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Philippine Diplomatic History

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Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Course Design / Syllabus in Diplomatic History of the


Vision of Bago City College: Bago City College as the center of quality tertiary education is geared towards the development of individual’s capabilities, produce graduates who
will improve their standards of living and be conscientious agents of heritage and natural resources, responsive to the demands of local, national and global communities.

Mission of Bago City College: Bago City College is committed to provide education, develop graduates with ethical and moral values who are innovative, service-oriented and
globally competitive.

Goals of Bago City College: Provide a strong training ground in various academic and technical programs. Enhance knowledge and skills through competence
assessment. Establish job linkages with industries for exposure and training of students in their chosen fields. Train and produce graduates who can provide skills and
expertise in their respective field. Provide more opportunities for alumni to be a part of a competent pool of professionals in nation-building.

College of Arts Mission, Vision, and Objectives

Mission: The College of Arts is committed to prepare the individual to be competent in his area of discipline, self-reliant, and imbued with the right values, and actively involved
in the total development of oneself and of the society wherein he a member.

Vision: The College of Arts foresees the resurgence of the appreciation for the arts and its allied fields and is committed to meet its demands

Philosophy: The College of Arts shall judiciously cater to the demand for a strong Liberal Arts Education.

Goal: The College of Arts envisions to produce disciplined and self-reliant individuals imbued with the right values who are expert in their fields.

The College of Arts aims to:
1. Provide competent instruction in one’s area of discipline and allied fields;
2. Develop every individual’s full potential through varied and wholesome experiences and opportunities to enhance one’s growth; and
3. Imbue every individual with the right values, attitude, and a strong belief in one Supreme Being.

Core Values: Artistic – Reliable – Trustworthy – Integrity – Articulate – Nimble – Steadfast

Course Credit 3 Hours
This course is an intermediate course that focuses on the diplomatic relations of the Philippines from 1946 to present day. As an
introduction, a historical overview of the 19th and early 20th century interaction of the Philippines (1st Philippine Republic) and the foreign
Course Description world will be provided. The course will then concentrate on the political, security, economic, and social aspects of Philippine diplomatic
relation with the international community, particularly with the United Nations, the European Union, ASEAN and with other countries where
formal foreign relations have been established since 1946.
Contact Hours/ Week 54 Hours
Prerequisite none
The learner has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

1. Understand the concept of diplomacy in a historical sense;

Course Outcomes 2. Gain an understanding of international relations on a global scale throughout history;
3. Analyze the diplomatic relationship of the Philippines to the international community throughout the
4. Demonstrate their understanding by developing a researched essay on a general topic of diplomatic history.


Week 1 Orientation
Week 2-3 The Department of Foreign Affairs
Week 4-6 Foreign Policies
Week 7-9 International Organizations
Week 10-12 Foreign Relationships
Week 13-16 The Presidents’ Policies
Week 17-18 Issues

Learning Plan
Teaching and
Intended Learning Course Content/ Subject Assessment of Resource Time
Textbooks/ References Learning Activities
Outcomes (ILO) Matter Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
At the end of the Unit, Unit 1 Syllabus • Group Discussion: • Using a rubric: Piece of paper 3 hours
the students must have: Discuss additional pen
1. Discussed the course, Orientation policies to be applied in Write an essay:
its requirements and the duration of the What are your
the classroom 1. Introduction to course expectations of the
policies. the course following:
1.1. Defined terms 2. The course • The teacher
that are related requirements • The class
to the course a. The • The course
1.2. Written and set grading
proper expectations system
2. Written an essay b. Getting to know
about their you
expectations of the (introductions)
teacher, the class and 3. House rules
the course
At the end of the Unit, Unit 2 • Organizational • Presentation of Piece of paper 6 hours
the students must have: The Department of Foreign /ahr/article/71/3/1043/ Chart Divide the class group outputs Pen
1. Familiarized the Affairs 48395 into 4 groups. Let them LCD Projector
history of DFA, its a. The Beginning search Laptop
officials and offices. a. Officials content/34/4/482.full- about the history of
2. Appreciated the role b. Mandates text.pdf DFA, its officials and
of DFA in securing the c. Embassies offices.
country’s international d. Consulates Let them make an
ties organizational chart and
a narrative report about
their roles in the
country’s foreign
At the end of the Unit, Unit 3 • Research Work • Using a rubric: Piece of paper 9 hours
the students must have: Foreign Policies /ahr/article/71/3/1043/ Let the students research pen
1. Expounded Philippine a. Three Pillars 48395 about the foreign policies Write an essay:
Foreign Policies in b. Economic of the country and the Explain Philippine
aspects of economy, c. Security content/34/4/482.full- three pillars of Philippine Foreign Policies in
security, sovereignty d. Sovereignty text.pdf foreign policies. aspects of economy,
and culture relative to e. Cultural Exchange security, sovereignty
its three pillars. and culture relative to
its three pillars.
At the end of the Unit, Unit 4 • Interconnected • Using a rubric: Piece of paper 9 hours
the students must have: International Organizations /ahr/article/71/3/1043/ Diagram Pen
1. Analyzed the benefits a. UN 48395 Divide the class into 3 Presentation of LCD Projector
that the Philippines b. ASEAN groups. Let each group group outputs Laptop
reap in joining an c. APEC content/34/4/482.full- search about the benefits
international text.pdf that the Philippines reap
association in joining an international
association such as UN,
ASEAN, and APEC. Write
an analysis report.
At the end of the Unit, Unit 4 • Table Making • Using a rubric: Piece of paper 9hours
the students must have: Foreign Relationships /ahr/article/71/3/1043/ Divide the class into 5 Pen
1. Enumerated the a. Asia 48395 groups. Each group Presentation of LCD Projector
benefits that both b. Americas will group outputs Laptop
countries reap in c. Africas content/34/4/482.full- be assigned one region.
establishing a good d. Europe text.pdf The members will have
foreign relationship e. Oceania to research about the
with each other foreign policies that the
2. Specified the foreign Philippines have with the
policies the countries on that region
Philippines have with and how both countries
other countries. benefit each other.
Output must be in a
tabular form.
At the end of the Unit, Unit 5 • Policy Mapping • Using a rubric: Piece of paper 12 hours
the students must have: The Presidents’ Policies /ahr/article/71/3/1043/ Divide the class into Pen
1. Differentiated each a. Macapagal 48395 7 Presentation of
president’s foreign b. Marcos groups. Each will be group outputs
policies. c. Aquino content/34/4/482.full- assigned with one
2. Distinguished whose d. Ramos text.pdf president. They will be
administration e. Estrada given a checklist
flourished in terms of f. Arroyo consisting of the qualities
international relations g. Aquino of an established foreign
relationship to check
whether their president’s
foreign policies brought a
positive response for
the country. Then, they
should make a summary
out of it.
At the end of the Unit, Unit 6 • Panel Discussion: • Forced Debate Microphone 6 hours
the students must have: Issues /ahr/article/71/3/1043/ The class will be What causes Speaker
1. Evaluated the factors a. International 48395 divided into 2 groups, territorial disputes
causing the disputes Disputes the pro and how can
in Philippine a. Sabah content/34/4/482.full- and the cons. One group the Philippines address
territories b. Macclesfield text.pdf will state the these issues?
2. Determined the Bank advantages of fighting
advantages that c. Scarborough for our rights over our
the Philippines Shoal territories, and the
have in fighting d. Spratly Islands other group, otherwise.
over these disputes

Readings and Course Syllabus in Diplomatic History of the Philippines
Course Oral and Written
Requirements Reports Periodical
Grading Class Standing (Quizzes, Attendance, Participation (Performance based),
System Written Tasks : 30%
Performance Task : 30%
Examination : 40%
TOTAL 100%

Prelim Grade : 30%

Midterm Grade : 30%
Final Grade : 40%
Grade 100%
Classroom Be Punctual
Policies 15 minutes late is considered
Absent 3 Late is equivalent to one
6 absences is considered DROPPED
Observe deadlines in submitting the different requirements
Bring your own materials (ball pen, papers, etc.)

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