ESP - Activity 1 Slides
ESP - Activity 1 Slides
ESP - Activity 1 Slides
Muaiad Almulki
Yousra Berrahma
Yazmin Hermida
Original Activity 1
integrate content and language ☑
focus on language (reading) ☑
connect the contents to real life
cognitive progression
○ Grocery Shopping: Students will complete a sorting activity using realia (toy
fruits and vegetables). They will work in pairs. One will play the customer
and the other will play the grocery store clerk. The clerk will be tasked with
sorting the fruits and vegetables into two separate bags. As they do this,
they must state which category each item belongs to using the following
● Tomatoes are fruit.
● Carrots are vegetables.
○ The “customer” is tasked with listening and writing down the sentence,
correcting any mistakes. The pair can then switch roles (using a different set
of fruits and vegetables).
In this way, the activity now incorporates cooperative learning and connects the content to
real life experiences. It also includes a “role play” component, which helps foster student’s
Original Activity 3
Integrates content and language ☑
Focuses on language skills (listening) ☑
Connects content to real life
Optional extension: Students can actually FOLLOW the recipe and make
their own fruit salad (incorporating realia and real-world experience and
making the activity more meaningful).
In order to make this cooperative activity more meaningful, the teacher could pose a
prompt to have pairs discuss a certain aspect of the listening task such as:
● What types of fruits and vegetables does your family buy at the market?
● How many fruits do you eat every day?
● What type of vegetables does your family include in their meals?
This simple addition to the activity helps to promote critical thinking, whilst also
relating the listening task to students’ daily lives. It also helps students practice using
the vocabulary in a natural way.
Original Activity 5
integrate content and language ☑
focus on language
cognitive progression
cognitive progression
Wikimedia Foundation. (2020, September 29). Retrato de Rodolfo II en traje de vertumno. Wikipedia. Retrieved
March 17, 2022, from