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P4 Science SA2 2012 Methodist Girls

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METHODIST GIRLS’ SCHOOL END-OF-YEAR EXAMINATION 2012 PRIMARY 4 SCIENCE BOOKLET A. Total Time for Booklets A and B: 1 hour 45 minutes, INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not turn over this page until you are told to do so. Follow all instructions carefully. ‘Answer all questions. ‘Shade your answers in the Optical Answer Sheet (OAS) provided. Name: Class: Primary 4 Date: 11 October 2012 ‘This booklet consists of 15 printed pages including this page. ae (Go on tothe next pege) For each question from 1025, four options are given, one of them is the correct answer. Make your choice (1,2, oF 4). Shade the correct oval (7,2, 804) on the Optical Answer Sheet 150 marks] 1. Study the chart betow. Can tmake its own food? |< Sane Se What could X be? (bird @) plant @) insect 4) mammal 2. Which one ofthe folowing statoments ie tte for ALL insets? (1). They have tails, 2) They have wings, (8) They ive in water, @) They have sic logs. (Go onto the next page) 3. The diagram below shows the life cyte ofan animal iN [=] [smal a Which animals tkely o have the saine ife cycle as shown above? 1) Moth @) Frog ()Mealworm @) Grasshopper a9 ‘A. The diagram shows a yorng plant The leaf helps the aant to (1) make food @)_absord water (8) holditupright (4) absorb mineral salts ay (Go onto the next page) ‘The table below shows the characteristics of Animals P and Q. ‘Animal Characteristics Has a pupa stage Gives birth to young alive Has wings in adult stage ‘Moults several times Based on the table atove, which one ofthe following statements is corect? (1) Both can fy when they were young, @)_ Animal Pisa buterly and Animal Qis a cockroach, {@) Animal gives bith to young alive while Animal Q lays eggs. (4) Animal P has 4 stages ints He cycle wile Animal Q has 3 stages in Is le cyte “The diagram below shows the underside ofa leaf as seen under a microscope, Which ofthe following are true about the pats labelled W in the diagram? A: Wiake in oxygen, B: Wake in diseoled mineral salts. C: Wabsotbs sunight for the leaf to make food. 1D: Wealows excess water vapour to escape through them. () Aand ¢ only 2) Aand Donly @)A,Cand D only (@)Altof the above (Go ono the next page) z. 8 ‘Saly, Jon, Peter and Cathy noticed that a florist alvays cuts flower stalks at en angle instead of horizontal “They form their own conclusions based on their observations. Cutatan ‘angle Which one ofthe following conclusions is most Ekely to be the reason why the frit always cuts the stalks at an angle? [(@)_ [Sally [its easter te place the sais Into te pot of sai @ [on — | Cutng the Tawar stalks at an angle ereases the plants | ‘plato of water. | @)_| Peter | The Towers wil survive longer as they are inore exposed tothe alrinthe sutoundings. - : (a)_| Cathy | The Wore Sbie to determine Whe Towers are resh by ooking a the colour ofthe tubes. J ‘The plant shown below has leaves that are curled up, How do the leaves o!the plant help itto survive in hot environment? (1). The leaves store water forthe plant @) The leaves redice water loss forthe plant. (3) The leaves protect the plant against animals {8} The leaves help to increase the rate of photosynthesis, AF {Go onto the next page) 8 10, ‘The diagram below shows part ofthe human digestive system, Organ a fe Organ R rel T Organ s ‘Which of the folowing statements are tue of Organ Q? ‘A: tis made up ofmainly muscles, Br The food in organ @ is completely digested C: The food in erga Q is absorbed into the blood, D: Foods broken sown by digestive juice in organ Q. (1) And D only @) Band D only Which ofthe folowing is NOT a source of heat? (1) The sun (2) Atable lamp () Acandle fame (4) Apairof woolen gloves (Go on tothe next page) The diagram shows apainting hanging on a wall painting Iron is used to make nails because ron ___ (1) ieshiny 2) Issirong G) waterproof @)_ ie] magnetic reteria 7 . Jolie cared out an experiment using four diferent materials ofthe same length ‘and same thickness. She placed one end of each material nto a basin of ‘coloured wale. The diagram below shows hat is observed at the end ofthe ‘experiment. _ Which one of the folowing correctly represents the objects A, B, C and D? re pdt [rf — on isa |@) [Tissue paper — Aluminium foi (Cloth araboard (3) Aluminium fo! (Cloth "(Cardboard [Tissue paper 4 ee foe — pon — farm | a (Go.onto the next page) 18, 1" In which one ofthe fowing positions wil the two magnets atract each other? © Tw s] [N 8 ® fs ]|[s N © fs|fs] [Nw s ‘Which one ofthe following substances has no definite volume? Air (2) Water () Stone (@)_Petrotoum {Go on tothe next page) 15. Karen wants to messure the temperature of hot water in a beaker at room temperature. Which one of the folowing diagrams shows the correct poston of the thermometer when aking the temperature reading? o @ Y @) : ss (Go.onto the next page) 16. The setup below shows ligt shining on a met tore metal tn screen Which one ofthe following would likely be seen on the sereen? ‘eo ‘@ 17. Beaker A contains 20 om of red beans. Beaker B contains 20 cm’ of fine sugar. Beakor C contains 20 om? of water. 200m? ofred beans Recker A ‘What would the fnal volume in Beaker B be if everything in Beaker A and C is outed into Beaker B? (1) Less than 40 cm* (2) About 50 er () Bxecty 60 cn? @)_ Mote than 69 om (Goonto the next page) 418, Mel put a beaker containing 200 ml of water over @ Bunsen flame as shown in Diagram 1. She hate the water unlit started to boil as shown in Diagram 2, Ye 200ml of water fig bubbies imal bubbles ——boling water ——ttame — Diagram 4 Diagram 2 \When the water was boiling, .Me! noticed some ‘mis' above the beaker of poling water. What isthe ‘mis’ made up of? (1) Steam (2) Very hot air (@) Watervapour == (4) Tiny water dropsts 49. The diagram below shows a container made of glass and encased in styrofoam. There is awooden lid on i. This container i placed on @ marble te onthe tbe Wooden Lid Styrofoam saath ce Ma a Table |Which one of the following statements explains why the setup Is able to keep {he cottee warn? (1) The lid toses heat tothe surroundings quickly {@) The gles prevents the coffe from gaining heat {@) The te slows dow heat gain from the surroundings. {@) The containes dees not allow heat to flow through it easily be (Go on to the next page) 20. Susie has 2 conical asks, A and B, contalning substances $ and T respectively as shown n the diagram below. She left the flasks onthe table at room temperature (28°C) for 2 hours. Substance Shas ‘turned into Siquid : [Aer 2 hours, Susie noticed that substance S has tumed Ino aliquid, while nothing was lft of substance T. Which one of the folloning corectly represents substance S and? [ [sass ssc > Ta)fice. [ey Tice: ice @) ‘Aleohol @ Steam (Goonto the next page) 2 22. “Three objects of simiar size, P, Q.and R, are paced on @ wooden table. Object is fixed fo the wooder tabie ut objects P and Rare movable. Object P and R are pushed towards Q but they do not touch was observed thal object R sticks to Qbut object P does not. What are Objocis P, Q and ‘most likely to be? = —~Joxsea fone a Nickel bar a Barmagret ‘(1 [Barmognet———[ rents [@)_TSiver bar ‘Copper bar Mr Leo sot up an electr‘tagnet as showm bel. oye 4 a VAAL stones WwW Mr Lee fourd thal the od wa not abl to attract the staples inthe setup. ‘Based on his so-up above, which ofthe folowing could provide the possible reason(s) for his observation? A: The staples are nasty B: The rodis made f plastic. C:The diy cots are arranged wrongly. D: There are too many tus around the 100. (1) Benly (2) AandB only (G) BandC only () Allof tre above (Go onte the next page) s1 23. The graph below shows the amount of ght from the same ight source passing through three diferent materials, The resulls were obtained using a datalogger vith a ight sensor of _ sates © oS -* ew? Which one of the fotoning is mest kely to be material A, B and C? Matera [agar ater Wood” Fret ‘lastie. ~~ iear glass (@)_| Geargliss | Frosted glass Potesain - [@Gerame | Cotton [Wear (a) Gear pas [cot Wood 24. Four containers, A,B, C and D, containing water, were heated to the ‘temperature as shownin the diagram below. Which ofthe folowing statements are true? P: The water in continer D has the greatest amount of heat, ©: The water in confainars & and C have the same amount of heat. R: The water n containers C and D have the same amount of heat ‘St The wate in conbainer Is warmer than the water in container A (1) Pend Qonty (2) Pand Rony (3) Pand Sony (P,Q and Sony (Go onto the next page) 25, Three containers of water were heated together inside the sare heater until they reached 50°C. The table below shows the amount of water inthe three containers and the torperatue of the water in each container before and after they were heated. ‘Ganiainer [Arvountof water] Stating. Temperature after a) “Temperature °o)_| eating °C) x 200 25 0 Y, 400, 7 50 Zoo 28 [50 Which one of the folloning graphs correctly shows the amount of heat eneray inthe containers afterheating? » 2 Lu eT container 9 9 St EE BE container 7 End of Booklet A L+ container Container st METHODIST GIRLS’ SCHOOL END-OF-YEAR EXAMINATION 2012 PRIMARY 4 SCIENCE = . BOOKLET B Total Time for Booklets A and B: 1 hour 45.minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES ‘Follow all instructions carefully. Answer all questions. C ) Class: Primary 4. Date: 11 October 2012 Booklet A. [ 150 Booklet B 140 ee ee Practical Test 110 1 100 | This booklet consists of 14 printed pages including this page. (Goon o the next page) For questions 26 to 40, write your answers inthe spaces provided. “The number of marks avaléble Is shown in brackets [at the'end of each question or part question 140 marks} 28. Study the flow chart below. (2) Based on the chart above, in what ways are the animals B and C similar? [1] (©) How are animals Cand F diferent? w (6) Which eter is most iely to represent lizard? n 4, (Go.on'o the next page) 27. Study the diagram below carefully. A~stalk of colery was cutout inthe centre and placed into a beaker of blue coloured water for one day, twas then cut at Parts X, ¥ and Zto get the cross sections ofthe plant “x : ny Ff ost Zz Blue coloured water Coloured: bhue (Cross eection Y {@). State your observavon. pain why the above pattern was observed, (2) (©) Indicate what willbe observed at eress section Z by shading the tubes. [1] (Gross section Z (Go on tothe next page 28, Study the classification chart as shown below. Compound a (eiecee] Cemceoe} [Emon]. So | | (em Foard [ 1 [Distvan | Poteece Tan | Paciives 6} $4 oy 6) Vt downs cacti 0 0 (0) Observe the two leaves carefuly and identify them by writing the letters A, B, ,D,E, F, G oF H in the boxes below. tH (0) Draw leaf G in the box below. nm a (Go onto he next G5) 29. The diagram below shows the fe cycle of a math, = | 7 ‘Choose the comect words from the box to answer the question below. moth starve ‘caterpilar pupa Name the two stagos X and Y. iy x a 4 (Go ento the next page) ‘30, The table below shows the remaining amount of three types of undigested food X, ¥ and Z in decimal ser pass 8 through each part ofthe human ‘gestive system. | Partof digestive | Amount of undigested food remaining] ‘ystem that {in decimal) undigested food — hadjust passed | Food RX | Food BY | Food #Z ‘through inh os 070 50 a 390 | fomach 085 050 80 [_Sratintestine 7 0.10 _ | Lage intestine (@)- Based on the table above, what isthe amount ofthe three types of undigested fo0d that remaine in the large intestine? Give your answer in decimal Complete the table above by filing in the blanks. (©) Explain your answer in). io} (Goon to the next page) oe 31. The diagram below shows a pot plastic steel (2) The handle is made of plastic because iis a conductor of heat, to (0) The potis made of steel because itis a ‘conductor of heat i 32." Classily the folowing into matter and non-mater. 8 heat —xygen clouds non-matier (Go.onto the next page) 33, Magnet S was hung fiom a spring as shown In Diagram 1. An object T was Placed on the ground, directly Below Magnet § as shown in Diagram 2. a“ ipsetil/ LLL spring teen spring 90m Magnet S . Magnet S LJ ground a ground Diagram 1 Diagram 2 “When objéct T was placed directly below Magnet S, the spring attached to Magnet S extended fess than ithad in Diagram 4. (2) Explain why the spring in Diagram 2 had extended less than that in Diagram 1 i] (@) State whet Object T can be replaced with so thatthe spring all extend more than ithad in Bggrar 1 1 VA (Go.onto the next page) 7 ‘34, John conducted several ests on materials P, Q and R and recorded the ‘esuls inthe table below, ‘Material P| Water @—[~ Material [eRneme?, Yes Yes Ne. is Raretchabie? Yes No. No. ist waterproo?™ No Yes Yes te itfragile? Ne No | ~Yes (2) Based on the table above, which one ofthe materials: P, Q or R should John use to make a raincoat? fo} (©) _Givé two reasons for your answer in (3). n (©) John was given a piece of Af-sized printing paper and an iron nail. He ‘carted out the same tests onthe printing paper and iron rail as on materials P, and R above again. Complete the table below fo predict the correct results of the test, Write ‘Yes’ or No in the boxes. a Tron nail [ie wenbie? Ts TevetchaBIe? Te iwaterpiod? Te Wiragie? | (Goon to the next page) 35. Jolie had a container with a.volume of 80 om. She fited a purnp on the container. Each time she pressed the pump, 50 cm? of air would enter the = wot citi | SECO ‘50. cm? fel aerate reeset ea eee ge ere) now? Tt) (©) Explain your answer to (a). 0 36. The mtiig point and koling points of four diferent éubetsinces are shown in the table below, “Subsiances_| Temperature at which i mets | Temperature al wich RBOTS ee oC | °C. 120°C. 8% lolol) (2) What wil the state of each ofthe substances be at 110°C? 2 Puta tick (7) inthe table below, ‘Substances ‘Solid Liquid (b) State what substance B could be? mn (Gooonto the next page) 4 37. Ethan conducted an experiment in a dark room using a screen, a torch and 2 green teat, ‘The torch and screen were faxed in position. Ethan moved the lea in between the lorch and the saréen and recorded his results nth following table [What tock piace? | “sire of stato | eats moved cser to toch Sager Leaf was moved cosero screen | smaller {(@) Based on the table, whats the relationship of the distance between the leaf and torch and the size of the shadow? n (©) What do you think the relationship ofthe distance between the leaf and the torch andthe sharpiness of the shadow is? fo} (Goon to ine next page) Ethan then placed a rarstucent plestic plastic sheet between the leaf and the ‘screen leaf 8 torch ‘Translucent plasticsheet (©) How wil the shadow bp diferent from before? " 138. tes Heng ptepated ice lemonade for her son's ithday party. She would tke the dik {orremain ciled wit ice or a lng as possible. Which type of ca, blocts or crushed, should she use? Explain your answer. a {uoontomenexpage) 7! 39. Joey conducted an experiment using four containers made of diferent ‘materials A, 8, C and Das shown below. Material A Material B Material C Material D YW ‘She placed four identical cups containing cold water at 5°C inthe containers. ‘Altes 20 minutes, she recorded the temperature ofthe water in each cup as ‘shown inthe table below. ‘ale end oF20 min (OY (@)_Stete two important variables that Joey must kep constant in order forthe ‘experiment tobe a fairone, nm (©), Which one of the materials A,B, C and D should Joey use for the cup ithe veants to keep her hot ta waim forthe longest time? Give a reason fr your answer. a 4 (Go on to the next page) 40. @ 3} ‘Similar candles are wated to the metal rod as shown in the diagram below. ‘When a heat source s placed under the metal od as shown in the diagram, ‘which candle yal fake the longest time to drop? 1 ee ‘Based on your answer in (a), how does heat flow? nm oe ee Sse = End of Paper - B BaP ScHooL : Mes SUBJECT: PRIMARY 4 SCIENCE TERM sna Stee S [as [amo] oni foo oa epePeye titles 26)a)THey both do not breathe through gils and they both lay e995. b)Animal C does not breathe through gills but animal F breathes through is. 6p. 27) Blue coloured water could only passthrough half ofthe celery. Blue ‘oloured water was carried up the plant by the xylem tubes, but when a port of the celery was cutout, the water could cut out thexlem tubes were alga could ‘ot could not key won. yo 28)a)D is compound leaf that has an entire edge and a parle vein, DAG ° Page 1103 page 1 is 29)K tava Y pupa 30)2)0.15 0.05, 0.10 byThe amount undigested food remains the same as digestion is completed ‘nthe small Intestine as digestion is completed inthe small intestine. 234)a)po0r B)good 32) matter | now-nmiter| eouds | het 33)a)Magnets repel each other when tke poles face each other. Object was likely to bea magnet as Magnet S moved upward and stayed there in Diagram 2. b)Magnetic mater 34)a)Materal Q, ‘Material Q's flexible and raincoats need tobe flexible tobe able to wear them, Material Q is also waterproof to shelter the person wearing it from rain, cjyes No! No to No No 3§)3)80em D)Air can be compressed to take the space of the container. 36)a)A>.G05 Bo Liquid c3sola D> Gas bywater. '37)9)As the distance betveen the leaf and the torch increases the sizeof the shadow decreases, ‘yT think that as the distance between leaf and the torch decreases, the sharpness ofthe shadow decreases. )The shadow will now include a faint shadow and a dar shadow of a leaf vnlike before Page 2 '38)The crushed ice contains les heat than the blocks of ce asitis smaller in ‘size. Blocks, the exposed surface area of an ice block smaller so the rate of heat gain will be slower and the ice will ake longer to melted. '39)2)The type of thermometer used and the size of the containers, b)MateralC. The cup containing cold water in Material € temperature increased the least at end of 20 minutes. This shovrs that material € can block ‘ut more heat from the surroundings to enter;compared tothe other three materials. 40)a)candle A D)Heat flows from a hotter region toa colder region. a

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