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Sixth Eac Development Strategy Flyer

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Key Priority Areas

The Key Priority Areas of the EAC over the Plan Period
2021/22 - 2025/26 will be the following:
East African Community
1. Strengthening of regional peace, security, political
processes, emergency response mechanisms and
good governance to create a stable business Published by the
environment. East African Community (EAC) Secretariat
2. Provision of Customs Services that facilitate EAC Headquarters, EAC Close
legitimate trade and investment in the region. P.O. Box 1096
3. Strengthening the productive and social sectors to Arusha - United Republic of Tanzania
improve production and productivity, increase value
addition, and domesticate regional commitments to
improve the welfare of East Africans. As at
4. Full implementation of the East African Monetary November 2021
Union Protocol.
5. Re-engineering of production and logistics Design and layout
arrangements in line with digitalised frameworks to MEDIA DESIGN -
enhance e-business opportunities and streamlining
interconnectivity of transport logistics. Printed by
6. Development of regional infrastructure to support Zenith Media Limited, Arusha
the integration process.
7. Institutional transformation at the regional level, Photo credits
including skills development. Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Department
8. Promotion of awareness creation and dissemination EAC Secretariat
of information on the Community
Text & Editing
The strategic approach in the operationalization of the 6th EAC Secretariat
Development Strategy shall continue to leverage deep- Dr. Margaret Chemengich, Lead Consultant
er stakeholder participation, technology applications, Aryantu Atiti, Professional Editor
research, enhanced competitiveness, facilitating invest-
ment, and harmonizing policy and regulatory frameworks Funded by
within and across the Regional Economic Communities USAID-funded (RIGO SSA) Regional Intergovernmental
(RECs). There will also be the need to ensure the appro- Organization Systems Strengthening Activity
priate mainstreaming of the key cross-cutting issues of Nairobi, Kenya
gender, HIV/AIDS, environment, climate change and hu- and
man rights – into the implementation, monitoring and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
evaluation of the various regional and Partner State level Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
programmes and projects under this Strategy. Support to East-African People-Centred and Market-Driven
Integration (SEAMPEC)
Information sharing and use is vital as part of assessing EAC Headquarter, Former State Lodge, EAC Close
the progress and status of Strategy implementation. To- P.O. Box 13854
wards this end, the existing mechanisms for information Arusha - United Republic of Tanzania
sharing with diverse stakeholders will be leveraged.
Strengthening the institutional framework for usage of; Sixth EAC Development Strategy
the M&E information is crucial. There will be need for On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic
Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
2021/22 – 2025/26
capacity building within the media to empower them to
disseminate regional integration information to different
stakeholders. EAC is responsible for the content of this publication.
Introduction Key Drivers Overarching Theme
The Treaty for the establishment of the East African Com- The key drivers at regional level include: improving the Building momentum towards post-COVID-19 recovery
munity and EAC Vision 2050 remain the anchor document investment climate; strengthening the manufacturing ca- and accelerating regional adaptation to the dynamic so-
for programming EAC strategic interventions aimed at pacity and value chains in the region; consolidating and cio-economic environment.
sustainable growth and development. The 6th EAC Devel- strengthening regional integration initiatives; capacity re-
opment Strategy has been formulated against the back- building of trade and investment facilitation institutions;
drop of a devastating corona virus pandemic (COVID-19) enhancing trade facilitation; promotion of EAC exports to
Strategic Development Objectives
which has resulted in national, regional, and global lock external markets; re-engineering the transport sector; pri-
The Strategic Development Objectives underpinning the
downs in air space, sea, and land access for trade. The oritising key services sectors for trade development and
6th EAC Development Strategy focus on building a region-
pandemic may also inhibit investment in the immediate investment; supporting agriculture and food security and
al economy to take advantage of the large continental
future. In this regard, the 6th EAC Development Strategy sustainability; building regional capacity for digital trans-
and global markets, re-engineer production and logistics
explores alternative new approaches in doing business formations (i.e. e-commerce and e-government’ and re-ig-
arrangements in line with digitalised frameworks in the
at the regional and global levels including building local niting tourism and re-orienting the tourism value chains.
face of the disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
manufacturing capacities where potential exists to reduce
on logistics challenges, occasioned in part by COVID-19. These regional initiatives will be complemented with
1. Attainment of a fully-fledged Customs Union
The approach to be adopted at regional level includes re- additional national rescue interventions in building and
through full implementation of the Single Customs
orienting the economies back to their long-term growth strengthening the health sector capacities, including re-
Territory (SCT) and enhanced ICT systems for
path by adopting measures: cruitment of additional personnel in the public health,
customs administrations and other key players.
to manage and contain the spread of the pandemic; sus-
2. Enhancing domestication and implementation of
a. To mitigate the short-term and medium-term (2-3 taining citizen sensitisation to adhere to the measures
regional commitments in line with the EAC Common
years) negative impacts of the pandemic on vital instituted by governments; improving the business envi-
Market Protocol, and other related regional,
economic and social sectors of the EAC region; ronment to attract and retain local and foreign investors;
continental, and international frameworks.
b. Support strengthening of the fundamentals for innovate the logistics and transport sectors to cope with
3. Attainment of the EAC single currency through the
robust recovery and sustainable further growth of COVID-19 pandemic and ensure supply chains remain
realisation of macro-economic convergence criteria
trade and investment flows; and operational; provision of liquidity measures to support
and the harmonisation of fiscal, monetary and
c. Facilitate harmonized implementation of priority Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the business
exchange rate policies.
activities aimed at promoting economic recovery community; enhancing trade and trade facilitation mech-
4. Strengthening regional governance, political
and ensuring the future prosperity of the EAC anisms; consolidating and strengthening regional inte-
commitment, accountability, and inclusivity to
region. gration initiatives; promotion of EAC exports to external
improve peace and security, in the build-up to an
markets and building capacity for digital transformation.
EAC Political Confederation.
5. Development of quality, multi-dimensional, strategic
Overall Goal infrastructure and related services including clean
energy to support and accelerate sustainable
To Transform the East African Community into a Stable, regional integration and global competitiveness.
Competitive and Sustainable Lower-middle Income 6. Developing and strengthening the capacity of all
Region by 2030. EAC Organs and Institutions to effectively execute
their mandates.
7. Increasing visibility of EAC stakeholder knowledge
and awareness, and participation of EAC citizens in
the integration process.

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