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Ge6 Activity No.7

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DEADLINE OF SUBMISSION: December 6, 2021 on or before 11:59 PM

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This is an individual activity. Most, if not all, of the questions in this activity is
subjective, so I am expecting that you will have different answers and explanations. Make sure to make
your answers brief and clear. Follow the needed sentences per questions, not following instructions will
automatically make your answers incorrect.


1. Besides the Character of Ibarra, NAME OF THE CHARACTER:

Choose one character from Noli Mi > Elias
Tangere that you can say reflects your
> Elias was known to be cryptic, quiet, and perhaps even
evil; howbeit, his character was one with hidden goodness
*10 POINTS and optimism. Elias’ character somewhat reflects the good
side in me. Similar to him, I may not be vocal and
expressive of my good intentions towards other people,
but I make sure to find ways on how to convey these clear
intentions of mine. Moreover, like Elias helping Ibarra who
is repressed by Damaso, I am up for helping people who I
know are good and moral; always siding to the truth and
to what is right. On another perspective, Elias’ dream for a
better country and for Basilio to have a good future is
something that I can also relate too, as a good side of mine
is being hopeful and optimistic, believing that someday
good things will happen.

2. Besides the Character of Ibarra, NAME OF THE CHARACTER:

Choose one character from Noli Mi > Doña Victorina de los Reyes de
Tangere that you can say reflects your Espadaña
bad or undesirable side.
> Doña Victorina is a fussy woman who complains
*10 POINTS frequently and is always in a bad mood. She is also
pretentious, which is a result of her desire to fit with other
Spanish women and gain esteem. This attitude of her, to
some extent, is comparable to mine. Seldom, I am
nitpicking about small things, especially those that have
something to do with my appearance −clothes, shoes,
accessories, and even foods I eat. I also have this identity
crisis like her where I always find myself pretending to be
something I am not, as I want to feel that sense of

3. Besides the Character of Simeon, NAME OF THE CHARACTER:

Choose one character from El > Basilio
Filibusterismo that you can say reflects
your good side. EXPLAIN IN 3-5 SENTENCES
> Basilio’s character exhibits hopefulness and
trustworthiness. Basilio, notwithstanding the many
*10 POINTS hardships he had gone through, still managed to go on
with his life with no revenge in mind at one time. Like him,
I don’t hold grudges on people who hurt me, as I choose
forgiveness over vengeance. Basilio’s trustworthiness is
something that I can say I also possess. Like Basilio who
didn’t choose to disclose the information to other people
that Simoun was Crisostomo, I don’t also tell secrets of
other people as I believe that the trust they’ve given to me
is something that should be kept and not be broken.

4. Besides the Character of Simeon, NAME OF THE CHARACTER:

Choose one character from El > Placido Penitente
Filibusterismo that you can say reflects
your bad or undesirable side. EXPLAIN IN 3-5 SENTENCES
> Placido embodies a person who is lazy and gets carried
easily by his emotions, resulting to outbursts. I must admit
*10 POINTS that he and I have a resemblance in terms of this kind of
behavior. Like Placido, I am also indolent and dislike
schooling. Moreover, we are also alike in terms of handling
our emotions. There are instances that I simply just get
mad and irritated over person or a thing, which sometimes
make me talkback over another person unintentionally.
5. What part/scene in Noli Mi Tangere PART/SCENE FROM THE NOVEL
Novel reflects the very person of Dr. Jose > The ambition of Ibarra to build a school
WHY DO YOU SAY SO? (5-7 Sentences only)
> This particular scene bespoke Rizal’s political views,
*15 POINTS precisely his cognizance of the power that education
holds. The school symbolizes the attainment of liberation
through education, which was deprived from many
Filipinos at the time. We know that Rizal see education as
paramount in making Filipinos aware of the unfair and
abusive treatment of the Spaniards. This part of Noli Me
Tangere reflects Rizal’s firm belief that education is the
grounds of society and that it is the way that the country
would be averted and salvaged from domination.
Moreover, this scene also justifies Rizal’s refusal for
revenge involving bloodshed; he chose to start a
revolution through literature and writings, not with
violence and rebellion. In a nutshell, this scene reflects the
very person of Rizal – a liberated patriot.

6. What part/scene in El Filibusterismo PART/SCENE FROM THE NOVEL

Novel reflects the very person of Dr. Jose > The idea of Simoun to avenge for himself by organizing
Rizal? two wicked plans.

*15 POINTS WHY DO YOU SAY SO? (5-7 Sentences only)

> This scene reflects Rizal’s urge to start a revolution and
put an end to the ascendancy of the Spaniards. Though
his plans in the novel involve taking lives of other people,
it does not necessarily depict his intentions in real life. To
further understand this, the general concept of this scene
tells us the aspiration of Rizal for a tangible revolution,
which happened when his writings reawakened the
consciousness of the Filipino people. Furthermore, one of
Rizal’s natures is being desperate in such a way that he will
find ways to achieve what he believes in. Just like how he
knows that a violent revolution will yield nothing and only
slaughter, that’s why he chose to do it –through writing−
in a covert but up-and-coming way. In conclusion, this
scene summarizes the objective of Rizal to liberate
Filipinos and make them revolt against the Spaniards in a
moral way.
7. What do you think is the relevance of RELEVANT OF THE NOVEL
Noli Mi Tangere in our time today? > Noli Me Tangere exposed the happenings during the
Spanish colonization. The novel became a lens to view the
cruel and unjust treatment that the Spaniards displayed to
the Filipinos. The societal challenges –deprivation of
human rights, bias and prejudices, and repression of the
underrepresented− that were experienced during the
Spanish regime are still relevant in today’s time.
Moreover, the incompetence of the Filipino people in
(5-7 Sentences only for both, not terms of fighting for their rights and beliefs is still the same
individually) problem encountered before. All these reasons make Noli
Me Tangere timely and relevant.

> The number of Filipinos −especially the underprivileged−
who are deprived from basic human decency, the number
of injustices experienced at school, work, and in society,
and the corrupt government officials are just some of the
issues discussed in Noli Me Tangere that are still rampant
in the present time.
> Social isolation wherein scholars are being silenced in
their attempt to expose the government is another
problem that is evident in the current Philippines.

8. What do you think is the relevance of RELEVANT OF THE NOVEL

El Filibusterismo in our time today? > Similar to Noli Me Tangere, El Filibusterismo admonished
Filipinos to seek for their true identity by opening their
eyes and rising up against the Spaniards. Today, we,
Filipinos, are still seeking for these rights and truth, as the
same social issues such as colonization still continue to
hinder us from enjoying these rights. The social disputes
and predicaments explicated in the novel are reminiscent
*15 POINTS to that of in our time today; the problems encountered on
both timelines arouse from colonization. That is why El
(5-7 Sentences only for both, not Filibusterismo is still relatable at the present.

> National identity and nationalistic ideas of Filipinos are
wavering, as post-colonial influences shaped both local
and national structure.
> El Filibusterismo taught the present generation to stand
against oppression and domination.

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