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Law & Justice in Globalizing World - (Paper-I)

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This course traces the manner in which globalisation has wrought changes in international law
and international institutions, and in turn, its influence upon constitutional and legal
developments and the idea of law and justice within in India. The paper will focus on the impact
of globalisation on marginalised groups and understand the impact through study of selected
themes of environmental justice, labour-related issues, financial regulation and international
trade to understand the manner in which globalisation has affected law and justice in
international law and within India.

Unit I: International Law and Globalization

The concept of globalization- Historical perspective- Phases of Colonialism - Contemporary

Globalization – features, reach - Specific emphasis on legal changes in the areas of
Environmental justice, Labour, Finance and Trade. Emergence of transnational law
1. Antony Anghie, Sovereignty Imperialism and International Law (CUP: 2003)
2. B.S.Chimni, International Law and World Order: A Critique of Contemporary
Approaches (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017) Second Edition.
3. D. Klerman, H. Spamann and M. Weinstein, 'Legal origin or colonial History?' Journal of
Legal Analysis, doi: 10.1093/jla/lar002.
4. D. North, Understanding the Process of Economic Change, Princeton, Princeton
University Press (2010).
5. A Supiot, Homo Juridicus: On the Anthropological Function of the Law, trans. S Brown,
London, Verso (2007).
6. Wenhua Shan, Penelope Simons et al., Redefining Sovereignty in International Economic
Law (Hart Publishing, 2008).

Unit II: Law and Globalization:

Constitutional developments and globalization – The impact of globalization on ‘nation states’

and their ‘sovereignty’ - treaty making powers in India - Legal changes in India and
Globalisation - Indian judicial process and Globalization.
1. William Twining, General Jurisprudence: Understanding Law from a Global
Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
2. J Kweital, Ranbir Singh and F. Viljoen, The role and impact of international and
foreign law on adjudication in the apex courts of Brazil, India and South Africa in Oscar
Vilhena, Upendra Baxi and Frans Viljoen (eds.), Transformative Constitutionalism:
Comparing the Apex Courts of Brazil, India and South Africa, Pretoria University Law
Press and National Law University Delhi (2014).
3. FI, . Michelman, 'Constitional legitimation for political acts' Modern Law Review 66: 1
4. U Baxi, Preliminary notes on transformative constitutionalism in Oscar Vilhena, Upendra
Baxi and Frans Viljoen (eds.), Transformative Constitutionalism: Comparing the Apex
Courts of Brazil, India and South Africa, Pretoria University Law Press and National
Law University Delhi (2014).
5. D. Schneiderman, Constitutionalising economic globalisation: Investment rules and
democracy's promise (2008).
6. Balakrishna Rajagopal, “Limits of Law in Counter Hegemonic Globalization: The Indian
Supreme Court and Narmada Valley Struggle” in Boauventura de Sousa Santos, Cesar A.
Rodriguez-Garavito (eds.), Law and Globalization from Below (Cambridge University
Press, 2005).
7. Neelan Thiruchelvam, 'The making and unmaking of constitutions: Some reflections on
th process', The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies (1977).
8. U. Baxi, 'Public and Insurgent Reason: Adjudicatory Leadership in a Hyperglobalizaing
World: Apex Courts as Exemplars of Public Reason' in Stephen Gill (ed.), Global Crises
and the Crises of Global Leadership, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (2011).
9. P. Chandrasekhara Rao, The Indian Constitution and International Law, New Delhi,
Taxmann (1993).

Unit III: International Institutions and Globalization

Growing role of International Institutions; Globalization and the free market - Democratic
Deficit in International Institutions; International Financial Institutions; ILO; WTO;
Environmental Organizations; Global Administrative Law; Erosion of Sovereignty;

1. Ian Hurd, Cogan and Johnston, Oxford Handbook of International Organizations (Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2016).
2. B.S.Chimni, “International Institutions Today: An Imperial Global State in the Making”,
European Journal of International Law, vol.15, number 1, February 2004, pp.1-39.
3. World Commission on Social Dimension of Globalization, A Fair Globalization for All
4. World Bank, World Development Report – various years.

Unit IV: Global Justice

Idea of Global Justice; Poverty and Global Justice; Climate Justice; Economic Justice; Labour
Justice; Fair Trade; Justice and Marginalized group; Justice Delivery and Globalization; Access
to Justice;

1. John Rawls, TheLaw of Peoples (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2001).
2. Nancy Fraser, ‘Reframing Justice in a Globalizing World’, New Left Review 36
November-December 2005.
3. B.S. Chimni, “A Just World Under Law: A View from the South” American University
International Law Review vol.22 (2007) pp.199-220.
4. Thomas Pogge, World Poverty and Human Rights (Polity Press, Cambridge, 2008)
Second edition.
5. Jagadish Bhagwati, “In Defence of Globalization: It Has Human Face”, The 2005 Angelo
Costa Lecture (Rome), available at: (visited on
July 31, 2013).
6. Upendra Baxi, The Future of Human Rights ( 3rd ed.OUP, Delhi, 2012).
7. Upendra Baxi, Human Rights in a Post Human World: Critical Essays ( OUP, Delhi,
8. B de Sousa Santos, Towards a new legal common sense: Law Golobalisation and
emancipation (2002).
9. Oliver Mendelsohn, The Indian legal profession, the courts and globalisation, Journal of
South Asian Studies 28 (2005).
10. Muller, Highest Curts and Globalisation Asser, Netherlands (2011).
11. M.Mate, Globalisation, Rights, and Judicial Review in the Supreme Court of India,
Washington International Law Review (2016).
12. Law Commission of India, One Hundred and Eightyeigth Report
13. Vipin Mathew Benjaman, Has the Judiciary Abandodned the Environement? HRLN,
New Delhi 2000.

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