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Relativistic Fluid Dynamics With Spin: 1. Introduction: Non-Central Heavy-Ion Collisions Cre

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Relativistic fluid dynamics with spin

Wojciech Florkowski,1, 2, 3 Bengt Friman,4 Amaresh Jaiswal,4, 5 and Enrico Speranza4, 6

Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, PL-31342 Krakow, Poland
Jan Kochanowski University, PL-25406 Kielce, Poland
ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany
School of Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research, HBNI, Jatni-752050, India
Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
(Dated: April 17, 2018)
Using the conservation laws for charge, energy, momentum, and angular momentum, we derive
hydrodynamic equations for the charge density, local temperature, and fluid velocity, as well as
arXiv:1705.00587v4 [nucl-th] 15 Apr 2018

for the polarization tensor, starting from local equilibrium distribution functions for particles and
antiparticles with spin 1/2. The resulting set of differential equations extend the standard picture of
perfect-fluid hydrodynamics with a conserved entropy current in a minimal way. This framework can
be used in space-time analyses of the evolution of spin and polarization in various physical systems
including high-energy nuclear collisions. We demonstrate that a stationary vortex, which exhibits
vorticity-spin alignment, corresponds to a special solution of the spin-hydrodynamical equations.

1. Introduction: Non-central heavy-ion collisions cre- used consistently to obtain the dynamics of fluids with
ate fireballs with large global angular momenta which spin degrees of freedom. In addition to the standard
may generate a spin polarization of the hot and dense equations, which determine the time dependence of the
matter in a way resembling the equilibrium magnetome- charge density n, temperature T and fluid four-velocity
chanical effects of Einstein and de Haas [1] and Bar- uµ , our equations determine the dynamics of the polar-
nett [2]. Consequently, much effort has recently been ization tensor ω µν . The evolution equation for polar-
invested in studies of polarization and spin dynamics of ization presented here provides a consistent theoretical
particles produced in high-energy nuclear collisions, both framework for studying the effects of vorticity and po-
from the experimental and theoretical point of view (for a larization in hydrodynamic simulations of heavy-ion col-
recent review see [3]). In this context, theoretical studies lisions. Furthermore, our approach is applicable also to
have explored the role of the spin-orbit coupling [4–8] and other systems exhibiting collision dominated, collective
global equilibrium of rotating bodies [9–13]. See also the behavior connected with non-trivial polarization effects.
kinetic models of spin dynamics [14–17] and the works on We note at this point that in ideal hydrodynamics, the
anomalous hydrodynamics [18, 19]. Recent work, based system is assumed to be in local thermodynamic equilib-
on the Lagrangian formulation of hydrodynamics, is re- rium. Thus, the polarization of each fluid cell equals the
ported in Refs. [20, 21]. Moreover, it has been suggested local equilibrium value, specified by the thermodynamic
that the global angular momentum should be reflected in variables. Consequently, the ideal fluid-dynamic frame-
the polarization of observed hadrons, e.g., in the case of work presented here, does not account for the relaxation
Λ hyperons and vector mesons [5, 6, 22, 23]. of spin degrees of freedom, e.g., through the spin-orbit
Surprisingly, no dynamical fluid-like framework has interaction [27].
been developed so far which allows for space-time evo- Below we use the following conventions and nota-
lution of polarization effects, despite the fact that the tion for the metric tensor, Levi-Civita’s tensor, and the
studies of fluids with spin have a long history initiated scalar product: gµν = diag(+1, −1, −1, −1), ǫ0123 =
already in 1930’s [24, 25]. Recent works have contributed −ǫ0123 = 1, a · b = gµν aµ bν . Throughout the text we use
to our understanding of global equilibrium/stationary natural units with c = h̄ = kB = 1.
states, which exhibit interesting features of vorticity-spin 2. Local distribution functions: Our starting point is
alignment [9, 12]. Moreover, polarization effects present the phase-space distribution functions for spin-1/2 parti-
during the final freeze-out stage of collisions, where parti- cles and antiparticles in local equilibrium, as introduced
cles cease to interact, have also been studied [11, 16, 26]. in [11]. In order to incorporate the spin degrees of free-
On the other hand, little is known about the changes of dom, they are generalized from scalar functions to two by
polarization during the collision process, especially, if the two spin density matrices for each value of the space-time
latter is described with the help of fluid dynamics. position x and momentum p,
In this work, we develop a general perfect-fluid frame- + 1
frs (x, p) = ūr (p)X + us (p), (1)
work for charged particles with spin 1/2, which allows 2m
for space and time dependent studies of polarized fluids.
We show how the conservation laws for the charge cur- 1

rent, energy-momentum, and angular momentum can be frs (x, p) = − v̄s (p)X − vr (p). (2)

Here m is the particle mass and ur (p) and vr (p) are where
bispinors (with the spin indices r and s running from 1√
1 to 2), with the normalization ūr (p)us (p) = 2m δrs and ζ≡ k · k − ω · ω. (10)
v̄r (p)vs (p) = −2m δrs . Note the minus sign and different
ordering of spin indices in (2) compared to (1). We now assume that k·k−ω ·ω ≥ 0, which in conjunction
Following the notation used in [11], we introduce the with Eq. (10) implies that ζ is real. We motivate these
matrices choices below, following Eqs. (16) and (20).
3. Basic observables: Using the distribution functions
X ± = exp [±ξ(x) − βµ (x)pµ ] M ± , (3) (1) and (2), we obtain the basic hydrodynamic quantities.
The charge current is given by [28]
d3 p
1 Nµ = pµ tr(X+ ) − tr(X− ) = nuµ , (11)
M ± = exp ± ωµν (x)Σµν . (4) 3
2(2π) Ep
where “tr” denotes the trace over spinor indices and
In these equations, we use the notation β µ = uµ /T and
ξ = µ/T , with the temperature T , chemical potential µ n = 4 cosh(ζ) sinh(ξ) n(0) (12)
and four velocity uµ . The latter is normalized to u2 = 1.
Moreover, ωµν is the polarization tensor, while Σµν is is the charge density. Here n(0) (T ) = h(u · p)i0 is the
the spin operator expressed in terms of the Dirac gamma number density of spin 0, neutral Boltzmann particles,
matrices, Σµν = (i/4)[γ µ , γ ν ]. For the sake of simplicity, obtained using the thermal average
we restrict ourselves to classical Boltzmann statistics in
d3 p
this work. However, given the closed form expression for h· · · i0 ≡ (· · · ) e−β·p , (13)
M ± obtained below, it is a straighforward exercise to (2π)3 Ep
generalize our discussion to Fermi-Dirac statistics. p
where Ep = m2 + p2 .
The antisymmetric polarization tensor ωµν can be rep-
The energy-momentum tensor for a perfect fluid then
resented by the following tensor decomposition
has the form [28]
ωµν ≡ kµ uν − kν uµ + ǫµνβγ uβ ω γ . (5) Z
d3 p
pµ pν tr(X+ ) + tr(X− )
T = 3
We note that any part of kµ or ωµ that is parallel to uµ , 2(2π) Ep
is cancelled in (5). Hence, we can assume that both kµ = (ε + P )uµ uν − P g µν , (14)
and ωµ are orthogonal to uµ , i.e., k · u = ω · u = 0, and
express the four-vectors kµ and ωµ in terms of ωµν using where the energy density and pressure are given by

1 ε = 4 cosh(ζ) cosh(ξ) ε(0) (15)

kµ = ωµν uν , ωµ = ǫµναβ ω να uβ . (6)
2 and
This means that kµ and ωµ are space-like four-vectors
with only three independent components. P = 4 cosh(ζ) cosh(ξ) P(0) , (16)
It is convenient to introduce the dual polarization ten- respectively. In analogy to the density n(0) (T ), we de-
sor fine the auxiliary quantities ε(0) (T ) = h(u · p)2 i0 and
P(0) (T ) = −(1/3)h p · p − (u · p)2 i0 . At this point we
ω̃µν ≡ ǫµναβ ω αβ = ωµ uν − ων uµ + ǫµναβ k α uβ . (7)
2 note that in the case where ζ is not real, one can find a
generalized form of M ± and consequently of all thermo-
Using Eqs. (5) and (7) one finds that the scalar con-
dynamic quantities, involving trigonometric functions.
traction of the polarization tensor with itself gives
1 µν As this potentially leads to negative values of the pres-
2 ωµν ω = k · k − ω · ω, whereas the contraction of the
sure, we exclude such cases from the present investiga-
polarization tensor with its dual yields 12 ω̃µν ω µν = 2k · ω.
tion. We also note that the energy-momentum tensor
The exponential function in Eq. (4) is defined in terms
(14) is symmetric, owing to the fact that we deal with
of a power series, which can be resummed (most easily
classical particles that have a well defined relation be-
in the chiral representation of the γ matrices, where Σµν
tween energy, momentum and velocity, p = Ep v [29].
is block diagonal). Using the constraint
The entropy current is given by an obvious generaliza-
k·ω =0 (8) tion of the Boltzmann expression
d3 p
we find the compact form Sµ = − µ
tr X+ (ln X+ − 1)

2(2π) Ep
ωµν Σµν ,

M ± = cosh(ζ) ± (9) + tr X− (ln X− − 1) .

2ζ (17)

This leads to the following entropy density The middle term in Eq. (23) vanishes due to charge con-
ε + P − µ n − Ωw
s = uµ S µ = , (18)
T ∂µ (nuµ ) = 0. (24)
where Ω is defined through the relation ζ = Ω/T and
Thus, in order to have entropy conserved in our system
w = 4 sinh(ζ) cosh(ξ) n(0) . (19) (for the perfect-fluid description we are aiming at), we
demand that
Equation (18) suggests that Ω should be used as a ther-
modynamic variable of the grand canonical potential, in ∂µ (wuµ ) = 0. (25)
addition to T and µ. Taking the pressure P to be a
Consequently, using Eq. (24) and Eq. (25) we self-
function of T, µ and Ω, we find
consistently arrive at the equation for conservation of
entropy, ∂µ (suµ ) = 0.

∂P ∂P ∂P
s= , n= , w= . (20) Note that in the absence of a net spin polarization, i.e.,
∂T µ,Ω ∂µ T,Ω ∂Ω T,µ
for ζ = 0, Eq. (12) reduces to the standard expression
The modified thermodynamic relation (18) is analogous for the net charge density n = 4 sinh(ξ) n(0) . On the
to the one obtained in Ref. [9]. We note that the ther- other hand, one may consider two linear combinations of
modynamic relations (20) also suggest that ζ should be Eqs. (24) and (25) leading to conservation equations of
real. the form ∂µ [(n ± w)uµ ] = 0. Using Eqs. (12) and (19),
Moreover, we observe that the thermodynamic vari- we find n ± w = 4 sinh[(µ ± Ω)/T ] n(0) , which indicates
able Ω controls the polarization of the system. Hence, that thermodynamic quantities corresponding to charge
in the present framework, Ω acts as a proxy for the and spin of the particles couple. In fact, Ω can be inter-
spin-vorticity coupling, which provides a spin-dependent preted as a chemical potential related with spin. Inter-
shift in the single-particle energies [30]. In global equilib- estingly, from a thermodynamic point of view, a system
rium, Ω is a unique function of the thermal vorticity [11]. of particles with spin 1/2 can be seen as a two component
However, in local equilibrium and, in particular, in non- mixture of scalar particles with chemical potentials µ±Ω.
equilibrium systems, this relation may be relaxed. The resulting scheme, i.e., Eqs. (21), (24) and (25),
In this paper we explore the dynamics of systems, can be regarded as a minimal extension of the standard
where the local polarization and thermal vorticity are ini- perfect-fluid hydrodynamics of charged particles, where
tialized as independent variables and evolve according to all dynamic equations follow from the conservation laws.
ideal hydrodynamics. Thus, we allow for an incomplete We note that (21), (24) and (25) form a closed system
relaxation of the spin degrees of freedom during the pre- of equations, which facilitates the study of spin dynam-
hydrodynamic stage, while in the hydrodynamic phase ics. We may first solve these equations and subsequently
dissipative processes, in particular also spin relaxation, use this solution as the dynamic background for the spin
are neglected. We stress that this idealized framework dynamics. Because of this property, we dub them the
allows for non-trivial spin dynamics, and hence provides equations for hydrodynamic (spin) background.
the possibility to perform key studies of polarization phe- 5. Spin dynamics: Our approach is based on the con-
nomena in a hydrodynamic setting. servation of angular momentum in the form ∂λ J λ,µν = 0,
4. Basic conservation laws: Before we turn to the dis- where J λ,µν = Lλ,µν +S λ,µν with Lλ,µν = xµ T νλ −xν T µλ
cussion of the spin observables let us analyze the basic and S λ,µν being the spin tensor. Since the energy-
conservation laws. The conservation of energy and mo- momentum tensor T µν is symmetric (see Eq. (14)), the
mentum requires that spin tensor S λ,µν satisfies the conservation law [29],

∂µ T µν = 0. (21) ∂λ S λ,µν = 0. (26)

This equation can be split into two parts, one longitudi- For S λ,µν we use the form [9]
nal and the other transverse with respect to uµ :
d3 p  wuλ µν
S λ,µν = pλ tr (X + −X −)Σµν =

dP 3
ω .
µ µ
∂µ [(ε + P )u ] = u ∂µ P ≡ , 2(2π) Ep 4ζ

(ε + P ) = (g µα − uµ uα )∂α P. (22)
dτ We note that Eq. (27) differs from that derived in [11].
Evaluating the derivative on the left-hand side of the first We find that the additional terms given in Eq. (42) of [11]
equation in (22) and using (20) we find are inconsistent with both the vortex solution discussed
below and the conservation law (26). Hence, we employ
T ∂µ (suµ ) + µ ∂µ (nuµ ) + Ω ∂µ (wuµ ) = 0. (23) (27), which leads to a self-consistent framework.
Using Eq. (25) and introducing the rescaled polariza- where Ω̃ is a positive constant, γ = 1/ 1 − Ω̃2 r2 , and
tion tensor ω̄ µν = ω µν /(2ζ), we obtain 1 r denotes the distance from the center of the vortex in
dω̄ µν the transverse plane, r2 = x2 + y 2 . Due to the limiting
uλ ∂λ ω̄ µν ≡ = 0, (28) light speed, the flow profile (34) may be realized only

within a cylinder with the radius R < 1/Ω̃. The total
with the normalization condition ω̄µν ω̄ µν = 2. The ten- time (convective) derivative takes the form
sor ω̄µν can be decomposed in a way analogous to Eq. (5),  
with the two rescaled four-vectors k̄µ = kµ /(2ζ) and d µ ∂ ∂
= u ∂µ = −γ Ω̃ y −x . (35)
ω̄µ = ωµ /(2ζ), satisfying the constraints dτ ∂x ∂y
k̄ · u = 0, ω̄ · u = 0, k̄ · ω̄ = 0, k̄ · k̄ − ω̄ · ω̄ = 1, (29) Equation (35) can be used to find the fluid acceleration
which leave only four independent components in k̄µ and duµ
aµ = = −γ 2 Ω̃2 (0, x, y, 0). (36)
ω̄µ . This is expected, since the condition (8) removes dτ
one degree of freedom and another is eliminated by the
As expected the spatial part of (36) points towards the
rescaling with ζ. The latter is anyway determined by the
centre of the vortex, as it describes the centripetal accel-
hydrodynamic background equations.
The last condition in (29) is fulfilled by employing the
It is easy to see that the equations for the hydrody-
namic background are satisfied if T , µ and Ω are r de-
k̄µ = mµ sinh(ψ), ω̄µ = nµ cosh(ψ). (30) pendent and proportional to the local Lorentz-γ factor,
The four-vectors mµ and nµ are space-like and normal-
T = T0 γ, µ = µ0 γ, Ω = Ω0 γ, (37)
ized to −1,
with T0 , µ0 and Ω0 being constants. One possibility
mµ mµ = −1, nµ nµ = −1. (31)
is that the vortex represents an unpolarized fluid with
Using (30) in (28) we then find two coupled equations ωµν = 0 and thus, with Ω0 = 0. Another possibility is
that the particles in the fluid are polarized and Ω0 6= 0.
dmµ dψ
sinh(ψ) + mµ cosh(ψ) + mν aν sinh(ψ)uµ In the latter case we expect the polarization tensor to
dτ dτ have the structure
+ǫµνβγ uν aβ nγ cosh(ψ) = 0,  
0 0 0 0
dnµ dψ
cosh(ψ) + nµ sinh(ψ) + nν aν cosh(ψ)uµ 0 0 Ω̃/T0 0 
dτ dτ ωµν =   0 −Ω̃/T0
, (38)
0 0
+ǫµναβ uν aβ mα sinh(ψ) = 0, (32)
0 0 0 0
where aµ = duµ /dτ .
where the parameter T0 has been introduced to keep ωµν
Equations (32) should preserve the normalization con-
dimensionless. This form, when used in Eqs. (6), yields
ditions (31) as well as the ortoghonality constraints
kµ = Ω̃2 (γ/T0 ) (0, x, y, 0) and ωµ = Ω̃(γ/T0 ) (0, 0, 0, 1).
m · u = n · u = m · n = 0. It is straightforward to convince
oneself that these conditions are satisfied during the evo- As a consequence, we find ζ = Ω̃/(2T0 ), which, for con-
lution of the system, provided they are satisfied on the sistency with the hydrodynamic background equations,
initial hypersurface and the following equation is fulfilled implies
by the variable ψ, Ω̃ = 2 Ω0 . (39)

dψ The factor 2 is a consequence of the fact that we are

= ǫµνβγ mµ uν aβ nγ . (33)
dτ dealing with spin- 21 particles. It follows that k̄µ =
6. Vortex solution: In order to demonstrate how our γ Ω̃r (0, x/r, y/r, 0) and ω̄µ = γ (0, 0, 0, 1), leading to
framework works in practice, we consider a rigid rotation mµ = (0, x/r, y/r, 0), nµ = (0, 0, 0, 1), cosh(ψ) = γ, and
of the fluid around the z-axis. The hydrodynamic flow is sinh(ψ) = γ Ω̃r. With all these quantities determined, it
defined by the four-vector uµ with the components is rather straightforward to show that Eqs. (32) are ful-
filled. We observe that dψ/dτ = 0, since the four-vectors
u0 = γ, u1 = − γ Ω̃ y, u2 = γ Ω̃ x, u3 = 0, (34) mµ and aµ are parallel. We also note that the polar-
ization tensor given by Eq. (38) agrees with the thermal
vorticity, namely
1 We stress again that (26) and (28) do not imply that the spin 1
dynamics described by these equations is trivial. Numerical so- ̟µν = − (∂µ βν − ∂ν βµ ) (40)
lutions of the hydrodynamic equations with spin presented here
will be studied in a future publication. as emphasized in [9, 11].

At this juncture, one may ask which vortex solution, ωµν = ̟µν [11]. The presence of a polarization tensor
polarized or unpolarized, is realized in Nature. Within introduces a preferred directions in space, which suggests
the present framework the answer is that both of them that concepts of anisotropic hydrodynamics may be use-
can be realized and this depends on the boundary and ful for further developments of our formalism.
initial conditions imposed on the hydrodynamic evolu-
tion. Spin relaxation effects, not included in the present W.F. and A.J. thank Francesco Becattini for interest-
framework, drive the system to the state of maximum ing discussions which motivated this work and the Mainz
entropy. Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP) for its hospital-
7. Boost-invariant, polarized fluid: Our system of ity and support during the workshop “Relativistic Hy-
equations allows also for boost-invariant solutions de- drodynamics: Theory and Modern Applications”, 10–14
scribing polarized fluids. Assuming a one-dimensional, Oct. 2016. W.F. also thanks Krzysztof Golec-Biernat
boost-invariant flow uµ = (t/τ, 0, 0, z/τ ), where τ = for clarifying discussions concerning Eq. (9). E.S. was
√ supported by the Helmholtz Association grant No. VH-
t2 − z 2 is the longitudinal proper time, we find that
the hydrodynamic background equations for m ≪ T are NG-823 at TU Darmstadt. This research was supported
satisfied if µ/T and Ω/T are constant, while T is given in part by the ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI at the
by the Bjorken solution T = T0 (τ0 /τ )−1/3 , with T0 and GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darm-
τ0 being the initial temperature and proper time, respec- stadt, Germany and by the Polish National Science Cen-
tively. One of the forms of the polarization tensor that ter Grant No. 2016/23/B/ST2/00717.
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