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Q3 Grade 8 Week 4

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MATHEMATICS Grade 8 - Regular

School Teaching Dates/ March 8-12, 2021

Teacher Quarter Third


A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of axiomatic structure of
geometry and triangle congruence.

B. Performance Standards
The learner is able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and clarity
in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life problems involving
congruent triangles using appropriate and accurate representations.

C. Learning Competencies
The learner solves corresponding parts of congruent triangles. (M8GE-IIIf-1)

D. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

apply the triangle congruence postulates and theorems in solving corresponding

parts of congruent triangles

Solving corresponding parts of congruent triangles.

Learning Resources
A. References
“Exploring Math 8” pages 329 -336
by: Oronce, Orlando A. and Mendoza, Marilyn O.
“e-math 8” pages 329 - 353
by: Oronce, Orlando A.
“Math Essentials 8 “ pages 291 – 292

B. Other Learning Resources
Math is fun



A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Hello there! How are you?

Before we continue with our lessons for this week, let us try to recall our past lessons.

We have studied that triangles are congruent when all corresponding sides and interior
angles are congruent. The triangles will have the same shape and size, but one may be a
mirror image of the other.
If two triangles are congruent, then each part of the triangle (side or angle) is congruent to
the corresponding part in the other triangle. This is the true value of the concept; once you
have proved two triangles are congruent, you can find the angles or sides of one of them
from the other.

To remember this important idea, some find it helpful to use the acronym CPCTC, which
stands for "Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent".

Two triangles are congruent if they have:

 exactly the same three sides and

 exactly the same three angles.

Example 1: Given that ∆≝≅ ∆ HIG, name all the corresponding congruent parts.


The correspondence of the vertices can be used to name the congruent sides and angles of
the two triangles.

Corresponding Sides Corresponding Angles

DE ≅ HI ∠ D≅∠ H
EF ≅ IG ∠E≅∠I
FD ≅ GH ∠ F ≅ ∠G

Now, it’s your turn. Write your answer on your Math notebook.
Example 2: In the given figure, ∆ JAY ≅ ∆ IAN , name
all the corresponding congruent parts

You should get:

Corresponding Sides Corresponding Angles

JA ≅ IA ∠J ≅ ∠ I
YJ ≅ ¿ ∠Y ≅∠ N

If you get the correct answer, you may now proceed to next part of the discussion.
If not, I am sorry but you have to go back to example 1 and try all over again.

We say that two triangles are congruent if the six corresponding parts are congruent.
However, we also studied other ways on how to prove that the triangles are congruent using the
following postulates / theorem.

Now, it’s your turn. Write your answer on your Math notebook.
Example 3: For each given figure, indicate two congruent triangles and name the

postulate (SAS, ASA, SSS) / theorem (AAS or SAA) that guarantee their congruence.


you get the correct answer, you may now proceed to next part of the discussion.

If not, I am sorry but you have to go back to the example and try all over again.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

In geometry the word congruent is often used as follows. The word equal is often used in place
of congruent for these objects.

• Two line segments are congruent if they have the same length.
• Two angles are congruent if they have the same measure.
By definition, if two triangles are congruent then their corresponding parts are also congruent.
Since a definition is a bi conditional statement, then Corresponding Parts of Congruent
Triangles are Congruent. This statement is abbreviated as CPCTC, since we will use this so
often as reasons in proofs. If we want to show that two segments or two angles are congruent,
we may be able to do so by showing that they are corresponding sides or angles of congruent
triangles. CPCTC can also be used to find the measures of angles and show that lines or
segments are parallel or perpendicular. One way to justify two triangles are congruent is by


- means that we have two triangles where we know two sides and the include angle are

Example1. Show that ∆ ADB ≅ ∆ CDB , t=4
DA = 3t + 1
= 3(4) + 1 Substituting t = 4
= 12 + 1
DA = 13

DC= 4t – 3
= 4(4) -3 Substituting t=4
= 16 -3
DC = 13

m∠ D=2 t 2
= 2(4)2 Substituting t=4
= 2 (16)
m∠ D=32

∠ ADB ≅ ∠CDB Definition of an angle bisector of a triangle

DB ≅ DB Reflexive property of congruence
∆ ADB ≅ ∆ CDB by SAS

Example 2.

Given: ∆ TWO ≅ ∆ SNE , TW ⊥ WO , SN ⊥ EN ,

m∠T =35 ,∧EN =12 cm.
Find: m∠ E∧OW

m∠ S=m∠T =35
m∠ E+m ∠S +¿ m∠ N =180 since the sum of the measures of the angles of a
triangle is 180º
m∠ E=180−( m ∠S+ m∠ N )
= 180 – (35 + 90)
= 180 – 125
= 55
OW =EN =12cm .

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

The Angle Side Angle
Postulate (ASA) says
triangles are congruent if
any two angles and their
included side are equal in
the triangles. An included
side is the side between
two angles.

In the figure above, we have △CAT and △BUG. Notice that ∠C ≅ ∠B and ∠A ≅ ∠U. Also,
AC ≅ UB . Therefore, ∆ CAT ≅ ∆ BUG by ASA Postulate.

We will now use this concept in verifying congruency between two given triangles and
their parts.

Example 1: Given ∆ ABC ≅ ∆ XYZ and AB = 9, YZ = 12 and m∠ B = 55° , find

a. BC = ________
b. XY = ________
c. m∠ Y = _______


Since ∆ ABC ≅ ∆ XYZ, then AB ≅ XY , BC ≅ YZ and ∠ B ≅ ∠ Y .

a. BC = YZ = 12 c. m∠ Y = m∠ B = 55°

b. XY = AB = 9

Example 2: The following triangles are congruent by the ASA Congruence Postulate.
If m∠ A = 60°, m∠ H = (2x – 5)°, m∠ B = (3x – 55)°,
IH = 5y and AB = 3y + 8, find
a. m∠ I = ____
b. m∠ B = ____
c. AB = ______

a. In the given figure, ∠ I ≅ ∠ A , so
m∠I = m∠A = 60°

b. In the given figure, ∠ B ≅ ∠ H , so

m∠B = m∠ H
3x – 55 = 2x – 5 Substitute the given value of ∠ B and ∠ H
3x – 2x – 55 = 2x – 2x – 5 Subtract 2x on both sides of the equation(SPE)
x – 55 = -5 Simplify
x – 55 + 55 = -5 + 55 Apply APE
x = 50 Simplify

Using the obtained value of x, find the m∠ B.

m∠B = 3x – 55
= 3(50) – 55
= 150 – 55
m∠B = 95°

c. In the given figure, IH ≅ AB so

5y = 3y + 8 Substitute the given value of IH and AB
5y – 3y = 3y – 3y + 8 Apply SPE
2y = 8 Simplify
2y 8
= Apply DPE and Simplify
2 2

Using the obtained value of y, find AB

AB = 3y + 8
= 3(4) + 8
= 12 + 8
AB = 20

Now, try on your own. Write your solutions in your Math notebook.

Example 3: Given ∆ RST ≅ ∆ XWY by ASA Postulate.

If m∠ X = 40°, m∠ S = (2x + 35)°, m∠ W = (x + 45)°,
RS = 3y - 4 and XW = y + 10, find
a. m∠ R = ____ d. y = ______
b. x = ____ e. RS = ______
c. m∠ W = ____

You should get:

a. m∠ R = 40° d. y = 7
b. x = 10 e. RS = 17
c. m∠ W = 55°

If your score is at least 3 out of 5, you may proceed to the next part of the discussion. If
not, I’m sorry but you have to go back to the given examples and try again.


D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Angle- Angle-Side Theorem (AAS Theorem)

According to the theorem if two angles and a

non-included side of one triangle are
congruent respectively to the two angles and a
non-included side of another triangle, then the
two triangles are congruent.

In the figure above, we know that ∠ C ≅∠ Z , ∠ A ≅ ∠ X , and AB ≅ XY . Hence, the two

triangles are congruent by AAS Theorem.

We will now use the theorem on the following examples.

Example 1: Given ABC ≅ PQR, m∠ A = 45° , B P

m∠Q = 35° , QR = 20, find

a. m∠ B = _____
45 R
b. m∠ P = _____ A C
c. BC = _____ 35
d. m∠C = _____ Q

In the figure, since ABC ≅ PQR, ∠ A ≅ ∠ P , ∠ B ≅
Q , and BC ≅ QR . Then,
a. m∠ B = m∠Q = 35°
b. m∠ P = m∠ A = 45°
c. BC = QR = 20
d. Since the sum of the interior angles in a triangle is equal to 180°, then
m∠ A+ ¿ m∠ B + m∠C = 180°
45° + 35° + m∠ C = 180°
80° + m∠C = 180°
80° - 80° + m∠ C = 180° - 80° Applying SPE
m∠ C = 100°

Example 2: ABC and  DEF are congruent by the AAS Theorem. If m∠ B = 30°,
m∠ E = (2x – 10)°, m∠ C = (2y + 8)°, m∠ F = 60°,
AB = 2z – 3 and DE = 11, find the
a. value of x
b. value of y
c. value of z

a. In the given figure, ∠ B ≅ ∠ E , so m∠ B = m∠ E .
But m∠ B = 30° and m∠ E = (2x – 10)°. So,
30° = (2x – 10)°, Adding 10 both members of equation, we have
30 = 2x – 10, applying APE,
30 + 10 = 2x – 10 + 10 Simplifying
40 = 2x applying DPE,
40 2x
= Simplifying
2 2
x = 20

b. Also, in the figure, ∠ C ≅ ∠ F , so m∠ C = m∠ F . But m∠C = (2y + 8)° and m∠ F =
60°. So,
(2y + 8)° = 60° Subtracting 8 both members of the equation, we have
2y + 8 - 8 = 60 – 8 Applying SPE
2y = 52 Applying DPE
y = 26

c. AB ≅ DE , AB = DE.
2z – 3 = 11
2z – 3 + 3 = 11 + 3 Adding 3 to both members of the equation,
2z = 14 Applying APE
2 z 14
= Applying DPE
2 2


Now, try on your own. Write your solutions on your Math notebook.

Example 3. Given ABC ≅ PQR by AAS Theorem.

If m∠ A = (5x + 20)° , m∠ P = (4x + B Q

25)°, m∠C = (9y – 3)°, m∠ R = (7y +

BC = 4z – 6 and QR = 18, find
a. m∠ A = _____
b. x = _____
c. m∠ C = _____
d. y = _____
e. z = _____

You should get:

a. m∠ A = 45
b. x = 5
c. m∠ C = 78
d. y = 9
e. z = 6
If your score is at least 3 out of 5, you may proceed to the next part of the discussion. If not, I’m
sorry but you have to go back to the given examples and try again.


E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Side-Side-Side Congruence Postulate (SSS

Congruence Postulate)

According to the postulate if three sides of one

triangle are congruent respectively to the three
sides of another triangle, then the two triangles
are congruent.

In the figure on the right, notice that BC ≅ YZ , AB ≅ XY and AC ≅ XZ , Hence ABC ≅ XYZ by
SSS Congruence Postulate.

Here are some examples on how to apply the postulate,

Example 1: Show that the triangles are congruent for the given value of the variable.
Given ∆ MNO ≅ ∆ PQR ,

In the figure,

PQ = x+2
= 5+2
= 7

QR = x
= 5

PR = 3x - 9
= 3(5) – 9
= 6

We conclude that MN ≅ PQ , QR ≅ NO, and PR ≅ MO , therefore ∆ MNO ≅ ∆ PQR , by the SSS

Congruence Postulate.

Example 2: Given the congruent triangles, find the correct measurement of the side of the
triangles to show that the following pair of triangles are congruent through SSS
Congruence Postulate. Name the congruent parts of the triangles.

a. Given: ∆ STU ≅ ∆ VWX

∆ STU → SU=18 cm , TU =17 cm∧ST =15 cm
∆ VWX → VX =18 cm, WX =17 cm∧VW =? cm

Since, SU = VX, therefore SU ≅ VX

TU = WX, therefore TU ≅ WX
If ST = 15 cm, therefore the measure of VW = 15cm, and SU ≅ VX
We conclude that ∆ STU ≅ ∆ VWX , by the SSS Congruence Postulate.

b. Given ∆ ABC ≅ ∆≝¿

∆ ABC → AB=8 cm , BC =9 cm∧ AC =12 cm
∆≝→ DE=8 cm , EF=? cm∧DF=12 cm

Since, AB = DE, therefore AB ≅ DE

AC = DF, therefore AC ≅ DF
If BC = 9 cm, therefore the measure of EF = 9cm, and BC ≅ EF
We conclude that ∆ ABC ≅ ∆≝¿, by the SSS Congruence Postulate.

Now, it’s your turn. Write your answer on your Math notebook.

Example 3:

1. Show that ∆STU ≅ ∆ VWX.

a. Find the value of y.
b. Find the length of VW
c. Find the length of SU

You should get:
In the figure,
TU = y
In the diagrams above, ST  ≅  VW , TU  ≅  WX ,
= 7
and SU  ≅  VX therefore, triangle STU is
VW = y+4
congruent to triangle VWX by the SSS
= 7+4
Congruence Postulate.
= 11
SU = 3y - 5
= 3(7) – 5
= 16

If your score is at least 2 out of 3, you may proceed to the next part of the discussion. If not, I’m
sorry but you have to go back to the given examples and try again.


F. Developing mastery

A. Directions: Based on the congruent markings, find the value of x and y.


1. x = _____

2. y = ______


3. x = ______

4. y = ______

B. Solve the following:

1.Given ∆ LIN ≅ ∆ ABC , by SAS Postulate

If LI = 25cm and AB = 2x+15, find for x = ._____ (5)
If BC= 7cm and IN = 3x – 14,.find for x = ._____ (6)
If m∠ I=3 y +5∧m∠ B= y+ 35 ,.find for y = ______ (7)
Find m∠ I = _______ (8)

2.Given ∆ TRY ≅ ∆ SUN , by ASA Postulate

If m∠ S=300, m∠ Y =(2 x +25)0, m∠ N =( x +35)0,
TY = 2y – 3 and SN = y + 8, find

9. m∠ T =¿ _______
10. x = _________
11. m∠ N =¿ ¿
12. y =_________
13. TY = _______
3.Given ∆ TOY ≅ ∆ GUN , by
AAS Theorem
Find the indicated variable and solve for the corresponding angles.
14. x =______
15. y = _____
16. m∠ N

4. Given ∆ XYZ ≅ ∆ QRS ,

By SSS Postulate. Find the value of the
indicated variable and solve for
corresponding congruent sides
17. a = ________ 18. YZ = _____
19. b = ________ 20. SQ = _____
21. c =_________ 22. XY = _____

Now, check your work by turning to page 65 for

the key to correction. Give yourself 1 point for every Score Description
correct answer. How many correct answers did you 17-22 Very Good
get? Rate your result using the table on the right. If 13-16 Good
you got 13 out of 22 items, you may now proceed to 9-12 Fair
the next part of the discussion Turn to page
64 sec. J and
0-8 work on the
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

As you can see, triangles are extremely important in engineering and thus an important topic for
us to explore in this Geometry course. We are going to learn how to classify triangles, identify
congruent triangles and explore the relationship between transformations and triangles. Notice
the Golden Gate Bridge, there are triangles formed.

Triangles are used to make rafters in

buildings and curved domes. Some
bridges have triangular structures, and
the Egyptians made triangular-shaped
pyramids. The shapes help surveyors
use triangulation to determine the
distance of a specific point from two
other points of a known distance apart.
Triangulation may be used to measure
distances around corners and when
digging tunnels, and carpenters use a
right-angled triangle to take

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Let us now summarize our lesson today.

Two line segments are congruent if they have the same length.
Two angles are congruent if they have the same measure.
SAS POSTULATE: ( SIDE, ANGLE, SIDE)- means that we have two triangles where
we know two sides and the include angle are equal

The Angle Side Angle Postulate (ASA) says triangles are congruent if any two angles
and their included side are equal in the triangles. An included side is the side between two

Angle- Angle-Side Theorem (AASTheorem)

According to the theorem if two angles and a non-included side of one triangle
are congruent respectively to the two angles and a non-included side of
another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent. 63
Side-Side-Side Congruence Postulate
(SSS Congruence Postulate)

According to the postulate if three sides of one

triangle are congruent respectively to the three
sides of another triangle, then the two triangles
are congruent.

I. Evaluating learning

Write all your answers on a yellow pad paper following the given instructions. Label your
paper using the format shown below and it is to be submitted to your Math teacher.

Name: ________________________ Section: _______________________

Subject: Mathematics 8 Week 4 Parent’s Signature: ______________

A. Given: ABC ≅ YXZ, m∠ XYZ = 75° ,

m∠ ACB = 65° , AB = 10cm and XZ = 12cm.
1. m∠ BAC = _________
2. m∠ ABC = _________
3. m∠YZX = _________
4. BC = _________
5. YX = _________

B. Given: ABC ≅ DBE, m∠ BAC = 30° , m∠ BED = 85° , ED = 2x + 5 and CA = 3x – 2 find:

1. m∠ BCA = _________
2. m∠ BDE = _________
3. value of x = _________
4. ED = _________
5. CA = _________

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Part F

Solve for the following.
Given ∆ HAU ≅ ∆ FEU , m∠ HAU = 800, m∠ UFE = 300, AU = 12, EF = 3X – 2, AH = 2X + 5

1. m∠ AHU = ________
2. m∠ FEU = ________
3. m∠ EUF = ________
4. x = _____________
5. EU = ____________
6. AH = ____________


1. m∠ AHU = 300
2. m∠ FEU = 850
3. m∠ EUF = 650
4. x = 7
5. EU = 12
6. AH = 19

You may proceed to the next part of the discussion if your score is at least 4 out of 6. If not, you
have to go back to section B, C, D and E, and try all over again.



1. x = 3 12. y = 11
2. y.= 12 13. TY = 19
3. x = 2 14. x = 4
4. y= 20 15. y = 6

5. x = 5 16.m∠ N = 390
6. x =7 17. a = 2
7. y = 15 18. YZ = 6
8. m∠ I = 500 19. b = 3
9. m∠T = 300 20.SQ = 7
10. x = 10 21. c = 2
11. m∠ N = 450 22. XY = 10

If you need more help, you may reach me at my cp #

(Please see page 17 of SIPacks Week 1)


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