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Coal 2

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1. Coal mine safety rules and regulation for underground mining

A. Single entry C. Many shafts driven too deep
B. two Independent UG openings D. Two interconnected shafts

2. The process of coal formation is known as:

A. Carbonization C. consolidation
B. Coalification D. Conduction

3. The early stages of coal formation is:

A. Lignite C. Bituminous
B. Peat D. Anthracite
4. Lignite and Sub-Bituminous Coal are:
A. High grade Coal C. Grade One Coal
B. Low Rank Coal D. Mature Coal

5. Considered as the highest rank Coal Present in the Philippines:

A. Bituminous Coal C. Graphite
B. Anthacite Coal D. Lignite Coal

6. The process of cleaning coal to remove impurities and to suit the

specification or requirement of the end-user:
A. Amalgamation C. consolidation
B. Coal Benefeciation D. Subduction

7. A Law which governs exploration, development and exploitation of coal

resources in the Philippines?
A. R.A. 7636 C. P.D. 1442
B. P. D. 463 D. P.D. 972

8. The minimum required area for a Coal Operating Contract is:

A. 3 Blocks at 81 hectares each C. 10,000 hectares
B. 5 hectares D. 3 Blocks at 1000 hectares/Block

9. The type of ventilation that utilizes the application of fans, vents,

tubing’s and baggings.
A. Natural ventilation C. Natural draft
B. Lime Dusting D. Mechanical Ventilation

10. The type of ventilation in which dwells on the principle that air
flow from a high pressure to a low pressure area
A. Natural ventilation C. Natural draft
B. Lime Dusting D. Mechanical Ventilation

11. It results from pressure differential due to a difference in

A. Mine Ventilation C. Relative density
B. Natural Draft D. Mechanical Ventilation

12. It is designed to remove, dilute, and bring underground environment

suited for working personnel
A. Mine Ventilation C. Ventilation
B. Wind D. Pressure

13. It is the underground mine gas otherwise called as “laughing gas”.

A. Nitrogen Dioxide C. Methane

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B. Hydrogen Sulfide D. Carbon Monoxide

14. It is the underground mine gas otherwise called as “stink damp”.

A. Sulfur dioxide C. Methane
B. Hydrogen Sulfide D. Carbon Monoxide

15. It is the underground mine gas otherwise called as “sweet damp”.

A. Nitrogen Dioxide C. Methane
B. Hydrogen Sulfide D. Carbon monoxide

16. It is the underground mine gas otherwise called as “white damp”.

A. Nitrogen dioxide C. Methane
B. Hydrogen Sulfide D. Carbon monoxide

17. It is the underground mine gas otherwise called as “marsh gas”.

A. Nitrogen dioxide C. Methane
B. Hydrogen sulfide D. Carbon Monoxide

18. It is the underground mine gas otherwise called as “choke or black

A. carbon dioxide C. Méthane
B. Hydrogen Sulfide D. Carbon Monoxide

19. The amount of oxygen in underground mines required under the

“Revised Mines Safety Rules and Regulations” is:
A. 18% by volume C. 20% by volume
B. 19% by volume D. 21% by volume

20. The allowable limit of Methane gas in underground coal mines should
not be more than
A. 3 % by volume C. 10 ppm
B. .01 % by volume D. 1.0 % by volume

21. Per DOE Coal Mines Safety Rules and Regulation, the allowable limit
for Carbon Dioxide underground is:
A. 0.5 % by volume C. 10 ppm
B. 20 % by volume D. 4.0% by volume

22. The threshold limits value of Hydrogen sulfide gas is

A. 3 % by volume C. 0.0010% by volume
B. 0.0005% by volume D. 10 ppm

23. The threshold limits value of Carbon Monoxide underground is

A. 0.01% by volume C. 0.0001% by volume
B. 0.0030% by volume D. 0.0010% by volume

24. a poisonous gas that has strong affinity to hemoglobin in the body.
A. Ascetic Acid C. Carbon Monoxide
B. Methane gas D. Carbon Dioxide

25. A poisonous gas that is the product of incomplete combustion and

usually results after coal mine explosion.
A. Carbon Monoxide C. Hydrogen Sulfide
B. Methane D. Sulfur Dioxide

26. A deadly gas which is the product of Mine fires and it is usually
present in old Coal mine workings.
A. Nitrous Oxide C. Carbon Monoxide

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B. Methane D. Butane

27. A poisonous gas that has a rotten egg odor when it is present in
small concentration.
A. Oxygen C. Petron Gas
B. Methane D. Hydrogen Sulfide

28. Methane is explosive with this range of concentration:

A. 1%-10% by volume C. 10%-20% by volume
B. 15%-25% by volume D. 5%-15% by volume

29. DOE Coal mine safety rules and regulation requires:

A. licensed metallurgical engineer with two years experience in
safety works
B. licensed mining engineer
C. licensed geology
D. safety inspector

30. The class “A” mine underground has at least _____ workers.
A. 150 C. 250
B. 125 D. 200

31. A device to measure methane is called

A. Odometer C. Methanometer
B.Anemometer D. Spygmomanometer

32. A device to measure Carbon Monoxide is called

A. Barometer C. CO Detector
B. Carbon Dioxide Detector D. Calorimeter

33. In order to effectively drive away harmful gases underground you

need to have a proper:
A. Sitting arrangement C. Ventilation
B. Safety paraphernalia D. Classification

34. It is formed from the decay of plant and animals and from planktonic
organism millions of years ago under s suitable environment and
A. Geothermal steam C. Oil and gas
B. Olive Oil D. Water

35. An Oil Discovery in Galoc Field in Palawan is currently producing at

a rate of:
A. 5,000 Bpd C. 20,000 Bpd
B. 27,000 Bpd D. 30,000 Bpd

36. The Malampaya Gas Field is supporting Gas powered Power Plants in
Batangas at:
A. 700 MW C. 2700 MW
B. 300 KW D. 200 MW

37. Oil reservoir will be known thru Seismic survey but to determine its
presence and quantity ____ must be conducted:
A. Prospecting C. drilling
B. Assaying D. Sampling

38. Geothermal Energy is an Energy utilizing the ____of the Earth.

A. Radius C. Heat

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B. Diameter D. Radiation

39. Tongonan Geothermal Plants are delivering almost 400 MW of power at

Leyte-Cebu interconnection thru:
A. Satellite Cable C. Submarine Cable
B. Broad Band Power Line D. Sky Cable

40. A method of Drilling used to access resources not directly below the
drilling area:
A. Diamond Drilling C. Directional Drilling
B. Dry Drilling D. Offshore Drilling

41. Mine air contain a number of impurities in addition to its normal

constituents. The major impurities are:
a. gases from strata b. fumes from blasting
c. coal dust from mining operation d. all of the above

42. The ultimate constraint with depth in underground mining:

a. deterioration of the mine atmosphere
b. rising ground pressure
c. rising temperature
d. all of the above

43. Environmental control necessary for the preservation of human life

in the underground extraction of coal:
a. mine dewatering
b. skin to skin timbering
c. mine ventilation
d. all of the above

44. The quantity of this reserves is defined by a mathematical

expression and represented by the sum of positive and two-thirds (2/3)
of probable reserves:
a. in-situ reserves
b. positive reserves
c. mineable reserves
d. none of the above

45. The quantity of this reserve is computed by emulsifying the proven

in-situ reserves with recovery factor of 60% for coal extracted by means
of underground method;
a. positive reserves
b. probable reserves
c. mineable reserves
d. none of the above

46. A development opening driven from the surface along the dip of the
coal seam or with the host rock either on the footwall or hanging wall:
a. adits
b. inclined shaft
c. cross-cuts
d. all of the above

47. Interconnection of two levels usually driven from the lower level
for ventilation and escapeway purposes:
a. cross-cuts
b. drifts
c. raises

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d. none of the above

48. Openings driven from surface crossing different sedimentary

formations to intercept the strike of rocks and/or coal seams which
usually has a grade of 1% for natural drainage:
a. inclined shaft
b. vertical shaft
c. adits
d. all of the above

49. What government agency responsible in the implementation of PD 972

or Coal Development Act
b. MGB
c. DOE
d. all of the above

50. Used in determining the average velocity of the air current passing
in an airway:
a. hygrometer
b. thermometer
c. anemometer
d. none of the above

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