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Separador de Agua e Oleo

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DVZ-SERVICES GmbH • Boschstrasse 9 • D-28857 Syke

Tel.+49 4242 16 93 8-0 Fax+49 4242 16 93 8-99


approved acc. to IMO - Res. MEPC 107 (49)

Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instruction

Order: INACE - Industrial Naval do Ceara S.A.

Hull No.: 570


Project No.:

Important Note : When a separating system is required to work reliably for a long time
it must be maintened and cared for at regular intervals and strictly according to the
instructions. These instructions should therefore be always the disposal of the operat-
ing – and maintenance staff and should be carefully followed. We cannot accept
responsibility for damages occuring due to nonobservance of these maintenance
instructions. Ordering spare parts, please note that the above entioned rder number
and serial number have to be specified.

The oily water separator, as purchased, is described in detail throughout the

following pages. This manual describes the operating, maintenance and
troubleshooting aspects of the oily water separator.

SECTION 1: WARNINGS, SYMBOLS, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SAFETY ............................................................. 6 

1.1  SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 6 
1.1.1  Symbols Relating to Safety Precautions in the Operating Instructions .............................. 6 
1.1.2  Safety and Environmental Orientation. ...................................................................................... 7 
SECTION 2 – GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 10 
2.1  GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... 10 
2.2  SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 10 
2.3  OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR ............................................................................................................................ 12 
2.3.1  INTRODUTION ............................................................................................................................................. 12 
2.3.2  IMPORTANT NOTES ..................................................................................................................................... 13 
SECTION 3: FEATURE AND OPTIONS .................................................................................................................... 15 
3.1  ELECTRIC POWER CONSUMPTION (KW) ..................................................................................................... 16 
SECTION 4: MAJOR COMPONENTS..................................................................................................................... 18 
4.1  FINE-SEPARATION-CARTRIDGE .................................................................................................................... 18 
4.2  SENSING ELECTRODE .................................................................................................................................. 18 
4.3  NIVEAU RELAY ........................................................................................................................................... 19 
4.4  3/2 WAY-SOLENOID VALVE........................................................................................................................ 20 
4.5  2/2 WAY-SOLENOID VALVE........................................................................................................................ 22 
4.6  PRESSURE REDUCER .................................................................................................................................... 24 
4.7  PRESSURE GAUGE ...................................................................................................................................... 25 
4.8  PISTON VALVE ............................................................................................................................................ 26 
4.9  ELECTRIC SCREW-IN-HEATING ELEMENT OPTIONAL NOT APPLICABLE ........................................................... 28 
4.10  ECCENTRIC SCREW PUMP .......................................................................................................................... 29 
4.11  OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR DVZ-OMD-2005 .............................................................................................. 32 
SECTION 5: INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................................................... 35 
5.1  INSTALLATION DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................ 35 
5.2  SUCTION LINE FROM BILGE / BILGETANK A1 ............................................................................................... 37 
5.3  OIL DRAIN LINE FROM SEPARATOR TO DIRTY-OIL TANK A3 .......................................................................... 37 
5.4  OVERBOARD DISCHARGE LINE A5 ............................................................................................................. 37 
5.5  RETURN LINE FROM 15 PPM-3-WAY-VALVE TO THE BILGE/ BILGETANK A4 ................................................... 38 
5.6  BACK SCOURING CONNECTION OF HYDROFOR SYSTEM A2 ....................................................................... 38 
5.7  COMPRESSED-AIR CONNECTION ............................................................................................................... 38 
5.8  ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ......................................................................................................................... 38 
SECTION 6: COMMISSIONING AND START UP .................................................................................................. 41 
6.1 PRELIMINARY START UP ....................................................................................................................................... 41 
6.2 ELECTRIC SWITCH BOX ................................................................................................................................... 41 
6.3 OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR .................................................................................................................................... 42 
6.3.1 Menasuring principle ......................................................................................................................... 42 
6.3.2 Adjustment............................................................................................................................................ 42 
6.3.3 Displays and alarms ........................................................................................................................... 43 
6.3.4 Functional tests .................................................................................................................................... 43 
SECTION 7: OPERATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 45 
7.1  OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR ............................................................................................................................ 45 
7.1.1 PROGRAMMING MODE .................................................................................................................................. 45 
7.1.2 OPERATING MODE ......................................................................................................................................... 47 
7.1.3 MEMORY CARD ............................................................................................................................................. 47 
7.1.4 CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................................................. 48 
SECTION 8: TROUBLESHOOTING........................................................................................................................... 50 
8.1  FAULT FINDING ........................................................................................................................................... 51 
SECTION 9: MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................... 53 
9.1  OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR ............................................................................................................................ 53 
9.1.1 OPERATING MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................ 53 
SECTION 10: TEST REPORTS AND CERTIFICATIONS ........................................................................................... 55 
SECTION 11: DRAWINGS ........................................................................................................................................ 69 
SECTION 12: ATTACHMENT ................................................................................................................................... 95 
12.1  SPARE PARTS .............................................................................................................................................. 95 
Section 1
Warnings, Symbols and Safety
Section Contents

SECTION 1: WARNINGS, SYMBOLS, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SAFETY ............................................................. 6 

1.1  SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 6 
1.1.1  Symbols Relating to Safety Precautions in the Operating Instructions .............................. 6 
1.1.2  Safety and Environmental Orientation. ...................................................................................... 7 
Navio Macaé Manual do Separador de Água e Óleo 7



1.1 Safety Precautions

These operating instructions contain essential information which should be

observed during installation, operation and maintenance, these operating
instructions should be read and understood by the engineer, as well as other
responsible operators before assembly and operation. Operating Instructions
should always be readily available wherever the machine is being used.

When a separating system is required to work reliably for a long time it must be
maintened and cared for at regular intervals and strictly according to the
instructions. These instructions should therefore be always the disposal of the
operating – and maintenance staff and should be carefully followed. We
cannot accept responsibility for damages occurring due to non observance of
these maintenance instructions. Ordering spare parts, please note that the
above entioned order number and serial number have to be specified.

The general safety rules detailed under "Safety Precautions", plus the safety
precautions set by the end user, must be followed.

1.1.1 Symbols Relating to Safety Precautions in the Operating Instructions

Personal injury, damage to machines or contamination of the environment

can result if the safety precautions contained in this document are not strictly
enforced. Following are signs commonly used to signify areas of danger:

Safety Sign
Danger to General Public

Safety Sign
Electrical Hazard

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anger from
m Possible
e Injury by Machine

er from Suspended Loads

amage to
o Machine

y Sign
Saffety Glassses Required

y Sign
Preservation of the
t Envirronment

y Sign
e Material

nger of fire
e or explossion

General In

2 Safety and
a Enviro
onmental Orientatio

1. Provide
e containment systtems in place
p to prevent
p p
possible le
eaks while
using the equip
pment, especially when
w the
e productt is pump
ped liquid
ed as dan
ngerous orr aggressiv
ve to the environm
ment or people.
2 Proper mainten
2. nance off equipm
ment prev
vents noisse, vibration and
prematture wearr of parts.
3 Possible
3. e leaks of
o pumpe
ed produc
ct should be contained to
o preventt
mination of
o areas.

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4. Sending equipment to clean maintenance prevents accidents and

environmental contamination, and reduce possible risks of
occupational disease.
5. When disposing of the equipment or parts, look for the disposal is done
according to relevant legislation, as several pieces may have been
contaminated by hazardous materials, oils and greases.
6. Several pieces, such as scrap metal can be recycled.

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Section 2
General Information
Section Contents
SECTION 2 – GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 10 
2.1  GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... 10 
2.2  SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 10 
2.3  OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR ............................................................................................................................ 12 
2.3.1  INTRODUTION ............................................................................................................................................. 12 
2.3.2  IMPORTANT NOTES ..................................................................................................................................... 13 

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2.1 General

The DVZ-FSU-B- „OILCHIEF" - oily water separating system is conceived to

separate free oil from bilge water. The type approval is basing on the
intemationally valid IMO-Resolution MEPC 107(49).

In general, the type approval certificate is issued on behalf of the government

of the flag country where the manufactures company is seated. This certificate
will be intemationally accepted.

The type approval certificate will be issued for a period of 5 years and will be
prolonged automatically if the systen’s construction remains unchanged.

The type approval certificate is considered to be a confirmation for the system's

operator that the system is in accordance with the MARPOL-requirements. For
the operator, the type approval certificate will be permanently valid and will
not be subject to the 5-year-prolongation-term.

The regulations of classification societies in respect of pressure testing, inside

inspection and piping installation are to be considered separately and are not
included in the manufactures responsibility. The shipmasters are exclusively
responsible for the way the degreasing system is operated, including its
function control and maintenance.

2.2 System description

The DVZ-FSU-B-"OILCHIEF" - separating system with intergrated automatic FSU-

BY- PASS-FUNCTION is type-approved as per the latest applicable IMO-
Resolution MEPC 107(49).
The oil content in pure water will be below 15 ppm.

The DVZ-FSU-B-"OILCHIEF" - system is a combined gravitation-coalescence-


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The oil-water-sseparation will be effected

e in
n two pha
ases. By usiing its prop
per pump
P1, the
t bilge water
w is su
uctioned from the bilge
b wells,, a bilge w
water rese
ervoir resp..
d pressed through
t th
he separa
ator. The oil-water-m
o mixture willl, at first, reach
r the
arse Separrator Stag
ge I where
e free oil is separated by mea
ans of grav
vity and iss
led via Special Contro
ol N1 and the corre
g Oil Drain
n Valve V3
3.1 to the
y-oil reserv
voir. Coarrse dirt pa
articles wiill settle down
d on tthe botto
om of the
arse separrator cha
amber an
nd can be
b draine
ed via a blow-offf valve iff

The accordingly pre-de

egreased mixture will
w subseq
quently en
nter the processing
p g
ge through
h Hydro-C
Cyclone II where th
he oil-wate
er-mixture starts a controlled
c d
rotation beca
ause of itss self-dyna
amics. Due
e to the centrifuga
c al effect, the
t lighterr
dium "oil" will
w move to the ce
entre whe
ereas the heavier m
medium "w
water" willl
ve downw
ward along
g the perip

In th
he centre of the hyd
ne, Probe Control A/2
A will reg
gister the separated
oil and,
a in case of corrresponding
g consiste
ency, it will be auto
y directed
to th
he dirty-o
oil reservoiir via Oil Drain
D Valv
ve V3.2. While
W Valv
ve V3.2 is opening,,
nsfer Pump
p P1 is stop
pping. Valve V2.1 iss opening and the h
hydrofor system
s willl
h the syste
em by usin
ng fresh- or
o seawate
er until the
e oil separrated by the hydro--
cyclone will be
b squeezzed out by
y Valve V3
3.2 and Se
ensor A/2 w
will immerrge again
in water.
w At this mome
ent, Transfe
er Pump P1
P will be restarted and the separator
s r
water that is only
o insign
nificantly lo
oaded with oil will be
b forced
d to pass Coalescer
C r
III fro
om bottom
m to top in
n the physsically logiical way.

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The Coalescer consists of oleophile (oil-repellent) material and coalgates

smallest oil droplets to drops of a defined size that will, due to their proper
buoyancy, then ascend to the hydro-cyclone's oil collector. There, they will be
separated together with the already separated oil. The accordingly cleaned
water that is now free from oil particles will then pass a special Fine Separation
Unit (FSU) with oil detecting/discharge device N3/V3.3 and will be delivered
overboard via Valve V4.1 as clean water. Valve V4.1 will be opened for a
standard flow and only closed if the Oil Drain Valves V3.1, V3.2 or V3.3 are

A 15 ppm-alarm will monitoring continuously the outboard water. In case the oil
concentration will be too high, 3-way-valve V5.1 is automatically activated and
the water will be led back to the bilge and not overboard.


The water from the oily water separator is leading by an 3-way valve (FSU-by-
pass-valve) to the fine separation stage (FSU). When the oil-in-water monitor is
showing an oil content less than 15 ppm the 3-way FSU-by-pass-valve is
automatically by-passing the fine separation stage and leading the water
directly to over board till the ppm value is increased above 15 ppm.

2.3 Oil-in-water monitor

2.3.1 Introdution

The OMD-2005 Bilge Alarm Unit has been designed specifically for use in
conjunction with 15 ppm oil-water separator units and has a specification and
performance which exceeds the requirements of the International Maritime
Organization specifications for 15ppm Bilge Alarms contained in Resolution
MEPC. 107 (49).

The unit is supplied with 2 works-adjusted alarms at 15 ppm. Other set points (10
ppm or 5 ppm) are possible and can be adjusted on site at any time by using
the buttons at the front panel.
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If an
n alarm se
et point is exceed,
e the alarmss are visiblle at the front pane
el and the
propriate relays
r are switched
d. In case of malfun
nction the
e System LED
L at the
front panel will
w chan
nge from blinking green to
o perman
nent red and the
propriate relay
r will sw
witch the contacts..

For the data

a logging
g function
n the unit requiress an status input from the
arator and
d a feedb
back signa
al from the
e valve po
osition limitt switch.

hermore a 0(4) - 20
0 mA (equ
ual to 0 - 30 ppm) signal
s outtput is ava
ailable forr
driviing a reco
order or exxternal me

2.3..2 Importtant note


a) Th
his equipm
ment must be installed and operated in strict ac
e with the
instructions co
ontained in this manual. Failu
ure to do so will imp
pair the protection
p n
b) Installation and servicing mustt be unde
ertaken by
y a comp
petent and
d suitable
ed person.
c) Th
he equipm
ment must be co
onnected to the ground
g a
according relevantt
d) Th
he unit must be
e isolated
d from the elec
ctrical supply beffore any
e of the eq
quipment is attemp

e) All National or local codes of practice or regulattions mustt be obserrved and,,

ere applic
cable, are
e deemed
d to take
e precede
ence ove
er any dirrective orr
inforrmation contained
c in this ma

f) In case off freezing

g conditio
ons the measuring
m g cell should be emptied

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Section 3
Feature and Options
Section Contents
SECTION 3: FEATURE AND OPTIONS .................................................................................................................... 15 
3.1  ELECTRIC POWER CONSUMPTION (KW) ..................................................................................................... 16 

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TYPE 250 500 1000 2500 5000 10000

CAP. 250 L/h 500 L/h 1000 L/h 2500 L/h 5000 L/h 10000 L/h
A1 from bilge A6 steam heating inlet (optional)

A2 flushing water A7 steam heating outlet (optional)

A3 to sludge tank A8 thermostate (optional)
A4 return to bilge A11 drain
A5 overboard dischardge
A1 DN25 DN25 DN25 DN50 DN50 DN80
A2 R 3/4" R 3/4" R 3/4" R 3/4" R 3/4" R 3/4"
A3 R 3/4" R 3/4" R 3/4" DN25 DN32 DN40
A4 R 3/4" R 3/4" R 3/4" DN25 DN32 DN40
A5 R 3/4" R 3/4" R 3/4" DN25 DN32 DN40
A6 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN15 DN 15 DN15
A7 DN 15 DN 15 DN 15 DN15 DN 15 DN15
A8 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"
A11 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"


3 x 230 / 400 / 440 V 50/60 es (standard)

Specification for standard units. Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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3.1 Electric Powerr consum

mption (k

e witho
out el. hea
ating with el. heating
EF" 03 ----
U-"OILCHIE EF" 0,5 3,5
DVZ 1000 FSU
U-"OILCHIE EF" 0,6 3,6
DVZ 2500 FSU
U-"OILCHIE EF" 0,8 3,8
DVZ 5000 FSU
U-"OILCHIE EF" 1,2 4,2
DVZ 10000 FSU
U-"OILCHIE EF" 3,2 6,2

The electric heating capacity

c for
f the typ pe DVZ 50
VZ 10000 FSU-"OILC
F HIEF" is on
nly a stand
d heating on ships operating
o g
witth heavy fuel
f oil. The bilge tank must be
b heated d.

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Section 4
Major Components
Section Contents
SECTION 4: MAJOR COMPONENTS..................................................................................................................... 18 
4.1  FINE-SEPARATION-CARTRIDGE .................................................................................................................... 18 
4.2  SENSING ELECTRODE .................................................................................................................................. 18 
4.3  NIVEAU RELAY ........................................................................................................................................... 19 
4.4  3/2 WAY-SOLENOID VALVE........................................................................................................................ 20 
4.5  2/2 WAY-SOLENOID VALVE........................................................................................................................ 22 
4.6  PRESSURE REDUCER .................................................................................................................................... 24 
4.7  PRESSURE GAUGE ...................................................................................................................................... 25 
4.8  PISTON VALVE ............................................................................................................................................ 26 
4.9  ELECTRIC SCREW-IN-HEATING ELEMENT ...................................................................................................... 28 
4.10  ECCENTRIC SCREW PUMP .......................................................................................................................... 29 
4.11  OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR DVZ-OMD-2005 .............................................................................................. 32 

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4.1 Fine-separation-cartridge
The fine-separation-cartridge DVZ-FSC is a product of DVZ-SERVICES
GmbH and developed especially for the new generation of oily water
separator DVZ FSU-"OILCHIEF", manufactured according to the IMO Res. MEPC
107 (49).
The fine-separation-cartridge DVZ-FSC has a special dry Filter-Material
filling and it is possible to store it over a long time.
In case of using the follow procedure is necessary:
After installation and before first using it is absolutely necessary that the
whole fine-separation-cartridge DVZ-FSC gets good soaking and is completely
dipped under water for a minimum of 8 hours.
After this soaking procedure, the oily water separator DVZ FSU-"OILCHIEF"
is ready for startup.

4.2 Sensing electrode

In connection with transistorized relays type GT 76 these level sensors are used
to monitor and/or control conductive liquids.

In case of a rising level in the vessel, the liquid will co electrodes and will form a
conductive connection the grounded electrode and the measuring
electrodes measuring electrodes and the wall of the vessel, n the operating
The minimum required conductivity of the liquid is 5 µS.

The NK06 in connection with the GT 76 or ER 76 can.
- Monitor the liquid level in vessels for minimum or maximum value.
- Prevent pumps from running dry.
- Detect the interface level between oil and water in DVZ-separators.
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Technical data

Number of electrodes: 1-4

Operating pressure: 10 bar
Enclosure classification: IP 65
Electrical connection: Connector acc. to DIN 43 650 with GL - approval
Max. Permissible liquid temperature: 60 °C
Construction material:
Body: Messing / Brass
Electrodes: Stainless Steel 1.4305
Max. Length of electrodes: 1000 mm
Threaded stem: G 1" male

4.3 Niveau relay

The Control relay GT 76 / ER 76 can be used together with the level sensor 6N for
the automatic monitoring and/or control of liquid levels.

Level relays type GT 76 / ER 76 operate as three point controllers with an input
sensitivity in the range from 0-200 kΩ. They are operated via a sensor type 6 N
by the rising and/or falling level of the process medium. To ensure a correct
operation of the system, a minimum conductivity of 5 µS is required. The current
flowing through the medium is a real AC, therefore there will be no galvanic
erosion of the electrodes. The reference potential may be either a common
electrode or the vessel depending on the application, on the location and on
the local operating procedures. When the system is powered up after
completion of the electrical installation the relay will automatically be set to its
"energized" condition. When the liquid level reaches the maximum set point,
which is predetermined by the mechanical construction of the sensor, the relay
will change contact status and go into the "deenergized" condition. This
condition will remain until the minimum set point is reached, which again is
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predetermined by the mechanical construction of the level sensor. Upon

reaching the minimum set point, the relay will reset to the "deenergized"
condition. A power loss, a detective control relay or an interruption of the
sensor lines will cause the system to fail to the safe position; i.e. an overfilling of
the vessel is impossible.

Technical data

Power supply: 24 V, 50Hz

Input sensitivity: 0 - 200 kΩ
Operating mode: 3-point control
Output contact: Potential free toggle contact
Contact rating: U = 250 V, l = 2 A, P = 250 VA / 50 W
Indication of contact status: LED
Casing: Rail mounting 60x 70x 110
Applications: On all ships according to GL regulations, otherwise acc. to local
rules and standards.

4.4 3/2 way-solenoid valve

Please observe the information in these operating instructions, to ensure that
the unit functions satisfactorily and remains serviceable for a long period:

• When planning the application of the device, and during its operation,
observe the general technical rules!
• Take suitable measures to prevent unintentional operation or impermissible
• Note that lines and valves must not be unscrewed from systems that are
under pressure!
• Always switch off the voltage supply before working on the system!
• If this information is ignored, or if unauthorised work is carried out on the
device, we will not accept liability of any kind, and the warranty will no longer
be valid for the unit and its accessories!
• Warning! The surface of the electromagnet can become very hot during
continuous operation. Danger of Injury!
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Modular construction, direct-acting 3/2-way valve with pushover coil for pipe
or flange connection

• Coil lockable in 4 x 90° steps, positioned anywhere in between around

armature guide tube
• Tightening torque for mounting nut: max. 5 Nm
• Installation as required, preferably with solenoid system on top
• Function C: in off-position P closed, A released
• Function D: in off-position P connected with B
• Media: neutral gases and fluids, which do not attack the housing and sealing
• Permissible temperature of médium: -10°Cto 100 °C
• Max. ambient temperature: +55°C
• Port connections compatible with preceding types 311 and 312

Voltage, electrical power, pressure range and nominal diameter are

specified on the rating plate. Voltage tolerance: ±10%

• Electrical connection: unit socket type 2508 to tag connector of coil; fixing
torque: 1 Nm
• When screwing down the unit socket onto the coil, ensure that the flat seal is
well seated!
Work on the unit must only be performed by skilled personnel using suitable

• Clean the pipe runs before fitting the valve!

• Fit a strainer if necessary as protection against faults.
• Remove the coil when fitting flange connections
• Observe the direction of flow!
• Seal the thread with PTFE tape.
• Never use the valve orthe armature guide tube as a lever when screwing in
the pipe connections!
•Do not subject the valve housing to stress when fittings!
• Faults can be caused by dirt, short-circufts or interruptions in the voltage.
• Caution! With an AC supply the coil can overheat d the core is stuck!
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•In the event of fault,, check the port connectio

c ns, voltag
ges and operating
o g
• Sp
pare pa
arts: Plea
ase order coils or arma
atures co
omplete, quoting
the ident. number of the de
evice acc
cording to the ra
ating platte; a. g.,,
coil set for Typ
pe 6014 Id
d. No. XXX

4.5 2/2 wa
noid valv

ase obserrve the infformation in these operating
g instructio
ons, to en
nsure thatt
the unit functtions satisffactorily and
a remaiins service
eable for a long pe

• Wh
hen plann
ning the applicatio
on of the
e device,, and du
uring its operation,
o ,
erve the general
g te
echnical ru
• Tak
ke suitable
e measurres to pre
event unin
ntentional operatio
on or impermissible
• Note that lin
nes and valves must not be
b unscrew
wed from
m systems that are
under pressurre!
• Alw
ways switc
ch off the voltage
v su
upply befo
ore workin
ng on the system!
• If this inform
mation is ignored, or
o if unau
uthorised work is c
carried ou
ut on the
device, we will
w not acc
cept liability of any
y kind, and
d the warrranty will no longerr
be valid
v for th
he unit and its acce
• Wa
arning! The
e surface
e of the electroma
e agnet can becom
me very hot during
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continuous operation. Danger of Injury!

Work on the unit must only be performed by skilled personnel using suitable

• Clean the pipe runs before fitting the valve!

• Fit a strainer if necessary as protection against faults.
• Remove the coil when fitting flange connections
• Observe the direction of flow!
• Seal the thread with PTFE tape.
• Never use the valve orthe armature guide tube as a lever when screwing in
the pipe connections!
•Do not subject the valve housing to stress when fittings!
• Faults can be caused by dirt, short-circufts or interruptions in the voltage.
• Caution! With an AC supply the coil can overheat d the core is stuck!
•In the event of fault, check the port connections, voltages and operating
• Spare parts: Please order coils or armatures complete, quoting
the ident. number of the device according to the rating plate; a. g.,
coil set for Type 6213 Id. No. XXX XXX X

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4.6 Pressu
ure reduc

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4.7 Pressu
ure gaug

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4.8 Piston valve

3-Wegge-Kobenventil / 3-way piston va

alve -PKV40.3-0.2
2 R 3/4" 2-Wege-K
Kobenventil / 2-w
way piston -PKV4
40.3-0 R3/4"
Pos. Stck. Benennung descri btio on Pos. Stck. B
Benennung desccribtion
item qty. item qty.
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01 01 Ventilgehâuse valve 1-F-3/4" 01 01 Ventilgehâuse valve Dn 3/4"

body body
1.10 2 01 Ventilunterteil valve 1-F-3/4" 02 01 Zylinderhúlse cylinder 4-PKV.3-1.0
lower part
02 01 Unterteil lower part 4-PKV 40.3-2.1 03 01 Zylinderdeckel cylinder 4-PKV.3-2.0
03 01 Zylinder oylinder 4-PKV 40.3-1.1 04 01 Kolben piston 4-PKV40.3-5.0

04 01 Kolben piston 4-PKV 40.3-5.1 05 01 Spindel mit Kegel spindle 4-PKV40.3-4.0

with cone
05 01 Ventilspindel valve 4-PKV 40.3-4.1 06 01 Druckfeder pressure 6-D-273-B
spindle spring
06 01 Ventilkegel valve cone 4-PKV 40.3-3.1 07 01 Sechskantmutter 7-M-6-934
hexagon nut
07 02 O-Ring o-ring 7-OR-29-3 08 01 Scheibe washer 8-11-6,4

10 01 Druckfeder pressure 10-D273B 09 01 O-Ring o-ring 9-OR-3-3770

13 01 Sechskantmutter 13-M6-934 10 01 Ventildichtung valve 10-
hexagon nut gasket
14 01 Unterlegscheibe washer 14-6,4 11 01 Nutring groove ring 11-S-8-8

15 01 O-Ring o-ring 15-OR-34-3 12 01 O-Ring o-ring 12-OR-40-1,5-3770

16 01 Nutring groove ring 16-S8-8 13 01 O-Ring o-ring 13-OR-6-1,5-3770

17 01 O-Ring o-ring 17-OR-40-1.5

18 01 O-Ring 18-OR-6-1.5
3-Wec le- ventil / 3-way piston 4-PKV40.2-0.62b DN 25 / 32 2- le-Kobenventil / 2-way piston valve 4-PKV40.2-0.72 DN 25 / 32
Pos. Stck. Benennung describtion Pos. Stck. Benennung describtion
item qty. item qty.
01 01 Ventilgehâuse valve 6-RV-PKV-0.7C 01 01 Ventilgehâuse valve 1-ADN-20
body body
02 01 oberer Ventilsitz upper 6-RV-4.3 03.1 01 Kegelspindel kpl. spindel 6-DG-3.1e 4-PKV40.2-4.20
valve seat cpl.
03.1 01 Kegel cone 6-RG-3.1d 03.2 01 Sechskantschraube 3.2M-5-10-933-NIRO
hexagon screw
03.2 02 Weichdichtung softseal 6-RG-3.1d 07 01 Flachdichtung gasket 7-ADN-20

03.3 01 Scheibe washer 6-RG-3.1d 08 01 Deckelflansch cover 4-PKV40.2-3.10a

03.4 01 Scheibe washer 6-RG-3.1d 10 01 Zylinder 4-PKV40.2-1.7
04 01 unterer Ventilsitz lower 14 01 Kolben piston 4-PKV40.2-5.2
valve seat
05 01 Kegelspindel spindle 4-PKV40.2-4.11 15 01 Fuhrungsbuchse guiding 4-PKV32.1-2
10 01 Zylinderhúlse cylinder 4-PKV40.2-1.7 24 01 Feder spring 24-D-299

14 01 Kolben piston 4-PKV40.2-5.2 25 01 O-Ring o-ring 25-OR-34-3-3770

15 01 Fuhrungsbuchse guiding 4-PKV32.1-2 26 01 Stangendichtung 26-S-8-14

bush groove ring
23 01 O-Ring o-ring 23-OR-6-2-3770 28 01 Sicherungsring circlip 28-23-1.2-472

24 01 Feder 24-D-299 29 01 Stutzscheibe washer 29-SS-16-22-1 5-988

25 01 O-Ring o-ring 25-OR-34-3-3770 30 04 Innensechskantschraube 30-M-10-25-912
socket head cap screw
26 01 Stangendichtung 26-S-8-14 33 01 Sechskantmutter 33-M-10-934-NIRO
groove ring hexagon nut
28 01 Sicherungsring circlip 28-J-23-1.2-472

29 01 Stutzscheibe washer 29-SS-16-22-1.5-988

33 01 Sechskantmutter 33-M-10-934
hexagon nut
34 01 Sechskantmutter 34-M-8-934
hexagon nut

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4.9 Electric screw-in-heating elem

ment optional not applica

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0 Eccen
ntric scre
ew pump

ctural dessign
Self--priming, single or tw
wo-stage eccentric
e screw pump. Rotorr and stato
or are the
conveying elements. The
T driving torque is transm
mitted onto
o the roto
or via the
mp shaft and
a the jo
oint shaft. Pressure casing,
c stator and suction casing
c are
d togethe
er by external casin
ng connecting scre
ews (clam
mp bolts). The shaftt
sealing housing or me
echanical seal ho
ousing is arranged
a between
n suction
casiing and la
antem bra

ports and flange co
By way
w of the flange connectiions, the pipelines must be connecte
ed to the
mp, stress-ffree. They must be supported
d dose to the pump
p and sho
ould allow
of easy
e scre
ewing to avoid deformati
d ions. Afte
er the sc
crews have been
slackened, th
he flangess must neither be in
nclined no
or sprang nor rest on
o top off
one another under pressure.
p A
Any therm
mal stresses that m
may occu
ur at the
elines musst be keptt away fro
om the pu
ump by ta
aking app
propriate measures,
m ,
e.g. by the insstallation of
o compe

aning of pipelines
p p
prior to atttachmentt
Priorr to moun
nting the pump,
p the
e suction-sside pipeliines, gate
e valves and valvess
must by all means
m be
e flushed andlor cleaned.
c Mounting
g residuess such ass
ews, nuts, welding beads,
b ste
eel piecess etc. will destroy the pump internals..
Any claims un
nder the warranty
w e
expire as soon as da
amages a
are caused
d by such

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Eccentric screw pumps are positive-displacement pumps and can theoretically

generate an infinitely high pressure. With the pressure pipeline closed, e.g. by
clogging or by incidental closing of a valve, the pressure generated by the
pump may reach a multiple of the admissible pressure of the plant This may, for
example, lead to bursting of pipelines which must be absolutely avoided
especially for dangerous products handled. Thus, appropriate safety devices
must also be installed in the plant.

Electric connections
Pinching of the power supply cables of the driving motor is to be effected by
an electrical expert according to the switching diagram of the motor
manufacturer. In doing so, the current VDE regulations and the regulations of
the local energy and supply association are to be observed. Danger by
electrical energy must be excluded.

Filling the pump with fluid
The pump must not run dryl
For initial start-up and after prolonged standstills, the pump must be filled with
Already a few rotations without fluid may damage the stator.
Therefore, prior to starting, the suction casing must be filled with water or fluid
to be handled to lubricate stator and rotor. After an extended standstill, i.e. if it
must be assumed that the residual liquid in the pump has evaporated or after
a repair, the filling process must be repeated. After filling, the pump operates
self-priming. Venting is not required as a liquid/gas mixture can easily be
handled. Dismounting the eccentric screw pump Prior to cohimencing the
dismounting, the following operations must be performed:
- Pinch off power supply cable to the motor. Motor must not be capable of
being started.
- AH stop valves in the suction and pressure pipeline must be closed.
- Drain the fluid to be pumped from the suction casing. For these purposes,
screw out screw plug (502).
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Note: Use collecting tank.

- Dismount supply and pressure pipeline as well as ali auxiliary pipelines.
- Loosen screws at the pump feet, and screw out.

Dismounting the stator

- Remove hexagon nuts (609) and washers (610) from the clamp bolts(611).
- Withdraw pressure casing (504).
- Remove clamp bolts (611).
- Withdraw stator (402) from the rotor (401).
Note: In case of stiffness, simultaneously turn stator (402) by means of chain
tongs. For these purposes, fix pump shaft (125).

Mounting the stator

-Prior to mounting, coat stator (402) and rotor (401) with a sliding compound
(silicon oil, Poiydiol, soft soap or the like).

ATTENTION Do not use normal oil.

-Mount stator (402) on the rotor (401).

Note: In case of stiffness, simultaneously turn stator (402) by means of chain
tongs. For these purposes, fix pump shaft (125).

-Screw up pressure casing (504), stator (402) and suction casing

(505) with the clamp bolts (611) and hexagon nuts (609). In doing
so, uniformly tighten hexagon screws.

Dismounting the stuffing box

-Remove hexagon nut (202), and remove gland (203).
-Withdraw shaft sealing housing (204) from the pump shaft (1
-Remove stuffing box packing (207) including flushing ring.(208),
from the shaft sealing housing (204).

Mounting the stuffing box

Push shaft sealing housing (204) on to the pump shaft (125). Including flushing
ring (208) mount stuffing box packing (207) into the shaft sealing housing (204).

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1 Oil-in--water monitor
m D

placement compon
nents for 15ppm Bilg
ge Alarmss.

All monitore
m in our ra
ange are inspecte
ed and te
ested to the relatted IMO.
uirements at our fac
ctories prio
or to delivery.

In no
ormal use
e the unitss should operate
o co
orrectly and withou
ut fault ov
ver a long
od of time
e requiring
g only small amoun
nts of maintenance
e to be ca
arried outt
as outlined
o in the instru
uction manuals.

vice Excha
ange Unitss

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In the event of a monitor malfunction due to electrical or electronic

component failure it is our recommendation that a service exchange unit be

The detective instrument should be returned to our works within 30 days of

supplying the service exchange unit, then only the repair charge is payable.
Otherwise the whole cost of a service exchange unit becomes payable.

This procedure is by far the easiest and most cost effective way of ensuring the
monitor on board conforms to I.M.O. resolution MEPC.107(49).


According the MEPC. 107(49) §4.2.11 the unit has to be checked at IOPP
Certificate renewal survey by the manufacture or persons authorized by the
manufacturer. Alternatively the unit may be replaced by a calibrated 15 ppm
Bilge Alarm. The OMD-2005 is designed in that way, that only the measuring
cell needs to be changed, as this unit carry the calibration onboard. The
Calibration Certificate with the date of the last calibration check should be
retained onboard for inspection purposes.

If for some reasons the computer unit needs to be changed, it has to make
sure, that the memory card will remain on board for at least 18 month. The new
computer unit will carry its own memory card. The old card can be insert into the
new unit only for reading. Writing is only possible with the card delivered with
the new computer unit.

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Section 5
Section Contents

SECTION 5: INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................................................... 35 

5.1  INSTALLATION DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................ 35 
5.2  SUCTION LINE FROM BILGE / BILGETANK A1 ............................................................................................... 37 
5.3  OIL DRAIN LINE FROM SEPARATOR TO DIRTY-OIL TANK A3 .......................................................................... 37 
5.4  OVERBOARD DISCHARGE LINE A5 ............................................................................................................. 37 
5.5  RETURN LINE FROM 15 PPM-3-WAY-VALVE TO THE BILGE/ BILGETANK A4 ................................................... 38 
5.6  BACK SCOURING CONNECTION OF HYDROFOR SYSTEM A2 ....................................................................... 38 
5.7  COMPRESSED-AIR CONNECTION ............................................................................................................... 38 
5.8  ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ......................................................................................................................... 38 

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The DV
VZ-FSU-B-"OILCHIEF"" - system will be de
elivered re
eady to be
e assemb
bled as a
compact unit comprising
c g the appropriate component parts, such as transfer
pump, electrica
al switch cabinet,
c 15
5 ppm-ala
arm with 3-way-valv
3 ve, corresponding
ol valves, safety
s valv
ve and va
acuum/prressure ga

No spe
ecial mou
unting possition is to be consid
dered for the
t installa
ation abo
oard. The
n head up
u to the pump su
uction flan
nge will be
b limited to 6 m in
losses due to pipe
p frictio
on, valvess and filte
ers. In casse of an iincreased
d suction
head, the transffer pump is to be mounted
m se
y from the separato

The DV
OILCHIEF" - system is to be mounted and fixed o
on an app
ation. Vibrations an
nd tension has to be
e avoided
d as much as possib

5.1 Installatiion diag


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Sistema de controle da poluição

Diagramático do sistema do separador de água e óleo

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The following pipe cross-sections should not be exeeded:

Type Pipe Diameters

DVZ 10000 FSU - "OILCHIEF" DN 40

5.2 Suction line from bilge / bilgetank A1

As aforementioned, the suction head from the bilge hat to the pump flange
may not exceed 6 m or the pump P1 has to be mounted separately from the
separator at a lower position in the ship. The individual suction lines should be
provided with an easily accessible non-return valve. A filter with 3 mm
(approx.) wide meshes should be mounted to the suction line in front of the
transfer pump P1. Retaining valves and filters should be adapted to the
suction line's cross-section. For the first starting after the installation or after a
long standstill of the system, there should be a possibility to fill up the suction

5.3 Oil drain line from separator to dirty-oil tank A3

The DVZ-oily water-separating system will be provided with a drain connection

to the dirty-oil tank. The connection's cross-section should be corresponding to
that of the degreaser connection. The dirty-oil tank should not be arranged at
a considerably higher location than the separator. A sufficient ventilation is to
be ensured as well. Stop valves should not be mounted to the oil drain line.

5.4 Overboard discharge line A5

The cross-section of the overboard discharge line should be corresponding to

that of the separators connection. No spring-loaded counter-pressure valve
will be necessary in order to ensure the separators function. The classification

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societies' regulations in respect of non-return valves, 3 - way test cocks acc. to

IMO Resolution MEPC 107 (49) etc. are to be considered.

5.5 Return line from 15 ppm-3-way-valve to the bilge/ bilgetank


In connection with a 15 ppm-alarm, the DVZ-FSU-"OILCHIEF" - system is

equipped with a 3-way-valve V5.1 mounted to the overboard line. This valve
will serve to interrupt the overboard water discharge if the 15 ppm-value is
exceeded and it will be automatically led back to the bilge. The return line will
be directly connected to the 3-way-valve V5.1.

5.6 Back scouring connection of hydrofor system A2

For back-scouring the separator system, either freshwater as well as seawater

can be used. The connection will have an internai thread of 3Á". The intake
pressure of the separator is to be limited to 1.5 bar. The classification societies'
regulations in respect of connections to the freshwater-hydrofor-system are to
be considered.

5.7 Compressed-air connection

In general, the control valves of the separator system will operate by using
compressed-air (work air).

AH separator consumers will have corresponding common factory-mounted

service lines. The shipyard only has to provide the central connection to the
work-air system aboard. The working air pressure should be limited to 5 - 6 bar.
The work air consumption will only be unimportant due to the fact that it will
merely be used for valve opening and closing and can be neglected

5.8 Electrical connection

The DVZ-FSU-B-"OILCHIEF" - system will have a central electrical supply. The

connection voltage can be gathered from the rating plate located at the
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switch cabinefs inside door. The engine protection relay will be factory-
adjusted to the power consumption of the attached electrical engine.
Connections of floater switches, alarms, remote indication and failure
indicator can be gathered from the Electrical Switch Diagram located at the
switch cabinefs door.

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Section 6
Commissioning and Start Up
Section Contents

SECTION 6: COMMISSIONING AND START UP .................................................................................................. 41 

6.1 PRELIMINARY START UP ....................................................................................................................................... 41 
6.2 ELECTRIC SWITCH BOX ................................................................................................................................... 41 
6.3 OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR .................................................................................................................................... 42 
6.3.1 Menasuring principle ......................................................................................................................... 42 
6.3.2 Adjustment............................................................................................................................................ 42 
6.3.3 Displays and alarms ........................................................................................................................... 43 
6.3.4 Functional tests .................................................................................................................................... 43 

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6.1 Preliminary
y start up

Check if electric main supply is corre espondingg with thee data of tthe type plate
p insid
de of
the front door of the el. sw
witch box. If not, cha
ange the cable brid dges of th he Transfo
Presencce of electric powe er is indica
ated by the lamp H1 (white).
Check if all found
dation bolts and fla ange conn nections of
o the unitt and its pipe system m are
well fasttened. Ch
heck if thee piping dimensionss are in ac cc. to DVZZ instructio
Check if compressed air of approxim mate 5-6 Bar is pressent.
Check if flushing water of approxim
a ate 1.5 Ba
ar is present at the fflushing va
alve "V2". If the
e is more, adjust by the regulating valv ve.


Check correct
c direction off rotation, which must be anti-clock-w
whise, seen
n on the top of
the elec
ctrical mo

6.2 Ele
ectric switc
ch box

H1 Control vo
C oltage
H2 F
H5 H
Heater (op
ptional no

Lampss/ Push Bu

H3/S2 Oil to sludg

O ge tank stage 1
H4/S3 O to sludg
Oil ge tank stage 2


S1 Pump
S5 H
Heater (op
ptional no

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Electric switch box for oily water separator DVZ-FSU-B-"OILCHIEF" standard

version with electric heater (optional not applicable). For further
information see the actual wiring diagram.

Start the separator by turning the switch "S1" into "Pump on" position. Now the
flushing water enters the unit via the valve "A2", until the sensor "N2" of the
second stage dips into water. At this moment the pump starts running and
succing from bilge/bilge tank.

• If el. heater is installed, switch on by turning the switch S5 in "ON"

position. The best separation temperature is appr. 40-50° C. For adjusting the
el. heater, take off the cap of the heating element and tum the regulator with
a screw driver to the temperature which is shown on the scale. Screw on the
cap again. The adjusted temperature will be regulated automatically by built
in thermostate (not applicable).


Os cartuchos de separação bons (FSC) artigo 25 deve ser substituído when

the effluent quality monitored by the oil-in-water monitor reached the 15 ppm
value orthe differentiai pressure is above 1,6 bar

6.3 Oil-in-water monitor

6.3.1 Menasuring principle

An optical sensor array measure a combination of light scattered and

absorbed by oil droplets in the sample stream. The sensor signals are then
processed by a microprocessor to produce linearised output.
If an alarm (works set point 15 ppm) occurs, the two oil alarm relays are
activated after the adjusted time delay.
The microprocessor continuously monitors the condition of the sensor
components and associated electronics to ensure that calibration accuracy
is maintained over time and extremes of environmental conditions.

6.3.2 Adjustment

The unit is delivered with a works calibration according the IMO-requirements.

The alarm points are set to 15 ppm.
The "Zero" point is also works calibrated and can be re-adjusted on site by
using the programming mode and clean water. A calibration is not permitted.
This has to be done according IMO Regulations by the manufacturer or
persons authorized by the manufacturer.

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6.3.3 Displays and alarms

In the unit are two independent oil alarm circuits available. Both can be set
separately from 1 to 15 ppm. From the manufacturing both alarms are set to
15 ppm (according IMO). The set points can be changed according to the
requirements on site, for example to 10 ppm or 5 ppm. An alarm point setting
above 15 ppm is not possible. The adjustment can be done in the
programming mode as described in Section 7.1.1.
In this mode also the individual adjustment of the time delays for the alarms
and the possible changing between 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA output can be
Both alarm circuits are also related to an alarm LED on the front panel.

6.3.4 Functional tests

a) Run oil free water through the instrument to purge the system.
b)Adjust the flow rate through the unit by using the small screws in the cell
cap. Taking out a screw will increase the flow rate. NB: The flow rate should be
checked on both, the clean water supply and the separator sample supply. If
the clean water supply is obtained from a high pressure source, the flow rate
will be higher than from the sample point. The flow rate is not influencing the
accuracy of the instrument. The adjustment is only important for the time
delay between the sample point and the monitor
c) Switch on the instrument and make sure, that the Power LED is illuminated
and the display is showing the initializing display for about 15 sec. After that
time it will change to the standard display, showing the actual measurement.

d) During oil free water is running through the monitor check the Zero
adjustment according Section 7.1.1. The display should be "0" to "2" and the
status will show "FW". If the display varies by greater amounts, it may be that
air entrainment is present. If this is the case, the cause must be located and
e) If the Zero need to be adjusted, this can be done in the programming
mode as described in section 7.1.1.

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Section 7
Section Contents
SECTION 7: OPERATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 45 
7.1  OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR ............................................................................................................................ 45 
7.1.1 PROGRAMMING MODE .................................................................................................................................. 45 
7.1.2 OPERATING MODE ......................................................................................................................................... 47 
7.1.3 MEMORY CARD ............................................................................................................................................. 47 
7.1.4 CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................................................. 48 

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7.1 O
ater mon

7.1.1 Program
P mming mode

In the programm
p ming mod
de the alarm set poiints, the time delay
ys, the sign
nal outputt
and th
he zero can
c be modified.
m It is also possible
p to
o recall the factorry defaultt
values at any tim
me. The clock
c is factory set for GMT, Greenwic
ch Mean Time,
T and
ot be chan

There are
a 8 push
h buttons to control the functions of th
he display.. In genera
al are the
upper buttons fo
or the datta logger and
a the lo
ower butto
ons for changing th
he display
to the different pages of the menu

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7.1.2 Operating mode

a)Switch on the power supply.

b)Allowa period of time for water entering the sample tube.

c)Flow oii free water through the system for a few minutes and check that the
display show 0 to 2 ppm. If not, clean proper before adjusting the unit.
d)Switch the instrument sample supply from the clean water supply to the
separator sampling point connection.
e)The instrument is now ready for use.
5.1 Operator Notes
When oily water flows through the instrument the display will show the actual
value of oil content.

If the oil concentration exceeds the adjusted threshold (works adjustment 15

ppm), the alarm indicator 1 will be illuminated in intervals during the selected
time delay before it change to steady light and the associated alarm relay will
operate. Accordingly also the alarm indicator 2 will be illuminated and its
associated alarm relay will take the appropriate shut down action.

7.1.3 Memory card

The Memory Card is located inside the door of the computer housing. It is
suitable for the life of the instrument, as it is calculated to the according MEPC
107(49) required storage time of at least 18 month. When the card is full, the
oldest entry will be overwritten, so that a replacement is not necessary. Under
normal use the card should not be taken out, as this is linked with the specific
system. The card can be read in other OMD-2005 units, but writing is only
possible in the related system.

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7.1.4 Calibration

15 ppm Bilge Alarms built according MEPC.107(49) have to be protected

against access beyond the checks of instrument drift, repeatability of the
instrument reading and zero adjustment. For this reason the instrument is
electronicalty sealed. so that oniy the manufacturer or his authorized persons,
equipped with the related tools, are able to get access forchanging the

To provide a simple procedure for check the instrument aboard ship, the
OMD-2005 is constructed in that way, that the zero check also confirms the
instrument drift within the specifications.

Calibration and repeatability check

a) Switch off the power supply and stop any water flow.
b) Clean the sample tube accurate by using a suitable cell cleaning brush.
Mafce sue, that the oftset ts comect at ± 0.
c) Run clean water through the instrument.
d) If it is sure, that non aerated. clean water is in the instrument, the reading
should be 0 ppm ± 2 ppm.

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Section 8
Section Contents

SECTION 8: TROUBLESHOOTING........................................................................................................................... 50 

8.1  FAULT FINDING ........................................................................................................................................... 51 

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No Fault Possible causes Remedy

01 Unit does not empty bilge a. -Leak in suction pipework -Search for leaks, check ali flange
connections, renew packing if

b. -Leak in separator joints -Blind all flange-or screw

connections and make pressure
test with compressed air max. 1,5
bar. Cure leaks.
c. -Valve setting -Check
d. -Wear of pump stator -Inspect, renew if necessary
e. -Rotation direction of the -Check
pump is wrong
02 Separator does not discharge a. -Piston valve A3.17"A3.2" -Check and clean, renew if
oil or vent air necessary
A3.3" blocked
-Pilot valve from
A3.1 TA3.2TA3.3" blocked
b. -Sensing electrode -Check and clean, renew if
N17"N27"N3" is weak necessary
c. -Sensing relay is weak -Check and renew if necessary
03 Flowrate reading low. a. -Block bilge strainer or suction Check and clean
pipe work
04 Oil-in-water monitor, a. -Cleaning agents in bilges
discharge alarm above excessive
b. -Fault by monitor shown by Referto monitor documentation
c. - Fine-Separation-Cartridges Replace
(FSC) must be changed
05 Helical rotor pump fails to run a. Overload, motor protection Reset overload and check
relay switch off electrical connections or
mechanical faults
b. Fuses blown „F1" Replace
c. Other trouble with helical rotor Refer to pump documentation
06 Indication lamps not run a. Bulb blown Replace
07 Pressure at the Fine- b. - Fine-Separation-Cartridges Replace
Separation-Stage is rising (FSC) must be changed
08 High pressure alarm occurs at a. -High pressure alarm, Fine- Replace
Fine-Separation stage Separation-Cartridges (FSC)
must be changed

Spare parts for standard units. Subject to technical modifications without notice.

Keep the bilge water as clean as possible from Chemicals, cleaners,

detergents and others to avoid emulsions and keep a long and
maintenance free operation of the unit!

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8.1 Fault fiinding

The OMD-200
05 will indic
cate seve
eral malfun
nctions in the statuss line of the display..
Pressing the "OK"
" butto
on will lea
ad into an informa
ation wind
dow, similar to the
ms listed in the table
e below.

Sttatus Read
ding System
m-Alarm-circuitt Alarm-circu
uit 1,2 Reason Servicing

LED Alarm
OK 0..49 Green// No Normal Norma
al operation -
g operation

OK EE Green// No Alarm Sample e reading is ou

ut of Wait unttil oil content iss
g range: within the range, clean
Oil conntent too high,, sample tube
dirty sa
ample tube
FW! 0..49/EE Green// No Alarm Freshw
water is enabled -
ple? EE Red/ Yes Alarm Meter isi not able to Check sample, clean
Steady y measure the sample e: no sample tube
water in, oil content
much toot high, no
m? EE Red/ Yes Alarm No com mmunication Check connection
y betwee en computer unit between computer
and me easuring cell unit and measuring
alog? 0..49/EE Red/ Yes Alarm Dataloogging is not Insert the
e active
y possible
e: no DECKM MA memory y card
card inn
Dataloogging is not Insert the
e active
e: a read onlyy memory y card
card iss in
Dataloogging is not Activate
e card or insertt
e: a new the active memory
DECKM MA card is in card

Int.Errr Red/ Yes Alarm Interna

ai error Restart the system

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Section 9
Section Contents
SECTION 9: MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................... 53 
9.1  OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR ............................................................................................................................ 53 
9.1.1 OPERATING MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................ 53 

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9.1 Oil-in-water monitor

9.1.1 Operating maintenance

a) Flush the cell with oil free water.
b) Isolate the instrument from both, sample and oil free water supply.
c) Unscrew and remove the cell cap.

d) Insert a suitable Cell Cleaning brush (Art. No. 30102) into the cell and clean
it with upwards and downwards motion through the entire length of the cell
several times.
e) Remove the Cell Cleaning brush and replace the cell cap.
f) Reconnect the oil free water supply and allow this to flow through the
instrument for a few minutes.
g) Observe that the display is showing "0" to "2". If not, clean again.

h) Examine the color of the desiccator. Blue color is indicating an active

moisture absorber. If the color is light blue or white, the desiccator should be

The desiccator assures a humidity below 40% inside the measuring cell to avoid
wrong measurement resutting due to condensation at the cell glass tube and
damage of the electronics around the glass tube. The replacement is easy
done without opening the instrument. Just unscrew the old desiccator out of
the front panei and replace it by a new one. The protection cap of the spare
unit can be also used as a tool.
j) Reconnect the instrument to the separator sampling point.

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Section 10
Test Reports and Certifications
Section Contents
SECTION 10: TEST REPORTS AND CERTIFICATIONS ........................................................................................... 55 

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Reverse side of the EC-Type Examination Certificate for certificate-number: 320.028 , date of issue: 29.09.2004

Technical data/approved drawings and

additional conditions and remarks:

The Pruf- und Zertifizierungsstelle der See-Berufsgenossenschaft verifies and certifies

the conformity of the a.m. product with the Directive 96/98/EC of the Council, as amended
by Directive 2002/75/EC, Annex B, Module F (Product Verification), section 5, Statistical

All products will be divided into identical lots of 200 pieces each, starting with serial
number 1001001. Three (3) random samples will be drawn from each lot and individually

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Reverse side of the EC-Type Examination Certificate for certificate-number: 330.227, date of issue:

Technical data/approved drawings and additional

conditions and remarks:

The Prúf- und Zertifizierungsstelle der See-Berufsgenossenschaft verifies and certifies the conformity
of the a.m. product with the Directive 96/98/EC of the Council, as amended by Directive
2002/75/EC, Annex B, Module F (Product Verification), section 5, Statistical Verification.

Ali products will be divided into identical lots of 50 pieces each, starting with serial number 537005.
Three (3) random samples will be drawn from each lot and individually examined.

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Section 11
Section Contents
SECTION 11: DRAWINGS ........................................................................................................................................ 69 

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Section 12

Section Contents

SECTION 12: ATTACHMENT ................................................................................................................................... 95 
12.1  SPARE PARTS .............................................................................................................................................. 95 
12.2  DATA SHEETS ............................................................................................................................................ 95 
12.2 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 96 

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12.1 Spare parts

When ordering spares, it is important to supply details of the type of monitor,

part number of each spare required, its description and any relevant serial
Desiccator 65550
Cell Cleaning Brush 30102
O-Ring Set 75775
Fuse, T2A 40107
Fuse, T 1 A 40105

Measuring Cell with Calibration Certificate 75500/17300

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Konstruktiver Aufbau
Selbstansaugende Exzenterschneckenpumpe. Fõrderelemente
sind Rotor und Stator. Das Antriebsdrehmoment wird úber die
Antriebswelle bzw. Steckwelle und die Gelenkwelle auf den Rotor
Druckgehãuse, Stator und Sauggehãuse werden durch
auBenliegende Geháuseverbindungsschrauben
(Spannschrauben) zusammengehalten,
Zwischen Sauggehãuse und Lagersockel bzw. Laterne befindet
sich das Stopfbuchs- oder Gleitringdichtungsgehàuse.
Abstutzungen und Flanschanschlusse
Die Rohrleitungen sind spannungsfrei uberdie Flanschanschlusse an die Pumpe
anzuschlieSen. Sie sind nahe der Pumpe abzustútzen und sollen sich leicht
anschrauben lassen, um Verspannungen zu vermeiden. Nach dem Lósen der
Schrauben durfen die Flansche weder schràg stehen noch abfedern und auch
nicht unter Druck gegenseitig aufliegen. Eventuell auftretende Wàrmespannun-
gen an den Rohrleitungen sind durch geeignete MaSnahmen, z.B. durch Einbau
von Kompensatoren, von der Pumpe femzuhalten.
Reinigung der Rohrleitungen vordem Anbau
Die saugseitigen Rohrleitungen, Schieber und Ventile sind vor
dem Einbau der Pumpe unbedingt durchzuspulen bzw. zu
Montagerúckstãnde wie Schrauben, Muttern, SchweiSperlen,
Stahlstúcke usw. zerstõren die Innenteile der Pumpe. Jeglicher
Garantieanspruch entfãllt, sobald Schàden durch derartige
Ruckstãnde verursacht werden.
Exzentemchneckenpumpen sind Verdrângerpumpen und kõnnen theoretisch
einen unendlich hohen Druck erzeugen. Bei geschlossener Druckleitung, z.B.
durch Verstopfung oder durch zufàlliges SchlieSen eines Ventíls, kann der Druck,
welche die Pumpe erzeugt, ein vielfaches des zulãssigen Druckes der Anlage
erreichen. Das kann z.B. zum Platzen von Leitungen fuhren, was speziell bei
gefãhrlichen Fõrderprodukten unbedingt vermieden werden muS. Es sind daher
auch in der Anlage entsprechende Slcherheitseinrichtungen zu installieren.
Elektrische Anschlusse
Anklemmen der Stromzufúhrungskabei des gekuppelten Antriebsmotors ist
von einer Elektrofachkraft entsprechend
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vorzunehmen. Hierbei sind die guitigen VDE-Vorschriften und die Vorschriften

des órtlichen Energie- und Versorgungsuntemehmens (EVU) zu beachten.
Gefãhrdung durch elektrische Energie ist auszuschlieften.

Structural design
Self-primíng, single or two-stage eccentric screw pump. Rotor and statorare the
conveying elements. The driving torque is transmitted onto the rotor via the
pump shaft and the joint shaft. Pressure casing, stator and suction casing are
held together by externai casing connecting screws (clamp bolts). The shaft
sealing housing or mechanical seal housing is arranged between suction casing
and lantem bracket.
Supports and flange connectlons
By way of the flange connections, the pipelines must be connected to the
pump, stress-free. They must be supported dose to the pump and should allow
of easy screwing to avoid deformations. Afterthe screws have been slackened,
the flanges must neither be inclined nor sprang nor rest on top of one another
under pressure. Any thermal stresses that may occur at the pipelines must be
keptawayfrom the pump bytaking appropriate measures, e.g. by the installation
of compensators.
Cleaning of pipelines prior to attachment
Prior to mounting the pump, the suction-side pipelines, gate valves and valves
must by ali means be flushed andlor cleaned. Mounting residues such as screws,
nuts, welding beads, steel pieces etc. will destroy the pump internais. Any claims
under the warranty expire as soon as damages are caused by such residues.
Eccentric screw pumps are posltlve-displacement pumps and can theoretically
generate an infinitely high pressure. With the pressure pipeline closed, e.g. by
clogging orby incidental closing of a valve, the pressure generated by the pump
may reach a multiple of the admissible pressure of the plant This may, for exam-
ple, lead to bursting of pipelines which must be absolutely avolded especially for
dangerous products handled. Thus, appropriate safety devices must also be in-
stalled in the plant.
Electric connections
Pinching of the power supply cables of the driving motor is to be effected by an
eiectrical expert according to the switching diagram of the motor manufacturer.
In doing so, the current VDE regulations and the regulations of the local energy
and suppiy association are to be observed. Danger by eiectrical energy must
be excluded.

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Inbetrlebnahme/Aufierbetriebnahme Auffúllen der Pumpe mit Fliissigkelt

Die Pumpe darf nicht trocken laufen!
Zur Erstinbetriebnahme und nach làngerenStilístandzeiten muB die Pumpe mit
Flussigkeit aufgefúllt werden. Schon wenige Umdrehungen ohne Flussigkeit
kõnnen den Stator beschãdigen. Aus diesem Grunde ist vor Inbetriebnahme
zur Schmierung von Stator und Rotor das Sauggehàuse mit Wasser oder
Fõrderflússigkeit aufzufallen. Nach làngerem Stillstand, d.h. wenn zu vermuten
ist, daB die Restflússigkeit in der Pumpe verdunstet ist, oder nach einer Repa-
ratur, ist der Auffúllvorgang zu wiederholen.
Nach dem Auffúllen arbeitet die Pumpe selbstansaugend. Ein Entlúften ist
nicht erforderlich, da ohne weiteres ein Flússigkeits-Gasgemisch gefõrdert
werden kann.
Demontage der Exzentemehneckenpumpe
Vor Beginn der Demontage sind folgende Arbeite durchzufahren
- Stromzufúhrungskabel zum Motor abklemmen. Moto darf sich nicht einschal-
ten lassen.
- Alie Absperrorgane in der Zulauf- und Druckleitun mussen geschlossen sein.
- Die Fõrderflússigkeit aus dem Sauggehàuse ablas sen. Hierzu
VerschluBschraube (502) herausschrau ben.
Hinweis: Auffangbehãlter benutzen.
- Berúhrungsschutz abbauen.
- Zulauf- und Druckleitung sowie sàmtliche Hilfsrohr leítungen abbauen.
- Schrauben an den PumpenfuBen lõsen und heraus schrauben.
Ausbau des Stators
- Seckskantmuttern (609) und Scheiben (610) von den Spannschrauben (611)
- Druckgehãuse (504) abziehen.
- Spannschrauben (611) entfernen.
- Stator (402) vom Rotor (401) abziehen.
Hinweis: Bei Schwergãngigkeit Stator (402) mit Kettenzange gleichzeitig dre-
hen. Hierzu Antriebswelle 118 bzw. Steckwelle 125 festsetzen.
Einbau des Stators
- Stator (402) und Rotor (401) vor dem Aufziehen mit Gleitmittel
(Silikonõl, Polydiol, Schmierseife oder ãhnlichem) einstreichen.
ACHTUNG Kein normales Õl verwenden.
- Stator (402) auf den Rotor (401) aufziehen. Hinweis: Bei Schwergãngigkeit Sta-
tor (402) mit Kettenzange gleichzeitig drehen. Hierzu Antriebswelle (118) bzw.
Steckwelle (125) festsetzen.
- Druckgehãuse (504), Stator (402), Sauggehàuse (505) und Lagersockel (110)
bzw. Laternensockel (122) mit den Spannschrauben (611) und Sechskantmut-
tern (609) verschrauben.
Hinweis: Vor dem Festziehen der Sechskantmuttern (609), AnschluBflansch des
Sauggehàuses (505) ausrichten. Auf richtige Lage der Anschlússe im Stopf-
buchsgeháuse (204). achten. MNT-NPa500-593-001
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Ausbau der Packungsstopfbuch»
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- Selbstsichernde Sechskantmutter (202) entfernen und Stopfbuchsbrille (203)

- Stopfbuchsgeháuse (204) von Antriebswelle (118) bzw. Steckwelle (125) ab-
- Stopfbuchspackung (207) einschlieBlich Spúlring (208) aus dem Stopfbuch-
sgeháuse (204) herausnehmen.
Einbau der Packungsstopfbuchse
- Stopfbuchsgeháuse (204) auf die Steckwelle (125) bzw. auf die Antriebswelle
(118) schieben.
- Stopfbuchspackung (207) einschlieBlich
Filling the pump wíth fluld
The pump must not run dryl
For initial start-up and after prolonged standstills, the pump must
be filied with fluid.
Already a few rotations without fluid may damage the stator.
Therefore, prior to starting, the suction casing must be filied with water or fluid
to be handled to lubricate stator and rotor. After an extended standstill, i.e. if
it must be assumed that the residual liquid in the pump has evaporated or af-
ter a repair, the filling process must be repeated. After filling, the pump oper-
ates self-priming. Venting is not required as a liquid/gas mixture can easily be
handled. Dismounting the eccentric screw pump Prior to cohimencing the
dismounting, the following operations must be performed:
- Pinch off power supply cable to the motor. Motor must not be capable of
being started.
- AH stop valves in the suction and pressure pipeline must be closed.
- Drain the fluid to be pumped from the suction casing. For these purposes,
screw out screw plug (502).
Note: Use collecting tank.
- Dismount supply and pressure pipeline as well as ali auxiliary pipelines.
- Loosen screws at the pump feet, and screw out.

Dismounting the stator

- Removehexagonnuts (609) and washers(610)fromthe clamp bolts(611).
- Withdraw pressure casing (504).
- Remove clamp bolts (611).
- Withdraw stator (402) from the rotor (401).
Note: In case of stiffness, simultaneously turn stator (402) by means of chain
tongs. For these purposes, fix pump shaft (125).
Mounting the stator
-Priorto mounting, coat stator (402)and rotor(401) with a sliding compound
(silicon oil, Poiydiol, soft soap or the like).
ATTENTION Do not use normal oil.
-Mount stator (402) on the rotor (401).
Note: In case of stiffness, simultaneously turn stator (402) by means of chain
tongs. For these purposes, fix pump shaft (125).
-Screw up pressure casing (504), stator (402) and suction casing
08/01/2010 with the clamp bolts (611) and hexagon nuts (609). In doing
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so, uniformly tighten hexagon screws.
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Dismounting the stuffing box

-Remove hexagon nut (202), and remove gland (203).
-Withdraw shaft sealing housing (204) from the pump shaft (1
-Remove stuffing box packing (207) including flushing ring.(208),
from the shaft sealing housing (204).
Mounting the stuffing box
Push shaft sealing housing (204) ontothe pump shaft (125). Including flushing
ring (208) mount stuffing box packing (207) into the shaft sealing housing

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3-Wee-Kobenventil / 3-way piston valve -PKV40.3-0.2 R 3/4" valve 2-Wege-Kobenventil / 2-way piston valve PKV40.3-0 R3/4"
Pos. Stck. Benennung descri btion Pos. Stck. Benennung describtion
ite qty. item qty.
01 01 Ventilgehâuse valve body 1-F-3/4" 01 01 Ventilgehâuse valve body Dn 3/4"
1.10 01 Ventilunterteil valve lower part 1-F-3/4" 02 01 Zylinderhúlse cylinder 4-PKV.3-1.0
02 01 Unterteil lower part 4-PKV 40.3-2.1 03 01 Zylinderdeckel cylinder cover 4-PKV.3-2.0
03 01 Zylinder oylinder 4-PKV 40.3-1.1 04 01 Kolben piston 4-PKV40.3-5.0
04 01 Kolben piston 4-PKV 40.3-5.1 05 01 Spindel mit Kegel spindle with 4-PKV40.3-4.0
05 01 Ventilspindel valve spindle 4-PKV 40.3-4.1 06 01 Druckfeder pressure spring 6-D-273-B

06 01 Ventilkegel valve cone 4-PKV 40.3-3.1 07 01 Sechskantmutter hexagon nut 7-M-6-934

07 02 O-Ring o-ring 7-OR-29-3 08 01 Scheibe washer 8-11-6,4
10 01 Druckfeder pressure spring 10-D273B 09 01 O-Ring o-ring 9-OR-3-3770
13 01 Sechskantmutter hexagon nut 13-M6-934 10 01 Ventildichtung valve gasket 10-
14 01 Unterlegscheibe washer 14-6,4 11 01 Nutring groove ring 11-S-8-8
15 01 O-Ring o-ring 15-OR-34-3 12 01 O-Ring o-ring 12-OR-40-1,5-3770
16 01 Nutring groove ring 16-S8-8 13 01 O-Ring o-ring 13-OR-6-1,5-3770
17 01 O-Ring o-ring 17-OR-40-1.5
18 01 O-Ringo-ring 18-OR-6-1.5

3-Wecle-Koberventil / 3-way piston valve4-PKV40.2-0.62b DN 25 / 32 322-Wege -Kobenventil / 2-way piston valve 4-PKV40.2-0.72
DN 25 / 32
Pos. Stck. Benennung describtion Pos. Stck. Benennung describtion
item qty. item qty.
01 01 Ventilgehâuse valve body 6-RV-PKV0.7C 01 01 Ventilgehâuse valve body 1-ADN-20

02 01 oberer Ventilsitz upper valve 6-RV-4.3 03.1 01 Kegelspindel kpl. spindel cpl. 6-DG-3.1e 4-
seat PKV40.2-4.20
03.1 01 Kegel cone 6-RG-3.1d 03.2 01 Sechskantschraube hexagon 3.2M-5-10-933-NIRO
03.2 02 Weichdichtung softseal 6-RG-3.1d 07 01 Flachdichtung gasket 7-ADN-20
03.3 01 Scheibe washer 6-RG-3.1d 08 01 Deckelflansch cover flange 4-PKV40.2-3.10a
03.4 01 Scheibe washer 6-RG-3.1d 10 01 Zylinder 4-PKV40.2-1.7
04 01 unterer Ventilsitz lower valve seat 14 01 Kolben piston 4-PKV40.2-5.2
05 01 Kegelspindel spindle 4-PKV40.24.11 15 01 Fuhrungsbuchse guiding bush 4-PKV32.1-2
10 01 Zylinderhúlse cylinder 4-PKV40.2-1.7 24 01 Feder spring 24-D-299
14 01 Kolben piston 4-PKV40.2-5.2 25 01 O-Ring o-ring 25-OR-34-3-3770
15 01 Fuhrungsbuchse guiding bush 4-PKV32.1-2 26 01 Stangendichtung groove ring 26-S-8-14
23 01 O-Ring o-ring 23-OR-6-2- 28 01 Sicherungsring circlip 28-23-1.2-472
24 01 Feder spring 24-D-299 29 01 Stutzscheibe washer 29-SS-16-22-1 5-988
25 01 O-Ring o-ring 25-OR-34-3- 30 04 Innensechskantschraube sock- 30-M-10-25-912
3770 et head cap screw
26 01 Stangendichtung groove ring 26-S-8-14 33 01 Sechskantmutter hexagon nut 33-M-10-934-NIRO
28 01 Sicherungsring circlip 28-J-23-1.2-
29 01 Stutzscheibe washer 29-SS-16-22-
33 01 Sechskantmutter hexagon nut 33-M-10-934
Sechskantmutter hexagon nut 34-M-8-934
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Teil-Nr Benennunq Stuck Part No. Denomination

122 Laternensockel 1 122 Lantern bracket 1
123 Mitnehmerstift 1 123 Driving pin 1
125 Steckwelle R 1 125 Pump shaft R 1
141 Schmierpaste R,r 1 141 Lubricating paste R, r 1
201 Hammerkopfschraube 2 201 Hammer head screw 2
202 selbstsichernde Mutter 2 202 Self-locking nut 2
203 Stopfbuchsbrille 1 203 Gland 1
204 Stopfbuchsgehãuse 1 204 Shaft sealing housing 1

207 Stopfbuchspackung R, r 207 Stuffing box packing R, r

208 SpQIring 1 208 Flushing ring 1
209 Sperrkammerring 1 209 Sealing chamber ring 1

212 VerschluBschraube 1 212 Screw plug 1

213 Dichtring 1 213 Jointring 1
214 Gleitringdichtungsgehãuse 1 214 Mechanical seal housing 1

219 Gleitringdichtung R 1 219 Mechanical seal

R 1
220 Sicherungsstift 1 220 Locking pin 1

301 Gelenkbolzen R, r 2 301 Joint bolt R, r

302 Gelenkbuchse R,r 2 302 Joint bush R, r
303 Buchse fur Gelenkbolzen R, r 4 303 Bush for joint bolt
R, r 4
304 Gelenkhulse 2 304 Joint sleeve 2
305 GelenkOI R,r 305 Joint oil R, r
306 Gelenkschellen R, r 4 306 Joint clamps
R, r 4
307 Gelenkwelle R, r 1 307 Joint shaft R, r
308 Gelenkmanschette R/r 2 308 Joint collar R, r

401 Rotor R, r 1 401 Rotor

R, r 1
DIGTECH Stator R, r 1 402 Stator
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403 Statorabdichtung druckseitig R,r 1 403 Stator gasket outlet side

R, r 1
404 Statorabdichtung saugseitig R,r 1 404 Stator gasket suction side
R, r 1

501 DichtungfurSauggehâuse R, r 1 501 Gasket for suction casing

R, r 1
502 Verschlufischraube 1 502 Screw plug 1
503 Dichtring 1 503 Joint ring 1
504 Druckgehãuse 1 504 Pressure casing 1
505 Sauggehâuse 1 505 Suction casing 1
506 Sauggehausedeckei 2 506 Suction casing cover 2
507 Dichtung R 2 507 Gasket
R 2
508 Stiftschraube 8 508 Stud bolt 8
509 Mutter 8 509 Nut 8
510 Fâcherscheibe 8 510 Fan-type lock washer 8

601 Typenschild 1 601 Type plate 1

602 Halbrundkerbnagel 4 602 Round head grooved pin 4
603 Hinweisschild Inbetriebnahme 1 603 Information plate Commissioning 1
604 Hinweisschild Saug 1 604 Information plate Suction 1
605 Hinweisschild Druck 1 605 Information plate Pressure 1
606 Sechskantschraube 4 606 Hexagon screw 4
607 Sechskantmutter 4 607 Hexagon nut 4
608 Fâcherscheibe 4 608 Fan-type lock washer 4
609 Sechskantmutter 4 609 Hexagon nut 4
610 Scheibe 4 610 Washer 4
611 Spannschraube 4 611 Clampbolt 4
Empfohlene Ersatzteile: R = groller Reparatursatz Recommended spare parts R = large repair set
r = kleiner Reparatursatz < = small repair set

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Picture 1: Typical new Fine-Separation Cartridge DVZ-FSC

The fine-separation-cartridge DVZ-FSC is a product of DVZ-SERVICES GmbH

and is developed especially for the new generation of oily water separator
DVZ FSU-"OILCHIEF", manufactured according to the IMO Res. MEPC 107 (49)
(Picture 1).

The fine-separation-cartridge DVZ-FSC is a consumer qoods. has a spe-

cial Filter-Material filling and it is possible to store it over a long time. This car-
tridge filter is one time useable and has not to be ooened. It must be
changed completelv.

The lífe time of this cartridge filter is depends on the contamination levei and
the amount of wastewater (flow).

The following parameters can limit the lifetime of Fine-Separation Cartridge


1. It can be blocked mechanically because of all different types of solids like

Jron-Oxide (rust), sand, etc. The filtration mesh size is about um. In the other
way it is not possible to keep the IMO standard. Therefore the system will
switch off, if the pressure less be more than 2, 5 bar.

Picture 2: Typical Fine-Separation Cartridge DVZ-FSC pollution because of me-

chanical blocking with rust particles on the filter surface
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Notiece: DVZ-FSU OILCHIEF FSC has an extremely mechanical, filtration, cha-

racteristic. If it be used during the ship construction period it can be blcked
immediately mainly because of rust and the other solids ( Picture 2). This car-
tridge filters (FSC) shall not be used as wastewater treatment system or
pumping out different washing wastewaters.

Please respect that, if the oil separator be used for treating the other waste-
watersorliquids ( out of IMO- Resolution), company will have no responsibility
about the performance quaratee. Especially in this case, it is possible that the
Oil – Monitor shows the wrong measured value because the Oil – Monitor is
calibrated for oil in oily water.

The most problem will be produced in oil monitor by rusty-water especially durino the
varri-tim* and in the first operation period. It is not only a big problem for the cartridge
filter, but also for the Oil-Monitor because rusty waste water also will coat the cell glass
surface and destroy the calibration.

2. Loading with oil will happen because of oil adsorption (emulsified or non-emulsified)
with the filling material of cartridge filter. This filter will adsorb the oil, till the time that
the Oil-Monitor (OMD) shows 15 ppm, in this moment, the oil monitor switched the 3-
way-valve in position back to the bilge and after an adjusted time ( for example 10
sec.) If the water quality do not became better, the Oil-Monitor will sent alarm. At this
time, the fine filter has to be changed (Picture 3-a &b).

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Niveau-Sonden dienen in Verbindung mit Transistor-Steuerrelais Type GT 76 und
ER 76 zur automatischen Kontrolle und Regelung leitfahiger Rússigkeitsstànde.

Sobald die Flussigkeit die Elektroden benetzt, entsteht je nach Arbeitsweise eine
eitende Verbindung von der Masseelektrode zu den anderen Elektroden oder
von den Elektroden zum Behalter.

So kónnen zum Beispiel

- minimale oder maximale Fullstànde in Behãltem uberwacht
-Pumpen vor Trockenlauf geschutzt
-Õl-Wasserschichten in die Komponenten Õl und Wasser in DVZ-Separatoren ge-
trennt werden.
Technische Daten / Technical Data
Anzahl der Elektroden / Number of Electrodes:
Betriebsdruck/Operating Pressure:
El. AnschluS / Electrical Connection:
Max. Mediumtemperatur / Max. permissible liquid temperature:
Werkstoffe/ Construction Materials
Elektrodenkopf / Body:
DIGTECH / Electrodes:
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Max. Elektrodenlànge / Max. Length of Electrodes: Página 113/137
Einschraubzapfen / Threaded Stem:
Navio Macaé Manual do Separador de Água e Óleo 114

In connection with transistorized relays type GT 76 these level sensors are used to
monitor and/or control conductive liquids.
In case of a rising level in the vessel, the liquid will co electrodes and will form a
conductive connection the grounded electrode and the measuring electrodes
measuring electrodes and the wall of the vessel, n the operating mode.
The minimum required conductivity of the liquid is 5 uS.

The NK06 in connection with the GT 76 or ER 76 can.
- monitor the liquid level in vessels for minimum or in. value
– prevent pumps from running dry
– Detect the interface level between
oil and water in DVZ-separators.
10 bar
IP 65
Connector acc. to DIN 43 650 with GL - approval
60 °C

Messing / Brass
Stainless Steel 1.4305
1000 mm
G 1" male

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Das Steuerrelais GT 76 / ER 76 kann in Verbindung mit der Niveau-Sonde NK
06zur automatischen Kontrolle und Regelung von Fúllstãnden eingesetzt wer-
Fullstandsrelais der Type GT 76 / ER 76 arbeiten als Intervallrelais.
Die Ansteuerung erfolgt durch das Médium úber die Sonden Typ NK06, wobei
die Eingangsempfindlichkeit im Bereich von 0-200
kOhm liegt.
Um ein einwandfreies Schalten des Relais zu gewãhrleisten, darf die Leitfáhigkeit
von 5 uS nicht unterschritten werden.
Durch das Médium flieBt bei Kontaktgabe eine echte Wechselspannung, wo-
durch eine galvanische Abtragung des Sondenmaterials verhindert wird.
Je nach Anwendungsfall, Einsatzort sowie órtlichen Betriebsbestimmungen kann
das Bezugspotential der Steuerelektroden sowohl durch eine gemeinsame Elek-
trode oder durch das Behãltnis selbst gestellt werden.
Nach Montage und elektr. AnschluB von Relais und Sonde wird das Relais au-
tomatisch in Arbeitsposition gesetzt.
Wird der durch den mechanischen Aufbau der Sonde vorgegebene Fúllstand
durch das Niveau des Mediums erreicht, so schaltet das Ausgangsrelais in Ru-
hestellung. Dieser Zustand bleibt solange erhalten, bis der vom mech. Aufbau
der Sonde vorgegebene min. Fúllstand erreicht ist; d.h. beim Erreichen des min.
Fúllstandes wird das Relais neu gesetzt.
Bei Ausfall der Versorgungsspannung, bei einem Defekt im Steuerrelais oder bei
Unterbrechung der MeBleitung geht die Anlage in einen ungefàhrlichen Zus-
tand; d.h.: ein Uberfúllen des Behàlters ist nicht mòglich.
Technische Daten / Technical Data
Betriebsspannung / Power supply: Eingangsempfindlichkeit / Input sensitivity:
Schaltungsfunktion / Operating mode: Kontaktausgang / Output contact:
max. Lastdaten / Contact rating: Schaltzustandsanzeige / Indication of contact
status: Gehàuse / Casing: Einsatzbereich / Applications:

The Control relay GT 76 / ER 76 can be used together with the levei sensor 6N for
automatic monitoring and/or control
of liquid leveis.
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Levei relays type GT 76 / ER 76 operate as three point controllers with an input
sensitivity in the range from 0-200 kQ. They are operated via a sensor type 6 N
by the rising and/or falling levei of the process médium. To ensure a correct op-
eration of the system, a minimum conductivity of 5 nS is required. The current
flowing through the médium is a real AC, therefore there will be no galvanic
erosion of the electrodes. The reference potential may be either a common
electrode or the vessel depending on the application, on the location and on
the local operating procedures. When the system is powered up after comple-
tion of the electrical installation the relay will automatically be set to its "ener-
gized" condition. When the liquid levei reaches the maximum setpoint, which is
predetermined by the mechanical construction of the sensor, the relay will
change contact status and go into the "deenergized" condition. This condition
will remain until the minimum setpoint is reached, which again is predetermined
by the mechanical construction of the levei sensor. Upon reaching the minimum
setpoint, the relay will reset to the "deenergized" condition. A power loss, a de-
tective control relay or an interuption of the sensor lines will cause the system to
fail to the safe position; i.e. an overfilling of the vessel is impossible.

24 V, 50Hz
0 - 200 k Ohm
Intervallausfuhrung (3-Punkt-Regelung) / 3-point control potentialtreier Um-
schaltkontakt / Potential free toggle contact U = 250 V,l = 2 A, P = 250 VA / 50 W
Schienenaufbau / Rail mounting 60x 70x 110 auf allen Schiffen nach Richtli-
nien des Germanischen Lloyd, sonst nach òrtlichen Vorschriften On ali ships
according to GL regulations, otherwise acc. to local rules and standards.

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Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise dieser Betriebsanleitung, damit das Geràt ein-
wandfrei funktioniert und lange einsatzfáhig bleibt:

• Halten Sie sich bei der Einsatzplanung und dam Betrieb desGerãtes an die all-
gemeinen Regeln der Technik!
• Treffen Sie geeignete MaSnahmen, um unbeabsichtigtes Betàtigen oder un-
zulãssige Beeintrachtigung auszuschlieGben!
• Beachten Sie, daS in Systemen, die unter Druck stehen, Leitungen und Ventile
nicht gelõst werden dúrfen!
• Schalten Sie vor Eingriffen in das System in jedem Fali die Spannung ab!
• Bei Nichtbeachtung dieser Hinweise sowie bei unzulãssigen Eingriffen in das
Gerãt entfàllt jegiiche Haftung unsererseits, ebenso erlischt die Garantie auf
Gerâte u. Zubehórteile!
• Achtung! Die Oberflãche des Elektromagneten kann bei Dauerbetrieb sehr heiS
werden. Verletzungsgefahr!
Modular aufgebautes, direktwirkendes 3/2-Wege-Ventil mit tibergesteckter
Spule fur Rohr- oder Flanschanschluli

• Spule in 4 x 90° Schritten arretierbar, dazwischen um das Kernfuhrungsrohr be-

liebig positionierbar
• Anzugsdrehmoment der Befestigungsmutter: max. 5 Nm
• Beliebige Einbaulage, vorzugsweise mit Magnetsystem oben
• Wirkungsweise C: in Ruhestellung P geschlossen, A entliiftet
• Wirkungsweise D: in Ruhestellung P mit B verbunden
• H/ledien: Neutrale Gase und Flussigkeiten, die Gehãuse- und Dichtwerkstoff
nicht angreifen
• Zulàssiger Temperaturbereich des Mediums: -10°Cbis 100 °C
• Max. Umgebungstemperatur: +55°C
• Die Gehàuseanschlússe sind kompatibel zu den Vorgãngertypen 311 und 312
Spannung, elektrische Leistung, Druckbereich und Nennweite entnehmen Sie
dem Typenschild. Spannungstoieranz: ±10 %
• Elektrischer AnschluB: Gerãtesteckdose Typ 2508 an AnschluBsteckerfàhne der
Spule; Drehmoment zur Befestigung: 1 Nm
Achten Sie beim Verschrauben der Gerãtesteckdose mit der Spule auf ein-
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Eingriffe diirfen nur durch Fachpersonal und mit geeignetem Werkzeug erfolgen!
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• Sãubern Sie vor Montage des Ventils die Rohrleitungen!

• Schalten Sie gegebenenfalls zum Schutz vor Stórungen einen
• Nehmen Sie zur Montage von Flanschanschlússen die Spule ab. Beachten Sie
die DurchfluBrichtung!
• Dichten Sie das Gewinde mit PTFE-Band ab.
• Verwenden Sie die Spule oder das Kernfúhrungsrohr auf keinen Fali ais Hebel,
wenn Sie die Rohmnschlússe einschrauben!
• Verspannen Sie das Ventilgehàuse beim Einbau nicht!
• Stõrungen kõnnen durch Verschmutzung, KurzschluB und Spannungs-
unterbrechungen entstehen.
• Achtung! Festsitzender Kern bewirkt bei Wechselspannung (AC)
• Úberprufen Sie bei Stórungen Leitungsanschlússe, Spannungen und Betrieb-
• Ersatzteile: Bitte bestellen Sie Spule oder Armatur komplett unter Angabe der
Ident-nummer des Gerâtes It. Typenschild, z. B. Spulensatz furTyp 6014 Ident-
nummer XXX XXXX

Please observe the information in these operating instructions, to ensure that

the unit functions satisfactorily and remains serviceable for a long period:

• When planning the application of the device, and during its operation, observe
the general technical rules!
• Take suitable measures to prevent unintentional operation or impermissible im-
• Note that lines and valves must not be unscrewed from systems that are under
• Always switch off the voltage supply before working on the system!
• If this information is ignored, or if unauthorised work is carried out on the device,
we will not accept liability of any kind, and the warranty will no longer be valid
for the unit and its accessories!
• Waming! The surface of the electromagnet can become very hot during con-
tinuous operation. Danger of Injury!
Modular construction, direct-acting 3/2-way valve with pushover coil for pipe
or flange connection
• Coil lockable in 4 x 90° steps, positioned anywhere in between around arma-
ture guide tube
• Tightening torque for mounting nut: max. 5 Nm
• Installation as required, preferably with solenoid system on top
• Function C: in off-position P closed, A released
• Function D: in off-position P connected with B
• Media: neutral gases and fluids, which do not attack the housing and sealing
• Permissible temperature of médium: -10°Cto 100 °C
• Max. ambient temperature: +55°C
• Port connections compatible with preceding types 311 and 312
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Voltage, electrical power, pressure range and nominal diameter are specified
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on the rating plate. Voltage tolerance: ±10%
Navio Macaé Manual do Separador de Água e Óleo 119

• Electrical connection: unit socket type 2508 to tag connector of coil; fixing tor-
que: 1 Nm
• When screwing down the unit socket onto the coil, ensure that the flat seal is
well seated!

Work on the unit must only be performed by skilled personnel using suitable too
• Clean the pipe runs before fitting the valve!
• Fit a strainer if necessary as protection against faults.
• Remove the coil when fitting flange connections
• Observe the direction of flow!
• Seal the thread with PTFE tape.
• Never use the valve orthe armature guide tube as a lever when screwing in the
pipe connections!
•Do not subject the valve housing to stress when fittings!
• Faults can be caused by dirt, short-circufts or interruptions in the voltage.
• Caution! With an AC supply the coil can overheat d the core is stuck!
• In the event of fault, check the port connections, voltages and
i operating pressures.
• Spare parts: Please order coils or armatures complete, quoting
the ident. number of the device according to the rating plate; a. g.,
coil set for Type 6014 Id. No. XXX XXX X

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Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise dieser Betriebsanleitung, damit das Gerãt ein-
wandfrei funktioniert und lange einsatzfàhig bleibt:
• Halten Sie sich bei der Einsatzplanung und dam Betrieb desGeràtes an die all-
gemeinen Regeln derTechnik!
• Treffen Sie geeignete Ma&nahmen, um unbeabsichtigtes Betàtigen oder un-
zulãssige Beeintrachtigung auszuschlieÊben!
• Beachten Sie, daS in Systemen, die unter Druck stehen, Leitungen und Ventile
nicht gelóst werden dúrfen!
• Schalten Sie vor Eingriffen in das System in jedem Fali die Spannung ab!
• Bei Nichtbeachtung dieser Hinweise sowie bei unzulãssigen Eingriffen in das
Gerát entfállt jegiiche Haftung unsererseits, ebenso erlischt die Garantie auf
Gerãte u. Zubehõrteile!
• Achtung! Die Oberflàche des Elektromagneten kann bei Dauerbetrieb sehr
heiB werden. Verletzungsgefahr!
Eingriffe diirfen nur durch Fachpersonal und mit geeignetem Werkzeug erfol-
• Sãubern Sie vor Montage des Ventils die Rohrleitungen!
• Schalten Sie gegebenenfalls zum Schutz vor Stõrungen einen Schmutzfànger
• Nehmen Sie zur Montage von Flanschanschlússen die Spule ab. Beachten Sie
die DurchfluGrichtung!
• Dichten Sie das Gewinde mit PTFE-Band ab.
• Verwenden Sie die Spule oder das Kernfúhrungsrohr auf keinen Fali ais Hebel,
wenn Sie die Rohmnschlússe einschrauben!
• Verspannen Sie das Ventilgehàuse beim Einbau nicht!
• Stõrungen kónnen durch Verschmutzung, KurzschluS und Spannungs-
unterbrechungen entstehen.
• Achtung! Festsitzender Kern bewirkt bei Wechselspannung (AC) Spulenúberhit-
• Uberprúfen Sie bei Stõrungen Leitungsanschlússe, Spannungen und Betrieb-
Ersatzteile: Bitte bestellen Sie Spule oder Armatur komplett unter Angabe der
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Replacement components for 15ppm Bilge Alarms.

AH monitore in our range are inspected and tested to the related IMO. re-
quirements at our factories prior to delivery.
In normal use the units should operate correctly and without fault overa long
period of time requiring only small amounts of maintenance to be carried
out as outlined in the instruction manuais.
Service Exchange Units
In the event of a monitor malfunction due to electrical or electronic oompo-
nent failure it is our recommendation that a service exchange unit be or-
The detective instrument should be returned to our works within 30 days of
DIGTECH the service exchange unit, then only the repair charge is payable.
Otherwise the whole cost of a serviceMNT-NPa500-593-001
exchange unit becomes payable.Página 125/137

This procedure is by far the easiest and most cost effective way of ensuring
Navio Macaé Manual do Separador de Água e Óleo 126

the monitor on board conforms to I.M.O. resolution MEPC.107(49).

According the MEPC. 107(49) §4.2.11 the unit has to be checked at IOPP
Certificate renewal survey by the manufacturei orpersons authorized by the
manufacturer. Alternatively the unit may be replaced by a calibrated 15
ppm Bilge Alarm. The OMD-2005 is designed in that way, that only the mea-
suring cell needs to be changed, as this unit carry the calibration onboard.
The Calibration Certificate with the date of the last calibration check should
be retained onboard for inspection purposes.
If for some reasons the computer unit needs to be changed, it has to make
sure, that the memory card will remain on board for at least 18 month. The
new computer unit will carry its own memory card. The old card can be insert
into the new unit only for reading. Writing

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is only possible with the card delivered with the new computer unit. 1.0

The OMD-2005 Bilge Alarm Unit has been designed specifically for use in con-
junction with 15 ppm oil-water separator units and has a specification and
performance which exceeds the requirements of the International Maritime
Organization specifications for 15ppm Bilge Alarms contained in Resolution
MEPC. 107 (49).
The unit is supplied with 2 works-adjusted alarms at 15 ppm. Otherset points
(10 ppm or5 ppm) are possible and can be adjusted on site at any time by
using the buttons at the front panei.
If an alarm set point is exceed, the alarms are visible at the front panei and
the appropriate relays are switched. In case of malfunction the System LED at
the front panei will change from blinking green to permanent red and the
appropriate relay will switch the contacts.
For the data logging function the unit requires an status input from the separa-
tor and a feedback signal from the valve position limit switch.
Furthermore a 0(4) - 20 mA (equal to 0 - 30 ppm) signal output is available for
driving a recorder or externai meter.


a)This equipment must be installed and operated in strict accordance with

the instructions contained in this manual. Failure to do so will impairthe
protection provided.
b)Installation and servicing must be undertaken by a competent and suitable
skilled person.
c)The equipment must be connected to the ground according relevant re-
d)The unit must be isolated from the electrical supply before any mainten-
ance of the equipment is attempted.
e)AH National or local codes of practice or regulations must be observed and,
where applicable, are deemed to take precedence over any directive or in-
formation contained in this manual.
f) In case of freezing conditions the measuring cell should be emptied com-


3.1Measuring Principie
An optical sensor array measure a combination of light scattered and ab-
sorbed by oil droplets in the sample stream. The sensor signals are then
processed by a microprocessor to produce linearised output.
If an alarm (works set point 15 ppm) occurs, the two oil alarm relays are acti-
vated after the adjusted time delay. MNT-NPa500-593-001
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The microprocessor continuously monitors the condition of the sensor compo-
Navio Macaé Manual do Separador de Água e Óleo 128

nents and associated electronics to ensure that calibration accuracy is main-

tained over time and extremes of environmental conditions.

3.3 Adjustment
The unit is delivered with a works calibration according the IMO-
requirements. The alarm points are set to 15 ppm.
The "Zero" point is also works calibrated and can be re-adjusted on site by us-
ing the programming mode and clean water. See Section 10.4 "Service-
Offset". A calibration is not permitted. This has to be done according IMO
Regulations by the manufacturer or persons authorized by the manufacturer.

3.4 Displays and Alarms

In the unit are two independent oil alarm circuits available. Both can be set
separately from 1 to 15 ppm. From the manufacturing both alarms are set to
15 ppm (according IMO). The set points can be changed according to the
requirements on site, for example to 10 ppm or 5 ppm. An alarm point setting
above 15 ppm is not possible. The adjustment can be done in the program-
ming mode as described in Section 4.1.
In this mode also the individual adjustment of the time delays for the alarms
and the possible changing between 0-20 mA or 4 - 20 mA output can be
Both alarm circuits are also related to an alarm LED on the front panei.
In case of malfunction the "System" LED will indicate any type of internai fault
of the unit. This LED is flashing green in normal conditions and is red in alarm
conditions. Also this alarm is related to an relay output.
Additional to the alarm LED's each alarm Circuit is equipped with a relay with
potential free alarm contacts. These contacts can be used for externai
processing of the signal or for control of further functions.
If a malfunction or failure of the power supply occurs, ali 3 relays will switch to
alarm condition.

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4.0 Functional Tests

a)Run oil free water through the instrument to purge the system.
b)Adjust the flow rate through the unit by using the small screws in the cell
cap. Taking out a screw will increase the flow rate.
NB: The flow rate should be checked on both, the clean water supply and
the separator sample supply. If the clean water supply is obtained from a
high pressure source, the flow rate will be higher than from the sample
The flow rate is not influencing the accuracy of the instrument. The adjust-
ment is only important for the time delay between the sample point and the
c ) Switch on the instrument and make sure, that the Power LED is illuminated
and the display is showing the initializing display for about 15 sec. After that
time it will change to the standard display, showing the actual measure-

d ) During oil free water is running through the monitor check the Zero ad-
justment according Section 11. The display should be "0" to "2" and the status
will show "FW". If the display varies by greater amounts, it may be that air en-
trainment is present. If this is the case, -the cause must be located and
e) If the Zero need to be adjusted, this can be done in the programming
mode as described in section 4.4. (Service - Offset)
4.1 Programming Mode
In the programming mode the alarm set points, the time delays, the signal
output and the zero can be modified. It is also possible to recall the factory
default values at any time. The clock is factory set for GMT, Greenwich Mean
Time, and cannot be changed.
There are 8 push buttons to contrai the functions of the display. In general
are the upper buttons for the data logger and the lower buttons for chang-
ing the display to the different pages of the menu.

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a)Switch on the power supply.

b)Allowa period of time for water entering the sample tube.
c)Flow oii free water through the system for a few minutes and check that the
display show 0 to 2 ppm. If not, clean proper before adjusting the unit.
d)Switch the instrument sample supply from the clean water supply to the se-
parator sampling point connection.
e)The instrument is now ready for use.
5.1 Operator Notes
When oily water flows through the instrument the display will show the actual
value of oil content.
If the oil concentration exceeds the adjusted threshold (works adjustment 15
ppm), the alarm indicator 1 will be illuminated in intervals during the selected
time delay before it change to steady light and the associated alarm relay
will operate. Accordingly also the alarm indicator 2 will be illuminated and its
associated alarm relay will take the appropriate shut down action.
See Section 2 for important notes. AT WEEKLY INTERVALS:
a) Flush the cell with oil free water.
b) Isolate the instrument from both, sample and oil free water supply.
c) Unscrew and remove the cell cap.
d) Insert a suitable Cell Cleaning brush (Art. No. 30102) into the cell and clean
it with upwards and downwards motion through the entire length of the cell
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several times. Página 132/137
e) Remove the Cell Cleaning brush and replace the cell cap.
Navio Macaé Manual do Separador de Água e Óleo 133

f) Reconnect the oil free water supply and allow this to flow through the in-
strument for a few minutes.
g) Observe that the display is showing "0" to "2". If not, clean again.
h) Examine the color of the desiccator. Blue color is indicating an active
moisture absorber. If the color is light blue or white, the desiccator should be
The desiccator assures a humidity below 40% inside the measuring cell to
avoid wrong measurement resutting due to condensation at the cell glass
tube and damage of the electronics around the glass tube. The replace-
ment is easy done without opening the instrument. Just unscrew the old de-
siccator out of the front panei and replace it by a new one. The protection
cap of the spare unit can

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be also used as a tool.

j) Reconnect the instrument to the separator sampling point.
7.0 Fault finding
See Section 2 for important notes.
The OMD-2005 will indicate several malfunctions in the status line ofthe display.
Pressing the "OK" button will lead into an information window, similar to the
items listed in the table below.

Status Reading System-Alarm-circuit Alarm-circuit 1,2 Reason Servicing

LED Alarm
OK 0..49 Green/ No Normal Normal operation -
Blinking operation

OK EE Green/ No Alarm Sample reading is Wait until oil content is

Blinking out of range: within the range,
Oil content too high, clean sample tube
dirty sample tube
FW! 0..49/EE Green/ No Alarm Freshwater is enabled -
Sample? EE Red/ Yes Alarm Meter is not able to Check sample, clean
Steady measure the sample: sample tube
no water in, oil content
much too high, no
iighttransmission possi-
Com? EE Red/ Yes Alarm No communication Check connection
Steady between computer unit between computer
and measuring cell unit and measuring
Datalog? 0..49/EE Red/ Yes Alarm Datalogging is not Insert the active mem-
Steady possible: no DECKMA ory card
card in
Datalogging is not Insert the active mem-
possible: a read only ory card
card is in
Datalogging is not Activate card or
possible: a new insert the active
DECKMA card is in memory card

Int.Err Red/ Yes Alarm Internai error Restart the system


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7.1 Memory Card (referto Fig. 6)

The Memory Card is located inside the door of the computer housing. It is
suitable for the life of the instrument, as it is calculated to the according MEPC
107(49) required storage time of at least 18 month. When the card is full, the
oldest entry will be overwritten, so that a replacement is not necessary. Under
normal use the card should not be taken out, as this is linked with the specific
system. The card can be read in other OMD-2005 units, but writing is only poss-
ible in the related system.

15 ppm Bilge Alarms built according MEPC.107(49) have to be protected

against access beyond the checks of instrument drift, repeatability of the in-
strument reading and zero adjustment. For this reason the instrument is elec-
tronicalty sealed. so that oniy the manufacturer or his authorized persons,
equipped with the related tools, are able to get access forchanging the cali-
To provide
DIGTECH a simple procedure for check the instrument aboard ship, the
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OMD-2005 is constructed in that way, that the zero check also confirms the
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instrument drift within the specifications.
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8.1 Calibration and repeatability check

a) Switch off the power supply and stop any water flow.
e) Clean the sample tube accurate by using a suitable cell cleaning brush.
Mafce sue, that the oftset ts comect at ± 0.
f) Run clean water through the instrument.
g) If it is sure, that non aerated. clean water is in the instrumert, the imbig
shotfd be 0 ppm ± 2 ppm.

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When ordering spares, it is important to supply details of the type of monitor,

part number of each spare required, its description and any relevant serial
Desiccator 65550
Cell Cleaning Brush 30102
O-Ring Set 75775
Fuse, T2A 40107
Fuse, T 1 A 40105

Measuring Cell with Calibration Certificate 75500/17300

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