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Communication Games Starter TNs

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Starter Communication games teacher’s notes

One picture = 1,000 ɕ  When time is up, students read out their
sentence. If it is grammatically correct and
sentences makes sense, they win one point per word.
If there’s a mistake, they get only get one
point for the whole sentence.
Activity: Pairwork writing activity with
visual clues ɕ  Students continue playing the game and
keeping count of their scores. The first pair
Language: can/can’t; like, love, to reach 60 points is the winner. Monitor
hate + gerund and take note of sentences to go over with
the whole class.
Preparation: Make one copy of the
worksheet for each group of four ɕ  Note: to make this more challenging,
students. Cut up the picture cards. students can play on their own in small
Provide a die for each group. groups, writing sentences individually.
Alternatively, the game can be set up
as a whole class competition, with small
Procedure teams competing.

ɕ  Divide the class into groups of four, and

ask each student to work with a partner Extension
in their group. Tell the students that they
are going to play a game in their groups ɕ  Students write six true sentences
and they will work in pairs. Write the about themselves, one for each verb
following key on the board. Then give a on the board.
set of picture cards (face down) and a die
to each group. ɕ  When they finish, ask students to find a
partner. They then take turns to read three
like hate can don’t love can’t of their sentences to each other. For every
like sentence, the student listening must agree
with ‘Me too!/Me neither!’ or disagree
with ‘Really? I do/don’t!’. Write the
ɕ  Explain how to play the game by doing exclamations on the board for students
an example with the whole class. Roll the to refer to.
die and point out the number on the die
ɕ  When they finish, students find a different
(e.g. 3), and then refer to the key on the
partner. Monitor and help as necessary.
board, e.g. 3 = can. Turn over a picture
card. Tell students that they have to write a
sentence about the picture using can, e.g.
I can sing many songs. Ask the students
to count the number of words in the
sentence (five).

ɕ  Students play in groups of two or three

pairs. In each group, each pair takes turns
to roll the die, pick a card and write a
sentence with their word. Set a time limit
for the students to write their sentences.

Get Involved! American Edition Level 2 © Macmillan Education Limited 2022

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