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Analysis of The Proposal of The Common Basic Curriculum of The Discipline of History in The Espírito Santo State

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Damião Amiti Fagundes, Professor and Doctoral student in Education Sciences (Universidad
San Carlos (PY)). E-mail:
Ana Eugenia Gonzáles Chena
Teacher advisor Dra. Ana Eugenia González Chena, da Universidad San Carlos (PY).

The High School and Elementary curricula have been transforming and building over
time with significant contributions by the historiographic production.
In this context, the contents of History were expanded and evaluated to meet the needs
of an audience linked to an intense presenteeism, focused on ideas of constant changes of the
new technological citizen.
This article aims to understand the process of implementing the Curricular Proposal 1
for History Teaching in the public school system in the State of Espírito Santo - Brazil from
2010 to 2015, from the master's thesis of the author approved by the University of San Carlos,
in Asunción, Paraguay.
This is a study based on the descriptive and qualitative method carried out by public
schools in the following municipalities of the Caparaó Capixaba region: Apiacá; Alegre; Bom
Jesus do Norte; Dores do Rio Preto; Divino de São Lourenço; Guaçuí; Muniz Freire; Irupi;
Iúna; Ibitirama; Ibatiba and São José do Calçado.
The research instrument is a mixed questionnaire applied to a sample composed of
thirty-six (36) elementary and high school educators in the region, tallying 51.43% of the total
number of history teachers in this region (70).
As for the profile data of the participants, 43% are male while 57% are female, half of
them being single and half married, as shown in Graph 1.
Graph 1 - Profile of participating teachers
The age of the teachers ranges from 22 to 50 years old, being on average 32.8 years
old. As for the location of the respondents, they all live in the region of the schools where
they work.
As to their experience as History teachers, 2.7% have been working for more than 30
years, 13.5% more than 20 years, 27% more than 10 years, 11% work less than 20 years and
45.8% less than 5 years.
The study presents the main changes and permanences brought in the implementation
of the current Curriculum Proposal; it describes the advances and difficulties originating from 2

the implementation of this proposal in the schools and corroborates the assessment of History
educators regarding the process of implementation of the current curriculum proposal
regarding the teaching of History for Elementary School II and High-School.
The new concept of school and curriculum that accompanied the transformations
underlines their social character, highlighting the understanding that the guidelines and
practices involved in education are intrinsically ethical and political.
The development of a critical approach to the educational issues also led to a
movement of desacralization of the curriculum, unto revealing its historicity with its political
and social implications. In it the elements previously seen as "natural" and unassailable, such
as its disciplines structure and its "official" contents are revealed and questioned.
In this sense, as Moreira e Silva (2009) point out, the curriculum is associated to a
place of production and cultural policy, where its elements constitute "raw material in the
creation, recreation and, above all, the contestation and transgression".

Search Result
The study sought to identify whether teachers had already participated in meetings,
seminars and debates on the reformulation of the new proposal of the Common Basic
Curriculum (CBC) of History in the Public School, identifying 43% in favor and 57% against.
When asked why they did not participate, the teachers said that they had not received
any kind of invitation, did not still work at the school during the period of curriculum
reformulation in the State of Espírito Santo or had no connection with the school, were
working in other disciplines or could not manage the time required to participate.
It is important to highlight here the understanding of Segundo Selma Pimenta (apud
Libâneo,2008) who highlights the importance of the teacher not only performing his work in
the classroom, but understanding and analyzing it critically, being aware of his function as an
educator, thus performing an "intellectual work". Therefore, teacher training must have a
reflexive perspective, and training should be continuous through participation in training and
training for proper updates.
When asked about the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP) of the school in which their
work was in agreement with the Common Basic Curriculum (CBC) of the Public-School
History subject, 78% of teachers said yes, while 22% said no, as shown in Graph 2:

Graph 2 - Harmony PPP vs. CBC

It is appropriate in this context to understand the importance of PPP. Building the

political-pedagogical project for the educational institution means facing the challenge of
emancipatory or uplifting innovation, both in the way of organizing the pedagogical work
process and in the management that is exercised by the stakeholders.
In this context, it is highlighted that the educational institution is not only an
institution that reproduces social relations and dominant values, but also promotes a
confrontation of resistance and proposition regarding the innovations. Educational innovation,
according to Neri & Santos (2001) must produce ruptures and, from this perspective, seek to
break with the classic division between conception and execution, an inherent feature of the
organization of fragmented work and this is what aligning the PPP with new curricular
proposals means.
When asked if the language of the Common Basic Curriculum (CBC) of the Public-
School History subject is easy to understand, 64% said yes, while 36% said no.
75.5% of the teachers specified that the students' performance/knowledge is not above that
which is required by the Common Basic Curriculum (CBC) of History and 92% of them added other
contents beyond the official teaching material.
They were also asked whether the way content, skills and competencies are presented in the
Public School's Common Basic Curriculum (CBC) provides questions about Local History 43% said
yes, while 57% said no.
This result should be reflected on the new proposals for history teaching. Seeking the meaning
of knowledge from contexts of the world or society in general is to lead the student to understand the
relevance, and using the knowledge to understand the facts, trends, phenomena, processes that
surround him is important to carry this study to the local reality.
Contextualizing knowledge in its own production process is to create conditions for the
student to experience curiosity, the enchantment of discovery, and the satisfaction of building
knowledge with autonomy, building an outlook of the world and a project with its own identity
Therefore, teaching History should provide students with the construction of school
knowledge allowing the subjects to understand situations in everyday life in order to enable awareness
of their actions and changes in attitude, hence the importance of complementing the contents
according to reality.
According to the research data, 83.5% of the teachers consider that the contents worked by
the Common Basic Curriculum (CBC) of the discipline of History in Public School contribute to the
improvement of teaching practice, as shown in Graph 3, while 81% of them also affirm the sharing of
successful practices after the CBC as shown in Graph 4.
Graph 3 - Contribution of the CBC to the teachers practice
Graph 4 - Sharing successful proposals among teachers

Regarding the criticism of the teachers as to the the new proposal for History Teaching, 35%
are critical, while 65% said there is nothing to criticize (as shown in Graph 5). Among the criticisms
put forward, we must highlight arguments that the use of "Thematic History" instead of studying a
Linear History which can, according to one of the teachers who defends the traditional methods,
confuse students with the subject of time notions; others consider the contents vague, without clarity,
or beyond the reality of the school and the needs of the admission exams and the National

Graph 5 - Critics of the CBC

It is then necessary to reflect on what is the "backbone" of the teaching practice in this
context of history teaching. The need to unite objectives, contents and methodologies. This union, in
turn, requires a "global outlook" from the teachers, e.g., ideas about society, man, history, education
and school, invariably professed with greater or lesser "awareness" by the teachers themselves.
According to the results of the research, it is possible to state that a greater clarity regarding
the pedagogical and history concepts that make up the "global outlook" of the teacher can confer better
and more satisfactory results to the teaching-learning process within the discipline.
It is believed that the new proposal of the Common Basic Curriculum (CBC) of the History
subject in the State of Espírito Santo Public Schools aims to break the isolation of the different
segments of the school, seeking the collective and effective participation of students, parents,
employees and the community, not only in its elaboration, but constantly in the critical observation of
the school daily life.


The research which was conducted from August 2014 to October 2015 concludes that
it is necessary to develop a daily and systematic work that allows the implementation of the
New Curricular Proposal for the History subject in Elementary School II and High School
from the CBC in the State of Espírito Santo and a broad reflection on the principles that
enable the proposed actions and better monitoring of schools in this process that goes through
continuous changes, although the results show that there is already a following by the
teachers, it is necessary to value the theory on this theme and resizing these instruments
through training for practice, making it effectively renewed as the subjects inserted in the
educational universe can also be valued within this process from the global to the local reality.

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