a private corporation, government

La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City 6100 PHILIPPINES | | +63 34 4346100

An overview of the field of educational psychology
including research in the field. Theories in educational
psychology and their application in the classroom
are discussed. The analysis of classroom problems
and the design of teaching-learning interventions are
tackled using the practitioner-researcher approach.


CHILDREN 3 units
A course designed to understand children who
are set apart from others due to either an
advantage or a disadvantage in terms of their
physical, mental, and emotional conditions.
Discussions of etiological factors, characteristicsof
each of the conditions, assessment procedures and
intervention approaches are included in the
students’ exploration of human exceptionality.
Orientation on the rights and privileges of Filipinos
with special needs shall also be discussed as
embodied in the Persons with Disabilities Act of
the Philippines (RA9442).


This course focuses on employee selection and
development. By the end of this course, students
should be able to conduct assessment of
competencies, identify development needs and
approaches to training and development of
employees. Students will also be oriented on and
practice skills in recruiting, targeted interviewing,
and profiling of applicants.

La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City 6100 PHILIPPINES | | +63 34 4346100

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