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A Project Report-I submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Pokhara University

for the degree of the Bachelor of Engineering


Er. Shree Krishna Neupane

Submitted By:

Bipana Marasini (Regd No: 2019-1-04-0446)

Anusha Giri (Regd No: 2019-1-04-0434)
Anusha Timilsina (Regd No: 2019-1-04-0435)
Kushal Nepali (Regd No: 2019-1-04-0466)
Ishwor Prasad Kafle (Regd No: 2019-1-04-0455)

Bachelors of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Science and Technology

Pokhara University

Pokhara-30, Kaski

Date: 2076/10/05


The Supervisor,
School of Engineering
Faculty of Science & Technology, Pokhara University
Pokhara-30, Kaski

Subject: - Submission of project proposal

Dear Sir,

We the student of Civil engineering 2nd year (3rd semester), intend to develop a project proposal
in the fulfillment of project-I, which is under the syllabus of Pokhara University in the 3rd

Since water is one of the essential/basic needs of Human beings, knowing the importance of
water is the first and foremost thing as an individual that struck our heads. Supply of water is
one of the most crucial means to satisfy people's basic needs and Lekhnath being a growing
city, this project gives the best opportunity to study the water supply and distribution system
of Lekhnath.

Sincerely Yours,
Bipana Marasini (Regd No: 2019-1-04-0446)
Anusha Giri (Regd No: 2019-1-04-0434)
Anusha Timilsina (Regd No: 2019-1-04-0435)
Kushal Nepali (Regd No: 2019-1-04-0466)
Ishwor Prasad Kafle (Regd No: 2019-1-04-0455)


It is certified that this project I titled “STUDY OF WATER SUPPLY AND

DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OF LEKHNATH” is the bonafide work of Ms. Bipana
Marasini, Ms. Anusha Giri, Ms. Anusha Timilsina, Mr. Kushal Nepali, and Mr. Ishwor
Prasad Kafle who carried out the project work under my supervision. It is further certified that
to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein doesn’t form part of any other project on
the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other

Er. Sanjay Baral Er. Shreekrishna Neupane

Project coordinator Supervisor
Assistant Professor Program Coordinator
School of Engineering School of Engineering


We would like to express our deep sense of gratitude to Er. Shreekrishna Neupane, School
of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Pokhara University, Lekhnath Kaski for
his continuous guidance and encouragement. It would have been impossible to accomplish this
project without his valuable suggestion.

We would like to express our deepest thanks to Dean Mr. Rajesh Thagurathi Faculty of
Science and Technology, Professor Er. Om Prakash Giri Director of School of Engineering
and Er. Shreekrishna Neupane Program Co-ordinator of the bachelor of civil engineering
program of Pokhara University for giving me this opportunity.

We would like to express thanks to Er. Sanjay Baral, Faculty of Science and Technology for
providing support and guidance. We wish thanks to all our respected, who helped us to carry
out this project.

Table of Content
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Basic Principles of Water Supply Distribution System .............................................. 2
1.3 Methods of water distribution ..................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 Gravity System: ................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Under Ground Water System: .............................................................................. 4
1.3.3 Sump well: ........................................................................................................... 5
2 Objective of this Project ..................................................................................................... 6
2.1 General Objective:....................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Specific Objective: ...................................................................................................... 6
3 Scope of Water Supply and Distribution System of Lekhnath ........................................... 6
4 Significance of the Study .................................................................................................... 6
5 Statement of Problem ......................................................................................................... 7
6 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 8
6.1 Algorithm .................................................................................................................... 8
6.2 Site Visit ...................................................................................................................... 9
6.3 Data collection............................................................................................................. 9
6.3.1 Primary Data: ....................................................................................................... 9
6.3.2 Secondary Data: ................................................................................................. 10
7 Literature Review ............................................................................................................. 11
7.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 11
7.2 Histological Background ........................................................................................... 11
7.3 Water Supply and Distribution in Nepal ................................................................... 12
8 Limitation ......................................................................................................................... 12
9 Work Plan ......................................................................................................................... 12
10 Tentative Budget ........................................................................................................... 13
11 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 13
12 References ..................................................................................................................... 15

List of Figures
Figure 1: Source of Gravity system of lekhnath i.e., Ghiuje khola ........................................... 3
Figure 2: Water supply system (Gravity) of Lekhnath .............................................................. 4
Figure 3: Deep boring being installed in Lekhnath ................................................................... 4
Figure 4: Map showing Deep Boring system in Lekhnath ........................................................ 5
Figure 5: Sump well in Lekhnath............................................................................................... 5
Figure 6: Flowchart showing the methodology ......................................................................... 8
Figure 7: Site Location and Field Visit Photograph (𝟐𝟖𝒐𝟎𝟖′𝟓𝟓. 𝟗”𝑵 𝟖𝟒𝒐𝟎𝟒′𝟓𝟎. 𝟖”𝑬).......... 9
Figure 8: Chart showing the population being facilitated (Source: [2]) .................................. 14

List of Tables
Table 1: Work Plan .................................................................................................................. 12
Table 2: Expenditure during the preparation of the proposal .................................................. 13

1 Introduction

A water distribution system is a part of a water supply network with components that carry
potable water from a centralized treatment plant or wells to consumers to satisfy residential,
commercial, industrial, and firefighting requirements. The purpose of the water supply and
distribution system is to deliver water to consumers with appropriate quality, quantity, and
pressure. A distribution system is used to describe collectively the facilities used to supply
water from the source to the point of usage. The sources from where water can be supplied and
distributed can be classified as surface water, rainwater, underground water, and so on.

In municipal water systems, water is withdrawn from the water source and treated before it is
pumped to our homes and businesses. After treatment, municipal water systems distribute
water to homes and businesses in large pipes called water mains that are usually buried under
our roads and sidewalks. With water supply and distribution there obviously comes along a
good distribution system. During water supply, the quality of water shouldn't deteriorate. The
system also should be capable of supplying water at all intended places with sufficient pressure
heads. [1]

The water supply and distribution system decide whether the availability of water in certain
areas is sufficient/ good or not. The distribution pipes are generally laid below the road
pavements. This project is taken up as people are still facing many problems to get the proper
supply of water in our country even in the main city areas. The water supply system deteriorates
if it's not planned or designed properly beforehand thinking about the possible rate of
population growth.

1.1 Background

While briefing about the history of Water Supply and Distribution System of Lekhnath we can
get back to 2058 BS when first initiation towards life changing water supply chain was done
by research and finding the source of water supply. The following project was proposed with
the 15 yrs. design and total estimated time for completion of 24 months with the budget of 39
crore where 50% cost was supposed to be funded by Nepal Government and remaining 50%
by the Locals or Masses of Lekhnath. With the aim of covering 9760 Households the project
was positive from every sector be it the design or its aim but the project slowed down in the
verse of political instability of 2062/2063 which increased the time frame of project and
converted into a 3.5 year long project.

During that time because of the delayed project the estimation done regarding the expected
mass/ population changed which resulted impracticable design since it was previously targeted
for few households. Uneven distribution of pipes because of pressure from locals and laying
more pipelines than expected in the design, these all problem led to yet another problem in
bigger scale that led to fail of the project from both design and cost manner. The design that
was inaugurated on 2061 paush 16 was again remodified on 2068-2069BS by adding Boring
system to facilitate the area where Water supply or Distribution couldn’t reach. In this way 7
boring was added. [2]

1.2 Basic Principles of Water Supply Distribution System

• The quality of water should not get deteriorated in the distribution pipes.
• The Supply system should be capable of supplying water at all the intentional places with
sufficient pressure heads.
• It should be capable of supplying the needful amount of water during fire-fighting.
• The pipe layout should be such that no consumer would be without a water supply, during
the repair of any section of the system.
• All the pipes in the distribution system should be preferably laid one meter away or above
the sewer lines.
• The system of pipes should be fairly watertight to keep losses due to leakage to a minimum.

1.3 Methods of water distribution

For efficient distribution system adequate water pressure required at various parts depending
upon the level of source, topography of the area and other local conditions the water may be
forced into distribution system by different ways. The water supply and distribution system
used in lekhnath are given below:

1.3.1 Gravity System:

The system which uses gravity to transport water from source to the user through a pipe
network is called Gravity system. The source of water used in Lekhnath to make gravity
system functionable is Ghiuje khola with speed of 48.90 LPS.

Figure 1: Source of Gravity system of lekhnath i.e., Ghiuje khola

Figure 2: Water supply system (Gravity) of Lekhnath

1.3.2 Under Ground Water System:

When the source of water cannot be supplied to all the places of targeted distribution area,
underground water is used and thus collected by different methods, for example: deep boring.
There are total of 8 deep boring in Lekhnath to facilitate the places where there is insufficient
supply of water.

Figure 3: Deep boring being installed in Lekhnath

Figure 4: Map showing Deep Boring system in Lekhnath

1.3.3 Sump well:

Sump well is a pit or well in which water or other liquid is collected. There are two sumps
well built in Gaduwa khola and Shyangkhudi for the water collection purpose.

Figure 5: Sump well in Lekhnath

2 Objective of this Project

2.1 General Objective:

The general objective of this project is the partial fulfilment of the requirement of
Pokhara University for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering.

2.2 Specific Objective:

The Specific objective of the project is to know about the idea of a water supply
system and distribution in a proper and adequate manner. However, the specific
objectives of the project are:
1. To know about ideas of distributing water supply to people in sufficient
2. To know about the workability of the water supply system and distribution.
3. To know about the quality of water supply system

3 Scope of Water Supply and Distribution System of Lekhnath

The objective of this research is to present the fundamental concept of water distribution system
applied to Lekhnath city, how it had been started, and how it's being continued till now in order
for municipal officials or concerned authorities to make a better evaluation and decision
making for water supply and distribution by carrying out the necessary amendments. It mainly
focuses on the determination of the population or number of houses served, water demand
assessment, and distribution system design in order to fulfill the demand of the town.

4 Significance of the Study

The main aim of the project as mentioned above is to give information about the water supply
and distribution system of Lekhnath and find the residing problems with their possible
solutions. Some of the significance of the water supply and distribution system are as
mentioned below:

1. Considering the health of the public and providing safe and clean drinking water.
2. Improvement of water supply & sanitation, and better management of water resources.
3. Use of water in a responsible manner during rainy season as the source of water is
polluted and there is the unavailability of the proper water treatment plant
4. Distribution systems move water from the source to the consumer. In situations of
having population growth, increasing demand for water, and shrinking water sources
make these systems become more vital than ever before.

5 Statement of Problem

For the successful completion of any projects, we should plan it well and minimize the problem
that arises on the way and mitigate all the problems with a quick decision-making skill. While
briefing about the history of water supply and distribution system we got to know about several
problems, some of them are listed below:

• Insufficient supply of water to the required population.

• The design made to facilitate 9760 household could not even work for 6000 households
which resulted in insufficient design capacity.
• Because of uneven and extra allocation of pipes than expected in design caused yet
another big problem i.e., not reaching every household as the water was used up on the

6 Methodology

The study will be performed by experimental setup as shown in Figure 6


Topic Discussion

Literature Review

Site Selection

Site Visit

Data collection

Proposal writing

Presentation and submission


Figure 6: Flowchart showing the methodology

6.1 Algorithm

To make the project successful and effective collection of necessary data mainly following
methods will be used according to the phase and plan of the project. They are:

1. First of all, after starting the project, the important aspect of the project among the
group members will be discussed. Then discussion will be done on how to go with the
project furthermore. Group plan about the questions to be asked with the related
personalities will be discussed as well as the questionnaires.

2. An application for an approval letter from the faculty will be prepared.
Then, after taking an approval letter from the faculty site sturdy will be visited along
with the supervisor and the data will be collected.
3. As field visit is the important way for true and efficient data collection, during the field
visit, knowledge related to the Water supply and Distribution System of Lekhnath will
be obtained.
4. For the visit approval, the letter for the department will be submitted to the respective
administration and the information and the data will be collected.
5. Data related to Important components and aspects of the Water supply and Distribution
System of Lekhnath will be collected for this paper.
6. After collecting all data related, preparation of the proposal will be done as well as the

6.2 Site Visit

The site visit was done on December-31 2021, Figure 7 shows the site map of the visit.

Figure 7: Site Location and Field Visit Photograph (𝟐𝟖𝒐 𝟎𝟖′ 𝟓𝟓. 𝟗”𝑵 𝟖𝟒𝒐 𝟎𝟒′𝟓𝟎. 𝟖”𝑬)

6.3 Data collection

6.3.1 Primary Data:

As primary data are the data that are obtained from the lab tests, due to time constrain, no
laboratory tests were performed.

6.3.2 Secondary Data:

Secondary data are the data or information that are obtained from the published literatures and
other sources. Secondary data were collected by visiting the sources and the distribution system
[Refer: conclusion]

7 Literature Review

7.1 General

For the study of any project, it is necessary to review the literatures. So, different literatures
were studied including books, journals, and many-more.

A well-planned water distribution network is very essential in the development of an area. The
network is built to satisfy various consumer demands while meeting minimum pressure
requirements at certain nodes. In the design stage, it is of interest to arrive at the least-cost
solutions that satisfy a set of constraints including demand and pressure requirements. Often it
is also of interest to arrive at less expensive solutions that, however, violate slightly the
constraints. Accordingly, research interests have been concentrating on the design of water
distribution networks by using EPANET to search for the optimal combination of decision
variables (e.g., head loss and velocity) from a large number of solutions. [4]

This proposal includes the theoretical overview of potable water supply and distribution. It
assesses the sources of water supply, urban water supply accessibility, major challenges of
drinking water supply and distribution, potable water supply problems in developing countries
in general in Nepal in particular, benefits of access to safe, reliable, adequate, and affordable
potable water supply and impacts of inaccessibility of water supply and distribution facilities.
In addition to these, it assesses the Nepalese government’s water supply, institutional
arrangement, and responsibilities at different levels.

7.2 Histological Background

The history of water supply and sanitation is one of the logistical challenges to providing clean
water and sanitation systems since the dawn of civilization. Where water resources,
infrastructure, or sanitation systems were insufficient, diseases spread and people fell sick or
died prematurely.

Major human settlements could initially develop only where fresh surface water was plentiful,
such as near rivers or natural springs. Throughout history, people have devised systems to make
getting water into their communities and households and disposing of (and later also treating)
wastewater more convenient.

Over the millennia, technology has dramatically increased the distances across which water
can be relocated. Furthermore, treatment processes to purify drinking water and treat
wastewater have been improved. [5]

7.3 Water Supply and Distribution in Nepal

In Nepal, piped water supply system was started when the first BirDhara system (1891-1893)
was commissioned in Kathmandu by then Rana Prime Minister Bir Shumsher. The system also
led to the establishment of Pani Goshwara Adda (The office for water supply) and it provided
limited private and community standpipes in a few selected parts of Kathmandu. The water
supply services were then gradually extended to a few other prominent places like
Amalekhgunj, Birgunj, Palpa, and Jajarkot Khalanga where either the Rana rulers themselves
or their family/relatives resided. [6]

8 Limitation

Following limitations has been identified in the undertaking of the study.

• Data was also collected from secondary sources.
• Every part of the water supply and distribution channel was not visited.
• The quality of water is not studied

9 Work Plan
Table 1 shows the work plan of the project that was required for the completion of the project
Table 1: Work Plan

SN Activities Time Duration (in week)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Topic & Field Selection
2. Literature Review
3. Survey
4. Data Analysis
5. Proposal Writing
6. Presentation & submission

10 Tentative Budget

The total expenditure during the preparation of this proposal is shown in the TABLE 2
Table 2: Expenditure during the preparation of the proposal

SN Activities / Materials Amount (Rs)

1. Accommodation 1000
2. Site Visit charges 2500
3. Stationary (Copy, Pen etc.) 2500
4. Others 1000
Grand Total NRs. 7,000

11 Conclusion

The main aim of the proposal we have created is to have basic understanding of proposal
writing as well as know how water supply and distribution system works for which we went
on to do detail study of Lekhnath Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Project.

During the study, it was concluded that, the daily water consumption is being increased day by
day. The water supply system was designed for 9460 household on 2069/70 B.S., and is being
increased day by day as shown in Figure 8. Coming to fiscal year 2077/78, the total water
consumers were 90,000 but only 76,800 were facilitated with the water supply system. So, it
can be concluded that, the capacity of the system should be increased. There are two sources
for the water supply system namely, ‘Ghiujekhola’ and ‘Thadokhola’ the capacity of which
is 48.9 LPS and 1.9 LPS respectively. The water supply system holds the capacity of 6,430,511
cubic meter in fiscal year 2077/2078 (39,83,055 cum from boring and 24,47,456 from gravity).

Water consumers



Faciliated Consumers Unfaciliated Consumers

Figure 8: Chart showing the population being facilitated (Source: [2])

It seems that the capacity of the water supply system should be increased to meet the current
water supply demand.

12 References

[1] P. Udmale, H. Ishidaira, B. R. Thapa and N. M. Shakya, “The status of domestic water
demand: Supply deficity in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal,” MDPI, p. 196, 2016.
[2] Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation, GoN, “Updated EIA of small town water
supply rehabilitation Sub-project, Lekhnath,” Government of Nepal, Kaski, 2015.
[3] “civil concept,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 12 2021].
[4] USEPA, “United States Enviromental Protection Agency,” EPANET, [Online].
Available: [Accessed 30 12 2021].
[5] G. Birdie and J. Birdie, Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, Delhi: Danpat Rai,
[6] Department of water supply and sewerage management, “DWSSM,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 12 2021].


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