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Abdul Alforque
Abdulmalik Aninter
Imboy Macahidhid
Adeva Arizo
What is abortion?
- Abortion refers to the expulsion of human fetus before the
period of viability.
Expulsion of Human Fetus
- The expulsion of human fetus takes place intentionally or
unintentionally, deliberately or accidentally.
Classification of the Expulsion of Human Fetus
- The said expulsion, which is untimely termination of pregnancy,
may be classified into three major groups.
1. Direct Abortion
2. Indirect Abortion
3. Spontaneous Abortion
Period of Viability
- It refers to the stage of gestation when the human fetus can survive outside
the uterus.
- A period when the baby has the ability to live in the outside the world.
- It usually starts at the end of the twenty-eight weeks of gestation.
- It is possible for the baby to survive even somewhat earlier with the
employment of sophisticated medical facilities today.
Termination of the Life of the Pre-born Child after
the Period of Viability
Abortion can still be performed after the baby has
reached the period when he/she can, already survive
outside the mothers , womb.
Different Types of
Each of the different types of
abortion takes it form and
meaning from the very nature
The Facts of Life of how it is performed , some
- Dr. Clowe of these types and meaning
are quotes from Dr. Clowe’s
facts of life which may either
be direct, indirect or
spontaneous to wit:
1. Complete Abortion -all of the 3. Early Abortion- Abortion
contents of the uterus such as within the first trimester of
the pre-born child and the pregnancy
placenta have been expelled
from the uterus
4. Induced Abortion-
intentional by mechanical
2. Incomplete Abortion - may be (surgical) or chemical means
intentional or unintentional
abortion in which parts of the
-preborn child and or placenta
remain within the uterus.
5. Criminal Abortion. Any abortion 7. Infected Abortion- caused by
committed outside the an infection of the uterus or the
parameters set by law is criminal genital tract.(caused by venereal
or illegal. disease)

6. Habitual Abortion. 8. Septic Abortion - caused by an

Spontaneous abortion or the so infection of the uterus
called miscarriage occuring in
three or more consecutive
9. Spontaneous Abortion - caused by 11. Inevitable Abortion - type of
disease or accident , spontaneous abortion which is
-caused by glandular called miscarriage
abnormalities or generalized infections
- By pathologic condition or
such as pneumonia, influenza and
accident causing definite
expulsion of the human fetus.
-X-ray, sexual intercourse
12. Therapeutic Abortion - expelling a
10. Threatened Abortion- type of human fetus to restore the mother’s
spontaneous abortion which usually death and or save her from death.
includes vaginal bleeding

-Bed Rest (treatment)

Now, complete, incomplete and early
abortions may be intentional,
unintentional, or accidental, and thus
may take the form of direct, indirect or
spontaneous abortion.
On the other hand, criminal, induced
Spontaneous- may be threatened or abortion are intentional and direct
inevitable, complete or incomplete
including therapeutic termination
-Characterized by early, the baby’s life as the case may
habitual, infected or septic abortion, oftentimes be.
If there is no element of direct taking of
fetal life and no indirect voluntariness
involved whatsoever,

All kind of spontaneous abortion do not

belong to the intentional expulsion of
Different Methods of Surgical Abortion
1.Suction Abortion
2. Dilation and Curettage (D&C) Abortion
3. Dilation and Evacuation (D&B) Abortion.
4. Saline Abortion.
5. Dilation and Extraction (D&X) Abortion
6. Prostaglandin Abortion.
7. Hysterotomy Abortion
8. Inter-cardiac Injection Abortion.
1. Suction Abortion

- Also called ‘suction curettage’

- Is appropriately done during the first trimester up to 16 weeks. The abortionist

begins by dilating the cervix. Then he inserts a suction curette consisting of a
hollow tube with a sharp tip into the cervix then into the uterus.

2. Dilation and Curettage (D&C) Abortion

- A sharp looped knife or curette is inserted into the uterus to scrape its walls.

3. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) Abortion
-Is most commonly used during the first half of second trimester- 13 to 20
weeks, but is employed up to 28 weeks
-Abortionist cuts off one or more of the baby’s limbs and waits until the
fetus bleeds to death before proceeding with the abortion.

4. Saline Abortion
- also known as ‘intra-amniotic injection’ or ‘saline solution method’
- Procedure begins at the withdrawal of about 200 milliliter of amniotic
fluid from the amniotic sac.
5. Dilation and Extraction (D&X) Abortion 6. Prostaglandin Abortion
- is usually intended for a pre-born baby - is performed during the late second
who has already attained the late 2nd trimester and third trimester of
and 3rd trimester of gestational age. gestation. A Prostaglandin hormone
containing about eight milliliters is
-this method is much more harsh than injected into the uterine muscle which
that used among twenty-week-old contracts to expel the baby in an
fetuses artificially-induced and extremely-violent
premature labor that takes about 20

7. Hysterotomy Abortion
- is a caesarian section done during the last trimester of pregnancy
8. Inter-cardiac Injection Abortion
- is employed during about sixteen weeks. Ultrasound imagery is
used to point out the location of the baby so that a long needle may be
guided to his/her heart.

Potential Physical effects of Abortion

● Uterine perforation
● Cervical lacerations
● Placenta previa
● Ectopic pregnancies
● Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
● Endometritis
● Cervical, ovarian, and liver cancer
● Death
Psychological Effects of Abortion
❖ Women who had abortion can be expected to require psychiatric help
❖ 20% women consider suicide
❖ ¼ of women are heavy alcohol users
❖ Psychological symptoms:
➢ Flashbacks
➢ Suicidal attempts
➢ Hysterical outbreaks
➢ Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem
➢ Eating disorders
➢ Illegal drug use
➢ Loss of pleasure during intercourse
Is Abortion Normal?
- Immoral
- Means of another end
- Directly willed; imputable to the agent

Against Natural Law

- Abortion is a blatant transgression of natural law that is inscribed both

in the hearts of men and in the Decalogue
the sacred scriptures provide a lot of exhortation and condemnations of the evil of
directly taking an innocent lofe some of which are:
- A curse on him who accept a brive to take an innocent life, and all the people shall
say: Amen ( Deuteronomy 27:25)
- if you do not exploit the stranger, the orphan and the widows, if you do not shed
innocent blood.. then, here jn this place , i will stay with you ( Jeremiah 7:6)
- You on the other hand have eyes and heart for nothing but your own interest for
shedding innocent blood and perpertrating violence and oppression ( jeremiah 22:17)
- one of the things God hates so much is a hand that sheds innocent blood ( proverbs
- if, when men come to blows , they hurt a woman who us pregnant and she suffers a
miscarriage , though she(woman) does not die of it, the man responsible must pay
the compensation demanded of him by the woman master( husband) (exodus
Denunciation by the early church

as early as the first company century, the early church already denounced the evil of abortion.
it was conspicuously condemned by the so called fathers of the church in their respective time to

- you shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish
- for us ( christians) , murder is once and for all forbidden, so even the child in the womb,
while yet the mother’s blood is still beaing drawn on to form the human being, . it is not
lawful for us to destroy. To forbid birth is only quicker murder ,, he is a man who is to be
man: the fruit is always present in the seed.
- those women who use drug to bring about an abortion commit murder and will have to give
an account to god for their abortion
- if we would not to kill of the human race born and developing according to God plan, then
our whole lives would be pived according to nature. women who make yse of some sort of
deadly abortion drug kill not only the embryo but together with it, all human kindness
- Those who give drug for procuring abortion and those who receive poisons to kill the fetus
are subjected to the penalty for murder.

below are the some of the recent church document denouncing the evil of
procured( induced/direct) abortion

● God, the lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding
life; and men must carry it out in manner worthy of themeselves . life must be
protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and
infanticide are abdominable crimes.
● we must once again declare that directly willed and procured abortion even if
for therapeutic reasons (is) to be absolutely excluded as (a) licit means of
regulating birth.

The scope of excommunication-latae sententiae, extends to those who provide

assistance in any form without which abortion would not be made possible. It
necessarily includes the abortionist, the nurse and other health care providers who
assist and help during the procedure. It also includes the boyfriend or husband
who encourages the woman to go to an abortionist, the parents who push their
daughter to submit for abortion, a friend who counsels and advises that abortion
is an alternative and anybody who, in one way or another, provides a way for
realization of abortion.

Abortion is morally justifiable when it is indirect - that is - when it’s not willfully employed as an end or a means.
Indirect abortion is the foreseen (at least with probability) but unintended loss of the fetus following upon a medical
(or surgical) procedure necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother.

It is usually done under the principle of double double effect with corresponding conditions to fulfill. In which case,
there is no direct taking of the baby’s life. In fact, the very act performed is not abortion per se but the treatment of a
pathologic condition of the mother.

Ectopic Pregnancy
What should be done during specific circumstances?

During threatened abortion

If the spontaneous abortion is merely threatened, in most cases, bed rest and appropriate
medication are the only treatments medicated.

During inevitable abortion

If the fetus has already been expelled while the placenta remains, which is indicative of incomplete
abortion, the subsequent appropriate procedure does not have any moral objection at all.

During severe hemorrhage in inevitable abortion

At this juncture, severe bleeding poses a grave threat to the mother’s life. With moral certainty that
the fetus is already dead, the health care practitioner immediately proceeds with the approriate
health care intervention that is designed to save the mother.
Treatment of human embryo

One must hold as licit procedures carried out on the human embryo which respect
the life and integrity of the embryo and do not involve disproportionate risks for it,
but are directed toward its healing, the improvement of its own condition of health,
or its individual survival.

Rape and incest

The innocent victim of a criminal attack is allowed to eject or destroy the sperm
before conception takes place. Unjust aggressive is the moral basis which justifies
the victim. The sperm maybe removed from the vagina at any time after the attack
since conception does not take the place there.
● absolute respect for every innocent human life also requires the exercise of
conscientious objection in relation to procured abortion.. it runs comoletely
counter to the health care profession which is meant to be ian impassioned
and unflinching affirmation of life.
When does human life really begin to exist? Does the
beginning of human life necessarily point out the existence of
a human person? Is the zygote already a human person?
These questions are some of the most crucial issues being
debated upon not only between the pro-life movement and
pro-choice advocates but also among moral theologiants.
Two different Philosophical and scientific approaches

Fertilization Approach this approach is By self-immanent movement is meant

primarily backed up by the pro-life that the capacity or aptitude to move
advocates. comes from within life itself. It is
The pro-life movement firmly contends
inherent in life so that, that which has
that human life begins to exist at the very life moves by itself and not by some
completion of fertilization which is the outside forces.
union of the sperm and the egg cells. This By self-perfective movement is meant
fertilization is identical with conception so
that which has life has the capacity to
that at the time the male germ cell unites
perfect its own movement , to develop
with the female germ cell forming a
and mature in its existence.
fertilized ovum, conception takes place.
Dr. Jerome Lejeune, a famous and prominent
french geneticist who is also known as the
Father of Modern Genetics , made his
historically-marked testimony at the court of
Maryville, Tennessee.

Moreover, as it begins to implant itself into the

endometrium of the uterus six, seven, eight
days after fertilization , the zygote develops into
a morula, then a blastocyst, then an embryo,
then a fetus. Dr. William A. Liley, known as the
father of Fetology, wrote about the existence of
human life in the mothers uterus.
Segmentation approach

This suggests that human life begins not at fertilization but a bit later-that is- at the time the
process of segmentation comes to its completion.


Is a process by which the zygote divides and multiplies into cells reaching the point of
developing possible existence of twins, triplets or more human lives.

Now, it is apparently preposterous to say that human life with the title of human person begins
to exist as early as fertilization when the zygote has still to undergo cellular division and


[ 1 ] Just as the pro-life position cannot fully explained the segmentation theory in which the
zygotes divide into two or more human beings, so also [ 2 ] the segmentation theory cannot
entirely refute the pro-life advocacy that the zygote , before segmentation or cellular division.
Thank you!

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