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Synonyms Adjectives

Bone(s) Os(sa)
Bonelet(s) Ossicle(s)
Skull(s) Cranium - Crania Cranial
Mandible(s) Lower jaw(s)
Maxilla(e) Upper jaw(s)
Clavicle(s) Collar bone(s) Clavicular
Rib(s) Costa(e)
Rib cage(s)  Thorax – Thoraces
 Thoracic cage(s)
Vertebral column  Spinal column
 Spine
 Back bone(s)
 Rachis - Rachides
Humerus - Humeri Upper arm bone(s)
Radius – Radii Forearm bone(s) Radial
Ulna(e)  Cubitus – Cubiti Ulnar
 Elbow bone(s)
(Meta)carpal(s)  (Meta)carpal bone(s)
 Ossa (meta)carpi
Phalanx – Phalanges
 Proximal
 Medial
 Distal
Thumb(s) Polix - polices
Ilium – Ilia Flank bone(s) Iliac
Ischium - Ischia
Pubis Pubic
Coccyx – coccyges Tail bone(s)
Pelvic girdle(s)
Shoulder girdle(s)  Pectoral girdle(s)
 Thoracic girdle(s)
Femur(a) Thigh bone(s) Femoral
Patella(e) Kneecap(s) Patellar
Tibia(e) Shin bone(s)
Fibula(e)  Calf bone(s) Fibular
 Splint bone(s)
Calcaneus - Calcanei Heel bone(s) Calcaneal
(Meta)tarsal(s)  (Meta)tarsal bone(s)
 Ossa (meta)tarsi
Sole(s) Planta(e)
Sternum - Sterna Breast bone(s) Sternal
Scapula(e) Shoulder blade(s) Scapular
Sacrum - Sacra Sacral bone(s) Sacral
Organ(s) Viscus – viscera Visceral
Pharynx – pharynges Pharyngeal
Larynx - larynges Voice box(es)
Trachea(e) Windpipe(s)
Body - bodies Corpus – corpora  Bodily
 Corporal
Heart muscle(s) Myocardium – myocardia
Brain(s) Encephalon – encephala
Pelvis - pelves Pelvic
Gaster Stomach Gastric
Fibre(s) Fibrous
Bone marrow  Bone medulla(e)
 Spinal cord
Swelling(s) Inflammation(s) Inflammatory
Myocardium - myocardia
Atrium – atria Auricle(s) Atrial
Stratum – strata Panniculus - panniculi
Tissue(s) Tissular
Vena(e) cava(e)
Vein(s) Venous
Blood flow(s) Bloodstream(s)
Thrombus - thrombi Blood clot(s)
Bronchus - bronchi  Air pocket(s)
 Air sac(s)
Sudoriferous gland(s) Perspiratory gland(s)
Mouth  Stoma(ta) Oral
 Os – Ora
 Oral cavity - Oral
Tooth – teeth Dens - dentis Dental
Dental socket Dental alveolus
Orbit Eye socket
Cervix – cervices
Neck(s) Collum – colla
Back of neck Nucha(e)
Esophagus – esophagi Gullet(s)
Intestine(s)  Bowel(s)
 Gut(s)
 Enteron
Liver(s) Hepatic
Villus – villi
Kidney(s) Ren(es) Renal
Testicle(s)  Testis(e)
 Orchis
Ovum - ova Egg(s)
Uterus - uteri Womb(s)
Neuron(e)  Neurocyte(s)
 Nerve cell(s)
Pons – pontes  Pons Varolii Pontile / Pontine
 Pons cerebri
Cerebellum – cerebella Cerebellar
Cerebrum – cerebra Cerebral
Hypophysis Pituitary (gland)
Cartilago - cartilagines Chondral
Sulcus – sulci Fissure(s)
Bursa(e) Bursal
Lung(s) Pulmon(s) Pulmonary
Cavity – cavities Cavum – cava
Cilium – cilia

Types of anatomy:

 Microscopic (histology)
 Macroscopic (gross anatomy)
 Pathological

Referring to… Prefix

Bones osteo
Tissues histo
something green chloro
something dark melano
something red erythro
something white leuko
something yellow xantho
something blue ciano
something gray polio
Stomach gastro
Muscles myo
Heart cardio
Man andro
Woman gyne
Uterus hyster
Blood hemo, hemato
Gland adeno
Nose rhino / naso
Kidney nephro
Cartilage chondro
Hump kypho
Elbow olecrano
Joint arthro
Spinal cord myelo
Rib costo
Vertebra spondylo
Crooked, bent or stiff ankylo
Curve scolio
Water hidro

Inflammation Pain Disease Removal

Muscle Myositis Myalgia
Tendon Tendonitis = tennis
Articulation (mono/poli)arthritis Arthralgia
Bone Osteoalgia
Vein Phlebitis
Gland Adenitis Adenopathy
Stoma (mouth) Stomatitis
Liver Hepatitis
Bladder Cystitis
Gall bladder Cholecystitis Cholecystomy
Testicle Orchi(d)ectomy
Tonsils Tonsillitis Tonsillectomy
Pleura Pleurisy
Kidney Nephritis
Sinus Sinusitis
Bursa Bursitis =
housemaid’s knee
Heart Cardialgia



Fracture = broken bone

Efficient ≠ inefficient

Machine = Apparatus

Life support machine = ventilator (ICU)


Take in  intake

Absorb  Absorption

Oxygenate ≠ deoxygenate

Respiration = breath(ing)

Breathe in = inhale, inspire

Breathe out = exhale, expire

Bleed – bled – bled

Bleeding = h(a)emorrhage

Runny nose = rhinorrhea


Digestion ≠ indigestion

Feed – fed – fed

Discard = dispose

Disposable equipment / needle / syringe

Myocardial infarction = heart attack

Cardiac arrest = heart stop

Cerebral infarction = stroke, cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

Skin = integument

Integumentary system

Foreign body

Index = indices

Support = sustain

Pain killer(s) = analgesic(s)

Injury = wound

Organic compound ≠ inorganic compound

Collagen  collagenic

Tooth fill

Red blood cells = erythrocytes

White blood cells = leukocytes

Thrombocytes = platelets

Gain weight = fatten

Malnourished = ill-nourished

Connective tissue = interstitial tissue

Dysfunction ≠ malfunction

Muscle tone  atony

Ailment = condition = disease = affliction = illness = sickness = disorder = malady

To swell = to inflame

Recurrence  recurrent


Prophylaxis (prophylaxes) = Prevention  prophylactic

To regulate = to control

Epidermis – epidermides

Dermis – dermides


To breakdown = to decompose

Deglutition = swallowing, ingestion

To chew = to masticate

Peristalsis  peristaltic

Lining = padding

Waste = debris

Kidney stones = renal calculi

Parturition = child birth




Nurse’s aide

Nervous system: central / peripheral

Medulla(e) oblongata(e)

Brain stem

Inability ≠ disability

Lymph  lymph node

Adrenal cortex

Adenohypophysis (anterior)
Neurohypophysis (posterior)

Residuum – residua

Framework = cadru

Bone/skin graph

Bone chips

Bone loss = osteopenia

Bone scan

Bone setting = repozitionare

Osseous tissue = bone tissue

Long bone = pipe bone



Cancellous bone = trabecular bone

Upper/lower limb(s)

Epiphysis / diaphysis

Membrum – membra

Shaft = diafiza

Compact bone

Porous tissue

Enclose  enclosure

Periosteum – periostia

To fuse = to merge

Bear – bore – born(e)


Fixed = immovable

Slightly movable

Freely movable = synovial

Letter of referral

Articular surfaces

Ball and socket = spheroid, enarthrosis joint

Hinge = ginglymus

Gliding = plane joint

Pivot = trochoid joint

Saddle joint


Foramen = a hole within a bone that allows blood vessels and nerves to pass through

Foramen – foramina

Rigor mortis = death stiffness

Shortness of breath = dispnee

Respiratory failure

Respiratory arrest

Metabolism  metabolic


ORL = otorhinolaryngologist

Moist  moisture

Epiglottis – epiglottides

Lie – lay – lain

Blockage = obstruction

Lobus – lobi

Serum – sera

Serous membrane

Cluster = bunch of, bundle, group of


Bore = opening, hole

Single file = sir indian

Etiology = cause

Thus = therefore



Pneumonitis = pneumonia


Tidal volume = volum curent


Watery = aqueous

Scarce ≠ plentiful

Cardiac care facility

Cardiac death

Notch = incizura (numai la inima)

Cardiac stimulator = heart pacemaker

Asystoly = heart standstill

Openheart surgery

Angina pectoris

Blood type = blood group

Full blood = sange pur

Half blood

Blood rush

Septicaemia = blood poisoning

Breeth delivery = nastere cu fundul in fata



Postpartum depression

Full term

Arterial sclerosis



Oxygen-rich ≠ oxygen-poor

Collapse = failure

Greater circulation = systemic circulation

Lesser circulation = pulmonary circulation

Innate immunity = natural immunity

Artificial immunity = acquired immunity

Adipose tissue = fat tissue

Dental tissue

Muscle tissue = muscular tissue


Overall condition / health

Apical surface

Basement membrane

Squam = scale



Hyloid/hyaline cartilage

Drug = medication/narcotic

Administer drugs /administrate a building

Dependence on = addicted to

To encounter = to face with = to meet

Legal = licit
Fit = suit


Cold turkey

Impaired = damaged

Recognition = diagnosis

Threshold = brink

Anamnesis = case listing = patient’s history


Injection tracks


To feign = to fake

Calculus – calculi

Inadvertently = accidentally

High = euphoria

Fundamental = underlying

Vital = crucial


Diaphoresis = perspiration

Debilitated = weakened

Peak = climax



Potent = powerful

Adjunct = adjuvant

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