Task Performance
Task Performance
Task Performance
“Cabesang Tales”
To be Submitted to:
Submitted by:
BSHM 4 – 1BP
Date of Submission
15 DECEMBER 2022
written by Dr. José Rizal, a national hero of the Philippines. It is also known by its English
translation, "The Reign of Greed." Like the first novel, it is the sequel to Noli Me Tangere and was
written in Spanish. He updated certain elements and made a few changes to the storyline in
London (1888). After continuing to work on it while in Paris, Madrid, and Brussels, Rizal finally
completed it on March 29, 1891, in Biarritz. In Ghent, it was distributed that year.
Cabesang Tales is the title of chapter 4 of El Filibusterismo. The family life of Cabesang
Tales is discussed in this chapter by introducing his mother, Tandang Selo, his wife, his eldest
daughter Lucia, who both passed away from malaria while working on the family farm, Julianna or
Juli, his youngest daughter who also happens to be Basilio's girlfriend, and some friar
Chapter 4: Cabesang Tales the beginning of twenty or thirty pesos for the
Cabesang Tales, Tandang Selo, Tano, Juliana de issues, Cabesang Tales decided to pay the friars
Dios (Juli), Hermana Penchang rather than take his case to court. Tandang Selo
Tales and his family have been farming lands for battle with the friars. Tales was instructed by
a long time, even before Tales was elected the Tandang Selo to just say that the thirty pesos had
cabesa de barangay of the San Diego town. either been lost in gaming or had fallen into the
Cabesang Tales and his family were able to build river and been devoured by crocodiles. The friars
a home by saving money by cultivating land. decided to raise the annual fee to fifty pesos,
However, the friars abruptly began asserting nevertheless, as the area continued to yield
ownership of Cabesang Tales' land in their first strong crops. Additionally, it was during this
year of harvest. The friars, however, are unable period that Cabesang Tales's desire of building a
to provide credible proof that the land owned by home for the family and funding their education
Cabesang Tales is a portion of their own came true. The friars did not stop raising the rent
property. Until one day, a friar administrator to 200 pesos in spite of this dream. At this point,
made the decision to just allow Cabesang Tales Cabesang Tales had had enough and began to
and his family to pay a yearly rent to the friars in fight back against the friars by hiring lawyers and
taking his case to court. Cabesang Tales was Philippines. Even if a Filipino, or Indio as the
forced to spend all of his savings as a result of Spaniards refer to us, works honestly and
this. Even though friars aren't allowed to acquire diligently, oppression and abuse will still triumph
land, Cabesang Tales still lost to the friars in spite if power and influence are utilized against the
of his bold move. As a result, Cabesang Tales common people. Despite coming from a low-
decided to take matters into his own hands and income background, Cabesang Tales and his
began protecting his property from the abusive family were able to improve their standard of
friars, no matter what, until it led to his living by working diligently to cultivate their
kidnapping for ransom. Juli used her savings to property for successful harvests.
choice but to work. The dilemma that Cabesang Tales and his family
Implied Topic Covered in this Chapter: today. Several hundred years have passed since
This chapter's implied topic is land ownership the Spanish colony, but this unfavored practice is
and how greedy the friars are. It demonstrates still very much in use. This system, known as
that, despite our best efforts to lead peaceful, "palakasan," allows those who are powerful and
contented lives, there will always be individuals wealthy to typically obtain what they want
who will take advantage of their position of through the use of money and occasionally force
authority and oppress others who are beneath as well as frequently eluding the law. El
them. Many will continue to put us down, but Filibusterismo has an impact on our
when that happens, we must fight with justice contemporary culture by highlighting repulsive
and equality. This chapter also demonstrates behaviors that modern Filipinos deal with and
how hard work will lead to success, so build on regrettably inherited from the harsh and careless
your achievements and keep what you have behaviors of the Spaniards, especially the friars.
Interpretation of Your Junior High School the abuses of the Spaniards and decided to stand
According to our junior high school teacher, this Jose Rizal's two novels. Because Jose Rizal never
chapter solely demonstrates the friars' political intended to lead a bloody revolt against the
influence during the Spanish colonization of the Spaniards, I conclude that El Filibusterismo is
definitely too radical for the national hero. He system by handling these in the most peaceful
believed that the best way to overthrow Spain manner possible. Nevertheless, this ultimately
was peacefully, using education as the main tool. proved to be useless. Violence was employed by
Because this administration has repeatedly let Rizal in El Filibusterismo as a means of retaliation
characters exhibit greed in their decides to fight for our nation's freedom
personalities. Rizal observed the hardships and equal rights for Filipinos and Spaniards.