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Evaluation of Angiographic Parameters in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure

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Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Jul- Aug 2022 ISSN: 2660-4159

Evaluation of Angiographic Parameters in Patients with

Chronic Heart Failure
1. Rukhshona Khomidovna Abstract: The article presents data on the study of the
Musaeva, Ph.D features of angiographic changes in patients with
chronic heart failure (CHF). The aim of the study is to
determine the relationship of clinical and angiographic
data with the clinical course of the disease. The study
Received 2nd Jun 2022,
Accepted 3rd July 2022, involved 112 patients with FC II-III CHF aged 52.52 ±
Online 1st Aug 2022 6.21 years, who were inpatient treatment at the regional
multicenter medical center of the Bukhara region. In
patients with CHF, coronary artery lesions had a
Department of Propaedeutics of Internal relationship with the severity of the disease; in patients
Diseases Bukhara State Medical Institute , with CHF II-III FC, the degree of coronary artery
Uzbekistan, stenosis had a direct correlation with the), a clinical
condition assessment scale indicator, and an inverse
correlation with the six-minute walk test and LVEF.
Keywords: Chronic heart failure, Coronary
angiography, Revascularization.

Chronic heart failure (CHF) is one of the most common complications and outcomes of heart disease.
According to the latest recommendations (2016), "1-2% of the adult population of developed countries
have heart failure." CHF occurs in the active period of life that is, in patients aged 40-60 years and is
characterized by a frequent cause of CHF, associated with an increased risk of death, a decrease in the
quality of life and high costs of treatment [1,2].
Early diagnosis of CHF using high-tech methods, predicting the course of the disease, developing
therapeutic measures and, as a result, reducing morbidity, disability and mortality rates, improving the
quality of life of patients' prognosis is of priority importance [3,4].
Currently, a number of priority studies are being carried out in the world to improve the diagnosis
and treatment of CHF, including determining the prognostic value of endovascular methods in
diagnosing the disease, developing approaches to treatment using various types of stents, predicting the
course of the disease and complications after interventional interventions, improving the clinical the
course and quality of life of patients, by increasing the efficiency of immediate and long-term results,
reducing complications by determining the factors involved in the pathogenetic mechanisms of
thrombosis and restenosis, improving prognosis [5,6].

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CAJMNS Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Jul- Aug 2022
Purpose of Work
The aim of the study is to determine the relationship of clinical and angiographic data with the clinical
course of the disease, to optimize the prognosis in patients with CHF.
Material and Research Methods
The study involved 112 patients with FC III CHF at the age of 52.52 ± 6.21 years who were inpatient
treatment at the regional multicenter medical center of Bukhara region. All patients underwent a six-
minute walk test (6MWT), the clinical condition assessment scale, clinical-physical and angiographic
studies. Men accounted for 62 (55.4%) patients and women - 50 (54.6%) patients. Patients with FC II
CHF made up 39 (34.8%) patients, and with FC III CHF 73 (65.2%).
The exclusion criteria from the study were: patients with previous PCI with stenting or coronary
artery bypass grafting (CABG) in history; with severe concomitant pathology of the cardiovascular
system (aortic aneurysm; valvular pathology requiring surgical correction; severe systolic dysfunction
of the left ventricle (LV) (ejection fraction LV <35%); severe renal failure); patients intolerant to taking
anticoagulants / antiplatelet agents; persons with bifurcation lesions. To assess the X-ray
morphological characteristics of patients, selective coronary angiography (CAG) of coronary vessels
was performed taking into account angiographic parameters: percentage of stenosis, number of
stenotic lesions, classification of stenotic lesions by types A-B-C, localization of lesions (proximal,
middle, distal) and artery diameter. The following basins of coronary arteries were studied: the
anterior descending artery (LAD), the circumflex artery (CA), the obtuse marginal branch (OMB), the
intermediate artery (IA), the right coronary artery (RCA), left coronary artery (LCA), the posterior
interventricular artery or posterior descending artery (PDA) and the left ventricular branch (LVB).
In the study, SYNTAX-Score was calculated for all patients using an on-line calculator at the website The data obtained by us during the study were subjected to statistical
processing on a Pentium-IV personal computer using the Microsoft Office Excel - 2013 software
package, including the use of built-in statistical processing functions, as well as using the
STATISTICA-6.0 software package. We used the methods of variational parametric and
nonparametric statistics with the calculation of the arithmetic mean of the studied indicator (M),
standard deviation (SD), standard error of the mean (m), relative values (frequency,%), the statistical
significance of the obtained measurements when comparing the mean values was determined by the
criterion Student's t (t) with the calculation of the error probability (P) when checking the normal
distribution (by the kurtosis criterion) and the equality of the general variances (F is the Fisher test). The
level of reliability p <0.05 was taken as statistically significant changes. When comparing groups by
qualitative characteristics, we used the χ2 criteria. To study the relationship between quantitative
variables, correlation analysis was used with the calculation of the Pearson's linear correlation
Research Results
Analysis of the results of the study showed that patients with FC II were 39 (34%) and FC III 73
(65%). A history of arterial hypertension was observed in 97 (86%) patients, after MI in 17 (15%)
patients. Assessment of the contractility of the left ventricular myocardium in this group of patients
showed that an ejection fraction of more than 50% was found in 55 (49.1%) patients, 50-40% in 37
(33%) and less than 40% in 20 (17.9%) patients (table 1).
In the examined patients with CHF, right-sided type of blood supply was observed in 55 (49%)
patients, left-sided in 27 (24%) patients. In patients with FC III CHF, the right coronary type of blood
supply prevailed in 52% (p = 0.050; χ2 = 2.37) of patients (Table 2). The study also used the
SYNTAX-Score data processing method, which is an indicator that determines the severity of

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CAJMNS Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Jul- Aug 2022
coronary lesions. In patients with CHF, this parameter was 9.68 ± 4.39 points, in patients with FC II
CHF, this indicator was 9.18 ± 4.63 points, and in patients with FC III CHF, 9.81 ± 4314 points.
Table 1. Clinical characteristics of patients with CHF
Number of patients FC II n (%) FC III n (%)
Common 112(100%) 39 (34.8%) 73(65.2%)
Men 62(55,4%) 17(15,2%) 45(40,2%)
Women 50(54,6%) 22(19,6%) 28(25%)
Hypertension 97(86,6%) 35(31%) 62(55.4%)
Diabetes mellitus
13(11,6%) 1(0,89%) 12(10,7%)
Smoking 32(28,6%0 1(0,89%) 10(8,9%)
Obesity 81(72,3%) 28(25%) 53(47%)
Myocardial infarction 17 (15,2%) 6(5%) 11(9,8%)
Angina pectoris 90 (80,4%) 30(26,8%) 60(53,6%)
SYNTAX average score 9,68±4,39 9,18±4,63 9,81±4314

Table 2
Right Left Balanced
General 55(49%) 27(24%) 31(27%)
FC II 19(16,96%) 9(8%) 11(9,8%)
FC III 38(33,9%) 15(13,4%) 20(17,9%)
Angiographic characteristics in the examined patients revealed (Table 3) that the degree of stenotic
contractions was 55-60% in 9 patients, 60-70% in 6 patients, 70-85% in 11 and 85-95% in 34 patients.
Total coronary artery disease was encountered in 7 (6.3%) patients, Left anterior descending artery
(LAD) lesions in 69 (61.6%) and circumflex artery (CA) in 33 (29.5%) patients. The incidence of
atherosclerotic lesions in the area of the right coronary artery (RCA) was 42.9% of patients. The
degree of stenotic narrowing according to RCA was characterized by 55-60% in 9 patients, 60-70% in
5 patients, 70-85% in 7 and 85-95% in 23 and complete occlusion in 7 patients. Narrowing of the left
coronary artery (LCA) to 50-60% was detected in seven patients, 60-70% in 5 patients, 70-85% in 11,
and 85-95% in 4 patients. The results show that in patients with FC III CHF, coronary artery lesions
were most common up to 85-95%, while in 10% of patients total occlusion of coronary arteries was
Table 3. Angiographic characteristics of the degree of involvement (%) of coronary arteries in
patients with CHF
Right coronary artery and left Total occlusion of the
coronary artery right coronary artery Without
55- and LAD CA changes
60-70% 70-85% 85-95%
60% left coronary artery
11(9, 69 33
(n=112) 9(8%) 6(5,4%) 34(30,4%) 7(6,3%), 1(0,89%)
8%) (61,6%) (29,5%)
In the study, 37 (33%) patients had 2-vascular lesions. The defeat of ≥3 CA was registered in 8.9% of
patients. When analyzing the relationship between the degree of coronary vascular lesions and the
clinical course of CHF, it was found that with 55-60% of coronary arteries, the 6MWT was 236.9

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CAJMNS Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Jul- Aug 2022
± 24.5 meters, with 85-95% lesions - 197.7 ± 24.8 meters. When studying the indicators of the clinical
condition assessment scale, it was also found that with lesions of the coronary artery of 85-95%, this
indicator was 13.19 ± 0.68 points, which was 1.7 times higher than the indicator of the clinical
condition assessment scale with lesions of the coronary arteries of 55-60%. When studying the
parameters of 6MWT, depending on the parameters of left ventricular ejection fraction, both in patients
with FC II and III, a direct correlation was revealed (r = 0.51, r = 0.63). An inverse correlation was
found between the degree of stenosis of the coronary arteries and the indicators of 6MWT and LVEF (r
=-0.62, r = -0.55, respectively) and a direct correlation with the indicator of the clinical condition
assessment scale (r = 0.71). In CHF, the clinical course of the disease and LV systolic dysfunction
are associated with the degree of occlusion of the coronary arteries. Correlation of the degree of
coronary artery disease with the clinical course of the disease and indicators of cardiac remodeling
was revealed: a high inverse correlation with 6MWT and EF (r = -0.71, r =-0.65, respectively) and a
direct correlation with the clinical condition assessment scale and EDV of LV (r = 0, 64, r = 061,
respectively) and an indicator of the quality of life (r =-0.51).
Myocardial revascularization in patients with CHF of "ischemic" etiology is a promising method;
however, successful intervention requires confirmation of myocardial viability, identification of
myocardial contractile reserves before surgery. Predicted surgical mortality, anatomical features of
coronary artery disease, and the ability to perform complete revascularization are important criteria in
the choice of therapeutic tactics (PCI or CABG) [7,8]. Decision-making on the preferred treatment
method (conservative treatment, PCI or CABG) is carried out when assessing the risk-benefit ratio of
the intervention, clarifying the risks of developing periprocedural complications (for example,
cerebrovascular events, the need for blood transfusion, the development of renal failure, rhythm
disturbances or wound infection), as well as changes in the quality of life, long-term prognosis in
relation to mortality, the likelihood of developing myocardial infarction or the need for repeated
revascularization [9,10].
In patients with CHF II-III FC, lesions of the coronary arteries were identified, of which 85-100%
lesions accounted for 30.4% of cases, while total occlusion occurred in 6.3% of cases. Analysis of
coronary artery lesions showed that the prevalence of the degree of lesions was associated with a
worsening of the clinical course of the disease on the clinical condition assessment scale with an
increase in the FC of CHF and a deterioration in the quality of life of patients, which is consistent with
the data of other scientists [11,12]. Severe lesions of the coronary arteries - 85-95% and total occlusion
were significantly more frequent in the group of patients with reduced LV systolic function (EF <40%)
and a relationship was revealed between the progression of the disease, as well as an increase in
volume parameters - end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes LV with the degree of occlusion [13,14].
Thus, in patients with CHF, coronary artery lesions had a relationship with the severity of the disease,
in patients with CHF II-III FC, the degree of coronary artery stenosis had a direct correlation with the
clinical condition assessment scale indicator, and an inverse correlation with the 6MWT and LVEF.
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