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Media, Gender & Culture

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Media, Gender & Culture

We are using gender as something which we shouldn’t fit into and that shouldn’t be the case.
Masculinity for men and femininity for females when gender has so many possibilities and
combinations that anyone can fit into.

Media Cover Male and females as

Many magazines have sexualized images on the cover of women. These days, media try to
attract its audience with the images of women with little clothing, sexual expressions, body
langauges and gestures. Media are teaching people and children that these things are what is
important instead of actual important things going on in the world.

Gender stereotypes

Gender stereotyping is defined as over generalization of characteristics, differences and attributes

of a certain group based on their genders .Stereotype reflects how we assume different member
of different groups actually behave. Gender stereotype create a widely accepted judgements or
bias about certain characteristics or traits that apply to each gender. Gender stereotype creates a
glass ceiling for many who generally not fall into the broad categories of stereotyping.When
gender inequality occurs on the background of gender stereotyping this is called sexism.

Some famous stereotypes of Femine are they are not aggressive,Dependent, Easily influenced,
Submissive, passive, Home- Oriented, Easily hurt emotionally , indecisive, Talkative, Gentle,
Cries a lot, Emotional, Verbal, Kind, Tectful, Nurturing.

And some famous stereotype about masculine are It is Aggressive, Independent, Not easily
influenced, Dominant, Active, Worldly, Not Easily hurt Emotionally, Decisive, Not at all
talkative, Tough, Not very desirous of secuarity, Rarely cries, Logical, Analytical, Cruel etc.

Gender in Media

Men and women are constantly being sexualized on different forms of media eg. (bikes ad,
perfume ad). Objectification of women and at time assuming multi- tasking and unrealistic s
expectations are normal. Knowledge about gender in communication because we are surrounded
by media. (giving blue and pink colour).

We attended an online workshop on “How to make your daily products at home”. In this they
explained to us what type of soaps a person should use. In this they spoke about what kind of
fragrance soaps do men like and women like. Usually Men like strong scented soaps like Pine
fragrance and most specifically women like Strawberry, Watermelon. How is it that the scent of
soap plays a role in gender. I feel that both genders can use those soaps does it matter. also said

that she makes soaps as gifts to newborn babies and she showed us the moulds that she uses. She
said that for small baby girls she makes pink soaps and for small baby boys she makes blue
soaps. Why is it that colour is being differentiated for kids. How does it matter what colour soap
a baby girl or baby boy uses.

At what point we have decided that Boys always like only the Colours like Black and blue and
girls like pink. And in Culture there were comments from society advising that if you want your
baby boy to grow up masculine then dress him up in a tough and masculine colour like black
and if you want your daughter to grow up feminine then dress her in the colour pink and this was
advice which was very widely known. She said that girls like the shiny product but I think men
also like shiny products too they might not show it but they do because somehow the media
showcases men liking dark and plain colours. As I said that she showed us some moulds too and
said that she gifts women soaps in a rose mould and men in a circle or a square mould. Men like
roses too. Just because the world or you can say the Media Portrays that flower stuff or materials
are girl stuff doesn’t mean men don’t like it or men should not have it or use it. Why do these
barriers even exist.

Yes, there has been a little change and nowadays you’ll see men wearing Clothes pink in colours
a flower printed shirt not everyone has that mindset yet. Media has somehow rooted its way into
people's heads long ago making them think that pink colour is for girls and black blue is for
boys. Gender communication with children begins when we start giving toys like guns cars to
boys and dolls to girls. It’s the same with soaps using pink soaps for girls and blue soaps for
boys. By making that colour discrimination in soaps, she was giving us a symbolic message of
what it partly means to be a boy child and a girl child.

Gaining understanding, Knowledge, and having our eyes open to what media is exposing us to
will help us be able to dismiss and make our own decisions and choices regarding gender.

Commodification is the sailing of culture, sexual, or gender difference in a waty that supports
institutionalized discrimination.

This doesn’t tend to happen to men as much. When men appear in ads they are centered, and in a
strong pose, while women generally appear seductive and / or lower then the man.

Women are not decisions makers or chose policies. In most case they are simple victim sand not
have their own voices.Reducing women to her body parts. Camera angels make men look
dominant and women submissive. Even mainstream Bollywood looks at women as
underachiever and most blockbuster make women support the central male characters.

The portrayal of women as sexual objects can be glaringly seen in the various “Item numbers”
which has almost become mandatory for a film to become a hit. Some films reveals and sheer
quantity and variety of voilance directed toward them. Women in Bollywood films are often
portrayedes screening, yeiling, and crying types as they react to stressful situations. Assertive

women in movies are often tagged as “bad” while men , in all shades of characters are
considered “heroes”.

The Indian audience also must be partially blamed for the acceptance of such mistreatments of
women in movies. We put blind trust in the media and allow others to dictate when we will
ultimetely believes in the standard for acceptability. We allow media to tell us what is beauty,
what we should look like , what labels we should buy.

Prejudice or become specific Actions?

In some families girls can’t persue higher education/ should not be invested in girl’s educations
such as for boys. Boys shouldn’t do housework-they are very tiny and worthless jobs.

Girls can not inherit. In some workplaces male workers should take the heavy and hazardous
jobs according to the number of female workers. Can’t recruit female workers who have little
childrens /or give those women lower wages.

Possible Correctives

Ensure equal representation of all genders in all spheres of activity. Ensure diginity of all
genders, mutual respect and acceptance. Cultivate team spirit among genders where different
abilities are considered as strengths and not weaknesses. formulate socially acceptable gender
norms and values.

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