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Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Biology at Ease

CELL : The Unit of Life

Diagram based MCQs NEET Biology

1. Identify the figure and select the incorrect statement ?

(a) Its is a part of endomembrane system.

(b) The inner compartment is called matrix.
(c) The matrix possesses single circular DNA molecule.
(d) It is divide by fission.
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

2.Match the columns I, II and III, and choose the correct combination
from the options given.
Column I Column II

a. WBC k. Branched

b. Mesophyll l. Round & biconcave

c. Red blood cells m. Amoeboid

d. Nerve cell n. Round and oval

(a) a-m, b-l, c-k, d-n (b) a-m, b-l, c-k, d-n
(c) a-l, b-k, c-m, d-n (d) a-m, b-n, c-l, d-k
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

3. The organisms shown in figure have the size of

(a) 10-20 𝜇m (b) 0.1 𝜇m

(c) 1-2 𝜇m (d) 5-7 𝜇m
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Biology at Ease
CELL : The based MCQs
Unit of Life NEET Biology

4. Identify the figure and select the correct statement.

(a) It is a plant cell

(b) It is an animal cell
(c) It is a prokaryotic cell
(d) It is a bacterial cell.
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

5. Match the column.

Column I Column II
a. Endoplasmic reticulum i. Stack of cisternae
b. Sphaerosomes ii. Stores oil
c. Dictyosomes iii. Synthesis and storage of
d. Peroxisomes iv. Photorespiration
e. Elaioplasts v. Detoxification of drugs
a. a- v, b-iii ,c-i ,d-iv, e-ii
b. a- v , b-iii ,c-ii ,d-iv, e-i
c. a-ii, b-iii ,c-i ,d-iv, e-v
d. a-iii, b-v ,c-i ,d-iv, e-ii
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

6. Match the columns:

Column I Column II
A. Metacentric 1. At the tip
B. Submetacentric 2. Almost near the tip
C. Acronematic 3. At the Middle
D. Telocentric 4. Slightly away from
a. A- 1 B-4 C-2 D-3
b. A- 2 B-4 C-1 D-3
c. A- 3 B-4 C-2 D-1
d. A- 4 B-3 C-1 D-2
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Biology at Ease
CELL : The based MCQs
Unit of Life NEET Biology

7. Which of the following organelles are ABSENT in animal cells?

i. Ribosomes ii. Cell wall
iii. Plastids iv. Centrioles
v. Mitochondria

(A) ii, iv and v (B) iii and iv

(C) ii and iii (D) i, iii and v
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Biology at Ease
CELL : The based MCQs
Unit of Life NEET Biology

8. In the diagram of plant cell given below, identify (i), (ii) and (iii) .

(A) i- Vacuole, ii- cell wall, iii- Mitochondrion

(B) i- Vacuole, ii- Cytoplasm, iii- Mitochondrion
(C) i- Nucleus, ii- cell wall, iii- Mitochondrion
(D) i- Nucleus, ii- cell wall, iii- Chloroplast
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Biology at Ease
CELL : The based MCQs
Unit of Life NEET Biology

9. In the figure of fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane given

below, identify ‘X’.

(A) Lipid bilayer (B) Peripheral protein

(C) Integral protein (D) Cholesterol
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Biology at Ease
CELL : The based MCQs
Unit of Life NEET Biology

10. Match the column I (Diagrams) with Column II (Types of the cells)
choose the correct option.

Column I Column II
i. P a. Mesophyll cells
ii. Q b. RBCs
iii. R c. Columnar epithelium cells
iv. S d. WBCs

(A) i-a ii-c iii-b iv-d (B) i-c ii-d iii-a iv-b
(C) i-c ii-a iii-b iv-d (D) i-b ii-c iii-d iv-a
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unit of Life
Diagram based MCQs NEET Biology

11. Identify correctly the labelled parts of a chromosomes and

choose the CORRECT option.
(A) i- Satellite, ii - Long arm, iii -
iii Centromere, iv - Short arm

(B) i- Satellite, ii -Short arm, iii Centromere, -

iv-Long arm

(C) i- Short arm, ii-Satellite,

iii – Centromere,
iv Long arm

(D) i- Short arm, ii-Centromere,

iii Satellite, iv- Long arm
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

12. Mitochondria and chloroplast are

i. semi- autonomous organelles
ii. Formed by division of pre- existing organelles and they
contain DNA but lack protein synthesizing machinery.
Which one of the following option is correct ?

(A) i is true ii id false

(B) Both i and ii are false
(C) Both i and ii are correct
(D) ii is true but i is false
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Biology at Ease
: TheDiagram in Animals
based MCQs
of Life NEET Biology
13. Match the following and select the correct option.
Column I Column II

a. Cytoskeleton i. Mitochondria

b. Centrosome ii. Cylindrical structure

c. Oxysome iii. Disc shaped

d. Kinetochore iv. Proteinaceous structure

(a) a-iv, b-iii, c-i, d-ii (b) a-iv, b-ii, c-i, d-iii
(c) a-i, b-ii, c-iv, d-iii (d) a-i, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Biology at Ease
: The based MCQs
of Life in Animals NEET Biology

14. Analyze the following pairs and identify the incorrect option given.
(a) Chromoplasts - Contains water soluble carotenoid pigments
(b) Leucoplasts - Colorless plastids
(c) Aleuroplasts - Store starch
(d) Elaioplasts – Store oils and fats
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

15. Match the columns and find out the correct combination:
Column I Column II

A. Cellular extensions 1. Pseudopodia

B. Contractile fibrils 2. Myonemes

C. Short hair like organelles 3. Cilia

D. Whiplike organelles 4. Flagella

a. A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4

b. A-1 B-3 C-4 D-2
c. A-4 B-3 C-1 D-2
d. A-3 B-2 C-1 D-4
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

16. Match the columns and find out the correct combination.
Column I Column II
A. Lysosomes 1. Protein synthesis
B. Ribosomes 2. Hydrolytic activity
C. Smooth endoplasmic 3. Steroidogenesis
D. Centriole 4. Glycolytic activity
E. Chromosomes 5. Repository of genetic
6. Formation of spindle

a. A-2 B-1 C-3 D-6 E-5

b. A-6 B-3 C-4 D-5 E-1
c. A-1 B-4 C-3 D-6 E-1
d. A-4 B-3 C-1 D-2 E-5
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

17. Match the columns and find out the correct combination.
Column I Column II
A. Suicidal bags 1. Mitochondria
B. Power house of the cell 2. Lysosomes
C. Cell Brain 3. Nucleous
D. Plasmosome 4. Chloroplast
5. Nucleus
a. A-2 B-4 C-5 D-3
b. A-1 B-4 C-5 D-3
c. A-2 B-1 C-5 D-3
d. A-2 B-4 C-5 D-1
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

18. 9+0 arrangement is found in :

a. Flagellum b. Cilium
c. Spindle fibre d. Centriole
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Biology at Ease
CELL : The based MCQs
Unit of Life NEET Biology

19. The membrane of the erythrocytes has approximately ____ %

of proteins and ____ % lipids.
a. 42,50 b. 52,40
c. 50,50 d. 60,40
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Biology at Ease
CELL : The based MCQs
Unit of Life NEET Biology

20. Identify the components labelled A, B, C and D in the given

section of cilia/ flagella showing different parts. Choose the
option which shows the correct labelling of parts.

(a) A- Plasma membrane, B- Interdoublet bridge,

C- Central microtubule, D- Radial spoke
(b) A- Plasma membrane, B- Arm, C- Central microtubule,
D- Radical spoke
(c) A- Plasma membrane, B- Interdoublet bridge,
C- Hub, D- Radical spoke
(d) A-Plasma membrane, B- Interdoublet bridge,
C- Hub, D- Arm
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

21. Read the following statements and identify the correct option.
(i) Contractive vacuole takes part in osmoregulation and excretion.
(ii) Food vacuole is formed by engulfing the food particles.
(iii) The vacuole is bound by a double membrane called tonoplast.
(iv) Vacuole can occupy up to 90 percent of the volume of the cell.

(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iv)

(c) (i), (ii) and (iv) (d) None of the above
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

22. Match column-I (scientists) with column-II (discovery) and

select the correct option.
Column I Column II
A. Leeuwenhoek I. First saw and described a living
B. Robert brown II. Presence of cell wall is unique
to plant cells
C. Schleiden III. Discovered the nucleus
D. Schleiden IV. All plants are composed of
different kind of cells


(c) A-III B- I C-IV D-II
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

23. Match column-I (cell type) with column-II (size) and select the
correct option.
Column I Column II
A. Viruses I. 1-2 um

B. PPLO II. 10-20 um

C. Eukaryotic cell III. About 0.1 um

D. Bacterium IV. 0.02- 0.2 um


Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unit of Life MCQs NEET Biology

24. Name the labeled part in given diagram of endoplasmic


a. Mesosomes
b. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
c. Nuclear pore
d. Ribosomes
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

25. Match the following and select the correct answer.

Column I Column II
A. Centriole i. Infoldings in mitochondria
B. Chlorophyll ii. Thylakoids
C. Cristae iii. Nucleic acids
D. Ribozymes iv. Basal body cilia or flagella

a. A-iv B-iii C-i D-ii

b. A-iv B-ii C-i D-iii
c. A-i B-ii C-iv D-iii
d. A-i B-iii C-ii D-iv
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

26. Which one of the following cellular parts is correcting described?

a. Thylakoids – flattened membranous sacs forming the grana of
b. Centrioles – sites for active RNA synthesis
c. Ribosomes – those on chloroplasts are larger (80S) while those
in the cytoplasm are smaller (70S)
d. Lysosomes – optimally active at pH of about 8.5
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unit of Life
based MCQs NEET Biology

27. Which of the following option correctly match A, B, C, and D

indicated in the given sectional view of chloroplasts.

(a) A- Thylakoid B- Stromal lamella C- Stroma D- Granum

(b) A- Granum B- Thylakoid C- Stromal lamella D - Stroma
(c) A- Thylakoid B- Granum C- Stromal lamella D - Stroma
(d) A- Granum B- Thylakoid C- Stroma D- Stromal lamella
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology

28. In which of the following column I is incorrectly matched with

column II?
Column I Column II
(Cell wall of organism) (Composition)

a. Plants Cellulose + hemicelluloses

b. Algae Cellulose + Galactans

c. Bacteria Cellulose + Galactans

d. Fungi Chitin
Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unit of Life NEET Biology

29. Perinuclear Space measures about:

D.10-50 cm
Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unit of Life NEET Biology

30. The largest isolated cell is the egg of-

2. B.Mycoplasma
3. C. Ostrich
4. D. Bacteria
Cell: The unit of life Matching+ Diagram Biology at Ease
CELL : The Unitbased
of LifeMCQs NEET Biology
20) (a) A- Plasma membrane, B-
Interdoublet bridge, C- Central
microtubule, D- Radial spoke
5. D 21) (c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
5. D 22) (a) A-I B-III C-IV D-II23)
23) (b) A-IV B-III C-II D-I
24) d. Ribosome
25) b. A-iv B-ii C-i D-iii
26) a. Thylakoids – flattened membranous
sacs forming the grana of chloroplasts
27) (b) A- Granum B- Thylakoid C-
Stromal lamella D - Stroma
28) c.
29. C
30. C

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