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Pipe Mastery Part 2-Answer Key

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TAKE HOME PROBLEMS 5.628). What is the mass vapor in the room. Use 𝑅𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑟 = 0.4615
1. An ammonia simple saturation cycle operates with a suction A. 2.5 kg C. 2.07 kg
pressure of 291.6kPa and a condenser pressure of 1204kPa B. 2.43 kg D. 1.33 kg
develops 15 tons of refrigeration. Determine the theoretical 13. If the latent and sensible heat loads are 20kW and 80kW
horsepower of the compressor. The following enthalpies have respectively, what is the sensible heat ratio?
been found: condenser entrance = 1653 kJ/kg, exit = 346.6kJ/kg; A. 1.2 C. 0.8
compressor entrance = 1450.2kJ/kg, exit = 1653 kJ/kg. B. 2.5 D. 1.4
A. 12 hp C. 14 hp 14. A Coil has an inlet temperature of 60℉ and outlet of 90℉. If the
B. 13 hp D. 15 hp mean temperature of the coil is 110℉, find the bypass factor and
2. A reversed Carnot cycle has a refrigerating COP of 2.5. contact factor of the coil.
Determine the ratio 𝐻 ? A. 0.5, 0.3 C. 0.25, 0.55
B. 0.4, 0.6 D. 1.2, 2.26
A. 1.5 C. 1.4
15. The mass of an outside air at 50℃ in an air conditioning unit is
B. 1.25 D. 1.7
60 kg. Find the temperature after mixing if the outside air is mixed
3. A Carnot refrigerator operates in a room in which the temperature
with 40 kg of recirculated air at 35℃.
is 25C and consumes 2kW of power when operating. If the food
A. 55C C. 44C
compartment of the refrigerator is to be maintained at 3C,
B. 32C D. 33C
determine the rate of heat removal from the food compartment.
16. In an air conditioning system, if the recirculated air is three times
A. 1505.45 kJ/min C. 905.45 kJ/min
the outside air and the mass of the supply air is 20 kg/s, what is
B. 2505.45 kJ/min D. 1105.45 kJ/min
the mass of the outside air?
4. A household refrigerator with EER 8.0 removes heat from the
A. 3 kg/s C. 25 kg/s
refrigerated space at a rate of 90kJ/min. Determine the rate of heat
B. 5 kg/s D. 20 kg/s
transfer to the kitchen air.
A. 235.46kJ/min C. 135.2kJ/min 17. A room being air conditioned is being held at 25℃ dry bulb and
B. 115.25kJ/min D. 128.46kJ/min 50% relative humidity. A flow rate of 5 𝑚3 /s of supply air at 15
5. The power requirement of a Carnot Refrigerator in maintaining a ℃ dry bulb and 80% RH is being delivered to the room to
low temperature region at 300K is 1.5kW per ton. Find the heat maintain that steady condition at 100 kPa. What is the sensible
rejected. heat absorbed from the room air in kW?
A. 14.02 kW C. 5.02 kW A. 60.9 kW C. 31.25 kW
B. 7.02 kW D. 10.02 kW B. 50.44 kW D. 74.32 kW
6. Fish weighing 11,000 kg with a temperature of 20C is brought to 18. The natural draft cooling tower has a 400 ton heat rejection load.
a cold storage and which shall be cooled to -10C in 11 hours. Find The temperature of the water entering the cooling tower is 90F
the required plant refrigerating capacity in tons of refrigeration if and leaving at 82F. Compute the approach, range and cooling
the specific heat of fish is 0.7 kcal/kg-C above freezing and 0.30 tower efficiency when the outdoor wet-bulb temperature is 75F.
kcal/kg-C below freezing point which is -3C. The latent heat of A. A = 7, R = 8, e = 53.33%
freezing is 55.5 kcal/kg. B. A = 8, R = 2, e = 23.33%
A. 25.38 TOR C. 23.38 TOR C. A = 7, R = 8, e = 53.33%
B. 24.38 TOR D. 22.38 TOR D. A = 9, R = 7, e =63.33%
7. A refrigeration system operates on the reversed Carnot Cycle. The 19. A rectangular duct has a dimensions of 0.25 m by 1 m. Determine
minimum and maximum temperatures are -13F and 162F the equivalent diameter of the duct.
respectively. If the heat rejected at the condenser is 95 BTU/s, A. 0.5 C. 0.33
find the power input required in BTU/min. B. 0.4 D. 0.25
A. 1603.7 BTU/min C. 3203.7 BTU/min 20. Calculate the energy transfer rate across 6 inches wall of firebrick
B. 2603.7 BTU/min D. 1403.7 BTU/min with a temperature difference across the wall 50°C. The thermal
8. Five hundred kilograms of poultry enter a chiller at 8℃ and are conductivity of the firebrick is 0.65 Btu/hr-ft-°F?
frozen and chilled to a final temperature of -18℃ for storage in A. 285 W/m2 C. 369 W/m2
15 hours. The specific heat above and below freezing are 3.18 B. 112 W/m2 D. 429 W/m2
kJ/kg-℃ and 1.55 kJ/kg-℃ respectively. The latent heat is 246 21. The heat loss per hour through 1 sq. ft of furnace wall 18” thick
kJ/kg and the freezing temperature is -5℃. Compute the product is 520 Btu’s. The inside wall temperature is 1900°F, and its
load. average thermal conductivity is 0.61 Btu/hr-ft-°F?
A. 2.5 kW C. 3.55 kW A. 621 °F C. 675 °F
B. 2.85 kW D. 4.22 kW B. 527 °F D. 609 °F
9. Mass of ice at -4℃ is needed to cool 115 kg of vegetables in a 22. A vertical furnace wall is made up of an inner wall of firebrick 20
bunker for 24 hours. The initial temperature of vegetables is cm thick followed by insulating brick 15 cm thick and an outer
assumed to be 30℃. It is also assumed that the average wall of steel 1 cm thick. The surface temperature of the wall
temperature inside the bunker is 7℃ within 24 hours period. If the adjacent to the combustion chamber is 1200 °C while that of the
heat gained in the bunker is equal to the heat removed to cool the outer surface of steel is 50 °C. The thermal conductivities of the
wall material W/m-K are: firebrick, 10; insulating brick, 0.26; and
vegetable from 30℃ to 7℃, what would be the required mass of
steel, 45. Neglecting the film resistances and contact resistance of
ice per day?
joints, determine the heat loss per sq. m of wall area.
Note: Specific heat below freezing of ice = 1.935 kJ/kg-K;
A. 1.93 kW/m2 C. 2.93 kW/m2
Specific heat of vegetables = 3.35 kJ/kg-K
B. 1.55 kW/m2D. 2.55 kW/m2
A. 23.82 kg/day C. 102.5 kg/day
23. If total resistance to heat flow of a composite wall is 3.0875 m2 -
B. 15.16 kg/day D. 18.55 kg/day
K/W. What is the over-all heat transfer coefficient of the wall?
10. Calculate the specific volume of an air-vapor mixture in cubic
A. 0.324 W/m2 -K C. 0.423 W/m2 -K
meters per kilogram of dry air when the following conditions 2
B. 0.243 W/m -K D. 0.234 W/m2 -K
prevail: t = 30℃, w = 0.015 kg/kg and 𝑃𝑡 = 90 𝑘𝑃𝑎.
24. Solve the critical radius in cm for an asbestos-cement covered
A. 0.99 kPa C. 1.33 kPa
pipe[kasb = 0.208 W/m-K]. The external heat transfer coefficient
B. 2.22 kPa D. 0.57 kPa
is 1.5 Btu/hr-ft-°F?
11. A sample of air has dry-bulb temperature of 30℃ and a wet-bulb
A. 2.44 cm C. 2.85 cm
temperature of 25℃. The barometric pressure is 101.325 kPa.
B. 2.34 cm D. 2.12 cm
Calculate the enthalpy of the air if it is adiabatically saturated. At
25. The force convection coefficient for a hot fluid flowing over a
25℃, 𝑃𝑣 = 3.17𝑘𝑃𝑎, ℎ𝑔 = 2547.2 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔.
cool surfaces is 120 W/m2 -K. The fluid temperature upstream
A. 54.3 kJ/kg C. 33.2 kJ/kg from the cool surface is 394 K and the surface is held at 283 K.
B. 76.1 kJ/kg D. 102.5 kJ/kg Determine the heat transfer per unit surface area from the fluid to
12. A 4m x 4m x 4m has a relative humidity ratio of 80%. The the surface area from the fluid surface.
pressure in the room is 120 kPa and temperature is 35℃ (Psat = A. 13,320 W/m2 C. 15,350 W/m2
B. 14,540 W/m D. 11,450 W/m2
26. How many watts will be radiated from a spherical black body 15 point 1 is point 2 with a pressure of 300 kPa. Compute the head
cm in diameter at a temperature of 800°C? loss between points 1 and 2.
A. 5.34 kW C. 4.34 kW A. 4.29 m C. 6.32 m
B. 6.34 kW D. 3.34 kW B. 2.59 m D. 1.87 m
27. A liquid to liquid counter flow heat exchanger is used to heat a 42. The weight of ammonia circulated in a machine is found to be
cold fluid from 120°F to 310°F. Assuming that the hot fluid enters 21.8 lb/hr. if the vapor enters the compressor with a specific
at 500°F and leaves at 400°F, calculate the log mean temperature volume of 9.6 ft3/lb, calculate the piston displacement, assuming
difference for the heat exchanger. 80% percent volume efficiency
A. 132 °F C. 232 °F A. 261.6 ft3/hr C. 281.6 ft3/hr
B. 332 °F D. 432 °F B. 271.6 ft3/hr D. 291.6 ft3/hr
28. A heat exchanger has an over-all coefficient of heat transfer of 43. Consider a person standing in a breezy room at 20°C. Determine
900 W/m2 -K. The mean temperature difference is 20 °C and heat the total rate of heat transfer from this person if the exposed
loss is 15,000 W. Calculate the heat transfer area. surface area and the average outer surface temperature of the
A. 0.833 m2 C. 0.733 m2 person are 1.6 m2and 29°C, respectively, and the convection heat
B. 0.933 m2 D. 0.633 m2 transfer coefficient is 6 W/m2 with emissivity factor of 0.95.
29. In a hydroelectric power plant the tailwater elevation is at 500 m. A. 86.40 watts C. 198.1 watts
What is the head water elevation if the net head is 30 m and the B. 81.70 watts D. 168.1 watts
head loss is 5% of the gross head? 44. A house has brick walls 15 millimeters thick. On a cold winter
A. 785.25 m C. 528.57 m day, the temperature of the inner and outer layers of the walls are
B. 582.57 m D. 758.25 m measured and found to be 20°C and -12°C, respectively. If there
30. Calculate the cubic yard of stone required for a concrete mixture is 120 m2of exterior wall of race, and the thermal conductivity of
of 1:2:4 of a foundation with dimensions of 2m x 5m x 7m bricks is 0.711 J/m-s-°C, how much heat is lost through the walls
A. 70.66 C. 31.54 per hour?
B. 80.58 D. 105.62 A. 182 J C. 655 kJ
31. When a man returns to his well-sealed house on a summer day, B. 12.5 kJ D. 655 MJ
he finds that the house is at 32°C. He turns on the air conditioner, 45. Find the Rankine Cycle thermal efficiency of a steam plant with
which cools the entire house to 20°C in 15 min. If COP of the air the following enthalpies in kJ/kg: Entering turbine = 3100,
conditioner system is 2.5, determine the power drawn by the air Leaving turbine = 2400, Entering Pump = 140, Leaving Pump =
conditioners. Assume the entire mass within the house is 180
equivalent to 800 kg of air for which c = 0.72 kJ/kg -°C. A. 52.5% C. 32.1%
A. 7.08 Kw C. 19.2 kW B. 41.7% D. 22.6%
B. 3.07 kW D. 12.08 kW 46. In a geothermal power plant, the mass flow rate of ground water
32. An engine has an efficiency of 26%. It uses 2 gallons of gasoline is 400 kg/s and the quality after throttling is 20%. If the turbine
per hour. Gasoline has a heating value of 20,500 BTU/lbm and a power is 80 MW, what is the change in enthalpy of steam at the
specific gravity of 0.8. What is the power output of the engine? inlet and outlet of the turbine?
A. 0.33 kW C. 26.0 kW A. 1000 kJ/kg C. 2000 kJ/kg
B. 20.8 kW D. 41.7 kW B. 1500 kJ/kg D. 2500 kJ/kg
33. An ideal gas mixture consists of 2 kmol of N2 and 6 kmol of CO2. 47. The heating value of fuel supplied in a boiler is 40 000 kJ/kg. If
The mass fraction of CO2 is? the factor of evaporation is 1.10 and the actual specific
A. 0.175 C. 0.825 evaporation is 10, what is the efficiency of the boiler?
B. 0.250 D. 0.750 A. 62.07% C. 77.07%
34. A 305 mm x 457 mm four stroke single acting diesel engine is B. 52.09% D. 64.72%
rated at 150 kW at 260 rpm. Fuel consumption at rated load is 48. A water tube boiler has a capacity of 1000 kg/hr of steam. The
0.26 kg/kW-hr with a heating value of 43,912 kJ/kg. Calculate the factor of evaporation is 1.3 boiler rating is 200%, boiler efficiency
brake thermal efficiency. is 65%, heating surface area is 0.91 m2 per bo.HP, and the heating
A. 31.63% C. 21.63% value of fuel is 18 400 kCal/kg. The total coal available in the
B. 41.63% D. 35.63% bunker is 50 000 kg. Deterine the no. of hrs to consume the
35. A piston positive-displacement pump (PDP) has a 6-in diameter available fuel.
and a 2.5-in stroke. Its crankshaft rotates at 300 rpm. Calculate its A. 853.36 hrs C. 954.46 hrs
output at 94 percent volumetric efficiency. B. 726.57 hrs D. 120.75 hrs
A. 12.27 cfm C. 10 cfm 49. A diesel powerplant uses fuel with heating value of 43 000 kJ/kg.
B. 13.5 cfm D. 11.53 cfm What is the density of the fuel at 25C?
36. An impulse wheel at best produces 125 hp under a head of 210 ft. A. 820 kg/m3 C. 970 kg/m3
By what percent should the speed be increased for a 290-ft head? B. 854 kg/m D. 940 kg/m3
A. 82.25% C. 72.41% 50. A diesel electric plant supplies energy for Meralco. During a 24
B. 17.5% D. 27.59% hr period, the plant consumed 200 gallons of fuel at 28C and
37. A 15 kg/second gas enters a chimney at 10 m/s. If the temperature produced 3930 kW-hr. Industrial fuel used is 28 API and was
and pressure of a gas are 26degC and 100 kPa respectively, what purchased at P 5.50 per liter at 15.6C. What should he cost of fuel
is the diameter of the chimney? Use R = 0.287 kJ/kg-K be produced one kW-hr?
A. 1.57m C. 2.22m A. P 1.05 C. P 1.072
B. 2.65m D. 1.28m B. P 1.00 D. P 1.10
38. The water velocity of a 5 m x 1 m channel is 6 m/s. What is the
annual energy produced if the net head is 120 m and the over-all
efficiency is 80%.
A. 494,247,258 kW-hrs C. 247,494,528 kW-hrs
B. 347,497,582 kW-hrs D. 472,497,582 kW-hrs
39. A two stage air intercooler has an intercooler pressure of 4
kg/cm2. What is the discharge pressure if suction pressure is 1
A. 3 kg/cm2 C. 12 kg/cm2
B. 9 kg/cm D. 16 kg/cm2
40. A Pelton type turbine has 25 m head friction loss of 4.5 m. The
coefficient of friction head loss (Morse) is 0.00093 and penstock
length of 80 m. What is the penstock diameter?
A. 1,355.73 mm C. 6771.23 mm
B. 3,476.12 mm D. 1686.73 mm
41. A 300 mm diameter pipe discharges water at a rate of 200 li/s.
Point 1 on the pipe has a pressure of 285 kPa and 3.4 m below

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