Sop Ftir
Sop Ftir
Sop Ftir
This document is maintained by the department Lab manager. The Lab Manager is responsible for general
maintenance and for arranging repair when necessary. If you feel that the instrument is in need of repair or is not
operating correctly, please notify the Lab Manager immediately. The Lab Manger will operate the instruments
according to the procedures set down in this document and will provide instruction and training to users within the
department. Users are responsible for using the instrument described according to these procedures. These
procedures assume that the user has had at least one training session.
From MSE 313 FTIR Lab Manual
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) is an important technique that provides an easy way to identify the
presence of certain functional groups in an organic molecule. Functional groups have vibration frequencies that are
characteristic of that functional group. These vibration frequencies fall with the infrared (IR) frequency range. As such,
passing an IR signal through the organic compound causes the functional groups to vibrate at specific frequencies. In
other words, an infrared signal that passes through an organic compound will be absorbed at these characteristic
frequencies, which can be transformed into a unique spectrum.
Figure 1 below shows the instrument in the Mueller lab. Figure 2 is a schematic of the Bruker Vertex 70. The beam from
an IR source passes through a monochromatic controller with a selector, ensuring that only specified wavelengths are
emitted, which may vary from 4000 to 400 cm-1. The sample is placed in a holder in the path of the IR source. A detector
reads the analog signal and converts the signal to a spectrum. A computer is used to analyze the signals and identify the
An IR beam goes through a partially silvered mirror, which splits the beam into two beams of equal intensity. One
portion of the beam goes through the sample. The other is guided through the machine with mirrors. The sample will
absorb some of the energy of the IR source depending on the functional groups that are present. A wave pattern is
created from the constructive and destructive interference that occurs when the two beams meet. This resulting wave is
known as an interferogram, which looks nothing like a spectrum.
Fourier transform changes the data from intensity as a function of time into intensity as a function of frequency (more
commonly wavenumber) to reveal an IR spectrum. The IR spectrum can be presented either as absorbance or
transmission. The absorption is typically presented as downward peaks in an IR spectrum (cf. UV-vis spectroscopy where
absorption is an upward peak).
Carbon dioxide and water are always found in the spectra. Carbon dioxide is seen as the doublet at approximately 2400
cm-1. Water is seen at 3800 and 1600 cm-1. FTIR machines have systems to purge the atmosphere (replace the existing
atmosphere with a gas) every time a new sample is analyzed; however, because of the atmospheric variations, a
background spectrum is required about every 30 minutes and every time a new set of parameters are entered. Samples
can be mixed with KBr or NaCl and prepared as a pellet because those materials are invisible to infrared. KBr and NaCl
pellets are very fragile and have to be handled with care.
Some spectrometers come with an attachment know as an ATR (attenuated total reflection) which does not require
pellets. ATR is a reflection technique where the IR beam is directed through an internal reflection element (IRE) with a
high index of refraction. The IR light is totally reflected internally off the back surface, which is in contact with the
sample. The sample must have a lower index of refraction than the IRE to achieve total internal reflection. Upon
reflection at the IRE/sample interface, the IR light penetrates into the sample to a small degree and the IR data from the
sample are obtained.
For more information about FTIR spectroscopy please refer to the Bruker tutorial in the OPUS software provided.
Users are given a dvd with the OPUS software to download on their lab computers. (requires Win. 7). Please
download the software before your second training session. This software contains an interactive FTIR tutorial in
the help menu and users are strongly encouraged to complete the tutorial before their first measurement
There are a number of different configurations available. We have a diamond ATR, a pellet holder, an 85-degree
reflectance module and a EGA-FTIR cell for measuring decomposition gases from TGA. Each configuration is discussed
but some basics are the same.
• First verify that the instrument is on (it should never be turned off). And that the N2 is flowing properly.
There should be between 3 and 5 SCFH. Do not make changes to the tank pressure. If you think it needs to
be changed, please contact the Lab Manger/Assistant.
Fig. 4 ATR
• Load your pre-defined experiment file from the basic tab. You can save your data file and define the file path in
the Advanced tab. This is also where you can make changes to your parameters. For example, under result
spectrum you can choose Absorbance (default), Transmission, Reflection, etc. The maximum wavenumber range
is from 400 cm-1 to 4500 cm-1. (For the EGA-cell signal below 600 cm-1 is undefined).
• Next select the “Check Signal” tab. Before running a background, the chamber should be purged to eliminate the
CO2 peak as much as possible.
• When purge is complete, select the Interferogram and then select “Save Peak Position”. This must be done
BEFORE a background is taken. A background is required before each measurement.
• Note that the ATR background is attenuated between 2000 cm-1 and 2500 cm-1. This is due to the diamond
platform and cannot be eliminated.
• From the basic tab, run the background. The bottom of the screen will indicate when the background scans
are complete.
• Place your sample over the diamond stage and press down the pressure clamp. The red centering dot
should show in the middle of the clamp indicator.
• If you are measuring a liquid (CHECK WITH LAB MANAGER FIRST!) then pour the liquid over the
diamond platform and place the cover provided over it. – Be sure to move the pressure applicator out
of the way.
• In the basic tab select Single Channel Measurement. The bottom of the screen again indicates when the
scans are complete.
• Remove your sample and clean the diamond stage.
• If you are finished you may save your data onto a USB drive. If you need to run another sample repeat the
steps above.
• Please do not leave waste, samples, or lab materials in the Characterization lab.
• OPUS is available free of charge. Please do not stay on the FTIR computer to do analysis.
In many cases it is preferable to use KBr pellets for powders. A blank KBr pellet is required for the back
ground. Materials to make your pellets are not provided but we do have a hydraulic press you may use after
• Weigh out 200 mg of KBr. Add 1 mg of sample. Place the powders in the mortar and pestle. Grind up the
powder until it is thoroughly mixed.
• Assemble the press. The silver "T" goes on the bottom. Put the silver collar on top. Put the small silver disk in
the collar. Place the powder in the die. Put the plunger in. Make sure that the beveled part of the piston is on
the outside of the press.
• Place the pellet press on the hydraulic press. Bring the pressure up to 15 psi for 60 seconds. Relieve the
pressure in the press. Invert the die and use the collar to disgorge the pellet. Do this gently, since the KBr is
very fragile.
• The FTIR machine is purged by passing nitrogen gas through the sample chamber. Put the plain KBr sample
into the special holder.
• Wait for the CO2 peak to disappear and take a background. Remove the KBr pellet.
• Place the sample in the holder and again, wait for the CO2 peak to disappear.
• When ready, select “Sample Single Channel”
• If you have more than one sample, repeat the steps above.
• When you have finished, please remove your samples and any lab waste to be disposed of in your own labs.
• Make sure the chamber is closed and close the sample chamber purge line (fig. 2).
• Save your data to USB for analysis.
Fig. 14 OPUS 3D scan. Shows scan after 40 minutes. Peak is the Gram Schmidt
• A second graph will be overlaid on the original graph and there should be a distinct peak
• Determine the time (in seconds) at the peak maximum.
• Open the 3-D window in OPUS and load your sample file.
• From the spectra list select about 50 spectra around the peak time determined above.
• Right click on this selection and ‘extract selected spectra’.
• The selected spectra will be listed in a new window.
• You can average all of this spectra to gain a single spectrum for further analysis.
Fig. 16 The red graph is the average of all the spectra taken around 1300 – 1400 seconds. The blue and green graphs are the
spectra search results. These were copied from OPUS and pasted into a power point slide for the report.