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Automobile Accident Checklist

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Time: Date:

Location (address and/or landmarks):

Click It or Ticket is the most successful seat belt

enforcement campaign ever, helping to increase
the national seat belt usage rate. Coast to coast, D RIVER /V EHICLE I NFORMATION
day or night, the message is simple -
Click It or Ticket.
Vehicle: Make:
Seat belts are the most effective safety feature
ever invented and have helped save thousands Year: Color:
of lives.

License Plate #:
Sadly, one in five Americans fail to regularly wear
a seat belt when driving or riding in a motor VIN #:

vehicle. By maintaining the "Click It or Ticket"
brand and awareness, we will continue to reduce
seat belt fatalities on America's roads. I NSURANCE I NFORMATIO N


Policy #:

Consider ID protection. Obtain if ownership or insurance

documentation is not provided.
Protect Your ID Address:
DO NOT allow your driver’s license to be
photographed. Provide your name and correct
vehicle insurance information to others involved 150 Public Services Building
in an accident. Obtain contact and driver’s Irvine, CA 92697-4900
license information if ownership/insurance Driver’s License#: (949) 824-5223
information is not provided.
Revised 6/22/20
What to do
 Studies have found that texting while driving
causes a 400% increase in time spent with
eyes off the road.
ACCIDENT When You Witness an Accident
1. Remain calm. It helps you stay in control of
 According to the Insurance Institute for the situation. 1. Remain calm and pull off the road.
Highway Safety, texting while driving kills 11
teens each day. 2. Ensure you and your passengers are OK. 2. Call 9-1-1 and be ready to provide the
Move as far away from the roadway as location and how many people need
 21% of distracted teen drivers involved in
possible, but remain at the accident scene. assistance.
fatal accidents were distracted by cell phones.
Warn oncoming traffic by activating your
hazard warning lights and/or setting flares if 3. Do not move the victim(s) unless there’s
 Teen drivers are 4x more likely than adults to
you have them. immediate danger of fire or explosion.
get into car crashes or near-crashes when
talking or texting on a cell phone. 4. If victim(s) are in immediate danger from
3. Call 911 to report the accident.
traffic, re-direct drivers around the accident.
 Research states that while driving, teens have
the reaction of a 70-year old when distracted. 4. Contact your insurance company and report 5. Keep the victim(s) calm and wait for
the claim. The sooner your insurance emergency services to arrive.
 66% of teens say their parents influence their company knows about the accident, the
cell phone use in the car. sooner they can begin to resolve your claim. 6. Remain at the scene to provide a witness
statement for the police.
 People who text while driving are 6x more 5. Do not admit fault. To protect yourself legally,
likely to get into an accident than those who do not discuss the car accident with anyone
drive while intoxicated. In short, you’re less other than the police and your insurance
likely to get into an accident while driving company. Photo Checklist to
drunk than you are while texting behind the
Document an Accident
wheel. 6. Exchange information with the other driver
involved in the car accident. Use the
information form on the back of this brochure  License plate(s) of vehicles involved
as a guide.  Damage to other vehicles involved
 Damage to your vehicle
 Landmarks, street signs or address
markers to identify the location
 Damage to any property or objects at the
scene (debris, skids, fallen trees, etc.)

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