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Leaders Are Born or Made (Tharindu) 1

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Leadership and Innovations

DBM 156

Diploma In Business Management

Institute Of Management of Sri Lanka

Assignment 01

“Leaders are born or made”


(Student no imsl202101038)

Chapter 1. Introduction To The Topic.....................................................................................2

Chapter 2. Leadership Traits And Leadership Skills...............................................................3

2.1 The Trait Approach to Leadership.........................................................................................3

2.2 The Style Approach to Leadership.........................................................................................3

2.2.1. Basic Administrative Skill..............................................................................................4

2.2.2. Skilled Base Model of Organization..............................................................................5

Chapter 3. Discuss Literature To Support The Argument.......................................................6

Chapter 4. Conclusion.............................................................................................................9

Chapter 5. References............................................................................................................10

Are leaders born not made? That is a question that has been afflicting people interested in
leadership for centuries. There is no one definitive answer which has successfully been proven. If
they cannot be made, this debate should be concluded here, and we should be investing our time
in genetic research to identify the genes that have these traits pre-programmed in DNA.
(Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) If they can be made, this justifies the industry that has emerged for
leading consultants and experts in the field over the last ten years. This essay examines this
question and discusses various types of leadership traits introduced by the researchers, same this
synopsis will discuss and will prove that leaders are made not borne. This task, will discuss 7
literature and point out the facts that justify the mentioned topic.
What is leadership? it has various definitions given by scholar’s definition of leadership defined
as follows “a process by which a person influences others to accomplish objectives or a goal, by
guiding them to ensure a cohesive and coherent direction”. or as “a process whereby an
individual influences a group of individuals in a new way to achieve a common goal”

Many theories of leadership exist, and countless definitions exist. Authors such as Sorensen
indicate that “human beings have been keenly interested in leaders and leadership”, inferring
great philosophers and thinkers have been wrestling with this concept for eras. Sorensen provides
an insight into the origin of the term “leader”, having first appeared in the English language from
the 1300s, and its meaning was “to travel” or “to show the way”. So inherently, at minimum,
leaders must show a new way towards a common goal.
With the definition and various theories promulgated by scholars and researchers, this essay will
discuss leadership traits and though leaders are born or made. Further, it will be justified and
prove that leaders are made not born.

Leadership theories are the explanations of how and why certain people become leaders. They
focus on the traits and behaviours that people can adopt to increase their leadership capabilities
There are many kinds of leadership theories which are invented by researchers during the past
centuries following are the most common leadership theories.
2.1 The Trait Approach To Leadership
The Trait Approach arose from the ‘Great Man’ theory as a way of identifying the key
characteristics of successful leaders. It was believed that through this approach, critical
leadership traits could be isolated and that people with such traits could then be recruited,
selected and installed in positions of leadership. This approach to leadership placed more
emphasis on the personal qualities of leaders, and thus implied that leaders were born with innate
qualities. The Trait Approach examines an individual’s characteristics and looks for the
important traits that are consistently identified with leaders or people who are viewed as leaders.
In other words, the trait approach or theory attempts to identify the personality traits or
characteristics most often associated with successful leaders. Much of the research on the Trait
Approach to leadership is concentrated on the personal characteristics of leaders which
distinguished them from non-leaders. (Giulio, January 2014)
According to Trait theorists, it seemed to agree that intelligence, dominance, self-confidence,
achievement, drive and interpersonal skills were the most important personal attributes. It is
important to note that if leaders are viewed as being born and not made, the implication is that
training and development for leadership are less important than the selection of leaders.
Previously, the literature on the Trait Approach had focused mostly on physical factors, such as
height, physique, appearance and age. Nevertheless, typical expressions from those who support
the Trait perspective of leadership are, ‘He is born to be a leader or ‘She is a natural leader’, are
not especially helpful in explaining which of these qualities is important, or why.
2.2 The Style Approach To Leadership
Trait’s approach or great man theory failed to describe the personality of leader and style
approach consider the behaviour of the personnel where the skilled approach takes into account
that the knowledge and abilities leader has. A leader needs to learn the required set of skills
according to this approach. researchers have studied leadership skills and abilities for a
prolonged period, however, there are two major influence models. (Wirba, 2017 )

The first model is introduced by Robert Katz in 1955 which sets the basic idea about three key
administrative skills that must know by the leader the second approach is proposed by Michael
Mumford and colleagues in the year 2000
2.2.1. Basic Administrative Skill
This model proposed by Robert Katz in Harward business review titled “Skills of an Effective
Administrator” from 1955 he recognized three different abilities that a leader should have are
Technical skills, Human skill and Conceptual skills, Technical skill is having a piece vast
knowledge about types of machinery and mechanisms inside the working environment the
managers those who are utilized as lower-level managers But for middle level and upper level
manages not to need technical skills since they are in the level of decisions making, Human skill
is the most important ability of any level of managers every leader should having knowledge of
men under him and know their abilities, attitudes and skills further persons who are performing
duties as managers toughly know about how to address the men and pers and their issues in a
better manner in cooperatively every level of leaders must achieve and complete the common
goal of respective firm When considering about the Conceptual skill this is the visa versa of the
technical knowledge of an organizational level of managers in this skill level discussing that
ability of decision making promulgating of policies and hypothetical notations for advantages
and easiness of organizational individuals and group of individual most this skill is important to
higher management level leaders

Figure 1 Three skill approach

2.2.2. Skilled Base Model of Organization
This model proposed by Michael Mumford was much more complex and effective than the
previous model expand the skills approach but consider key kinds of capabilities, knowledge and
skills brought to bear in leaders problem-solving efforts These skills are used to define a problem
and develop a solution skills model of leadership that involves the following five components’
competencies, individual attributes, leadership outcomes, career experience, and environmental
influence.  These components can be conceptualized in the diagram below

Figure 2 skill model of leadership

Leaders are made not born for centuries all scholars and researchers are faced with and struggle
with the issue of whether leaders are born or made this is a question that cannot be answered
properly, however, many scholars are viewed and proved that leaders are made. why the
statement that they stick with and justified, that because of every human being genetic with some
kind of special ability that ability can make changes in the world, but for only skill person cannot
change or lead the world for that person should practice the born talent and traits inside him to
become a successful leader.

“If leaders are born rather than made what is the point of trying” this is one of the strongest
logics that disabling the leaders are born theory if someone born with an ultimate talent, they
also need some kind of teacher to show the path. Though every human being is born with any
kind of talent or skill they must develop that to get maximum results. But another good logic to
consider is this: if every leader is born to the world with those distinctive leadership qualities,
why aren’t we seeing a shocking uptick in new generations of leaders? Why aren’t more people
changing the world and driving the self-help industry out of business? Could it possibly be that
there is no such thing as a “born leader?” Could it be that what we have instead are generations
of people handicapped by the belief that they are not equipped to lead? It’s true that some people
are born with more naturally self-confident personalities and that those qualities are well suited
for a leadership role. But it’s not an “either/or” situation! Even if they aren’t a “take charge” kind
of person, the truth is that leadership is much more than telling people what to do. And those
qualities can be cultivated and developed as an example politician and military person who done
better in the field military leader because they having years of training and practice as well as
developed their qualities Hence considering the aforesaid fact it is proven that leaders are not
born, they are made. (Burnette, 2018)

“Even with the gifts of human understanding and professional competence arising from careful
training, our military leader will not be complete without the third attribute of greatness; namely,
a character-character that reflects inner strength and justified confidence in oneself. “Once US
Army commander General Maxwell states this. This emphasizes the importance of giving
training to personnel who are in the military. (JR, 1985)

Leaders are made, not born. They are made by a life-long study of history, of the influence of
leaders on it, and by absorbing thermal-life the teaching of role model leaders. Leaders are made

by the day-to-day practice and fine-tuning of leadership talents because leading is an art as well
as a science best developed by application. Leaders are made by the steady acquisition of
professional knowledge and by the development of character during a career. The straits foster
inner strength, self-confidence, and the capacity to inspire by examples of professional, as well
as personal, excellence. Hence it is again proven that leaders are not born they are trained or
made in our society.

Like General Patton, former commander of the US army once said, “Wars may be fought by
weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and the man who leads
that gains victory. " According to the book of leadership makes difference in the army it is
indicated that the good leaders are made, not born. Good leaders are easy to spot, hard to grow,
and impossible to produce on command. as examples of solid leadership occurring all around us.
Also, can see the impact of its absence. Leadership climate where innovation, competence, and
caring are rewarded. This climate will enable leaders to lead by direct involvement and example,
and allows them to teach, coach, and train their subordinates Such leadership creates cohesive
units of fighting men and women in the military. It is clear that though the size appearance and
physical features such accordance with the great man theory is not applicable in society only
thing that is to need practice and train and identify the ability of personnel and make them
leaders. (Pamphlet, 1985)
Late Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was an Indian aerospace scientist who served as the
11th president of India from 2002 to 2007. He was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu
and studied physics and aerospace engineering as per his bibliography it is mentioned that his
family background is not good at that time and he is the only child that gets higher education in
his family. But he was one of the most reputed leaders in the world if considering about leaders
are born that’s a myth that can be crash by viewing of Abdul kalams life story if leadership is
genetic how his brother still works as a shoemaker in Steet of madras. Same to become a
president and became an aerospace engineer he spent so many nights of doing studies sacrifice
his young age and finally, he became the president of India his appearance does not look fair but
his way of ruling was magnificent. Hence it is clear that leaders are not born by the hard training
and scarification and developing qualities they are made (Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam,

According to the booklet promulgated by the FBI from the University of California, it is
mentioned that to become a leader person must pursue education training experience,
opportunities and monitor further allow them to develop their native skills. Further, it is indicated
that so many leaders are made in WW II such as Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini etc. They were
made leaders and they had gone through so many circumstances during their young age by
training and hardworking they become world-known leaders and performed well in the field.
Hence according to these facts also it is proven that to become a leader hard work and sacrifice
may do hence leaders are not born they are made. (Otti, 2008 july)
Research report of us army was published in 1985 in the interview done with former and in-
service military leaders who are known as national heroes by the statement given by that armed
force leaders such as Gen Dwight Eisenhower and Albert C Widmeyer Cleary indicted that every
person having special abilities by their birth but to become leaders they must develop their
attitudes and get experience following the opportunities as well as learn from the mistake that
they had done almost most of the personnel became leaders once they are failures by grabbing
knowledge and under good teaching they made as leaders especially those who are in military
forces consider as made leaders. Hence it is understood that again leaders are not born they are
made. (Pamphlet, 1985)

Howard stone who works as a manager and a personal developer once indicated his idea in
Tampa Bay magazine in the year 1992 that every person has potential inside them by birth but to
be a leader should have to develop the skills and qualities and further he indicated that born
leader concept is a myth and only society having made leaders further he indicated that to be
successful leader individuals must work as a group with the team spirit failures and experience
will make a good leader. According to facts expressed in this synopsis, it is indicated that leaders
are made not born. (Anon., Sep-Oct 1992)

There are many differing views on whether leaders are born or made. This essay attempts to
examine some of the theories and provides some additional perspectives on this topic. According
to this topic, it is proven that leaders are made not born to justify this statement fact are brought
out from the world-class literature published by famous researchers and authors. For centuries
this topic was discussed among society and scholars and stills after having discussions and
implementing of series of theories a discourse had made that every person born to this world
genetically consist with the same kind of skill and by the developing those skills and qualities
only leaders can be made. In this essay, it is proven and justified those leaders are made not born.


Anon., n.d. s.l.:s.n.

Anon., Sep-Oct 1992. Tampa Bay Magazine. St. Petersburg.: Published by Tampa Bay
Publications, Inc.
Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, A. T., 2006. Wings of Fire: An Autobiography. 25th ed.
Hyderabad: University press India (Pvt) Ltd.
Burnette, A., 2018. Summary of The Leader Habit by Martin Lanik. s.l.:s.n.
Giulio, J. V. D., January 2014. PSM310 Leadership and Business Acumen Are leaders born or
made? Parcel Locker 10012 59584 Docklands, Victoria, 3008: s.n.
JR, J. A. W., 1985. Guideposts for a Proud and Ready Army. Military Edition ed. California:
United States Army.
Lanik, M., 2008. summary of the leader's habit. s.l.:s.n.
Otti, J. E., 2008 July. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. 77th ed. Washington DC: FBI Academy.
Pamphlet, D., 1985. Leadership Makes the Difference. Military Edition ed. Washington DC:
United States Army.
Pamphlet, D., 1985. Leadership Statements and Quotes, Washington DC: united states army.
Wirba, D. A. V., 2017. Leadership from an Islamic and Western Perspective. witney oxford:
Chartridge Books.


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