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Books of Speaking and Reading

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Name : ………………………
Class : ………………………

Pondok Pesantren Al Shighor Cabang Melawi

Semadin Lengkong Nanga Pinoh Melawi

My day (A1)

First, I wake up. Then, I get dressed. I walk to school. I

do not ride a bike. I do not ride the bus. I like to
go to school. It rains. I do not like rain. I eat lunch. I eat a
sandwich and an apple.
I play outside. I like to play. I read a book. I like to read
books. I walk home. I do not like walking home.
My mother cooks soup for dinner. The soup is hot. Then,
I go to bed. I do not like to go bed.

The House (A1)

Mr. and Mrs. Smith have one son and one daughter.
The son's name is John. The daughter's name is Sarah.
The Smiths live in a house. They have a living room.
They watch TV in the living room. The father cooks
food in the kitchen. They eat in the dining room. The
house has two bedrooms. They sleep in the bedrooms.
They keep their clothes in the closet. There is one

bathroom. They brush their teeth in the bathroom.
The house has a garden. John and Sarah play in the
garden. They have a dog. John and Sarah like to
play with the dog.

My Wonderful Family (A1)

I live in a house near the mountains. I have two brothers

and one sister, and I was born last. My father teaches
mathematics, and my mother is a nurse at a big hospital.
My brothers are very smart and work hard in school. My
sister is a nervous girl, but she is very kind. My
grandmother also lives with us.
She came from Italy when I was two years old. She has
grown old, but she is still very strong. She cooks the
best food!
My family is very important to me. We do lots of things
together. My brothers and I like to go on long walks in
the mountains. My sister likes to cook with my
grandmother. On the weekends we all play board games

together. We laugh and always have a good time. I love
my family very much.

My name is John (A1)

Hi! Nice to meet you! My name is John Smith. I am 19

and a student in college. I go to college in New
York. My favorite courses are Geometry, French, and
History. English is my hardest course. My
professors are very friendly and smart. It's my second
year in college now. I love it!
I live in a big house on Ivy Street. It's near the college
campus. I share the house with three other
students. Their names are Bill, Tony, and Paul. We help
each other with homework. On the weekend,
we play football together.
I have a younger brother. He just started high school. He
is 14 and lives with my parents. They live on
Mulberry Street in Boston. Sometimes they visit me in
New York. I am happy when they visit. My Mom
always brings me sweets and candy when they come. I
really miss them, too!

Preparing food (A1)

Jack was hungry. He walked to the kitchen. He got out

some eggs. He took out some oil. He placed a
skillet on the stove. Next, he turned on the heat. He
poured the oil into the skillet. He cracked the eggs
into a bowl. He stirred the eggs. Then, he poured them
into the hot skillet. He waited while the eggs
cooked. They cooked for two minutes. He heard them
cooking. They popped in the oil.
Next, Jack put the eggs on a plate. He placed the plate
on the dining room table. Jack loved looking at
his eggs. They looked pretty on the white plate. He sat
down in the large wooden chair. He thought
about the day ahead. He ate the eggs with a spoon.
They were good.
He washed the plate with dishwashing soap. Then, he
washed the pan. He got a sponge damp. Finally,
he wiped down the table. Next, Jack watched TV.

Our Vacation (A1)

Every year we go to Florida. We like to go to the beach.

My favorite beach is called Emerson Beach. It is very
long, with soft sand and palm trees. It is very
beautiful. I like to make sandcastles and watch the
sailboats go by. Sometimes there are dolphins and
whales in the water!
Every morning we look for shells in the sand. I found
fifteen big shells last year. I put them in a special
place in my room. This year I want to learn to surf. It is
hard to surf, but so much fun! My sister is a
good surfer. She says that she can teach me. I hope I
can do it!

My family at home (A2)

My family lives in a small house. It's simple but pretty. It

has a large garden. I like to work in the garden
but my sister hates to work in the garden. She prefers to
read. She reads in the morning, in the afternoon and at
I give all of the vegetables to mom and dad. They like to
cook in our small kitchen. I eat any vegetable but my
sister eats only a few.
My family always eats breakfast and dinner together.
We talk. We laugh. Then my sister washes the dishes.
At night dad likes to listen to music. Mom works on the
computer. I watch television. And my sister reads.
Soon we go to bed. My parents go to bed late but my
sister and I go to bed early. I'm ready to go to
sleep but my sister wants to keep reading.

My morning routine (A2)

My name is Bob. Each day I drive my kids to school. My

daughter goes to a school that's far from our house. It
takes 30 minutes to get there. Then I drive my son to his
school. It's close to my job. My daughter is in the sixth
grade and my son is in the second. They are both good
students. My daughter usually sings her favorite songs
while I drive. My son usually sleeps.
I arrive at the office at 8:30 AM. I say good morning to all
my workmates then I get a big cup of hot coffee. I turn
on my computer and read my email. Some days I have a
lot to read. Soon I need another cup of coffee.

A great summer vacation (A2)

I just returned from the greatest summer vacation! It was

so fantastic, I never wanted it to end. I spent eight days
in Paris, France. My best friends, Henry and Steve, went
with me. We had a beautiful hotel room in the Latin
Quarter, and it wasn't even expensive. We had a
balcony with a wonderful view.
We visited many famous tourist places. My favorite was
the Louvre, a well-known museum. I was always
interested in art, so that was a special treat for me. The
museum is so huge, you could spend weeks there.
Henry got tired walking around the museum and said
"Enough! I need to take a break and rest.”
We took lots of breaks and sat in cafes along the river
Seine. The French food we ate was delicious.
The wines were tasty, too. Steve's favorite part of the
vacation was the hotel breakfast. He said he
would be happy if he could eat croissants like those
forever. We had so much fun that we're already
talking about our next vacation!

At school (A2)

Lucas goes to school every day of the week. He has

many subjects to go to each school day: English, art,
science, mathematics, gym, and history. His mother
packs a big backpack full of books and lunch for Lucas.
His first class is English, and he likes that teacher very
much. His English teacher says that he is a good
pupil, which Lucas knows means that she thinks he is a
good student.
His next class is art. He draws on paper with crayons
and pencils and sometimes uses a ruler. Lucas
likes art. It is his favorite class.
His third class is science. This class is very hard for
Lucas to figure out, but he gets to work with his
classmates a lot, which he likes to do. His friend, Kyle,
works with Lucas in science class, and they have fun.
Then Lucas gets his break for lunch. He sits with Kyle
while he eats. The principal, or the headmaster
as some call him, likes to walk around and talk to
students during lunch to check that they are all
The next class is mathematics, which most of the
students just call math. Kyle has trouble getting a
good grade in mathematics, but the teacher is very nice
and helpful.
His fourth class is gym. It is just exercising.
History is his last class of the day Lucas has a hard time
staying awake. Many lessons are boring, and
he is very tired after doing gym.

Days of the week (A2)

There are seven days of the week, or uniquely named

24-hour periods designed to provide scheduling
context and make time more easily measureable. Each
of these days is identifiable by specific plans,
moods, and tones.
Monday is viewed by many to be the "worst" day of the
week, as it marks the return to work following
the weekend, when most full-time employees are given
two days off. Most students attend school in
the morning and return home in the afternoon (usually
from about eight until three or seven until
two), and most workers go to work in the morning and
return home in the evening (usually from nine
to five or eight to four).
Tuesday is the second day of the week, and is in many
ways similar to Monday. Not a whole lot
changes, schedule-wise, between Tuesday and
Monday; most individuals go to school or work and
return home to watch television, play video games,

make plans with friends, spend time with family,
read, or engage in a similar leisure-related activity.
Wednesday is the third day of the week, and serves as
the "middle" of the work week; some
individuals refer to Wednesday as "hump day," as once
its workday is complete, employees will have
passed the work-week "hump," and will be on the
downturn, as only two days on the job will remain in
the week.
Thursday is the fourth day of the week, and is viewed
favorably by many, as it's rather close to the end
of the work week.
Friday is the fifth day of the week, and marks the end of
the workweek and school-week for the vast
majority of employees and students. By Friday
afternoon/evening, most students/workers cannot wait
to leave and go home, as they won't have to report back
to school/work until Monday.
Saturday is perhaps the most highly regarded day of the
week. Because Sunday follows it (and there is
presumably no work or school to attend, for most
individuals), everyone is free to stay out (or awake)

until late at night, having fun with plans or other leisure-
related activities. To be sure, Saturday is generally
thought of as a day to partake in hobbies that couldn't
otherwise be enjoyed during the regular week.
Sunday is the final day of the week, and is used by most
as a day of rest. Fewer late-night plans are made on
Sundays, compared to Saturdays, as most individuals
have to wake up for work or school on Monday morning.

Going to the Supermarket (A2)

Martha is at the grocery store, getting ready for a house

party. She has a list of what she needs with her as she
goes along. The first section she comes has produce.
Martha sees apples, bananas, cherries, grapes, and
strawberries. She checks her list:
- 6 apples
- 1 bag of cherries
- 1 bag of grapes
- 2 cartons of strawberries
Martha get her items and looks the bananas. They are
on sale for much cheaper than they are normally. She
picks 3 bananas. Next are vegetables. She sees
potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, and
salad in bags. She checks her list:
- 5 pounds of potatoes
- 6 carrots
- 4 tomatoes
- 2 onions
- 4 mushrooms

As she is putting her items into her cart, Martha checks
the many bags of salad and chooses 2 of them.
She pushes her cart ahead. The next section is meat
and dairy. She sees meat, fish, cheese, eggs, and
milk. She checks her list:
- 2 fish (salmon)
- 1 block of cheese (cheddar)
- 1 dozen eggs
- 2 gallons of milk
She looks at the meat that is on sale and chooses a 5-
pound roll of hamburger. She gets the rest of the
items in that section. She still needs rice, bread, salt,
sugar, and flour. She gets:
- 2 bags of rice
- 4 loaves of bread
- a 2-pound bag of sugar
- a 2-pound bag of flour
Martha then realizes that she has forgotten something.
She runs back and gets 1 container of salt and
then rushes to the checkout. She puts her groceries into
her car and leaves.

Letter to a Friend (A2)

Hi, Fred!
It's been a while since we have been in touch. How has
your semester been?
I wanted to send you an email update to you let you
know how things have been going during my
semester abroad here in Málaga, Spain. I've already
been here for six weeks, and I feel like I am finally
adapting to the culture. I'm also speaking the language
more fluently.
I arrived during the first week of September. The
weather has been very nice. Even though it's
October, it's still rather sunny and warm. In fact, I went
to the beach and swam in the Mediterranean
Sea earlier today.
I am living with a very welcoming host family. I have my
own private bedroom, but we eat breakfast,
lunch, and dinner together. On Sundays, we eat a big
home-cooked paella for lunch. In Spain, lunch is

usually the biggest meal of the day. It's also very
common for the people to take a midday nap right
after a big meal. I am actually just waking up from my
nap right now!
On weekdays, I take classes at the local university.
There, I met several native Spanish speakers. They
have been very kind and patient with me. At first, I
struggled to comprehend their Spanish, but now I
understand most of our conversations. They have
commented that my Spanish has improved a lot
since we first met. Now, I am more confident to use the
language in other places like stores and restaurants.
I am so glad that I decided to spend the semester here
in Spain. We have an extended weekend coming up, so
a group of my friends and I are going to travel to France
for four days. It's so easy and inexpensive to travel
internationally in Europe. I love it!
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Like I said,
don't hesitate to stay in touch more often.
Perhaps you could even come to visit! What do you

Best wishes,

Abu Nawas

One night there is a man who will go to the house of Abu

Nawas with the intention to steal, must be armed with a
very brilliant idea, because that person knows the
cleverness of Abu Nawas, upon arrival at home ash
nawas ,,

Men: tok ,,, tok ,,, tok ,, assalamu'alaikum (knocking on

the door of the house of Abu Nawas)

Abu Nawas: wa'alaikumsalam ,,, (while opening the


Abu Nawas who did not know the stranger, and asked

Abu Nawas: who are you and what is needed tonight at


Armed with the idea, the man answered firmly

Man: O Abu Nawas ,,, You are a devotee who is very
faithful to God, you are very afraid of God's punishment,
you always glorify God from others, so tonight I beg you
to stay, because tonight is too late, I can not back

Abu Nawas: (wondering) what do I mean to fear God by

letting you stay in my house?

Man: O Abu Nawas knows who stands before you now

is the son-in-law whom you have honored all along, I am
the son-in-law of God.

Abu Nawas: (feels weird and suspicious) ooeehh ,,, the

son-in-law of God?

Man: yes o Abu Nawas

Abu Nawas: then please follow me, I will give you the
most special place for your stay

Man: hahhaha ,,,, very easy turned out to deceive Abu

Nawas (in his heart)

Abu Nawas took the man to a place on foot, and upon

arrival at his destination, Abu Nawas said,

Abu Nawas: We have arrived

Man: this is a mosque ,,,?! how can we go to the


Abu Nawas: Loh ,,, You are the son-in-law of Allah, and
the mosque is the house of God, please stay at your
father-in-law's house.

Man: (feels stupid and confused)

Abu Nawas: do not forget thanks for taking you to your

in-law's house tonight.

Man: (with dumb answer) thank you Abu Nawas ,,,

Indeed no one can beat the mind of Abu Nawas at that


End ,,, hopefully entertained.

Conversation 1

Situation: Jane meets a friend, Alice, at a reunion of

former pupils at their old school.

Jane: Hello Alice. Do you remember me?

Alice: Hi Jane. You look well.
Jane: It must be eight years since you left school.
Alice: That's right. You were five years below me. I
was in the same year as your older sister, wasn’t I?
Jane: Yes. After school I got a place at university and
am studying Accountancy and Business studies.
Alice: That sounds interesting. I got a job as a
Jane: What languages do you speak?
Alice: Apart from English, I speak French and German.
Jane: I didn't get on well with my French teacher here
at school, so I dropped the subject at the end of my
fifth year.
Alice: Where do you study?
Jane: In London. I enjoy living in London.
Alice: I sometimes travel to different parts of Britain
to do translating. Next week I have an assignment in
Jane: Will you have time to call and visit me whilst you
are in the area?
Alice: Yes, I'd love to.
Jane: I'll give you my phone number. Ring me in the
Alice: Thank you. We'll be able to have more time to
catch up and reminisce about our school.

Conversation 2

Situation: Alice’s five year old daughter goes to school

for the first time

Alice: Come along Katie, we don't want to be late.

Look, here is your teacher.
Teacher: Hello Katie, lovely to see you. Come this way
and I'll show you where to hang your coat.
Alice: Katie is a bit nervous as it is her first day at
Teacher: Yes, I understand. A lot of children find the
classroom situation a bit overwhelming at first.
Alice: Oh there's no need to cry Katie!
Teacher: Follow me and I will introduce you to the
teacher of the reception class.
Alice: Look Katie, there is your friend Toby.
Teacher: I think it is a good idea for you to slip away
now and leave her with her friend.
Alice: What time can I come and collect her?
Teacher: When five year old children start school, they
only come for the morning session. You can collect her
at 12 noon.
Alice: I think she will settle down now that she has
seen Toby. They have met at the play group which is
run for children under five, in our village.
Teacher: She'll be full of smiles when you see her at
lunch time.
Alice: Thank you.

Conversation 1

Situation: Jane refuses Bob’s invitation to go to the

cinema because she has to attend a family gathering.

Bob: Hi, Jane. How are you?

Jane: Just fine, thanks, Bob.
Bob: I was wondering, are you free this Saturday?
Jane: Oh … I have a family gathering in the evening.
Why, what did you have in mind?
Bob: I was thinking of going to the cinema with you.
There’s a good movie to watch, but if you’re not
available …
Jane: Well, it sounds like fun, but actually I’ll be very
busy on Saturday. 
Bob: What do you have to do?
Jane: I have to pick up my grandparents at the airport
in the morning then help my parents prepare for the
gathering in the afternoon. 
Bob: Ok, yes you will be very busy.
Jane: But thanks a lot for asking me. Maybe next time.
Bob: That’s fine. We’ll make it next time. 
Jane: Why not asking Andrew to go with you? You live
in the same apartment with him, don’t you?
Bob: I have. But he already made an appointment with
Lucy. They plan to play bowling at the leisure center.
Jane: I see. Well, I’d be delighted to have you over
and join the gathering.
Bob: What a great idea, thank you. When should I be
Jane: You can come about 7 o’clock.
Bob: All right then.
Jane: Great! I’ll be expecting you.

Conversation 2

Situation: Lucy and Patrick talk about same sex


Lucy: Wait till you hear this! Ted just got engaged to

Patrick: You’re pulling my leg! They’re just friends,
Lucy: They’re a couple, Patrick. You can ask Ted
yourself if you don’t trust me.
Patrick: Well, I don’t think it is polite to ask people
about their sexual orientation.
Lucy: I don’t think so. Today, the gay community is
more open. Have you heard of LGBT? It stands for
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.
Patrick: Yes I know. I just think it is their private life
and they will tell me when they are ready.
Lucy: You’re too busy studying, you never have time to
see them.
Patrick: What do you think of gay marriage, Lucy?
Lucy: People should be able to do whatever they want.
But I can’t imagine if my parents were both men or
both women. 
Patrick: I know, anything that is different from your
own experience can be hard to imagine.
Lucy: Yes, but as long as both parents love the child
everything will be fine no matter the sex of the
Patrick: I agree, and speaking personally, people like
Ted and Jack sure have the right to be happy. 
Lucy: That’s so sweet of you.

Conversation 1

Situation: Lucy and Jane invite Tui to join them for

lunch at a Korean restaurant.

Lucy: Hi, Tui.
Tui: Hi, Lucy.
Lucy: Jane and I are getting together for lunch. Do you
want to come with us? 
Tui: Yeah, that would be nice. Where are you taking
Jane: Some place you’ve never been before. A Korean
restaurant named Jinjuu.
Tui: Fantastic! I’ve always wanted to try Korean food.
Have you tried Korean food?
Lucy: I’ve eaten out at several Korean restaurants
before but I think Jinjuu offers something new.
Tui: Really? What is it?
Lucy: It serves traditional Korean street food such as
kimchi fries, pajeon pancakes and Korean fried chicken
in mixed Korean and English styles.
Tui: Yum! You are making me hungry. What’s the
Lucy: The signature menu is Jinjuu Chicken or Korean
Fried Chicken.
Jane: Do you know celebrity chef Judy Joo? She’s the
owner of the restaurant.
Tui: I see. What about the price?
Lucy: I don’t know. I didn’t find pricing information on
their website.
Tui: I thought you had eaten out at the restaurant
Lucy: No, I haven’t. Don’t worry. It’s my treat.
Tui: Well, have you made a reservation?
Lucy: Yes. I’ve booked a table for three.
Tui: Great! Let’s go now, shall we?

Conversation 1

Situation: Jane is shopping in the supermarket and

bumps into her friend Lucy.

Jane: Hi Lucy.
Lucy: I didn't know you were coming to Tesco this
Jane: I always shop in Tesco on a Tuesday.
Lucy: Why on Tuesdays?
Jane: There are not so many shoppers on Tuesdays.
Lucy: I usually shop on a Monday but I didn't feel well
Jane: Oh, I'm sorry. I hope you are feeling better
Lucy: Yes, thankyou.
Jane: I am going to buy some apples.
Lucy: I will come with you. I want to get some apples.
Jane: I like sweet red apples.
Lucy: I prefer the crisp green apples.
Jane: Bananas are my favourite fruit.
Lucy: Do you like pears?
Jane: Yes. I eat lots of fruit.
Lucy: The mushrooms look very good. I will buy a
Jane: Yes. I will also buy some mushrooms.
Lucy: When I get home I will make some mushroom
Jane: I enjoy eating mushroom omelettes.
Lucy: I need onions.
Jane: To make my omelette I will need eggs.
Lucy: Would you like to try some of my soup when it's
Jane: That would be lovely.
Lucy: I'll bring some round at 6 p.m.
Jane:  Will you be able to stay and have an omelette?
Lucy: Yes I will, thank you. See you at 6 tonight.
Jane: Goodbye.

Conversation 2

Situation: Jane continues to shop in the supermarket

and she meets her friend Tui.

Jane: Hello Tui. How are you?

Tui: I am fine thank you. I need to buy rice and also
some fish.
Jane: What sort of rice do you need? There are so
many different varieties, I find it very confusing.
Tui: I want long grain rice. The Tesco own brand rice is
the best and it is cheaper than other brands. Can you
show me, Jane, where to find fish in the store?
Jane: Do you want to buy fresh fish, frozen or tinned
Tui: I am wanting tins of Tuna.
Jane: They are stacked in aisle 19, the middle of the
shelf. I used to work here on Saturdays a little while
ago so I remember where most products are displayed.
Tui: I notice that they keep changing the position of
goods and I find that confusing and very time
Jane: Yes, I agree. Here are the tins of tuna, next to
the pilchards.
Tui: That's handy. I'll buy some pilchards as well. My
cats love pilchards in tomato sauce.
Jane: You spoil your cats.
Tui: Yes I do but they only get pilchards occasionally.
Jane: My dog will eat anything including my slippers if
I don't hide them!
Tui: Do you need to buy slippers?
Jane: No not today. I have finished shopping so will go
and pay at the checkout.
Tui: Thank you for your help.
Jane: Goodbye. Hope you find all the other things that
you need.

Conversation 1

Situation: Jane visits Alice and her new baby.

Alice: Come in Jane.
Jane: You're looking well. When did you get home from
Alice: Two days ago. The new arrival is finally having a
Jane: Oh, isn't he tiny! What does he weigh?
Alice: His birth weight was 6 lbs but the weight drops a
little after birth then gradually it is regained.
Jane: Have you chosen a name yet?
Alice: Yes, he is Michael James.
Jane: That's a lovely name. Are they family names?
Alice: Yes, my father was called James but I chose the
name Michael.
Jane: Does Michael sleep well?
Alice: He wakes up every three or four hours
demanding a feed.
Jane: You won't be getting much sleep!
Alice: No I'm not. After I've fed him, got up his wind
and changed his nappy, it's nearly time for the next

Jane: New babies can be exhausting but as time
passes, things will get better.
Alice: The health visitor called yesterday and she was
very encouraging. She said I was coping really well.  

Conversation 2

Situation: Alice asks Jane to look after her baby while

she goes shopping.

Alice: It's very kind of you to offer to look after

Michael. I won't be longer than a couple of hours
Jane: I'm looking forward to caring for Michael whilst
you are out.
Alice: At the moment he is fast asleep, but if he wakes
there is a feed of some milk made up in the kitchen.
Jane: Don't worry. Go and enjoy a bit of time for

Jane: Oh dear! That's the doorbell.

Postman: I've a parcel for Ms. Alice Spalding. Please
sign here. Someone's making a big noise!
Jane: You've woken up the baby, he was sleeping
soundly until you rang the bell.
Postman: I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll be able to comfort
the little one.
Jane: I hope so.

Alice: Hello, I'm back. How did you get on?
Jane: I'm so glad to see you. Michael woke up when
the postman rang the doorbell. 
Alice: Oh dear.
Jane: He started crying. I picked him up, cuddled him,
sang him songs, put him in his pram, pushed him back
and forwards and nothing would stop him howling. 
Alice: Yes, sometimes it is very hard to make a baby
happy again.
Jane: He wouldn't drink his milk. I didn't know what to
do next.
Alice: Now 'young man', what’s all this noise about?
Jane: You've got the magic touch, Alice. He's stopped
crying straight away. He recognises his mum and he
didn't want anyone else.


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