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Brochure MIT xPRO ARVR 30-08-22 V21

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Learn the key design principles for creating VR/AR applications

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There is rapidly growing demand for skilled professionals who are proficient in extended reality (XR) technologies — a
term that encompasses virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). According to Mordor
Intelligence, the XR market is expected to increase from USD 26.05 billion in 2020 to USD 463.7 billion by 2026, a
compound annual growth rate of almost 63%.

What's driving this growth? Companies on the cutting edge recognize that XR has the capability to reinvent the way
we communicate, experience gaming and other forms of entertainment, and transform industries such as healthcare,
real estate, retail, and e-commerce.

With the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality online program, MIT xPRO provides a comprehensive introduction to XR
technologies. Valuable insights from a distinguished MIT faculty member and industry leaders will help you acquire the
essential vocabulary of XR concepts and expand your knowledge of XR system elements. That includes not just design
principles, approaches, and processes, but also the ability to consider users' needs and values in XR design and
incorporate them into specific VR/AR applications.

Furthermore, MIT xPRO's Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality provides introductory, hands-on experience with XR
system development, including using XR concepts and design principles to understand XR applications. As a result, you
will be better positioned to conceive XR system ideas, communicate them with developers, and make recommendations
to clients and other key stakeholders.

USD 2,600 8 weeks
5–6 hours per week

23 million
Projected number of jobs that will be enhanced
by VR and AR technologies by 2030
(Source: Statistica)
Program Highlights
Earn a certificate and 4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from MIT xPRO

Insights from renowned MIT faculty and experts

Activities and assignments in each module demonstrate your understanding

of concepts

Learn to define, visualize, and pitch your XR game concept

New information is connected to existing knowledge and real-world tasks

Services Offered By Emeritus

Live weekly office hours with learning facilitators

Personalized feedback, support, and network development

Who Is This Program For?
This eight-week program is ideal for seasoned professionals who want to expand their learning horizons and
explore the rapidly growing field of XR technologies:

Designers: Leaders and managers: Developers:

3D UX/UI interaction designers Industry leaders and managers Unity developers, app developers,
looking to expand their knowledge focused on VR/AR product and 3D developers focused on
base and gain a technical development who want to have VR/AR apps and experiences who
understanding of how computer more informed conversations with want to expand their technical
graphics function, particularly in developers and engineers about knowledge of XR technologies and
gaming applications, and advance improving user experience for their practical applications, such
their careers by learning how to existing products and services as learning how to create a
build end-to-end XR solutions for through VR/AR features, and by complete XR project pitch for their
client organizations and construct offering new innovations clients
a VR environment

Prior knowledge of Unity and C# programming language are not required, but they are welcomed.

*Participants must be 18 or above to apply for this program.

“ VR and AR are remarkable technologies that blend the imagination with the
physical world — they are also already frequently used for business,
communication learning, training, research, and in the creative industries. Now

that these technologies are achieving much more widespread adoption, it’s
important for industry workforces to be at the vanguard of VR/AR understanding,
use, innovation, and impact.
– D. Fox Harrell, Ph.D., Director of the MIT Center for Advanced Virtuality;
Professor of Digital Media and AI at MIT

Key Takeaways
Over the course of this eight-week program, you will learn the principles of designing effective and engaging XR
experiences that are inclusive and promote social good. Specifically:

You will acquire the essential vocabulary and knowledge of XR concepts to communicate
meaningfully with different stakeholders.

You will expand your knowledge of XR system elements in addition to design principles,
approaches, and processes. Crucially, you will also learn to consider users’ needs and values
in XR design.

You will apply XR concepts and design principles to create high-fidelity XR prototypes.

In the process, you will gain some introductory

hands-on experience with XR system development
and better understand how to conceive XR system
development ideas and communicate with developers.

You will learn how to ensure that your technologies

are inclusive and promote the social good.

Finally, you will explore the broader implications of

XR technologies, including the new opportunities
they provide, enabling you to make recommendations
to clients and other key audiences.

Program Schedule
The eight modules that comprise MIT xPRO's Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality program will help you to:
• Communicate XR concepts and recommendations to clients and other key audiences.
• Integrate visual design elements, user needs, values, and considerations of social impact in the
design and development of XR systems.
• Apply XR concepts and XR design principles to create (design, develop, and evaluate) high-fidelity XR prototypes.
• Explain the broader implications of, and opportunities provided by, XR technologies.

Module 1
Introduction to Technologies of Virtuality
We start by introducing you to fundamental XR concepts, characteristics, and questions, such as: "What is virtuality?"
and "Are virtual experiences real experiences?" You will also:
• Begin building your understanding of the conceptual and technological relationships between VR, AR, MR,
and XR.
• Explore XR experiences along with XR hardware and software.
• Learn about XR applications across different industries.

Module 2
Producing VR and AR Experiences I: Design Overview
Get a big picture of XR experience design. You will:
• Become well versed in the key terms used in the XR design process.
• Explore key design elements, principles, and approaches.
• Learn to consider users’ needs and values in design.

Module 3
Producing VR and AR Experiences II: Design Processes
In this deeper dive into XR design processes, you will:
• Learn how to build prototypes and get hands-on experience creating a prototype, a use case for a VR system,
and a mood board for an XR game on a topic of your choice.
• Try out digital and immersive authoring tools for XR design.

Module 4
XR Apps Development
Next, you will gain high-level experience with XR system development fundamentals so that you can better conceive
XR system development ideas and communicate with developers. Specifically, you will:
• Experiment with different techniques for capturing 3D spaces and structuring user interactions.
• Learn aspects of development for multiple types of XR (e.g., photo-based and computer graphics-based), including
key considerations and trade-offs.

Module 5
Game Development
The immersive nature of XR technology and the potential for creative storytelling has led to rapid adoption by the
gaming industry — and industry with a global revenue that now far outstrips the film industry. To help understand
how XR professionals can learn from the powerful gaming industry, whether you work in that industry or not, you will:
• Examine the concept of games and their relevance in different settings — and how that translates across games
in an XR development platform.
• Pitch a concept for an XR game and build a prototype of a narrative XR game scenario.

Module 6
XR Communication and Social Applications
The promise and peril of XR systems for social impact require thoughtful consideration. To understand why, you will:
• Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of XR for communication and collaboration.
• Study principles for designing effective collaborative work in computational environments.
• Compare user and environment representations in XR.
• Practice being mindful of our responsibility to consider inclusive design and socio-ethical issues in XR
experience design.

Module 7
Evaluating XR Systems
This module addresses both the "Why?" and the "How?" of XR system evaluations. You will:
• Study the aims and methods of evaluating XR systems.
• Determine which evaluation methods to use for different XR applications or games.
• Analyze how XR hardware and software can be used to evaluate and enhance user experiences, and how they
might be used in evaluating XR design.
Module 8
Broader Implications of XR
The final module examines the broader implications of XR. You will:
• Explore how computational technologies can integrate simulated experiences with the physical world, particularly
beyond experiences enabled by XR technologies, such as VR headsets.
• Review how AI, fictitious worlds, and XR technologies can help us learn and work better virtually, even in
non-remote settings.
• Learn how to assess whether ideas are innovative enough to justify creating or deploying XR technologies.

Activities and Assignments

Each module includes engaging activities and assignments that you’ll complete based on what you have learned in that
portion of the program.


VR/AR Experiences Try-It Activities Peer Discussions Interactive Quizzes


• Communicating XR in a Professional Context

• Putting it Together: Understanding the Big Picture of VR Design
• Understanding Design Through Critique
• XR App Development
• Building a Game Prototype
• Integrating XR Into Remote Work
• Practicing Quantitative and Qualitative XR System Evaluation
• Innovating With XR Technology

System and Applications Requirements

To experience VR apps, you will need to purchase a VR headset, such as the Merge VR Headset (compatible with
most iOS and Android smartphones; preferred; phones from 123mm to 156mm).

To test if your mobile device is VR/AR compatible, visit

To experience VR/AR apps, your mobile phone must have an iPhone Operating System (iOS) or Android Operating
System (OS) with a camera.

Other headsets that may be used to experience VR/AR include:

HTC Vive | Oculus Quest | PlayStation VR | Magic Leap | Microsoft HoloLens

In addition, as you progress through the program, you will need to install trial and/or free software required for
making XR components, such as Unity Personal and Qlone. For example, to view the 360-degree prototypes you
will make in Module 3, you will need to download the VR Media Player for Android or the VR Player for iPhone

Learning Methods
MIT world-renowned faculty and credentialed guest speakers provide a rich learning environment. The MIT xPRO approach

• Activities and assessments that tap into learners’ prior knowledge and experience

• Authentic assessments that include scenario-based learning activities, hands-on try-it activities, and mini-makes

• Motivational design of learning by providing relevance to what participants are learning and offering them choices to
pursue projects based on their interests

• Chunking of content into small portions to support novice learners

• Setting clear expectations so learners know exactly what they are supposed to do to earn credit for completion

• Building a community of learning and inquiry to foster critical and creative thinking through social learning

• Weekly knowledge checks, self-study learning activities, and feedback surveys that are designed to provide opportunities
for ongoing feedback

• Learners have concrete experiences with VR/AR apps and are immersed in VR/AR environments

• Learners learn by "doing" and critically reflecting on the "doing"

Program Faculty

Professor D. Fox Harrell’s research focuses on pioneering new

forms of computational media, such as interactive narrative
technologies, virtual and augmented reality systems,
videogames for social change, and simulations of social
phenomena. His research also results in new AI-based tools
for analyzing social phenomena in computational media.

By taking both a design and analysis approach to his work,

Prof. Harrell is able to build systems that simulate social and
learning phenomena in ways that are engaging, dynamic, and
personalized. He then builds analytical tools using AI and
other statistical mathematical approaches to identify trends,
biases, and diverse user needs. From there, he can develop
new principles for design applicable to both academia and
industry, as well as build his own computational media

Prof. Harrell holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Cognitive

Science from the University of California, San Diego; a
master's degree in Interactive Telecommunications from New
York University; and both a B.S. in Logic and Computation and
a B.F.A. in Art (electronic and time-based media) from
Carnegie Mellon University. Prof. Harrell has also worked as an
interactive television producer and game designer. He and his
center received an Emmy award in the “Interactive
Documentary” category. He received a National Science
Foundation CAREER Award for his project, “Computing for
Advanced Identity Representation.” His book, Phantasmal
Media: An Approach to Imagination, Computation, and
Expression, was published by the MIT Press.

Professor of Digital Media & Artificial
Intelligence, Comparative Studies Program
and Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL); Director of
the MIT Center for Advanced Virtuality

Guest Speakers

Antoine is a French producer with 15 years of experience creating

immersive works, transmedia documentaries, short films, music videos,
and high-end commercials. His company specializes in the development,
production, and distribution of VR, AR, and MR works. His award-winning
projects include Gloomy Eyes (Annecy Cristal 2019, SXSW best narrative
2019), Spheres (Venice International Film Festival Grand Prize 2018), and
Vestige (Peabody Award 2019). Antoine was also the founder and CEO of
Fatcat Films, a company he sold to the audiovisual group Première Heure.

Co-Founder and Producer, Atlas V

Allison Crank is a UX designer and researcher exploring the intersection

of art, technology, and architecture. Currently, she works as a freelance
UX designer for video games and immersive experiences and builds tools
for interactive narrative storytelling.

Previously, she was head of digital experiences at wowl, an XR studio

based in Switzerland that specializes in commercial experiences for
luxury brands, and was a design researcher at the EPFL+ECAL lab, a
design research lab for digital innovation leading a two-year HCI research
project on designing immersive experiences for public space – in
ALLISON CRANK particular, for the UNESCO-recognized Montreux Jazz digital archives.

Former Head of Digital Experiences,

She also researches HCI for public spaces and teaches at the AA Visiting
School and the HSLU in Lucerne.

Andrea is an interdisciplinary researcher and multimedia artist based in
Los Angeles. Her work explores avatar embodiment, virtual idols, and
cultural theory, with a focus on identity in social VR and XR performance.
She earned a master’s degree from the MIT Comparative Media Studies
Program (S.M.) and an undergraduate degree from the Duke University
Literature Program (B.A.). Her digital media work ranges from immersive
(XR) and participatory to civic media forms. Previously, she worked with
the Center for Global Women's Health Technologies at Duke University as
the director of The (In)visible Organ, a documentary film and arts-based
ANDREA KIM reproductive health education initiative.

Documentary Media Artist and

Fulbright Research Fellow, Seoul
Institute of the Arts

An inventor, engineer, and entrepreneur at heart, Vik desires to positively

change how we interact using technology. He leads engineering teams
through the full product journey from ideation through research,
prototyping, engineering, and QA to production. While a graduate
researcher at the MIT Media Lab, Vik developed multimodal XR interfaces
and photonics for holographic displays. He also served as the team
captain of the award-winning MIT Hyperloop II team, where he drove the
development of the world's first autonomous electric hovercraft for Elon
Musk's SpaceX and The Boring Company. His work has been featured in
MIT, Wired magazine, TEDx, and The University of Texas at Austin.
Director of Product and Innovation
at Arrow Electronics | Digital SaaS;
Research Affiliate at MIT

Get recognized! Upon successful completion of this
program, MIT xPRO grants a certificate of completion
to participants and 4 Continuing Education Units

(CEUs). This program is graded as a pass or fail;

participants must receive 75% to pass and obtain the

certificate of completion. This is to certify that

Your Name

has successfully completed

After successful completion of the program, your verified Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Awarded 4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
digital certificate will be emailed to you, at no additional Date

cost, in the name you used when registering for the Eric Grimson D. Fox Harrell

program. All certificate images are for illustrative

Vice President for Open Learning Professor of Digital Media & Artificial
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Intelligence, Comparative Studies Program
and Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL); and Director
of the MIT Center for Advanced Virtuality

purposes only and may be subject to change at the

discretion of MIT.

About MIT xPRO

MIT xPRO's online learning programs leverage vetted content from world-renowned experts to make learning
accessible anytime, anywhere. Designed using cutting-edge research in the neuroscience of learning, MIT xPRO
programs are helping professionals build their skills on the job. To explore the full catalog of MIT xPRO courses
and programs, visit

About Emeritus
MIT xPRO is collaborating with online education provider Emeritus to deliver this online program through a
dynamic, interactive, digital learning platform. This program leverages MIT xPRO's thought leadership in
engineering and management practice developed over years of research, teaching, and practice.

You can schedule a call with a program advisor
from Emeritus to learn more about this CONNECT WITH A
MIT xPRO program.
Phone: +1-617-855-1045
You can apply for the program here


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