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08 Tech Spec LSTK D1003AM1 Annexure-4

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Annexure- 4

Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank














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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

Sr. No. Description

1 Preamble
2 Scope of work
3 Technical requirements
4 Mechanical Design of Tank
5 Material of Construction
6 Fabrication
7 Civil Work
8 Instrumentation
9 Electrical
10 Piping
11 Surface preparation & Painting
12 Insulation
13 Inspection & Testing
14 Quality Assurance & Control

15 Mechanical Guarantees / Warrantees

16 Performance Guarantee
Spares for Erection & Commissioning and for 2 Years
Operation & Maintenance.
18 Completion Period
19 Safety, IMS policy, labour laws etc
20 Documentation
21 GNFC Scope
22 Packing, Shipping & Transportation

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

M/s. Gujarat Narmada valley Fertilizers & Chemicals Company Ltd. (GNFC) is
engaged in manufacturing of fertilizers and industrial chemicals located at
Bharuch, Gujarat.

Presently GNFC is having two Ammonia Storage Tanks each of 10,000 MT

capacities. One storage tank D-1003A is of single wall (Size 26 M ID x 28.31 M
Ht.) & was built in the year 1978-79. Another storage tank D-1003B is of double
wall - double integrity (inner shell size: 35 M ID x 16 M Ht. & outer shell size: 36.53
ID x 15.2 M Ht.) and was site fabricated later on in the year 1988-89. Both the
above tanks are of LTCS grade of material i.e. ASTM A537 Cl.1.

Now GNFC intent to replace the existing single wall ammonia storage tank D-
1003A into double wall double integrity storage tank with the dimensions similar to
that of existing double wall tank D-1003B.

As per layout, we can only accommodate two storage tanks each of 10,000 MT
capacities within the dyke wall in the existing plant. Hence, due to space
limitations the existing old single wall tank D-1003A need to be dismantled
alongwith its civil foundation and new storage tank shall be installed with a new
foundation suitable to the new tank. It is preferred to have the new tank identical to
that of existing double wall tank D-1003B. The tag no of new tank shall be D-
1003AM1. The new tank shall be installed alongwith all the interconnecting piping
including hook up with the existing system. Scope of work shall include all the
required civil, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation works including tank
insulation and dismantling of old tank.

GNFC intends to carry out the subject job on Lumpsum Turnkey Basis (LSTK).
The scope of work, technical details and all other terms and conditions are
mentioned herewith.

GNFC has appointed M/s PDIL as PMC consultant for the entire project. LSTK
contractor will work in close co-ordination with M/s PDIL.


2.01 Please refer the scope matrix for an overview of scope of work attached at
Annexure- 3.

2.02 Contractor to refer P&ID- D&C/P/1000/227, Annexure-P, P1 & P2.

2.03 Project management of the complete LSTK work.

2.04 Tank de-commissioning will be done by GNFC. After isolating the existing tank
and its interconnecting piping upto tapping point isolation valves, GNFC will hand
over the same to the contractor for removal and dismantling.

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

2.05 HAZOP to be conducted by LSTK contractor through competent authority after
thorough review of P&IDs by owner/PMC. Any recommendation noted during
HAZOP shall be incorporated by LSTK contractor.

2.06 QRA study shall also be done by LSTK contractor through external agency
having experience in similar field.

2.07 Construction of temporary safety barricade of structure & asbestos/GI sheets

inside dyke wall (to isolate existing single wall tank) Size: Height of barricade
shall be 30 M as per Annexure-D. However height of the barricade will depend
on method of dismantling of the tank hence the contractor will construct the
barricade according to safety requirement. Length of barricade shall be all around
the exiting tank. Civil foundation of temporary barricade must be suitable to the
height of the barricade. Prior approval of GNFC/PDIL will be required for Design
of the barricade. The barricade shall be made of GI sheeting with structural steel
supports. This barricade will be removed and taken away from GNFC premises
by LSTK contractor after completion of work. Please refer Annexure-C for detail
scope of work and other technical details.

Dismantling of existing ammonia single wall storage tank (D-1003A)

2.08 Partial removal of existing dyke wall on north and east side for man, material,
machinery and crane movement as required. The removed dyke wall portions will
be restored as per original specification by LSTK contractor. Contractor will
design and construct temporary culvert for movement of crane, forklift etc.
required for dismantling and erection activity so as to pass over exiting piping
surrounding the dyke wall.

2.09 Entire tank dismantling and removal of old foundation will be carried out by
contractor in such a way that all adjacent equipment, piping and foundation of
adjacent structure must not get damaged.

2.10 Complete dismantling of existing ammonia single wall storage tank (D-1003A)
with existing civil foundation. This shall include cutting the tank into plate pieces
for ease of transport, separating the insulation material including cladding,
binding strips / wires and fasteners, etc., separating of all the insulation cleats
from plates, breaking of civil foundation, etc and clearing the site in all respect for
installation of new tank and its foundation.

2.11 Dismantling of existing tank interconnecting piping (internal as well as external)

including all valves, safety valves, all instruments like pressure / temperature
gauges, pressure / temperature transmitters, control valves, orifice plates,
supports etc.

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

2.12 Safety cum breather valves: Contractor shall design and supply new safety
valves with 100% stand by, as required for the safety of the tank. Party to submit
design calculation to GNFC/PDIL for approval. Contractor shall submit price of
new designed safety valves with 02 years consumable spares in SOR.
Contractor shall purchase safety valves from reputed vendors only with prior
approval of GNFC/PDIL.

Contractor shall also review and certify the suitability for reuse of exiting safety
cum breather valves.

Contractor shall supply and install a davit-arm/ crane with chain pulley block and
rail arrangement with suitable structure for safety valves removal and installation
for calibration.

2.13 Dismantling of existing escape route (stair), if required during execution, to be

removed partly during site construction. If removed than to be restored by LSTK
contractor after completion of job.

2.14 Dismantling of existing pole spiral stairway and emergency cage ladder.

2.15 Dismantling and removal of insulation of tank as well as interconnecting piping,

removal of insulation cladding including, binding strips / wires and fasteners, etc.

2.16 Dismantling and removal of all appurtenances of existing tank including all
instruments like level gauges, level trolls, transmitters, pressure gauges and
transmitter, earthing cables / strips, junction box, cable, cable tray with hardware,
tube, fittings, glanding, canopy, etc.

2.17 Dismantling supporting structure of cable tray, junction box and instruments.

2.18 Handover the removed instrument, junction box, cable, cable tray with hardware,
tube, fittings, gland etc to GNFC with proper handling.

2.19 It is required for the contractor to ensure safe disposal of all items, comply with all
statutory requirements, environmental laws, and obtain all necessary clearance,
if any.
“Disposal of insulation materials as per GPCB requirement at TSDF site for safe
“Disposal of civil waste as per “Construction and Demolition Waste Management
Rules, 2016”

2.20 Contractor shall take all the material i.e. tank plates, insulation material and
debris of foundation removed from existing tank outside GNFC premises
considering present space constrains in our plant. If required, this can be
removed directly from the site and to be taken outside the GNFC premises so
that temporary storage at another location within GNFC premises can be

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

2.21 During dismantling of existing ammonia storage tank, the contractor shall take
care as under:

a) Contractor shall take the work permit prior to start of any site activities.
b) Erect the scaffolding adhering to safety norms all around the tank,
interconnected piping, spiral stair, etc to be dismantled.
c) Dismantle the existing tank in safe & sequential manner by cutting roof /
shells / bottom plates, structural, piping etc. and shift the scrap material to
nearby disposal yard as per clause 2.15 & 2.16. Contractor shall submit a
detailed schedule with sequence of dismantling for GNFC review before start
of dismantling work.
d) The plates, as far as possible, shall be cut in square or rectangular size for
ease of disposing as scrap.
e) Various pneumatic breakers shall be used for breaking of RCC top slabs and
f) The whole activity shall be executed in sequential manner.
g) Several gas cutting shall be deployed for cutting of embedded reinforcement.
h) All material arising from demolition with all debris and rubble is to be carted
to an approved suitable nearby vicinity with covered and secured tipper
lorries / trucks.
i) Prior to any demolition work the contractor will erect all necessary warning
signs and safety hoardings.
j) Structural stair shall be dismantled with the help of pick and carry crane.
k) Anchor straps embedded in concrete shall be removed prior to start of
dismantling of RCC.
l) Contractor shall carefully follow our approved dismantling procedure as per
attached Annexure-D.

Design, Procurement, Supply, Fabrication, Erection, Testing and

Commissioning of new Ammonia storage tank (double wall double
integrity) of capacity: 10,000 MT.

2.22 Detail mechanical / civil design, basic and detail engineering, preparation of
fabrication drawings, complete procurement of all material and bought-out items
whatsoever deemed necessary, transportation / supply of material & brought-out
items, unloading of material to project site, construction of tank foundation,
fabrication & erection of tank with interconnecting piping, all civil, instrumentation
& electrical works, inspection, testing, painting, insulation, pre-commissioning
and commissioning, supply of spares, tank calibration including project
management and site supervision for double wall double integrity Ammonia
storage tank at GNFC, Bharuch along with associated facilities. The design of
storage tank shall be as per API 620, Appendix-R (latest edition) standard.

Contractor’s scope includes:

a) Design, engineering, material supply and construction of civil foundation for

tank, preparation of fabrication drawings, complete procurement & supply of
all materials including ASTM A537 Cl. 1 material of plates for tank & anchor

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

straps, structural material, all tank nozzles, tank internals, tank
appurtenances, safety devices (checking for usage of existing safety valve),
all bought-out items, all internal and external piping material i.e. pipe,
fittings, flanges, valves, gaskets, fasteners, pipe supports etc. tank & piping
insulation material, paints, primer, cement, reinforcement steel, structural
steel, coarse aggregate (kapachi), fine aggregate (sand), bricks, earthing
strips, electrical items, instrument items etc.
b) Contractor shall supply and install a davit-arm/ crane with chain pulley block
and rail arrangement with suitable structure for safety valves removal and
installation for calibration.
c) For detailed scope of supply and scope of work for civil, instrumentation and
electrical please refer attached Annexure-C, Annexure-I and Annexure-E
d) Submission of GA and detail fabrication drawing with design calculations.
This shall also include all internals, safety cage ladder one number each
from bottom of inner tank upto suspended deck and another from roof
manhole to suspended deck, rungs near the shell & roof manhole etc.
e) Design, engineering, supply, fabrication and erection of structural staircase
along with one emergency escape ladder.
f) Laying of the interconnecting piping from tapping points as per revised tank
sizing and layout. This shall include layout, detail engineering, proper
supporting, site erection and supervision of the same.
g) Supply of commissioning spares as required (Contractor to submit a list for
the same for GNFC review).
h) Supply of spares for 2 years of trouble free operation and maintenance as
per Clause- 17.00.
i) All inspection and tests required for the tank and interconnecting piping as
per code and statutory requirements.
j) Pre-commissioning & commissioning of tank with interconnecting piping.
Contractor has to provide detail pre-commissioning and commissioning
procedure with activity schedule
k) The contractor’s scope of work is defined in general and shall include all
other items / works required to complete the job in all respects whether
specifically mentioned or not in the tender documents.
l) Contractor shall make their own arrangement for illumination during work.
GNFC will provide only power supply.

2.23 Loading & unloading of all materials and bought-out items, transportation,
handling & storage at project site, fabrication, installation & erection of ammonia
storage tank on civil foundation inclusive of all piping, fittings, appurtenances and
other attachments like staircases / ladders / platforms / emergency escape
ladder, internal & external piping work, supply and application of insulation
material for tank and piping, supply and application of painting, work related to
electrical and instrumentation etc., whatsoever required, inspection & NDT,
hydro-test, pneumatic test, calibration, pre-commissioning and commissioning.
Assistance required for obtaining all types of statutory approval / handing over of
tank / performance guarantees in accordance with the applicable equipment
specification / codes / standards and close supervision of the total job on
Lumpsum Turnkey Basis. All inward material form GNFC shall weight through

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

GNFC Weigh Bridge. Measuring of final plate weight shall be done on theoretical
tonnage basis only.

2.24 Vendor has to appoint Third Party Agency (TPIA) M/s Lloyd`s Register for
Inspection as per inspection categorize plan attached at Annexure I2.

2.25 All the drawings & documents required for contractor to study and understand the
subject tender is enclosed herewith at Annexure-10.

2.26 New tank layout, piping interconnection layout, procurement, fabrication,

inspection and testing, erection, supports, painting, insulation for Integration /
interconnection of new Ammonia tank piping to existing facility.

2.27 Contractor shall consider the plate size for tank as minimum 8 M long and 3 M
wide. However, if this is not possible than contractor shall get approval of GNFC
for using lower length / width of the plates.

2.28 Arrangement & supply of all materials, tools, tackles, all the cranes, hydra,
winches and hydraulic jacking system for tank erection, other lifting equipment,
manpower, welding machines with consumable such as electrodes, filler wires,
industrial gases for cutting and welding, grinding wheels, DP solution etc,
scaffolding, measuring instruments & other necessary attachments & instruments
including concrete ring for sealing of sand between outer & inner tank bottom
plates & sand filling etc. whatsoever required for completion of job. The concrete
ring shall have low temperature properties suitable to design conditions of tank.

2.29 Drawings and documents shall be submitted by contractor to GNFC which are
required for taking statutory approvals of factory inspector etc. Contractor will
assist GNFC in all respect to get all statutory approval in time.

2.30 List of process deliverables by LSTK contractor for review:

a) Process Design Basis

b) Process Description
c) Equipment List
d) Process Flow Diagram
e) Utility Flow Diagram
f) Heat & Mass Balance
g) Boil-off Gas Calculation
h) Piping & Instrumentation Diagram(Process & Utility)
i) Line list
j) Hydraulic Summary Report
k) Operation & Control Philosophy
l) Cause &Effect Matrix
m) Alarm & Trip set point summary
n) Hazardous Area Classification drawing

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

o) Tie-in List
p) Process Datasheets for Equipments
q) Process Datasheets for Instruments
r) HAZOP Study Report
s) HAZOP close-out report
t) QRA study report

2.31 Calibration of tank shall be duly certified by CPWD (Weight & Measurement
Dept.) or any other concerned Government Authorities and submission of
documents in original to GNFC.


3.01 The design of Ammonia storage tank shall be carried out as per API 620 Code,
Appendix-R (latest edition). The detailed fabrication drawings and design
calculations shall be submitted by contractor. Safety cum breather valve sizing
calculations shall be submitted by contractor.

Contractor to refer P&ID- D&C/P/1000/227, Annexure-P & P1 and GA


3.02 Contractor shall submit complete write-up along with necessary procedures for
site fabrication, erection and installation scheme including testing and
commissioning etc. as required. Contractor shall develop the details of welding
joints, location of weld seams joints, welding procedures, specification of all
electrodes, detailed NDT requirements, Hydrostatic / hydro-pneumatics /
pneumatic testing details, general & construction requirements, a complete list of
all the documents / drawings along with submission schedule (DCI), NDT
procedures, site construction procedures etc. The approval on the same shall be
taken by the contractor.

3.03 After the receipt of approval on the various procedures / drawings / documents
required as per documentation schedule Annexure-8 attached with tender, any
changes / comments made on such submission to meet the requirements of
specifications, codes, standards & tender documents shall have to be
incorporated by the contractor. Review and approval of various procedures /
drawings / documents by concerned GNFC’s representative shall in no way
relieve the contractor from his responsibilities for the subject work w.r.t
contractual tender documents.

3.04 Procurement of all raw materials & bought-out items like plates, pipes, fittings &
flanges, tank appurtenances and safety devices, mountings of instrumentation,
structural, fasteners such as bolts, nuts, gaskets, washers, anchor straps,
consumables like welding electrodes, filler wires including spares etc.,
whatsoever required during supply, fabrication, installation & erection to complete
the job as per tender requirements shall be supplied by the Contractor. Any
materials / items / work not specifically mentioned but required for completion of
work shall also be under the contractor’s scope.

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

3.05 Materials indicated in tender are recommended for the required service
conditions. All materials must be procured with proper test certificates.

3.06 Removable internal parts shall be fabricated such that they can be installed
through the nearest manhole or opening. Bolts and nuts for fixing internals, if any,
shall be SS316 and minimum size of bolt shall be M10. All internal bolts shall be
provided with locking nuts.

3.07 Contractor shall provide QAP / ITP (Quality Assurance Plan / Inspection and Test
Plan) for the tank, WPS/PQR for tank as well as piping fabrication, erection
sequence drawings, site erection procedures, NDT, hydro–pneumatic test
procedure etc. for PDIL / GNFC’s approvals.

3.08 Contractor shall provide adequate lifting arrangement of pre-fabricated items for
safe handling.

3.09 All necessary cleats / pads / members etc. for piping support, structural and
earthing etc. shall be provided on the tanks as per the tender documents.

3.10 Contractor to arrange and supply the required competent man power (skilled /
semi-skilled / unskilled), machinery, tools, tackles, equipment, bending and
cutting machines, scaffolding, cranes, including all special tools and test
equipment, consumables such as electrodes filler wire, acetylene, grease oil,
gases and other non-consumables items etc. whatsoever required to execute the
work at contractor’s own cost. GNFC has right to carry out qualification test of
any of your deputed manpower. If found not suitable, then contractor will replace
them immediately. Contractor will avoid frequent replacement of deputed

3.11 Due records shall be maintained by contractor throughout the work period as per
instructions of site in-charge / GNFC’s representative.

3.12 Monthly / weekly execution plans will be developed by contractor in consultation

with site in-charge / GNFC’s representative & execution of work as per these
plans and scheduling & monitoring of awarded work will be the sole responsibility
of the contractor.

3.13 The contractor shall arrange all necessary facilities required for developing
fabrication yard with barricading nearby the plant. However, contractor to refer
commercial part of tender for the various facilities to be provided by Owner like
construction power, construction water and water/air for hydro/hydro-pneumatic

3.14 Contractor shall broadly provide site dismantling and erection sequence to GNFC
alongwith offer.

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank


4.01 Complete Mechanical design of the Ammonia Storage Tank shall be as per the
API 620 including Appendix-R (latest edition). Strict compliance with the
requirements of codes, tank specification sheets and any other referred
documents enclosed with this tender shall be ensured.

4.02 The tank shall be double wall double integrity type with dome roof having
suspended deck and shall be designed in accordance with API 620 (including
Appendix-R, latest version).

4.03 The inner tank roof shall be suspended deck type and shall be designed as per
frame membrane analogy.

4.04 The anchorage of inner & outer tank shall be adequately designed.

4.05 Design of the pipe between inner and outer tank shall be checked for adequate
expansion/ contraction. If required, expansion bellow to be suitably designed &
provided. Design calculations shall be submitted.

4.06 Detailed design calculations for adequacy of strength of all individual parts along
with fabrication drawings & other related documents as per documents Design
Basis attached at Annexure-2 and other documents enclosed with ITB shall be
prepared by contractor and shall submit the same to GNFC for comment &
approval. After approval of design & fabrication drawings, fabrication activity to
be taken up. Any change / comment made on design calculations and drawing to
satisfy the requirement of code & enquiry documents to make the Ammonia
Storage Tank perfectly fit for smooth operation shall have to be incorporated by
Contractor without any delivery / commercial implications.

4.07 Design conditions for the ammonia storage tank shall be as per Ammonia
Storage Tank datasheet & Technical Specification enclosed with the enquiry.
Minimum required thicknesses of various components shall be calculated based
on design parameters considering different types of loadings conditions including
effect of wind pressure, force of moment owing to connected piping & other
attachments as platform etc. Ammonia Storage Tank shall also be designed for
hydrostatic condition. Final thickness of tank shall be decided giving due
consideration for corrosion allowance & thinning allowance.

4.08 Wind analysis shall be performed as per IS-875 (Latest Edition). Wind velocity of
158.4 Km/Hr shall be considered in design. Contractor shall also refer Project
Design Basis of site.

4.09 Seismic analysis shall be performed by Response Spectrum Method (RSM)

considering seismic zone-III as per code IS-1893.

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

4.10 Local stresses in Ammonia Storage Tank wall resulting from nozzle load shall be
determined by WRC-107 / WRC-297 or PD-5500/G code requirements. Forces
and moments acting on nozzles shall be considered in the design of the storage
tank and resultant stresses shall not exceed allowable stresses as per applicable
codes / standards / specifications.

4.11 All Carbon Steel (CS / LTCS) & Low Alloy Steel (LAS) pressure parts shall have
minimum of 1.5 mm corrosion allowance unless specified otherwise. All internals
CS / LAS parts including low temperature materials shall have at least 1.5 mm
corrosion allowance.

4.12 Calculated Thickness of tank shell plate shall be rounded off to the next digit.

4.13 Bottom plates or annular plates of sufficient size shall be ordered so that, when
trimmed, at least a 80 mm width will project beyond the outside surface of the
shell plate.

4.14 All externals which are welded directly to tank shall be of the same material
category as that of the tank. This shall apply to all nozzles, brackets and pads.

4.15 Bolts / studs of manhole should be so designed to accommodate normal heavy

duty spanners (i.e. bolt / stud center to center distance between outer edge
of nuts and piping / nozzle flange OD should be able to accommodate normal
width H.D. spanners).


5.01 Material of construction for plates of Ammonia Storage Tank shall be of LTCS
(as per the API 620-Appendix R (Latest edition). LTCS plate specification is
attached herewith at Annexure-5.

5.02 Charpy V-notch impact test shall be carried out as per API-620 Appendix-R
and Annexure-5 (whichever is stringent) at design temperature indicated in the
MDS for plates, welds and HAZs.

5.03 The material requirements are mandatory in addition to the requirement of

codes / specifications for both inner & outer tank.

5.04 All parent material (primary & secondary components), weld and HAZ shall be
impact tested at Minimum Design Metal Temperature (i.e. minimum service
temperature or the temperature to be computed as per applicable codes,
standards & specifications) by contractor and shall have impact energy values
as per the applicable codes, standards & specifications.

5.05 The following additional material requirements as indicated below shall be

considered by contractor:

a) All raw materials including bought-out items, whatsoever required, to

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

complete the supplies shall be procured and supplied with due identifiable
mill material test certificates & inspection reports duly certified by inspector.
b) For coarse grained and high tensile materials in carbon steel (UTS > 52
Kg/mm2) and low alloy steel, guaranteed impact strength shall be ensured
at a temperature 15°C and below envisaged hydraulic test temperature as a
precaution against brittle fracture during hydraulic test.
c) All external / internal attachments, pads, cleats etc. directly welded to the
equipment shall be of same materials as that of tank, unless specified
d) Unless otherwise specified copper or copper alloys shall not be used.
Copper content upto 0.35% are acceptable in carbon steel and 0.05% in
stainless steel.


6.01 The fabrication and welding of the tank shall conform to latest edition of API620
code of practice and to the provisions in the tender document.

6.02 For SA 537 Cl.1 material, to be used in primary components, welding procedure
specification / procedure qualification record shall meet the impact test value of
for the weld metal. Each batch of welding consumables shall be tested.
Contractor will use only Bohler (EU)/ KOBELCO (Japan) make welding
consumable. Contractor shall not use synthetic welding consumable.
Contractor will submit batch test certificates for all welding consumable to
GNFC/PDIL. GNFC/PDIL shall review, test and certify welding consumable and
test certificates. The welding process and parameters used for procedure
qualifications shall be strictly followed during actual fabrication.

6.03 Quality of the work is of prime consideration. All cutting, shaping, strengthening,
making smooth & straight edges, rolling, making grooves for welding etc.,
including fabrication, erection and other works shall be carried out to the
satisfaction of site In-Charge. Contractor will ensure to use adequate and
suitable tools so as to prevent any damage to tank material during fabrication

6.04 Shell plates shall be rolled to suit the curvature of the tank.

6.05 Pre-fabricated parts shall be tagged to ensure proper assembly at site.

6.06 All welding jobs shall be carried out only by qualified welders using welding
procedures that has already been qualified to the requirement of code and
specifications etc. and approved by the GNFC inspection authority / Site in-
charge before starting any fabrication job.

6.07 All the welders shall be qualified by contractor at GNFC before start of site
fabrication work. Welder qualification test will be taken by TIPA/PDIL/GNFC.
GNFC shall issue the welder qualification certificate with photograph of each
qualified welder. Without such documents, welders shall not be allowed to carry
out any welding.

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

6.08 Pre-qualified welders shall not be accepted. Welding qualifications shall be

established at site.

6.09 Plates of different thickness shall be made flush with the inner surfaces of
equipment unless otherwise stated.

6.10 Production control coupons, when required as per code and specifications,
shall be subjected to all tests like impact test, PWHT (Post Weld Heat
Treatment) etc. in addition to mechanical tests as required. In case of heat
treated equipment, test coupons shall be given similar heat treatment as for the

6.11 Location of weld seams shall be kept so as to avoid fouling with any part strictly
as per API 620. Longitudinal seams of adjacent course shall be staggered and
meet requirements of API 620.

6.12 All flanges shall be bored to suit nozzle I.D.

6.13 All parts involving welding construction shall have continuous welds unless
otherwise stated.

6.14 Due provisions must be kept for venting out entrapped gases during welding of
cleats / pads, flanges and liner plates etc.

6.15 All nozzle reinforcing pads shall be tested pneumatically as per code with soap
solution on attachment welds. Vent holes shall be plugged.

6.16 All flange bolts shall straddle center line unless otherwise stated.

6.17 Unless otherwise specified, all welds shall be full penetration welds with back
chipping and re-welding from the second side. For those joints which are
inaccessible for back chipping the root run shall be carried out with TIG
process. Single sides welding with backing strips are shall not be permitted.

6.18 Further welding on roof, shell and bottom after completion of the hydrostatic
tests shall not be permitted.

6.19 Arc strikes on primary components shall be avoided and temporary attachment
welds of primary components removed. The surface of the primary component
where arc strikes have occurred and where temporary attachment welds have
been removed shall be properly conditioned to eliminate surface stress raisers.
Such surfaces shall be examined by either the magnetic particle or liquid
penetrant method of examination and any defects found shall be removed and
the surface repaired and re-examined before the tanks are hydro-pneumatic

6.20 Any plate or other part of the tank subjected to cold forming involving a strain

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greater than 5% shall be stress relieved after forming.

6.21 All erection lugs shall be removed before hydro–pneumatic testing. All other
temporary attachments may be allowed to remain only after attachment weld is
inspected with MP examination as per API 620.

6.22 Welding of all parts must be completed before heat treatment, wherever

6.23 The contractor shall submit PQR and WPS for GNFC / PDIL approval for
welding of inter-connecting piping and tank.

6.24 Contractor shall submit the complete write up for the site fabrication, erection &
assembly with all the details but not limited to handling storage attachment, fit
up and welding etc. up to and including the final testing and cleaning along with

6.25 Contractor shall prepare detailed fabrication drawings including Bill of

Quantities and shall submit the same for M/s GNFC approval.

6.26 The Contractor shall comply in all respects with the provision of the applicable
codes, standards and specification during fabrication with respect to tolerances,
welding, fabrication, radiography, heat treatment, inspection, testing and quality
control etc. unless & otherwise specified.

6.27 Plates of different thicknesses shall be made flush with the inner surfaces of
tank unless otherwise stated.

6.28 All welding shall be carried out by qualified welders using approved
procedures in compliance with the requirements of codes, standards &
specifications and shall be duly certified by the concerned inspecting authority.

6.29 All welding procedures & welding consumables specifications / make must be
got approved from GNFC before starting any fabrication job as per ASME
section IX. Welding of all parts must be completed before heat treatment. For
all welds, Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) must be provided.

6.30 All sharp corners shall be rounded off with smooth radius. Inside edge of
manhole and hand hole at the internal surface shall be rounded to minimum
radius 5 mm.

6.31 All flange bolts shall straddle center line unless otherwise stated.

6.32 In case of nozzle with butt-end construction, extra length shall be provided to
facilitate hydraulic testing and subsequently cutting and edge preparation to suit
piping welding.

6.33 All nozzles less than or equal to NB 50 mm shall be stiffened with three equi-

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spaced plate ribs of the same material as that of shell.

6.34 Contractor to provide typical ITP / QAP of double wall tank with offer for
GNFC/PDIL review.

6.35 Welder qualification test shall be arranged by the contractor for tank as well as
piping at GNFC site under supervision & certification by GNFC/ PDIL.

6.36 Welding and testing shall be carried out by contractor under GNFC / PDIL / TPI
supervision. Testing shall be as per quality control plan approved by GNFC.
This includes radiography, DP Test, vacuum box test for the bottom joints of
tank base plate, pneumatic leak test for reinforcement pads, and hydro test for
the tank, air / vacuum test for the tank roof etc. All the tests will be witnessed by
GNFC/ PDIL / TPIA. Norms followed shall be as per API 620 standard.
Radiography as per welding procedure / drawings and as per instruction of TPI


For details related to scope of work, material supply and site work, please refer
civil specification attached at Annexure-C.


For details related to scope of work, material supply and site work, please refer
instrumentation specification attached at Annexure-I & I1.


For details related to scope of work, material supply and site work, please refer
electrical specification attached at Annexure-E.

10.00 PIPING:

10.01 The existing interconnecting piping from existing single wall tank (D-1003A)
nozzles upto battery limit shall be removed by LSTK contractor alongwith
insulation and replaced with new material. The existing removed / dismantled
piping material shall be handed over to GNFC while the existing insulation
which is removed shall be disposed as scrap by contractor. The supply and
erection of the new piping material shall be in the scope of the LSTK

10.02 The LSTK contractor will be provided the piping tapping with isolation valve.
The scope of contractor will be from downstream of isolation valve including
valve flange, gasket and fasteners towards tank side.

10.03 The interconnecting piping of new ammonia storage tank shall be hooked up
with existing ammonia tank facilities. Piping interconnection from new to

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existing facility shall be in the Contractor scope as per Schematic Diagram
for Tie–In points attached at Annexure-P1.

10.04 For process and utility piping specification please refer Annexure-6 attached

10.05 For details of Line List please refer attached at Annexure-P2.

10.06 Plot plan indicating coordinates and dimensional details of new & existing
ammonia storage tank with inter-connecting piping plan for tie-In points is
also attached at Annexure-10 to estimate the piping quantity.

10.07 Contractor to refer Annexure-10 for the list of drawings and documents
related to the job.


For details technical specifications with scope of work please refer painting
specification attached at Annexure-C.


12.01 Insulation specification designates the requirements for the design and supply
and application of thermal insulation of the refrigerated ammonia storage tank.
The supply and application of tank insulation shall be by LSTK contractor.
Tank insulation shall be in accordance with the specification attached at

12.02 The boil-off rate shall be less than 0.05 wt% of total quantity in 24 hrs and
same shall be guaranteed by contractor. The maximum heat gain from roof,
shell & bottom shall be furnished by contractor based on the product
temperature of the minus 35°C and maximum summer ambient design
temperature shall be 50° C.

12.03 All thermal insulation, tank supports, if any, steel and steel vapour barrier will
be in the contractors’ scope of supply. Contractor will adjust the tank insulation
thickness if necessary so that insulation system functions properly. The roof
and walls heat gains shall be based on maximum dry bulb temperature
including solar radiation.

12.04 The scope of work and technical specifications, mainly consists of follows:
Section Description
A Supply & application of Foam Glass (tank bottom insulation)
Supply & application of Perlite Concrete Block, Dry Sand,
Bitumen mix and Plywood (tank bottom insulation)
Supply & application of cast in-situ Polyurethane Foam
(PUF) insulation on tank outer shell and Mineral wool on

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Technical Specifications for 10,000 MT Capacity Ammonia Storage Tank

suspended deck

Supply & application of insulation on interconnected external

Piping (from tie-in points to tank nozzles)
E General Specifications

12.05 The surface to be insulated shall be completely dry and free from oil and
grease before the application of any insulation.

12.06 Protection of Insulation: All insulation materials shall be stored in an

enclosed and ventilated dry place and shall be protected against water from
the time they are dispatched to site, and also protected at the site until they
are required for installation. Adequate provisions shall be made to ensure the
complete absence of moisture in the insulation and in the zone where
insulation is to be installed while hydrotest.


13.01 The Inspection of the plates shall be done by LSTK appointed Third Party
Inspection Agencies (TPIA) M/s Lloyd`s Register at the Steel Plate
manufacturer’s Work. GNFC/PDIL will associate with TPI for inspection if
required. However, the test certificates for chemical composition, physical
properties and other tests specified shall be submitted by contractor for
GNFC/PDIL review. After receipt of the test certificates GNFC/PDIL will carry
out visit at contractor’s works to inspect the plates correlating the test

13.02 During inspection at GNFC site, GNFC/PDIL representative will identify plates
per heat for carrying out re-testing at GNFC authorized laboratories for cross
verification. This test shall include chemical composition, physical properties
and all the tests as specified in the plate specification at Annexure-5. The cost
of such re-testing shall be borne by contractor. Adequate number of test
coupons resembling mother plate properties shall be provided as per the test
methodology adopted by GNFC/PDIL.

13.03 The tank shall be inspected and tested (including NDT) in accordance with all
applicable codes, standards and specifications referred in the enquiry. The
tank shall be inspected during various stages of manufacturing starting from
identification of raw materials to final completion as per agreed Quality
Assurance Plan (QAP) / Inspection and Test Plan (ITP), WPS & PQR which
shall be furnished by contractor along with their bid. The successful contractor
shall submit QAP/ITP, WPS and PQR to GNFC/PDIL for approval after award
of the contract.

13.04 All the bought-out items must be supplied with test certificates and inspection

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13.05 Inspection for piping, fittings and flanges etc at by contractor at their works as
per their internal inspection procedure. Test certificates shall be submitted to
GNFC for review and record. However, the inspection of all valves, tank
appurtenances, safety devices, level transmitters, leak detectors and all
required instrumentation shall be by TPIA/GNFC/PDIL at contractor’s works.

13.06 The NDT requirements are mandatory in addition to the requirement of codes /
specifications for both inner & outer tank

13.07 The inspection of tank fabrication at site shall be carried out by

TPI/PDIL/GNFC. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to make
available to the inspector all the drawings, calculations and other documents.
However, GNFC /TPI / PDIL shall have free access for inspection at
contractor’s shop / tank site at all stages of manufacturing.

13.08 The tank shall be hydro & pneumatic tested in line with API 620 code
requirements. Roofs & pads of connecting nozzles shall be vacuum tested.
Vacuum box test of tank bottoms shall be carried out as per code. All
necessary tank accessories and instruments etc. whatsoever required for test
shall be supplied by contractor. All arrangement for test of the tank / piping
system including fabrication and laying of temporary piping shall be made by

13.09 Tanks shall be hydro tested with inner tank water filled up to maximum liquid
level (HHL) and outer tank to be pneumatic tested to the test pressure in line
with code requirements.

13.10 Chloride content of hydro test water shall not exceed 40 ppm.

13.11 During construction and hydro testing, the settlement of the outer tank shall be
carefully monitored. Along the perimeter of the outer tank, minimum eighteen
(18) reference points shall be installed. Settlement readings of the inner tank
shell as well as outer tank shell shall be taken at 1 M height from tank bottom
and at 25%, 50%, 75% & 100% of filling height (liquid level). The accuracy of
the measurements shall be of ± 1 mm. Hold up time after every steps of water
filling shall be minimum 8 hours. After attaining the full height of water level the
holding time of 24 hours shall be considered. Settlement reading shall be
taken before filling the water for each steps and after completion of the holding
time after water filling for the particular step respectively.

13.12 After completion of the hydro-pneumatics & vacuum the tank supplier shall
clean and remove rubbish etc. from the inside of the tank which may have
accumulated during the test till tank becomes clean. Finally, tank inside bottom
surface and bottom & tank wall shall be suitably cleaned and dried.

13.13 Please refer inspection categorize plan at attached Annexure I2.

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13.14 NDT Requirements:
The following requirements are mandatory in addition to the requirements of
code / specifications for both inner / outer tanks.

A) Radiography of Butt weld joints:

i) All longitudinal and circumferential butt weld seams, on inner and outer tank
shell shall be 100% radiographed.
ii) All butt welded “T” joints shall be 100% radiographed.
iii) All the welds shall be back-chipped, DPT and inspected.
iv) 50% of the butt welded annular plate radial joints shall be spot examined for a
minimum length of 6 inch. The location shall be under the tank shell, at the
outer edge of the joint.
v) Wherever radiography is not feasible / possible the contractor shall carry out
UT with Automatic Phased Array Technique. Further the same shall also be
examined visually and by Liquid Penetrant Test from inside & outside.
vi) All butt weld joints of inner tank nozzle in vapour zone shall be 100%
vii) 100% radiography of all butt joints (longitudinal and circumferential) including
nozzle neck to flange, pipe to pipe, pipe to pipe fitting for LTCS material shall
be considered for Double wall storage tank.
viii) Longitudinal seams of all fabricated nozzles shall be fully radiographed.
ix) Local PWHT / Stress Relieving shall be carried out on all shell side nozzles i.e.
shell plate and nozzle neck joint. Localized Stress Relieving shall be carried
out on nozzles with shell plate welding before welding the shell plate to main
x) Pre-heating, wherever required, shall be carried out as per code requirement.

Note: The contractor shall consider in-situ radiography source with necessary
pit, room and needful approvals. Arrangement for radiography of tank / piping
weld joints including required material, dark room and radioactive source shall
be made.

B) LPT/MPT Examination:

I Before Hydro test

a All welded joints between shell & annular plate
b After back gauging of root run
c All attachment welds e.g. lap joints in the bottom plate & roof
d Rafter splice joint
e Annular plate
f All welds on permanent connection/ attachments
g All Butt weld joints which are not radiographed shall be examined
inside & outside
h L seam of bottom most two courses
i Compression plate to roof plate

II Vacuum Box test

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a All fillet weld on Bottom plates (inner & outer tanks)
b Shell to bottom welds joints of (inner & outer tanks)

C) Repairs:

i) In addition to the defects listed in API 620, the following conditions are
considered defective and detrimental to the safety and appearance of a tank
and shall be repaired or removed. Plate laminations, dents, flat spots, buckled
or warped areas, wavy plates or plate edges, welded joints with distinct peaks
and tank sides excessively out of round or out of plumb.

ii) When a plate is discovered to have a defective condition during fabrication all
further work on that plate and each adjacent plate shall be stopped until the
defective condition is corrected. Water filling or guying shall not be considered
adequate repair method.

iii) Welds (with defective areas removed) shall be re-welded using qualified
welding procedures and the repair welds shall be re-post weld heat treated, if
originally required and re-examined by the original NDT methods. If correction
involves serious alteration, the approval of GNFC shall be obtained before
proceeding with such corrections.


14.01 Quality Assurance (QA) shall mean the organizational set up, procedures as
well as test methods and facilities developed by the Contractor in order to
assure that the ammonia storage tank made by Contractor’s have highest
possible quality i.e. either equal to or better than the requirement specified.

14.02 Quality Control (QC), shall mean all the tests, measurement, checks and
calibration which are to be carried out by Contractor in order to compare the
actual characteristics of the tank with the specified ones, along with
furnishing of the relevant documentation (certificates / records) containing
the data or result of these activities. The contractors are required to
furnish a detailed & comprehensive list of the inspection facilities
available at their shop along with the bids.

14.03 Contractor shall submit a comprehensive description (manual) of QA / QC

measures contemplated by him for implementation with regard to this
specification. It is a contractual obligation of the Contractor to develop and
implement adequate QA / QC systems.

14.04 QA / QC system shall cover all products and services required for the tank
as per scope defined in enquiry specification including job sub contracted by
the Contractor.

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14.05 On award of contract the Contractor shall submit all the testing procedure
including PWHT, NDT etc. to GNFC/PDIL for approval. Records of all the
QAP & test records shall be duly maintained and produced to the inspector
visiting the Contractor’s shop/site for the purpose of inspection. The
comprehensive records & all the relevant reports shall be finally submitted to


15.01 Contractor to provide guarantee of the complete system for guaranteed

capacity, mechanical guarantee and structural stability of the complete tank.

15.02 Contractor shall guarantee the tank against faulty design or defect /
deficiencies in design, supply of material, improper material of construction
and poor workmanship and performance for the required capacity and
parameters as per commercial terms and conditions.

15.03 Approval of the design calculations, drawings & other documents shall not
relieve the Contractor from any of his obligations / responsibility under the
contract. Should any repair or replacement be necessary owing to any type
of failure on account of design, material and workmanship of the item,
Contractor shall in view of this guarantee be bound to replace the same
either in part or whole without any commercial implications to GNFC. Any
defects found in the design, material or workmanship shall be made good by
Contractor at his own cost within the time mutually decided and agreed by
GNFC & Contractor repaired or replaced part shall also be covered by same
guarantee as in case of main supply.

15.04 Contractor to provide the mechanical guarantee for all the material and
bought out items and the complete tank with all accessories and
appurtenances i.e. complete system valid till defect liability period as per
commercial terms and conditions.

15.05 Contractor to provide the guarantee for structural stability for the platforms,
ladders and tank / piping supports supplied and for the total system valid till
defect liability period as per commercial terms and conditions.


The tank boil-off from 10,000 MT Ammonia Tank shall not exceed 0.05 wt%
per day calculated on a 24 hours daily average basis.


17.01 Contractor shall procure and supply the following spares:

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I Erection and Commissioning
a 100% gasket for each nozzles connected to piping.
b 200% gasket for each nozzles including manholes having blind
c 10% internal & external bolting (minimum 2 pieces)

II Spares for two years of trouble free Operation and

a 200% gasket for each nozzles connected to piping.
b 300% gasket for each nozzles including manholes having blind
c 20% internal & external bolting (minimum 4 pieces)

Note: Additional Mechanical spares, if any, as per contractor’s


17.02 All spares shall be packed separately in wooden packet to avoid damage in
Transport. All commissioning and 2 years operational spares shall be packed
& marked separately to avoid any mix up at site.
17.03 Each wooden packet shall include list of spares inside the box for site


The entire job shall be completed within 22 months from the date of LOI / date
of intimation. The above completion period is inclusive of mobilization period.
Contractor shall mobilize at site within 10 days from the date of LOI /
intimation. Completion period includes testing, rectification if any, retesting and
completion in all respect to the entire satisfaction of engineer in charge.
Completion period means storage tank ready for commissioning.

Contractor shall submit their time schedule of entire project schedule along
with bid.


19.01 Safety standards and features which are inherent in the specific mechanical
tank design codes, standards and regulations are applicable.

19.02 Safety appliances like safety belts, safety helmets, safety goggles, gloves,
asbestos sheets etc. to the workers on job shall be provided by contractor.

19.03 The contractor shall abide by all requirements for Safety rules & regulations
including electrical safety points (Ref. Annexure-S) and IMS Policy and
QEHSEn guidelines (Ref. Annexure-J) and as per instructions of GNFC Fire
and Safety department. This also includes providing necessary training to
the supervisors / workers and providing all safety appliances to the workers
on the job.

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19.04 GNFC Safety Dept. will impart training to the contractor’s supervisory
personnel and all the workers deputed at site before the commencement of
work as per statutory requirement of ISO:9001, ISO:14001, ISO:45001,

19.05 The Company is certified for Quality Management Systems, Environment

Management System, Occupational Health & Safety Management System
and Energy Management System. All the persons (including Contractors,
Supervisors & their workers) working at GNFC or on behalf of GNFC are
required to comply with the QEHSEn guidelines in addition to other
applicable labour laws (Annexure-F), safety laws as well as legal


20.01 Contractor shall submit all relevant information & details along with the bid and
drawings, documents, procedure, reports, test certificate etc. at various stages of
execution of job as per documentation schedule attached at Annexure- 8.

20.02 Detailed fabrication drawings shall be prepared by Contractor clearly indicating

all design data, nozzle data, details of all parts with tolerances, all welding joints
details and detailed bill of materials etc. Location of weld seams, construction
notes, welding processes, detailed specification of electrodes including NDT
tests etc. as applicable shall be clearly indicated in the drawing. Fabrication
drawing shall also indicate layout of bottom plates, shell plates and roof plates,
detail of suspended deck, bill of material for the complete tank with weight of
each parts, all civil load data i.e. empty weight, operating weight & hydrotest
weight of the equipment including base shear force and base moment for civil
foundation design. Contractor shall also submit the P&ID of the storage system
with existing system, piping layout, piping plan, line wise piping isometric
drawings, piping bill of material (BOM), pipe support details etc. Drawing
submitted for approval must be completed in all respects and thoroughly
checked and approved by Contractor’s competent authority before submitting to

i) All drawings shall be submitted in AUTOCAD format (latest edition) and to

the scale.
ii) All documents / drawings shall be in English language and in Metric

Further, the following documentation shall be submitted by Contractor for

review & approval as per GNFC’s requirement / specifications besides other
documentation listed elsewhere.

a) 4 sets of hard copies of GA drawing, design calculation etc. with soft

copies to M/s GNFC for review.

b) 4 sets of all final documents such as design calculations, fabrication

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drawings, test certificates, material test reports, repair procedure along with
the reproducible & soft copies, hard copies etc. shall be properly arranged,
indexed and bound in one folder and submitted to owner. All fabricated
drawings to be furnished in *.DWG/DXE format on rewritable CD of reputed


21.01 All tie-in points in the existing piping system will be provided with an isolation

21.02 Safety permit and Manpower permit for job execution.

21.03 Area for Contractor’s site office, fabrication and storage of construction materials.

21.04 Electrical power & plant air at one point near the tank site on free of cost basis

21.05 Assistance staffs during pre-commissioning /commissioning of tank.

21.06 Hydro test water, Nitrogen, Vapor Ammonia & Liquid Ammonia required for
testing and commissioning.


22.01 All pre-fabricated materials and bought-out items shall be suitably packaged
and preserved for inland shipment & transportation from the point of origin to
the project site. The pre-fabricated materials and bought-out items shall be
prepared and packed in suitably sized lots for shipment. In general, pre-
fabricated items shall be shipped / transported within generally acceptable
shipping / transportation limits.

22.02 Packaging shall be sufficient to permit the safe handling and stacking of boxes,
crates, containers and bundles during inland shipment and outdoor storage at
the project site.

22.03 The contractor shall preserve and protect pre-fabricated materials and bought-
out items so as to prevent corrosion and deterioration due to the effects of
adverse environmental conditions during shipment / transportation, storage and
construction. The effects of environmental conditions such as rain, high
humidity, water splashing, sunlight and mild dew shall be taken into
consideration. The effects of rough handling, jolting and impact must also be

22.04 All parts shall be tagged or marked with the item number for which it is
intended. All such parts shall be suitably indexed, boxed and shipped /

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22.05 All materials shall be dispatched to site with proper identification mark as per
fabrication drawing, and material shall be identifiable throughout the fabrication.


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