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7 Rule 32-43 XXX

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Section 32.101. Permit Required

No person shall install or operate refrigeration units or system containing refrigerant,

other than air or water, in excess of nine (9) kilograms without a permit from the
proper authority.

Section 32.102. Maintenance

All refrigeration equipment shall be kept clean, free from accumulations of oil, dirt,
waste and other debris and shall be easily accessible at all times.

Section 32.103. Installations Requirements

All new mechanical refrigeration system shall be installed, and all existing
installations shall be maintained, in a standard safe manner which will minimize the
life, health and fire hazard of the installation. Installation shall be in accordance with
internationally accepted standards.

Section 32.104. Operating Instructions

The person in charge of the premises on which a refrigeration system containing

more than nine (9) kilograms of refrigerant is installed shall place a card,
conspicuously and as near as practicable to the refrigerant condensing unit, giving
instructions for the operation of the system, including precautions to be observed in
case of breakdown or leaks as follows:

A. Instruction for shutting down the system in case of emergency.

B. The name, address and day and night telephone numbers for obtaining
C. The name, address and telephone number of the local Building Official and of
the Chief of the Local Fire Service and instruction to notify said officials
immediately in case of emergency.

Section 32.105. Emergency Signs

A. Each refrigerating system shall be provided with an easily legible metal sign
permanently attached and easily accessible, indicating thereon the name and
address of the manufacturer or installer, the kind and total of pounds of
refrigerant contained in the system, and the field test pressure applied.
B. System containing more than forty five (45) kilograms of refrigerant shall be
provided with signs having letters not less than one and one fourth (1.25)
centimeters in height designating the main shut-off valves to each vessel,
main steam, or electrical control, remote control switch and I pressure limiting
Section 32.106. Ammonia Diffusion

Ammonia refrigerating plants containing more than thirteen and one half (13.50)
kilograms of refrigerant shall be equipped with facilities for diffusing the ammonia

A. Systems containing more than thirteen and one half (13.50) kilograms of
refrigerant shall be discharged to the outside of the building at least sixty one
(61) centimeters above the roof and so located that discharged refrigerant will
not cause discomfort or harmful effects to persons or such discharge shall be
directed into a tank of fresh water having a capacity of eight and a half (8.50)
liters for each kilograms of refrigerant and used for other than ammonia
B. Systems containing more than forty five (45) kilograms of refrigerant shall be
provided with an approved diffuser consisting of sixty three and a half (63.50)
millimeters hose connections, mixing chamber, and a permanent discharge
connection to the sewer or drainage system.
C. Control valves for diffusers shall be outside of the machinery room in a box
protected against tampering. Such valve control box shall be plainly marked

Section 33.101 Scope

The provisions of this Rule, unless otherwise specified, shall apply only to nitro
cellulose film, thereafter called "nitrate" films, of any size; or when ribbon type motion
picture film in excess of 35 mm width is used; or when electric arc projection
equipment is used. Film having a cellulose acetate or other approved slow-burning
base marked "Safety Film" is exempt from these provisions.

Section 33.102 Permit Required

A. No person shall operate a motion picture projection machine in any

institutional occupancy or place of public assembly without a valid permit from
the proper authority.

Section 33.103 Installation and Use

A. No person owning, controlling, or managing any motion picture projection

equipment regardless of type of films used, shall use or permit its use if such
is damaged or worn to such an extent that it creates a fire hazard.
B. Every motion picture projection machine, except those of portable type, shall
be kept securely fastened to the floor.

Section 33.104 Projection Booth

A. Every motion picture projection machine, regardless of type of films used,

shall be enclosed in a motion picture projection booth as provided for in the
Building Code.
B. There shall be installed and maintained ready for use in every projection
booth, not less than two (2) approved first aid fire appliances of at least a
4B-C rating.
C. No person shall smoke or maintain any other source of ignition within any
projection booth; nor shall a manager or operator of any projection booth
permit any person to smoke or to maintain any other source of ignition within
said booth.

Section 33.105 Projection Permit

A. No person shall operate or cause or permit the operation of any motion picture
projection machine regardless of type of film used, unless such person so
operating possesses a valid permit issued by the Chief of the Local Fire
B. Such permit shall be issued by the Chief of the Local Fire Service only after he
has determined that the applicant possesses the knowledge, skill and ability to
operate a projection machine with proficiency and safety.

Section 34.101. Scope

This Rule applies to oil burning equipment except I internal combustion engines, oil
lamps, and portable devices such as blow I torches, me'lting pots, and weed burners.

Section 34.102. Use of Approved Equipment

Oil burning equipment shall be | of type acceptable by the Bureau of Labor


Section 34.103. General Installation Requirements

A. The installation shall I be made in accordance with the instructions of the

B. The installation shall be such as to provide reasonable accessibility I for
cleaning, heating surfaces, removing burners, replacing motors, con-llrols, air
filters, draft regulators and other working parts, and for adjusting, [cleaning
and lubricating parts requiring such attention.
C. After installation of the oil burning equipment, a complete cycle of (operation
tests shall be conducted to make certain that the burner is oper-I ating in a
safe and acceptable manner and that all safety devices function I properly.

Section 34.104. Electrical Wiring and Equipment

Electrical wiring and equipment used in connection with oil burning equipment shall
be installed in [accordance with the provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code.

Section 34.105. Fuel Oil

The grade of fuel used in a burner shall be that for I which the burner is approved,
and as stipulated by the manufacturer. Crank-I case oil or any oil containing gasoline
shall not be used.

Section 34.106. Design, Construction and Installation of Fuel Oil


A. The design, construction and installation of fuel tanks shall conform to the
standards of the American Petroleum Institute (API) or other internationally
accepted standards.
B. Fuel oil supply tanks may be installed inside buildings provided that they are
enclosed in accordance with Rule 22.
C. Stoves which are designed for barometric feed shall not be connected to
separate oil supply tanks.
D. Unvented heating appliances shall be equipped with integral tanks with a
capacity of not more than seven and a half (7.50) liters.
E. Oil supply tanks other than those furnished as an integral part of the stove or
range shall not be located within one and a half (1.50) meters horizontally, of
any fire or flame except that tanks not over twenty three (23) liters capacity
may be within this desistance but not within sixty (60) centimeters of the stove
or range in which the burner is installed; provided that the temperature rise of
the oil supply at this distance shall not approximate the flash point of the oil
when the burner is operated at full capacity.

Section 34.107. Installation of Fill, Return, Supply and Vent Piping

A. A fill pipe on a tank larger than two hundred twenty seven (227) liters capacity
shall terminate outside of a building at least sixty (60) centimeters from any
building opening. Every fill pipe terminal shall be equipped with a tight cover.
B. A return line from a burner or pump to a supply tank shall enter through the
top of the tank.
C. An auxiliary tank installed in the supply between a burner and its main supply
tank shall be filled by pumping from storage tanks.
D. All piping, except the burner supply line from a tank having a capacity not over
two thousand (2,000) liters and the cross connection between two such tanks
having an aggregate capacity of two thousand (2,000) liters or less, shall be
connected into the top of the supply tank.
E. The burner supply connection to the tanks or tanks having a capacity of more
than two thousand (2,000) liters shall be connected to the top of the tank. In
commercial and industrial installations for Numbers 5 & 6 oil, the burner supply
connection may be below the liquid level but each such connection shall be
provided with an approved valve.
F. Pressure feed from tanks is prohibited.
G. All tanks in which a constant oil level is not maintained by an automatic pump
shall be equipped with an approved method of determining the oil level.

Section 34.108. Pumps, Piping and Valves

A. An oil pump, not part of an approved burner, shall be of a positive

displacement type which automatically shuts off the oil supply when the oil
pump is stopped.
B. All piping shall be standard full weight wrought iron, steel or brass pipe with
standard fittings or brass or copper tubing with fittings of an approved type,
except that approved flexible metal hose, may be used for reducing the effect
of jarring and vibration or where rigid connections are impractical. Cast iron
fittings shall not be used.
C. Aluminum tubing shall not be used between the fuel oil tank and the burner
D. Pipe used in the installation of all burners and appliances other than
conversion range oil burner shall not be smaller than ninety five (95) millime-
ters, iron pipe size on ninety-five (95) millimeters outside diameter tubing.
Copper or brass tubing shall have eight and nine tenths (8.9) millimeters
nominal and eight and one tenth (8.1) millimeters minimum wall thickness.
Flexible metal hose shall be installed in full compliance with its approval.
E. Piping between conversion range oil burners and tanks shall be standard
steel, wrought iron, or brass pipe not smaller than six and four tenths (6.4)
millimeters in size or brass or copper tubing not less than eight (8) millimeters
outside diameter with a wall thickness not less than one and one fourth (1.25)
F. Piping shall be substantially supported and protected against physical damage
and, where necessary protected against corrosion. All buried piping shall be
protected against corrosion.
G. Pipe joints and connections shall be made tight with suitable lubricant or pipe
compound. Unions requiring gaskets or packing, right and left couplings, and
sweat fitting, shall not be used in oil lines.
H. Proper allowance shall be made for expansion, contraction, jarring and
I. Where supply are set below the level of the burner, the oil piping shall be so
laid as to pitch toward the supply tank without traps.
J. Readily accessible manual shut-off valves shall be installed attached point
where required to avoid oil spillages during servicing. The valve shall be
installed to close against the supply.
K. Where a shut-off valve installed in the discharge line of an oil pump, not an
integral part of a burner, a pressure relief valve shall be connected into the
discharge line between the pump shut-off valve and arranged to return surplus
oil to the supply tank or to bypass it around.
L. Where oil is supplied to a burner requiring uniform flow by gravity feed and a
constant level valve is not incorporated in the burning assembly or the oil is
not supplied by an automatic pump, a constant level valve shall be installed in
the supply line at the gravity tank or as close thereto as practicable, to insure
uniform delivery of oil to the burner. The vent opening of such constant level
valve is provided with an anti-flooding device. Vent piping or tubing or constant
level valve shall not be connected to tanks or tank vents.

Section 34.109. Installation of Conversion OH Burners and Oil-

Fired Units

A. Oil burners other than oil stoves with internal tanks, shall be provided with
some means for manually stopping the flow of oil to the burner. Such device or
devices shall be placed in a convenient location at a safe distance from the
B. Oil burners for which a competent attendant will not be constantly on duty in
the room where the burner is located while the burner is on operation shall be
equipped with a primary safety control or a type specifically approved for the
burner with which it is used. When primary safety controls are installed in
connection with other oil burners, such automatic devices shall be of a type
specifically approved for use with the burner to which they are attached.
C. Each appliance fired by conversion oil burners, and each oil-fired units, shall
be provided with automatic limit controls which will prevent unsafe pressure or
low water in a steam boiler or over-heating within a hot- water boiler, furnace
or heater.
D. Limiting controls and low water shut-offs intended to prevent unsafe operation
of heating equipment by opening an electrical circuit to the burner of shut-off
device shall be so arranged as to effect the direct opening of that circuit
whether the switching mechanism is integral with the sensing element or
remote from same.
E. A water heater shall be provided with water pressure; temperature, and
vacuum relief devices. Means shall be provided to prevent ship honing in any
boiler or tank to which any circulating water heater is attached.
F. Electric motor-driven oil burners or a type not equipped with primary safety
controls with integral oil pumps and electric motor-driven pump sets for use
with such burners, not equipped with integral pumps, shall be provided with a
motor controller incorporating no-voltage protection to be wired into the power
supply to the motor.
G. In system where either steam or air is used for atomizing the oil, or where air
for combustion is supplied by a source which may be interrupted without
shutting off the oil supply, the oil and atomizing or air suppJy shall be
interlocked in a manner to immediately shut off oil supply upon failure or the
atomizing or air supply.
H. The automatically operated burners are used in installation equipped with
forced or induced drafts fans or both, means shall be provided to immediately
shut off the oil supply upon fan failure.
I. Oil burners not equipped to provide safe automatic restarting after shut down
shall require manual restarting after any control function to extinguished the
burner flame.
J. Oil-fired appliances shall be installed in rooms that are large compared with
the size of the appliance specifically approved for installation in a confined
space such as an alcove or closet installation is in compliance with the
approval. In alcove and closet installations, the clearances trom the appliance
to the walls and ceilings shall not be less than specified in the approval
regardless of the type of construction.

Section 34.110. Installation of Heating and Cooking Appliances

A. Kerosene and oil stove shall be equipped with a primary control furnished as
an integral part of the appliance by the manufacturer to stop the flow of oil in
the event of flame failure.
B. A conversion range oil burner shall be equipped with a thermal
(heat-actuated) valve in the oil supply line, located in the burner
compartment of the stove.
C. Oil burning appliances, small heating and cooking appliances shall be installed
in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet No. 31 on standards for the installation of
Oil Burning Equipment or with other internationally accepted standards.

Section 35.101. Scope

This Rule shall apply to (1) the manufacture of protective and decorative finishes or
coatings (paints) for industrial, automotive, marine, transportation, institutional,
household or other purpose; and (2) the handling of flammable and combustible
solids and potential dust explosion conditions.

Section 35.102. Definition

Organic coating shall mean a liquid mixture of binders such as alkyd, nitro-cellulose,
acrylic, or oil, and flammable and combustible solvents such as hydrocarbon, ester,
ketone, or alcohol, which when spread in thin film convert to a durable protective and
decorative finish.

Section 35.103. Permit Required

A permit shall be obtained for any organic coating manufacturing operation making
more than four (4) liters of an organic coating on any working day, from the proper

Section 35.104. Process Building

A. Each organic coating factory located within fifteen (15) meters of adjoining
property or structures or public thoroughfare shall have the exposing wall
constructed as indicated below:

Distance from adjoining property or structure of

public thoroughfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire Resistance Rating
of Exposing Wall
Less than 3 meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At least 4 hours
3 meters to 9 meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At least 3 hours
Over 9 meters but less than 15 meters . . . . . . . . . . At least 2 hours

When appropriate fire suppression systems are installed, fifty (50) percent
reduction in distance to property lines and fire resistance ratings of the
exposing walls may be made.

B. Buildings shall be of fire resistive or non-combustible construction with non-

load bearing walls and without basement or pits. The first floor shall be at or
above the ground level.
C. Raw materials and finished stock storage buildings shall be limited to one
storey in height and either detached or cut off from manufacturing buildings by
non-combustible construction having a fire resistance rating of at least two (2)
hours and openings shall be equipped with approved fire doors.
D. Stairway enclosures and structures housing elevators shall be enclosed by
non-combustible walls having a fire-resistance rating of at least two (2) hours,
and equipped with approved fire doors.
E. Each manufacturing room shall have at least two (2) exits, well separated or
remote from each other, one of which shall be directly to the outside. Access
to all exits shall be kept clear and doors shall open in the direc tion of travel.
Door fastenings shall be of the safety release type. Supervisory management
offices, change and locker rooms located in manufacturing buildings shall be
provided with exits adequate to accommodate the number of occupants.
F. Structures in which Class I liquids or finely divided flammable solids are
processed shall be provided with explosion venting.
G. Enclosed buildings in which Class I liquids are processed or handled shall be
adequately ventilated at a rate of not less than one (1) cubic meters per
minute for every six and a half (6.50) square meter of solid floor area. This
shall be accomplished by exhaust fans taking suction at floor levels and
discharging to a safe location outside the building. Provision shall be made for
introduction of non-contaminated intake air in such manner that all portions of
solid floor areas will be subject to continuous distributed movement of air.
H. Heating in hazardous areas, if required, shall be provided by indirect means.
Ignition sources such as open flames or electrical heating elements except as
provided to this Code shall not be used within the building.
I. An organic coating manufacturing operation shall not be located in the same
building with other occupancies. Operations incidental to or in connection with
organic coating manufacturing shall not be classed as "other occupancies' 1 for
the purpose of this provision.
J. An organic coating manufacturing operation shall be accessible from at least
one side for the purpose fire control.
K. Where topographical conditions are such that flammable and combustible
liquids may flow from the organic coating manufacturing operation so as to
constitute a fire hazard to properties of others, drainage facilities shall be
provided in accordance with the following sections,

Section 35.105. Storage of Raw Materials and Finished Products

A. The storage, handling and use of flammable and combustible liquids shall be
in accordance with this Code.
B. Tank storage for flammable and combustible liquids inside of building shall be
permitted only in storage areas at or above grade which are detached from the
processing area or cut off from the processing area by non-combustible
construction having at least a two-hour fire resistance rating and openings
shall be equipped with approved fire doors. This is not intended to prevent
processing equipment from containing flammable and combustible liquids or
storage in such quantities as are essential to the continuity of operations.
C. Tank car and tank vehicle loading and unloading stations for Class I liquids
shall be separated from the processing area, other plant buildings, nearest line
of adjoining property that may be built upon or public thoroughfare by a clear
distance of not less than eight (8) meters.
D. Loading and unloading structures and platforms for flammable and
combustible liquids shall be designed and installed in accordance with this
E. Tank cars for flammable liquids shall be unloaded so as to be reasonably safe
to persons and property.
F. Tank vehicles for flammable and combustible liquids shall be loaded and
unloaded in accordance with this Code.
G. Finished products that are flammable or combustible liquids shall be stored
outside of the buildings, in separate building, or in separate room cut off from
the processing area by a non-combustible wall or partition having at least a
two-hour fire resistance rating and opening shall be equipped with approved
fire doors. The storage if finished products shall be in tanks or in closed
containers in accordance with this Code.
H. The nitrocellulose storage shall be in a separate building or in a room cut off
by non-combustible construction having a fire resistance rating of at least two
hours and openings shall be equipped with approved fire doors. The
nitrocellulose storage shall be used for no other purpose. Electrical wiring and
equipment installed in accordance with the Philippine Electrical Code.
I. Nitrocellulose shall be stored in closed-containers. Barrels shall be stored on
end, if tiered, not more than two barrels high. Barrels or other containers of
nitrocellulose shall not be opened in the main storage building but at the point
of use or other location set aside for this purpose.
J. Spilled nitrocellulose shall be promptly wetted with water and disposed of by
use or by burning in the open at a suitable detached location.
K. This storage of organic peroxides shall be in accordance with this Code.
L. The size of the package containing the organic peroxide shall be selected so
that as nearly as practical, full packages are utilized at one time. Any peroxide
spilled shall be promptly cleaned up and disposed of as recommended by the

Section 35.106. Drainage

A. Drainage facilities shall be provided to direct flammable and combustible liquid

leakage and fire protection water to a safe location away from the building,
any other important article of value, or adjoining property.
B. Emergency drainage systems containing flammable and combustible liquids
connected to public sewers or discharging into public waterways shall be
equipped with traps or separator tanks.

Section 35.107. Process Mills, Mixers, and Kettles

A. Mills operating with close clearances and used for the processing of
flammable and heat sensitive materials such as nitrocellulose, shall be located
in a detached building or in a non-combustible structure without other
occupancy. The amount of nitrocellulose or other flammable material brought
into the area shall be no more than that required for a batch.
B. Mixers shall be of the enclosed type, or if the open type shall be provided with
properly fitted covers. Where gravity flow is used, a shut off valve shall be
installed as closed as practical to the mixer and a control valve shall be
provided near and end of the fire pipe.
C. Open kettle shall be located in an outside area, provided with a protective roof
or in a separate building of non-combustible construction or separate from
other areas by means of a non-combustible wall or partition having a fire
resistance rating of two hours.
D. The vaporizer section of heat transfer system heating closed kettles containing
solvents shall be remotely located. Contact heated kettles containing solvents
shall be equipped with safety devices that in case of fire can turn the process
heat off, turn the cooling medium on, and inject inert gas into the kettle.
E. The kettle and thin-down tank shall be instrumented, controlled and
interlocked so that any failure of the controls will result in a safe condition. The
kettle shall be provided with 'a pressure rupture disc if the normal vent
becomes inoperative. The vent piping from the raptured disc shall be of a
minimum length and shall discharge to a safe location. The thin-down tank
shall be adequately vented. Thinning operations shall be provided with an
adequate vapor removal system.

Section 35.108. Process Piping

A. All piping, valves and fittings shall be designed for the working pressures and
structural stresses to which they may be subjected. They shall be of steel or
other material approved for the service intended.
B. Valves shall be of an indicating type. Terminal valves on remote pumping
system shall be of the "deadman" type which will shut off both the pump and
the flow of solvent.
C. Piping systems shall be substantially supported and protected against physical
damage. Piping shall be pitched to avoid unintentional trapping of liquids or
suitable drains shall be provided.
D. Approved flexible connectors may be used where vibration exits or where
frequent movement is necessary. Approved hose shall be used at dispensing
E. Before being placed in service, all piping shall be free of leaks, when tested to
not less than one and a half (1.50) times the working pressure or a minimum
of not less than three hundred fifty two (352) grams per square centimeters at
the highest point in the system. Test shall continue for a minimum of thirty (30)

Section 35.109. Transfer of Flammable and Combustible

A. The transfer of large quantities of flammable and combustible liquids shall be

through piping by means of pump. The use of compressed air as a transfer
medium is prohibited.
B. Pumps shall be selected for the flammable and combustible liquid used, the
working pressures and the structural stresses to which they may be subjected.
C. Where solvents are pumped from storage to points of use, approved switches
shall be provided in the processing area at the pumps to shut down the pumps
in case of fire.
D. Empty and filled containers shall be stored outside the filing area.

Section 35.110. Raw Materials in Process Areas

A. The amount of nitrocellulose brought into the operating area shall not exceed
that required for a shift. Any nitrocellulose which may be spilled on the floor or
elsewhere shall be promptly swept up, put into a pail of water, and removed at
the end of the day shift and disposed of by use or by burning in the open at a
suitable detached location.
B. Organic peroxides brought into the operating area shall be in the original
shipping container and shall not exceed the quantity required for a shift. When
in the operating area, the peroxide shall not be placed in locations exposed to
ignition sources, heat or mechanical shocks.

Section 35.111. Electrical Equipment

A. All electrical wiring and equipment within storage or processing areas shall be
installed so as to be reasonably safe to persons and property in accordance
with the Philippine Electrical Code and internationally accepted standards.
B. Where Class I liquids are exposed to the air, the design of equipment and
ventilation of buildings shall be such as to limit the Class I liquid locations to
pits, the interior of equipment and the "immediate vicinity" of pumps or
equipment locations such as dispensing stations open centrifuges, plate and
frame filters, opened vacuum filters, change cans, and the surfaces of open
equipment. Immediate vicinity means a zone extending from the vapor
liberation point six (6) meters horizontally in all directions and vertically from
the floor to a level two (2) meters above the highest point of vapor liberation.
C. All locations not covered by this Section where Class I liquid's are handled
shall be considered Class I, second division as defined in this Code (see Rule
I and Rule 23). If the flash point of the liquid processed is higher than the
ambient temperature and at least thirty seven and eight tenths (37.8°C)
degrees Celsius, ordinary electrical equipment may be used, though care shall
be used in locating electrical apparatus to prevent hot metal from falling into
open processing equipment.
D. Ordinary electrical equipment, including switch gear, may be used if installed
in a room which is maintained under positive pressure with respect to the
hazardous area. Air or other media for pressurization shall be taken from a
location where entrainment of flammable vapor is importable.

Section 35.112. Protection against Static Electricity and Lighting

A. All equipment such as tanks, machinery and piping where an ignitable mixture
maybe present shall be bonded and connected to a ground. The bond or
ground or both shall be physically applied or shall be inherently present by the
nature of the installation. This electrically conductive path shall have a
resistance of not more than one million (1,000,000) ohms.
B. Electrically isolated section of metallic piping or equipment shall be bonded to
the other portions of the system or grounded.
C. Tank vehicles loaded or unloaded through open connections shall be
grounded and bonded to the receiving system.
D. When a flammable mixture is transferred from a portable container to another,
a bond shall be provided between the two containers.
E. Steel framing of buildings shall be grounded with resistance of not more than
five (5) ohms.

Section 35.113. Fire Control and Detection

A. Manufacturing and storage buildings shall be protected by a sprinkler system

or a water spray-system. Sprinkler systems or water spray system shall be
installed to provide reasonable safety to persons and property.
B. Portable fire extinguishers approved for use of flammable liquid fires shall be
C. Where good public fire protection facilities are not readily available, private
protection facilities shall be provided.
D. An approved fire alarm system shall be provided.
E. All plant fire protection facilities shall be adequately maintained periodically
inspected and tested.

Section 35.114. Maintenance

A. The cleaning of tanks or vessels which have previously contained flammable

or combustible liquids shall only be done under the supervision of persons
who understand the fire and explosion potentials.
B. When necessary to make repairs involving welding and cutting, the work shall
be authorized by the plant superintendent or responsible individual in charge
before the work is started.
C. When necessary to enter a tank, pit manhole or other confined spaces. Such
entry can be authorized by the responsible individuals in charge.
D. Power operated industrial trucks shall be of a type approved for the location.
E. Open flames and direct-fired heating devices shall be prohibited in areas
where flammable vapor-air mixture may exist.
F. Smoking shall be prohibited except in designated safe areas.
G. Empty containers previously used for flammable or combustible liquids shall
be removed to a well detached outside location and if not cleaned on the
premises, removed from the plant as soon as practical.
H. Storage in containers outside of buildings shall conform to this Code.
I. Adequate aisles shall be maintained for the unobstructed movement of
personnel and fire protection equipment.

Section 36.101. Scope

This Rule shall apply to the location, construction and operations of industrial baking
and drying ovens which are heated with oil or gas fuel, or which during operations
contain flammable vapors from the product being baked or dried. This Rule provide
requirements for the operation of ovens which certain limitations of control depending
on oven design, paint formulation, and ventilation requirements, the disregard of
which may cause them to function in an unsafe manner, thereby becoming liable to
destruction by fire or explosion. In addition to the requirements of this Rule, all
industrial baking and drying ovens shall comply with other internationally recognized
standards. (See NFPA Pamphlet No. 86 on Ovens and Furnaces.)

Section 36.102. Permit and Plans Required

A. No person shall operate an oven without a permit from the proper authority.
B. Application for a permit shall be accompanied by plans showing all essential
details and calculations for safe operations. A copy shall be furnished to the
nearest Chief of the Local Fire Service.

Section 36.103. Location and Construction

A. Ovens, oven heaters, and related equipment shall be located with due regard
to the possibility of fire resulting from over heating or from the escape of fuel
gas or fuel oil and the possibility of damage to the building and injury to
persons resulting from explosion.
B. Ovens shall be located at or above grade, or if in basements at least fifty (50)
percent of the wall area of the room in which the oven is located shall be
above grade.
C. Ovens shall be so located as to be readily accessible for inspection and
maintenance and with adequate clearances to permit the proper functioning of
explosion vents. Roofs of ovens shall be sufficiently insulated and ventilated to
keep temperatures of combustible ceilings and floors below seventy one
degrees Celsius (71°C).
D. Ovens shall be constructed of non-combustible materials throughout, except
where the maximum oven operating temperature is not over seventy one
degrees Celsius (71°C) and adequate guards shall be provided to protect
E. Ovens which may contain flammable air-gas mixtures shall be equipped with
devices or relief vents for freely relieving internal explosions causative
F. All duct works shall be constructed of non-combustible materials. Ducts shall
be made tight throughout and shall have no opening other than those required
for the proper operation and maintenance of the system. Ducts passing
through combustible well, floors or roofs shall have adequate insulation and
clearances to prevent surface temperature from exceeding seventy one
degrees Celsius (71°C). Exhaust ducts shall not discharge near doors,
windows, or other air intakes in a manner that will permit reentry of vapors into
the building.

Section 36.104. Ventilation

A. Ovens where flammable or toxic vapors are liberated, or through which

products or combustion are circulated shall be ventilated by the introduction of
a supply of fresh air and the proper exhaust to the outdoors. Discharge pipes
shall not terminate within three (3) meters measured horizontally, from any
door window or wood frame wall of any building. Such oven ventilation shall
be arranged to provide vigorous and well distributed air circulation within the
oven to insure that the flammable vapor concentration will be safely below the
lower explosive limit at all times. Unless the oven is operated in accordance
with specific approval specifying particular solvents and rate of ventilation, the
rate of ventilation shall not be less than seventy five (75) cubic meters of fresh
air per liter of solvent evaporated in continuous process ovens, and not less
than three (3) cubic meters per minute per liter of flammable solvent
evaporated in batch process ovens.
B. Exhaust duct openings shall be located in the area of greatest concentration
or vapors.
C. All exhaust shall be by mechanical means using power driven fans.

Section 36.105. Safety Controls

A. Safety controls shall be sufficient in number and substantially constructed and

arranged to maintain the required conditions of safety and prevent the
development of fire and explosion hazards. (Refer to NFPA Pamphlet No. 86
on Ovens and Furnaces).
B. Ventilation controls, suitably, interlocked, shall be provided which will insure
required ventilation of the system.
C. Fuel safety controls, suitably interlocked and arranged to minimized the
possibility of dangerous accumulations of explosives air-fuel mixture in the
heating systems, shall be provided.
D. Excess temperature controls shall be provided to maintain a safe operating
temperature within the oven.
E. Conveyor interlocks shall be provided in conveyor ovens having a flammable
vapor hazard, so that the conveyor cannot move unless ventilating fans are
operating and discharging the required amount of air.

Section 37.101 Definitions

Firm. A firm is any person, partnership, corporation or association.

Hydrostatic Testing. Pressure testing by hydrostatic methods.
Fire Extinguisher. A device that contains within it chemicals, fluids, or gases for
extinguishing fires, the means for application of its contents for that purposes, and is
capable of being readily move from place to place.
Leased. For the purpose of this Rule, leased fire extinguisher shall be treated in the
same manner as an extinguisher which had been sold.
Service and Servicing. Servicing portable fire extinguishers includes any or all of
the following – charging, filling, maintaining, recharging, refilling, repairing and

Section 37.102 Manufacture, Sale of Servicing

No person shall engage in the manufacture, sale or servicing of extinguisher unless a

permit is first obtained from the Department of Trade and Department of Industry. A
fire safety inspection certificate to be issued by the Chief of the Local Fire Service
shall be a prerequisite before the grant of any permit by the Bureau of Domestic
Trade or any other authority.

Section 37.103 Standard For Manufacture

All fire extinguishers shall be manufactured in accordance with internationally

accepted standards. For this purpose, the standards of the following agencies,
among others, are acceptable:

(1) National Fire Protection Association (US)

(2) National Fire Protection Association (UK)
(3) Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. (US)
(4) Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. (Canada)
(5) Factory Mutual, Inc. (US)
(6) Fire Officers Committee (UK)
(7) Standards Association (Australia)
(8) Industrial Standards Committee (Japan)

Nothing in this Section shall be construed as to preclude the use of other standards,
if and when, such standards are proven to the satisfaction of the Director General to
be equal or more stringent than the above listed standards.
Section 37.104 Prohibited Types of Extinguishers

The following types of fire extinguishers are prohibited for manufacture or sale:

A. All inverting types which make it necessary to invert the container before the
extinguisher's operation;
B. Soda-acid extinguishers;
C. Stored pressure or cartridge operated foam solution, unless an air-aspirating
nozzle is provided;
D. Vaporizing liquid extinguishers using carbon tetrachloride or chloro-
bromomethene in any concentration or formulation;
E. Vaporizing-liquid extinguishers of less than one (1) kilogram extinguishing
F. Glass bulb "grenade" type; "bomb" type of vaporizing liquid extinguishers
which have to be thrown to the fire or are mounted on specific location and
which operate upon the melting of a fusible link;
G. Thermatic special hazards single station extinguishers with extinguishing
capability of less than four and a half (4.5) cubic meters; and
H. Other types which may hereinafter be prohibited.

Section 37.105 Qualifications of Salesmen and Technicians

The certification issued by the Chief of the Local Fire Service pursuant to Section
37.102 shall be based on the following factors:

A. Salesmen

All salesmen shall be trained and shall possess working knowledge on the
following matters, among others:

1. Principles of fire fighting;

2. Types of extinguishers and their capabilities;
3. Selection and matching the extinguishers to the hazard, the envi-
ronment and the users’ capability;
4. Number and distribution of extinguisher for a particular hazard;
5. Operation and maintenance of extinguishers; and
6. Health and operational safety considerations.

B. Technicians

All persons engaged in the manufacture or servicing of fire extinguishers shall

be trained and possess working knowledge, in addition to those required for
salesmen per paragraph "C" above, on the following principles, among others:

1. Hydrostatic testing
2. Safe filling and charging procedures
3. Testing and rating procedures
4. The various chemicals and formulation of extinguishing agents and
their properties.
5. When and how till destroy any extinguishers container.

Section 37.106 Markings Required On Fire Extinguishers

All extinguishers manufactured or sold in the Philippines shall be labeled or marked

to show at least the following:

A. Date of original filling of the container to be permanently stamped on the body

near the valve/control assembly.
B. Chemical contents – the extinguishing agent shall be identified both under the
common name and the chemical formula. Where the extinguishing agent is a
formula, details on their proportions shall likewise be indicated.
C. Type of extinguishers

(1) Whether or not useful for Class A, B, C or D fire

(2) Numerical rating of the extinguisher

D. Opening instructions
E. Safe procedure in usage
F. The name and address of the manufacturer
G. The name and address of the dealer

Section 37.107 Tagging of Serviced Fire Extinguishers

Whenever any person duly qualified by the Department of Trade or other Authority
services a fire extinguisher, a tag shall be affixed that at least states:

A. The month and year the service is performed.

B. The chemical name andformula of the contents.
C. The type of extinguisher serviced.
D. Either the name and License Number of the Licensee and/or the name and
Permit Number of the Apprentice.
E. The name and Certificate of Registration number of the servicing firm.

Section 37.108 Prohibited Acts

The following are declared prohibited acts with regards to fire extinguishers:

A. Removal of inspection tags attached to fire extinguishers;

B. Refilling a discharged extinguisher with an extinguishing agent other than what
the unit was designed to contain;
C. Selling extinguishers not appropriate to the hazard;
D. Selling any extinguisher prohibited by Section 37.104
E. Selling defective or substandard extinguishers
F. Using/installing two (2) or more thermatic special hazard vaporizing liquid units
in rooms with volume greater than the nominal capability of one unit.
G. Installing pressure gauges in fire extinguishers which do not indicate the
actual pressure of the interior of vessel such as but not limited to use of
uncalibrated gauges, not providing or blocking the connection between the
gauge and the interior, or fixing the indicator/needle to indicate a certain

Enforcement of this Section shall be done in coordination with the Department of



Section 38.101. Scope

This standard is intended to apply to buildings in the course of erection, major

alteration, or demolition.

Section 38.102. Construction of Office Sheds

Construction office trailers, sheds and other facilities for storage of tools and
materials when located within the building, on the sidewalk bridging or within nine (9)
meters of the building shall be of non-combustible construction. When located nine
(9) meters of more than the building and constructed of combustible materials, it is
desirable to separate them into small detached units.

Section 38.103. Temporary Enclosures

A. Only flame resistant tarpaulin or materials of equivalent fire retardant

characteristics shall be used.
B. When used to enclose buildings temporarily, the enclosing material shall be
fastened securely or guardedly by construction so it cannot be blown against
sources of ignition by the wind.

Section 38.104. Scaffolding, Shoring and Forms

A. Unnecessary accumulation of combustible forms or form lumber shall be

avoided. These portions of the building where combustible forms are present
shall no be used for the storage of other combustible supplies.
B. Fire extinguishing shall be provided during forming and stripping. Charged
hose lines will meet this requirement. The Chief of the Local Fire Service
should be contacted regarding adequacy of water supply for hose line

Section 38.105. Construction Equipment

A. Internal combustion engine-powered air compressors, hoists, derricks, pumps,

etc., shall so located that the exhaust will discharge away from combustible
materials. When the exhaust are piped to outside the building under
construction, a clearance of at least fifteen (15) centimeters shall be
maintained between such piping and combustible material.
B. Internal combustion equipment shall be shutdown prior to refueling. Suitable
fire extinguishers should be provided on manned construction equipment
utilizing fuel.
C. Service areas for construction equipment shall not be located within the


Section 38.201. Cutting and Welding Operations

A. A permit shall be obtained for cutting and welding operations on the job sites
under the supervision of the person in charge of fire protection as provided in
Section 38.406. A permit shall not be used until:

(1) It has been determined that cutting and welding can be safely con-
ducted at the desired locations.
(2) Combustible material have been moved away or safely covered; and
(3) A fire watchman with extinguisher is posted for duration of the work,
and for every thirty (30) minutes thereafter to see that sparks or drops
of hot metal do not start fires. Additional fire watchman should be
provided during welding or cutting operations where sparks or molten
metal may drop on several floors.

B. If welding operations have been conducted during the day, the oncoming
watchmen should be alerted to check the location where welding was done as
part of the regular rounds. Where watchman service is not provided, use of
gas-operated welding or cutting equipment should be discontinued a minimum
of one (1) hour before quitting time.
C. If the structure had a wooden floor, it should be wetted down before and after
welding or cutting operations are conducted. Adequate precautions must be
taken so that wetting down will not introduce a personnel safety hazard.
D. All gas-operated cutting and welding equipment operations shall be in
accordance with Rule 39.

Section 38.202. Smoking

A. Smoking shall be prohibited at or in the vicinity of hazardous operations or

B. Where smoking is permitted, safe receptacles shall be provided for smoking

Section 38.203. Trash Disposal

A. Combustible water material and rubbish shall not be stored or allowed to

accumulate within the building or in the immediate vicinity, but shall be
removed from the premises as rapidly as practicable.
B. Rubbish shall not be burned on the premises without first obtaining permission
from the person in charge of fire protection as provided in Section 38.406. If a
chute is employed from removal of demolition debris, it should be erected on
the outside of the building.

Section 38.204. Flammable Liquids

A. Flammable liquid storage shall be in accordance with Rule 25 of Flammable

and Combustible Liquids.
B. Ventilation shall be provided for operations involving the application of
materials containing flammable solvents.
C. Potential sources of ignition shall be identified and safeguard whenever such
operation are being conducted.
D. Asphalt and tar kettle shall be located in a safe place outside of the building or
on a non-combustible roof at a point where they avoid danger of ignition of
combustible material below. Continues supervision shall be maintained while
kettles are in operation and metal covers shall be provided for all kettles to
another out flame in case of fire. Suitable fire extinguishers shall be provided.
E. Used roofing mops shall be stored away from the building and combustible
F. For demolition projects the following precautions shall be taken:

(1) Drain flammable liquids and combustible machinery reservoirs in a safe

manner, with particular attention to removal of residue and a sludge
accumulation. Remove residue and sludge accumulation from the
building immediately.
(2) Tanks and piping formerly containing flammable liquids are likely to
contain flammable vapors and preferably should be removed prior to
demolition of the building. If this is not feasible, these hazards should
be labeled or otherwise identified for careful removal.
(3) Purging with inert materials should be done as early as possible in the
demolition operation in order to minimize the possibility of explosion.
Remaining residue or sludge may constitute a fire or explosion hazard.


Section 38.301. Electrical

A. Electrical wiring and equipment for light, heat, or power purposes shall be
installed in compliance with the requirements of the Philippine Electrical Code.
B. In demolition projects, electric service shall be reduced to a minimum and
wiring and components shall be marked to identify energized circuits.
Section 38.302. Gas

Prior to demolitions, gas supplies shall be turned off at a point outside the building.


Section 38.401. Fire Cut-Offs

A. Fire walls and exit stairways, if required for buildings, shall be given construction
priority. Fire doors with approved closing device and hardware shall be hung on
opening as soon as practicable and before any significant quantity of combustible
material is introduced. Fire doors, after installation shall not be obstructed from
closing. It is recommended that fire doors be closed at the end of each working day.
B. For demolition projects, fire cut-offs shall be retained as such until razing
operations necessitate their removal.

Section 38.402. Access for Fire Fighting

A. A suitable location at the site shall be designated as a command post and is

provided with plans, emergency information, keys, communication and other
equipment as needed. The person in charge of fire protection shall report
immediately to the Command Post whenever fire occurs.
B. Access for use of heavy fire fighting equipment shall be provided to the
immediate job site at the start of construction and maintained until all
construction is completed. The Chief of the Local Fire Service should be
contacted .to establish access ways of sufficient dimension to allow
maneuvering of fire equipment.
C. Fire access from the street to fire hydrants and to outside connections for
standpipes, sprinklers or other fire suppression- system or equipment whether
permanent or temporary shall be provided and maintained at all times.
Protective pedestrian walkways shall not be so constructed as to impede
ready access to hydrants. No materials or construction shall interfere with
access to hydrants or connections.
D. During construction or demolition operations fire access to permanent,
temporary or portable first aid fire equipment shall be maintained at all times.
E. In all building over fifteen (15) meters in height, at least one (1) stairway shall
be provided in usable conditions at all times. This stairway shall be extended
upward as each floor is installed in new construction. It shall be lighted and
enclosed if the building exterior walls are in place. Hoists and elevators
provide the only efficient means of transporting hose and other cumbersome
fire fighting equipment to upper floors in tall construction or demolition
projects. They should be available to the Fire Service whenever necessary.
F. Arrangements shall be made so that firemen will have immediate access to
the premises when called.
Section 38.403. Water Supply

A. Water supply for fire protection either temporary or permanent shall be made
available before construction begins. There shall be no delay in the installation
of fire protection equipment. A minimum of eighteen hundred ninety two
(1,892) liters per minute should be provided. In most instances, the required
supply may be increased.
B. Where underground water mains are to be provided, they shall be installed,
completed and in service with hydrants or standpipes located as directed by
the Director General or his duly authorized representative.

Section 38.404. Standpipe

A. In all new buildings in which standpipes are required or where existing in

building being altered or demolished such astandpipes shall be maintained in
conformity with the progress of building activity in such manner that they are
always ready for use by members of the Fire Service.
B. The standpipe shall be provided with conspicuously marked Siamese Fire
Service connections on the outside of the building at the street level shall have
at least one (1) standard hose outlet at each floor.
C. Pipe sizes, hose, water supply and other details for new construction shall be
in accordance with Division 5 of Rule 3.

Section 38.405. Automatic Fire Suppression System Protection

A. If automatic fire suppression system is to be provided the installation shall be

placed in service as soon as possible. Details of installation shall be
accordance with the standard for the installation of Sprinkler System, NFPA
Pamphlet No. 13. With good scheduling and constructing, it is possible for the
sprinkler installation to progressively and closely follow the building
construction. This common good practice provides sprinkler areas for the
storage of interior finish materials and building mechanical equipment, such of
which may be received in combustibles packaging and which cannot be stored
outside because of absence of exterior space, weather or security. Even when
construction of combustible are not a factor, sprinkler protection would be
available for unanticipated early delivery of combustible content, planned for
the permanent occupancy. It is not unusual, when needed, to temporarily plug
the extremity of a partially installed sprinkler system so that a portion may be
placed in automatic service. This is frequently done in multiple-storied
buildings to facilitate protection on the lower floors before the upper floors
have been built. Other automatic fire suppression system may be accepted
and installed.

The building shall not be occupied until the automatic fire suppression system
installation has been entirely completed and tested such that the protection is
not susceptible to frequent impairment attribute to testing and corrections.
Exceptions: This provision shall not preclude the occupancy of the lower
floors of a building even through the upper floors may be in various stages of
construction or protection, provided the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The fire protection system of the lower occupied floor is completed and
tested in accordance with the above criteria.
(2) The fire protection system of the upper floors will be supplied by entirely
separate system and separate controls that its absence or
incompleteness will no way impair the protection of the occupied lower

B. When the building is to be demolished, automatic fire suppression system,

protection shall be retained in service as long as the condition requiring said
system continues to exist. If the building to be demolished presents a serious
exposure threat to neighboring property, the existing system should be
retained in service as reasonable. Modification of the system to permit
alteration or additional demolition should be done under direction of the Chief
of Local Fire Service and should be expedited so the system may be restored
as quickly as possible.

C. Operations of system controls shall be permitted only by properly authorized

personnel (Section 38.406) and shall be accompanied by notification of duly
designated parties when the system is being regularly turned off and to
facilitate connection of newly completed segments. The system controls shall
be checked daily at close to work to a certain that protection is in service.

Section 38.406. Supervising and Watch Service

A. A capable person representing the contractor or builder having the necessary

authority shall be placed in charge of fire protection of the building under
construction or demolition. His responsibility shall include maintenance and
location of automatic fire suppression systems and protective equipment,
general supervision of safeguard, and the establishment and maintenance of
safe cutting and welding operations. Where security guard service is provided,
he shall acquaint the watchman with developments during the day and pass
along any special instruction on the status of fire protection equipment and
emergency procedures. All areas and buildings shall be patrolled at all times
by said watchman.

B. There shall be a readily available means of communications to the nearest

Fire Service. Instruction shall be issued immediately to notify the Fire Service
in case of fire. When telephone service is employed, the Local Fire Service
number shall be conspicuously posted near the telephone.
Section 38.407. First-Aid Fire Equipment/Appliances

A. Hose and nozzles shall be provided and made ready for use as soon as either
the temporary or permanent water supply is available on new construction.
Signs or distinctive markings shall be provided to identify the location of first-
aid fire equipments/appliances and standpipe connections. They should be
conspicuously displayed. During demolition operations, charged hose lines
supplied by hydrants or sprinkler-riser adapters should be available.
B. When tool house, storeroom or other shanty, or a room or space is used for
storage, dressing room, or workshop shall be provided with at least one (1) fire
extinguisher and maintained in an accessible location.
C. At least one (1) fire extinguisher shall be provided on each floor at each
usable stairway in plain sight.
D. During demolition, portable fire extinguisher shall be available. Drums of two
hundred liters (200) capacity, filled with water and provided with buckets
should be placed on each floor.

Section 39.101. General Requirements

A. In performance of welding and cutting operations, only approved equipment

such as blowpipes, torches, regulators, and acetylene generators that have
been examined, tested and found to be properly safeguarded and conforming
to internationally accepted standards shall be used, as far as practicable.
B. All cylinders or containers used for the storage of compressed gases shall be
constructed, charged and marked in accordance with internationally
recognized safe practices.

Section 39.102. Piping of Oxygen Fuel Gases

A. Except as provided in this Section, piping shall be of wrought iron, steel, brass
or copper pipe, or approved seamless copper, brass or other approved gas
tubing. All piping and fittings for conveying gas or liquid at pressures up to ten
and fifty four-hundredths (10.54) kilograms per square centimeters, shall be
suitable for a safe working pressure of not less than ten and fifty four-
hundredths (10.54) kilograms per square centimeter. For pressures in
excess of ten and fifty four-hundredths (10.54) kilograms per square
centimeter, extra heavy-duty pipe and fittings shall be used. Joints in steel or
wrought iron pipe shall be welded or made up with threaded or flanged fittings;
or rolled, forged or cast steel, or malleable iron fittings may be used. Joints in
brass or copper pipe may be welded or made up with threaded or flanged
fittings. Joints in approved seamless copper, brass or other approved non-
ferrous gas tubing shall be made by means of approved fittings or, of the
socket type, with silver solder, or similar high melting point material. Cast-iron
fittings shall be prohibited. Threaded connections in oxygen piping shall be
tinned or made up with other suitable joint sealer applied to the thread of male
B. Acetylene piping shall be made of steel or wrought iron pipe only.
C. Oxygen piping shall be made of steel, wrought iron, brass or copper pipe or
approved seamless non-ferrous gas tubing. Tubing shall be used only for
pressures often and fifty four-hundredths (10.54) kilograms per square
centimeters or less.
D. Piping shall be protected against injury, and allowance made for contraction,
expansion, jarring and vibration. If laid underground, it shall be protected
against corrosion. Low points in piping shall be provided with drip pots and
drain valves, the latter to be normally closed with screw caps or plugs. Oxygen
piping shall not be placed in any location where it may be exposed to contact
with oil.
E. All piping shall be tested and proven tight at one and one-half (1.50) times its
maximum working pressure. Any medium used for testing oxygen lines shall
be oil-free. Flames shall not be used to detect leaks.
F. All buried pipe and tubing and outdoor ferrous pipe and tubing shall be
covered or painted with a suitable corrosion-resisting material.

Section 39.103. Manifolding of Cylinders

A. Oxygen manifold shall not be located in an acetylene generator room, or in

closed proximity to cylinders of combustible gases. Oxygen manifolds shall be
located away from highly flammable material, especially oil, grease or any
substance likely to cause or accelerate fire.
B. The aggregate capacity of fuel gas cylinders connected to one manifold inside
a building shall not exceed eighty four and nine tenths (84.90) cubic meters of
gas or one hundred thirty five (135) kilograms In the case of liquefied
petroleum gas. More than one such manifold each supplying one blowpipe or
one machine, may be located in the same room if separated at least fifteen
(15) meters.
C. It is necessary to manifold fuel gas cylinders having an aggregate gas
capacity in excess of eighty four and nine tenths (84.90) cubic meters or one
hundred fourteen (114) kilograms of liquefied petroleum gas. Storage
exceeding above amount shall be in a separate room as provided for by this
Rule, or cylinders shall be kept outside or in a special building. Buildings
rooms or compartments provided for such storage shall be well ventilated and
be without open flame heating or lighting devices.
D. Cylinders stored inside of buildings shall be away from highly combustible
materials and in locations where they are not subject to excessive rise in
temperature, mechanical injury or tampering. All cylinders, including empty
ones, shall have their caps in place and all valves tightly closed.

Section 39.104. Liquid Oxygen

Where liquid oxygen in a quantity exceeding three hundred eighty (380) liters is to be
used for welding and cutting, the container or containers shall be located outside or
in a special building having no other occupancy except that related to the handling
and gasification of the oxygen.

Section 39.105. Hose and Hose Connections

A. Hose shall be capable of withstanding a hydrostatic pressure of fifty six (56)

kilograms per square centimeter.
B. A single hose having more than one gas passage, a wall failure of which
would permit the flow of one gas into the other gas-passage, shall not be
used. Where two hoses joined by a web so as to form integral lengths of
double hose are used, the two hoses shall be identified as follows:

(1) By exterior color, such as by employing green for oxygen and red for
acetylene, or
(2) If the entire exterior of both passages are of the same color, the two
sides shall be distinguished by feel or touch (i.e., smooth versus rib or
rough exterior surface).

C. When parallel lengths of oxygen and acetylene hose are taped together for
convenience and to prevent tangling; not more than ten (10) centimeter shall
be covered by tape.
D. Hose connections shall be clamped or otherwise securely fastened in a
manner that will withstand without leakage, twice the pressure to which they
are normally subjected in service but in no case less than a pressure of twenty
one (21) kilograms per square centimeters.
E. Hose shall be inspected frequently for leaks, burns, torn places loose
connections or other defects, which may render the house unfit for service.
Where-hose shows excessive wear or has been subjected to flashbacks, it
shall be inspected and tested at twice the normal pressure which it is subject
to in service but in no case at less than fourteen (14) kilograms per square
centimeter before being returned to service. Defective length or hose shall be

Section 39.106. General Safety Rules for Welding and Cutting

A. No device or attachment facilitating or permitting mixture of air or oxygen with

combustible gases prior to consumptions, except at the burned or in a stan -
dard torch or blowpipe, shall be allowed unless approved for the purpose.
B. The user shall no transfer from one cylinder to another, or mix gases in a
C. Under no conditions shall acetylene gas be generated, piped (except in
approved cylinder manifold), or utilized at a pressure in excess of one and
five-hundredths (1.05) kilograms per square centimeters gauge pressure,
except when dissolved in a suitable solvent in cylinders manufactured
according to internationally recognized safe practice.
D. The use of liquid acetylene is prohibited.
E. Acetylene gas shall not be brought in contact with unalloyed copper except in
a blow-pipe torch.
F. Oxygen shall never be used from a cylinder or cylinder manifold unless a
pressure regulating device intended for use with oxygen, and so marked, it
G. Fuel gas shall never be used from cylinders, through torches or other device
equipped with shut-off valves without reducing the pressure through a suitable
regulator attached to the cylinder valve manifold.
H. Cylinders, valves, regulators, hose and other apparatus and fittings containing
or using oxygen shall be kept free form oil or grease. Oxygen cylinders,
apparatus and fittings shall be handled with oily hands or gloves or greasy
I. When moving compressed gas cylinder by crane, suitable cradles shall be
used in order to reduce the possibility of dropping. Ordinary rope slings or
electro-magnets shall not be used.
J. Oxygen and fuel gas cylinder and acetylene generators shall be placed far
away enough from the welding position so that they will not be undully heated
by radiation from heated materials, by sparks or slag, or by misdirection of the
torch flame.
K. No gas welding or cutting shall be done in or near rooms or loca tions where
flammable liquids or vapors, lint, dust, or loose combustible stocks, are so
located or arranged that sparks or hot metal from the welding or cutting
operations may cause ignition or explosion of such materials.
L. When such welding or cutting must be done above or within three (3) meters
of combustible construction or materials, or above a place where workers are
employed or where persons are likely to pass, non-combustible shields shall
be interposed to protect such materials and persons from sparks and hot
metal or oxide.
M. One or more first aid fire extinguishing appliances of suitable type shall be
kept at the location where welding or cutting is being done.
N. When welding or cutting is done above or within three (3) meters of
combustible construction or material, a fire watcher shall be on hand to make
use of fire extinguishing equipment.
O. A fire watch shall be maintained at least at half hour after completion of cutting
or welding operations to detect and extinguish possible smoldering fires.

Section 39.107. Containers for Calcium Carbide

Containers used for the storage of calcium carbide, shall be of metal of sufficient
strength to insure handling without rupture, and shall be provided with a screw top or
its equivalent. They shall be of water tight construction. Solder shall not be used on
joints in such manner that fire would break open the package. Packages shall be

Section 39.108. Storage of Calcium Carbide In Building

A. Storage of calcium carbide inside building shall be in a dry waterproof and well
ventilated location.
B. Calcium carbide in excess of two hundred seventy three (273) kilograms shall
not be stored in a building containing other occupancy unless in an acetylene
generator room or compartment, in a one-storey building without a cellar or
basement underneath the carbide storage section, such rooms shall be
constructed to have a fire-resistance rating of not less than one hour, with
openings to other parts of the building protected by approved self-closing fire
doors or stationary wired glass windows in approved metal frame. The room or
compartments may also be used for storage of fuel gas cylinders, but not
oxygen. Adequate ventilation shall be provided.
C. Calcium carbide in excess of twenty two hundred seventy three (2,273)
kilograms shall be stored in one-storey buildings without cellar or basement
and used for no other purpose except the storage of fuel gas cylinders, or in
outside acetylene generator houses. Location of such storage buildings shall
be outside congested mercantile and manufacturing districts. If the storage
building is of non-combustible construction, it may adjoin other one-storey
buildings If separated therefrom by unpierced fire walls, if detached, less than
three (3) meters from such buildings, there shall be no opening in : any of the
mutually exposing sides of such buildings within said distance. If the storage
building is of combustible construction if shall not be within six (6) meters of
any other one-or-two storey building, nor within nine (9) meters of any other
building exceeding two storeys.

Section 39.109. Generators to be Approved

Acetylene generators shall be of approved type and shall be plainly marked with the
rate in cubic Meter of acetylene per hour for which they are designed, the amount of
weight of carbide necessary for a single charge, the manufacturer's name and
address, and the name or number of the type of generator.

Section 39.110. Stationary Generations

Stationary generators shall be installed either in a well-ventilated one-storey non-

combustible outside generator house, or in a well-ventilated room or compartment of
ample size and of construction as outlined In the succeeding Sections, either in a
one-storey building or on the top floor or roof of multi-storeys building. The storage of
fuel gas cylinder in such room or compartments shall not exceed a total volume of
fifty seven (57) cubic meter of or twelve (12) kilograms in case of liquefied petroleum

Section 39.111. Inside Generator Rooms or Compartments

A. The walls or partitions, floor, and ceiling on such room or compartments shall
be constructed having a fire-resistance rating of not less than one hour. Walls
or partitions shall be continuous from floor to ceiling and shall be securely an-
chored. At least one wall of an inside generator room shall be an exterior wall.
B. Opening from the generator room or compartment to other parts of the
building shall be protected by an approved self-closing fire door or the
swinging type and close into a rabbet, or otherwise be made tight to prevent
passage of flame around edges. Exit doors shall be located so as to be readily
accessible in case of emergency. Windows, if provided in partitions, shall be
wired glass in approved metal-frames with fixed sash.
C. A portion of the exterior walls equal to not less than ten (10) percent of the
combined areas of the enclosing walls shall be of light non-combustible
materials such as single thickness, single strength glass. Single thickness,
single strength window glass skylights, or lightly fastened roof hatch covers,
swinging doors in exterior walls opening outward, sheet metal siding or lightly
fastened roofs, may be accepted In part or entirely in lieu of the glass area or
its equivalent, provided the required percentage of explosion venting area is
thus obtained.
Section 39.112. Portable Generators

A. Portable generators shall not be used in rooms of total volume less than thirty
five (35) times the total gas generating capacity per charge of generators in
the room. The gas generating capacity in cubic meters per charge shall be
assumed as three-tenths (0.30) times the weight of carbide per charge in kilos.
Generators shall be used in rooms having a ceiling height less than three (3)
B. No acetylene generator shall be moved by derrick crane or hoist while

Section 40.101. Scope

This Rule deals with life safety from fires and similar emergencies in high rise
buildings. It covers fire safety features in construction and protection of exits and
passageway and provisions for fire protection.

Section 40.102. Definition

A high rise building is one which is at least fifteen (15) meters high.

Section 40.103. Application

For purpose of this Rule, high rise buildings shall be classified as all public or private
buildings, where the distance between the floor of the topmost storey and the ground
level is more than fifteen (15) meters.

Section 40.104. Smoke Control

High rise buildings shall be designed so that in the event of fire the levels of smoke
concentration in protected spaces can be maintained within values that can be
tolerated by occupants for an indefinite period. The protected spaces shall include
stairwells, at least one elevator shaft, and floor spaces readily accessible to all
occupants and large enough to accommodate them. In the spaces to which the
requirement for control of smoke level applies, the atmosphere shall not include more
than one (1%) percent by volume of the contaminated atmosphere emanating from
the fire area.

Section 40.105. Automatic Fire Suppression Systems

High rise buildings shall be protected with approved type of automatic fire
suppression systems installed In accordance with internationally recognized
standards. The automatic fire suppression system must protect all floors spaces
including every closet and concealed spaces and plenums of certain configuration
and construction - particularly where combustible materials are located such as
exposed electrical wiring, combustible ductwork, and combustible sound/thermal
insulation. The system shall be interconnected to a fire alarm system and to the
control room of the building.

Section 40.106. Exits

All stairwells shall be enclosed and protected in accordance with Rule 3. All doors on
stairwells shall be kept closed.
Section 40.107. First-Aid Protection

In addition to the other requirements of this Code, each floor shall be provided with at
least fifteen (15) to nineteen (19) millimeters lightweight flexible hose equipped with a
spray nozzle and connected to the wet standpipe system or other water supply
capable of providing nineteen (19) to thirty eight (38) liter per minute or water for a
period of thirty minutes.

Section 40.108. Emergency Escape Equipment

In existing buildings shall floors above fifteen (15) meters form ground may be
provided, in addition to smoke protected fire exits with emergency escape equipment
capable of attachment and use for escape from windows. Provided, that this means
of escape does not exceed twenty five (25) percent of the required number of units of
exit widths. Such equipment should provide safe descent capability not exceeding
three (3) meters per second.

Section 40.109. Applicability of All Other Provisions of this Rule

This Rule shall supplement all other applicable provisions of this Fire Code.

Section 41.101. Schedule of Fines

The following administrative fines are hereby prescribed for violations as indicated:

A. Failure to provide safety measured for the manufacture, storage, handling

and/or use of the following hazardous material required in Section 8,
paragraph b of Presidential Decree No. 1185.

1. Cellulose nitrate plastic of any kind . . P100.00 per kilo or less but not
. exceeding P300.00
2. Combustible fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P100.00 per cubic meter or less
. but not exceeding P1,000.00
3. Cellular materials such as foam
rubber, sponge rubber and plastic P100.00 per cubic meter or less
foam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . but not exceeding P1,000.00
4. Flammable and combustible liquids
or gases of any P10.00 per liter or less but not
classification . . . . . . . . . exceeding P3,000.00
5. Flammable paints, varnishes, stain
and organic coatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P10.00 per liter or less but not
exceeding P3,000.00
6. High piled or widely spread combus-
tible stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P20.00 per cubic meter or less
but not exceeding P3,000.00
7. Metallic Magnesium in any P100.00 per kilos or less but not
form . . . . . exceeding P3,000.00
8. Corrosive liquids, oxidizing materials,
organic peroxide, nitromethane,
ammonium nitrate or any amount of
highly toxic pyrophoric, hypergolic or
cryogenic materials or poisonous
gases as well as material compounds
which when exposed to heat of flame
become a fire conductor or generate
excessive smoke or toxic gases . . . . . P10.00 per kilo/liter or less but not
exceeding P3,000.00
9. Blasting agents, explosives and
special industrial explosive materials,
blasting caps, black powder, dynamite,
nitrocellulose, fulminates of any kind
and plastic explosives containing
ammonium salt or chlorate . . . . . . . . . P500.00 per kilo or less but not
exceeding P3,000.00
10. Liquid Nitroglycerine and liquid trini-
trotolouene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P1,000.00 per liter or less but not
exceeding P3,000.00
11. Firework materials of any kind or
form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P500.00 per kilo or less but not
exceeding P3,000.00
12. Matches in commercial quantities
more than 60 matchman's gross . . . . P100.00 per matchman gross
(14,400 matchstick) or less but
not exceeding P3,000.00
13. Hot ashes, live coals and embers . . . P50.00 per cubic meter or less
but not exceeding PI,000.00
14. Mineral, vegetable or animal oils and
other derivative by products . . . . . . . P10.00 per liter in excess of
twenty five (25) liters but not
exceeding P1,000.00
15. Recycling of combustible waste
materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P100.00 per cubic meter or less
but not exceeding P1,000.00
16. Explosives dusts and vapors . . . . . . . P1,000.00 to P3,000.00 per
17. Agricultural, forest, marine or mineral
products which may undergo
spontaneous combustion . . . . . . . . . P100.00 per cubic meter or less
but not exceeding P1,000.00

B. Failure to provide safety measures for the following hazardous operations

processes as required in Section 8, paragraph c of the Presidential Decree
No. 1185:

1. Welding or P100.00 to P1,000.00

soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Industrial/commercial baking and drying . . . P1,000.00 to P2,000.00
3. Disposal of combustible waste P1,000.00 to P2,000.00
materials . . . .
4. Pressurized/forced-draft burning equipment P1,000.00 to P2,000.00
5. Smelting and forging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P2,000.00 to P3,000.00
6. Motion picture projection using electrical
arc lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P100.00 to P1,000.00
7. Refining, distillation and solvent extraction
of flammable/combustible liquids . . . . . . . . . . P2,000.00 to P3,000.00
C. Failure to provide the following safety construction protective and warning
systems as required in Section 8, paragraph a of Presidential Decree No.

1. Fire protection features such as sprin-

kler system hose boxes reels or stand-pipe
system and other fire fighting equipment . . . . P6,000.00 to P9,000.00
2. Fire alarm P6,000.00 to P9,000.00
system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Fire walls to separate adjoining building,
or warehouse and storage areas from other
occupancies in the same building . . . . . . . . . P6,000.00 to P9,000.00
4. Provisions for confining the fire at its
source such as fire resistive floors and walls
extending up to the next floor slab or roof,
curtain boards and other fire containing or
stopping components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P3,000.00 to P6,000.00
5. Termination of all exits in an area
affording safe passage to a public way or
safe dispersal P9,000.00 to P12,000.00
area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Obstructing designated fire lanes or
access to fire hydrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P3,000.00 to P6,000.00
7. Overcrowding or admission of person
beyond the authorized capacity in movie
houses, theaters, coliseum, auditorium or
other public assembly buildings, except in
other assembly areas on the ground floor
with open sides or open doors sufficient to
provide safe exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P6,000.00 to P9,000.00
8. Locking fire exits during periods when
people are inside the building . . . . . . . P9,000.00 to P12,000.00
9. Prevention or obstruction of the
automatic closure of fire doors or smoke
partition or dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P3,000.00 to P6,000.00
10. Use of fire protective or fire fighting
equipment of the Fire Service other than for
fire fighting except in other emergencies
where their use are justified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P1,000.00 to P3,000.00
11. Giving false or malicious fire P1,000.00 to P3,000.00
alarm . . . . . . . .
12. Smoking in prohibited areas as may be
determined by the Fire Service, or throwing
of cigars, cigarettes, or burning objects in
places which may start or cause fires . . . . . . P1,000.00 to P3,000.00
13. Abandoning or leaving a building or
structure by the occupant or owner without
appropriate P1,000.00 to P5,000.00
measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14. Removing, destroying, tampering or
obliterating any authorized mark, seal, sign
or tag posted or required by the Fire Service
for fire safety in any building, structure or
processing equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P6,000.00 to P9,000.00
15. Use of jumpers or tampering with
electrical wiring or overloading the electrical
system beyond its designed capacity or such
other practices that would tend to undermine
the fire safety features of the electrical P6,000.00 to P9,000.00
system . .
16. Failure to submit copy of fire insurance
policy within the prescribed time P1,000.00 to P3,000.00
limit . . . . . . . . . . .
Section 41.102. General Guidelines for Administrative Actions

A. Fines

Before a fine is imposed, the offender must first be informed of his violation
and ordered to correct the same immediately, if feasible, or within a rea-
sonable period of time as prescribed in Section 41.108 hereof. At the expira-
tion of the period to correct the deficiency/deficiencies, a re-inspection shall be
conducted to determine compliance. If correction was not effected or if
compliance does not conform to the required standards, the First Violation is
committed for which the offender shall be fined and further ordered to effect
the correction. Repeated failures on the part of the offender to effect
corrections will constitute the second, third, fourth and subsequent violations
correctioning to number of times he has been re-inspected and ordered to
effect the correction and for which corresponding fines shall be imposed. A
daily fine may be imposed if, in the opinion of the responsible Fire Service
Official concerned, the same is necessary to compel the offender to effect the

B. Closure and/or Stoppage of Operations

Closure of establishments and/or stoppage of operation shall be resorted to

when the offender is recalcitrant in complying with repeated orders for him to
correct the deficiency. The same recourse shall also be resorted to when the
deficiency constitutes a clear and imminent danger to life and property such
that evacuation of the building or establishment and stoppage of operations
therein are extremely necessary.

C. Abatement
(1) All fires hazards shall be abated immediately. Abatement is any act that
would remove or neutralize a fire hazard. Such acts are specified in the
Notice of Violation.
(2) Abatement includes, among others, any combinations or all of the

(a) Removal of the source of ignition;

(b) Rearranging or adjusting articles within the minimum clearances
or dimensions;
(c) Reduction in the amount/quantity of flammable, combustible and/
or hazardous materials.
(d) Changes in procedure in the conduct of hazardous operation;
(e) Constructions to limit and control the spread of fire and smoke;
(f) Installation of fire protective and/or warning systems; and
(g) Remodelling, repairing, strengthening, reconstructing, removal
and demolition, either partial or total, of the building or structure.
(3) Under certain circumstances, where there is inaction on the part of the
violator, abatement may be made summarily by the government if this
is the only recourse to remove the imminent danger to life and property
and achieve fire safety. In this case the provisions of Section 10, 11,
and 12 of Presidential Decree No. 1185 apply.

Section 41.103. Fixing of Fines

Administrative fines shall be determined as follows:

A. When the violation carries an administrative fine which has a rate per unit
volume, weight or unit, the fine shall be computed by multiplying the
weight/volume/unit by the rate.

B. Where the violation carries a fine within a certain range (for example, P1,000-
P3,000.00), the fine increases with the number of violation of the same

(1) First violation - the fine shall be the minimum amount in the range.
(2) Second violation - the fine shall be one half (1/2) of the sum of the
minimum and maximum amounts in the range.
(3) Third and/or subsequent violations - the fine shall be the maximum
amount in the range.

C. When two or more offenses were committed, the same procedures shall be
followed in the preceding subsections "A" and "B", but the fine shall be based
on the offense that carries the higher rate of range.

Section 41.104. Jurisdiction on Imposition of Administrative

A. Fine

(1) Fines up to six thousand (P6,000.00) pesos shall be imposed by the

Provincial Police Superintendent or the Fire District Commander of the
Metropolitan Police Force.
(2) Fines up to but not exceeding twelve thousand (PI2,000.00) pesos shall
be imposed by the Zone/Regional/Metropolitan Police Force

B. Stoppage of Operation

This penalty shall be imposed by the Zone/Regional/Metropolitan Police Force

Commander. The exercise of this authority may be delegated to the Provincial
Police Superintendent to the Fire District Commander of the Metropolitan
Police Force.
C. Closure of Buildings

Closure of buildings or portions thereof shall be on order of the

Zone/Regional/Metropolitan Police Force Commander.

D. Declaration of Public Nuisance

The declaration of a building, structure or facility as a public nuisance pursuant

to Section 10 of Presidential Decree No. 1185 shall be made by the
Zone/Regional/Metropolitan Police Force Commander.

E. Abatement

(1) Orders for simple abatement such as removal of fire hazardous

materials, removal of obstruction to exit ways or means of egress or
similar actions that do not entail financial expenditures on the part of
violator, shall be issued either by the Provincial Police Superintendent,
or by the Fire District Commander of the Metropolitan Police Force, or
by the Chief of the Local Fire Service.
(2) Orders for abatement involving alteration, modification or repair of
equipment, machinery, or protective systems; or buildings, structures,
or facilities shall be issued by the Zone/Regional/Metropolitan Police
Force Commander.
(3) Orders for abatement involving condemnation and/or removal of
defective machinery, equipment or protective system; or demolition,
either partial or total, of buildings, structures or facilities shall be issued
by the Director General.
(4) Orders for the summary abatement of a building, structure, or facility
declared as a public nuisance shall be issued by the Director General.
F. The decisions of the foregoing authorities are executory.

Section 41.105. Procedure Prior to Imposition and Collection of

Administrative Fine

When the After Mission Report submitted by the Fire Inspectors, indicates violations
of the Fire Code, (Sec. 1.203) the Chief of the Fire Service Shall immediately issue a
Notice to Correct Violation as provided for in Section 1.204. Such Notice shall
include, among others, a verbatim quotation of the specific provisions of the Fire
Code violated. The original copy of such Notice shall be served upon the person
responsible for the violation within three (3) days from submission of the Report.
When the correction of a violation requires mere desistance on the part of the
offender from repeating the same, such as but not limited to: Prevention, intervention
or obstruction of any operation of the Fire Service or of a duly organized and
authorized fire brigades; or obstructing designated fire lanes or access to fire
hydrants or use of fire protection or fire fighting equipment of the fire service other
than for fire fighting except in other emergencies where their use are justified; or use
of jumpers, or tampering with electrical wiring or overloading the electrical system; or
giving false or malicious fire alarm; or other violations similar to any of the foregoing;
an Order to Pay Fine shall-be issued immediately without needed for issuing a Notice
to Correct Violation.

Section 41.106. Imposition/Collection of Administrative Fines

Within three (3) days following the expiration of the period for correction of the
violation as fixed in the Notice, a re-inspection shall be conducted. For this purpose,
a new Mission Order shall be issued and another After Mission Report submitted. If
the Report indicates that all deficiencies were corrected, according to prescribed
standard a copy of the report shall be furnished to the responsible person. However,
if the Report indicates that the deficiency or deficiencies previously cited were not
corrected, or correction did not conform to the prescribed standards a new Notice of
Violation and an Order for Payment of Fine shall be issued. The original copy of such
Notice shall be served upon the person responsible for the violation within three (3)
days within which to pay the fine; and a reasonable time to correct the
deficiency/deficiencies is prescribed.

Section 41.107. Failure to Pay Fine

Failure on the part of the violator to pay the administrative fine within the period fixed
in the Notice, shall constitute a ground for the issuance of an Order for Qosure of the
building or portion thereof or stoppage of the hazardous operation in such building.

Section 41.108. Period for Correcting Violations

The periods within which the person responsible for the violation shqll correct the
same are hereby prescribed as follows:
A. Immediately or within twenty four (24) hours

(1) Obstructing or blocking the exit ways or access to building clearly

marked for fire safety purposes, such as, but not limited to aisles in
interior rooms, any part of stairways, hallways, corridors, vestibules,
balconies or bridges leading to a stairway or exit of any kind, or
tolerating or allowing said violations;
(2) Prevention, interference or obstruction of any operation of the Fire
Service, or of duly organized and authorized fire brigades.
(3) Obstructing designated fire lanes or access to fire hydrant.
(4) Overcrowding or admission of person beyond the authorized capacity in
movie houses, theaters, coliseums, auditorium or other public assembly
buildings except in other assembly areas on the ground floor with open
sides or open doors sufficient to provide exits;
(5) Locking fire exits during periods when people are inside the building;
(6) Prevention or obstruction of the automatic closure of fire doors or
smoke partitions or dampers;
(7) Use of fire protective or fire fighting equipment of the Fire Service other
than for fire fighting except in other emergencies where their use are
(8) Giving false or malicious fire alarms;
(9) Smoking in prohibited areas as may be determined by the Fire Service,
or throwing cigars, cigarettes, or burning objects in places which may
start or cause fires;
(10) Removing, destroying, tampering or obliterating any authorized mark,
seal sign, or tag posted or required by the Fire Service for fire safety in
any building, structure or processing equipment;
(11) Use of jumpers or tampering with electrical wiring or overloading the
electrical system beyond its designed capacity or such other practices
that tend to undermine the fire safety features of the electrical system;
(12) Failure to observe fire safety precaution for the following:

(a) Hot ashes, live coals and embers;

(b) Flammable paints, varnishes, stains and organic coatings;
(c) Flammable and combustible liquids or gases of any
(d) Metallic magnesium in any form;
(e) Blasting agents, explosives and special industrial, explosive
materials, blasting caps, black powder, dynamic, nitrocellulose,
fulminates of any kind, and plastic explosives containing
ammonium salt or chlorate;
(f) Liquid nitroglycerine and liquid trinitrotoluoene;
(g) Firework materials of any kind of form;
(h) Explosive dusts and vapors;
(i) Welding or soldering;
(j) Industrial/commercial baking and drying;
(k) Smelting and forging; or
(I) Refifling, distillation and solvent extraction of flammable/combus-
tible liquids; and

(13) Other violations similar to or of the same nature as any of the above,
but not included in this listing, shall likewise be allocated the same

B. Within three (3) days

(1) Constructing gates, entrances and walkways to building components

and yards which obstruct the orderly and easy passage of fire fighting
vehicles and equipment:
(2) Abandonment or leaving a building or structure by the occupant or
owner without appropriate safety measures;
(3) Failure to submit copy of fire insurance policy within the prescribed time
(4) Failure to observe fire safety precaution for the following:

(a) High piled or widely spread combustible stock;

(b) Corrosive liquids, oxidizing materials, organic peroxide, nitrome-
thane, ammonium nitrate or any amount of highly toxic
pyrophoric, hypergolic or cryogenic materials or poisonous gases
as well as materials compounds which when exposed to heat or
flame become a lire conductor or generate excessive smoke or
toxic gases;
(c) Matches in commercial quantities (more than 60 watchman's
(d) Combustible waste materials for recycling or resale;
(e) Agricultural, forest, marine or mineral products which may
undergo spontaneous combustion;
(f) Waste disposal of combustible materials;
(g) Pressurized/forced-draft burning equipment; or
(h) Motion picture projection using electrical lamp; and

(5) Other violations similar to or the same nature as any of the above, but
not included in this listing, shall likewise be allocated the same period.

C. Within seven (7) days

(1) For failure to provide the fire safety precautions for the following:

(a) Combustible fibers;

(b) Cellular materials such as foam rubber, sponge rubber and
plastic foam;
(c) Mineral, vegetable or animal oils and other derivatives by-

(2) Other violations similar to or of the same nature as any of the above,
but not included in this listing, shall likewise be allocated the same

D. Within fifteen (15) days

(1) Failure to provide fire walls to separate adjoining building, or warehouse

and storage areas from other occupancies in the same building; and
(2) Other violations similar to or of the same nature as any of the above,
but not included in this listing, shall likewise be allocated the same
E. Within thirty (30) days

(1) Failure to provide, install and maintain the following:

(a) Fire alarm system;

(b) Provision for confining the fire at its source such as fire resistive
floor slab or roof, curtain boards and other fire containing or
stopping components;
(c) A fire exit plan or diagram for each floor of the building showing
the routes from each room to appropriate exits, displayed
prominently on the door of each room;
(d) Properly marked and lighted exits with provisions for emergency
lights to adequately exit ways in case of power failure;

(2) Failure to develop and implement a fire safety and education programs.
(3) Other violations similar to or of the same nature as any of the above,
but not included in this listing; shall likewise be allocated the same

F. Within sixty (60) days

(1) Failure to provide on effect the following:

(a) Fire protection features such as sprinkler systems, hose boxes,

hose reels or standpipe system and other fire fighting equipment;
(b) Termination of all exits in area affording sale passage to a public
way or safe dispersal area;
(c) Stairways, vertical shafts, horizontal exits and other means of
egress sealed from smoke and heat;
(d) Self-closing fire resistive door leading to corridors;
(e) Fire dampers in centralized air-conditioning ducts; or
(f) Roof vents for use by fire fighters; and

(2) Other violations similar to or of the same nature as any of the above,
but not included in this listing, shall likewise be allocated the same

Section 42.101. Options for Enforcement

Under Sections 10, 11, and 12 of Presidential Decree No. 1185, the options open to
the enforcing agencies to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Fire Code are
either administrative fine, or closure of building, or stoppage of operation, or
abatement of fire hazard, or filing of criminal actions, or combinations thereof.

Section 42.102. Application of Courses of Action

A. The following courses of action may be served in dealing with violations of the
Rre Code.

(1) Administrative Fine – Violations of the Fire Code may be normally

dealt with initially by imposing a fine on the responsible person. Such
fine may be availed of up to four (4) times for violations punished by
fine of up to three thousand (P3,000.00) pesos, up to three (3) times for
those punished by fine of up to six thousand (P6,000.00) pesos, up to
two (2) times for those punished by fine of up to nine thousand
(P9.000.00) pesos, and once for those punished by fine of up to twelve
thousand (PI2,000.00) pesos.
(2) Closure of Building or Stoppage of Operation – Closure of building
consists of the cancellation of the Fire Safety Inspection Certificate if
one was issued and/or the posting of Notices or Tags in buildings or
portion thereof prohibiting its use. Stoppage of operation refers to the
issuance of Notices or Tags and posting thereof in the building or
premises of a business firm or operation involving hazardous material,
hazardous operations or processes. Closure of building and/or
stoppage of operation may be availed of after fourth fine for violations
punished by fine of up three thousand (P3,000.00) pesos, after the third
fine for violations punished by fine up to six thousand (P6,000.00)
pesos shall have been imposed, after the second fine for violations
punished by a fine of up to nine thousand (P9,000.00) pesos, and once
for the violations punished by a fine of up to twelve thousand
(P12,000.00) pesos.
(3) Abatement by Demolition – This course of action may be availed of
after closure of building and/or stoppage of operation shall have been
carried out.

B. Notwithstanding the foregoing, when the violator fails or refuses to take any
positive corrective action, or the hazardous condition is aggravated, or
additional violation are found, the concerned, officer of the Fire Service shall
take any or all of the following actions:
(1) Simultaneous imposition of fine, closure of building and stoppage of
operation; and/or
(2) The imposition of a daily fine; and/or
(3) Summary abatement by demolitions: and/or
(4) The filing of criminal charges against the offender.

Section 42.103. Criminal Prosecution

The Zone/Regional/Metropolitan Commander, on the basis of the provision of

paragraph "B" of the preceding Section, shall have the authority to determine whether
a criminal charge is going to be instituted.

Section 43.101. Appeal

A. The authority of the Secretary of National Defense to decide appealed cases

relative to administrative fines, stoppage of operation, closure of buildings
and/or abatement as provided for under the Integrated National Police and to
the Zone/Regional/Metropolitan PO-lice Force Commander as the case may
be except as hereinafter provided.
B. All actions for administrative fines, closure of buildings or stoppage of
operation, taken under this Fire Code by any Officer pursuant to Section
41.104 shall be appealable to the next higher authority and/or authorities
within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the pertinent order or notice. For this
purpose, next higher authority refers to: the Fire District
Commander/Provincial Police Superintendent, if the decision was made by the
Chief of the Local Fire Service; the Zone/Regional/Metropolitan Commander,
for the decisions of Fire District Commander/Provincial Superintendent; the
Director General, for the decisions of the Zone/Regional/Metropolitan
Commanders; and lastly the Secretary of National Defense for decisions of the
Director General.
C. The decisions of the said appellate authorities are final except in cases of
stoppage of operation and closure of buildings as provided for under
paragraphs "B" and "C" of Section 41.104, where appeal may be elevated to
the Secretary of National Defense. Decisions of the Secretary of National
Defense shall be final and executory.

Section 43.102. Citizen Participation

A. Cooperation with Fire Inspector

The Fire Code and its Rules and Regulations are designed to achieve fire
safety in the community. To this end, inspections are to'be conducted by
elements of the Fire Service. All inspections of premises shall be done by duly
designated Fire Service personnel in distinctive uniform, with proper
identification cards and mission orders. Citizens can assist in achieving the
goals of public fire safety by cooperating with such duly authorized inspectors
and affording them to opportunity to accomplish their mission.

B. Individual and Group Initiative

All persons are encouraged to inspect their own premises and to abate any
fire hazard therein, as well as take the necessary fire safety precautions. They
shall strive to organize themselves into effective fire safety and fire prevention
organizations in their community and places of work in order for them to take
the necessary contingent actions during fire emergencies to avoid
unnecessary loss of life and property.
Section 43.103. Implementing Details

The Director General shall have the authority to issue such further implementing
details as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of these Rules and

Section 43.104. Discretionary Powers of the Director General

The Director General shall determine the adequacy of exits and other measures for
life safety from fire in accordance with provisions of this Code. In cases of practical
difficulty or unnecessary hardship, the Director General may grant exceptions to this
Code, but only when it is evident that reasonable safety is thereby assured.

Section 43.105. Effectlvtty

These Implementing Rules and Regulations shall take effect thirty (30) days after
publication of the last installment in a newspaper of general circulation.

Done in Quezon City, this 20th day of March, 1978.


Major General, AFP
Chief of Constabulary
Director General
Integrated National Police



March 25,1978

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