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General Methods of Teaching


Ross stated that problem solving is an educated al device whereby the teacher and pupils attempts conscious
and planned purpose effort to active at an explanation or solution to same educational difficulty.
Students are presented with problems which require them to find either a scientific or technological solution.
It is a student-centered strategy which require students to become active participants in the learning process.
Problem solving is a teaching strategy that employs the scientific method in searching for information.
1) recognize the problem
2) define the problem
3) collecting relevant data
4) organize and evaluate data
5) formulate tentative solution
6) conclusion
1) student involvement increased
2) develop reflective thinking
3) it provides the active participating of the students in teaching learning activity
4) its habit age the students to study regularly and organize
5) it provides or gain scientific view and thinking
6) its makes students to be interested in learning
7) it provides to students to face the problem badly and to deal with it in a scientific approach

2. Activity method

Activity method is a technique adopted by a teacher to emphasize his or her method of teaching
through activity in which the students participate rigorously and bring about efficient learning experiences. It
is a child-centered approach. ... Learning by doing is the focus in this method
Different types of activity method:
1) exploratory – knowledge getting
2) constructive – experience getting
3) expressional- presentation
1) exploratory- knowledge getting
A group of students may be asked to make a study of various sources of food acritical consumed at
home by questioning dear parents and study labels on food packets.
the data may be compiled and interpreted by the group.

General Methods of Teaching by Hina Jalal (PhD Scholar GCUF) pg. 1

2) constructive –experience getting
An excursion to an industrial or agricultural area is highly use full activity because students through
direct observation get firsthand experience or knowledge about the situation they react directly to the
situation and get readily response.
3) expressional –presentation activity
• A debate can be arranged to any social problem.
• A chart can be shown, showing the climate condition of Pakistan.
• It must develop the power of self-creativeness and activity.
• Power of observation also develop through this method.
• The student develops the art of speaking while developing self-confidence and the power of understanding.
• In the lower classes, it is easy to teach the history to students through this method in an effective manner.
• It is a time consuming
• There is a fear among teachers that drama use may cause sort of uncontrolled fun among learners.
• It encourages incorrect forms of language if the teacher is not encouraged to correct mistakes immediately so
as not to discourage students.
• Difficulty enacting
• Implementation of this technique requires money

3. Inductive method

An inductive approach involves the learners detecting, or noticing, patterns and working out a 'rule' for
themselves before they practice the language. A deductive approach (rule-driven) starts with the presentation
of a rule and is followed by examples in which the rule is applied.
1 it is a logical method
2 it is based on actual thinking and experimentation
3 it reduces depended on memorization and frame work
4 it gives freedom from doubt and help in understanding
1 it is limited in rang
2 inductive reasoning is not conclusive

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3 it is likely to be laborious and time consuming

4. Deductive method

it is the opposite of the inductive approach the learner proceeds from general to abstract to concrete and
formula examples the pre-constructed formula definition to the students and they are asked to solve the
problem with the help of formula for definition is accepted by the learner as well as established truth.
1 the method is shirt and time saving
2 it combines with an inductive method to remove the incompleteness and inadequacy of the lecture
3 it enhances speed and efficiency in solving problems
1 it is very difficult for a beginner to understand
2 pure deductive works requires a formulate for every type of problem.
3 memory is more important than understanding and intelligence.
4 the students cannot become active leaners

5. Socratic method

This Socratic strategy is known as question answers direct. It is developed by the famous philosopher
Socrates. He assumes that all knowledge with in the learner and teacher must unfold it. His further assumes
that teacher should present the subject method in such a way that learners recognize the truth and he can
identify himself with in it.
Types of question:
the following are the main types of question.
A. introductory questions:
These are used in introducing new topic or lesson to students the introductory question is based on the
previous knowledge which is related to new knowledge this question employee from known and unknown
maximum of teaching.
B. developing question:
after introducing new topic some question is asked to develop the new content it employs from logical to
psychological technique of teaching the logical sequence of unit of new content should be psychological work
C. recapitulatory question:
In the learning process law of practice online exercise play a significant role in teaching content these type
question provides the situation to practice the learned content.

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D. Evaluator questions:
At the end of the lesson the teacher put question to test the knowledge of the learner to assimilate whether
they could learn the content generally oral questions are asked these are short answer type Sometimes this
question are helpful to diagnose the weakness of the learners the area medial instruction can be provide the
learners by the teacher it is also function as feedback or to teaching learning process.
The following are major advantages of question answer method.
• The classroom verbal interaction can be encouraging.
• The learners remain active and participate in teaching acts.
• The new knowledge is imported by Linking with earlier at what knowledge.
• It involves the psychological Principle of Learning.
• It is more useful at primary and secondary level.
it has following disadvantages.
• It is very difficult to prepare good question and arrange them in psychological sequence.
• It is mechanical strategy and limited to memory level cross loan climate.
• It cannot be used in the teaching at high classes
• All knowledge cannot be imported by question answer method.

6. Lecture Method of Teaching

Lecture method of teaching is the oldest teaching method applied in educational institution. This teaching
method is one-way channel of communication of information. Students’ involvement in this teaching method
is just to listen and sometimes pen down some notes if necessary during the lecture, combine the information
and organized it.
Lecture method is the oldest method of teaching. It is based on the philosophy of idealism. This method
refers to the explanation of the topic to the students. The emphasis is on the presentation of the content. The
teacher clarifies the content matter to the students by using gestures, simple devices, by changing voice,
change in position and facial expressions. Teachers are more active, and students are passive, but the teacher
also asks questions to keep the students attentive.
This method is economical and can be used among large number of students. It saves time and covers
syllabus. It is the simplest method for teachers and does not require any arrangements. It gives the students
training in listening. It provides an opportunity an opportunity for better clarification of the topics and lying
stress on significant ideas. It brings a personal contact and touch to impress or influence the pupils.
Advantages of Lecture Method of Teaching
▪ In this teaching method a large amount the topics can be covered in a single class period.
▪ Using of this method exclude the using of any equipment or Lab.
▪ Learning material is not required.
▪ Student listening skills developed.

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▪ Logical arrangement of the material to present it orally
▪ Help to learn languages
Disadvantages of Lecture Method of Teaching
▪ Psychologically this method is acceptable because individuals are not alike. Teacher delivers the same
lecture to both students without recognizing the individual differences.
▪ Learning is an active process thus study should encourage to actively participate in the class room
instead of just listening the teacher.
▪ Language using in the lecture is above the standard of the students. They are not able get full
advantage of the lecture.
▪ Lecture are often forgotten by the students soon after while learning is retained if activities are
▪ Attention level is not the same while student listening the lecture.

7. Project method:

According to Kilpatrick, “A project is a whole-hearted purposeful activity proceeding in a social environment.

Project method of teaching has evolved from the philosophy of pragmatists. It is experience-cantered
strategy related to life-situation. This teaching strategy focus on
➢ To socialize a child
➢ To achieve cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives

This teaching strategy is based on the following principles

The project method is an educational enterprise in which children solve a practical problem over a period of
several days or weeks. It may involve building a rocket, designing a playground, or publishing a class
newspaper. The projects may be suggested by the teacher, but they are planned and executed as far as possible
by the students themselves, individually or in groups. Project work focuses on applying, not imparting,
specific knowledge or skills, and on improving student involvement and motivation in order to foster
independent thinking, self-confidence, and social responsibility.
Types of Project Method of Teaching:
a. Constructive. When learners must construct some things related to social life. e.g. charts, models,
maps, parcels etc.
b.Artistic. These projects are generally allotted in the aesthetic fields of life. e.g. in music, drawing,
painting art and culture.
c. Problem-Solving. These projects are given to solve the problems related to any life-situation or
related to any subject e.g. how to operate bank accounts? Or how to send an email or letter. These
general problems if solved, will make a child efficient for social-life.
d.Group-Work. A team of students is assigned a work to be performed. e.g. to develop a garden in the
1. It helps in developing social norms and social values among the learners.
2. It provides invaluable opportunities for correlation of various elements of the subject matter and for
transfer of training or learning.

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3. It helps in growing knowledge very effectively as a results of their close cooperation on social
participation in the spirit of democracy.
1. The project cannot be planned for all subjects and whole subject matter cannot be taught by this
2. It is not economical from the point of view of time and cost.
3. It is very difficult for a teacher to plan or to execute the projects to the learners and supervise them

8. Personalze System Of Instruction or Keller’s Plan

The Keller Plan, also called the Personalized System of Instruction (PSI), was developed by Fred S.
Keller with J. Gilmour Sherman, Carolina Bori, and Rodolpho Azzi in the middle 1960s as an innovative
method of instruction for the then-new University of Brasília[1]. PSI was conceived of as an application
of Skinner's theories of learning, grounded in operant conditioning strategies of behaviorism. It includes:
• Student Centre approach
• couse/topic is broken into modulus
• Modulus into units
• Place is more responsibility on student
• Allows teacher to monitor class the personalized system of instruction is a self learning technique
IN PSI there is no classroom teaching at all student will be utilizing the classroom for individual
student test talking and clearing doubts only.
I. As student complete a unit, they are tested
II. Immediate feedback is provided by projector with an opportunity to review and re-tested
III. students move on to new Units after they master previous pre requisite unit self pacing through cross
IV. Students are given learn a unit along with the study
Advantages of PSI
• PSI can help the learners to work independently
• PSI student can learn at his own pace
• PSI help to increase self learning habits
• Increase positive attitude towards learning
• PSI provides opportunity for the in fractions with PSI personal
Disadvantages of PSI:
• The method is very difficult to the teacher for preparing studying guide and material
• student should tendency to the postpone learning
• Because there is no compulsion lake of course material resource guide test material etc. Proctor and
not easily available in the present teaching learning environment of for school.

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Assignment method is a way of allocating organizational resources whereby each resource is assigned to a
task. This method is generally advocated for teaching different subjects to pupils is higher class. The pupils
are usually required to prepare the assignment in writing. it is felt written assignments help in organization of
knowledge ASSIMILATION of facts and better preparation of examination.
Classification of assignment:
Common assignment: common assignment is one which every student of the class works. such an assignment
uses in the case of basic learning.
Small group assignment: Small group assignment which is needs, interests and abilities of each small group in
the class.
Individual assignment: Individual assignment is different and distinct for each people. it is designed in
accordance with each people achievement level, interest and needs.
• Assignment must be relevant to the subject taught to the student.
• This should reflect the affinities with the subject contents in the text book concerned.
• Assignment must be simple and enable the students to complete it within the stipulated time.
• Assignment must avoid ambiguous, complex information and instructional structure.
• Objectives of the assignments must be clear and definite.

10. Computer Assisted Instruction.

Computer-assisted instruction" (CAI) refers to instruction or remediation presented on a computer. Many

educational computer programs are available online and from computer stores and textbook companies. They
enhance teacher instruction in several ways.

Computer programs are interactive and can illustrate a concept through attractive animation, sound, and
demonstration. They allow students to progress at their own pace and work individually or problem solve in a
group. Computers provide immediate feedback, letting students know whether their answer is correct. If the
answer is not correct, the program shows students how to correctly answer the question. Computers offer a
different type of activity and a change of pace from teacher-led or group instruction.

Use of computer in education is referred by many names such as
o Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)
o Computer Aided Instruction (CAI)
o Computer Assisted Learning (CAL)

General Methods of Teaching by Hina Jalal (PhD Scholar GCUF) pg. 7

o Computer Based Education (CBE)
o Computer Based Instruction (CBI)
o Computer Enriched Instruction (CEI)
o Computer Managed Instruction (CMI)
New Terminology
o Web Based Training
o Web Based Learning
o Web Based Instruction
✓ A self-learning technique, usually offline/online, involving interaction of the student with programmed
instructional materials.
✓ Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is
used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place.
✓ CAI uses a combination of text, graphics, sound and video in enhancing the learning process. The
computer has many purposes in the classroom, and it can be utilized to help a student in all areas of the
✓ CAI refers to the use of the computer as a tool to facilitate and improve instruction. CAI programs use
tutorials, drill and practice, simulation, and problem-solving approaches to present topics, and they test
the student's understanding.
Application of computer
1) Computer managed instruction (CMI)
Computer managed instruction is an instruction strategy whereby the computer is used to provide
learning objectives learning resources and assessment of learner performance.
In CAI the computer gathers stores and manages information to guide students through individualized
learning experience.
2) Computer assisted instruction (CAI)
In Computer assisted instruction the computer interact directly with the learners while presenting
lessons. It delivers instruction directly to students and allows them to interact with the computer
through the lessons programmed in the system.
Types of Computer Assisted Instruction
A. Drill-and-practice Drill and practice provide opportunities or students to repeatedly practice the skills
that have previously been presented and that further practice is necessary for mastery.
B. Tutorial Tutorial activity includes both the presentation of information and its extension into different
forms of work, including drill and practice, games and simulation.
C. Games Game software often creates a contest to achieve the highest score and either beat others or
beat the computer.
D. Simulation Simulation software can provide an approximation of reality that does not require the
expense of real life or its risks.

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E. Discovery Discovery approach provides a large database of information specific to a course or content
area and challenges the learner to analyse, compare, infer and evaluate based on their explorations of
the data.
F. Problem Solving This approach helps children develop specific problem-solving skills and strategies.
Advantages of CAI
• one-to-one interaction
• great motivator
• freedom to experiment with different options
• instantaneous response/immediate feedback to the answers elicited
• Self pacing - allow students to proceed at their own pace
• Helps teacher can devote more time to individual students
• Privacy helps the shy and slow learner to learns
• Individual attention
• learn more and more rapidly
• multimedia helps to understand difficult concepts through multi-sensory approach
• self-directed learning – students can decide when, where, and what to learn
Limitations of CAI
• may feel overwhelmed by the information and resources available
• over use of multimedia may divert the attention from the content
• learning becomes too mechanical
• non-availability of good CAI packages
• lack of infrastructure

11. Text Book Method

A textbook is a book used for the study of a subject. People use a textbook to learn facts and methods about
a certain subject. Textbooks sometimes have questions to test the knowledge and understanding of the
learner. A workbook is a type of textbook that has only practice questions and exercises.
Textbooks provide you with several advantages in the classroom:
Textbooks are especially helpful for beginning teachers. The material to be covered and the design of each
lesson are carefully spelled out in detail.
Textbooks provide organized units of work. A textbook gives you all the plans and lessons you need to cover
a topic in some detail.
A textbook series provides you with a balanced, chronological presentation of information.

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Textbooks are a detailed sequence of teaching procedures that tell you what to do and when to do it. There are
no surprises—everything is carefully spelled out.
Textbooks provide administrators and teachers with a complete program. The series is typically based on the
latest research and teaching strategies.
Good textbooks are excellent teaching aids. They're a resource for both teachers and students.
• The textbook is designed as the sole source of information.
• Textbook is old or outdated.
• Textbook questions tend to be low level or fact-based.
• Textbook doesn't take students' background knowledge into account.
• Reading level of the textbook is too difficult.
• The textbook has all the answer to all the questions.

12. Discussion Method

Discussion methods are a variety of forums for open-ended, collaborative exchange of ideas among a teacher
and students or among students for furthering students thinking, learning, problem solving, understanding, or
literary appreciation. Participants present multiple points of view, respond to the ideas of others, and reflect on
their own ideas to build their knowledge, understanding, or interpretation of the matter at hand.

Discussions may occur among members of a dyad, small group, or whole class and be teacher-led or student-
led. They frequently involve discussion of a written text, though discussion can also focus on a problem,
issue, or topic that has its basis in a “text” in the larger sense of the term (e.g., a discipline, the media, a
societal norm). Other terms for discussions used for pedagogical purposes are instructional conversations
(Tharp & Gallimore, 1988) and substantive conversations (Newman, 1990). A defining feature of discussion
is that students have considerable agency in the construction of knowledge, understanding, or interpretation.
In other words, they have considerable “interpretive authority” for evaluating the plausibility or validity of
participants responses.


a. Emphasis on Learning instead of Teaching,

Discussion Method emphasises pupil-activity in the form of discussion, rather than simply telling and
lecturing by the teacher. Thus, this method is more effective.
b. Participation by Everybody.
In this method, everybody participates in the discussion, and therefore thinks and expresses himself.
This is a sure way of learning.

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c. Development of Democratic way of Thinking.
Everybody cooperates in the discussion, and the ideas and opinions of everybody are respected. Thus,
there is a development of democratic way of thinking and arriving at decision.
d. Training in Reflective Thinking.
Students, during the course of discussion, get training in reflective thinking, which leads to
deeper understanding of the historical problem under discussion.
e. Training in Self-expression.
During discussion, everybody is required to express his ideas and opinions in a clear and concise
manner. This provides ample opportunities to the students for training in self-expression.
f. Spirit of Tolerance is inculcated.
The students learn to discuss and differ with other members of the group. They learn to tolerate the
views of others even if they are unpleasant and contradictory to each other’s views. Thus, respect for
the viewpoints of others is developed.
g. Learning is made Interesting.
History is a dry subject. The learning of history is made interesting through Discussion Method.
More effective learning is possible when the students discuss, criticise and share ideas on a particular
problem. Active participation by the students in the discussion makes learning full of interest for the
students. This also ensures better and effective learning.

1. It is a time-consuming method.
2. All topics are not able to teach through this method.
3. It may be pooling of ignorance many times.
4. Good text books on this line have not get been produced.
5. Sometimes the project may be to ambitions beyond pupil’s capacity to accomplish.
6. The students may not follow the rules of discussion.
7. This method cannot be used for teaching small children.

13. Team Teaching

The team-teaching method is one of the greatest innovations in the teaching sector. It came into existence in
the year 1954 in the USA and was mainly focussed on developing courses and teaching strategies. Team
teaching is also known as collaborative teaching or co-teaching method. The definitions to team teaching are
defined by different people in different ways.

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“It is a form of organization in which individual teachers decide to pool resources, interest and expertise in
order to device and implement a scheme of work suitable to the needs for their pupils and the facilities of their
school”. - as per David Warwick
Types of Team Teaching: There are mainly 2 types of team-teaching methods, they are

A. Hierarchic team teaching: This type of team-teaching method is just like a pyramid where different
levels of teachers are organized in a structure from top to bottom. The team leader is placed at the top,
mid-level teachers just below the team leader and normal teachers at the bottom.

B. Synergetic team teaching: In this type of teaching method, there is no differentiation between
teachers. Through the cooperation of two or more teachers working together, synergetic team-teaching
groups can be formed.
Six Approaches to Co-Teaching/Team Teaching: Co-teaching or team teaching is basically a collective
understanding of two or more teachers focusing on a single group of students with the best use of strategies,
methodology and joint accountability.

1. One Teach, One Observe

2. One Teach, One Assist
3. Parallel Teaching
4. Station Teaching
5. Alternative Teaching
6. Team Teaching

Advantages of Team Teaching

1.The best teacher is shared by all
2.The school atmosphere improves. Students do not enjoy unnecessarily free periods
3.It motivates teachers and students alike
4.In this teaching strategy, resources (both men and material) are better utilized
5.By observation teacher other, teacher improve their own working and methods of teaching
Disadvantages of Team Teaching
1.The worst teacher is shared by all
2.Team teaching is against the spirit of education no pupil teacher contact develops. No self-realization
takes place
3.Everybody’s responsibility is nobody’s responsibility
4.Our teachers are not favorably inclined. Unnecessary comparison be better avoided. It can give birth to
jealousies and hostilities
5.Sometimes a teacher may fail to do justice to his topic

General Methods of Teaching by Hina Jalal (PhD Scholar GCUF) pg. 12

14. Demonstration Method

Demonstration method of teaching is a traditional classroom strategy used in technical and training
colleges and in teacher education. Demonstration Strategy focus to achieve psychomotor and cognitive
1.Introduction: In this step objectives of the lesson are stated. The teacher may be called
demonstrator. He demonstrates the activity before the student that is to be developed.
2.Development. Students try to initiate the demonstrated activity. If there is any query the teacher tries
to satisfy them by further demonstration and illustrations.
3.Integration. At this step, the teacher integrates all the activities and then these activities are rehearsed
revised and evaluated.
This teaching strategy is based on the following principles
1.Learning by doing maxim is followed
2.Skills can be developed by limitation
3.The perception helps in imitation
Advantages of Demonstration Method
1.It helps in involving various sense to make learning permanent
2.Though, teacher behavior is autocratic, he invites the cooperation of pupils in teaching learning
3.It develops interest in the learners and motivates them for their active participation
4.It helps in achieving psychomotor objectives
5.Any simple or complex sill becomes easy to understand
Disadvantages of Demonstration Method
1.It can be used only for skills subjects
2.Only the attention of the learners is invited towards the activity demonstrated. They are not free to
discuss about it
3.Due to poor economic conditions of the government schools, there is scarcity of audio-visual aids
and equipment and the teachers are not so creative to produce handmade models for
4.There is a general lack of sincerity and diligence among teachers who wish to complete the syllabus or
syllabi at the earliest without putting sincere efforts

1.The teacher should be a sincere, diligent and skilled person
2.Teacher should himself prepare the models for demonstrations and encourage the learners too
3.Demonstration should be followed by discussion
4.A teacher must have the ability to use audio-visual aids with expertise

15. Drill Method

Drilling is a way of standardizing pronunciation of a language item and developing fluidity (the ability to
introduce language quickly and easily). The idea is for learners to develop good pronunciation habits by first

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listening to a model from the teacher, and then repeating this model several times while receiving positive and
negative feedback for their efforts.
Drilling is a technique that has been used in foreign language classrooms for many years. It was a key feature
of audio-lingual method approaches to language teaching, which placed emphasis on repeating structural
patterns through oral practice. At its simplest, drilling means listening to a model, provided by the teacher, or a
tape or another student, and repeating what is heard. This is a repetition drill, a technique that is still used by
many teachers when introducing new language items to their students. Definition: “A drill is a classroom
technique used to practice new language. It involves the teacher modeling a word or a sentence and the learners
repeating it. There are different kinds of drilling, such as choral drill, which involves the whole class, and
substitution drill, where the teacher changes the cue words after each repetition”
A. The Repetition Drill: The teacher says models (the word or phrases) and the students repeat it. Example:
Teacher: It didn’t rain, so I needn’t have taken my umbrella Students: It didn’t rain, so I needn’t have
taken my umbrella I. The Substitution Drill: Substitution drill can used to practice different structures
or vocabulary items (i. e one word or more word change during the drill) Example: Teacher: I go to
school. He? Students: He goes to school. Teacher: They? Students: They go to school.
B. The Question and Answer Drill: The teacher gives students practice with answering questions. The
students should answer the teacher’s questions very quickly. It is also possible for the teacher to let the
students practice asking question as well. This gives students practice with the question pattern.
Example: Teacher: Does he go to school? Yes?
C. The Transformation Drill: The teacher gives students a certain kind of sentence pattern, an affirmation
sentence for example. Students are asked to transform this sentence into a negative sentence. Other
examples of transformations to ask of students are changing a statement into a question, an active
sentence into a passive one, or direct speech into a reported speech. Example: (positive into negative)
Teacher: I clean the house. Students: I don’t clean the house. Teacher: She sings a song. Students: She
doesn’t sing a song.
D. The Chain Drill: The teacher begins the chain by greeting a student or asking him a question. That
student responds, then turns to the students sitting next to him. The first student greets or asks a question
of the second student and the chain continues. A chain drill allows some controlled communication,
even though it is limited. A chain drill also gives the teacher an opportunity to check each student’s
speech. Example: Teacher: What is the color of sky? The color of sky is blue what the color of banana?
Student A: The color of banana is yellow what is the color of leaf? Student B: The color of leaf is green
what is the color of our eyes? Student C: The color of our eyes is black and white.
E. The Expansion Drill: This drill is used when a long line dialog is giving students trouble. The teacher
breaks down the line into several parts. The students repeat a part of the sentence, usually the last phrase
of the line. Then following the teacher’s cue, the students expand what they are repeating part at the end
of the sentence (and works backward from there) to keep the intonation of the line as natural as possible.
This also directs more student attention to the end of the sentence, where new information typically
occurs. Example: Teacher: My mother is a doctor. Students: My mother is a doctor Teacher: She works
in the hospital. Students: She works in the hospital Teacher: My mother is a doctor. She works in the
hospital. Students: My mother is a doctor. She works in the hospital.
F. The Communicative Drills: This kind of drills is quite different from the so-called meaningless and
mechanical drills used in a traditional grammar-oriented class by some teachers, in which the primary

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focus is on the form of the language being used rather than its communicative content Guessing game:
Examples: Students: Is it in the class? Teacher: Yes, it is. Students: Is it blue? Teacher: No, it is not.
Students: Is it black?
 While drills are associated with a regimented style of instruction, they do have a place. Drills are used
successfully when teaching students technique.
 For instance, when young people are learning their multiplication tables, they can do drills on each number
set to help them memorize; they can then proceed to more difficult concepts that use the information obtained
from drills.
 In physical education and music, coaches and teachers use drills as a method to hone skills that need
repetition for improvement. Additionally, students can use this technique with one another for shared learning
 Drilling help our learners’ memories language by the teacher’s control. And the teacher can correct any
mistakes that students make and encourage them to concrete on difficulties at the sometime.
 There are potential drawbacks to practice and drills. Teachers need to make sure that when having students’
practice, there is a clear link between concept and action.
 Students must be able to relate what they are doing to what they are learning. Similarly, drills are not
effective when students are not prepared enough; they will not be able to maintain a pace if they are still
unclear about a concept.
 Furthermore, drills are typically for more basic knowledge or for a more physical understanding. If teaching
about more abstract concepts, a drill methodology would not be appropriate.
 Drilling often make the students not vary creative. In all drill’s learners have no or vary little choice over
what is said so drills are form of very controlled practice.
 The teacher needs to handle the drills, so that the students are not over used, and they don’t go on far too
 One of the problems about drills is that they are monotonous

16. Simulated Teaching

Simulation is a controlled representation of reality. Simulation means role- playing or rehearsal in which the
process of teaching is carried out artificially. Simulated teaching is a teacher training technique. It is used to
bring about modification in the behaviour of the teacher. It introduces pupil teacher to teach in non-stressful

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Simulated teaching is used prior to the classroom teaching practice with the objective of developing a specific
skill of communication. It can be used for pre-service teachers to make them effective.

In simulated teaching, one pupil-teacher acts as a teacher and other teacher trainers act as students. The
teacher in this situation teaches considering the student as school students.


❖ This technique requires very systematic planning in advance that ensures attainment of desired goals.
❖ This method is effective for the practice of teaching skills by pupil teacher.
❖ The training is provided in artificial situations. Through mock trails learns are fully trained to face real
❖ Through feedback drawbacks are noted in teaching, they are pointed out along with appropriate
suggestions to rectify them.

Procedure of simulated training

Following are the six steps that are usually followed in simulated teaching.

(1) Assignment of role: - The student teachers are assigned the roles of teachers and observe resp. It is done
rotation basis.

(2) Deciding skill to be practiced: At this stage, the skill to be practiced is decided and planning and
preparation for it are done. Each trainee selects the topic according to his interest and intelligence.

(3) Preparation of work schedule: At this stage, it is decided who will teach first and who will observe and
how everyone would be teaching /observing one by one.

(4) Determining technique of observation: In this stage, the decision is taken about the type of observation
technique to be adopted. It also includes which type of data is to be collected and how these data are to be
(5) Organization of first practice session: The first practice session is started, and its observations are recorded
for judging the teaching behavior. This followed by feedback and suggestions for further improvement.
(6) Alteration of procedure: The whole procedure is changed at this stage. There is a change of teacher, change
of observers, change of teaching skill and change in topic to be taught. Every student is given the opportunity
to play the role of teacher, a student, and a teacher.

Advantage of simulated teaching

(1) It is for experiencing problem situation.

(2) This technique helps us in acquiring some classroom manners.

(3) The use of this technique enables us to study and analyse the teaching problems.

General Methods of Teaching by Hina Jalal (PhD Scholar GCUF) pg. 16

(4) Self-confidence in teaching developers through simulated teaching.

(5) This technique helps in explaining the behaviour problems in the classroom and contributes to its

(6) This technique makes a person more aware of the role.

(7) It bridges the gap between theory and practice of teaching.

(8) It provides them with the reinforcement to develop various teaching skills.

Limitation of simulated teaching

(1) its use cannot be made in all subjects of the curriculum.

(2) This method requires a lot of preparation on the part of the teachers which they might not be ready to take.

(3) The observer who is doing the role, may incorrect reading.

(4) For beginners, it may be difficult to practice a few teaching skills such as questioning,

(5) No emphasis is given to teaching the content.

17. Programmed Instruction

Program instruction method of teaching is an autocratic and individualized strategy. It is based on

psychological principles of operant condition. The response of the learner is strictly controlled by the
Programmed instruction is a method of presenting new subject matters to students in a graded sequence of
controlled steps. Students work through the programmed material by themselves at their own speed and after
each step test their comprehension by answering an examination question or filling in a diagram.
Its focus is to bring desirable change in the cognitive domain of the learner’s behavior. The structure of
teaching method is that the selected content is analyzed and broken into smaller elements. Each element is
independent and complete. The programmer develops frames based on each element. Responses are also
provided to the learner in the program on some different leaflets. The correct response of the learner is the
new knowledge or new behavior. Immediate confirmation of correct response provides reinforcement to the
learner and he proceeds to the next frame. Wrong responses required feedback. Physical presence of the
teacher is not necessary. He may come to give instructions regarding the program. Students are left for
learning at their own pace.
Types of Programmed Instruction
There are three types of this teaching strategy

General Methods of Teaching by Hina Jalal (PhD Scholar GCUF) pg. 17

1.Linear Programming. It is being used for teaching all subjects. In programed teaching strategy
progressive chain elements are presented. Last step is at the mastery level. It is based on five
fundamental principles.
1. Small steps
2. Active responding
3. Immediate confirmation
4. Self-pace
5. Student testing
2.Branched Programming. It is generally used in mechanical fields.
3.Mathematics. Retrogressive chain of elements is presented. First step is the master level while the last
step is the simplest element.
Advantages of Programmed Instruction
1.The main emphasis is on individual differences and students’ involvement.
2.There is not fixed time interval for learning. Students may learn at their own pace.
3.Learning by doing maxim of teaching is followed to involve learners in the learning process.
4.Students are exposed only to correct responses, therefore, possibility to commit errors in reduced.
5.Immediate confirmation of the results provides reinforcement to the learners and encourages the
learners to proceed further. Feedback is provided to wrong answers, so that learner can develop
mastery over the content.
Disadvantages of Programmed Instruction
1.It is very difficult to develop an instructional program
2.Only cognitive objectives can be achieved
3.Due to tight schedule of time table, students cannot be left to learn at their own pace. It would be very
difficult to learn the content the subject matter in a limited period.
4.There is no chance for students’ creativity, their responses are highly structured.
5.Development of program is not economical in terms of cost and time
6.In absence of the teacher, students may spoil the disciplinary tone of the class, or they will be helpless
when any problem arises.
7.It cannot be applied at primary level of education or at higher education
Suggestion for this Teaching Strategy
1.A programmer should have thorough knowledge of the content and technique of content analysis.
2.This strategy should be used as a supplementary device for remedial teaching in the class room.
3.It should be used in distance education or continuing education programs where no rigid time table is
4.If no at a primary level or higher level of education, this strategy may be useful at secondary level of
education where many new subjects are introduced in the curriculum and they create problems in

General Methods of Teaching by Hina Jalal (PhD Scholar GCUF) pg. 18

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