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Chronic Hepatitis B NEJM 2022

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Review Article

Dan L. Longo, M.D., Editor

New Approaches to Chronic Hepatitis B

Geoffrey Dusheiko, M.D., Kosh Agarwal, M.D., and Mala K. Maini, M.D., Ph.D.​​

hronic hepatitis B is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), a hepa- From University College London (G.D.),
totropic DNA virus that can replicate at high levels and cause minimal Kings College Hospital London (G.D.,
K.A.), Kings College London (K.A.), and
disease or severe liver injury. The clinical spectrum of chronic hepatitis B the Institute of Immunity and Transplan-
ranges from no symptoms to progressive hepatic fibrosis, advanced cirrhosis, and tation, University College London (M.K.M.)
hepatocellular carcinoma. An estimated 296 million people have chronic hepatitis — all in London. Dr. Dusheiko can be
contacted at ­g​.­dusheiko@​­ucl​.­ac​.­uk or at
B, of whom 221 million live in low- and middle-income countries.1 Without inter- Kings College Hospital, Denmark Hill,
vention, deaths from HBV are expected to peak at 1.14 million by 2035.2 London SE5 NRS, United Kingdom.

This article was updated on January 5,

2023, at
V irol ogic Fe at ur es of HBV
N Engl J Med 2023;388:55-69.
HBV is a partially double-stranded DNA virus. The life cycle and therapeutic tar- DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra2211764
gets are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The spherical 42-nm virion comprises an enve- Copyright © 2023 Massachusetts Medical Society.

lope that is outside a 30-nm nucleocapsid that encloses a circular 3.2-kb DNA
genome. The lipid bilayer of the virion envelope incorporates the large (42-kD)
hepatitis B virus surface protein (LHBs), the medium (33-kD) surface protein
(MHBs), and the small (26-kD) surface protein (SHBs). The minus-strand HBV
DNA genome is synthesized by reverse transcription of the 3.5-kb pregenomic
RNA (pgRNA), after copackaging of the pgRNA and HBV polymerase inside the
icosahedral nucleocapsids.
The RNA primer can remain bound to the direct repeat 1 region to prime linear
double-stranded DNA synthesis.3 Linear double-stranded integrants of the HBV
DNA genome are integrated into the hepatocyte genome at sites of DNA breaks.
The linear genomes do not circularize, and integrated HBV DNA is therefore un-
able to produce progeny virus. However, the randomly dispersed integrated HBV
genomes act as a source of subgenomic RNA transcripts encoding LHBs, MHBs,
SHBs, and possibly HBx. Integration could favor viral persistence, since the hepa-
titis B surface antigen (HBsAg) burden transcribed from integrated genomes may
contribute to T-cell and B-cell exhaustion. Insertion into hepatocellular DNA may
contribute to the pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma by invoking a cis-
mediated oncogenic mechanism, driving downstream cellular transcription, or
through trans-mediated expression of viral proteins, particularly HBx.4,5

Natur al History and Immunopathogenesis of Hepatitis B

HBV generally causes a self-limiting illness in adults, with viral control mediated
primarily by the adaptive immune response.6 In contrast, more than 90% of cases
of perinatal infection develop into chronic infection. The hierarchical contribution
of causal pathways of chronicity and immunopathogenesis is poorly understood.7
Persistent viral replication cannot be contained by the depleted and defective HBV-
specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell response that results from the combination of high
antigen-dose exhaustion and liver-tolerizing pathways, including inhibitory check-
points (e.g., programmed death 1 [PD-1]), regulatory cells, and metabolic dysfunction.8

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virion HBV
virion Blood vessel

Receptor binding Hepatocyte

Entry inhibitor
Uncoating ER–Golgi intermediate Assembly HBsAg filamentous
SMC5/6 compartment and spherical non–DNA
NAPs containing particles

Nuclear import 22-nm subviral

HBsAg assembly
HBV integration linear HBV DNA DNA HBV
synthesis virion
Host DNA


3.5-kb pgRNA

RNA interference

Figure 1. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Life Cycle.

The life cycle of HBV and the site of action of entry inhibitors, nucleoside analogues, RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutic agents, cap-
sid assembly modulators (CAMs), and nucleic acid polymers (NAPs) are shown. The infectious virion attaches by binding of the pre-S1
domain of the large HBV surface protein (LHBs) to the hepatocyte entry receptor (NTCP [sodium–taurocholate cotransporting polypep-
tide]). The nucleocapsid is disassembled in the nucleus, releasing relaxed circular DNA (rcDNA). The rcDNA genome is repaired to form
a covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) minichromosome. The pregenomic RNA (pgRNA) is packaged within the nucleocapsid and
reversely transcribed to minus-strand HBV DNA to begin replication. The pgRNA is also enveloped and secreted. The viral capsids are
enveloped with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and released as virions. Capsids containing rcDNA shuttle back to the nucleus and
replenish the cccDNA reservoir. Transcription from the cccDNA minichromosome is subject to epigenetic and HBx protein regulation.
Double-stranded linear DNA HBV genomes can integrate into the hepatocyte genome at sites of DNA breaks. ER denotes endoplasmic
reticulum, and SMC5/6 structural maintenance of chromosomes 5 and 6.

B-cell–depleting therapy with rituximab high- ase levels despite high levels of viremia (>7 log10 IU
lights the contribution of memory B cells to HBV per milliliter) reflect the noncytopathic nature of
control; antibodies against HBsAg are inade- HBV. The absence of inflammation in this phase
quately produced by dysfunctional HBsAg-specific has been considered indicative of immunologic
B cells.9-11 tolerance.13 The observation that adolescents have
Several disease phases are recognized on the some functional HBV-specific T cells provides
basis of serum aminotransferase levels, hepatitis B evidence against central tolerance.6,14 Discernible
e antigen (HBeAg) status, HBV DNA levels, and HBV integrants and clonal expansion of hepato-
histologic characterization or noninvasive meth- cytes suggest progressive disease.15
ods (Table 1). None of the current phase termi- HBeAg-positive disease is characterized by
nologies are fully consistent with the virologic or elevated HBV DNA levels (typically 5 to 7 log10 IU
immunologic stages of the disease, but these per milliliter) and abnormal aminotransferase
definitions serve as indicators of clinical pheno- levels, with exacerbations leading to necroin-
types and treatment.12 flammation and hepatic fibrosis. Spontaneous
HBeAg-positive infection occurs predominant- HBeAg seroconversion occurs in approximately
ly in young persons. Near-normal aminotransfer- 15% of cases per annum. Depending on the tim-

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New Approaches to Chronic Hepatitis B

ing, the transition to HBeAg-negative, inactive nating from covalently closed circular DNA
infection reduces the risk of progression, but the (cccDNA) and HBsAg derived from integrated
disease necessitates longitudinal monitoring.16 viral genomes.18 HBV DNA levels are an indicator
Conversely, HBeAg seroconversion can augur a of HBV replication, used to identify the phase of
change to HBeAg-negative disease, with muta- chronic hepatitis B infection, determine indica-
tions in the precore or basal core promoter tions for treatment, and assess the efficacy of
down-regulating HBeAg, despite continued HBV antiviral therapy.
replication.17 HBsAg levels can remain high HBcAg induces both B-cell and T-cell respons-
(>1000 IU per milliliter), which reflects expres- es; anti-HBc indicates exposure to hepatitis B.
sion predominantly from integrated HBV ge- HBeAg is a secreted HBV protein, derived from
nomes.18 Spontaneous seroclearance of HBsAg the HBcAg reading frame with the use of the
has been associated with improved clinical out- first of the two start codons, but is not required
comes but is infrequent (accounting for an esti- to maintain infection (Fig. 3). HBeAg in serum
mated 1 to 2% of cases per year).19 signals high levels of replication and infectivity,
The annual incidence of hepatocellular carci- but since HBeAg expression is affected at the
noma is low among patients without cirrhosis transcriptional, translational, and post-transla-
but is increased, to up to 10%, among those tional levels, it may not necessarily correlate
with cirrhosis.20 Although there is a linear rela- with HBV DNA levels.
tionship between HBV DNA levels and the risks HBV has 10 listed genotypes and at least 24
of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma among subtypes. The evolution and distribution of HBV
HBeAg-negative patients,21 among HBeAg-posi- genotypes and subtypes can be traced to com-
tive patients, the immediate risk is lower for those plex introductions into host populations, as well
with HBV DNA levels exceeding 8 log10 IU per as to the movement of people in recent years.24-26
milliliter than for those with HBV DNA levels of HBV genotypes and subtypes influence clinical
5 to 7 log10 IU per milliliter.22 In HBeAg-positive outcomes, including HBeAg and HBsAg sero-
patients with active disease, the infection is conversion rates, mutational patterns in the pre-
likely to be transitioning from a low inflamma- core and core promoter regions, the risks of
tory–high replicative state to a different immu- cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, and the
nologic phenotype and phase. The transition is treatment response.27
characterized by a decrease in HBV DNA levels
and an increase in necroinflammatory damage, Quantitative HBsAg
which lead to an increase in hepatocyte turnover Low HBV DNA levels (<2000 IU per milliliter),
(and to the gradual selection of HBeAg-negative plus low HBsAg levels (<1000 IU per milliliter)
variants). and normal serum aminotransferase levels, sig-
nify an improved outcome. Long-read sequences
indicate that integrated HBV DNA becomes the
Di agnos t ic M a r k er s
predominant source of HBsAg in HBeAg-nega-
HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-HBc (antibodies against tive infection.16 Higher HBsAg levels increase the
hepatitis B core antigen [HBcAg]), and hepatitis risk of hepatocellular carcinoma among patients
B DNA are established markers of chronic hepa- with low HBV DNA levels,28 a finding that could
titis B (Table 1). Serologic assays for HBsAg de- reflect active transcription from accumulated
tect virion and subviral particles in blood. Non– HBV integrants and potentially influence carcino-
DNA-containing subviral HBsAg particles greatly genesis.
outnumber virions.23 SHBs antigen is the pre-
dominant component of 22-nm spherical parti- New Markers of cccDNA Transcription
cles; virion particles are enriched in LHBs anti- Although several technologies for quantifying
gen. The isoforms cannot be identified by cccDNA in liver tissue are in development, no
current immunoassays, which target the com- accepted quantitative standard is available.29 In-
mon antigenic epitope within the “a” determi- stead, two new serum markers, HBV RNA and
nant of HBsAg protein. Neither can current HBV core-related antigen (HBcrAg), can be used
HBsAg assays distinguish between HBsAg origi- to estimate transcription from cccDNA.30

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Engineered T cells Infused anti-HBs Exhausted endogenous
antibodies HBV-specific T cells
NK cell
cell PD-1

Infused soluble TCR

virion cccDNA

HBV integration


Blood vessel
anti-HBs antibodies
TLR 7/8
Dysfunctional endogenous
HBs-specific B cells Immunoregulatory cells
Memory antigen NK cell PD-L1 cells
B cell
Exhausted endogenous TRAIL cytokines
TCR HBV-specific T cells MDSC
Tfh PD-1 Antiviral cytokines
Therapeutic CD8 TCR

HBV RNA have a minimal effect on cccDNA transcription

During HBV replication, pgRNA is reversely tran- to pgRNA, HBV RNA remains detectable for
scribed to minus-strand DNA. However, a minor- years during treatment.35
ity of pgRNA transcripts are not transcribed but
are encapsidated, releasing HBV RNA–contain- HBcrAg
ing capsids into serum. Several methods are HBcrAg measures a composite of HBeAg, HBcAg,
available for quantitating pgRNA31; two higher- and p22cr protein (a 22-kD truncated core pro-
throughput assays have been developed.32,33 tein). The components of HBcrAg thus originate
Increased levels of HBV RNA are present in exclusively from HBV cccDNA (Fig. 3).36 Serum
HBeAg-positive infection. HBV RNA correlates HBcrAg is measured by means of a chemilumi-
poorly with HBsAg levels in HBeAg-negative nescent enzyme immunoassay (Lumipulse G sys-
persons because of HBsAg derived from inte- tem, Fujirebio) with an analytic range between
grated genomes.34 Since nucleoside analogues 3.0 and 6.8 log10 U per milliliter. A more sensi-

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New Approaches to Chronic Hepatitis B

Figure 2 (facing page). Potential Molecular and Immuno- Cur r en t A n t i v ir a l T r e atmen t

therapeutic Targets.
Indications for Treatment
Immunotherapies aim to revive endogenous, exhausted
HBV-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells and dysfunctional The major guidelines base treatment on serum
HBsAg-specific memory B cells or replace them with aminotransferase and HBV DNA levels and on
exogenous supplies of specific effectors (dashed red
the severity of liver disease.39-41 Consistency among
box). Therapeutic vaccination should stimulate HBV-
specific CD8 T cells (for cytolytic and cytokine-mediated guidelines is confounded by their complexity
HBV control), CD4 responses (including follicular helper and differences in set points. Simplified guide-
T [Tfh] cells to support humoral immunity), and HBsAg- lines are required for the expansion of program-
specific memory B cells to differentiate into plasma matic access to testing and treatment. Although
cells that are able to produce anti–hepatitis B surface
several factors affect the outcome, prospective
(anti-HBs) antibodies. Anti-HBs antibodies can neutral-
ize virions to block their entry but can also be absorbed and retrospective studies have shown that an HBV
by large quantities of circulating subviral particles of DNA level of more than 2000 IU per milliliter is
HBsAg. Endogenous HBV-specific T cells are constrained a strong predictor of cirrhosis and hepatocellu-
by checkpoints such as programmed death 1 (PD-1); lar carcinoma.42 Patients with HBV DNA levels
the PD-1 ligand (PD-L1) is expressed by multiple cell
under 2000 IU per milliliter and normal amino-
types in the liver (including myeloid cells, liver-resident
natural killer [NK] cells, and hepatocytes). Checkpoint transferase levels are at lower risk for these
inhibitors can release the breaks on endogenous immu- conditions.21 All guidelines recommend treat-
nity in combination with vaccines or toll-like receptor ment for patients with cirrhosis and detectable
(TLR) agonists. Oral TLR7/8 agonists activate myeloid HBV DNA.
cells to produce immunomodulatory cytokines, which
The guidelines have not recommended treat-
have antiviral potential (directly and through T cells and
NK cells) but can also expand immunoregulatory cells ment for “immunotolerant” HBeAg-positive pa-
(e.g., TRAIL [tumor necrosis factor–related apoptosis- tients, because the immediate risk is low. Accu-
inducing ligand] plus NK cells, PD-L1 plus myeloid-­ mulating evidence suggests that new norms
derived suppressor cells [MDSC], and regulatory T cells apply, since a higher risk of hepatocellular carci-
[Treg]) that constrain effectors. Infused soluble, affinity-
noma has been reported among untreated im-
matured, bispecific T-cell receptors (TCRs) harness local
T cells to target infected hepatocytes. Adoptively trans- munotolerant patients than among matched
ferred TCR-engineered T cells are being tested for HBV- treated cohorts.22 Treatment for all patients with
related hepatocellular carcinoma. Broadly neutralizing HBV DNA levels exceeding 2000 IU per milliliter
anti-HBs antibodies can be infused for virion and HBsAg confers several benefits, including circumvent-
neutralization and antibody-dependent cellular phago-
ing the transition to active disease, reducing
cytosis and can be engineered to enhance dendritic-cell
cross-presentation for a T-cell “vaccinal” effect. transcriptionally active integrations, and induc-
ing a slow decline in the cccDNA pool43 and
hepatic clone size to prevent hepatocellular car-
cinoma.44 Treatment of young adults would also
tive assay, with a limit of detection of 2.1 log10 U decrease sexual transmission, as well as vertical
per milliliter, has been developed.37 transmission from a mother to her infant. The
Although their clinical relevance is still be- benefit may be smaller for those at lower risk,
ing defined, HBV RNA and HBcrAg identify but any negative effect of prolonged antiviral
active cccDNA transcription and have the po- therapy could in the future be mitigated by fi-
tential both to identify patients at increased nite, curative treatment regimens.
risk for progressive disease and to predict re-
lapse after cessation of nucleoside analogue Nucleoside Analogues
therapy.35,38 These markers overcome the limita- Tenofovir, tenofovir alafenamide, and entecavir
tions of quantitative HBsAg (an inaccurate in- compete with the endogenous nucleotide sub-
dicator of cccDNA in HBeAg-negative patients), strate to bind the active site of the HBV poly-
HBV DNA, and HBeAg (a marker subject to merase, disrupting the 5′ to 3′ phosphodiester
genomic change). Both HBcrAg and HBV RNA linkage and terminating DNA chain elongation.
could potentially be used to separate HBeAg- Tenofovir alafenamide is a phosphoramidite pro-
negative disease from less active infection, re- drug of tenofovir. Liver targeting of the conge-
fining indications for treatment. ner reduces systemic exposure.

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Table 1. Phases of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection, Nomenclature, and Biomarkers.*

Variable Phase

HBeAg-Positive Chronic HBeAg-Positive Chronic HBeAg-Negative HBeAg-Negative

HBV Infection Hepatitis B Chronic HBV Infection Chronic Hepatitis B “Gray Zone” Occult Hepatitis B
Other phase names Immune tolerant Immune (re)active Inactive carrier state HBeAg-negative disease Indeterminate None
Serologic testing
HBsAg Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Negative
Quantitative HBsAg 3.5–4.5 3.5–4.5 2.5–3.5 2–3 2–3 Negative
(log10 IU/ml)†
HBeAg Positive Positive Negative Negative Negative Negative

HBe antibodies Negative Negative Positive Positive Positive May be positive

HBV DNA (IU/ml) Typically >107 Typically >105 to 107 <103 Typically >103 to ≤105 2 × 103 (3.3 log10) to Low, at detection limit
2 × 104 (4.3 log10)
Alanine aminotransferase Near ULN Elevated Near ULN Elevated Fluctuates near ULN Near ULN
Histologic features on Minimal necroinflam- Moderate-to-severe necroin- Minimal necroinflam- Moderate-to-severe Minimal or low necroin- Usually minimal or low
liver biopsy mation or fibrosis flammation and varying mation and fibrosis necroinflammation flammation necroinflammation; fi-
degrees of fibrosis or fibrosis brosis can be present
cccDNA (assumed copy Relatively high Relatively high Relatively low, or tran- Relatively low, or tran- Relatively low, or tran- Data uncertain
no./cell)‡ scriptional activity scriptional activity scriptional activity
Integrated HBV DNA§ Present Present Present and accounts Present and accounts Present Present
for majority of for majority of
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l


The New England Journal of Medicine


HBcrAg level High High Low or undetected Lower than HBeAg- May be detected Data not available
positive states
HBV RNA level High High Low or undetected Lower than HBeAg- May be detected Data not available

n engl j med 388;1  January 5, 2023

positive states

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m e dic i n e

* The abbreviation cccDNA denotes covalently closed circular DNA, HBcrAg HBV core-related antigen, HBeAg hepatitis B e antigen, HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen, and ULN upper
limit of the normal range.
† Quantitative HBsAg levels are derived from baseline data in clinical trials of small interfering RNA. Ranges can vary significantly in HBeAg-negative patients, depending on the HBV
genotype and HBsAg expression.
‡ The low number of infected cells in some HBeAg-negative patients, the low cccDNA copy number (1 to 10 per infected cell), and the lack of standards for quantitation allow only a
qualitative assumption of cccDNA copy number.
§ The presence of integrated HBV DNA is usually assumed.

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New Approaches to Chronic Hepatitis B

HBV open reading frames

Core Pre-S1 Pre-S2 S X
Integrated HBV DNA cccDNA
RNA transcripts Protein products
3.5-kb RNA
Precore RNA Precore HBeAg

Subgenomic RNAs pgRNA Polymerase and core

pgRNA 2.4-kb pre-S1 mRNA LHBs
2.1-kb pre-S2/S mRNA MHBs and SHBs

0.7-kb X mRNA X HBx

Liver HBV HBsAg
virion From integrations
(pre-S and HBx)?


HBcAg HBeAg pgRNA-containing Subviral
particle HBV virions particles
HBsAg 22-nm
subviral particles

Figure 3. HBV Genome Open Reading Frames, RNA Transcripts, Protein Products, and Biomarkers.
The cccDNA serves as the template for transcription of pgRNA and subgenomic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) and encodes the large, me-
dium, and small surface proteins, precore hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg), and core, polymerase, and X proteins. The linear delineation of
the four HBV open reading frames is shown (colored boxes), as are the dual sources of HBsAg from integrated HBV DNA and cccDNA.
The mRNA transcripts derived from cccDNA and integrated viral genomes are also shown. The protein products are listed. Biomarkers
in serum, including HBsAg, HBeAg, HBV RNA, and HBV core-related antigen (HBcrAg), are shown at the bottom of the figure. (Untran-
scribed pgRNA is also secreted.) The polymerase open reading frame encodes the large polymerase and core protein. Hepatitis B core
antigen (HBcAg) and HBeAg are two translation products of the precore–core open reading frame that share homologous amino acid
sequences but have different properties. The core proteins are assembled in the nucleocapsid. Translation from the upstream initiation
codon and processing from the precore protein result in HBeAg, a soluble, dimeric protein that is secreted into serum. The first 19 aa
of the extra 29 aa encoded by the precore region serve as the signal peptide directing the precore–core protein to the secretory pathway.
A 2.4-kb pre-S1 mRNA transcript encodes the LHBs protein, a 2.1-kb pre-S2/S mRNA encodes the medium surface HBV (MHBs) protein
and the small surface (SHBs) protein, and a 0.7-kb X mRNA encodes the X protein. The transcripts from cccDNA are shown with a com-
mon polyadenylation site. The S transcripts from HBV integrations indicate transcription from chromosomal DNA.

Nucleoside analogues are safe and effective.45 hepatitis B and decompensated cirrhosis. They
Decreases in renal function and bone mineral can be prescribed at appropriate doses in pa-
density may occur with tenofovir, effects that are tients with renal failure and in children and
lessened in trials of tenofovir alafenamide.46 adolescents. Other indications include preven-
Current guidelines suggest a change to entecavir tion of HBV reactivation during immunosup-
or tenofovir alafenamide for patients who are pressive treatment. Prevention of a recurrence
older than 60 years of age or have renal dysfunc- after liver transplantation by means of preemp-
tion. Cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein tive nucleoside analogue treatment is now the
levels increase after a switch to tenofovir alafen- rule. Treatment complements HBV vaccination
amide.47 Weight gain has been reported. and safe sexual practices to reduce the risk of
The goals of treatment are to reduce HBV sexually transmitted HBV infection.
DNA to undetectable levels, normalize serum
aminotransferase levels, and reduce inflamma- Disadvantages and Limitations of Nucleoside
tion and fibrosis. In addition, tenofovir is used Analogues
to reduce viremia in pregnant women in order to Nucleoside analogues target a late stage in the
limit mother-to-child transmission of HBV. Nu- viral life cycle. They act on the reverse-transcrip-
cleoside analogues are used to treat fulminant tion step of formation of progeny virus but exert

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no direct effect on pgRNA transcription and do HBV Reactivation

not directly affect HBsAg expression from inte- An array of treatments may induce HBV reactiva-
grated genomes.48 Thus, HBeAg loss is uncommon tion, including cancer chemotherapy, checkpoint
(occurring in 20 to 30% of patients after 1 to inhibitor therapy, immunosuppressive therapy,
2 years), and HBsAg loss is rare. The reported bone marrow and stem-cell treatment, anti–tumor
average incidence of HBsAg seroclearance is necrosis factor therapy, treatment with newer
0.22% per year, with a 10-year cumulative inci- classes of immunobiologic agents (including tyro-
dence of 2.11%,49 but HBsAg loss, if it occurs, sine kinase inhibitors), chimeric antigen recep-
improves outcomes.50 tor T-cell treatment, and treatment of coexisting
Nucleoside analogues do not eliminate the hepatitis C.58 Rituximab treatment is particularly
risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. Several reports hazardous. Although the composite risk can be
have suggested that the reduction in the risk of difficult to assess, preemptive use of an antiviral
new or recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma is agent is recommended when the risk is consid-
greater with tenofovir than with entecavir,51,52 ered to be high.
but these data may have been confounded by
methodologic pitfalls.53 Resistance to entecavir Pegylated Interferon Alfa
develops after 5 years in only 1% of previously Interferon alfa, a pleotropic cytokine, inhibits
untreated patients. Three substitutions must oc- transcription of pgRNA and subgenomic RNA
cur for phenotypic resistance to entecavir to de- from cccDNA. Activation of the lymphotoxin
velop: rtL180M (where rt denotes reverse tran- beta receptor by interferon alfa causes degra-
scriptase), T184L, and M204V. Although case dation of cccDNA by inducing cytidine deami-
reports have identified a quadruple mutation nation through up-regulation of APOBEC3
conferring tenofovir resistance,54 computer analy- (apolipoprotein B messenger RNA–editing cata-
sis of full-length HBV sequences suggests that lytic polypeptide-like 3) deaminases.59 Interferon
this mutation is rare.55 alfa is also an important immunoregulatory
modulator: aminotransferase levels frequently
Nucleoside Analogue Withdrawal increase during treatment in patients who
Several guidelines suggest that nucleoside ana- have a response to the agent. A controlled
logues may be discontinued in HBeAg-negative trial of tenofovir plus pegylated interferon alfa-
patients to maintain a low replicative state off 2a resulted in loss of HBsAg in 9% of pa-
treatment and to trigger HBsAg loss. However, tients — a higher percentage than with mono-
the guidelines of the American Association for therapy.60
the Study of Liver Diseases suggest that HBsAg
loss is the only acceptable end point for stopping Ne w In v e s t ig at iona l Ther a pie s
nucleoside analogue treatment. Cirrhosis contra- in De v el opmen t
indicates discontinuation of treatment. With-
drawal of nucleoside analogues results in relapse To reduce the need for lifelong treatment, a
in most patients; the relapse occurs earlier with functional cure, defined as a sustained loss of
tenofovir withdrawal than with entecavir with- HBsAg (undetectable at a level of <0.05 IU per
drawal.56 At cessation of treatment, HBsAg levels milliliter) and undetectable HBV DNA after ces-
associated with HBsAg seroclearance are less than sation of treatment, is sought. True cure of HBV
100 IU per milliliter in Asian patients and less infection requires eradication, degradation, or
than 1000 IU per milliliter in White patients. silencing of cccDNA; silencing of integrated viral
Off-treatment HBsAg seroclearance occurs in 4 to genomes; and correction of antigen-specific im-
19% of HBeAg-negative patients.57 Since discon- mune dysfunction. The most advanced investiga-
tinuation carries the risk of hepatic decompensa- tional treatments include entry inhibitors, RNA
tion, the benefits and the disadvantages should interference agents (small interfering RNA [siRNA])
be carefully weighed. Treatment should be rein- and HBsAg assembly agents, capsid (core) as-
stated before any rise in serum aminotransferase sembly modulators (CAMs), and immunomodu-
levels if a rapid increase in the HBV DNA level latory approaches (Figs. 1, 2, and 4, Table 2, and
(to 3 to 4 log10 IU per milliliter) is detected. Table S3).

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New Approaches to Chronic Hepatitis B

Figure 4. Mechanisms of Action of RNA Interference A

RNA interference and NAPs
Therapeutics, CAMs, and NAPs.
RNAi therapeutics (small interfering RNA [siRNA] and ASO
antisense oligonucleotides [ASOs]) suppress HBsAg NAPs
from both integrated HBV DNA and cccDNA, without
a direct effect on cccDNA or integrated viral DNA Hepatocyte
(Panel A). These agents target S and X and thus target
transcripts of the HBV genome and subgenomic inte-
grants, which leads to simultaneous inhibition of mul-
tiple viral genes due to overlapping mRNA transcripts cccDNA ER–Golgi intermediate
and knockdown of all viral proteins and pgRNA ex- compartment
pressed from cccDNA. Dose-dependent declines in
HBsAg are observed, proving that RNAi agents target
a hitherto inaccessible source of HBsAg. Liver levels NAPs
and delivery have been established with newer conju-
pgRNA 22-nm subviral
gates (GalNAc). The siRNA has a longer duration of RNA interference
HBsAg assembly
action than ASOs and requires less frequent dosing.
Current compounds have minimal off-target effects. HBV RNA (HBsAg)
Serum aminotransferase elevations are more common HBV DNA
with ASOs than with siRNA. Both agents show evi-
dence of immune activation. NAPs bind to a putative
Formation of RNA-induced silencing loading
chaperone to inhibit assembly of 22-nm subviral parti- complex or binding of ASO to target mRNA
cles derived from integrated HBV DNA genomes with-
in the ER–Golgi intermediate compartment and may NUCLEUS CYTOPLASM
induce a cytolytic response, resulting in frequent serum
alanine aminotransferase elevations. CAMs impair en- CAM
capsidation of pgRNA and at higher doses may inhibit
the formation of new cccDNA. CAM-A results in aber-
rant capsid formation. CAM-E results in normal but
empty capsids. An additive effect with nucleoside ana- Hepatocyte
logues causes substantial reductions in HBV DNA and Immature RNA
Pol HBcAg nucleocapsid
pgRNA (HBV RNA) levels. The most clinically signifi-
cant effect is seen in HBeAg-positive patients who have pgRNA
not received nucleoside analogues. A smaller reduction
in HBV RNA has been observed in patients whose
pgRNA levels are low at baseline; these patients in-
Mature RNA
clude HBeAg-positive patients who were treated with nucleocapsid
nucleoside analogues and HBeAg-negative patients
ER–Golgi intermediate
who either received or did not receive nucleoside ana- compartment
logue treatment. Maintenance treatment with CAMs
requires combined treatment with nucleoside ana- HBV RNAs
logues, since amino acid substitutions in the binding
pocket confer reduced sensitivity. Rebound replication
occurs after cessation of treatment. Interference with 22-nm subviral
efficacy has been observed in studies of treatment com- HBV DNA HBsAg assembly
bined with an siRNA. Other potential toxic effects and
drug–drug interactions have been observed.

CAMs prevent capsid assembly and pgRNA packaging.

They reduce HBV DNA and pgRNA (HBV RNA) levels.
Entry Inhibitors
Bulevirtide (Hepcludex, Gilead), a synthetic pre-
S1 lipopeptide, binds to and inactivates the so-
dium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide,
inhibiting entry of HBV (and hepatitis D virus). neutralize HBV infection by blocking attachment
A reduction in HBsAg has not been observed of HBV to hepatocytes, as well as binding subvi-
with monotherapy, and the role of bulevirtide in ral particles to reduce circulating HBsAg. The
the treatment of chronic hepatitis B is unde- VIR-3434 antibody also has an Fc region engi-
fined. Anti-HBV pre-S1 monoclonal antibodies neered to induce a vaccinal effect61 (Table S3 in

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Table 2. New Anti-HBV Compounds in Clinical Development. tively identified as the HSP40 (heat-shock pro-
tein, 40 kD) chaperone DNAJB12 and thus inhib-
Type and Compound Originator Phase* its trafficking of 22-nm HBsAg subviral particles.
Capsid assembly modula- The efficacy of REP 2139 has been tested in
tors combination with tenofovir and pegylated inter-
Vebicorvir (ABI-H0731) Assembly Biosciences Phase 2 terminated feron. After 48 weeks of follow-up, HBsAg was
ABI-H3733 Phase 1 undetectable in 14 of 40 study participants. It
ABI-4334 Preclinical studies
remains to be proved that alanine aminotrans-
ferase flares during treatment are indicative of
Morphothiadin (GLS4) HEC Pharma Phase 2
immune reconstitution.62
JNJ-6379 Janssen Phase 2b
EDP-514 Enanta Phase 2 Capsid Assembly Modulators
RG7907 Roche Phase 2 Several classes of oral, small-molecule CAMs
QL-007 Qilu Phase 1 have been developed that interfere with capsid
Canocapavir Zhimeng Biopharma Not available assembly through allosteric binding to the core
ALG-000184 Aligos Therapeutics Phase 1
dimer and thereby misdirect capsid formation
and disrupt encapsidation of pgRNA63 (Figs. 1 and
AB-836 Arbutus Phase 1 and 2
2 and Table 2). These agents result in decreases in
VNRX-9945 Venatorx Phase 1 terminated serum HBV DNA levels (up to 4 log10 IU per milli­
O7049839 Roche Phase 1 liter) and HBV RNA levels (up to 3 log10 copies
siRNA agents† per milliliter) within 28 days. Declines in HBsAg
RG6346 (RO7445482) Roche/Dicerna Phase 2 levels are negligible, since CAMs do not reduce
JNJ-3989 Janssen Phase 2b established cccDNA levels or transcription from
cccDNA and have no direct effect on HBsAg
AB7-29–001 Arbutus Phase 2
derived from integrated HBV genomes. HBV
VIR-2218 Vir Biotechnology Phase 2
RNA and HBcrAg rebound after discontinuation
ALG-125755 Aligos Therapeutics Phase 1 of treatment, underscoring the inability of CAMs
Antisense oligonucleotides to eradicate the pool of cccDNA. The place of
Bepirovirsen GSK Phase 2 CAMs in curative strategies remains uncertain.
RO7062931 Roche Phase 1 RNA Interference
ALG-020572–401 Aligos Therapeutics Phase 1 RNA-interfering agents, including siRNA and
Nucleic acid polymers: REP Replicor Phase 2 antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) exploit a com-
2139, REP 2165 plementary sequence of the target RNA to trig-
Active-site polymerase in- Antios Phase 2 ger specific RNA degradation and perturb trans-
hibitor: ATI-2173 lation (Figs. 1 and 4 and Table 2). Current
Entry inhibitor: bulevirtide Gilead Phase 3 (hepatitis D) RNA-interfering agents, targeted to X or S RNA,
Transcriptional inhibitor: Romark Laboratories/ Phase 2 are designed to silence all HBV transcripts de-
nitazoxanide Lupin rived from cccDNA or integrated genomes.64

* The information on study status is from, accessed siRNA

December 4, 2022.
† The abbreviation siRNA denotes small interfering RNA. The siRNA sense strands bind to the comple-
mentary target messenger RNA (mRNA); the
duplexes load to the RNA-induced silencing com-
the Supplementary Appendix, available with the plex and lead to mRNA cleavage. Lipid nanopar-
full text of this article at ticle delivery and conjugation to N-acetylgalactos-
amine facilitate hepatocyte uptake. The siRNAs
Nucleic Acid Polymers have a longer duration of action than ASOs. In
Nucleic acid polymers are amphipathic phospho- phase 1 and 2 trials, 60 to 75% of patients
rothioate oligonucleotides (Figs. 1 and 4). The treated with siRNA had a reduction in HBsAg of
target for REP 2139 (Replicor) has been puta- more than 2.0 log10 IU per milliliter and HBsAg

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New Approaches to Chronic Hepatitis B

levels of less than 100 IU per milliliter within 24 level below 20 IU per milliliter 24 weeks after
to 48 weeks, with a relatively slow rebound after discontinuing bepirovirsen. Among participants
treatment.65 with a low baseline HBsAg level of no more than
The results of the first large phase 2b clinical 3 log10 IU per milliliter who did not receive nu-
trials of the combination of an siRNA and CAM cleoside analogue treatment, 25% reached the
have recently been reported. The six-group REEF-1 primary end point, as compared with 16% of
study, involving 470 patients, investigated the those who received nucleoside analogue treat-
efficacy of JNJ-3989 (an siRNA), injected every ment. HBsAg levels declined to less than 100 IU
4 weeks, plus the CAM JNJ-6379, plus a nucleo- per milliliter at the end of treatment in 63% of
side, given for 48 weeks. In the group treated those who received 300 mg of bepirovirsen plus
with 200 mg of JNJ-3989 alone, 74% of patients a nucleoside analogue and in 59% of those who
had an HBsAg level of less than 100 IU per milli­ did not receive a nucleoside analogue.70
liter, but no patients had a functional cure at The dose-dependent decline in HBsAg during
week 24 of follow-up. An unexplained antago- treatment and the prolonged effect with siRNA
nistic effect of the CAM combined with the and ASOs are encouraging findings, and even
siRNA occurred.66 though the end points for a functional cure have
REEF-2 assessed the efficacy of 48 weeks of not been met to date, these data indicate that an
treatment with the combination of JNJ-3989 HBsAg reduction to less than 100 IU per millili-
(200 mg every 4 weeks), JNJ-6379 (250 mg daily), ter can be achieved in the majority of patients.
and a nucleoside analogue, as compared with a Given these results, a partial functional cure is
nucleoside analogue alone, in 140 HBeAg-nega- being posited, defined as a decline in HBsAg to
tive patients. Although 71% of the patients re- less than 100 IU per milliliter 6 months after
ceiving combination therapy had an HBsAg level finite treatment, resulting in a lower replicative
of less than 100 IU per milliliter at week 48 of state in HBsAg-positive patients and possibly im-
treatment (which was reduced to 46% at 48 weeks mune activation or restoration. A summary of the
after cessation of treatment), no patients had efficacy of current trials is presented in Table S1.
HBsAg seroclearance at week 24 of follow-up
without restarting nucleoside analogue treat- Preclinical Research Approaches
ment.67 A participant in the control group re- There are several preclinical research approaches.
quired liver transplantation for hepatic decom- These include X gene targeting, cccDNA or RNA
pensation after withdrawal of the nucleoside destabilization or cccDNA reduction, host tar-
analogue, underscoring the need for stringent gets or targeting by CRISPR-Cas9 (clustered
criteria to enable cessation of nucleoside ana- regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
logue treatment.68 and associated Cas9 homing endonucleases) to
base edit cccDNA.
ASOs are synthetic, single-stranded oligonucleo­ Immunomodulatory Therapy
tides with various biochemical characteristics. Early data suggest that new direct antiviral
ASOs bind to complementary HBV RNA tran- agents alone are insufficient to restore effective
scripts to form a hybrid ASO-RNA complex, immunologic control. Therefore, immunomodu-
resulting in cleavage by ribonuclease H. Serum latory treatments to restore and replenish ex-
aminotransferase levels can increase after the hausted, sparse, or dysfunctional HBV-specific
HBsAg level has reached a nadir.69 In the recently T-cell and B-cell responses by activating or re-
reported phase 2b B-Clear study of bepirovirsen placing endogenous immunity are being re-
involving participants with chronic HBV infec- searched (Fig. 2 and Table S3).
tion, 9% of participants who received 300 mg Pegylated interferon alfa is being added to
of bepirovirsen subcutaneously once weekly for siRNA and nucleic acid polymers in current
24 weeks plus a nucleoside analogue and 10% clinical trials. Several oral selective toll-like re-
who received bepirovirsen alone reached the ceptor agonists are being tested, but promising
primary end point of an undetectable HBsAg results in animal models have not been con-
level (<0.05 IU per milliliter) and an HBV DNA firmed in clinical studies to date.71

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Antibody or small-molecule checkpoint in- analogue prophylaxis in the third trimester to

hibitors against the PD-1 axis (used in cancer prevent peripartum infection is recognized, but
treatment to overcome T-cell exhaustion) have this approach necessitates testing during preg-
had limited initial effects, which may be aug- nancy for HBsAg and HBV DNA.
mented after HBsAg reduction or in combina-
tion with more immunogenic therapeutic vac- Screening and Primary Prevention
cines to prime multispecific T-cell and B-cell To decrease incident acute hepatitis B, the U.S.
responses. Several new therapeutic vaccines are Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
in development (Table S3) for testing in combi- has recommended universal hepatitis B vaccina-
nation after siRNA knockdown of HBsAg.72 tion for adults between the ages of 19 and 59
Replacement of failed immunity with HBV- years and has liberalized the recommendation
specific mediators such as bispecific soluble T-cell for vaccination of adults who are 60 years of age
receptors or Fc-engineered monoclonal antibod- or older. The committee has proposed universal
ies is also being tested in clinical trials and one-time hepatitis B screening for all adults (≥18
adoptive cell therapy (in HBV-related hepatocel- years).
lular carcinoma).61 The progressive immunologic The WHO recommends focused testing for
impairment, with prolonged antigen exposure to most affected populations (people who inject
high HBsAg titers and aging, supports the intro- drugs, men who have sex with men, sex workers,
duction of immunotherapy for chronic hepatitis people living with human immunodeficiency
B at an earlier stage of disease.14,73 Immunomo­ virus [HIV], health care workers, migrants from
dulatory strategies carry the risk of on-target regions where hepatitis B is endemic, and chil-
and off-target toxic effects, including immune- dren of HBV-positive mothers), for persons in
mediated liver injury. whom there is a clinical suspicion of chronic
The combinations of new antiviral agents and viral hepatitis, and for family members or sexual
immunomodulatory strategies that will achieve a partners of affected persons. General population
functional cure may differ for different phases testing is recommended in areas where the
of hepatitis B. Further empirical evidence from prevalence of HBsAg exceeds 2%. Unfortunately,
clinical trials will be required to identify such these programmatic policies have not been im-
combinations. plemented in many regions where hepatitis B is
endemic and where current interventions will be
insufficient to reach 2030 elimination goals.
Pr e v en t ion a nd C on t rol
Prophylactic Vaccination
C onclusions
The inclusion of HBV vaccine in the expanded
program of immunization has decreased the Prophylactic vaccination alone will not alleviate
prevalence of hepatitis B in children under the the burden of hepatitis B. HBV continues to be
age of 5 years and has reduced incident cases of a widespread cause of death because of inade-
chronic hepatitis B and hepatocellular carcino- quate screening, testing, and treatment, as well
ma.74 Despite advocacy by the World Health Or- as late presentation — a major global public
ganization (WHO), however, global birth-dose health failing. It is critical for agencies to ad-
vaccination (i.e., vaccination within 24 hours vance affordable diagnostics in order to identify
after birth) coverage is unsatisfactory. Also, pregnant women and other persons who qualify
vaccine protection may fail in more than 10% of for treatment. The cost of generic antiviral
infants born to mothers with a high viremic load agents is not a barrier. Lack of community ac-
(>2 × 105 IU of HBV DNA per milliliter). Current cess and referral presents a greater obstacle than
HBV A2 (serotype adw) vaccines may not com- the low cost of drugs.
pletely prevent transmission from mothers in- Innovative curative strategies could reshape
fected with, for example, genotype E (serotype the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. Maintain-
ayw4) in West Africa, which may explain residu- ing momentum in developing such strategies
al mother-to-child transmission despite birth- will require continued investment and patient
dose vaccination.75 The rationale for nucleoside involvement, as well as a candid realization that

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New Approaches to Chronic Hepatitis B

the search for a cure for chronic hepatitis B been diagnosed in only 2% of the 82 million
presents myriad challenges. persons living with hepatitis B in this region
Current levels of diagnosis and treatment of and only 0.1% of the currently infected persons
hepatitis B are inadequate. Approximately 10% had received treatment. While we look beyond
of people living with hepatitis B knew their sta- current treatments, we should not lose sight of
tus in 2019. Of this group, only about 6.6 mil- the cardinal responsibility to improve awareness
lion people with a diagnosis of hepatitis B re- and access to treatment of hepatitis B with exist-
ceived treatment in 2019. The WHO African ing antiviral therapies.
region leads the way in HIV testing and treat- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
ment, but by the end of 2019, hepatitis B had the full text of this article at

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New Approaches to Chronic Hepatitis B

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