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American Journal of Infection Control 49 (2021) 21−29

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American Journal of Infection Control

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Major Article

Systematic review with meta-analysis of the accuracy of diagnostic tests

for COVID-19
€ger Msc a, Mariana M. Fachi Msc a, Raquel O. Vilhena PhD b, Alexandre F. Cobre MSc a,
Beatriz Bo
Fernanda S. Tonin PhD a, Roberto Pontarolo PhD b,*
a , Curitiba, Brazil
Pharmaceutical Sciences Postgraduate Program, Health Sciences Sector, Federal University of Parana
b , Curitiba, Brazil
Department of Pharmacy, Federal University of Parana

Key Words: Objective: To collate the evidence on the accuracy parameters of all available diagnostic methods for detect-
SARS-CoV-2 ing SARS-CoV-2.
Coronavirus Methods: A systematic review with meta-analysis was performed. Searches were conducted in Pubmed and
Evidence Scopus (April 2020). Studies reporting data on sensitivity or specificity of diagnostic tests for COVID-19 using
any human biological sample were included.
Results: Sixteen studies were evaluated. Meta-analysis showed that computed tomography has high sensi-
tivity (91.9% [89.8%-93.7%]), but low specificity (25.1% [21.0%-29.5%]). The combination of IgM and IgG anti-
bodies demonstrated promising results for both parameters (84.5% [82.2%-86.6%]; 91.6% [86.0%-95.4%],
respectively). For RT-PCR tests, rectal stools/swab, urine, and plasma were less sensitive while sputum (97.2%
[90.3%-99.7%]) presented higher sensitivity for detecting the virus.
Conclusions: RT-PCR remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of COVID-19 in sputum samples. However,
the combination of different diagnostic tests is highly recommended to achieve adequate sensitivity and
© 2020 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

INTRODUCTION Patients report fever and cough, and most develop chest discom-
fort, difficulty in breathing or pneumonia, being clinically diagnosed
After the first case reports of an acute respiratory syndrome of by imaging tests such as chest X-ray or computed tomography (CT).
unknown etiology in the city of Wuhan, Hubei province (December CT equipment is widespread worldwide and the scan process is rela-
31, 2019), Chinese authorities identified a new coronavirus (SARS- tively simples and quick, which enables rapid screening for suspected
CoV-2) that causes the clinical disease COVID-19. The virus outbreak patients. The typical findings of chest CT images for individuals with
spread quickly, significantly affecting all continents with more than COVID-19 are multifocal bilateral patchy ground-glass opacities or
2 million people infected and thousands of deaths.1,2 Consequently, consolidation with interlobular septal and vascular thickening in the
nations are facing the overwhelming of health care systems and both peripheral areas of the lungs. However, CT findings can change as the
psychological and economic burdens. The lack of effective treatments disease progresses and these manifestations may also be compatible
or prevention strategies has contributed toward the increase in the with other viral pneumonias.4,5
number of cases, enhancing health care expenses with hospitaliza- In this context, the current gold standard for diagnosing COVID-19
tions and palliative therapies. Additionally, there are limited diagnos- is based on a molecular test of the reverse transcription polymerase
tic tests available, which favors the growth of under-reporting of chain reaction (RT-PCR), aimed at detecting the RNA of the virus in
cases.2,3 respiratory samples such as nasopharyngeal swabs or bronchial aspi-
rate.6 The real-time RT-PCR test provides a sensitive (the ability of
the test to correctly identify those patients with the disease 7,8) and
* Address correspondence to Roberto Pontarolo, PhD, Department of Pharmacy, Fed- specific (the ability of the test to correctly identify those patients
eral University of Parana, Av. Lothario Meissner, 632, 80210-170, Curitiba, Parana, Bra-
without the disease 8) method to detect SARS-COV-2, with different
E-mail address: (R. Pontarolo). diagnosis protocols including sequences of target primers available
Conflict of interest: None to report. in the World Health Organization public database.6,9 However,
0196-6553/© 2020 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
22 €ger et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 49 (2021) 21−29
B. Bo

researchers should be aware that this test can also give false nega- the test (eg, sensitivity and/or specificity). We excluded studies pub-
tives if the amount of viral genoma is insufficient or if the correct lished in non-Roman characters.
time-window of viral replication is missed.10 Although the COVID-19
incubation period is estimated to be 5 days, false negative results are Data extraction and bias assessment
common within 7 days of infection. Additionally, RT-PCR process is
time-consuming and shortages in test kit supplies are common The following data were independently extracted by 2 research-
worldwide—especially during the beginning of the epidemic ers: general study details (authors, year of publication, country of ori-
outbreak.11 gin, study design, and sample size), methods, characteristics, and
Other simpler and rapid methods, such as serological testing of IgM diagnostic test results (true positive, TP; true negative, TN; false posi-
and IgG production in response to viral infection, can be used to tive, FP; false negative, FN, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy).
enhance the detection sensitivity and accuracy of the molecular test or Two reviewers evaluated independently the risk of bias in each
for screening purposes to assess antibody profiles in a large popula- study using the Diagnostic Precision Study Quality Assessment Tool
tion.12,13 Because antibodies are usually detected only 1-3 weeks after (QUADAS-2) recommended by the Cochrane Collaboration. The
the onset of symptoms, these tests are used to assess the overall infec- assessment was performed using the Review Manager Software ver-
tion rate in the community—including the rate of asymptomatic infec- sion 5.3 17
tions—or in remote areas where qPCR assays are not available.12,14
In this scenario, given the limitations of clinical diagnosis alone Statistical analyses
(due to the similarity of the symptoms of COVID-19 infection with
those of other viruses) and the availability of different molecular and The meta-analyses were performed according to the technique
serological tests with both technical advantages and disadvantages, it and type of sample from each study (ie, by subgroups). Sensitivity,
is important to summarize the accuracy parameters of these methods specificity, positive likelihood ratio (PLR) and negative likelihood
and investigate whether they are sufficiently specific or sensitive to ratio (NLR) were measured with a 95% confidence interval based on
fit their role in practice. Few studies addressing the diagnostic perfor- the TP, TN, FP, and FN rates that were extracted from the included
mance of tests for COVID-19 exist, with special focus only on com- studies.
mercially assays available in a given country. In addition, according Sensitivity, defined as the probability that a test result will be pos-
to the different health care settings worldwide, different patterns on itive when the disease exists (true positive rate) was calculated
testing may exist. For instance, the number of daily tests performed as = VP/(VP + FN). Specificity, defined as the probability that a test
per thousand people in Australia or in the United States is around result will be negative when the disease is not present (true negative
1.80, while in Europe is near 1.06 and in South America is lower 0.30 rate) was calculated as = VN/(VN + VP). The PLR is the ratio between
( the probability of a positive test result given the presence of the dis-
Thus, we aimed to perform a systematic review with meta-analy- ease and the probability of a positive test result given the absence of
sis to gather evidence on the features of all available diagnostic test the disease, that is = true positive rate/false positive rate, or expressed
for SARS-CoV-2, including parameters of sensitivity, specificity, posi- as sensitivity/(1-specificity). The NLR is ratio between the probability
tive and negative likelihood ratios and summary receiver operating of a negative test result given the presence of the disease and the
characteristic (SROC) curves, whenever possible. probability of a negative test result given the absence of the disease,
that is = false negative rate/true negative rate, or expressed as (1-sen-
METHODS sitivity)/specificity.
SROC curves based on TP e FP rates were also built whenever pos-
This study was conducted according to Preferred Reporting Items sible to describe the relationship between test sensitivity and speci-
for a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Diagnostic Test Accu- ficity. An area under the curve (AUC) close to 1 indicated a good
racy Studies (PRISMA-DTA) statement and Cochrane Collaboration diagnostic performance of the test. All analyses were performed
recommendations.15,16 using the Meta-DiscÓ version 1.4.7.
The heterogeneity of the studies was established by x2 analysis,
Search strategy with inconsistency values (I2) greater than 50% being considered as
moderate heterogeneity, and I2 greater than 75% defined as high het-
Systematic searches were conducted in Pubmed and Scopus with- erogeneity. Outcomes with I2 values greater than 50% were submit-
out limits of time-frame or language (last updated April 2020). The ted to sensitivity analysis (ie, hypothetical removal of studies).
search strategy included the following descriptors: “diagnostic,”
“test,” “assay,” “covid-19,” “sars-cov-2”and other terms combined RESULTS
with Boolean operators AND and OR. The complete strategy is avail-
able in the supplementary material. Manual searches in the referen- A total of 1,089 articles were identified after duplicate removal. Of
ces lists of included studies and in the gray literature (eg, Google these, 1,046 were excluded during the screening phase (title and
Scholar) were also performed. abstract reading), with 43 records being fully appraised. Sixteen stud-
ies were included finally in the systematic review.18-33 We were able
Eligibility criteria to include 14 trials in the quantitative analyses (meta-analysis): the
studies by Corman et al. 22 and Pfefferle et al. 33 did not address the
Titles and abstracts of retrieved articles were screened for eligibil- clinical application of the methods (Fig 1).
ity. Relevant articles were read in full and those fulfilling inclusion All studies included in this review (n = 2,297 patients) were pub-
criteria had their data extracted. Two authors performed all the liter- lished in 2020, designed as retrospective observational cohorts, with
ature selection steps individually and then discussed the differences only one defined as a control-case study.32 Fourteen studies were
with a third author. conducted in China,18-20,22-32 while Italy, 21 Netherlands,22 England,22
Studies were included in this systematic review if they met all the and Germany 33 contributed with one study each.
following eligibility criteria: (i) evaluation of any diagnostic method; All studies presented a test group (patients diagnosed with
(ii) aimed at diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19); (iii) using any COVID-19), while only 6 trials used a control group (patients negative
human biological sample; and (iv) reporting data on the accuracy of for COVID-19 18,20,21,24,25,33). Patients from the test group were
€ger et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 49 (2021) 21−29
B. Bo 23

Fig. 1. Flowchart of included studies.

previously diagnosed using the (gold standard) PCR technique. The Data on CT of the chest was reported by 6 trials.18,19,23,28,29,31
diagnostic methods were tested for the following samples: nasopha- Meta-analysis showed this method to be sensitive (91.9%, 95% CI
ryngeal swab,20,30,32 nasopharyngeal aspirate,20 throat swab,20,26,30,32 89.8%-93.7%; heterogeneity between trials of I2 = 92.9%), however
blood,21,24,25,27,28,30,32 saliva,20,27 sputum,20,30 urine,20,27,28,30 and with low specificity (25.1%, 95% CI 21.0%-29.5%, I2 = 32.8%; see Figure
stool and rectal swabs.20,27,28,31 Table 1 summarizes the main charac- S1 of the supplementary material for complete results).
teristics of the included studies. Immunological tests (IgM and IgG) were evaluated in 5 trials as a
diagnostic method for COVID-19.21,24,25,27,32 The antibody dosage
Analytical parameters was tested in whole blood samples,21,32 fingerstick blood,24
serum,24,25,27 and plasma.24 Overall, sensitivity and specificity were
Three studies evaluated the optimization of PCR parameters for higher when the combination of IgM and IgG antibodies was evalu-
the detection of SARS-CoV-2.20,22,33 Chan et al. 20 developed and com- ated (see Supplementary Figs S2, S3, and S4), reaching 84.5% (95% CI
pared the performance of 3 new essays of RT-PCR of RNA-dependent 82.2%-86.6%, I2 = 93.2%) and 91.6% (95% CI 86.0%-95.4%, I2 = 0%)
RNA polymerase (RdRp)/helicase (Hel), spike (S) and nucleocapsid respectively. The SROC curves for the immunological diagnostic tests
(N) genes from SARS-CoV-2. Corman et al. 22 assessed several SARS- are shown in Figure 2.
related viral genomic sequences to design the best primer and probe Seven studies addressed the diagnostic test by PCR.20,26-28,30-32
set. Pferfferle et al. 33 investigated a set of primer and probes, target- Meta-analyses were conducted according to the type of sample. Rec-
ing the E gene, for use in an automated system (Cobas 6800 System; tal stool/swab (24.1%, 95% CI 16.7%-33.0%), urine (0.0%, 95% CI 0.0%-
see Table 2). 3.7%), plasma (7.3%, 95% CI 4.1%-11.7%) were less sensitive for detec-
The genes E and RdRp were the most commonly used to detect tion of COVID-19. Sputum (97.2%, 95% CI 90.3%-99.7%), saliva (62.3%,
the COVID-19 virus, both with high analytical sensitivity (technical 95% CI 54.5%-69.6%), nasopharyngeal aspirate/swab and throat swab
limit of detection of 3.2 and 3.6 copies per reaction, respectively). The (73.3%, 95% CI 68.1%-78.0%) were more sensitive for detecting the
detection of the gene N presented lower analytical sensitivity (8.3 virus (Fig S5 in supplementary material). Due to the limited number
copies per reaction). The probe used by these studies is indicated for of PCR studies with a control group, it was not possible to perform
any SARS-CoV infection, including SARS-CoV-2. Process automation statistical analyses on the parameters of specificity, PLR and NLR.
by using the open channel of the Cobas 6800 systems significantly Only the studies by Xie et al. 28 and Yu et al. 30 tested the PCR method
increased the limit of detection. in a control group. In both trials, specificity was 100% for stool, urine,
blood, nasal swab and throat swab samples, while throat swab and
Diagnostic accuracy of tests sputum samples had specificities of 98.6% and 90.0%, respectively
(Table S2 in supplementary material). Sensitivity analyses were per-
Meta-analyses evaluating the parameters of accuracy (sensitivity, formed for all meta-analyses with high heterogeneity results
specificity, PLR and NLR) of the reported tests were performed (I2 > 50%); however, no additional differences were found compared
(Supplementary Table S1), results are shown in Table 3. to the effects of the original analyses (data not shown).
24 €ger et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 49 (2021) 21−29
B. Bo

Table 1
Characteristics of the included studies.

Study Country No. of patients/ No. of control Reference method Evaluated method Sample Marker/gene
samples group patients/ (gene) type

Ai, China 1,014 413 RT-PCR (ORF1ab; N) Chest CT Chest image -

2020 18
Long, China 36 - RT-PCR Chest CT Chest image -
2020 19
Cassaniti, 2020 Italy 50 60 RT-PCR (RdRp and E) LFIA Whole blood IgM/IgG

Chan, China 15/273 39 RT-PCR (RdRp-P2) RT-PCR Naso-pharyngeal Hel

2020 20 aspirate
Naso-pharyngeal swab
Throat swab
Saliva S
Urine N
Rectal swab
Corman, 2020 22 Nether-lands -* -* RT-PCR (RdRp) RT-PCR Sputum RdRp and E
England Nose swab
China Throat swab
In vitro specific tran-
scribed RNA standards
SARS-CoV genomic RNA
from cell culture
Li, China 78 - RT-PCR (E) Chest CT Chest image -
2020a 23
Li, China 404 131 RT-PCR LFIA Whole blood or plasma IgM/IgG
2020b 24 (fingerstick or venous)
Liu, China 214 128 RT-PCR ELISA Serum IgM/IgG
2020 25
Pan, China 23 - RT-PCR or virus gene RT-PCR Throat swabs NR
2020 26 sequence highly Stool
homologous to Sputum
Pfefferle, 2020 Germany -* 110* - RT-PCR Swab E
In vitro transcribed RNA
of the E gene
of SARS-CoV-2
Purified RNA of SARS-
CoV (strain
To, China 23 - RT-PCR RT-PCR Saliva Hel
2020 27 Blood
Rectal swab
EIA Serum IgM/IgG
Xie, China 19 - RT-PCR RT-PCR Throat swab -
2020 28 Stool
Chest CT Chest image -
Xu, China 90 - RT-PCR Chest CT Chest image -
2020 29
Yu, China 76 - NR ddPCR and RT-PCR Nasal swab ORF1ab and N
2020 30 Throat swab
Zhang, China 14 - RT-PCR NAT Stool -
2020 31 Oropharyngeal swab
Chest CT Chest image -
Zhao, China 173/535 - RT-PCR ELISA Plasma IgM/IgG
2020 32
E, envelope protein gene; ELISA, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay; Hel, helicase protein gene; LFIA, lateral flow immunoassay; N, nucleocapsid protein gene; NAT, nucleic acid
tests; NR, not reported; ORF1ab, open reading frame 1ab gene; RdRp, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene for SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, and bat-SARS-related CoV; RdRp-P2, RNA-
dependent RNA polymerase specific gene for SARS-CoV-2; RT-PCR, real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction; S, spike protein gene.
*Samples were used only for the validation of the method (no clinical application).
€ger et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 49 (2021) 21−29
B. Bo 25

Table 2
Analytical parameters reported by the included studies

Study Method Probe RNA Gene target LoD

RNA copies/reaction (CI)

Chan, RT-PCR specific for SARS-CoV RdRp/Helicase 11.2 (7.2-52.6)

2020 20 RT-PCR specific for SARS-CoV Spike gene NA
RT-PCR specific for SARS-CoV N gene 21.3 (11.6-177.0)
RT-PCR specific for SARS-CoV-2 RdRp gene NA
Corman, 2020 22 RT-PCR specific for SARS-CoV E gene 5.2 (3.7-9.6)
(new method)
RT-PCR specific for SARS-CoV RdRp gene 3.8 (2.7-7.6)
(new method)
RT-PCR TaqMan Fast specific for SARS-CoV E gene 3.2 (2.2-6.8)
RT-PCR TaqMan Fast specific for SARS-CoV RdRp gene 3.7 (2.8-8.0)
RT-PCR specific for SARS-CoV-2 E gene 3.9 (2.8-9.8)
(new method)
RT-PCR specific for SARS-CoV-2 RdRp gene 3.6 (2.7-11.2)
(new method)
Pfefferle, RT-PCR specific for SARS-CoV-2 E gene 275.72 (NR)
2020 33
CI, confidence interval 95%; LoD, limit of detection; NA, not applied; NR, unreported.

Table 3
Meta-analysis of the parameters of accuracy for the different diagnostic techniques

Technique Sample No. of studies Sensitivity Specificity PLR NLR

(95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI)

Computed tomography - 6 18,19,23,28,29,31 0.919 0.251 1.194 0.301

(0.898-0.937) (0.210-0.295) (0.936-1.525) (0.043-2.124)
I2 = 92.9% I2 = 32.8% I2 = 56.2% I2 = 71.9%
Immunological test Blood, serum, plasma 4 21,24,25,32 0.845 0.916 7.604 0.170
(IgM and IgG) (0.822-0.866) (0.860-0.954) (3.903-14.817) (0.041-0.697)
I2 = 93.2% I2 = 0.0% I2 = 12.8% I2 = 97.0%
Immunological test Blood 3 21,24,32 0.863 (0.833-0.888) 0.907 (0.848-0.948) 8.618 (5.219-14.231) 0.146 (0.021-1.028)
(IgM and IgG) I2 = 96.3% I2 = 0.0% I2 = 0.0% I2 = 99.0%
Immunological test Serum 2 24,25 0.82 (0.78-0.85) - - -
(IgM and IgG) I2 = 35.8%
Immunological test (IgM) Blood, serum, plasma 5 21,24,25,27,32 0.770 0.933 7.295 0.211
(0.745-0.795) (0.886-0.965) (3.403-15.641) (0.067-0.666)
I2 = 89.9% I2 = 18.5% I2 = 96.1% I2 = 96.1%
Immunological test (IgM) Blood 3 21,24,32 0.788 (0.754-0.819) 0.931 (0.882-0.964) 8.390 (3.367-20.905) 0.274 (0.072-1.043)
I2 = 94.8% I2 = 43.3% I2 = 24.0% I2 = 98.0%
Immunological test (IgM) Serum 3 24,25,27 0.743 (0.701-0.782) - - -
I2 = 73.1%
Immunological test (IgG) Blood, serum, plasma 5 21,24,25,27,32 0.694 0.694 25.626 0.378
(0.666-0.721) (0.666-0.721) (7.131-92.087) (0.128-1.111)
I2 = 90.9% I2 = 0% I2 = 18.0% I2 = 98.6%
Immunological test (IgG) Blood 3 21,24,32 0.661 (0.623-0.698) 0.988 (0.958-0.999) 26.981 (6.240-116.655) 0.377 (0.128-1.113)
I2 = 94.5% I2 = 0.0 I2- 27.3% I2 = 98.6%
Immunological test (IgG) Serum 2 25,27 0.739 (0.696-0.779) - - -
I2 = 80.7%
PCR Stool, feces, rectal swabs 4 20,27,30,31 0.241 - - -
I2 = 82.6%
PCR Urine 4 20,27,28,30 0.000 - - -
I2 = 0.0%
PCR Blood 3 21,27,28 0.073 - - -
I2 = 85.9%
PCR Nasopharyngeal 4 20,26,30,32 0.733 - - -
aspirate, nasopharyngeal (0.681-0.780)
and throat swab I2 = 87.5%
PCR Sputum 2 20,30 0.972 - - -
I2 = 48.3%
PCR Saliva 2 20,27 0.623 - - -
I2 = 92.2%
CI, confidence interval; I2, inconsistency; NLR, negative likelihood ratio; PCR, Polymerase chain reaction; PLR, positive likelihood ratio.
26 €ger et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 49 (2021) 21−29
B. Bo

Fig. 2. SROC curves obtained for immunological tests.

Quality assessment for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in different samples, including blood,
nasopharyngeal swab, sputum, saliva, urine and feces. We were also
Studies were rated as being of moderate overall methodological able to evaluate qualitatively the main analytical parameters
quality according to QUADAS-2 (see Fig. 3 and 4). The studies by reported in the molecular techniques.
Chan et al. 20 and Pfefferle et al. (29) were not evaluated given the The development of new molecular techniques depends on the
lack of clinical application of the tests (ie, only the analytical perfor- knowledge of the proteomic and genomic composition of the virus or
mance of the methods was assessed). of changes in the hosts’ protein expressions during and after infec-
Around one-quarter of the trials (26%) did not describe the meth- tion.34 Genome sequencing is important for researchers to design pri-
ods of patient selection, and almost half (46%) included previously mers and probes for PCR and other molecular tests. The SARS-CoV-2
diagnosed patients, which may enhance the risk of bias. However, virus has a single-stranded, positive RNA genome of approximately
the majority of the patients included matched the review question 30,000 nucleotides in length that encodes 27 proteins, including an
and were likely to be diagnosed with the evaluated tests (ie, no major RdRP and 4 structural proteins: surface glycoprotein (S), envelope
concerns for the applicability domain). Overall, 80% of the studies protein (E), matrix protein (M) and nucleocapsid protein (N; 34,35. In
properly reported both index and reference standard tests and how the past months, different RT-PCR kits for the detection of SARS-CoV-
they were conducted and interpreted. Only 3 studies (20%) properly 2 have been developed, being able to amplify a small amount of viral
reported the interval between tests, whether patients received differ- genetic material in a sample.36 In this technique, the RNA of the virus
ent index or standard assays, and the complete statistical analyses is reverse-transcribed into complementary DNA strands (cDNA),
performed, thus being judged as having low risk of bias for the flow whose specific regions are amplified. The process usually involves 2
and timing domain. The remaining studies were classified as with an main steps: sequence alignment and primer design, and assay opti-
unclear risk of bias for this domain. mization and testing, especially because this method requires several
temperature changes for each cycle using thermocycling
DISCUSSION equipment.34
We found that in trials evaluating the RdRp/Hel gene, there were
To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review with meta- no cross-reactions with other pathogenic coronaviruses and human
analysis to collate the available evidence on the accuracy parameters respiratory pathogens in cell culture or clinical samples. On the other
of different diagnostic methods (clinical, molecular, and serological) hand, the specific SARS-CoV-2 (RdRp) gene reacted with SARS-CoV in
€ger et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 49 (2021) 21−29
B. Bo 27

was lower compared to conventional techniques.20,22 This may arise

partly from differences in the determination of LoD among studies.
While in conventional methods the target RNA is added manually to
the reagent mix for amplification, in automated systems the control
(purified RNA) is inserted into the samples and passes through the
entire workflow of the device, including extraction and purification.33
Our meta-analyses demonstrated that among all methods, the PCR
technique using sputum samples was the most sensitive method for
diagnosing COVID-19. In contrast, this same technique applied to
other samples (eg, urine, blood, stool, feces, and rectal swabs) showed
the worst sensitivity results. Considering that the nucleic acid test is
the main diagnostic test for this infection,37,38 the choice of the type
of sample is an important step for successful diagnosis. Comparison of
the meta-analysis results from different clinical specimens clearly
demonstrated that respiratory samples are the most suitable for
achieving higher sensitivity rates. These results corroborate with the
CDC recommendations, which state that initial tests for the diagnosis
of SARS-CoV-2 should prioritize the collection of respiratory sam-
ples.37,38 One aspect that should not be disregarded is the fact that the
presence of the virus in the different biological samples is related to
the period of collection, that is, to the clinical course of the disease.
Yet, even at low concentrations these other specimens, as well as
respiratory fluids, may be involved in the transmission of the disease.
A recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 may exist in children's gas-
trointestinal tract for a longer time than in the respiratory system.39
Our study also demonstrated that CT was the second most sensi-
tive test. SARS-CoV-2 is known to infect primarily the respiratory sys-
tem, causing inflammation, interstitial damage, changes in the
parenchyma, and cell death.5 Thus, the manifestations in CT of the
chest have been considered as a very important strategy for supple-
mentary diagnosis in view of the limitations of other techniques,
such as the case of false-negative results with RT-PCR.40 However,
this method has low specificity and a low PLR compared to immuno-
logical tests, which may hamper its isolated use in clinical practice.
This can be explained by the chest imaging findings being due to
Fig. 3. Methodological quality of the included studies (individual assessment).
other viral infections.
Regarding immunological tests, higher sensitivity, specificity and
better NLR were obtained when the total antibodies were evaluated.
cell culture.20 It is important to avoid the use of genes that could On the other hand, the best PLR result was presented by the IgG
potentially cause false-negative results. Assays designed as 2-target immunological test. The global assessment of the value of this diag-
systems, with a primer universally detecting several coronaviruses nostic test also demonstrated it to have the highest AUC value in the
(including SARS-CoV-2), and a second set of primers specifically SROC curve (0.9992, Q* = 0.9935). Nonetheless, both IgM alone and
detecting SARS-CoV-2, are the most suitable to obtain lower LoDs.22 combined with IgG showed high AUC values (0.9601, Q* = 0.9046;
However, the use of different reagents, primer/probe concentrations, 0.9581, Q* = 0.9018, respectively), similarly to what was reported by
and cycling conditions may limit the sensitivity of the test.20,34 In this Castro et al.,41 indicating a high level of accuracy for immunological
context, Pfefferle et al. 33 proposed an automated solution for molec- tests in the diagnosis of COVID-19. The antibodies researched in these
ular diagnosis, including the management of a large volume of sam- tests refer to structural antigenic proteins of SARS-CoV-2, such as
ples. The system used in this study (Cobas 6800 System) fully spike (S) and nucleocapsid (N) proteins, which have been identified
automates the extraction, purification, amplification, and detection of as the most relevant in the development of serological assays for the
nucleic acids. Nonetheless, the analytical performance of the method diagnosis of the infection.14 Usually, the body's immune response to

Fig. 4. Summary of the methodological quality of the included studies.

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