HACCPand Food Safety
HACCPand Food Safety
HACCPand Food Safety
Elements of GMP
Principles of GMP
Benefits of GMP
Applications of GMP
Seven principles
Development of the HACCP plan
"Any process that helps eliminate contamination in our food and beverages is a positive sign,"
Adam Berman
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) lie at the Heart of Quality. GMPs are also
known as current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs), are a series of manufacturing and
administrative procedures aimed at ensuring that products are consistently made to meet
specifications and customer expectations. In relation to food, GMP results in safe and quality
food. The three elements of GMP are Food Safety, Good Practice and Quality
Elements of GMP
Pre-requisites Consistency
HACCP Integrity
Principles of GMP
1. Organization of personnel
2. Training of personnel hygiene
4. Equipment
5. Control of Components
9. Laboratory Control
10. Documentation
15. Waste Management
Benefits of GMP
4. Recognition internationally
Applications of GMP
GMP program ensures favorable conditions for the production of safe food
Combination with a proper HACCP plan, a robust food safety program can be
Codex Alimentarius
The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of internationally adopted food standards,
codes of practice, guidelines and recommendations. They have been created for the purpose
of protecting the health of consumers and ensuring fair practices in the food trade.
Recognizing the importance of HACCP to food control, the twentieth session of the Codex
Alimentarius Commission, held in Geneva, Switzerland from 28 June to 7 July 1993, and
adopted Guidelines for the application of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
(HACCP) system. The Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene lay a firm foundation for
ensuring food hygiene. They follow the food chain from primary production through the
consumer, highlighting the key hygiene controls at each stage and recommending an HACCP
approach wherever possible to enhance food safety. These controls are internationally
recognized as essential to ensuring the safety and
suitability of food for human consumption and international trade.
One of the over thirty texts to be adopted this year, the Code of Hygienic Practice for
Powdered Formulae for Infants and Young Children, aims at protecting the most vulnerable
of consumers: infants and small children who for any reason cannot be breastfed . The code,
by setting maximum limits for bacteria in formula and guidance on how to produce, distribute
and prepare powdered formula, will help keeping children safe from potentially serious
the absence of their control. A HACCP system is a preventive system of hazard control rather
than a reactive one. HACCP systems are designed to prevent the occurrence of potential food
safety problems. This is achieved by assessing the inherent hazards attributable to a product
or a process, determining the necessary steps that will control the identified hazards, and
implementing active managerial control practices to ensure that the hazards are eliminated or
The HACCP system for managing food safety concerns grew from two major
developments. The first breakthrough was associated with W.E. Deming, whose theories of
quality management are widely regarded as a major factor in turning around the quality of
Japanese products in the 1950s. Dr Deming and others developed total quality management
(TQM) systems which emphasized a total systems approach to manufacturing that could
improve quality while lowering costs.
The second major breakthrough was the development of the HACCP concept itself.
The HACCP concept was pioneered in the 1960s by the Pillsbury Company, the United
States Army and the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
as a collaborative development for the production of safe foods for the United States space
programme. NASA wanted a "zero defects" programme to guarantee the safety of the foods
that astronauts would consume in space. Pillsbury therefore introduced and adopted HACCP
as the system that could provide the greatest safety while reducing dependence on end-
product inspection and testing. HACCP emphasized control of the process as far upstream in
the processing system as possible by utilizing operator control and/or continuous monitoring
techniques at critical control points. Pillsbury presented the HACCP concept publicly at a
conference for food protection in 1971. The use of HACCP principles in the promulgation of
regulations for low-acid canned food was completed in 1974 by the United States Food and
Drug Administration (FDA). In the early 1980s, the HACCP approach was adopted by other
major food companies.
The United States National Academy of Science recommended in 1985 that the
HACCP approach be adopted in food processing establishments to ensure food safety. More
recently, numerous groups, including for example the International Commission on
Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) and the International Association of Milk,
Food and Environmental Sanitarians (IAMFES), have recommended the broad application of
HACCP to food safety.
The following terms are used in discussion of HACCP that must be clearly
understood to effectively develop and implement a plan.
1. Acceptable Level means that the presence of hazard which does not pose the
likelihood of causing an unacceptable health risk.
2. Control point means any point in a specific food system at which loss of control
does not lead to an unacceptable health risk.
3. Critical control point, as defined in the food Code, means a point at which loss
of control may result in an unacceptable health risk.
4. Critical Limit, as defined in the Food Code, means the maximum or minimum
value to which a physical, biological, or chemical parameter must be controlled at
a critical control point to minimize the risk that the identified food safety hazard
may occur.
5. Deviation means failure to meet a required critical limit for a critical control point.
6. HACCP plan, as defined in the Food Code, means a written document that
delineates the formal procedures for following the HACCP principles developed
by The National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria in Foods.
11. Sensitive ingredient, means any ingredient historically associated with a known
microbiological hazard that causes of contributes to production of a potentially
hazardous food as defined in the Food Code.
12. Verification, means methods, procedures, and tests used to determine if the
HACCP system in use in compliance with the HACCP plan.
Principle2 1 Conduct a hazard analysis
Identify the potential hazard(s) associated with food production at all stages, from
primary production, processing, manufacture and distribution until the point of consumption.
Assess the likelihood of occurrence of the hazard(s) and identify the measures for their
Optical3 limits must be specified and validated if possible for each Critical Control
Point. In some cases more than one critical limit will be elaborated at a particular step.
Criteria often used include measurements of temperature, time, moisture level, pH, A w,
available chlorine and sensory parameters such as visual appearance and texture.
Are they called principles
Specific corrective actions must be developed for each CCP in the HACCP system in
order to deal with deviations when they occur. The actions must ensure that the CCP has been
brought under control, Actions taken must also include proper disposition of the affected
product. Deviation and product disposition procedures must be documented in the HACCP
record keeping.
Verification and auditing methods, procedures and tests, including random sampling
and analysis, can be used to determine if the HACCP system is working correctly. The
frequency of verification should be sufficient to confirm that the HACCP system is working
effectively. Examples of verification activities include:
- Review of the HACCP system and its records;
- Review of deviations and product dispositions;
- Confirmation that CCPs are kept under control.
Where possible, validation activities should include actions to confirm the efficacy of all
elements of the HACCP plan.
- Hazard analysis;
- CCP determination;
- Critical limit determination.
- CCP monitoring activities;
- Deviations and associated corrective reactions;
- Modifications to the HACCP system.
Development of the HACCP plan goes through four distinct stages. The key tasks associated
at each stage are applicable to any food processing operation.
The team
HACCP study begins with the selection of a team consisting of members drawn from various
disciplines in the food processing operation. All the key functions of the organization should
be represented in the team and may include a project leader, a production manager, a
technical expert, an engineer, a secretary and others required. Once the team is formed, the
members will require further training on HACCP principles and they should be provided with
the necessary tools to perform the tasks.
HACCP training has now been accepted as the most cost-effective means of controlling
hazards related to microbiological, physical and chemical contamination of foods.
Implementation of the HACCP plan is a team exercise; thus training and education are
essential if full benefits are to be achieved.
The HACCP team needs to have a complete understanding of the product, its intended use,
the ingredients used, the composition of the product, and the processing steps. It is necessary
to have this information before analyzing for hazards because the food products have to be
assessed in relation to the ability of different pathogens to grow.
The product description should include (i) name of the product (ii) end product features (e.g.,
pH, preservatives, etc.) (iii) How the product is to be used (i.e., ready-to-eat products, further
processing or heated prior to consumption) (iv) packaging details (e.g., packaging materials
and conditions) (v) shelf life (vi) distribution outlets (vii) labeling instructions (viii) shipping
conditions and (ix) target consumer group.
Flow Diagram
Food processing operation is a continuous flow of food ingredients from “farm to fork”. A
flow diagram breaks up the process into a series of sequential steps that assist further
evaluation. It typically commences at the point where the food is received at the operation.
Thus, the steps in the flow diagram include the entry of ingredients, processing steps,
packaging, storage, distribution and handling by the consumer.
Biological hazards
Food borne biological hazards include microbiological organisms such as bacteria, viruses,
fungi and parasites. These organisms are commonly associated with humans and with raw
products entering the food establishment. Many of these microorganisms occur naturally in
the environment where foods are grown. Most are killed or inactivated by cooking, and
numbers can be minimized by adequate control of handling and storage practices (hygiene,
temperature and time).
Sources: Bacteria (spore forming and Non spore forming), Viruses, protozoa and parasites.
Chemical hazards
Chemical contaminants in food may be naturally occurring or may be added during the
processing of food. Harmful chemicals at high levels have been associated with acute cases
of food borne illnesses and can be responsible for chronic illness at lower levels.
Sources: Naturally occurring chemicals (allergens and toxins) and added chemicals
(agricultural chemicals, toxic elements, food additives and packaging materials).
Physical hazards
Illness and injury can result from foreign objects in food. These physical hazards can result
from contamination and/or poor practices at many points in the food chain from harvest to
consumer, including those within the food establishment.
Sources: Bottles, jars, light fixtures, utensils, gauge covers, Packaging, pallets, equipment,
improper processing and employees.
Raw Materials
Raw materials are the primary source of contamination. Failure to follow basic quality
assurance procedures (identification and labelling, Storage conditions, Handling requirements,
Preparation and processing and Isolation unsuitable raw materials) on raw materials may lead to food
products that are unsafe for construction.
Processing Steps
Unclean and unhygienic equipment can easily promote the growth of microorganisms.
Preventive maintenance of machinery is an important aspect in a safety- management program. If
safety requirements are ignored, the layout of the machinery and equipment can be a potential hazard.
The machinery should be examined at intervals to ensure a safe operation.
Handling of Food
Environmental Conditions
Hazards due to Environmental conditions may affect raw materials, processing and
machinery. Pollution of water and soil can have alarming results through the food chain.
Environmental contamination may also be due to foreign matter, chemicals such as sprays and
contaminants in water.
2. Measures at post processing and packaging stages (Retail and Food service)
3. The consumer (Food preparation and Food usage)
Fresh squeezed orange juice, Sparkling apple cider and All-vegetable cocktail4. Americans
quench their thirst with these and other fruit and vegetable juices, and the vast majority of
those juices are not only healthy but safe. Very rarely, however, juice can turn dangerous.
1. The Committee concludes that while the risks associated with specific juices vary,
there are safety concerns associated with juices, especially unpasteurized juices.
2. The Committee concludes that the history of public health problems associated with
fresh juices indicates a need for active safety interventions.
3. The Committee concludes that, for some fruit, intervention may be limited to surface
treatment, but for others, additional interventions may be required.
5. The Committee believes that a tolerable 1evel of risk may be achieved by requiring an
intervention(s) that has been validated to achieve a cumulative 5 log reduction in the
target pathogen(s) or a reduction in yearly risk of illness to less than 10 -5, assuming
consumption of 100 ml of juice daily.
6. The Committee believes that Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and
safety performance criteria form the general conceptual framework needed to assure
the safety of juices. Control measures should be based on a thorough hazard analysis.
Validation of the process must be an integral part of this framework.
7. The Committee recommends mandatory HACCP for all juice products. Implicit in
this recommendation is that plants have implemented and are strictly adhering to
industry GMPs.
o Research on how produce becomes contaminated with human pathogens
including the relevant microbial ecology during production and processing of
juice. In particular, there is an urgent need for these types of studies on E. coli
O157:H7 in apple juice.
o Baseline studies on the incidence of human pathogens on fruits and
vegetables, particularly those used in juice processing.
o Research on labeling information needed for consumer understanding and
choice of safer juices and juice products.
Hazard Analysis, the first principle of the HACCP program, is necessary to identify
those hazards that must be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level to produce safe food.
A hazard analysis serves three purposes: (i) to identify the hazards of significance to food
safety, (ii) to select critical hazards on the basis of risk to the consumer, and (iii) to identify
potential hazards that warrant specific preventive measures. When the same product is
manufactured by different food processing organizations, the hazards will depend upon the
following: (i) sources of ingredients, (ii) product formulations, (iii) processing machinery and
equipment, (iv) processing and preparation procedures, (v) duration of processes, (vi) storage
conditions, and (vii) experience, knowledge, and attitudes of the personnel. Hazard Analysis
form, Hazard identification with inputs and Hazard analysis and CCP determination were
given in table1, 2 and 3.
The primary objective of an HACCP system is to protect the consumer from the harm caused
by hazards associated with food products.
best choice is to not use the product. Another choice is to bring the juice to a boil to kill any
possible harmful bacteria.
The agency also advises consumers to be aware of the following symptoms commonly
associated with food poisoning: diarrhoea, abdominal pain, cramping, vomiting, fever, and
headache. If you have any of these symptoms, you should contact your physician
Greater confidence in food supply
Better quality of life through health and socioeconomic benefits
Benefits for Industry
Greater consumer confidence on product
Minimizes legal and insurance costs
Increases market access
Lower wastage, fewer no recalls, minimum or no reprocessing, and corrective
A consistent product
Enhanced staff commitment to food safety
Lower business risk
Benefits for Regulatory Bodies
Improved health among the community
More efficient food control
Lower public health costs
Trade promotion
Greater confidence of the community in the food supply
While the application of HACCP to all segments and sectors of the food chain is
possible, it is assumed that all sectors should be operating according to good manufacturing
practices (GMPs) and the Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene. The ability of an
industry segment or sector to support or implement the HACCP system depends on the
degree of its adherence to these practices.
The successful application of HACCP requires the full commitment and involvement
of management and the workforce. It requires a multidisciplinary approach which should
include as appropriate, expertise in agronomy, veterinary health, microbiology, public health,
food technology, environmental health, chemistry, engineering, etc. according to the
particular situation. The application of the HACCP system is compatible with the
implementation of TQM systems such as the ISO 9000 series. However, HACCP is the
system of choice in the management of food safety within such systems.
In1996, case of a 16-month-old child in Colorado who died of heart damage and
kidney failure after drinking contaminated apple juice.
Because certain food poisoning outbreaks, have been traced to fresh juices that were
not pasteurized or otherwise processed to eliminate harmful bacteria. The Food and Drug
Administration proposed in April measures to reduce the risk of illness from disease-causing
microbes in unpasteurized fruit and vegetable juices.
Foods most likely to be linked to a food poisoning outbreak are seafood, eggs, beef
and produce. Interestingly, three out of these top four high-risk foods are regulated by the
USFDA (US food and drug administration). 682 outbreaks were linked to FDA regulated
foods, as compared to 179 outbreaks linked to USDA regulated foods, as compared to 179
outbreaks linked to USDA regulated foods.
237 out breaks were linked to seafood, salted whitefish, tuna, buffalo fish, blue
martin, surgeon, grouper, ate, crab up shrimp.
41 were linked to shellfish, including oysters, clams and mussels.
170 out breaks were linked to egg and egg dishes (pudding, stuffing, baked and ice
cream) made with shell eggs.
91 out breaks linked to beef and beef products.
82 outbreaks were linked to produce (tomatoes, strawberries. Watermelons, potatoes,
lettuce, raspberries, sprouts, basil and parsley)
52 outbreaks were linked to poultry
89 outbreaks were linked to dairy products
31 outbreaks were linked t pork ham and pork sausage
10 outbreaks were linked to juices
5 outbreaks were linked to hot dogs, luncheon meat
130 outbreaks were linked to FDA regulated foods with multiple ingredients.
New challenges arising from the growing size of the food industry and the diversity of
products and processes have prompted FDA to consider requiring HACCP regulations as a
standard throughout much of the remaining U.S. food supply. If adopted, the regulations
would cover both domestic and imported foods.
Disk Huller
Stoner Sieve
Streaming Sieve
None -
Raw Free from organic and Filth(Rodent Iron and steel Immature grains,
paddy inorganic impurities excrement and particles chaff, Dust and
Dead insects) sand
and Bacterial
Table 3: Hazard Analysis and CCP Determination (Milled rice)
If no, consider
hazard at next
i) Soaking
Paddy None Refer to table 2 Yes- Correct No
( 65-700C, 4hrs) temperature and
Yes- Correct
ii) Steaming Paddy None Refer to table 2 temperature and No
(10 mins)
In Organic matter;
Milledrice-0.1%m/m max
0.1%m/m max
Moisture content-15%m/m
Milled rice None 6-8% Raw and parboiled Yes- Correct time
(Cone polisher) rice given for polishing
Optional ingredients
Date of Manufacture
Specification -Indian long grain white Rice
1. Caroline Smith De Wall, 2003. Safe Food from a Consumer Perspective. Food
Control. (14); 75-79.
2. Shafiur Rahman, M.2007. GMP and HACCP. Hand book of Food Preservation
(Second Edition). CRC Press,U.S.A.
3. Sivasankar, B.2005. Food Processing and Preservation. Food Quality. Published by
Prentice-Hall of Indian Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
4. www.FDA/CFSAN FDA 2001- Food Code.
5. www. wikipedia.org /wiki /Juice
6. www.FAO. org