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Dragon Spawn Game Player's Guide Book

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The Game Player's Guidebook

By Magnus Karlsson

(Book Picture Here)

Copyright © 1996-1998, Jeffrey R. Naujok and BlackStar Enterprises. All Rights Reserved under law.
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DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Copyright & Legal Notices:
This book is a work of fiction. It is held in Copyright © 1998, by Jeffrey R. Naujok, All Rights Reserved. The
following usage rights are granted with no exceptions. This book may be copied freely so long as no modifications are
made to it, and so long as no fee is charged for duplication above and beyond the cost of materials involved in the
duplication. All materials herein are declared copyright © 1998 by Jeffrey R. Naujok. Any further use of this
publication requires written authorization by Jeffrey R. Naujok. Any other use will be prosecuted to the full extent of
the law.
This book is for entertainment purposes, and the author disavows knowledge of any other use for this work.
Further, the author shall be held blameless for any damages, civil or otherwise that arise from the use of this work of
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directly related to the DragonSpawn Role-playing System. The author and publisher shall not be held liable in any case
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DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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This is the first edition of the rules for DragonSpawn, a fantasy role playing system. This guide has been built
around one general premise, that other systems are either too cumbersome, or too simplified, turning role-playing into
Roll Playing. Too many games have devolved into, ”Open the door, kill the monster, divvy up the treasure. Go to the
next door…”
That is not what role-playing is about. Good role-playing can be done without dice, without ability scores,
and even without a Game Master. Not that this system doesn’t use dice. To the contrary, one of my favorite things from
gaming is a heavy velvet pouch that is filled to bursting with dice of every imaginable size and color, not to mention
number of sides. This system uses ability scores as well, quite a few of them in fact.
So why am I writing this?
The easiest answer is that I want to make everything consistent and easier. To remove all of the ambiguities
that have cropped up over the years. That is a pipe dream. Any ambiguities I clear up will surely spawn twenty more.
That is the nature of role playing, and that is what makes it unique among all the games in the world. In the end, what
I am trying to do is create a system that is easier to use than the ”classic” systems (and I shall avoid naming names),
yet still offers the rich depth of play those systems offer. In addition, this system, from the start, will be donated into
the public forum. Although I will retain the rights for the system, and I will be the only ”official” outlet for the game,
anyone will be able to create their own adventures, addenda and rule variations, and post them in any forum they want.
I will maintain an ”official” logo for the game, and those additions that are submitted to me, and which I
approve of, will receive this logo, and become an ”official” addendum to the game.
I can only hope that this system catches on, and is put into wide use and accepted. If it is, there is no limit to
the range this game can cover. In addition, although I have not tried it personally, there is no reason that these rules
can’t be extended easily to any genre of role-playing. I am sure, and I hope, that individuals will produce those rule
addenda soon, so that everyone can enjoy this system, whether they are swashbucklers or mech-warriors.
In closing, I can only say, ”Enjoy!”

DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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I have to send special thanks to those that made this possible. First of all, I need to thank all of the people I
gamed with over the years. My parents who bought me and my brother that first boxed set that led us into a creative
realm from which we never truly escaped. My brother, for running those first games between just the two of us, that I
will never forget. ”There’s WHAT behind the door?!? Close it, close it, CLOSE IT NOW!”
When we started gathering more into the group, it was Dean and Greg in a castle that was unbelievable. Both
of your wizards are bleeding insane…
Eventually, I took the reigns with my own group, Ken, Wayne, Chris, Jake and Bryan. As an aside to Ken’s
mom, who was vehemently against RPGs, I guess Ken wasn’t watching movies every Saturday night.
And finally, and foremost, there was the last player added, Brittany. I guess it was just a natural, since I did
end up marrying her. She’s the one who gives me support, even when she doesn’t agree with me. She’s the one who
makes everything I do mean something. And she’s also the one who thought she edited this special line out. She may
be the light of my life, but I’ll always be the one who knows how to lock out changes in the word processor.
One final note, I hope to add at least one more player at some point, my son Jason. It’s truly amazing how
much one little boy’s smile can change your life.
Jeff Naujok - March 27, 1996

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This will be written when the book is done, not when it’s starting.

DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Table of Contents
Copyright & Legal Notices:...........................................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................................vii
What You Need............................................................................................................................................x
A Note on Dice........................................................................................................................................xi
Additional Supplies.................................................................................................................................xi
A Note on the Use of Gender..................................................................................................................xi
Chapter 1: Creating A Character......................................................................................................................1
How To Fix History In Ten Easy Lessons...................................................................................................1
Ability Scores...............................................................................................................................................2
The Individual Scores..................................................................................................................................4
Physical Attributes........................................................................................................................................4
Manual Dexterity.....................................................................................................................................6
Mental Abilities............................................................................................................................................7
Social Abilities.............................................................................................................................................9
How Do We Roll A Character from Scratch?............................................................................................11
Health Scores..............................................................................................................................................12
Recovering Health......................................................................................................................................12
Comatose States (Optional).......................................................................................................................12
Character Names........................................................................................................................................13
Character History.......................................................................................................................................13
Chapter 2: Character Race.............................................................................................................................15
Playing an Elf.........................................................................................................................................15
Playing a Dwarf......................................................................................................................................16
Playing a Gnome....................................................................................................................................17
Playing a Silur........................................................................................................................................18
Playing a Fairykin..................................................................................................................................18
Chapter 3: Character Skills............................................................................................................................20
”Call Me Sometime, When You Have No Class”.................................................................................20
Learning Skills...........................................................................................................................................20

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Skill Slots...................................................................................................................................................21
Close Combat.........................................................................................................................................22
Ranged Combat......................................................................................................................................22
Siege Craft..............................................................................................................................................23
Devotion Skills:......................................................................................................................................23
Illicit Skills:............................................................................................................................................24
Musical Skills.........................................................................................................................................24
Survival Skills........................................................................................................................................24
General Skills.........................................................................................................................................24
Elven Skills............................................................................................................................................24
Chapter 4: Close Combat Skills.....................................................................................................................26
Chapter 5: Ranged Combat Skills..................................................................................................................40
Chapter 6: Siege Craft Skills.........................................................................................................................44
Chapter 7: Defense Skills...............................................................................................................................46
Chapter 8: Weaponry Skills...........................................................................................................................49
Chapter 9: Armor Skills.................................................................................................................................51
Chapter 10: Mental Skills..............................................................................................................................53
Chapter 11: Magecraft Skills.........................................................................................................................57
Chapter 12: Devotion Skills...........................................................................................................................67
Chapter 13: Illicit Skills:................................................................................................................................69
Chapter 14: Musical Skills.............................................................................................................................71
Chapter 15: Survival Skills............................................................................................................................73
Chapter 16: General Skills.............................................................................................................................75
Chapter 17: Elven Skills................................................................................................................................77
Chapter 18: Equipping Your Character..........................................................................................................79
Monetary Units...........................................................................................................................................79
Optional Rule: Different Coinage..........................................................................................................80
Starting Money:......................................................................................................................................81
Equipment Lists:....................................................................................................................................82
Equipment Descriptions.............................................................................................................................84
Candles and lanterns..............................................................................................................................86
Food and Drink.......................................................................................................................................87
Ranged Weapons....................................................................................................................................89
Adventurer’s Equipment........................................................................................................................91
Chapter 19: Setting Off For Adventure..........................................................................................................92
Effects From Fatigue..................................................................................................................................92
Recovering From Fatigue...........................................................................................................................93
Ability Feats...............................................................................................................................................93
Chapter 20: Encounters and Combat.............................................................................................................94
Armor Rank................................................................................................................................................94
Armor Damage (Optional).........................................................................................................................94
Repairing Armor.........................................................................................................................................95

DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Partial Armor (Optional)............................................................................................................................95
”Called Shots” & Intentional Aiming (Optional)......................................................................................95
Initiative Phase.......................................................................................................................................96
Initiative Modifiers................................................................................................................................97
The Standard Combat System (Simplified Combat).................................................................................97
Adjusting Damage..................................................................................................................................97
Attacking to Disable...............................................................................................................................98
Opposed Combat (Optional)......................................................................................................................98
Massive Damage........................................................................................................................................98
Open Ended Damage (Optional)................................................................................................................98
Combat Fatigue (Optional)........................................................................................................................98
Chapter 21: Advancement............................................................................................................................100
Chapter 22: Magic and Spells......................................................................................................................102
Spell Research..........................................................................................................................................102
Spell Books...............................................................................................................................................103
Spell Failure.............................................................................................................................................104
Unraveling Spells.....................................................................................................................................104
Some Common Spells..............................................................................................................................105
First Circle Spells:................................................................................................................................105
Second Circle Spells:...........................................................................................................................106
Third Circle Spells:..............................................................................................................................106
Fourth Circle Spells:............................................................................................................................106
Chapter 23: Prayer and Miracles.................................................................................................................108
Chapter 24: Mental Abilities (Psionics).......................................................................................................110
Appendix A: Sample Character Sheet.........................................................................................................112

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Introduction they could use the statistics to blast the game.

Therefore, I’m sure that they were shocked when the
Welcome to DragonSpawn! I know, you’ve results came back. Now, in all honesty, I have to
probably seen a million role-playing Games, you only compliment the church, because they swallowed their
got this for curiosity and maybe for a few ideas. pride and actually admitted that the study showed
Hopefully, you will start reading and get hooked. That’s playing RPGs actually lowered the incidence of crime
the idea of this book. and suicide compared to the general population by
If you are new to role-playing Games, or RPGs almost 40 times. In a given population of teenagers
for short, then sit back, put your feet up, and start where 500 would commit suicide, in the RPG
reading. I have tried to make this book as readable as community, only 7 would. It only goes to show that the
possible, so you should be able to just read on. healthiest emotions are those that are expressed, and
However, it is always better to learn an RPG from that RPGs are a release of emotions, not a cause of
someone who has experience playing RPGs, so you them. The study also showed that the crime rate among
might want to just read what you understand, and then role-players was much lower than the general
find someone who can answer any questions you may population’s.
have for you. The second argument that a church uses is that
Role playing is no longer just a niche activity these games teach demonology and devil worship.
played by a few frazzled teenagers who are drinking Well, I’ve played for fifteen years now, and I can
too much Mountain Dewä and eating way too much honestly say that I haven’t been involved in any satanic
pizza and chips. Being from Milwaukee, I see over rituals, nor have I summoned any demons, or started
50,000 people flock to the GenCon convention every worshipping ZYGYAT the all-powerful God of Soap
year. This game is only growing stronger. Bubbles. (Okay, I made the name up, but the point is
You can always find fellow role players by the same.) Of course, most of the people who use this
looking to local hobby stores. The one in my argument base it on fourth-hand information and
neighborhood keeps a list of those who are looking to whispered rumors, having never even bothered to open
play, and the store even has gaming rooms in the any of the rule books themselves. Without the slightest
basement where groups can meet to play. shred of evidence, they claim that the activities that the
Another option in this age of technology is the player's imaginary character supposedly is involved in
Internet. There are actual lists of people who are are actually performed by the player. It is this gap in
looking to create gaming groups. Find these lists and their knowledge on which most of their arguments are
put your name and e-mail address on them. You may be based.
surprised at how many people are out there just looking In actuality, the National Education
for a group to play in. Association has endorsed the use of role playing games
Well, now that we’ve got that out of the way, because of the massive benefits these games produce.
let’s get down to the proverbial brass tacks. So, as I said before, strap in, and get ready to
DragonSpawn is an RPG in the fantasy genre. That open your mind to a new horizon in enjoyment,
means this game contains mythical creatures like DragonSpawn.
Minotaurs and dragons. There are wizards and warriors,
rogues and men of the cloth in this game. Battles are
fought, kingdoms are won, and in general, good
What You Need
triumphs over evil. DragonSpawn, like most other role playing
This means that the game encompasses games requires only three things: paper to write on,
fantasy; things that are outside the realm of normal dice to roll, and the player’s imagination. Anything else
experience. It is this fantastic quality that gives the is just clutter.
game its special edge. You are free to let your Paper is easy enough to come by, either the
imagination run wild. lined type, or, if you can write straight lines, plain
Now, some of you out there may be saying, white paper. Graph paper is also good for mapping. ¼”
”but my church says that this kind of game is evil, that is the best to start with, while I find that now, 1/10”
it causes young children to commit suicide and go on to grids can cover more area once you get good at
lives of crime.” Well, I’ve always known that wasn’t mapping.
true, but now I finally have proof. A religious group in Dice are the major sticking point. Any good
Canada (The Ontario Centre for Religious Tolerance, hobby store will have racks of these things just waiting
found at the web address for the adventurer. Get the cheap ones first. When they, commissioned a start to wear down you can worry about the pretty
study on the effects of RPGs on teenage children, so colors and the crystals. Your dice will become very
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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personal to you, you will know which ones roll high, leaving our own living room. It’s up to you whether
and which ones roll low. I have a bag of over 100 dice that’s a good or a bad thing, but personally I’d love it if
myself. It’s a hobby in itself just collecting dice. I could get a game together with all my old friends who
Most dice are reasonably priced, about five are now scattered across five states. (Okay, it’s only
dollars for a set of seven, that’s one four sided die, one four right now, but my brother’s in Madison, which
six sided, one eight sided, two ten sided, one twelve anyone from Wisconsin can tell you deserves to be in a
sided and a twenty sided die. This one set is all you will different state.)
need to get started playing. In fact, there are a lot of things you can bring
along outside of the ”normal” supplies. There are
A Note on Dice miniatures available to help in visualizing a scene.
There are landscape items to help build the scene
Dice are referred to in this book using a
around the miniatures. There are also other things less
method that seems to be a de-facto standard within the
related to the game. As any seasoned player will tell
industry, known as the ”d” notation. When the player
you, the most vital items to bring along are snacks and
needs to roll a die or dice to determine the outcome of
drinks. I’m talking chips and soda pop, not that kind of
some event, the type and number of dice to be rolled is
drink. Now go sit in a corner for thinking that.
given in a series, ”n d s” where n is the number of dice
to be rolled, and s is the number of sides that the die to
be rolled has. Onward
For example, if the book tells you to roll 5d6,
So all that’s left is to send you onward into the
it means that you should roll five six sided dice and game. Ahead you will find ways to make a character, to
total the number of pips showing.
flesh that character out with skills and equipment, and
The only exception to this is the d100, or some examples of how to role-play the various
percentage dice. You can now actually buy 100 sided
situations you will arrive in.
dice, but what most players do is roll two distinctive 10 The examples are not complete, as no example
sided dice instead. Before the roll is made, one die is
could ever cover all of the possibilities inherent in the
chosen as the ”high die” and the other die becomes the game. Part of the fun of this game is learning as you go
”low die”. Then, when the dice are rolled, the high die
becomes the tens digit, and the low die becomes the Another part of the game is that, like a great
ones digit. If the result of the high die is a seven, and
story, it never ends. There is no winning and no losing
the low die is a 3, then the result would be a 73. Double in this game, there are no points and no score. What
zeros (or double tens if your die is marked that way) are
this game does provide are feelings of personal
considered to be 100. achievement when a goal is reached, or a particularly
The ”d” system makes it much easier to
difficult riddle is solved. So don’t worry about winning
describe die rolls, because rather than saying, ”roll four or losing, just play the game.
six-sided dice,” we simply say ”roll 4d6.”
Since the game never ends, no guidebook can
be complete. Where the rules run out is where your
Imagination judgment begins. There are a lot of situations that don’t
Imagination is the one component of the game fall under ”the rules”. In a situation like that, the final
that you can’t buy anywhere. Imagination is something judge is the Game Master. He (or she) is the final
you have to work on yourself. Only you can provide it, arbiter of the rules in any situation.
and only practice will improve it. You don’t need to be Because the game is limitless, expect to see additional
a Shakespearean actor to play DragonSpawn, but you books and information come your way. Hopefully, like
should be able to decide what reaction your character this guide, they will be distributed free of charge, if not,
would have in a given situation. That’s why it’s called well let’s just say that they won’t be ”official” products.
role playing. In any case, enjoy the game, because in the
end, that’s what it’s all about.
Additional Supplies
The really avid gamer can bring along a laptop A Note on the Use of Gender
computer. There’s a lot of software out there for This book was written by a human being. That means
managing a character’s personal statistics, as well as for that I make mistakes. Now, hopefully the spelling
rolling dice, and mapping terrain. Eventually, we’ll all checker will catch most of those mistakes, and the
just sit at home while our computer connects us in a people who review this tome will catch the rest.
video teleconference with the other players, so that we There is one sticking point I have, however,
can game with people in other countries without and that is the use of he/she. I am not a sexist pig. I
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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think feminism is just peachy. But I hate to type out the

term ”he/she” and ”his/her” everywhere. I don’t believe
in it. I think it screws up the way you read a line of
text, and I can’t stand to see it in print. If you have a
really big problem with this, and you just can’t stand to
read it with this masculine form left in, then feel free to
run the Find and Replace on the word ”he” and replace
it with ”he/she”. Of course, that assumes you got this in
the original Word 7.0 format, and not in the printed
format. If you did get the printed format, then when
you’re reading, every time you see ”he”, you can just
add, ”is a sexist pig” under your breath while thinking
of me. It may not make for great literature, but you’ll
probably feel better about it at the end.
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Chapter 1: Creating A quick on his feet. He escaped when the dwarves were
attacked by a group of goblins.”
Character Now, while that’s a pretty good example of
explaining away the details, it has a few problems. For
Characters are, of course, the central figures of instance, wouldn’t this player now speak only the
any role playing system. Each player will have one or dwarven language? In addition, since we assume the
two of their own characters that they will role-play class will be a warrior, how would he know anything
during an adventure. The biggest problem of role about weapons? Surely, the dwarves would never have
playing systems is coming up with a character that can taught a slave how to use a sword. Third, wouldn’t this
be role-played. Many times, generating a new character guy now have an ingrained hatred of anything and
becomes just another exercise in rolling dice and trying everything dwarfish? This guy should loathe anything
for the highest numbers possible. that even resembles a dwarf, and should go out of his
Not that looking for high numbers is wrong. way to bash in a little head or two. In addition, he
Let’s face it, these characters better have high numbers would probably hate the slave trade and would take
somewhere, otherwise they’d be average, and average risks to help free slaves. In addition, as a prisoner, he
people just don’t go out chasing after your basic bad would probably have never worn anything like armor,
guys, because the bad guys themselves aren’t really or even clothing other than a loincloth or something.
average. However, that doesn’t mean that every Would he really be willing to wear that thick bulky
adventurer has to have all of their categories maxed out armor that restricts his movements? Having been stuck
either. A good character has flaws, just like real people in the coal mines, and never seeing magic of any kind,
do. wouldn’t he probably have a great fear and distrust of
The real fun of role-playing comes from the magic, at least initially?
interaction between the characters, not from the Most of the time, the player will simply forget
combat. Most players can’t recall the combat from two those little details, roll the 5d4 x 100 starting money
gaming sessions ago, but they can recall that twisted, and equip our warrior with a two-handed great sword
thorny riddle that they puzzled out. Nothing is more and plank him over in plate mail before joining his
interesting than two characters in conflict. I ran in a companions who are two dwarves and a magi with his
party with two wizards who were both basically after harem of slave girls attending him.
the same thing, world domination. That’s right, two
raving megalomaniacs. Half the fun of that campaign
was from the constant back and forth banter that was How To Fix History In Ten Easy
flying between these two. The adventure forced them to Lessons
grudgingly work together, but that’s exactly the way it
was played, grudgingly. Without those two, the So why does this happen?
adventure would have been far less enjoyable, as my Mostly it’s trying to fit the facts to a set of
character’s quirks were far more secret then the blatant incredibly random scores. Most systems have some
maniacal behavior of these two. completely random system, say to roll 3d6 and tally the
DragonSpawn takes a more thorough approach amounts. Now according to probability, most of these
to character development, by starting this development scores should fall in the 8-12 with the actual center
with the ability scores, rather than develop character being 10 ½. This means that someone is going to
and abilities separately. I have played the other role- eventually end up with a character that has eighteen’s
playing systems extensively, and the one thing I hate is in some categories, and threes in the rest. Now
the standard, boring, repetitive histories that come out according to these systems’ tables, a three strength is as
of character histories. An example follows: weak as a young child. That means a maximum bench
”Well, my character has a high strength, so he press of ten pounds. Now most adults who can move
came from a harsh background where he had to work under their own power can press at least half their
day and night. He’s not very bright, so he must not have weight, just because they need to be able to stand up
gotten much exposure to learning. Let’s see, he also has from a position where they are lying down. So this
really good agility, so somehow, while he was working system is insane. A wizard with a strength of 3 wouldn’t
without being taught, he learned how to do gymnastic be able to lift their own spellbook, much less go
maneuvers. Okay, he must have been a slave laborer at adventuring.
a dwarven coal mine where he was forced to work day These systems say that the randomness
in and day out. As a slave, he was never given access to represents the trade-offs they made in life to get where
a teacher or learning, so he’s not very bright, but his they are. I don’t know about you, but the average first
time in the large, dangerous caves taught him to be level character doesn’t seem to be much more than a

regular Joe with a little extra training. Besides, if a What are these twelve scores? The physical
wizard sacrifices everything physical just to get to first scores are Brawn, Agility, Stamina, and Manual
level, then why does it stop there? Shouldn’t each level Dexterity. The mental scores are Knowledge, Thought,
cost them more strength, and more stamina? Why end Wisdom, and Willpower. The social scores are Pride,
at three, why not keep going until they hit -10 at which Beauty, Socialization, and Leadership.
point they would no longer have the muscle tone to The following table shows how each of these
keep breathing. scores applies.
So, what can you do about it? The easiest Score / Definition
answer is to make everyone average to start with. Physical Attributes
DragonSpawn uses a system where every score Brawn 2 The physical strength of the
starts off within the average range for an adult male character. Shows how much
human. This can be adjusted for racial or gender they can physically lift in one
differences, but otherwise is standard for all scores. single motion. Increases the
Each score has a theoretical range of -100 to 100, amount of damage done when
although scores under 0 or over 30 are rare. Human attacking, but does not make it
scores usually range from about 4 to 20, with the easier to hit something.
average human adult male falling in the range from 7 to Stamina 2 The ability of the character to
12. ”keep going”. A marathon
It is then up to the player to decide which runner may not be as
scores to increase. This gives them the ability to decide physically strong (so a lower
which scores are high, at the same time as they decide Brawn score) then a
why those scores are high. Automatically, the history of weightlifter, but in a ten mile
the character starts to resolve itself. Why not put those run, it will be the marathon
points into Brawn? Maybe the character would rather runner who comes in first.
be nimble than strong, so we put those points into Stamina reduces the onset of
Agility instead. The reasons are endless. fatigue in combat and when
So now the character is already making carrying heavy items, and
sacrifices and decisions about what they want to be increases the amount of
like, even before they have a name. In one step, we damage a character can
connect the abilities to the character history. withstand.
Agility 2 The ability of the character to
Ability Scores move nimbly. A character with
a high Agility score would be
There are twelve ability scores in
able to balance on a tightrope,
DragonSpawn. That’s right, twelve. Why so many? The
or execute a back flip much
better question is why do other systems offer so few.
easier then a character with a
One of the other systems has a single category,
low agility score. Agility
charisma, that deals with the physical beauty of the
makes it more difficult to hit
character as well as such intangibles as leadership and
the character in combat, as they
social compatibility. What a crock. I’ve known lots of
will simply not be where the
people who were stunningly handsome/beautiful; who
attack was aimed.
could stop traffic. Of course after two minutes talking
Manual 2 This score has to deal with how
with them, you’d want to get away as quickly as you
Dexterity good a character is at
possibly could. Yet, the authors of this other system
manipulating tiny objects. A
seem to say that this is impossible, that if you are good
character attempting to pick a
looking, you must also be great at socializing with
lock should have good manual
others. Maybe this is a reflection on the social life of
those authors, since the opposite case seems to be well
known. Hmmm… Mental Attributes
So we have twelve scores: four that describe Knowledge 2 This represents the amount of
purely physical attributes, four that describe mental book learning a character has
attributes, and four that describe social attributes. received. This does not directly
An argument could be made that beauty relate to intelligence. If I had a
belongs under physical scores since it is solely a dollar for all of the college
physical characteristic. I put it under social scores professors I had that were
simply because it is only important in social situations. extremely book-smart but
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Score / Definition Score / Definition
dense as a doorknob, I’d be a used to mentally control the
rich man. High knowledge magic being created.
without wisdom is like Social Attributes
someone who can answer every Beauty 2 The physical ”good looks” of
question in Trivial PursuitsÔ, the player. Although it has little
but can’t hold onto their job bearing other than first
because they screw everything impressions, physical beauty
up. Knowledge is important plays an important part in
for sage craft and in the use of defining the character.
spell craft. It is also useful in Everyone wants to know if
creating believable illusions. their character is drop dead
Thought 3 The ability to ”think fast” or gorgeous, or just plain ugly.
think on one’s feet. Thought is Leadership 3 The ability of the character to
related to the speed at which a lead others. Some people
person assimilates information simply have an undeniable aura
and acts on that information. of leadership about them. They
Ted Williams often said that he just have that voice, or that
could count the stitches on a look, and seem to be able to
fast ball hurtling towards him talk any group into a frenzy
at 90+ miles an hour. That also and calm them down again.
means that he could move the Think of Martin Luther King
bat to intercept that flying and his fiery speeches that
sphere. His .400 batting brought Civil Rights to
averages and other feats America. Or if you prefer an
support his statements. In opposite example, think of
combat, this means the ability Adolph Hitler and his ability to
to see an attack coming and to get millions of Germans to
dodge it, and the ability to see follow him without question or
a hole in the enemy’s defenses pause, even to the point of
and exploit it. It is also committing the most atrocious
important in spell craft for of acts.
catching the changes in the Socialization 2 The ability of someone to get
magic as it is being created. along with others in a social
Wisdom 2 Best thought of as the lessons surrounding. We all know the
that life teaches us, Wisdom is guy who can walk into any
a type of knowledge that can party, from a fraternity-house
only be gained through beer guzzle to a black-tie
experience. This is what all dinner and be accepted without
those college professors lacked. a second glance. That is
This can best be termed as real- equivalent to a high
world knowledge. In game socialization score.
terms it gives the character the Character 3 This ability defines the extent
ability to see through illusions to which a player keeps their
easier, and to resist the vows, whether they are public
influence and charm of others. or private vows. Someone with
Willpower 3 The ability of someone to character keeps his or her
influence their will. This means word. Those without character
that the person can avoid do not.
suggestions and commands that
are contrary to their beliefs and
their ideals. It is used in the
game to ward off charms and The Individual Scores
ensnarement. It is also The following is a breakdown of each score in
important in spell craft, as it is the categories.

Physical Attributes Score Bonuses Max

The physical category’s four statistics develop 9 No 125# Adult (18)
a complete physical picture of the character. These four changes
statistics are Brawn, Stamina, Agility, and Manual 10 No 150# Normal Human
Dexterity. changes Adult
11 No 175# Fit adult
Brawn changes
Brawn is the raw physical strength of the 12 No 200# Strong adult
character, how much they can lift, how much weight changes
they can carry on their shoulders, or whether or not 13 +1 225# Strong adult
they can actually hold up that collapsing ceiling. This is damage
not a measure of stamina or speed. The following table 14 +2 275# Very strong adult
describes the various scores, and the bonuses and damage
penalties associated with them. The first column is the 15 +3 325# Very strong
representative score for the character. Details are only damage
given for those scores that can be achieved naturally 16 +4 400# Extremely strong
and those that could be achieved magically, plus a few damage (body builder)
steps beyond, just for information. The second column 17 +5 550# Extremely strong
gives the bonus to damage caused by this strength. In damage
the case of a negative number, the damage done can 18 +6 700#
never drop below zero. The third column is the damage
maximum weight that a character with this score could
19 +7 850#
lift above their head, once. This is an absolute
maximum weight. The final column is a comparison to
20 +8 1000# Human natural
help show what the score is similar to. At higher scores,
damage maximum /
fantastic creatures are used instead of human
Hatchling Dragon
21 +10 1250# Minotaurs
Score Bonuses Max Description
22 +12 1500# Ogres
1 -10 2# Extremely weak,
23 +14 2000# Half Giants /
damage equivalent to a
damage Vampires
(with a child of one.
minimum Cannot walk 24 +16 2500# Cyclops
of 0) without help or aid. damage
Small creatures 25 +18 3000# Yearling Dragon
like pixies which damage
are 3 inches tall 26 +20 4000#
have this brawn damage
score 27 +22 5000# Sphinx
2 -8 5# Very weak, similar damage
damage to a child of three. 28 +25 6000# Roc
3 -6 10# Weak, a child of damage
damage five 29 +27 7500# Young Dragon
4 -4 20# A child of eight damage
damage 30 +30 10000# Small Giants ( up
5 -2 40# A child of ten damage to 20’ tall)
damage 40 +60 50000# Large Giants ( up
6 -1 50# A child of twelve damage to 50’ tall)
damage 50 +100 500000# Titans
7 No 75# A child of fourteen damage
changes 60 +300 1000000 Fully Grown
8 No 100# Young adult (16) damage # Dragons
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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The highest Brawn score that can be reached Score Bonuses Description
by a human with magical aid is 30. No Brawn can be changes yards
higher than this, because the human body simply can’t 12 No Can sprint up to 1 mile
support it. Even a score of 30 is phenomenally strong. changes
Imagine walking up to a pickup truck and lifting it 13 +1 health Can sprint up to 1 ½
above your head, then throwing it fifty feet. That’s the miles
equivalent of a 30 brawn. 14 +2 health Can sprint up to 2 miles
Also worth noting is the strength of a fully-
15 +3 health Can sprint up to 3 miles
grown dragon. Imagine if you will a paw the size of the
16 +4 health Can sprint up to 5 miles
previously mentioned pick-up truck smacking you into
the ground. Add to it the force of a raging mad 250-foot 17 +5 health Can sprint up to 10
long dragon, and you’ll see why the damage is miles
basically automatically death for anything short of a 18 +6 health Can sprint up to 20
deity. miles
19 +7 health Can sprint up to 30
Stamina Regenerates 3 health
Stamina is the measure of how much a every 2 days
character can endure. Someone with good stamina can 20 +8 health Can sprint up to 50
run a marathon, or carry a heavy weight a long miles
distance. Exceptional stamina allows things like Regenerates 2 health per
running triathlons and being able to recover from day
mortal wounds. 21 +10 Can sprint up to 100
The following table describes the various health miles. Regenerate 4
scores, and the bonuses and penalties associated with health per day.
them. The first column is the representative score for 22 +12 Can sprint any distance.
the character. Details are only given for those scores health Regenerate 6 health per
that can be achieved naturally and those that could be day.
achieved magically, plus a few steps beyond, just for
23 +14 Can go for 2 days
information. The second column gives the bonus to
health without sleep.
health and fatigue awarded by this stamina. The final
Regenerate 10 health
column is a comparison to help show what the score is
per day.
similar to. At higher scores, fantastic creatures are used
24 +16 Can go for 3 days
instead of human comparisons.
health without sleep.
Regenerate 1 health
Score Bonuses Description every 10 turns
1 -8 health Sickly. Coughing up 25 +18 Can go for 5 days
blood. About to die. health without sleep.
2 -6 health Very ill person -- any Regenerate 1 health
exertion is exhausting every 5 turns.
3 -4 health Walking is a strain 26 +20 Can go for 7 days
4 -3 health Jogging slightly is health without sleep.
exhausting Regenerate 1 health
5 -2health Any running is every 2 turns.
exhausting 27 +22 Can go for 10 days
6 -1 health Can run a short distance health without sleep.
7 No Can sprint short Regenerate 1 health per
changes distances (< 200 yards) turn.
8 No Can sprint up to 300 28 +25 Can go for 2 weeks
changes yards health without sleep.
9 No Can sprint up to 500 Regenerate 2 health per
changes yards turn.
10 No Can sprint up to 700 29 +27 Can go for 3 weeks
changes yards health without sleep.
11 No Can sprint up to 1000 Regenerate 3 health per

Score Bonuses Description Score Bonus to Description

turn. Dodge &
30 +30 Can go for 1 month Initiative
health without sleep. 13 +1 dodge Can duck away from
Regenerate 5 health per punches in a fist fight
turn. 14 +2 dodge Balances easily on thin rail
15 +3 dodge Tight-rope walking
The highest Stamina score that can be reached 16 +4 dodge Trapeze artists
by a human with magical aid is 30. No Stamina can be 17 +5 dodge Gymnasts
higher than this, because the energy required would 18 +6 dodge Acrobats
vaporize a human body. 19 +8 dodge Karate Masters
20 +10 dodge You know those martial arts
Agility films…
The ability of a character to move quickly and 21 +12 dodge
with certainty and grace is known as agility. In the case 22 +14 dodge Immune to thrown weapons
of DragonSpawn, agility is the ability to move carefully 23 +16 dodge Immune to most bow and
yet quickly. The ability to walk a tight rope would fall arrow attacks
under the category of agility. The ability to dodge away 24 +18 dodge
from a punch or a sword thrust is also part of the agility 25 +20 dodge Immune to crossbow
statistic. attacks
The following table describes the various 26 +22 dodge Immune to balistae and
scores, and the bonuses and penalties associated with other powered missile
them. The first column is the representative score for attacks
the character. Details are only given for those scores 27 +25 dodge
that can be achieved naturally and those that could be 28 +27 dodge
achieved magically, plus a few steps beyond, just for 29 +30 dodge
information. The second column gives the bonus to the 30 +34 dodge Immune to all missile
Dodge score awarded by this agility. The final column attacks
is a comparison to help show what the score is similar
Again, the human natural maximum is a score
of 20. The magically augmented maximum for a human
Score Bonus to Description is 30.
Dodge &
1 -10 dodge Slow and incredibly
Manual Dexterity
clumsy. Unable to move at This score defines a character’s ability to
all. manipulate small objects. For instance, the ability to
2 -8 dodge Very slow and clumsy assemble tiny watch parts into a working watch is an
3 -6 dodge example of fine manual dexterity.
4 -4 dodge The following table describes the various
5 -2 dodge Clumsy, like a gangly scores, and the bonuses and penalties associated with
teenager them. The first column is the representative score for
the character. Details are only given for those scores
6 -1 dodge Still a little on the clumsy
that can be achieved naturally and those that could be
side. Always ”slow on the
achieved magically, plus a few steps beyond, just for
information. This skill gives special advantages to the
7 No changes Tends to be clumsy, but not
illicit skill set. The second column reflects this bonus or
dangerously so
penalty. The third column is a comparison to help show
8 No changes Slightly clumsy what the score is similar to.
9 No changes Normal
10 No changes Score Bonus to Description
11 No changes Tends to be agile at certain Illicit
things. Skills
12 No changes Can do simple tumbles like 1 -50% Unable to manipulate
forward rolls and such. anything smaller than a
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Score Bonus to
Description Mental Abilities
Skills The mental abilities define the character’s
grapefruit thought processes. Combined, they give a clear idea of
2 -40% how the character will react mentally in a given
3 -30% situation. These abilities are defined by the four scores,
willpower, knowledge, thought, and wisdom.
4 -25%
5 -20% Can’t grasp small items,
tends to be ungentle Willpower
with fragile items. The character’s willpower defines their mental
6 -15% Tends to break small ”strength,” or their ability to fight suggestion, or
items or drop them impose their will. This score is especially important to
when trying to work the field of magecraft, where it is this mental strength
with them. which allows those trained in magecraft to control the
7 -10% Tends to drop small vast powers over which they have sway.
items often
8 -5% Has hard time with Score Bonus to Description
delicate tasks Spell
9 0 Normal casting
10 2% success
11 5% Tends to be good 1 -30% Takes any suggestion
putting small things 2 -25%
together 3 -20%
12 7% Good with small items 4 -15%
13 10% Excellent at details 5 -10% Very suggestible will
14 12% back down from any
15 15% Puts together clocks argument
16 18% Puts together clocks 6 -5%
quickly 7 Believes Infomercials
17 20% Attention to detail is 8
phenomenal 9 Normal
18 22% 10
19 25% Paints landscapes on 11
coins 12 5% Strong minded
20 30% Paints portraits on the 13 10%
head of a pin. 14 12%
21 32% Paints those portraits to 15 15%
relax. 16 18%
22 35% 17 20%
23 38% 18 22%
24 40% 19 25%
25 45% 20 30%
26 50% 21 35%
27 55% 22 40%
28 60% 23 45%
29 65% 24 50%
30 75% Magical Maximum for 25 55%
Humans 26 60%
27 70%
The human natural maximum is a Manual 28 80%
Dexterity score of 20. The magically augmented 29 90%
maximum for a human is 30. 30 100% Magical Maximum for

minutes to answer the question. Whether the answer is

right depends on the knowledge score. Thought simply
Knowledge describes how quickly the answer is arrived at.
The knowledge score defines the amount of
book learning that a character has. For example, an Score First Description
academician, who has spent their lives studying books Round
and reading their way through a library, would probably Initiative
have knowledge on nearly every topic. He may not Adjustmen
know how to apply that knowledge, as that is the role t
of wisdom. 1 -10 Slow... thinking...
2 -8
Score Spell Description 3 -6 Forest Gump
Research 4 -5
Time 5 -4
1 +200% Imbecilic 6 -3
2 +175% 7 -2
3 +150% Moronic 8 -1
4 +125% 9 Normal
5 +100% 10
6 +75% 11
7 +50% Third Grade Level 12 1 Quick Thinker
8 +25% 13 1
9 +10% Grade School Level 14 2
10 +5% 15 3
11 16 4
12 High School Level 17 5
13 18 6
14 -5% 19 7
15 -10% College Level 20 8 Faster then the
16 -15% human eye
17 -20% 21 10
18 -25% Genius 22 12
19 -30% 23 14
20 -35% Super-Genius 24 16
21 -40% 25 18
22 -45% 26 20
23 -50% 27 22
24 -55% 28 24
25 -60% 29 27
26 -65% 30 30 Magical Maximum
27 -70% for Humans
28 -75%
29 -80%
30 -90% Magical Maximum Wisdom
for Humans Wisdom can be thought of as life’s lessons.
Someone with wisdom knows the best way to solve a
problem, or the best way to react in a situation.
Thought Someone with a low wisdom will simply choose the
fastest or easiest method. When encountering a strange
The thought score describes how quickly a
door in a dungeon, a wise character will quietly listen
character can think through or react to a situation. A
to the door, or feel for vibrations. Perhaps they will try
high thought score is equivalent to being able to answer
to peek under the door or through the keyhole to see
a math question as quickly as it is read off. A low
thought score would be like the person who takes a few
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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what’s on the other side. Then they will concoct a plan connotations, because we feel that anyone who is alone
of attack for what lies beyond. is somehow ”defective” in society.
In contrast, the character with a low wisdom The four scores that make up the social
will walk up to the door, yank it open, and hope he abilities attempt to give scores to the various
lives through what’s on the other side. This ”devil-may- interactions which define our social life. Those scores
care” attitude is a sign of a low wisdom score. It are beauty, leadership, socialization and character.
exemplifies the old saying ”Fools rush in where wise
men fear to tread.” Beauty
Of all the scores, this is probably the most self-
Score Bonus to Description explanatory. Beauty is exactly that, the physical ”good
Illusion –looks” of the character. Our entertainment world is
Spell full of high beauty scores: Mel Gibson, Cindy
Believability Crawford, Kathy Ireland, and so on. High scores in
1 -75% beauty mean a measure of how closely the character
2 -65% meets the physical ideal.
3 -55% In DragonSpawn, always remember that this
4 -45% score is in respect to the race of the character. A Silur
5 -35% with a beauty of 20 is still not especially attractive to a
6 -25% human. Would you want to date a seven-foot tall lizard?
7 -15%
8 -5% Score Description
9 Normal 1 Hideous, repulsive, other
10 creatures will attack on sight
11 5% 2
12 10% 3
13 15% 4 Very Ugly
14 20% 5
15 25% 6
16 30% 7 Homely
17 35% 8
18 40% 9 Plain
19 45% 10
20 50% 11
21 55% 12 Pretty
22 60% 13
23 65% 14 Attractive
24 70% 15
25 75% 16 Beautiful
26 80% 17
27 85% 18 Stunning
28 90% 19
29 95% 20 Super-Model
30 100% Magical 21
Maximum for 22
Humans 23
Social Abilities 26
We, as humans, at least I suppose you’re all 28
humans out there, tend to be social animals. We like to
congregate in groups, and hang out with friends and
30 Magical Maximum for Humans
family. The term ”loner” carries many negative

Leadership Score Base chance to Description

Leadership is a measurement of how willingly take control of
other people will follow you. It is one of those semi- a situation
intangible scores that define how people react in a 27 110%
social situation. Someone with a high leadership score 28 120%
will take charge of a situation, giving directions to 29 130%
others and generally trying to keep things, at least as 30 150% Magical
they see it, in order. Maximum for
Someone with a low leadership score is much Humans
more likely to follow someone else. They would rather
be told what to do and when to do it.
Score Base chance to Description The socialization score defines how well
take control of someone responds in a social situation. In other words,
a situation how quickly they can fit into a group or enter a
1 0% Follows Anyone conversation. We all know people who can step
2 1% smoothly into any conversation, or enter any social
3 3% gathering without qualms. This is a mark of a high
4 5% socialization score.
5 10% Will only take Characters with low socialization scores will
over as a last have trouble fitting into a conversation, or entering a
resort, would social event without feeling uncomfortable or being
rather anyone else shunned by the other participants.
make decisions
6 15% Score Description
7 20% Indecisive 1 Nobody can stand to be around this
8 23% guy. Loud, obnoxious, boorish, rude.
9 25% Normal 2
10 28% 3
11 30% 4
12 35% Likes to be in 5 People prefer not to invite this kind
charge, but will of person to the party.
listen if necessary 6
13 40% 7 Rude, but livable.
14 45% 8
15 50% 9 Normal
16 55% 10
17 60% 11
18 65% 12 Easy going, fun to be with.
19 70% 13
20 75% A born leader. 14
Men will follow 15 Everyone’s friend
where he leads. 16
21 80% 17
22 85% 18 Invited to every party. Everyone
23 90% crowds around him when he’s there.
24 95% 19
25 100% Always in 20 Can enter any social situation and fit
command. in. The greatest guy in the world to
Anything they say know.
seems to make 21
perfect sense. 22
26 105% 23
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Score Description Score Description
24 22
25 23
26 24
27 25
28 26
29 27
30 Magical Maximum for Humans 28
30 Magical Maximum for Humans
Probably the most intangible of all the social
scores is the score for character. A character with How Do We Roll A Character
character – doesn’t that sound strange – will keep their
word, be loyal to their friends, and generally be a guy from Scratch?
you can count on. Someone with a low character score All of the scores are arranged so that the
tends to be a person you trust less, who you can’t count normal human average scores lie in the range from
on, or is hurtful to others in favor of their own whims. seven to twelve. Note that the range from 7 to 12
includes exactly six numbers. So how do we roll our
Score Description character? We just roll 1d6 + 6 for each and every
1 Self centered to the extreme, will lie, score. This will give the base character attributes. Then,
cheat, and steal, whatever, so long as we roll our Additional Points. Remember how we said
it fulfils his needs. Bill Clinton. that adventurers are not average. Well, this is why not.
2 To determine Additional Points, you roll
3 Self centered, will hurt others to get 1d100. If the total on the die is double numbers, then
what they want the dice may be rolled again and added to the previous
4 roll. For example, Brittany is rolling up a new
5 Rude to others in order to get their character, and has finished the first rolls; she then rolls
own way. Breaks promises with 1d100 to get her Additional Points. She rolls a 29, and
impunity. Used Car Salesman. can now distribute those points across her scores as she
6 sees fit. Jake, on the other hand, rolls a 22, or double
twos. He writes down the 22 and then rolls again,
7 Believes Infomercials
getting a 99. He adds this to the 22 for 121, and then
rolls again, this time getting a 35. He adds this to the
9 Normal, tends to balance self and previous total, and gets 156 points that he can now
others spread across his abilities. Obviously, Jake’s character
10 will probably have higher scores than Brittany’s
11 character. This can be considered the ”breaks” that the
12 Loyal, a good friend, would lend you character got, and usually relates directly to social
money. standing and parentage. Jake’s character had all the
13 breaks, born to a noble family, taught in the finest
14 schools, brought up by loving parents and given lots of
15 Always keeps a promise. Would lend physical training and lessons. Brittany’s character,
you a lot of money meanwhile, was brought up in lower-middle class
16 surroundings, having to work most of the time, and able
17 only to get what small amount of learning was
18 Keeps word no matter what. Would available from others, as well as the school of hard
pull a stranger out of a burning knocks.
building Already, these characters have more flesh than
19 any other system would allow for before the scores
20 Utterly loyal, would give you money have even been assigned.
with no strings attached. Risk death Next comes the assignment of the Additional
to save others. Points. The points can be distributed to any score, as
21 long as no more than half of the Additional Points goes

to any one category: physical, mental, or social. In wounds, application of healing magics, etc., the
addition, when you use points on a score, you must character is done for.
apply the divisor to the points being added. Therefore, For example, Rarg, our barbarian, is down to a
to add to the physical score of Stamina, you must use health of four. He is struck by a sword blow that pierces
two Additional Points to raise the Stamina score by one his armor and delivers six points of damage. Rarg now
point. No fractional scores are allowed. enters a comatose state. Because he received two more
points of damage then he has, he starts at a score of
negative two health. It takes his companions another
Health Scores two rounds to dispatch his attackers. During this time,
A character has a certain amount of health that the clock is ticking for him, and he proceeds to a minus
represents their resistance to damage, as well as their four. His companions need another turn to dig out
ability to withstand poisons, sickness, and disease. A medical supplies and rolls of cloth to bind his wounds,
character’s health score doesn’t change over the and his score now drops to minus 5.
lifetime of the character, barring increases in the His companions then bind all of his wounds,
character’s stamina score or magical changes. stanching the bleeding, and in general making him
Every character’s health score ranges from 7 comfortable. At this point Rarg makes a stamina check.
to 18, which is determined by a die roll of 1d12 + 6. Rolling a d20, he gets a 10. Since this roll is less then
Added to this roll is the bonus from the character’s his stamina score, he survives the shock to his system,
stamina score. See the stamina table for the bonus for a and starts to heal. Unless his companions provide some
given stamina score. form of magical healing, he will remain comatose for
For example, Rarg, our favorite barbarian, five days, until he heals back five health points. At that
rolls an 8 for his score, giving him a total of 14 for his point in time, he regains consciousness, and can walk
health. However, Rarg has a stamina of 13, giving him himself out of whatever situation he’s in.
a bonus of +1 to his health score, for a total health
score of 15. This score is Rarg’s health for the rest of
his game career. This reflects the fact those more Character Names
experienced characters don’t get more resistant to After you’ve rolled all the dice, distributed all
damage, they just use better armor. the points and determined just how healthy your
character is, you need to give him, or her, a name. A
name says a lot about a character. Imagine how silly the
Recovering Health Lord of the Rings would have sounded if the wizard’s
Your character’s health is very important to name had been George instead of Gandalf. Try to
them. It is a measure of how much life they have left. choose a name with a good sound to it.
When this number reaches zero, that’s it, game over. Your GM may have some suggestions for you
Health is normally restored at a rate of one point per as well. If your character comes from a certain area,
day of rest. If the character is engaging in strenuous there may be common names. While John may be a
activity, then this rate drops to one point every three common name in America, it would be very odd to find
days. a John in the Middle East.
High stamina scores can increase the rate of
healing that a character receives. For example, a
stamina of 19 allows the character to recover an extra Character History
point of health every other day. Most good GMs will make you write out a
In addition, many magical means of healing history of your character. Where do they come from,
are available, as well as herbalism skills which provide who are their parents, who are their friends, and so
poultices and salves to speed up healing. forth. Try to make this a good, believable history.
Consider this as the window into your character’s
personality. Use it to explain the scores that they have,
Comatose States (Optional) and what they mean.
If your GM chooses to allow it, when a As a guideline, try to answer the following
character is hurt enough to reach zero health points or questions:
below, then they enter a comatose state. They must
receive immediate care, or they will perish. The Where was your character born?
amount of time a character can spend in a comatose Who were his parents?
state is equal to one turn for every point of stamina they Are his parents still alive?
possess. Unless his non-comatose companions supply Does he have any brothers or sisters?
immediate medical care at this point, binding of Are they still alive?
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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What did his parents do for a living?
Where did he grow up?
Who were his friends?
Are they still his friends?
Why did he choose adventuring?
Who are his friends now?
Why is he so physically/mentally/socially able?
What do his siblings do?
Where does he live?
Where do his siblings live?
What is the most important thing in his life?
What things does he hate?
What things does he love?
Is he loyal to his nation, his family, his friends?
Does he have any odd characteristics, speech,
identifying marks, or other things that stand out?
What would he say if you asked him what he was like?

If you can answer all of these questions, then you will

have a reasonably complete character history. Your GM
may ask you to answer other questions, or even give
you a different list. It’s entirely at the GM’s discretion.
Character history is a great place for the role-
playing in the game to develop. It also gives a GM a
good place to start adventures from, because it will let
him know how you view your character. Anything that
can enhance the game as much as character history
should not be overlooked.
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Chapter 2: Character Race The other numbers are generally regarded to be true
through empirical evidence. Women tend to be less
In a fantasy game, we are faced not only with brawny, yet have more stamina then men. Women also
what our character can do, but also with where they tend to be better at problem solving.
come from. In the broadest sense, this means defining
the race of our character. There are several races to
choose from, and in fact, if your Game Master allows
it, you could come up with a whole new race for your
character. Usually though, your Game Master will tell Elves as a race appear almost as humans do.
you what races are available in the campaign that they They tend to be slightly shorter, and finer boned on
are running. average. They also tend to have angular features, giving
The basic rules for DragonSpawn contain six them a somewhat more exotic look. Most elves are fair-
different races that the player can choose from for their skinned and light haired, although there is no hard and
character: humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, silurs, and fast rule. Dark skinned elves exist, as well as burly
fairykin. Each of these races has their own benefits and members of the race. The one common feature of all
drawbacks. elves is their ears, which end in swept up points.
Elves are a long-lived race, who tend to enjoy
nature and the outdoors. Elves usually become
uncomfortable in large cities or deep dungeons. They
Humans enjoy the outside world and tend to loathe being away
Humans are the most common adventurers in from it.
most role-playing games, mostly because a human Because of their long lifetimes, elves tend to
character is the easiest for most people to associate take things slower than humans do, and sometimes less
with. As a player, you have things in common with a seriously. They know that, in most cases, they can
human character that you can use to aid you in role simply outlive their problems. This lazier-faire attitude
playing the general behavior of your character. The can cause friction between them and humans, since
other races don’t offer this common viewpoint. Unless elves usually will take the long-term view on issues,
you are an elf, it would be hard to generalize the which humans, at least in elven opinions, always take
feelings of being an elf. the short-term.
Most of DragonSpawn is based on the fact that Their love of life, however, is legendary.
most players will choose to play human characters. Death is so rare among their kind that it is treated with
Thus, the rules are adjusted to keep the human as the great reverence. This respect is passed along to all
standard even keel. No changes to ability scores need to living things, and most elves are loath to take a life in
be made, and no adjustments to any skills are required. any circumstance. Elves, however, are known as
DragonSpawn is made for the human character. formidable enemies.
Whenever an elf has reason to believe that
Gender someone, or some group, is responsible for loss of life
or general destruction, the elven groups will come
Choosing a gender as a human is simple. Male
together to stop such a group or individual. Elves are
or female. Since the game is masculine centric,
known for their archery and their incredible skill at
choosing a female character will require a few
armor-smithing. Their attention to detail and their
adjustments to ability scores to reflect the differences
innate magical nature gives them advantages over
between men and women. Those changes are given
many of the other races.
Ability Score Modification
Playing an Elf
Brawn -1
Stamina +1 If you choose an elf for your character, you
Knowledge -1 must remember at all times the information above.
Most elves will have trouble working with a group of
Thought +1
humans, as they tend to move too fast, and reach
decisions without enough thought about the future.
Now don’t write me letters about the decrease Elves tend to be more cautious in dangerous situations.
in the knowledge category. This is to reflect the fact
In addition, elves tend to take longer to
that the game takes place in medieval times, when it improve their skills, because they tend to savor the
was uncommon for women to have access to
knowledge and work towards perfecting their new skills
knowledge. It also provides for a little game balance.

before rushing out to use them. This may not be true of Dwarven cities are great, underground affairs
all elves, but it remains the GM’s decision if it’s true of that use thermal ventilation systems and various
your character. geothermal properties to exchange the air from outside
Because of the innately magical nature of and to keep their cities fresh and clean. They make
elves, they tend to be more sensitive around magi and wide use of geothermal power to provide luxuries that
other users of magic. They will loudly complain if a most of the other races can’t begin to imagine. They are
magus is using their power excessively. In addition, the only race with plumbing and running water in all of
they can feel stronger magical fields around them, their cities. Things like elevators are common.
giving them abilities that normal humans don’t have. Dwarven cities tend to be made to be self-sufficient; in
Elves, however, cannot be as physically strong other words, they can last indefinitely under siege. The
as humans can; their Brawn ability is limited to a entrances to these underground cities are nearly
natural maximum of 18, and an absolute maximum of impossible to find when sealed, as they are specifically
26. built to blend into the surrounding landscape.
In contrast, elves tend to be extremely agile, Dwarves tend to be extremely long lived,
and can move quickly and deftly. Elves experience a lot usually living to an age of 150 to 200 years. Dwarves
in their lifetime, which is reflected in an increased have access to magic, but most tend to view it as a
Knowledge and Wisdom, however, their slow, necessary evil rather then as a profession. This does not
reasoning ways tend to result in a slower, more mean that dwarven magi are less then adequate. In fact,
methodical thought process. The table of changes to dwarves can become some of the more powerful
ability scores for elves follows: wielders of magic. However, their culture has grown
around the idea that you can accomplish more with
Ability Score Modification your mind and hands than you can with magic.
Brawn -2 Dwarves tend to be stocky and a bit gruff, with
Agility +1 deep voices and large facial features. A dwarf will tend
Knowledge +1 to have eyes that seem too large and noses that make
Wisdom +1 their eyes seem normal sized. Dwarves are notorious
for their long beards that begin to grow about the time
Thought -1
they reach adulthood, or about 16 years old. Both men
Beauty +1 (for Humans only)
and women grow beards. In most dwarven societies, a
beard is a mark of respect, and a dwarf is loath to
Elves are both male and female; however, shave.
there is little difference between the two genders. Thus, Their short and sturdy build tends to make
there are no changes for choosing either elven gender. dwarves a strong group, and their society believes that
sharp minds should accompany a strong body. Their
In addition to the above ability score changes, height precludes them from using most pole arms and
elves have a few other special abilities. The first is long bladed weapons, although there are dwarven
improved hearing. Elves tend to be able to hear about equivalents to some of the pole arms.
twice as well as humans. Additionally, dwarves have extra keen
Secondly, they have the ability to sense nighttime vision, an adaptation from their long years
powerful magical fields. In general, if they are within underground. In situations that would be considered
ten feet of a field generated by a level 4 or more skill, pitch black for most races, they can still see as clearly
and they are actively concentrating, they will be able to as if it were lit by torches. However, they are just as
detect the presence of the magical field. With enough blind as other races in complete darkness.
experience, they can begin to distinguish these fields Orks are the sworn enemy of all the dwarven
from one another. This skill is listed under the Elven clans, and they will usually go out of their way to try
Skills as Magical Sensitivity. and destroy Orks and any Orkish settlements.

Playing a Dwarf
Dwarves If you choose to play a dwarf in
Dwarves are a diminutive race of humanoids DragonSpawn, keep in mind that they tend to be gruff
that tend to live underground or at least near mines or around people of other races. They also tend to think
places where raw materials from the earth are available. less of those who use magic then those who use their
Love of all things earthy is a defining facet of dwarven brawn and their wits. They tend to look at magic as a
life. Dwarves tend to be anti-social as a race, preferring ”quick fix” to a problem that doesn’t have the kind of
to only mingle with their own kind. real thought behind it that a proper solution would.
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Dwarves tend to be slow to anger but also tend silurs then any of the other races. Gnomes usually try to
to have a temper that boils. It is easier for dwarves to get along, and would rather be led then lead.
gain the Combat: Berserker skill than other races. Gnomes tend to be very good with their hands,
Dwarves also generally have long memories. Certain and actually tend to be quick on their feet. Longer lived
dwarves have been known to hold grudges for then humans, they tend to enjoy learning, but also
generations. However, Dwarves also tend to be fun foster independence in their children.
loving, and given a chance to loosen up, they will be Although they are not considered ugly by other
just as likely as the next guy to end up dancing races, they are often considered somewhat comical
drunkenly on top of a table. looking, giving rise to a slight decrease in their beauty
Dwarves are almost all deep voiced, even the and leadership score where other races are concerned.
women, and are known for their musical capabilities as Ability Adjustment
well. Brawn -1 (-2 for
Dwarves have the following racial adjustments females)
to their ability scores: Wisdom +2
Ability Adjustment Knowledge +1
Brawn +1 Leadership (with Other -1
Thought +1 Races)
Knowledge +1 Beauty (with Other -1
Socialization (with Other -1 Races)
Beauty (with Other -2
A race of creatures derived from reptiles, the
silur are reptilian in appearance, somewhat taller and
more massive than humans in general, and graced with
Gnomes a long thick tail. Scales cover their body, including
Even shorter than dwarves, these creatures their face, and they have yellow or green reptilian eyes.
tend to keep to themselves, living in forests and hills, Their scales tend towards green, but individual scales
and sometimes even on the slopes of mountains. They range the gambit from grays and blacks to vibrant reds
have a grudging relationship with the dwarves, and and oranges. Different groups tend to have different
only a slightly better relationship with the elves. markings, but most silurs within a single group will
Gnomes tend to have no facial hair beyond have similar scale pattern markings.
long bushy eyebrows, and they tend to have friendly, if Unlike most reptiles, they are warm-blooded,
somewhat comical faces. Gnomes are the only race that despite preferring to live in semi-tropical or tropical
cannot use any magic at all, and in fact are somewhat areas. They are fast moving and have excellent vision.
immune to the effects of magic entirely. In addition, a keen sense of smell provides them with a
Gnomes tend to live in small groups or +1 bonus on their first round initiative, and gives a 5%
communities far from the beaten path. They like nature bonus when searching for items that have a definite
and the outdoors, and tend to keep their homes from smell associated with them. A silur trained in the
standing out, preferring them to blend into the natural Tracking skill will also gain a 5% bonus.
surroundings. They are avid craftsmen and their work is Silurs tend to group in large villages and even
prized in most human nations. some cities. Although villages often tend towards
Gnomish women tend to be about the same simplicity, their cities are massive works of
size as men, if more delicately built. Their features tend architecture, which outstrips even the finest human
to be smoother, and they are less aggressive in general. architecture. They build solid walls of interlocking
Not that the male gnomes are especially aggressive. stone and tend towards a step-pyramid motif. Think of
Most gnomes believe in being passive observers, the Mayan or Aztec culture when you think of a Silur
although they are known to fight almost without equal city.
when their homes or families are threatened. Silurs do not normally mingle with other races,
as their rather fearsome appearance tends to cause them
Playing a Gnome to be shunned outside of their own kind. They have an
innate distrust for magic, as their race is weak in
Gnomes in DragonSpawn tend to be easy
magical power. In addition, they tend to have
going and fun to be with. They will get along with any
difficulties using magic, and their spells face an extra
of the other races, although they are less fond of the

25% chance of failure, with a maximum chance of five feet tall. Their defining feature is their gossamer
success of 75%. wings that sprout from their back between their
shoulder blades. These wings allow them to fly
Playing a Silur gracefully in the air. This ability means that Fairykin
cities tend to be high on mountains or cliff sides, in
Silurs are one of the most alien races within
order to insure protection from the other races and
the game. They do not tend to wear clothing, and their
marauding creatures.
thick skin is as tough as hardened leather armor. They
Fairykin cities tend to be works of gossamer
tend to wear bandoleers and belts to carry equipment.
beauty that build on the surroundings rather then
In addition, their tail can be used as a form of weapon,
changing them. Fairykin works also tend to be
or for extra balance in combat situations.
treasured by other races for their outstanding
Their reptilian musculature gives them
craftsmanship and lasting beauty. Fairykin porcelain
unbelievable strength and agility, and they can move
and jewelry is especially treasured without exception.
quickly and jump long distances. Their manual
Fairykin tend to keep to themselves, delicate
dexterity is terrible however, and they have trouble
creatures, they like to avoid the other races which are
using small items. Their reptilian physique also gives
too ”gruff and burly” for their tastes. Although they
them a high stamina, and they can regrow lost limbs,
hold nothing against the other races, they tend to like
albeit slowly. This regenerative ability means that they
their own cities.
recover health points at a rate of 2 per day, unlike all
Fairykin are creatures of magic, and they revel
the other races.
in its use. Fairykin gain 25% bonuses on their chance to
Their weapons of choice tend towards pole
successfully cast a spell, and take 25% less time and
arms and spears, although long swords and ranged
money to advance a skill level in magecraft. Fairykin
weapons are also acceptable.
prefer to study light and airy magics to the more
The silur tend to be slow, if persistent,
destructive types of magecraft.
thinkers. Despite the fact that they are civilized, most
of the other races shun the silur because of their
foreboding appearance. Silur tend to return the favor to Playing a Fairykin
the other races. Silur tend to like to take the lead role in Fairykin tend to be lighthearted about most
a group, but unfortunately, other races don’t really like everything, although short lived, averaging only 40
to take orders from a Silur. years, they tend not to take anything seriously. Their
light and airy physique is reflected in their light and
Ability Adjustment airy personalities.
Brawn +3 Fairykin tend to be cautious around other
Agility +2 races, since they are more fragile then most. Their
Manual Dexterity -3 slight physical build is reflected in a lowered brawn and
Thought -2 stamina score, although they tend to be agile and
Leadership +2 nimble.
Fairykin are almost renowned for their fair
Leadership (with Other -4
appearance, although their flighty personalities tend to
make them lean away from leadership roles and they
Socialization (with Other -3
are less than slaves to loyalty.
Fairykin men and women tend to be similar in
Beauty (with other races) -5 most ways, although the women tend to be slightly less
flighty in their beliefs.
Silurs are both male and female. The young Ability Adjustment
are hatched from eggs that the female lays. There is
Brawn -2
little to no difference between the male and female,
Agility +2
other then the male tends to be more brightly colored
then the female. Female actually tend to be slightly Stamina -2
larger then the males. Silurs tend to live about as Willpower +1
long as humans do, averaging about 65 years. Wisdom -1
Leadership -2
Socialization (with Other -2
Fairykin Beauty +2
These creatures tend to be thin and willowy,
usually shorter of stature then humans, perhaps four to
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Chapter 3: Character Skills setting, these are the sole providence of the minstrel
and the priest. A warrior spewing song or religious
dogma would not be allowed in most systems, yet in
”Call Me Sometime, When You Have No the real world, couldn’t this soldier inspire others with
his song, couldn’t he raise spirits with his prayers?
This is not to say that a player does not have
The first thing I thought about when writing an area of specialization. While no one is a two-
this system was the problem of character classes. Take dimensional character in the real world, neither is there
the traditional Wizard class. Most systems limit the a master of all trades in the real world. The saying is,
wizards of the world to being wizened old men with ”Jack of all trades, master of none.” In short, that is the
funny pointy hats and robes. Unable to wear armor or idea of eliminating the classes. You can choose to
use weapons bigger then a dagger, the tiny few that specialize in a single trade. You can choose to pour all
outlive their first harrowing adventures either retire to of your abilities and experience into the learning of
open magic stores, or go on to become continent magic, and if you do, you will be a physically weak
wrecking machine gun magus, throwing Ball of Fire character, with a keen intellect, and a vast
spells with devastating effect turn after turn. understanding of the arcane arts. Similarly, a player
In contrast, the Warrior class usually begins who chooses only to study bladecraft and weaponry
with bewildering strength and armor which would stop will become an awe-inspiring warrior. However, there
all but the most powerful of low-level opponents. This is an opportunity for a warrior, sick of being pummeled
walking battle tank carries a six-foot claymore sword by magus from afar, which will spend time and money
and rattles about in full plate armor. However, no to be taught a few simple magic spells. He will never
matter how long he adventures, even in the company of be a earth-shaking wizard, but the next time that evil
earth-shaking wizards and priests who conjure up wizard starts chanting, won’t he be surprised when the
miracles on a regular basis, (especially those of the fighter spools off a few Mystic Bolts in the magi’s
healing variety) these walking engines of destruction general direction.
are hopelessly unable to cast so much as the most This allows a character to be much more
meager of dweomers, such as one to create light in a developed, and, in fact, to be much more ”human” in
dark room, or to clean their sword and armor after their abilities. While this doesn’t always make the game
battle. simpler, at lower levels, the number of skills an
True, some systems do allow multiple-class individual can choose from will be limited. Only when
characters, but they almost always pay a heavy toll for the character has earned some experience, not to
their abilities. Either slow advancement, or high mention some coinage, will they be able to become
training costs or both will leave these characters adept in a skill, or possess that mind-boggling array of
lagging far behind their single-minded companions. minor skills that makes them special.
Even if a person wants only to have minor magics
available, they are forced into the mold of the multi-
class character who must advance in all areas and pays Learning Skills
for it with massive experience penalties and training So what are these skills? Well, there are a
costs. whole lot of skills available to the character, but
Therefore, the only way I have found to get rid initially, only a few will be of much interest.
of the straightjacket of too strict classes was to Skills fall into several categories. Athletic
eliminate the ”class” of a character altogether. skills, like tumbling, and balance; Close Combat skills
I can just hear all of the shocked gasps out like bladecraft and swordplay; Magical skills like
there from the experienced role-players, ”Eliminate Magecraft and Ritual; and other categories like Long
classes! Has he gone mad?!?” Range Combat, Divinity, Healing, Herbalism, and
I ask you to bear with me for a few moments, others.
so I can explain the reasoning behind this shocking The chapters that follow list the various skills,
change. The simple answer is, no one in the real world one category per chapter. This is where you should look
knows only one thing. to find the skills your character wants to learn.
It’s true. Although these skills all fall into different
Even the most professional soldier knows categories, they are all laid out in the same format. An
things other then how to be a soldier. Green Beret example of this format follows:
troops in the army have other skills. Perhaps they know
how to play a piano, or some other instrument. Some of
them can quote the Bible from memory. In a fantasy
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Magecraft: Elemental Control - Fire points are always rounded up. What this means is that
Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 13 Willpower + 1 per to gain first level, we go from zero level, so a 13
level, 12 Thought + ½ per level willpower and 12 thought. To go to a fourth level skill
Maximum Level: 8 in elemental fire control, we would need a 16
Cost: 2 Skill Slots willpower (13 + 3) and a 14 thought (12 + 1½ rounded
Training Time: 3 months per level up). This requirement is usually what places the top
Availability: Scarce + ½ per level limitation on skills.
Monetary Cost: x5 The next item is Maximum Level. The
maximum level is the highest skill level allowed within
Description: the game. It represents the sum total of knowledge
The elemental control of fire is one of the available in a given skill.
more common skills learned by mages, as it is one of The next item is cost. The cost is the number
the most powerful defenses a mage can muster. Fire is a of skill slots that must be used to learn this skill. Skill
potent weapon. slots are described in the next section. The number of
This skill allows the character to control and skill slots you character has are based on your
manipulate the magical elemental forces of fire and character’s ability scores.
heat. The basic use of this spell is to control natural Training Time gives the amount of game world
fires. The more exotic use is to conjure magical fire time it will take to improve this skill. For this example,
into existence without fuel or flame to start with. the number is 3 months per level. That means going to
The control of fire and heat also makes the first level takes 3 months of study. Going to third level
character less vulnerable to attacks based on fire or requires nine months of study. This is applied for each
heat. As the skill level progresses, this protection increase in skill, so twelve months for fourth level, 15
increases as well. months for fifth level, and so on.
The following table describes the bonuses Availability determines how easy it is to find
available with the skill of elemental fire: someone who can train your character in this skill. The
different levels are: Common (or anywhere),
Lvl Will Thought Protectio Identify uncommon, sparse, rare, very rare, extremely rare, and
n Bonus Bonus unique. It is also given a modifier for the level. In this
1 13 12 1 --- case, that modifier is ½ level. So, to find someone who
2 14 13 2 +5% can train at level 4 has a modifier of 2 or very rare
3 15 13 4 +10% (Sparse to rare to very rare). What each level of
4 16 14 6 +20% availability means is defined in the Game Master’s
5 17 14 10 +30% Guidebook.
6 18 15 15 +40% Monetary Cost determines how expensive
training in this skill is to purchase. In this case, the
7 19 15 20 +50%
modifier is x6 or six times the base training rate. The
8 20 16 25 +75%
base training rate is ten standard brass pieces per
The protection bonus applies to attacks that are Description gives the general information
done using fire or heat. The bonus is subtracted from about the skill. It may include, as this one does, a table
the amount of damage done by the attack. This bonus to show the benefits of the skill.
only applies to the mage with the skill.
The Identify Bonus is the bonus given to the
mage if they are attempting to identify a spell being Skill Slots
cast. If that spell uses elemental fire in it’s casting, then When you start the game, your character will
the character will receive the above bonus to his ability have a set number of skill slots that they can use to
to identify that portion of the spell. learn skills. The number of skill slots is determined by
the total value of your mental ability scores. Simply
The first item of the listing, Skill lists the add the all four mental ability scores and divide the
formal name of the skill. This is the name by which the result by two, rounding down.
skill is referred to throughout the rest of the book. The result will be a number between two and
The second item is the prerequisites for the forty. That is the number of available skill slots your
skill. In this case, the prerequisites are the Magecraft character possesses. Each skill has a cost in skill slots
skill, a 13 willpower and a 12 thought. However, there to learn. When your character has zero skill slots left
is also a 1 point per level addition to this for Willpower, available, that is all the skills they can learn. You can
and ½ point per level addition for thought. Fractional choose not to select all the skills that your character

has, instead leaving some skill slots available for later Close Combat: Sectional Weapons - Weapons with
use. In addition, during the course of your adventures, connected sections (two or more parts)
should your ability scores change, more skill slots may Close Combat: Flail
become available. Close Combat: Footman's Flail
For example, Brittany’s character, Liliva has Close Combat: Pugilism - Using your own natural
the following scores 17 Knowledge, 14 Thought, 12 weapons
Wisdom and 19 Willpower. The total of her scores is 17 Close Combat: Hands
+ 14 + 12 + 19 = 62. Dividing 62 by two gives Liliva Close Combat: Feet
31 skill slots. Brittany can now pick and choose which Close Combat: Grappling
skills she wants Liliva to have. Close Combat: Throwing Opponents
Close Combat: Brawling
Close Combat: Head Strikes
Skills Close Combat: Attacking with defensive items - Using
your defenses as a weapon
Close Combat Close Combat: Hand Shield
Close Combat: Trap laying - Fighting with passive Close Combat: Shield
weaponry Close Combat: Spiked Shield
Close Combat: Caltrops Close Combat: Gauntlets
Close Combat: Tripwires Close Combat: Clawed Gauntlets
Close Combat: Bladecraft - Fighting with a bladed Close Combat: Improvised Weaponry - "Using Chairs
weapon in combat"
Close Combat: Knife Close Combat: Fighting From Horseback - How to fight
Close Combat: Dagger while mounted
Close Combat: Stiletto
Close Combat: Hand Sword Ranged Combat
Close Combat: Scimitar Ranged Combat: Thrown Weapons - How to use
Close Combat: Great Sword "thrown" weapons
Close Combat: Rapier Ranged Combat: Rocks & Stones
Close Combat: Foil Ranged Combat: Sling
Close Combat: Long Sword Ranged Combat: Bola
Close Combat: Hand and a Half Sword Ranged Combat: Nets
Close Combat: Claymore Sword Ranged Combat: Darts
Close Combat: Blunt Weaponry - Using non-edged Ranged Combat: Knife
weapons Ranged Combat: Dagger
Close Combat: Club Ranged Combat: Ax
Close Combat: Spiked Club Ranged Combat: Bowcraft - How to use stringed
Close Combat: Hammer weapons
Close Combat: War Hammer Ranged Combat: Bow
Close Combat: Spiked Hammer Ranged Combat: Short bow
Close Combat: Hand Staff Ranged Combat: Long Bow
Close Combat: Staff Ranged Combat: Hand Bow
Close Combat: Mace Ranged Combat: Recurved Bow
Close Combat: Spiked Mace Ranged Combat: Compound Bow
Close Combat: Morning Star Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Hand
Close Combat: Long Star Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Light
Close Combat: Axes and Pole Arms - Using long Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Heavy
handled weapons Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Foot Drawn
Close Combat: Sickle Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Mounted Heavy
Close Combat: Scythe Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Ballista
Close Combat: Hand Ax Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Self-Loading
Close Combat: War Ax Ranged Combat: Projectile Weaponry - Weapons that
Close Combat: Great Ax fire projectiles
Close Combat: Glaive Ranged Combat: Blowgun - Hand
Close Combat: Spear Ranged Combat: Blowgun
Close Combat: Pole Arm - General enhanced spear Ranged Combat: Blowgun - Large
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Ranged Combat: Blowgun - Steam Powered Armor: Helms - Makes steel helms
Ranged Combat: Dragon Cannon Armor: Shields - Makes shields
Ranged Combat: Cannon
Ranged Combat: Fighting from horseback Mental
Mental: Discipline - General training to bring out
Siege Craft mental abilities
Siege Craft: Ranged Siege Machinery - Using weapons Mental: Clear Mind
of Siege Mental: Healing
Siege Craft: Catapult - Light Mental: Suggestion
Siege Craft: Catapult - Heavy Mental: Pain Control
Siege Craft: Catapult - Slinging Mental: Pain Causing
Siege Craft: Battering Ram - Light Mental: Projection
Siege Craft: Battering Ram Mental: ESP
Siege Craft: Battering Ram - Heavy Mental: Prediction
Siege Craft: Stone Breaker Mental: Visions
Siege Craft: Siege Ladder Mental: Dreaming
Siege Craft: Siege Tower Mental: Possession
Mental: Aging
Defense Mental: Disease
Mental: Poison
Defense: Defense - Ducking blows and dodging arrows
Mental: Psychokenesis
Defense: Hand Shield
Mental: Location
Defense: Buckler
Mental: Impressions
Defense: Small Shield
Mental: Spirit Contact
Defense: Shield
Mental: Clairvoyance
Defense: Large Shield
Mental: Telekinesis
Defense: Tall Shield
Mental: Psychothermics
Defense: Cover
Mental: Illusion
Mental: Body Control
Weaponry: Weaponcare - Caring for weaponry Magecraft
Weaponry: Weaponcraft - Making and repairing
Magecraft: Elemental Control - Fire
Weaponry: Bowyer - Making bows
Magecraft: Elemental Control - Water
Weaponry: Fletcher - Making Arrows
Magecraft: Elemental Control - Air
Weaponry: Crossbowyer - Making Crossbows
Magecraft: Elemental Control - Earth
Weaponry: Boltsman - Making crossbow bolts
Magecraft: Elemental Control - Energy
Weaponry: Blowpiper - Making Blowpipes
Magecraft: Elemental Control - Entropy
Weaponry: Dartsman - Making darts
Magecraft: Elemental Control - Light
Weaponry: Cannoneer - Makes cannons
Magecraft: Elemental Control - Darkness
Weaponry: Sieger - Makes siege engines
Magecraft: Ritual
Weaponry: Bladesmith - Makes bladed weapons
Magecraft: Transportation
Weaponry: Swordsmith - Makes Swords
Magecraft: Dimensional Spaces
Weaponry: Axesmith - Makes Axes
Magecraft: Life Force
Weaponry: Polearmorer - Makes Pole-Arms
Magecraft: Time
Magecraft: Illusion
Armor Magecraft: Creation
Armor: Armor Care - Caring for armor Magecraft: Sympathy
Armor: Armorcraft - Making and repairing Armor Magecraft: Spell Weaving
Armor: Cloth - Makes cloth and padded armor Magecraft: Summoning
Armor: Leather - Makes leather armor and studded
armor Devotion Skills:
Armor: Scaled - Makes scaled armor
Devotion: Prayer
Armor: Chain - Makes ring armor
Devotion: Conversion
Armor: Plate - Makes Plate armor

Devotion: Healing
Devotion: Exorcism
Devotion: Divine Effects
Devotion: Divine Knowledge
Devotion: Miracles

Illicit Skills:
Illicit Skills: Lock Picking
Illicit Skills: Skulking
Illicit Skills: Pick Pocketing
Illicit Skills: Moving Silently
Illicit Skills: Forgery
Illicit Skills: Con Games
Illicit Skills: Local Cant

Musical Skills
Musical Skills: Basic Music Theory
Musical Skills: Voice Training
Musical Skills: Stringed Instruments
Musical Skills: Lyre
Musical Skills: Dulcimer
Musical Skills: Dulcet
Musical Skills: Harp
Musical Skills: Lute
Musical Skills: Flute
Musical Skills: Piccolo
Musical Skills: Drums
Musical Skills: Pipes
Musical Skills: Spell Singing

Survival Skills
Survival Skills: Tracking
Survival Skills: Hunting
Survival Skills: Fishing
Survival Skills: Horseback Riding
Survival Skills: Scavenging
Survival Skills: Covering Tracks

General Skills
General Skills: Climbing
General Skills: Reading
General Skills: Writing
General Skills: Foreign Language
General Skills: Sewing
General Skills: Herbalism
General Skills: First Aid
General Skills: Horseback Riding

Elven Skills
Elven Skills: Magical Sensitivity
Elven Skills: Nature Sympathy
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Chapter 4: Close Combat 7
Skills 9 16 17 7d8
10 17 18 Compound 8d8
Close combat is the art of getting right up to Traps
someone or something while using some kind of
11 17 18 8d10
implement to render the opponent unable to continue to
12 18 19 9d10
try to do the same thing to you. Put a bit more bluntly,
your character is using some kind of weapon to off the 13 18 19 10d10
bad guy. 14 19 20 11d10
The following skills lay out the various forms 15 19 20 Complex 10d12
of close combat, from swordplay to barroom brawling. Mechanical
Close Combat: Trap Laying 16 20 21 11d12
Prerequisites: 13 Manual Dexterity + ½ per level, 12 17 20 21 12d12
Knowledge + ½ per level 18 21 22 13d12
Maximum Level: 20 19 21 22 14d12
Cost: 3 Skill Slots 20 22 23 Super 10d20
Training Time: one month per level Traps
Availability: Rare + ½ level
Monetary Cost: x3 The level of damage done is the maximum
damage that a trapper can do with a single trap given an
D es c r i p t i on : unlimited amount of time to work on that trap. For
The close combat skill of Trap Laying is a rare most traps, the amount of time it takes to create is equal
gift, usually prized by rogues and thieves. However, a to the level at which the trap is first available
skill that can be far more deadly then any other combat multiplied by the amount of damage that the trap can
method. Traps can be produced with varying degrees of do maximum, in hours, divided by the skill level of the
lethality, and often do not require attack rolls. trapper. Therefore, a simple tripwire would take a skill
Traps, by their very nature, are meant to be 1 trapper one hour per point of damage the trap is to do,
subtle, and often are disguised as other items, or as up to a maximum of four hours. If the trap is not to do
common articles that tend to be ignored. damage, i.e. to be used as a warning, it takes only a
This skill provides the means to create and single turn to set up. This is true only of trip-wires. In
activate traps of this type. For each level of skill, the contrast, to construct a super trap, a trap with multiple
trapper can add another die of damage to the trap they compound effects, which is meant to be utterly and
create. At skills above three, poisons can be added to inescapably lethal, a twentieth skill trapper would
the mix. In addition, at the higher skill levels, simple require up to 200 hours of work to build a trap capable
traps can be made in much shorter times, allowing a of delivering the full 200 points of damage. That
skilled trapper to create snares for pursuing foes. For represents five man-weeks of work to build a trap.
extremely advanced traps the trapper may be required However, he can set up a trip-wire trap, capable of
to direct other workers in the construction of the trap, doing 1d6 points of damage in only 18 minutes / turns.
although they are still required to provide all of the Tripwire traps are simply that, a wire that is
critical portions of the trap. The following table stretched across an opening and causes an opponent to
outlines the various types of traps and the amount of trip. The damage comes from the fall, or from the
damage they can do at the various levels. various spikes, needles or poisons left by the trapper for
the victim to fall onto. The maximum number of
Lvl Know Man Type Damage damage points a tripwire can do is 12. The trapper is
Dex required to have string or wire with which to set the
1 12 13 Trip Wire 1d4 trap.
2 13 14 Snare 2d4 Snares are a loop of rope or wire that entangles
3 13 14 Trigger 3d4 and elevates or drags a person from their starting point.
4 14 15 Poisons 3d6 The fall and drag usually causes the damage that the
5 14 15 Man-trap 4d6 person will take. The maximum damage a snare can do
6 15 16 Trapdoor 5d6 is 24 points.
Pit Trigger traps are traps that activate some
mechanical device when a creature enters the area. This

is exemplified by the trap in Raiders of the Lost Ark require many other skills besides Trap Laying, and as
where Jones presses down the plate with the torch, the such are very rarely built in any form, except as traps
effect of which is the dart firing from the wall and where guards would be more expensive or unreliable.
sticking into the torch. This kind of trap is of the one- Tombs of kings and the dwellings of powerful wizards
time variety, which means the trap springs and is used are about the only place that you’ll find these kinds of
up. It needs to be physically reset before it can be used traps.
again. These traps usually are meant to cause damage
and are not blatantly lethal. Close Combat: Caltrops
Poison is a chemical or biological substance Prerequisites: 5 Manual Dexterity + ½ level
added to a standard trap that causes damage to the Maximum Level: 10
creature that the trap effects. Poison has no limit as to Cost: 1 Skill Slot
the amount of damage it can cause, but it can never Training Time: two weeks per level
cause more added damage than the maximum damage Availability: Common + ¼ level
allowed by the current skill level. The amount of time it Monetary Cost: x ½
takes to manufacture the poison is calculated as if it
were a trap to be laid. D es c r i p t i on :
Man-Traps are a type of trap similar to those
seen in places in Vietnam, it is the first combinational Caltrops are a type of thrown or dropped
type of trap, combining trip-wires or triggers to some weapon. They are usually a small – less then 3” – six or
other lethal device, such as a wall of spikes or boiling
oil. These traps are usually intended to be fatal.
Trapdoor pits are exactly what they say, a pit
covered with a trapdoor which is concealed in the
surrounding floor. The trapdoor is often balanced or
weighted so that once the trap opens; it immediately
resets into its original position, thereby trapping the four pointed cross with tines in all the cardinal
victim within. Pits can contain spikes, acids, poisons or direction. These tines are usually sharpened on some or
anything else the trap-maker decides. Note that this trap all of the spikes. When used in combat, the caltrops are
requires the digging of the pit and the manufacture of hurled at an opponent in much the same way as a
the trap door. These may require special skills not throwing star or dagger. The intent is to embed the
covered in this skill alone. caltrop in the opponent.
Compound traps are traps composed of a The other use for caltrops is as a dropped item
combination of the traps above. Perhaps a trapdoor pit when retreating from an enemy. When placed on a hard
whose cover is a trigger for the release of acid into the surface, the design of the caltrop assures that at least
pit. The same times and caveats apply for each of the one point is always pointing upwards. A chasing
components of the trap. opponent will step on the caltrop, doing damage to
Complex Mechanical Traps are more like the them in the process.
trap in Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indy tries to
balance the bag of sand for the stolen idol. When it Lvl Man Attack /
doesn’t match, it sets off a series of chain reactions Dex Damage
throughout the whole temple complex: The room Bonus
collapses, the metal door closes, the big stone ball rolls
1 5 1
down, etc. This trap is obviously very complex, and
2 6 2
would require a lot of work by the character. In general,
complex mechanical traps require the combination of 3 6 3
nearly every other type of trap the character can 4 7 4
produce. 5 7 5
Super Traps fall into a category all their own. 6 8 6
Consider a complex mechanical trap with no possibility 7 8 7
for escape or rescue. A trap that inflicts massive 8 9 8
amounts of damage and is meant to be totally fatal. A 9 9 9
trap that also resets itself after every use so that it is 10 10 10
ready for the next victim without manual intervention.
That is the definition of a super trap. Super traps tend to
take massive amounts of time to design and build, This skill is only effective during close
along with massive amounts of money. Usually they combat, where the caltrop is hurled at an opponent. For
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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each level of the skill, the chance that the caltrop will the higher bonus. Note that some of the skills for
strike the target increases by one, and the damage it individual weapons do not have a cap at the tenth level.
does will increase by one. This demonstrates the
improved accuracy not only in throwing the caltrop, but Close Combat: Knife
in picking an ideal target for it as well. Prerequisites: 6 Agility + ½ per level, 10 Manual
Dexterity + 1 per level
Close Combat: Bladecraft Maximum Level: 6
Prerequisites: 8 Agility + 1 per level, 10 Manual Cost: 2 Skill Slots
Dexterity + ½ level Training Time: two months per level
Maximum Level: 10 Availability: common + 1 per level
Cost: 4 Skill Slots Monetary Cost: x1
Training Time: two months per level
Availability: Common + ½ level
Monetary Cost: x1

The close combat skill of Bladecraft is one of
the most common skills an adventurer will have. It
teaches the general use of bladed weapons and teaches
the average character how to inflict wounds on others
rather than on themselves.
The general skill requires that the character
posses at least a modicum of agility and manual Description:
dexterity. As the character progresses through the levels This skill allows the character to use a simple,
of skill, those requirements will become more stringent. short-bladed knife. A knife is a simple, blade weapon
Each level of skill in Bladecraft confers an advantage less than fifteen inches long, with a single sharpened
of one point in the attack roll, and one point on the edge. This skill teaches the character how to use a knife
damage roll to every attack made with a bladed in combat situations. You don’t need to take this skill to
weapon. In addition, when fighting blade against blade cut bread.
in combat, this skill provides a +2 bonus when used to Each level of skill confers a bonus to attack, as
parry another bladed weapon, up to a maximum of a well as a bonus to damage. In addition, when highly
+15 bonus at level 10. skilled, the character will be able to bring the knife into
The skill table is given below. play much faster, and an appropriate bonus to initiative
is added as well. The skill table for the knife skill is as
Lvl Agility Man Attack / Parry follows:
Dex Damage Bonus
Bonus Lvl Agility Man Attack / Parry
1 8 10 1 2 Dex Damage Bonus
2 9 11 2 4 Bonus
3 10 11 3 6 1 6 10 1 0
4 11 12 4 8 2 7 11 2 1
5 12 12 5 10 3 7 12 3 1
6 13 13 6 11 4 8 13 4 2
7 14 13 7 12 5 8 14 6 3
8 15 14 8 13 6 9 15 8 4
9 16 14 9 14
10 17 15 10 15 Although basic skill with a knife is fairly
common, advanced skill is fairly rare, as the weapon is
not commonly used for more than street fighting.
Note that the bonuses given by this skill are
not cumulative with the bonuses for a specialized skill
Close Combat: Dagger
with a bladed weapon. In the case where a character
Prerequisites: 6 Agility + ½ per level, 9 Manual
has the skill of Bladecraft and also has the skill of
Dexterity + 1 per level
Close Combat with a bladed weapon, then the bonus for
Maximum Level: 7
the use of that weapon shall be whichever skill gives
Cost: 2 Skill Slots

Training Time: Two months per level This skill allows the character to use a stiletto
Availability: Common + ½ per level dagger. A stiletto is a simple, blade weapon about
twelve to fifteen inches long, very thin, with both edges
sharpened, and tapering to a point. This skill teaches
the character how to use a stiletto in combat situations.
Each level of skill confers a bonus to attack, as
well as a bonus to damage. In addition, when highly
skilled, the character will be able to bring the stiletto
into play much faster, and an appropriate bonus to
initiative is added as well. The skill table for the stiletto
skill is as follows:
Monetary Cost: x1
Lvl Agility Man Attack / Parry
Description: Dex Damage Bonus
This skill allows the character to use a simple Bonus
dagger. A dagger is a simple, blade weapon less than 1 7 9 1 0
fifteen inches long, with both edges sharpened. This 2 8 10 2 0
skill teaches the character how to use a dagger in 3 8 11 3 1
combat situations. 4 9 12 4 1
Each level of skill confers a bonus to attack, as 5 9 13 6 2
well as a bonus to damage. In addition, when highly 6 10 14 8 3
skilled, the character will be able to bring the dagger
into play much faster, and an appropriate bonus to Stilettos are a common weapon of the nobility
initiative is added as well. The skill table for the dagger and women. Stilettos are used because they are
skill is as follows: lightweight and small, and tend to do quite a bit of
damage if used correctly.
Lvl Agility Man Attack / Parry
Dex Damage Bonus Close Combat: Hand Sword
Bonus Prerequisites: 7 Agility + 1 per level, 8 Manual
1 6 10 1 1 Dexterity + 1 per level
2 7 11 2 1 Maximum Level: 7
3 7 12 3 2 Cost: 2 Skill Slots
4 8 13 4 3 Training Time: 2 months per level
5 8 14 6 4 Availability: Uncommon + 1 per level
6 9 15 8 5 Monetary Cost: x2
7 9 16 10 6

Cutpurses and thieves commonly use daggers.

It is also common for mages to carry them, because
they are small and unobtrusive.

Close Combat: Stiletto

Prerequisites: 7 Agility + ½ per level, 9 Manual
Dexterity + 1 per level
Maximum Level: 6 Description:
Cost: 2 Skill Slots The hand sword is an uncommon weapon,
Training Time: 2 months per level sometimes considered a long dagger or a short sword.
Availability: Uncommon + ½ per level The hand sword is usually a blade about fifteen to
Monetary Cost: x1 eighteen inches long that is sharpened on one or both
edges. This skill teaches the character the use of the
Description: hand sword in combat situations.
Each level of skill confers a bonus to attack, as
well as a bonus to damage. In addition, when highly
skilled, the character will be able to bring the hand
sword into play much faster, and an appropriate bonus
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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to initiative is added as well. The skill table for the Lvl Agility Man Attack / Parry
hand sword skill is as follows: Dex Damage Bonus
Lvl Agility Man Attack / Parry 2 9 9 2 1
Dex Damage Bonus 3 10 10 3 1
Bonus 4 11 11 4 2
1 7 8 1 0 5 12 12 6 3
2 8 9 2 1 6 13 13 8 4
3 9 10 3 1 7 14 14 10 5
4 10 11 4 2 8 15 15 12 6
5 11 12 6 3
6 12 13 8 4 Scimitars are almost inseparably linked in
7 13 14 10 5 culture with the sea-faring adventurer, or the swash-
buckling pirate. The weapon is still graceful and fast,
Hand swords are often carried by merchants or and carried rather commonly in certain seaports on
merchant guards. In addition, some sailors, especially Kroth.
rivermen, use these swords because they tend not to
hamper movement when worn on the belt. They tend to Close Combat: Great Sword
be shunned by soldiers as they require closer quarters Prerequisites: 7 Brawn + ½ per level, 9 Agility + 1 per
then a soldier would appreciate. level, 7 Manual Dexterity + ½ per level
Maximum Level: 10
Close Combat: Scimitar Cost: 2 Skill Slots
Prerequisites: 8 Agility + 1 per level, 8 Manual Training Time: 3 Months per level
Dexterity + 1 per level Availability: Common + ½ per level
Maximum Level: 8 Monetary Cost: x3
Cost: 2 Skill Slots
Training Time: 2 months per level Description:
Availability: Uncommon + ½ per level
Monetary Cost: x2


A scimitar is a long, slightly curved blade,

about 28 inches in length that is sharpened on the

outside edge of the curve. The classic ”swashbuckler’s”
weapon, the blade tends to be thinner and slightly
lighter then European styled swords of the same size. The great sword is the most recognized
This skill teaches the character the use of the scimitar weapon from the medieval period. Approximately thirty
in combat situations. inches long, with a blade two and a half to four inches
Each level of skill confers a bonus to attack, as wide, the great sword is the classic sword of chivalric
well as a bonus to damage. In addition, when highly knights. Heavy bladed, this weapon requires a certain
skilled, the character will be able to bring the scimitar amount of muscle just to wield. This skill teaches the
into play much faster, and an appropriate bonus to use of the great sword in combat situations.
initiative is added as well. The skill table for the Each level of skill confers a bonus to attack, as
scimitar skill is as follows: well as a bonus to damage. In addition, when highly
skilled, the character will be able to bring the great
Lvl Agility Man Attack / Parry sword into play much faster, and an appropriate bonus
Dex Damage Bonus to initiative is added as well. The skill table for the
Bonus great sword skill is as follows:
1 8 8 1 0

Lvl Brawn Agility Man Attack / Parry Each level of skill confers a bonus to attack, as
Dex Damage Bonus well as a bonus to damage. In addition, when highly
Bonus skilled, the character will be able to bring the rapier
1 7 9 7 1 1 into play much faster, and an appropriate bonus to
2 8 10 8 2 2 initiative is added as well. The skill table for the rapier
3 8 11 8 3 3 skill is as follows:
4 9 12 9 4 4
5 9 13 9 6 5 Lvl Agility Man Attack / Parry
6 10 14 10 8 6 Dex Damage Bonus
7 10 15 10 10 7
1 8 8 1 0
8 11 16 11 12 8
2 9 9 2 1
9 11 17 11 15 9
3 10 10 3 2
10 12 18 12 18 10
4 11 11 4 3
Great swords are common in the world of 5 12 12 6 4
Kroth, carried by nobility and soldier alike. Use of the 6 13 13 8 5
great sword is the most commonly taught skill at 7 14 14 10 6
martial academies. This sword is sometimes historically 8 15 15 12 7
referred to as a bastard sword. Apparently the
distinction between the two names is based solely on On Kroth, the rapier is most often found in the
who is carrying the sword. hands of the nobility.

Close Combat: Rapier Close Combat: Foil

Prerequisites: 8 Agility + 1 per level, 8 Manual Prerequisites: 8 Agility + 1 per level, 8 Manual
Dexterity + 1 per level Dexterity + 1 per level
Maximum Level: 8
Cost: 2 Skill Slots
Training Time: 2 months per level
Availability: Rare + ½ per level
Monetary Cost: x2


Maximum Level: 8
Cost: 2 Skill Slots
Training Time: 2 months per level A foil is a long, round bladed weapon,
Availability: Uncommon + ½ per level sharpened to a point at its tip. The foil is effective only
Monetary Cost: x2 as a thrusting or parrying weapon. It is highly flexible,
and will not break easily. It is also fast and highly
Description: maneuverable. In modern times, it is the weapon of
A rapier is a long, straight blade, about 28 to fencing. This skill teaches the character the use of the
34 inches in length, sharpened on only one edge. A foil in combat situations.
rapier is light bladed, usually of thin, somewhat flexible Each level of skill confers a bonus to attack, as
steel, and only about one inch from edge to edge at its well as a bonus to damage. In addition, when highly
widest point. The rapier is commonly visible today as skilled, the character will be able to bring the foil into
the weapon of officers in the American military play much faster, and an appropriate bonus to initiative
branches. This skill teaches the character the use of the is added as well. The skill table for the foil skill is as
rapier in combat situations. follows:
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Lvl Agility Man Attack / Parry
Dex Damage Bonus Lvl Brawn Agility Man Attack / Parry
Bonus Dex Damage Bonus
1 8 8 1 1 Bonus
2 9 9 1 2 1 7 9 7 1 1
3 10 10 2 3 2 8 10 8 2 2
4 11 11 2 4 3 8 11 8 3 3
5 12 12 3 5 4 9 12 9 4 4
6 13 13 4 6 5 9 13 9 6 5
7 14 14 5 7 6 10 14 10 8 6
8 15 15 6 8 7 10 15 10 10 7
8 11 16 11 12 8
Foils are usually found in use only by the 9 11 17 11 15 9
nobility, and then only for competitions and duels. They 10 12 18 12 18 10
are not very effective in combat, and thus tend to be
used only for ceremonial reasons such as dueling. Long swords, like great swords, are common
in the world of Kroth, carried by nobility and soldier
Close Combat: Long Sword alike. Use of the long sword is taught at most martial
Prerequisites: 7 Brawn + ½ per level, 9 Agility + 1 per academies.
level, 7 Manual Dexterity + ½ per level
Maximum Level: 10 Close Combat: Hand and a Half Sword
Cost: 2 Skill Slots Prerequisites: 9 Brawn + ½ per level, 9 Agility + 1 per
Training Time: 3 Months per level level, 7 Manual Dexterity + ½ per level
Availability: Uncommon + ½ per level Maximum Level: 10
Monetary Cost: x3 Cost: 2 Skill Slots
Training Time: 3 Months per level
Availability: Rare + ½ per level
Monetary Cost: x3

The hand and a half sword is the big brother to
the great sword. As much as forty-eight inches in
length, this sword has a pommel twice as long to
accommodate both hands on the hilt. This sword must
be wielded two-handed at all times, its use disallows a
shield in the other hand. This skill teaches the use of
the great sword in combat situations.
Each level of skill confers a bonus to attack, as
well as a bonus to damage. In addition, when highly
Description: skilled, the character will be able to bring the hand and
The long sword is probably the second most a half sword into play much faster, and an appropriate
common weapon from the medieval period. bonus to initiative is added as well. The skill table for
Approximately thirty-four inches long, with a blade the hand and a half sword skill is as follows:
between one and a half and two inches wide, the long
sword is a lighter weapon with a longer reach. Although Lvl Brawn Agility Man Attack / Parry
the blade is lighter then a great sword’s, the shear Dex Damage Bonus
length of this weapon requires a certain amount of Bonus
muscle just to wield. This skill teaches the use of the 1 9 9 7 1 1
long sword in combat situations. 2 10 10 8 2 2
Each level of skill confers a bonus to attack, as 3 10 11 8 3 3
well as a bonus to damage. In addition, when highly 4 11 12 9 5 4
skilled, the character will be able to bring the long 5 11 13 9 7 5
sword into play much faster, and an appropriate bonus
6 12 14 10 9 6
to initiative is added as well. The skill table for the long
7 12 15 10 11 7
sword skill is as follows:

Lvl Brawn Agility Man Attack / Parry Each level of skill confers a bonus to attack, as
Dex Damage Bonus well as a bonus to damage. In addition, when highly
Bonus skilled, the character will be able to bring the Claymore
8 13 16 11 14 8 sword into play much faster, and an appropriate bonus
9 13 17 11 17 9 to initiative is added as well. The skill table for the
10 14 18 12 20 10 Claymore sword skill is as follows:

Hand and a half swords, while not rare, are not Lvl Brawn Agility Man Attack / Parry
common on Kroth, and training in their use is only Dex Damage Bonus
taught at a handful of the martial academies. Bonus
1 10 8 6 1 1
Close Combat: Claymore Sword 2 11 9 7 2 2
Prerequisites: 10 Brawn + 1 per level, 8 Agility + 1 3 12 10 7 3 3
per level, 6 Manual Dexterity + ½ per level 4 13 11 8 5 4
5 14 12 8 7 5
6 15 13 9 9 6
7 16 14 9 11 7
8 17 15 10 14 9
9 18 16 10 17 11
10 19 17 11 20 13

Claymore swords are rare on Kroth, just as

they were on Earth. The Claymore was devised
primarily as a way for an infantryman to pull down an
armored horseman from the ground. In truth,
Claymores were almost never used in hand to hand
combat, because they are too slow and unwieldy to use.
However, as a proud owner of one of these beauties, I
can tell you I wouldn’t want to come within ten feet of
someone swinging one of these things.

Close Combat: Blunt Weaponry

Prerequisites: 8 Agility + 1 per level, 10 Manual
Dexterity + ½ level
Maximum Level: 10
Cost: 4 Skill Slots
Training Time: two months per level
Availability: Common + ½ level
Monetary Cost: x1

Maximum Level: 10 Description:

Cost: 2 Skill Slots The close combat skill of blunt weaponry is
Training Time: 3 Months per level one of the more common skills for an average
Availability: Rare + ½ per level adventurer. In general, this skill teaches the use of
Monetary Cost: x5 blunt, or non-edged weaponry in combat. Since the
skill of blunt weaponry lies in knowing how to cause
Description: the most trauma without open wounds, as such, it is a
The Claymore is a weapon that is awesome to vastly different kind of combat then the use of bladed
behold. Five feet of steel attached to a foot long hilt, weaponry.
this sword stands six feet from end to end. The base of The general skill requires that the character
the blade is four inches wide tapering to three before it posses at least a modicum of agility and manual
becomes a point. A massive blade, this sword requires dexterity. As the character progresses through the levels
as much muscle as skill to control. This skill teaches of skill, those requirements will become more stringent.
the use of the Claymore sword in combat situations. Each level of skill in Blunt weaponry confers an
advantage of one point in the attack roll, and one point
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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on the damage roll to every attack made with a blunt
weapon. Clubs are common on Kroth, every ruffian,
The skill table is given below. every vagabond, every bully in the street carries a club.
They are cheap, easy to make and readily available. In
Level Agility Man Attack / Parry return, they do good damage.
Dex Damage Bonus
Bonus Close Combat: Spiked Club
1 8 10 1 1 Prerequisites: 8 Agility + 1 per level, 8 Manual
2 9 11 2 2 Dexterity + ½ level
3 10 11 3 3 Maximum Level: 8
4 11 12 4 4 Cost: 2 Skill Slots
5 12 12 5 5 Training Time: one month per level
6 13 13 6 6 Availability: Common + ½ level
Monetary Cost: x1
7 14 13 7 8
8 15 14 8 10
9 16 14 9 10 The nasty variety of the club, the spiked club
10 17 15 10 10 appears much like a regular club but has a single spike
or cluster of spikes which protrude from the business
Note that the bonuses given by this skill are end of the club. These spikes enhance the damage done
not cumulative with the bonuses for a specialized skill by the club, however they make it more dangerous to
with a blunt weapon. In the case where a character has wield as well. This makes using the spiked club a
the skill of Blunt weaponry and also has the skill of different skill than the standard club.
Close Combat with a blunt weapon, then the bonus for
the use of that weapon shall be whichever skill gives Level Agility Man Attack / Parry
the higher bonus. Note that some of the skills for Dex Damage Bonus
individual weapons do not have a cap at the tenth level. Bonus
1 8 8 1 1
Close Combat: Club
2 9 9 2 2
Prerequisites: 8 Agility + 1 per level, 7 Manual
3 10 9 3 2
Dexterity + ½ level
Maximum Level: 8 4 11 10 4 3
Cost: 1 Skill Slot 5 12 10 6 3
Training Time: one month per level 6 13 11 8 4
Availability: Common + ½ level 7 14 11 10 4
Monetary Cost: x1 8 15 12 12 5

Description: Simple spiked clubs are rather common on

A club is a cudgel, usually made of wood, Kroth, since it simply adds a spike or set of spikes to a
perhaps as long as three feet, but usually about two and standard club.
a half feet in length. In general, it is swung in an
attempt to bludgeon an opponent. It is not especially Close Combat: Hammer
good for parrying, as it is somewhat unwieldy. Prerequisites: 9 Agility + 1 per level, 7 Manual
Dexterity + ½ per level, 7 Brawn + ½ per level
Level Agility Man Attack / Parry Maximum Level: 10
Dex Damage Bonus Cost: 1 Skill Slot
Bonus Training Time: one month per level
1 8 7 1 1 Availability: Common + ½ per level
2 9 8 2 2 Monetary Cost: x1½
3 10 8 3 2
4 11 9 4 3 Description:
A hammer is usually a long shaft with a
5 12 9 5 3
hammer-like head on the end. Sometimes the hammer
6 13 10 6 4
is one headed, sometimes dual-headed. It’s length is
7 14 10 8 4 usually about two feet long. In general, it is used to
8 15 11 10 5 bludgeon an opponent. It is somewhat slow and

unwieldy due to its center of balance being so close to War Hammers are more commonly used than
the head of the hammer. regular hammers, but they are still not a common
weapon because of their poor parrying abilities.
Level Agility Man Brawn Attack / Parry
Dex Damage Bonus Close Combat: Spiked Hammer
Bonus Prerequisites: 9 Agility + 1 per level, 7 Manual
1 9 7 7 1 1 Dexterity + 1 per level, 9 Brawn + ½ per level.
2 10 8 8 2 2 Maximum Level: 10
3 11 8 8 3 2 Cost: 2 Skill Slots
4 12 9 9 4 3 Training Time: 2 months per level
5 13 9 9 6 3 Availability: Uncommon + 1 per level
Monetary Cost: x2
6 14 10 10 8 4
7 15 10 10 10 4
8 16 11 11 12 5 A spiked hammer is similar to a war hammer,
9 17 11 11 15 5 but is only one-headed with a long, sharpened spike
10 18 12 12 18 6 opposite the head. It is faster and lighter then a war
hammer, and the spike offers a much more vicious form
Hammers don’t seem to be a commonly used of attack, especially useful against armored foes. Still
weapon on Kroth, mostly because of their unwieldy poor for parrying, it does offer an extra method of
qualities. War hammers are often more commonly used. attack.

Close Combat: War Hammer Level Agility Man Brawn Attack / Parry
Prerequisites: 9 Agility + 1 per level, 7 Manual Dex Damage Bonus
Dexterity + ½ per level, 10 Brawn + ½ per level Bonus
Maximum Level: 10 1 9 7 9 1 1
Cost: 2 Skill Slots 2 10 8 10 3 2
Training Time: 1 month per level
3 11 9 10 5 2
Availability: Uncommon + ½ per level
4 12 10 11 7 3
Monetary Cost: x2
5 13 11 11 10 3
Description: 6 14 12 12 13 4
A War Hammer is similar to its smaller cousin, 7 15 13 12 16 4
the hammer, but is always double-headed. Its length is 8 16 14 13 20 5
generally about two and a half feet long. It is also much 9 17 15 13 24 5
heavier than a standard hammer. In general, it is used to 10 18 16 14 28 6
bludgeon an opponent. It is very slow and unwieldy due
to its center of balance being so close to the massive Spiked hammers are not commonly used on
head of the hammer. Kroth because they are slow for parrying, and tend to
have a tendency to ”stick” in a piece of punctured
Level Agility Man Brawn Attack / Parry armor.
Dex Damage Bonus
Bonus Close Combat: Hand Staff
1 9 7 10 1 1 Prerequisites: 8 Agility + 1 per level, 8 Manual
2 10 8 11 2 1 Dexterity + 1 per level
3 11 8 11 3 2 Maximum Level: 12
4 12 9 12 5 2 Cost: 2 Skill Slots
5 13 9 12 7 2 Training Time: 1 month per level
Availability: Uncommon + 1 per level
6 14 10 13 9 3
Monetary Cost: x1
7 15 10 13 12 3
8 16 11 14 15 3 Description:
9 17 11 14 18 4 A hand staff is a short, half-length staff, about
10 18 12 15 21 4 three feet in length. Used mostly in the martial arts, this
staff is used in one hand and can be fast and dangerous
in combat, although it does not do large amounts of
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damage. It is especially useful for parrying incoming
strikes. Staves are one of the most commonly used
weapons on Kroth, partly due to its good qualities, but
Level Agility Man Attack / Parry mostly because it’s cheap. Little more than a smoothed
Dex Damage Bonus out tree branch, the staff is easy to acquire and easy to
Bonus use.
1 8 8 1 1
2 9 9 2 2 Close Combat: Mace
3 10 10 2 3 Prerequisites:
4 11 11 3 4 Maximum Level:
5 12 12 3 5 Cost:
6 13 13 4 6 Training Time:
7 14 14 5 8
Monetary Cost:
8 15 15 6 10
9 16 16 8 12 Description:
10 17 17 10 14
11 18 18 12 17 Close Combat: Spiked Mace
12 19 19 14 20 Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Hand staves are not terribly uncommon on Cost:
Kroth, but truly skilled users of the hand staff are Training Time:
uncommon. Availability:
Monetary Cost:
Close Combat: Staff
Prerequisites: 8 Agility + 1 per level, 6 Manual Description:
Dexterity + 1 per level, 6 Brawn + ½ per level
Maximum Level: 10 Close Combat: Morning Star
Cost: 2 Skill Slots Prerequisites:
Training Time: 1 month per level Maximum Level:
Availability: Common + 1 per level Cost:
Monetary Cost: x1 Training Time:
Description: Monetary Cost:
A staff is a long, thin piece of wood, about six
feet in length, with a slight taper at each end. Used Description:
mostly in the martial arts, this staff is used in both
hands and can be fast and dangerous in combat, and can Close Combat: Long Star
cause massive damage in skilled hands. It is quick and Prerequisites:
light and lends itself to both offensive and defensive Maximum Level:
use. Cost:
Training Time:
Level Agility Brawn Man Attack / Parry Availability:
Dex Damage Bonus Monetary Cost:
1 8 6 6 1 1 Description:
2 9 7 7 2 2
3 10 7 8 3 3 Close Combat: Axes and Pole Arms
4 11 8 9 4 4 Prerequisites:
5 12 8 10 5 5 Maximum Level:
6 13 9 11 6 6 Cost:
7 14 9 12 8 8 Training Time:
8 15 10 13 10 10
Monetary Cost:
9 16 10 14 12 12
10 17 11 15 14 14 Description:

Close Combat: Sickle Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Close Combat: Spear
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Close Combat: Scythe Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Close Combat: Sectional Weapons
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Close Combat: Hand Ax Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Close Combat: Flail
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Close Combat: War Ax Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Close Combat: Footman's Flail
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Close Combat: Great Ax Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Close Combat: Pugilism
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Close Combat: Glaive Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time:
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Close Combat: Hands Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Close Combat: Attacking with defensive items
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Close Combat: Feet Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Close Combat: Hand Shield
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Close Combat: Grappling Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Close Combat: Shield
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Close Combat: Throwing Opponents Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Close Combat: Spiked Shield
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Close Combat: Brawling Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Close Combat: Gauntlets
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Close Combat: Head Strikes Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Close Combat: Clawed Gauntlets
Availability: Prerequisites:

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Close Combat: Improvised Weaponry

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Close Combat: Fighting From Horseback

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:

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Chapter 5: Ranged Combat Description:

Skills Ranged Combat: Darts

Ranged combat is the use of weapons that can Maximum Level:
be hurled, thrown, or fired over a long distance. Cost:
Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Thrown Weapons Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Ranged Combat: Knife
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Rocks & Stones Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Ranged Combat: Dagger
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Sling Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Ranged Combat: Ax
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Bola Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Ranged Combat: Bowcraft
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Nets Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Ranged Combat: Bow
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:

Training Time: Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Hand
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Short bow Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Light
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Long Bow Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Heavy
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Hand Bow Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Foot Drawn
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Recurved Bow Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Mounted Heavy
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Compound Bow Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Ballista
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
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Availability: Ranged Combat: Blowgun - Steam Powered
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Crossbow - Self-Loading Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Ranged Combat: Dragon Cannon
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Projectile Weaponry Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Ranged Combat: Cannon
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Blowgun - Hand Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Ranged Combat: Fighting from horseback
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Ranged Combat: Blowgun Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Ranged Combat: Blowgun - Large

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:

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Chapter 6: Siege Craft Skills Cost:
Training Time:
Siege Craft: Ranged Siege Machinery Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Siege Craft: Battering Ram - Heavy
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Siege Craft: Catapult - Light Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Siege Craft: Stone Breaker
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Siege Craft: Catapult - Heavy Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Siege Craft: Siege Ladder
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Siege Craft: Catapult - Slinging Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Siege Craft: Siege Tower
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Siege Craft: Battering Ram - Light Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Siege Craft: Battering Ram

Maximum Level:
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Chapter 7: Defense Skills Level Agility Thought Dodge
Defense 4 11 9 6
Prerequisites: 6 Agility + 2 per level, 6 Thought + 1 5 12 10 9
per level 6 13 11 12
Maximum Level: 8 7 14 12 16
Cost: 1 Skill Slot 8 15 13 20
Training Time: 1 Month per level
Availability: Common + 1 per level This skill is extremely useful to the character,
Monetary Cost: x1 especially at higher level, where it is possible for a
character to defend every attack launched against them
Description: using only a hand shield.
This skill provides the basic means of defense
for a character. It involves learning how to duck and Defense: Buckler
move, roll and tuck and otherwise avoid being struck. Prerequisites:
Remember that the best defense is usually to not be Maximum Level:
where the attack is. Cost:
Training Time:
Level Agility Thought Dodge Availability:
Bonus Monetary Cost:
1 6 6 1
2 8 7 2 Description:
3 10 8 4
4 12 9 6 Defense: Small Shield
5 14 10 9 Prerequisites:
6 16 11 12 Maximum Level:
7 18 12 16 Cost:
8 20 13 20 Training Time:
This skill is extremely useful for the Monetary Cost:
adventurer, especially at the higher levels, because the
dodge bonus becomes so good as to make even an Description:
unarmored character very difficult to do damage to.
Defense: Shield
Defense: Hand Shield Prerequisites:
Prerequisites: 8 Agility + 1 per level, 6 Thought + 1 Maximum Level:
per level Cost:
Maximum Level: 10 Training Time:
Cost: 2 Skill Slots Availability:
Training Time: 1 month per level Monetary Cost:
Availability: Uncommon + 1 per level
Monetary Cost: x2 Description:

Description: Defense: Large Shield

This skill provides the character with the Prerequisites:
ability to use a hand shield for defense. It teaches how Maximum Level:
to use the shield to block blows and parry attacks, Cost:
deflecting or avoiding their damage completely. Training Time:
Level Agility Thought Dodge Monetary Cost:
1 8 6 1 Description:
2 9 7 2
3 10 8 4

Defense: Tall Shield

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Defense: Cover
Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:

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Chapter 8: Weaponry Skills Weaponry: Boltsman

The weaponry skills provide a character with a Maximum Level:
means of developing and creating their own weapons. Cost:
Training Time:
Weaponry: Weaponcare Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Weaponry: Blowpiper
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Weaponry: Weaponcraft Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Weaponry: Dartsman
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Weaponry: Bowyer Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Weaponry: Cannoneer
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Weaponry: Fletcher Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Weaponry: Sieger
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Weaponry: Crossbowyer Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Weaponry: Bladesmith
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
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Monetary Cost:


Weaponry: Swordsmith
Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Weaponry: Axesmith
Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Weaponry: Polearmorer
Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Chapter 9: Armor Skills Armor: Chain

The armor skills provide the character with Prerequisites:
knowledge of how to care for, repair, and even make Maximum Level:
armor. Cost:
Training Time:
Armor: Armor Care Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Armor: Plate
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Armor: Armorcraft Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Armor: Helms
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Armor: Cloth Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Armor: Shields
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Armor: Leather Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Armor: Scaled
Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:

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Chapter 10: Mental Skills Cost:

Training Time:
Mental: Discipline Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Mental: Projection
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Mental: Clear Mind Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Mental: ESP
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Mental: Healing Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Mental: Prediction
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Mental: Suggestion Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Mental: Visions
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Mental: Pain Control Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Mental: Dreaming
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Mental: Pain Causing Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
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Description: Training Time:
Mental: Possession Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Mental: Impressions
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Mental: Aging Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Mental: Spirit Contact
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Mental: Disease Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Mental: Clairvoyance
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Mental: Poison Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Mental: Telekinesis
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Mental: Psychokenesis Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:
Training Time: Mental: Psychothermics
Availability: Prerequisites:
Monetary Cost: Maximum Level:
Description: Training Time:
Mental: Location Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level: Description:

Mental: Illusion
Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Mental: Body Control

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:

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Chapter 11: Magecraft Skills The identify bonus column is used to

determine whether a mage who is viewing another
Magecraft, magic, the skills of legend. The mage casting a spell can identify the magecraft skills
skills that follow define the basic skills of magecraft. involved. The viewing mage will gain that bonus to
When these skills are blended together, they form the identify the skills used in casting the spell. The viewing
basis of the magical spells that a character can cast. mage can not be disturbed while observing the other
spell in order to identify the skills being used.
Prerequisites: 10 Knowledge + 1 per level, 10 Magecraft: Elemental Control - Fire
Willpower + 1 per level Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 13 Willpower + 1 per
Cost: 4 Skill Slots level, 12 Thought + ½ per level
Training Time: 3 months per level Cost: 2 Skill Slots
Availability: Uncommon + 1 per level Training Time: 3 months per level
Monetary Cost: x4 Availability: Scarce + ½ per level
Monetary Cost: x5
The basic skill of magecraft is a general Description:
understanding of how magic works. All of the other The elemental control of fire is one of the
magecraft skills require knowledge of this basic skill. more common skills learned by mages, as it is one of
This teaches the character how to control the basic the most powerful defenses a mage can muster. Fire is a
fibers and flow of magic. potent weapon.
Each additional skill level imparts a greater This skill allows the character to control and
mastery of those basic concepts. At skill level one, a manipulate the magical elemental forces of fire and
mage could determine whether someone within a ten heat. The basic use of this spell is to control natural
feet of him was using magecraft skills. By the time that fires. The more exotic use is to conjure magical fire
same character achieves the 10th level of skill, he would into existence without fuel or flame to start with.
be able to tell if anyone within almost a quarter mile The control of fire and heat also makes the
was casting so much as a first circle spell. character less vulnerable to attacks based on fire or
The following table lists the progression of the heat. As the skill level progresses, this protection
Magecraft skill, and the abilities that go with that increases as well.
progression: The following table describes the bonuses
available with the skill of elemental fire:
Level Will Know Detect Range Identify
per circle Bonus Level Will Thought Protection Identify
1 10 10 10’ --- Bonus Bonus
2 11 11 40’ +5% 1 13 12 1 ---
3 12 12 90’ +10% 2 14 13 2 +5%
4 13 13 160’ +15% 3 15 13 4 +10%
5 14 14 250’ +20% 4 16 14 6 +20%
6 15 15 360’ +25% 5 17 14 10 +30%
7 16 16 490’ +30% 6 18 15 15 +40%
8 17 17 640’ +35% 7 19 15 20 +50%
9 18 18 810’ +40% 8 20 16 25 +75%
10 19 19 1000’ +50%
11 20 20 1320’ +60% The protection bonus applies to attacks that are
done using fire or heat. The bonus is subtracted from
The detection range is the range at which the the amount of damage done by the attack. This bonus
mage can ”feel” a first circle spell being cast. This only applies to the mage with the skill.
distance is multiplied by the circle of the spell. For The Identify Bonus is the bonus given to the
instance, if a mage casts an eighth circle spell, then a mage if they are attempting to identify a spell being
mage with a magecraft skill of seven would be able to cast. If that spell uses elemental fire in it’s casting, then
”feel” the casting of that spell up to 3920’, about ¾ of a the character will receive the above bonus to his ability
mile, away. to identify that portion of the spell.
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Magecraft: Elemental Control - Water Description:
Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 13 Willpower + 1 per The elemental control of air is one of the four
level, 12 Thought + ½ per level most common skills learned by mages. It is, however,
Cost: 2 Skill Slots the least common of those four. This skill imparts to the
Training Time: 3 months per level character the ability to control the flow of air and
Availability: Scarce + ½ per level gasses and bend those flows to their will.
Monetary Cost: x6 This skill allows the character to control and
manipulate the magical elemental forces of air. The
Description: basic use of this spell is to control gusts of wind or
The elemental control of water is one of the noxious gasses. More exotic uses are the ability to
four most common skills learned by mages. The ability create whirlwinds or tornadoes.
to control, shape and even summon water is a powerful The control of air makes the caster less
skill. vulnerable to attacks based on air. This protection is
This skill allows the character to control and conferred by the mage’s ability to deflect the air-based
manipulate the magical elemental forces of water. The attack to weaken its impact.
basic use of this spell is to shape and control bodies of The following table describes the bonuses
water. More exotic uses are the ability to gather water available with the skill of elemental air:
out of the surrounding area and make it rain.
The control of water makes the caster less Level Will Thought Protectio Identify
vulnerable to attacks based on water. This protection is n Bonus Bonus
conferred by the mage’s ability to bend and shape the 1 13 12 1 ---
water to weaken its impact. 2 14 13 2 +5%
The following table describes the bonuses 3 15 13 4 +10%
available with the skill of elemental water: 4 16 14 6 +20%
5 17 14 10 +30%
Level Will Thought Protectio Identify 6 18 15 15 +40%
n Bonus Bonus
7 19 15 20 +50%
1 13 12 1 ---
8 20 16 25 +75%
2 14 13 2 +5%
3 15 13 4 +10%
The protection bonus applies to attacks that are
4 16 14 6 +20% done using air. The bonus is subtracted from the
5 17 14 10 +30% amount of damage done by the attack. This bonus only
6 18 15 15 +40% applies to the mage with the skill.
7 19 15 20 +50% The Identify Bonus is the bonus given to the
8 20 16 25 +75% mage if they are attempting to identify a spell being
cast. If that spell uses elemental air in it’s casting, then
The protection bonus applies to attacks that are the character will receive the above bonus to his ability
done using water. The bonus is subtracted from the to identify that portion of the spell.
amount of damage done by the attack. This bonus only
applies to the mage with the skill. Magecraft: Elemental Control - Earth
The Identify Bonus is the bonus given to the Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 13 Willpower + 1 per
mage if they are attempting to identify a spell being level, 12 Thought + ½ per level
cast. If that spell uses elemental water in it’s casting, Cost: 2 Skill Slots
then the character will receive the above bonus to his Training Time: 3 months per level
ability to identify that portion of the spell. Availability: Scarce + ½ per level
Monetary Cost: x5

Magecraft: Elemental Control - Air Description:

Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 13 Willpower + 1 per The elemental control of earth is the last of the
level, 12 Thought + ½ per level four most common skills learned by mages. It is almost
Cost: 2 Skill Slots as powerful as fire, however it is not quite so showy.
Training Time: 3 months per level This skill imparts to the character the ability to control
Availability: Rare + ½ per level the shape and form of earth and remake those forms
Monetary Cost: x8 according to their own designs.

This skill allows the character to control and

manipulate the magical elemental forces of earth. The Level Will Thought Protectio Identify
basic use of this spell is to shape rock and earth. More n Bonus Bonus
exotic uses are the ability to create stone walls or build 1 15 12 1 ---
stone buildings magically. 2 16 13 2 +5%
The control of earth makes the caster less 3 17 13 4 +10%
vulnerable to attacks based on earth. This protection is 4 18 14 6 +20%
conferred by the mage’s ability to deflect or re-shape 5 19 14 10 +30%
the earth-based attack to weaken its impact.
6 20 15 15 +40%
The following table describes the bonuses
available with the skill of elemental earth:
The protection bonus applies to attacks that are
done using elemental energy. The bonus is subtracted
Level Will Thought Protectio Identify
from the amount of damage done by the attack. This
n Bonus Bonus
bonus only applies to the mage with the skill.
1 13 12 1 --- The Identify Bonus is the bonus given to the
2 14 13 2 +5% mage if they are attempting to identify a spell being
3 15 13 4 +10% cast. If that spell uses elemental energy in it’s casting,
4 16 14 6 +20% then the character will receive the above bonus to his
5 17 14 10 +30% ability to identify that portion of the spell.
6 18 15 15 +40%
7 19 15 20 +50% Magecraft: Elemental Control - Entropy
8 20 16 25 +75% Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 15 Willpower + 1 per
level, 14 Thought + ½ per level
The protection bonus applies to attacks that are Cost: 2 Skill Slots
done using earth. The bonus is subtracted from the Training Time: 3 months per level
amount of damage done by the attack. This bonus only Availability: Very Rare + ½ per level
applies to the mage with the skill. Monetary Cost: x10
The Identify Bonus is the bonus given to the
mage if they are attempting to identify a spell being Description:
cast. If that spell uses elemental earth in it’s casting, The elemental control of entropy is the ability
then the character will receive the above bonus to his to take away the energy that binds things together.
ability to identify that portion of the spell. Entropy is a term that means the decay of all things
towards chaos.
Magecraft: Elemental Control - Energy The mage trained in this ability is able to
Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 15 Willpower + 1 per accelerate the rate at which things decay towards chaos.
level, 14 Thought + ½ per level For example, a mage of high skill could take a piece of
Cost: 2 Skill Slots stone and cause it to crumble to dust in his hands. This
Training Time: 3 months per level power is the antithesis of energy.
Availability: Very Rare + ½ per level The following table describes the bonuses
Monetary Cost: x10 available with the skill of elemental entropy:

Description: Level Will Thought Protectio Identify

The elemental control of energy is the control n Bonus Bonus
of the raw force that makes things happen. For instance, 1 15 12 1 ---
tossing a rock some distance would be the purview of a 2 16 13 2 +5%
skill level of one, while moving boulders would involve 3 17 13 4 +10%
a higher skill level. Energy also is the power within all 4 18 14 6 +20%
things. Making stone is the power of elemental earth, 5 19 14 10 +30%
making it harder is a power of elemental energy. 6 20 15 15 +40%
This skill teaches the control of magical force
and energy. A mage skilled in this craft can control the The protection bonus applies to attacks that are
elemental weaves and flows of energy and direct them done using elemental entropy. The bonus is subtracted
according to their will. from the amount of damage done by the attack. This
The following table describes the bonuses bonus only applies to the mage with the skill.
available with the skill of elemental energy:
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The Identify Bonus is the bonus given to the The elemental control of darkness is one of the
mage if they are attempting to identify a spell being less pursued skills, as it allows the mage to create the
cast. If that spell uses elemental entropy in it’s casting, absence of light, in other words, darkness. At lower
then the character will receive the above bonus to his skill levels, this power might allow the mage to create a
ability to identify that portion of the spell. covering shadow, or to deepen the available shadows.
At higher levels, it allows the mage to plunge a city
Magecraft: Elemental Control - Light into darkness. (Insert evil laughter here.)
Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 13 Willpower + 1 per The following table describes the bonuses
level, 10 Thought + 1 per level available with the skill of elemental earth:
Cost: 1 Skill Slot
Training Time: 3 months per level Level Will Thought Protectio Identify
Availability: Uncommon + ½ per level n Bonus Bonus
Monetary Cost: x3 1 13 10 1 ---
2 14 11 2 +5%
Description: 3 15 12 4 +10%
The elemental control of light is one of the 4 16 13 6 +20%
easier skills of magecraft, and, at the lower skill levels, 5 17 14 10 +30%
one of the more utilitarian skills as well. In short, it is
6 18 15 15 +40%
the control of light, it’s creation and manipulation.
7 19 16 20 +50%
At higher levels, this skill becomes very
powerful, as intense light is one of the most powerful 8 20 17 25 +75%
forces imaginable, just consider the laser.
The following table describes the bonuses The protection bonus applies to attacks that are
available with the skill of elemental light: done using elemental darkness. The bonus is subtracted
from the amount of damage done by the attack. This
Level Will Thought Protectio Identify bonus only applies to the mage with the skill.
n Bonus Bonus The Identify Bonus is the bonus given to the
mage if they are attempting to identify a spell being
1 13 10 1 ---
cast. If that spell uses elemental darkness in it’s casting,
2 14 11 2 +5%
then the character will receive the above bonus to his
3 15 12 4 +10%
ability to identify that portion of the spell.
4 16 13 6 +20%
5 17 14 10 +30% Magecraft: Ritual
6 18 15 15 +40% Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 12 Willpower + 1½
7 19 16 20 +50% per level, 12 Thought + 1 per level, Knowledge 9 + 2
8 20 17 25 +60% per level, 8 Agility + 1 per level
Maximum Level: 6
The protection bonus applies to attacks that are Cost: 3 Skill Slots
done using elemental light. The bonus is subtracted Training Time: 6 months per level
from the amount of damage done by the attack. This Availability: Rare + ½ per level
bonus only applies to the mage with the skill. Monetary Cost: x20
The Identify Bonus is the bonus given to the
mage if they are attempting to identify a spell being Description:
cast. If that spell uses elemental light in it’s casting, The magecraft skill of ritual magic is the
then the character will receive the above bonus to his practice of creating spells through long and involved
ability to identify that portion of the spell. rituals. In and of itself, this skill has little power,
however, it can be used to amplify the power of other
Magecraft: Elemental Control - Darkness skills to much higher levels.
Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 13 Willpower + 1 per For example, a mage skilled in ritual magic
level, 10 Thought + 1 per level might create a ritual that combines the skills of energy,
Cost: 1 Skill Slot fire and earth to create an earthquake and volcano. At
Training Time: 3 months per level lower skill levels, this kind of ritual would take months
Availability: Uncommon + ½ per level or years of uninterrupted ritual. At higher levels, the
Monetary Cost: x4 time might be reduced to a week or a day.
Ritual magic involves such things as gestures,
Description: dances, and slow ritualistic chants. Some more

powerful magics, at the GM’s discretion, may involve Level Will Thought Stamina Max Max
things such as fasting or going without sleep. Weight Dist.
In general, ritual magic makes the casting of 2 16 13 11 30# 500’
spells take much longer, but multiplies the power of the 3 16 14 12 75# ½ mile
spell. 4 17 15 13 150# 5 miles
5 17 16 14 300# 25
Level Will Thought Know Agility Max miles
Mult. 6 18 17 15 500# 250
1 12 12 9 8 3 miles
2 14 13 11 9 5 7 18 18 16 1000# 1000
3 15 14 13 10 7 miles
4 17 15 15 11 10 8 19 19 17 2500# 5000
5 18 16 17 12 15 miles
6 20 17 19 13 20 9 19 20 18 5000# 20,000
The Max Mult. (i.e. Maximum Multiplier)
column provides the maximum amount by which the Maximum weight is the maximum amount of
mage can multiply the spell. For example, a fiery blast mass that can be moved by a mage with a skill of the
normally does 5d6 points of damage. The mage has a given level. This can be a single item or a combination
skill of ritual magic of 3, so he can multiply this by a of items whose mass total less than or equal to the
maximum of 7 times, for a total of 35d6. However, the given amount.
casting time is now changed to seven times the circle of Maximum distance is the farthest that an
the spell (4) for a total of 28 hours. The skill level of object can be transported using this skill.
three divides this value for a casting time of just over Both of these values are absolute maximums.
nine hours. Not especially useful for combat, but very The mage can choose to move things lighter than the
useful in the siege of a castle or some such thing. maximum and for shorter distances.
Each skill level also means one more category
of the spell that can be multiplied. For example, the Magecraft: Dimensional Spaces
skill level of three would allow the mage to not only Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, Magecraft:
multiply the damage, but also the range and area of Transportation Skill, 18 Willpower + ½ per level, 15
effect. However, this would mean another three times Thought + ½ per level, 16 Knowledge + 1 per level
multiplier, giving back 28 hours to cast the spell. A very Cost: 4 Skill Slots
nasty spell, admittedly, but still a long time to cast. Training Time: 6 months per level
Availability: Extremely Rare + ½ per level
Magecraft: Transportation Monetary Cost: x50
Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 15 Willpower + ½ per
level, 12 Thought + 1 per level, 10 Stamina + 1 per Description:
level The magecraft skill of dimensional spaces is
Cost: 4 Skill Slots one of the most uncommon and arguable one of the
Training Time: 6 months per level most powerful skills the mage can possess. This skill is
Availability: Very Rare + ½ per level extremely rare and hard sought. Those who know it are
Monetary Cost: x8 often loath to give up their knowledge.
This skill gives the mage the ability to create
Description: spaces outside of the normal universe. This power,
The magecraft skill of transportation allows although small at first, can become truly phenomenal.
the mage to instantaneously move materials from one The creation of demi-planes of existence can become
place to another. This skill is its most powerful in the reality with this skill. It is why this skill’s secrets are so
teleportation from one place to another, of people or closely guarded, for someone who can create such a
goods. place can also destroy one.
The following table describes the bonuses The following table describes the bonuses
available with the skill of transportation: available with the skill of dimensional spaces:

Level Will Thought Stamina Max Max Lvl Will Thought Know Max Max
Weight Dist. Size Duration
1 15 12 10 10# 50’ 1 18 15 16 10’3 5 turns
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Lvl Will Thought Know Max Max Lvl Will Know Wi Max Identify
Size Duration s ”Healing” Bonus
2 19 16 17 100’3 60 turns 1 13 12 12 1 ---
3 19 17 18 1 1 day 2 14 13 16 2 +5%
miles3 3 15 13 14 4 +10%
4 20 18 19 10 1 month 4 16 14 15 6 +20%
miles3 5 17 14 16 10 +30%
5 20 19 20 100 1 year 6 18 15 17 15 +40%
miles3 7 19 15 18 20 +50%
8 20 16 19 25 +75%
The maximum size is given in cubic
measurements. In other words, at first level, a box 10 The Maximum Healing column lists the
feet on a side can be created. It will last, at most, five maximum amount of health that the mage can either
minutes. By fifth level, that box can be 100 miles on a transfer from one creature to another, or to heal a
side, and last for a year. The other option is to make the creature with a two for one conversion to fatigue. In
space, 1000 miles on a side and a mile high. other words, a mage with a skill level of seven could
When the duration of a dimensional space heal up to 20 points of health damage, but the recipient
expires, any material within the dimensional space is would be fatigued for 40 fatigue points.
forcibly expelled. Note that the duration of the spell The same mage could transfer 20 points of
can be extended through ritual magic or spell weaving. health from another creature, doing 20 points of
Also, at high levels of skill, the elemental energy skill damage to the first creature, along with 20 points of
can be used to create a permanent flow of energy to the fatigue. The recipient would heal 20 points, but also at
dimensional space, stabilizing it in perpetuity. a cost of 20 fatigue points.
Note that this skill’s prime requisites are In the same tone, the mage can create
extremely high. Not only are the three ability scores simulacrums or undead with only the number of health
near their physical maximums, but there is also the points given in the Max Healing column. For example,
requirement for knowing the Magecraft skill of a first skill level mage could create an undead skeleton
Transportation. with but one point of health. On the other hand, an
eighth skill level mage could animate a skeleton with
Magecraft: Life Force twenty-five health points.
Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 13 Willpower + 1 per The Identify Bonus is the bonus given to the
level, 12 Knowledge + ½ per level, 12 Wisdom + 1 per mage if they are attempting to identify a spell being
level cast. If that spell uses the life force skill in it’s casting,
Cost: 2 Skill Slots then the character will receive the above bonus to his
Training Time: 4 months per level ability to identify that portion of the spell.
Availability: Rare + ½ per level
Monetary Cost: x5 Magecraft: Time
Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, Magecraft: Energy
Description: level 3, Magecraft: Entropy level 3, 18 Willpower + 1
The life force skill imparts upon the mage the per level, 18 Thought + ½ per level, 18 Knowledge + ½
ability to differentiate the various energies of life. With per level
this knowledge, they can create simulacrums of life, or Cost: 4 Skill Slots
even transfer life energy from one character to another. Training Time: 12 months per level
This skill has its upsides as well as its Availability: Extremely Rare + 1 per level
downsides. Often mages who tamper with this skill are Monetary Cost: x100
considered evil, and at best are usually shunned.
Unlike divine healing, the mage’s forms of healing are Description:
considered unnatural, and often cause as much pain as The control of the flow of time is one of the
they heal. most ancient pursuits of the mystical arts, and the world
The mages who dabble in simulated life are of DragonSpawn is no exception. This skill provides
often branded with the name, ”Necromancer” and cast the caster with the means to control the awesome forces
from society. of time. It will give him the power to set the hands of
time to his own tempo, or his own position.
This power is phenomenal, and in the wrong
hands, horrendously dangerous. This is reflected in its

scarcity and the tremendous cost in both time and Level Will Know Thought Base Max
money in its research. Belief time w/o
Level Will Thought Know Identify Bonus 1 12 12 12 50% 0
1 18 18 18 --- 2 13 13 13 55% 1 turn
2 19 19 19 +5% 3 13 13 13 60% 5 turns
3 20 19 19 +10% 4 14 14 14 65% 20 turns
5 14 14 14 70% 1 hour
This skill is measured by the spells created 6 15 15 15 75% 3 hours
with it. For example a first skill level time spell might 7 15 15 15 80% 8 hours
create a local disturbance in time that slows down or 8 16 16 16 85% 1 day
speeds up time within its area. Perhaps a similar spell 9 16 16 16 90% 3 days
could slow down the aging of a person for a year’s 10 17 17 17 95% 1 week
time. A third level skill might provide the means to halt
11 17 17 17 100% 3 weeks
time in its tracks while the mage remains unaffected, or
12 18 18 18 105% 2 months
to create a stasis field where things inside do not
experience time passing at all. 13 18 18 18 110% 6 months
The Identify Bonus is the bonus given to the 14 19 19 19 120% 1 year
mage if they are attempting to identify a spell being 15 19 19 19 130% 5 years
cast. If that spell uses the time skill in it’s casting, then 16 20 20 20 140% 20 years
the character will receive the above bonus to his ability 17 20 20 20 150% 100
to identify that portion of the spell. years

Magecraft: Illusion Base belief defines the basic chance that the
Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 12 Willpower + ½ per illusion created will be believed by an average
level, 12 Knowledge + ½ per level, 12 Thought + ½ per intelligence person. For every full point of knowledge
level beyond what’s needed for the level, this base is
Cost: 2 Skill Slots increased by 5%. This means that a skill level one
Training Time: 3 months per level illusionist with a 20 knowledge has a base 90% chance
Availability: Uncommon + ½ per level of their illusion being believed. The target’s mental
Monetary Cost: x4 scores lower the likelihood of the illusion being
Description: The Maximum time without attention defines
The skill of illusion is exactly that. Creating how long the illusion will ”maintain itself” after the
images that appear real, but are not. This skill gains its mage goes on to other things. For example, a first level
power from the overwhelming urge people have to mage who ceases to concentrate on an illusion will find
believe what they see. However, it is all tricks of the that the spell dissipates immediately. By the fifth skill
light, smoke and mirrors without substance. level, that same spell will take a full hour to dissipate
But, the power of suggestion can be very on its own. By the seventeenth level of skills, the
powerful. Imagine creating the illusion of a safe and mage’s illusions are all but permanent.
sturdy bridge, when in reality the center span is
missing. A person who comes to the foot of the bridge Magecraft: Creation
is unlikely to be suspicious until they plunge to their Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 14 Willpower + 1 per
doom below. level, 14 Knowledge + 1 per level
At a high enough level, illusions become more Cost: 2 Skill Slots
then just light and shadow. They can have effects on all Training Time: 2 months per level
five of the senses, even providing tactile response. Availability: Scarce + ½ per level
Although still less than real, these illusions possess a Monetary Cost: x8
power as great as many of the elemental forces.
Illusion also finds its niche in other areas. Description:
Invisibility is an illusion, albeit a very powerful and The skill of creation allows the mage to
useful one. conjure matter out of nothingness. The skill to create
material from the mystical energies of the universe. A
mage trained in this skill can conjure gold coins out of
thin air, or cause great metallic walls to spring from the
ground, blocking passage.
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This skill provides the mage with a means to bad horror films, in the magical world of
create goods that they need, although their complexity DragonSpawn, mages can create just such a binding.
varies from level to level. At low levels, only simple This skill is useful in other ways as well,
items, such as base elements can be created. At higher create a token and a stack of coins from the same piece
levels, more complex goods can be the result, including of lead, and use sympathy and earth skills to change the
things like food, or worked goods like cloth. token to gold. The stack of coins will change with the
A mage must know what they are creating, and token. When the transmutation of the token wears off,
their creation will have no mystical powers of its own, the coins will change back as well. In the meantime,
it is simply material, woven by the mage, straight from however, they may have entered the possession of an
the warp and woof of creation itself. unscrupulous merchant instead.
The opposite can be true. A sword of massive
Level Will Know Max Max Complexity proportions is made, strong and sturdy. From the same
Weight piece of steel, a normal sword is made as well.
1 14 14 2# Simple elements: Sympathetic magic binds the two, and now the sword in
iron, stone, water hand will be nearly unbreakable, for the damage is
2 15 15 10# Compounds: done to the giant, linked sword instead.
steel, worked
stone Level Will Thought Scale Max Range
3 16 16 50# Worked steel Factor
4 17 17 200# Liquids: Beer, 1 10 12 x1 10’
wine, ale 2 11 13 x2 50’
5 18 18 500# Wood 3 12 13 x5 250’
6 19 19 1000# Meats, foods 4 13 14 x 10 1000’
7 20 20 2500# Prepared foods, 5 14 14 x 20 1 mile
delicately worked 6 15 15 x 50 5 miles
steel, jewelry 7 16 15 x 100 25 miles
8 17 16 x 500 100 miles
The maximum weight is the maximum amount 9 18 16 x 1000 500 miles
of material that can be created at once. 10 19 17 x 2500 2500 miles
The maximum complexity is the type of 11 20 17 x 5000 10,000 miles
material that can be created. For example, a mage of
skill level one could create only things like water or The scale factor is the maximum amount of
iron, or stone. (Author’s note: Okay, for the science size the two items may differ by. If any factor differs by
buffs out there, stone is a very complex material, but in more then this, height, weight, length, weight, mass,
the medieval sense, it’s considered simple.) whatever, then they can not be linked through this skill
However, a high level mage could create a at the current level.
feast of fine foods, enough to feed a small army. The maximum range is the greatest distance
that the link can be stretched to. Once the linked
Magecraft: Sympathy objects exceed that distance, the link is broken and can
Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 10 Willpower + 1 per only be recreated through the recasting of the spell.
level, 12 Thought + ½ per level
Cost: 2 Skill Slots Magecraft: Spell Weaving
Training Time: 3 months per level Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill of 5 or more, 15
Availability: Uncommon + 1 per level Willpower + 1 per level, 18 Thought + ½ per level
Monetary Cost: x6 Cost: 6 Skill Slots
Training Time: 12 months per level
Description: Availability: Very Rare + ½ per level
The magecraft skill of sympathy is one of the Monetary Cost: x10
most well known in folklore. Sympathetic magic is the
binding of a token to a larger or more complex object. Description:
The best known example is the voodoo doll. When the The skill of spell weaving allows more than
pin strikes the carefully crafted doll of the person, it is one mage to work together to create a spell effect. At
the person who feels the pain. While in the real world, least one of the mages must have spell weaving skills
voodoo dolls are the stuff of superstitious nonsense and for this combination to be effective.

When the skills of multiple mages are woven Magecraft: Summoning

together, the result is the sum of the skills of all the Prerequisites: Magecraft Skill, 18 Willpower + ½ per
mages. This allows a group of mages to cast a spell that level, 16 Knowledge + ½ per level
none of the individual mages could. Cost: 2 Skill Slots
When more than one spell weaver is in a Training Time: 8 months per level
group, they can consider the other woven group to be a Availability: Very Rare + ½ per level
single mage, allowing groups of spell weavers and Monetary Cost: x50
mages to create circles of massive power.
However, spell weaving, much like ritual Description:
magic, multiplies the amount of time it takes to cast a The magecraft skill of summoning involves
spell because of the amount of communication that the creation of gateways to other planes of existence
must go on between the weavers and the other mages. and the forcible removal of its denizens to the plane of
The weaver must also have knowledge of the existence of the spell caster. Many of these denizens
spell to be cast, or they run the risk of attempting an will be extremely unhappy about such a rude
unknown spell (c.f. the Mystic Arcana Guide section on ”invitation” and will turn on the caster. Summoning is a
impromptu magic.) dangerous game, but if the creature can be controlled, it
can be made to perform tasks for the mage.
Level Will Thought Max Skill Casting Often times, due to the ability to multiply the
Level Time control percentage, ritual magic is mixed with
1 15 18 3 x5 summoning, producing the eerie scenes we’ve seen in
2 16 19 5 x4 so many bad horror films.
3 17 19 9 x3 Much like necromancers, summoners are often
4 18 20 11 x2.5 shunned in society, and are usually considered
5 19 20 15 x2 dangerous, if not more then a bit mad to risk such
horrors. Other planar creatures are rarely hospitable to
those they take back to their own worlds.
For each skill level, the spell weaver can add
one more mage to his linked weave. So, at skill level
three, the weaver can have himself and three other Level Will Know Base Max Level
mages for a ring of four total mages. chance to
The spell weaver can add their own skill levels control
to the weave without restrictions. For other wizards, the 1 18 16 35% 2
weaver can direct only as many skill levels as given in 2 19 17 40% 4
the Max Skill Level per extra wizard in the weave. 3 19 17 50% 7
Thus, a skill level one weaver could add up to three 4 20 18 60% 10
skill levels per skill of the other mage to his own skills, 5 20 18 75% 15
while a fourth skill level weaver could add up to 11
skill levels, per skill, per wizard. That’s an awful lot of The base chance to control is the modifier
power. added to the mage’s Leadership ability. The summoned
The casting time for the spell is multiplied by creature’s leadership ability is then subtracted from this
the casting time given in the last column. For example, value, and then the mage rolls d100 to see if they
a fourth circle spell, woven by a skill level 1 weaver succeed in controlling the summoned creature. Failure
would take five times as long as normal to cast. The often results in attack, or the creature will flee back to
same spell cast by a fifth skill level weaver would take its own plane. Sometimes the creature will take the
only twice as long to cast. spell caster back to its own plane to serve as the
Speed casting is possible for weavers, although creature’s servant.
they take the same fatigue penalty as if the spell took as The Max Level describes the maximum level
long to cast as the multiplied casting time. So a first creature that the mage can summon at that skill level.
level weaver casting a fourth circle spell in 1/10 th time The GM will use this column to determine what
would take a base 200 fatigue points which would creatures you have a chance of summoning.
probably be modified down into the high double digits, Some other planar creatures have true names
instantly rendering them dead tired, or worse. A fifth that can be used to summon a specific individual.
skill level weaver could cast the same spell at 1/10 th Knowledge of a true name grants a 100% bonus to the
time and take only a few dozen fatigue points. chance to control the creature summoned. Powerful
beings fiercely guard their true names and will try
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anything to make sure that those names are not
commonly known.
Evil creatures summoned will almost always
attempt to twist the meaning of commands they are
given to their most evil means. In short, if there are two
ways to accomplish a goal, one pure and harmless, the
other bloody and violent, the evil creature will always
choose the bloody and violent method if given the
A creature that is forced into a suicidal or
hopeless situation will always be allowed another
chance to break control with a 100% bonus to its roll.

Chapter 12: Devotion Skills Devotion: Conversion

For those characters that are truly devoted to Maximum Level:
the service of a deity, these skills provide a means of Cost:
requesting divine aid in trying circumstances. Training Time:
Devotion: Prayer Monetary Cost:
Prerequisites: 13 wisdom +1 per level, 12 thought +
½ per level Description:
Maximum Level: 8
Cost: 2 skill slots Devotion: Healing
Training Time: 1 month per level Prerequisites:
Availability: Common + ½ per level Maximum Level:
Monetary Cost: Special, see description. Cost:
Training Time:
Description: Availability:
The basic devotion of prayer is both the most Monetary Cost:
common, as well as one of the most powerful devotion
skills. Through the use of well worded, pious, humble Description:
requests to the character’s deity, the prayer devotion
causes miraculous events to occur. At low skill levels, Devotion: Exorcism
these miraculous events are small, perhaps a lifting of Prerequisites:
spirits, or a bolstering of faith. At higher levels, Maximum Level:
however, such divine intervention can cause whole Cost:
cities to take heart, and for the divine presence of the Training Time:
deity to flow from his minion. Availability:
Monetary Cost:
Level Wisdom Thought Divine
Bonus Description:
1 13 12 1
2 14 13 2 Devotion: Divine Effects
3 15 13 4 Prerequisites:
4 16 14 6 Maximum Level:
5 17 14 10
Training Time:
6 18 15 15
7 19 15 20
Monetary Cost:
8 20 16 25
The divine bonus given in the table is the
adjustment used when dealing with adversaries of an Devotion: Divine Knowledge
alignment or motivation opposite that of the deity. This Prerequisites:
is the result of the ”divine radiance” the character Maximum Level:
possesses. Cost:
When facing creatures of an undead ilk, this is Training Time:
the bonus added to the ”turn undead” roll for the Availability:
character. Monetary Cost:
The monetary cost for this devotion varies
based on the deity in question. A god of greed would Description:
want their clerisy to withhold their monetary wealth,
while a god of charity would demand that their clerics Devotion: Miracles
keep only what they need to survive. The same is true Prerequisites:
for this skill. The clerics must pay what their god Maximum Level:
demands. Cost:
Training Time:
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Monetary Cost:


Chapter 13: Illicit Skills: Description:

These skills are the skills of the cutpurse and
that skulker. They're uses are almost purely illegal. Illicit Skills: Pick Pocketing
Illicit Skills: Lock Picking Maximum Level:
Prerequisites: 9 Manual Dexterity + 1 per level, 8 Cost:
Thought + ½ per level Training Time:
Maximum Level: 12 Availability:
Cost: 2 Skill Slots Monetary Cost:
Training Time: 2 months per level
Availability: Uncommon + 1 per level Description:
Monetary Cost: x2
Illicit Skills: Moving Silently
Description: Prerequisites:
This skill provides the rogue with the ability to Maximum Level:
pick locks of many different types and complexities. Cost:
This skill is usually highly frowned upon by law Training Time:
enforcement and the rest of ”polite” society. Availability:
For each skill level gained, the rogue becomes Monetary Cost:
more likely to correctly open a lock using this skill.
The skill also assumes the ownership of a set of lock Description:
picks and tools for opening locks.
Level Man Thought Base Illicit Skills: Forgery
Dex Percent Prerequisites:
1 9 8 35% Maximum Level:
2 10 9 45% Cost:
3 11 9 60% Training Time:
4 12 10 75% Availability:
Monetary Cost:
5 13 10 90%
6 14 11 110%
7 15 11 130%
8 16 12 150% Illicit Skills: Con Games
9 17 12 175% Prerequisites:
10 18 13 200% Maximum Level:
11 19 13 225% Cost:
12 20 14 250% Training Time:
The base percentage is the base chance for a Availability:
rogue to open a ”standard” simple lock. More complex Monetary Cost:
locks will include a percentage penalty that must be
applied to the base percentage before the roll to open Description:
the lock can be attempted.
For example, a triple-tumbler, magically Illicit Skills: Local Cant
enhanced, completely silent lock could be picked at a Prerequisites:
penalty of –150%, meaning that it would take a skill of Maximum Level:
at least 9 to have a chance of opening the lock. Cost:
Training Time:
Illicit Skills: Skulking Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:
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Chapter 14: Musical Skills Cost:

Training Time:
Musical Skills: Basic Music Theory Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Musical Skills: Harp
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Musical Skills: Voice Training Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Musical Skills: Lute
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Musical Skills: Stringed Instruments Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Musical Skills: Flute
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Musical Skills: Lyre Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Musical Skills: Piccolo
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Musical Skills: Dulcimer Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Availability: Musical Skills: Drums
Monetary Cost: Prerequisites:
Maximum Level:
Description: Cost:
Training Time:
Musical Skills: Dulcet Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
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Musical Skills: Pipes

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Musical Skills: Spell Singing

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Chapter 15: Survival Skills Cost:

Training Time:
Survival Skills: Tracking Availability:
Prerequisites: Monetary Cost:
Maximum Level:
Cost: Description:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Survival Skills: Hunting

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Survival Skills: Fishing

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Survival Skills: Horseback Riding

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Survival Skills: Scavenging

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Survival Skills: Covering Tracks

Maximum Level:
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Chapter 16: General Skills This skill allows the character to learn a
foreign language (foreign to them, i.e. not their native
General Skills: Reading language.) If they have reading and writing skills, then
Prerequisites: 6 thought + 1/level they will learn to read and write in that language as
Maximum Level: 14 well. For each skill level, the character can learn one
Cost: 1 skill slot more foreign language. The languages are pre-selected,
Training Time: 2 months / level and cannot be exchanged. In other words, you can’t
Availability: common + ½ per level forget one language to learn a new one.
Monetary Cost: x1
General Skills: Sewing
Description: Prerequisites: 9 Manual Dexterity + 1 per level
This skill allows the character to read any Cost: 1 skill slot
language that they can speak. Each level of reading Training Time: 2 months / level
skill allows the character to read twice as fast as the Availability: common + 1 per level
previous level. Someone with a skill level of one can Monetary Cost: x2
read one standard page of information in sixteen
minutes. Therefore, someone with a skill of two could Description:
read the page in eight minutes, a skill of three in four This skill gives the character the basic
minutes, and so forth. A skill of 12 would allow you to knowledge of sewing. A first skill level character can
read the page in about ½ of a second. This also means perform basic sewing skills, such as mending tears in
that you have good comprehension of everything you cloth, or sewing on buttons. For each progressive skill
have read as well. level, they become more talented, being able to mend
tears so they are not easily noticed. Being able to make
General Skills: Writing simple clothing, until they finally reach a level where
Prerequisites: 7 Thought + 2/level, 6 Manual they can become a professional tailor, or make clothing
Dexterity + 2/level fit for kings.
Maximum Level: 6
Cost: 1 skill slot General Skills: Herbalism
Training Time: 3 months/level Prerequisites: 10 knowledge + 1 per level, 10 wisdom
Availability: uncommon + ½ per level + 1 per level
Monetary Cost: x3 Cost: 3 skill slots
Training Time: 12 months per level
Description: Availability: rare + 1 per level
This skill allows the character to write any Monetary Cost: x4
language that they can speak. The first level of skill
provides only a slow, legible version of writing. For Description:
each level of skill beyond the first, the writing becomes The skill of herbalism lies in the use of
clearer and faster. At skill level one, it will take two common plants, salves and poultices to produce healing
hours for the character to write a full, standard page. or cures for disease. The skill of herbalism is passed
Each skill level cuts the previous level about in half. down from a mentor to a student, and the training is
This means that skill level 2 can write a page in 1 hour, intense.
3 in ½ hour, and level 4 in 20 minutes. Level 5 can Such knowledge provides a good basis for
write the page in 10 minutes, and level 6 in five. At the treating common and uncommon ailments. A trained
higher levels, the quality of the writing improves, so herbalist can remove fatigue or staunch wounds.
that at level 6, the hand is steady, even, and clearly Wounds treated by an herbalist are less likely to
legible. become infected, and often heal better and cleaner then
those treated by someone without the herbalist’s skill.
General Skills: Foreign Language
Prerequisites: 8 knowledge + 1/level General Skills: First Aid
Cost: 2 skill slots Prerequisites: 10 Knowledge + 1 per level, 10 wisdom
Training Time: 6 months / level + 1 per level
Availability: varies by language and location Maximum Level: 11
Monetary Cost: x2 Cost: 3 Skill Slots
Training Time: 2 months per level
Description: Availability: Rare + ½ per level
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Monetary Cost: x2

The first aid skill allows the character to
provide immediate care to wounded or injured
companions. This skill is important, as it allows the
character to staunch wounds and treat injuries in a rapid
and appropriate manner.
For each skill level, the character can dress
and staunch one wound in a turn. So a skill level of
three means that the character can bind and treat three
wounds in each and every turn.
In addition, a wound treated by someone with
the first aid skill will recover more quickly. For each
two skill levels, the wounded character will recover one
extra health point per day.

General Skills: Horseback Riding

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


General Skills: Climbing

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:


Chapter 17: Elven Skills

Elven Skills: Magical Sensitivity
Prerequisites: Elven race, 10 Thought + 1 per level, 9
Knowledge + ½ per level
Maximum Level: 11
Cost: 1 Skill Slot
Training Time: 1 month per level
Availability: Very Rare + ½ per level
Monetary Cost: x2

This skill allows an elf to sense certain
magical flows and residues in a given area. Active use
of magecraft skills in an area provide a bonus of 25% to
the ability to detect this activity.
At each skill level, the base chance of
detecting a trace residue of such a use increases by
10%, and the age of that residue increases by a factor of
In the following table, the max age is given in
turns (t), hours (hrs), and days. The base chance to
detect is the chance to tell that magic has been used in
the area within that amount of time.
Level Thought Kno Max Base
w Age Chance to
1 10 9 10 t 10%
2 11 10 20 t 20%
3 12 10 40 t 30%
4 13 11 80 t 40%
5 14 11 3 hrs 50%
6 15 12 6 hrs 60%
7 16 12 12 hrs 70%
8 17 13 1 day 80%
9 18 13 2 days 90%
10 19 14 4 days 100%
11 20 14 8 days 110%

Elven Skills: Nature Sympathy

Maximum Level:
Training Time:
Monetary Cost:

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Chapter 18: Equipping Your Aluminum, Platinum and Palladium are also used as
denominations of coinage. Some places have writs of
Character wealth, others have carried the writs one step further
and have paper money, issued by the government or
After you’ve given your character the basic attributes even by the church. Certain lords pay vassals with
that they need, next comes the task of outfitting them Script money, which is only accepted within the lord’s
with equipment. To start out, we need to establish a own walls, thus making any vassal who leaves the
system of money that can be used universally Lord’s care a penniless pauper.
throughout the game.
In the above table, all coins are referred to as
Monetary Units being ”standard”. In most campaigns, it would be
exceedingly rare for any given kingdom to actually
In the world of DragonSpawn, there are many mint ”standard” coins in all denominations. In addition,
different types of money, for instance, one country may the Standard Wood Piece is almost a misnomer, since
mint a coin stamped out of silver which is only a half wood pieces are not standard mintage of any
an inch across and thinner than a dime. Another country government. Usually a wood piece is used among
may mint a coin that is stamped out of a silver-nickel farmers as a debt marker with each wood piece being
alloy that is two inches across and weighs over four worth some basic amount, a single cob of corn, or a
troy ounces. Thus, the term Silver Piece and Gold Piece sheaf of wheat. Most of these markers are crudely cut
are not truly accurate measures. from whatever wood is at hand and are rarely of equal
However, we are going to use them, not sizes. However, over time, these coins have come to
because it’s accurate, but because it’s a lot easier. For have a meaningful value despite their not being
our case, we would consider that a Standard Gold Piece officially sanctioned.
(SGP) is equivalent to twenty Standard Silver Pieces
(SSP), which are equivalent to fifty Standard Brass As to the economy of the nation-states in the
Pieces (SBP) each, and so on. In the example above, world, the best comparison is what a coin will buy. The
the first silver piece (the small one) would be equal to wood piece has already been discussed as being worth
about 15 SBP, or about 1/3 SSP, while the second one only a trifling amount. A standard copper piece is
may be equal to anything from one SGP to one SSP enough to buy a bowl of broth at a dingy inn or a
depending on the mixture of nickel to silver in the coin. village cook place. The Standard Bronze would likely
The standard coins that we are working from turn that broth into a bowl of hearty stew, or a mug of
can be considered to be ¾ of an inch in diameter, and ale. Two bronzes will put a cup of wine on the table, or
1/16 of an inch thick. Each coin has a different weight a tough steak. A Brass piece will buy a steak dinner in a
due to its material. A table of weights and conversions more respectable inn, or a pair of steaks dinners with
between coins follows. all the fixings at that less fancy eatery.

Coin Type Weigh Conversion A single Standard Silver piece will buy a
(Abbreviation) t month’s stay in an inn, with meals. Two silvers will buy
Standard Gold 1.1 oz 20 Standard a cow, while three will buy a draft horse. A farmer will
Piece (SGP) Silver Pieces see only the equivalent of five silvers a year when their
Standard Silver .6 oz 50 Standard crops come in. (That’s about the same as 25,000 cobs
Piece (SSP) Brass Pieces of corn or sheaves of wheat.)
Standard Brass .5 oz 5 Standard
Piece (SBP) Bronze Pieces A single Standard Gold Piece will buy a
Standard Bronze .4 oz 2 Standard farmer’s house, or an outstanding war horse. A golden
Piece (SBrP) Copper Pieces coin will buy a stay in a fine inn for a year with meals,
Standard Copper .3 oz 10 Standard maid service, and special extras included. A more
Piece (SCP) Wood Pieces successful merchant will do from 6 to 10 gold coins
Standard Wood .1 oz 1/100,000 worth of business in a year. Some specialists make a
Piece( SWP) Standard Gold salary of about 10 gold coins a year, while merchants
Piece with wide holdings will sometimes earn as much as 50
gold pieces a year.
There are many other kinds of coins available It’s easily seen that most of the economy is
in different places; such rare metals as Iridium, Indium, driven by the trade of Standard Brass Pieces and
Standard Silver Pieces. Only the nobility holds gold
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coins in these kingdoms and city-states. Gold coins, in Coin Exchange Description
fact, are usually used only for the exchange of wealth image of the ruler of Hyperia
between nobility, and commoners holding gold coinage when the coin was minted
is usually enough to place them under suspicion of along with the season the coin
thievery. was struck. The ”Tails” side
of the coin is the rampaging
Equipment prices and prices in general lion that is the royal symbol
throughout the rest of the book are given in these of Hyperia.
standard units. Although in practice there are rarely Ancient 40 Silver A gold coin minted during the
”standard” units, in terms of keeping the game simple, Gold Krill Lemurs Second Kingdom. Named a
it is acceptable to use the standard coinages to speed up (16 SSP) Krill for the Royal House of
the game. Krill that sat the throne at the
time of the minting. Each
coin bears the flying eagle
Optional Rule: Different Coinage crest on the back, and the face
In the real world, no nation ever mints coins of of the Royal in power on the
a ”standard” size and shape. In fact, it was the fact that face. These coins are
two coins were nearly the same size that sounded the uncommon, but not yet rare.
death-knell of the Susan B. Anthony silver dollar in Ancient Varies. This coin is from the Reign of
America. So if we know that no country actually Gold Rive See the Usurper, between the First
makes all their coins the same size, it would only add descriptio and Second Kingdoms. The
to the game to have the nations within the game print n face bears the face of the
their own coinage. Usurper King Jalthorne, while
This addition of realistic exchange problems the reverse bears the
and strange coins from far-away lands only lends to the clenched, gauntleted, fist in
aura of mystery as well as the level of credibility of a front of the pennant banner of
game world. For instance, the DragonSpawn game the usurper. This coin is very
originated with the world of Kroth, where coinage rare, and some merchants and
varied from nation to nation and sometimes within the collectors will pay up to ten
nation itself. In the nation of Hyperia, the main area Gold Lions for a single coin,
explored during the campaigns, there were eight however, by decree of the
different official coins, along with a handful of Second Kingdom, these coins
unofficial ones. In addition, old and ancient coins are illegal to own, and anyone
turned up in various treasure troves. The following caught in knowing possession
table outlines those coins: of these coins can be
sentenced to prison time, or
Table: Coinage of Hyperia even death for treason. If
Coin Exchange Description someone turns these coins in
Aluminu 10 Gold Rarely minted due to the to a royal treasury, they will
m Shet Lions scarcity of aluminum, this be reimbursed one Gold Lion
(10 SGP) coin is about 1 inch across for each Gold Rive turned in
and 1/8 inch thick. Stamped to the authorities.
on one side with the raging Silver 5 Brass Silver coin, known to nobles
lion and the other side with Lemur (20 SBP) as the ”Silver Penny,” this
the Crossed Swords and coin is small, only about ½ an
Triangle of the Royal Seal, inch across, and stamped very
this coin has a smooth edge, thin, perhaps 1/32 of an inch.
but no border ring around the The face bears the Crossed
insignia. Swords and Triangle of the
Gold Lion 50 Silver Gold coin, approximately ¾ Royal Seal, and the back
Lemurs inch across and slightly less bears the marking of a cup.
(1 SGP) than 1/16 inch thick. Edges The date of stamping is
are smooth, with a raised ring marked on the back as well.
on both sides around the face Brass 100 This thick, coin is marked
designs. ”Heads” side is the Cantrell Coppers only on the face with the

Coin Exchange Description Equipment

(4 SBP) words Can’T’Rel E’
Be’Lar’Um, the motto of the No one is going to get very far without
Aklar Royal Line, ”In Calm equipment. Although this seems obvious, it’s invariably
Lies Our Strength, In Storm forgotten as to just how useful equipment can be. For
Rages Our Sword.” The non- instance, in a dark, drafty castle, torches can be blown
abbreviated version of the out, but a shielded lantern happily lights the area.
motto, ”Canret Te Var Relest - Twenty feet of rope is awfully helpful right up until you
Eba Benat Larus Dum,” come to that 100-foot cliff. Equipment is the first step
encircles the current royal of becoming an adventurer. Buying the right things will
seal. change your character from a helpless peasant into a
Copper 5 Iron Small and marked only with a fearless warrior. Okay, maybe not, but it’s a lot better
Penny Pegs star, these coins are only than being naked.
(4 SWP) about ½ inch across and
stamped very thin. As an aside, here’s a little quibble I have with
other adventure games. Most of them tend to start out
Iron Peg ( .8 SWP) These coins are very, very
as if the character were a newborn babe as far as
small, perhaps ¼ inch across
equipment. In other words, you need to buy everything
and unmarked. The surfaces
from the sword you swing to the underwear you’re
are smooth. These coins are
putting on under that chain mail. To me, this seems just
no longer minted due to lack
a tad unrealistic. Unless you’re in special
of value, however there is a
circumstances, you’re going to have a decent set of
more than ample supply of
clothes, usually one suitable for the studies you’ve
these tiny coins around.
done, and the skills you’ve learned. Oh well, back to
Ancient (1-5 Used instead of wood, this
the important stuff.
Clay SWP) ancient coinage was balls of
Tokens See clay, marked with a symbol or
descriptio character and used to
n represent some other item. Starting Money:
They are rarely accepted by This category is based on what the character’s
anyone except collectors place in life is. A nobleman is much more likely to start
looking for oddities. These out with oodles of money then a commoner is. Thus,
are not at all rare, as they we start this discussion with another one, what is the
seem to turn up everywhere. social standing of the character. There are a few ways
Wood (1 SWP) Square pieces of wood carved we can determine this. First, there are the amounts of
Flats with designs, these are often points distributed to attributes above the initial roll of
used as tokens in board games the dice. If we presume that this represents the extra
and other such items. They ”breaks” in life that the character received, then we can
are common enough among use the following table to determine social standing.
the peasantry that they are
sometimes used as currency, Additiona Social Class (Starting Cash)
although it is not uncommon l Points
for merchants and others to < 10 Poor ( 1d10 SBrP )
reject them, even when Iron 10 - 20 Lower Class (1d10 + 8 SBrP)
Pegs are accepted. 20 - 50 Lower Middle Class ( 1d10
In addition, there are many other nations that 50 - 80 Upper Middle Class (1d10 SSP)
print currency and other ancient coins that are more or 80 - 95 Upper Class ( 5d10 SSP )
less unknown. Sometimes merchants will accept 95 + High Class ( 1d10 SGP )
foreign coins for a lesser percentage of their value,
because they can use local coinage on journeys abroad. This table is more in line with how reality
In most cases, currency can be exchanged works, but it doesn’t cover all the bases. Sometimes
easily, or at worst, through the services of a people get extra breaks without being rich or
moneychanger or other financial resource. successful. In that case, a modifier to the original
Additional Point score can be made. This second
method rolls another 1d100 and subtracts 50 from the
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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value. This number is then added to the Additional Game Master. If you can give a logical, reasonable
Point score before indexing the table. explanation for the equipment a character has, and if
the Game Master agrees with your reasoning, then your
The third method is to simply decide on the character should have that item without paying for it.
ratio of social classes that spawn adventurers and then The final judgment, of course is the GM’s.
choose percentages for each class. Perhaps you have What follows are some general lists of
decided that on your world, the poor don’t adventure equipment that should be available at any larger town
because they don’t have the money, and the rich don’t or city. Some towns will not have everything listed;
adventure, because they have everything they need. In other towns will have more. Large cities will
addition, most of the higher earners aren’t willing to undoubtedly have everything on this list and probably
take the same risks that those who make less money. many more items besides.
That would give you the following table:
Item Price
Die Roll Social Class (Starting Clothing
(1d100) Cash) Shoes, everyday (1 pair) 1SBP
01-02 Poor ( 1d10 SBP ) Shoes, fancy dress (1 pair) 3 SBP
03 - 25 Lower Class (1d10 + 10 Shoes, heavy work (1 pair) 2 SBP
SBP) Slippers, velvet (1 pair) 5 SBP
26 - 75 Lower Middle Class ( 1d4 Boots, low, soft 3 SBP
SSP ) Boots, low, hard 4 SBP
76 - 94 Upper Middle Class (1d10 Boots, high, soft 4 SBP
SSP) Boots, high, hard 5 SBP
95 - 98 Upper Class ( 5d10 SSP ) Boots, polished, low 5 SBP
99 - 00 High Class ( 1d10 + 5 SGP) Boots, polished, high 7 SBP
Shirt, linen 3 SCP
From the above table, it is easy to see that the Shirt, canvas 5 SCP
majority of adventurers will come from the middle Shirt, Wool, coarse 1 SBP
classes, with most coming from the lower middle class. Shirt, Wool, fine 2 SBP
They are the ones who have the most to gain from Shirt, Silk, plain 10 SBP
adventuring, and don’t stand to lose as much. Shirt, Silk, embroidered 20 SBP
Vest, canvas 4 SCP
The final method of choosing a social class is Vest, Wool, fine 1 SBP
to simply let the player or the Game Master decide Vest, Leather, common 2 SBP
which class the character should be. Remember that Vest, Leather, fine 4 SBP
there are very few noblemen in a medieval world, Pants, linen 4 SCP
however, and a player must have a very good reason for Pants, canvas 7 SCP
making a character a member of the upper classes. The Pants, Wool 1 SBP
same can be said of the very poor. While there is no Pants, leather 3 SBP
shortage of the very poor in those times, it is hard to Hat, Wool 2 SCP
explain how someone who must beg and scrape to Hat, Leather 6 SCP
survive would suddenly become a practitioner of Jacket, canvas 1 SBP
swordplay or a fledgling magus. Jacket, Wool 3 SBP
Jacket, Wool, Fine 10 SBP
Jacket, Leather, common 7 SBP
Jacket, Leather, Fine 15 SBP
Equipment Lists: Candles and lanterns
Now that your character has their social status Candle, small, 1 hour 2 SWP
decided, and their equipment list in hand, the time Candle, large, 5 hours 5 SWP
arises to purchase equipment. A character will start with Candle, Long, 5 hours 5 SWP
certain basic items before purchasing anything. Most Candle, long, thick, 12 hours 1 SCP
will have one or more sets of clothing and a pair of Torch, wood, simple (2 2 SWP
shoes or boots. Some characters will start with more hours)
things that they won’t need to buy. It is likely that a Torch, wood, wrapped (4 4 SWP
noble character would not need to purchase a horse, hours)
perhaps not even armor or weapons. In all cases, it Torch, metal based, layered 2 SCP
comes down to the judgment of the player and the (6 hours)

Item Price Item Price

Torches, simple, bundle of 1 SBrP Horse, Draft 1 SSP
20 Horse, riding, common 3 SSP
Torches, wrapped, bundle of 3 SBrP Horse, riding, good 5 SSP
20 Horse, riding, fine 10 SSP
Torches, metal based, bundle 3 SBP Horse, war, light 10 SSP
of 20 Horse, war, heavy 15 SSP
Lantern, oil, simple (8 hours) 2 SBP Saddle 1 SSP
Lantern, hooded (8 hours) 3 SBP Bit, bridle, harness 10 SBP
Lantern, metal, square (8 5 SBP Transportation
hours) Cart, hand 10 SBP
Lantern, metal, shaded (8 8 SBP Cart, horse 15 SBP
hours) Carriage, simple 20 SPB
Oil for Lanterns, 1 use 1 SCP Carriage, covered 40 SBP
Oil for lanterns, 25 uses (1 2 SBP Carriage, fancy 2 SSP
gallon) Row boat 12 SBP
Bladder for lantern oil (1/2 4 SBP Dinghy 20 SBP
gallon) Sailboat, small (15’) 2 SSP
Food and Drink Sailboat, large (25’) 5 SSP
Water skin (1/2 gallon 1 SBP Barge 10 SSP
capacity) Schooner 3 SGP
Wine, rotgut, 1 bottle 1 SBrP Galleon, 2 masted 10 SGP
Wine, common, 1 bottle 2 SBrP Galleon, 3 masted 15 SGP
Wine, fine, 1 bottle 1 SBP Galleon, 4 masted, ocean 20 SGP
Wine, exceptional, 1 bottle 3 SBP going
Ale, 1 mug 1 SCP Raker, ocean going 30 SGP
Ale, Small keg (2 gallons) 1 SBP Weaponry
Ale, full keg (6 gallons) 3 SBP Caltrops, 10 1 SBP
Ale, Barrel (48 gallons) 20 SBP Knife, belt 1 SBP
Mead, 1 mug 2 SCP Knife, long 15 SCP
Mead, small keg (2 gallons) 2 SBP Dagger, plain 2 SBP
Mead, full keg(6 gallons) 6SBP Dagger, balanced 4 SBP
Mead, Barrel (48 gallons) 45 SBP Dagger, fancy 7 SBP
Meal, gruel 5 SWP Stiletto 5 SBP
Meal, stew 1 SCP Hand Sword (18” blade) 10 SBP
Meal, meat and vegetables 3 SCP Scimitar 12 SBP
Meal, standard 3 SBrP Great Sword (28” blade) 18 SBP
Meal, good 1 SBP Rapier (30” blade) 16 SBP
Meal, fine 2 SBP Foil (29” blade) 14 SBP
Meal, exceptional 4 SBP Long Sword (34” blade) 20 SBP
Bread, loaf 1 SCP Hand and a Half Sword (40” 28 SBP
Flatbread (1 loaf/1 meal) 5 SWP blade)
Flatbread (1 week) 3 SBrP Claymore Sword (58” blade) 38 SBP
Jerky (1 meal/2 pieces) 1 SCP Club 1 SBP
Jerky (1 week) 2 SBP Cudgel 2 SBP
Egg (1) 1 SWP Spiked Club 2 SBP
Eggs (1 dozen) 1 SCP Hammer 4 SBP
Fruit (type depends on 3 SWP War Hammer 8 SBP
locale) (1 piece) Spiked Hammer 12 SBP
Fruit (10 pieces) 1 SBrP Hand Staff (42”) 2 SBP
Whole Pig 25 SBP Staff (72”) 5 SBP
Side of Beef 30 SBP Mace 8 SBP
Livestock Spiked Mace 12 SBP
Chicken 7 SCP Morning Star 15 SBP
Pig 30 SBP Long Star 18 SBP
Cow 1SSP Sickle 3 SBP
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Item Price Item Price
Scythe 5 SBP Banded Mail 25 SBP
Hand Ax 8 SBP Plated Leather (Stripped 35 SBP
War Ax 12 SBP Plate)
Great Ax 17 SBP Ring Mail 45 SBP
Glaive 19 SBP Scale Mail 1 SSP
Spear 2 SBP Chain Mail 5 SSP
Flail 2 SBP Light Plate or Chain Plate 10 SSP
Footman’s Flail 4 SBP War Plate or Combat Plate 15 SSP
Clawed or Spiked Gauntlets 10 SBP Heavy Plate or Full Plate 1 SGP
Ranged Weapons Jousting Plate (decorative) 30 SSP
Sling 5 SCP Adventurer’s Equipment
Bola 1 SBP Spikes (10) 5 SCP
Net 3 SBP Lock Picks 5 SBP
Darts, 10 5 SCP Climbing Tools 10 SBP
Throwing Ax 10 SBP Rope, 50’ 2 SBP
Short Bow 5 SBP Rope, 100’ 5 SBP
Long Bow 8 SBP Flask, glass, 1 quart 5 SCP
Hand Bow 4 SBP Flask, iron, 1 quart 2 SBP
Recurved Bow 15 SBP Sack, small, 1 cu. Ft. 2 SCP
Compound Bow 25 SBP Sack, large, 3 cu. Ft. 5 SCP
Crossbow, Hand 5 SBP Backpack, small, 1 cu. Ft., 1 SBP
Crossbow, Light 8 SBP cloth
Crossbow, Heavy 15 SBP Backpack, small, 1 cu. Ft., 2 SBP
Crossbow, Foot Drawn 25 SBP leather
Crossbow, self-loading 1 SSP Backpack, large, 3 cu. Ft., 3 SBP
Crossbow bolts (10) 2 SBP cloth
Mounted Crossbow 1 SSP Backpack, large, 3 cu. Ft., 6 SBP
Mounted Crossbow Bolts 4 SBP leather
Crossbow, Ballista 10 SSP
Ballista Bolts (5) 25 SBP Equipment Descriptions
Blowgun, hand (12”) 1 SBP
Blowgun (30”) 3 SBP Clothing
Blowgun, Large (60”) 5 SBP
Shoes, everyday (1 pair)
Blowgun, Steam Powered, 2 SSP
An everyday pair of shoes – in medieval times,
usually a soft leather or heavy cloth stitched to a wood
Dragon Cannon, non-rifled 2 SGP
or hard leather sole.
Cannon, rifled 10 SGP
Cannon balls, each 1 SSP
Shoes, fancy dress (1 pair)
Catapult, small 1 SGP
Shoes of a higher quality, often made of soft,
Catapult, Large 3 SGP
well treated leather, always stitched to a leather sole.
Hand Shield, wood 1 SBP
Shoes, heavy work (1 pair)
Hand Shield, steel 3 SBP
Shoes of leather or hide, stitched and
Small shield, wood 2 SBP
connected to a heavy sole, usually of wood with leather
Small shield, steel 8 SBP
inside. These shoes were often treated to be waterproof
Large shield, wood 4 SBP
to some extent.
Large Shield, steel 15 SBP
Great Shield, steel 25 SBP
Slippers, velvet (1 pair)
Gauntlets, leather 2 SBP
A pair of slippers made from velvet, although
Gauntlets, Steel 5 SBP
sometimes attached to a soft leather sole for better
Cloth armor 5 SBP
Soft Leather Armor 12 SBP
Leather Armor 15 SBP
Studded Leather Armor 20 SBP

Boots, low, soft

Soft leather boots, attached to a hard leather Shirt, Silk, embroidered
sole. Often times, these were made from deer or lamb A fine shirt made from silk, soft, light, and
skin. Low boots ride only just past the ankle and do not breathable yet still warm, the shirt is embroidered with
reach the calf. designs and crests and is always buttoned. These shirts
are often accented with lace at collars and cuffs.
Boots, low, hard
Boots which are made from hardened leather Vest, canvas
with a hard leather or wood sole. Low boots ride only A sleeveless shirt made from canvas. The vest
just past the ankle and do not reach the calf. is often buttoned.

Boots, high, soft Vest, Wool, fine

Soft leather boots, attached to a hard leather A sleeveless shirt made from thick wool. The
sole. Often times, these were made from deer or lamb vest is often buttoned.
skin. High boots cover the leg up to and often including
the lower half of the calves. Vest, Leather, common
A vest made of soft leather. The vest is often
Boots, high, hard buttoned.
Boots which are made from hardened leather
with a hard leather or wood sole. High boots cover the Vest, Leather, fine
leg up to and often including the lower half of the A vest made of tanned and possibly colored
calves. soft leather. This vest is usually buttoned, possibly with
clasps made of precious metals.
Boots, polished, low
Boots which are made from a hardened leather Pants, linen
treated and polished to a shine with a hard leather or A heavy, coarse pair of pants typically used by
wood sole. Low boots ride only just past the ankle and commoners and the working class. The pants are
do not reach the calf. usually tied with string at the waist.

Boots, polished, high Pants, canvas

Boots which are made from a hardened leather A heavy slightly softer pair of pants typically
treated and polished to a shine with a hard leather or used by commoners and the working class. They are
wood sole. High boots cover the leg up to and often usually tied with string at the waist.
including the lower half of the calves.
Pants, Wool
Shirt, linen Made from sheep’s wool, these pants are
A plain white shirt made from linen, soft and usually worn in colder areas, and tend to tie or fasten
somewhat breathable usually with a tied front. with a belt.

Shirt, canvas Pants, leather

A plain white shirt made from canvas, rough Made from soft leather, these pants provide
and durable usually with a tied front. good protection from common hazards like sticks and
thorns. They are often worn by foresters and noblemen.
Shirt, Wool, coarse
A plain white shirt made from wool, soft but Hat, Wool
itchy, somewhat stretchy, and very warm usually Soft wool cap to protect the head.
without any fastening.
Hat, Leather
Shirt, Wool, fine A cap made of leather, usually shaped to the
A plain white shirt made from wool, soft, specific owner’s head.
stretchy, and very warm usually without any fastening.
Jacket, canvas
Shirt, Silk, plain A jacket made of coarse canvas that tends to
A fine white shirt made from silk, soft, light, wear well. This is often possessed by commoners.
and breathable yet still warm, the shirt is often buttoned
or more rarely strung with laces.
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Jacket, Wool
A jacket made of soft wool cloth that is either Torches, simple, bundle of 20
buttoned or tied to close. This is a bundle of twenty simple torches.

Jacket, Wool, Fine Torches, wrapped, bundle of 20

A jacket made of spun smooth wool. It is This is a bundle of twenty wrapped torches.
especially fine and used by the nobility.
Torches, metal based, bundle of 20
Jacket, Leather, common This is a bundle of twenty metal based torches.
A jacket made of soft leather, as often from an
animal hide as true cow leather. It is worn most often Lantern, oil, simple (8 hours)
by commoners. This is a simple, open flamed lantern that
burns oil. It holds enough oil to burn for eight hours.
Jacket, Leather, Fine
A jacket made from soft, tanned leather that is Lantern, hooded (8 hours)
either cloth or fur lined. This jacket provides ample This is a simple lantern that has a ”hood” or an
warmth. It is usually worn by the nobility. upright mirror to help direct the light from the flame. It
holds enough oil to burn for eight hours.
Candles and lanterns
Lantern, metal, square (8 hours)
Candle, small, 1 hour
This square metal lantern encloses the flame in
A small candle is about one inch across and
glass plates so that the flame is protected from breezes
two inches high. It will burn for about one hour or sixty
or water. It holds enough oil to burn for eight hours.
Lantern, metal, shaded (8 hours)
Candle, large, 5 hours
This square metal lantern encloses the flame in
A large candle is about four inches across and
glass plates so that the flame is protected from breezes
four to eight inches tall. It will burn for about five
or water. However, it also includes metal doors or slides
hours, or three hundred turns.
which can block the light coming through any of those
glass panes. It holds enough oil to burn for eight hours.
Candle, Long, 5 hours
A fifteen inch long, one inch wide candle that
Oil for Lanterns, 1 use
will burn for about five hours or three hundred turns.
This is enough oil, about five fluid ounces, to
keep a lantern burning for eight hours.
Candle, long, thick, 12 hours
A four inch wide, twelve inch tall candle that
Oil for lanterns, 25 uses (1 gallon)
will burn for up to twelve hours, or seven hundred and
This is about 128 ounces of oil, or enough to
twenty turns.
keep a lantern burning for about two hundred hours.
Torch, wood, simple (2 hours)
Bladder for lantern oil (1/2 gallon)
A plain piece of round wood whose end has
This specially treated skin is able to hold
been soaked in paraffin to extend burning. It will
lantern oil for any length of time. Each bladder can
typically last for two hours. Because of the paraffin
hold about sixty-four fluid ounces of oil.
soaking, it is resistant to water.

Torch, wood, wrapped (4 hours) Food and Drink

A plain torch that has been wrapped with Water skin (1/2 gallon capacity)
layers of waxed cloth to extend its useful life to four This is a tanned and treated skin which can
hours. hold up to ½ of a gallon of water.

Torch, metal based, layered (6 hours) Wine, rotgut, 1 bottle

A metal cap is placed on the gripping end of This is a bottle of extremely low quality wine.
this torch. The cap holds several thin layers of wood Common in the middle ages, it has an alcohol content
that have been soaked in paraffin so that there are of about 1%.
multiple circular layers of wood when viewed from the
end to be ignited.

Whole Pig
Wine, common, 1 bottle
Side of Beef
Wine, fine, 1 bottle
Wine, exceptional, 1 bottle
Ale, 1 mug
Ale, Small keg (2 gallons)
Ale, full keg (6 gallons)
Horse, Draft
Ale, Barrel (48 gallons)
Horse, riding, common
Mead, 1 mug
Horse, riding, good
Mead, small keg (2 gallons)
Horse, riding, fine
Mead, full keg(6 gallons)
Horse, war, light
Mead, Barrel (48 gallons)
Horse, war, heavy
Meal, gruel
Meal, stew
Bit, bridle, harness
Meal, meat and vegetables
Meal, standard Cart, hand

Meal, good Cart, horse

Meal, fine Carriage, simple

Meal, exceptional Carriage, covered

Bread, loaf Carriage, fancy

Flatbread (1 loaf/1 meal) Row boat

Flatbread (1 week) Dinghy

Jerky (1 meal/2 pieces) Sailboat, small (15’)

Jerky (1 week) Sailboat, large (25’)

Egg (1) Barge

Eggs (1 dozen) Schooner

Fruit (type depends on locale) (1 piece) Galleon, 2 masted

Fruit (10 pieces) Galleon, 3 masted

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Galleon, 4 masted, ocean going Great Sword (28” blade)
The traditional weapon of the knight, this
Raker, ocean going heavy bladed weapon is about three feet long with the
hilt and pommel, and usually has cross style quillions.
Weaponry The weapon does 2d6 points of damage.
Caltrops, 10
Rapier (30” blade)
Small four or six pointed metal spikes, caltrops
Long, thin, and light bladed, the rapier
are often used to delay pursuers. They do 1d2 points
typically has a blade about ¾ of an inch wide. Fast and
damage each if stepped on.
agile, this sword does 1d10 points of damage.
Knife, belt
Foil (29” blade)
A short, six-inch bladed knife, this item is
Long and thin, this sword has a round blade
useful for utility purposes. In combat, the knife does
without an edge. It is used primarily as a piercing
1d4 points of damage per attack.
weapon. When used as such, it does 1d10 points of
damage. When used as a slashing weapon, it does 1d4
Knife, long
points of damage.
A longer, ten to twelve inch knife, this item
does 1d6 points of damage per attack.
Long Sword (34” blade)
Long, and heavier then a rapier, this sword is
Dagger, plain
still meant to be used one handed, and could be
A simple dagger with plain quillions, with a
considered a light-bladed sword. The blade is usually
blade between twelve and fifteen inches in length, this
about one inch wide, and may be grooved to improve
weapon does 1d6 points of damage per attack.
strength. This sword does 1d12 points of damage.
Dagger, balanced
Hand and a Half Sword (40” blade)
A dagger, much like a plain dagger, but
Long and heavy bladed, this sword also has a
carefully balanced carefully for throwing, this weapon
twelve inch pommel, requiring a large space to use the
does 1d6 points of damage per attack.
weapon. However, this vicious weapon is extremely
good in combat situations, dealing 3d6 points of
Dagger, fancy
damage per strike.
Certain members of the nobility prefer form to
function. Fancy daggers often have jewels embedded in
Claymore Sword (58” blade)
the pommel and quillions shaped like exotic beasts.
Used in the highlands of Scotland, this
While it makes the dagger look nice, it reduces the
imposing weapon is well over six feet long with the hilt
damage to 1d4 per attack.
and pommel. It also is a massive weapon requiring
great strength to use and was historically used to
remove mounted knights from their horses. It requires
A stiletto is a thin bladed knife, usually with a
ten feet of open space to use, and is a slow weapon.
blade about twelve inches in length, and a six to eight
However, on a successful strike, this weapon causes
inch hilt. Often used by assassins, this blade does 1d6
massive damage, with each strike doing 4d6 points of
points of damage.
Hand Sword (18” blade)
Also known as a short sword, this weapon is
A short (3’) length of stout wood, the club is
about 24 to 26 inches in length, and is meant to be used
one of the most ancient weapons known. Simple to use,
one handed. Not considered a heavy weapon, the blade
it does bludgeoning damage to the target. Each strike
is usually one inch to one and a half inches wide. This
causes 1d6 points of damage.
blade does 1d8 points of damage.
A club with refinements, this weapon is a
About two feet long, and using a slightly
shaped piece of wood with a smooth handle and a
curved blade, the scimitar is a favorite weapon of
heavier striking end. More effective then a club, it does
merchants and sailors. The traditional ”pirate” weapon,
1d8 points of damage.
this sword does 1d8 points of damage.

Spiked Club Hand Ax

Similar to a standard rough club, this item has
been improved for combat by placing large protruding War Ax
spikes from the head of the club. Clubs vary as to how
many spikes are on each club, but they all do more Great Ax
damage than a standard club, 1d10 per hit.
Hammers are, exactly as they sound, special Spear
long-handled hammers that are used in combat. Heavier
then a common carpenter’s hammer, they were used to Flail
inflict damage against armored opponents. A hammer
does 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage. Footman’s Flail

War Hammer Clawed or Spiked Gauntlets

Even longer or heavier than a standard
hammer, a war hammer does more damage. War Ranged Weapons
hammers are very effective against opponents in armor,
especially plate mail that can be dented and damaged.
War hammers do 1d8 points of damage.
Spiked Hammer
Similar to a war hammer, the spiked hammer
also has a large, and rather nasty, spike attached to the
Darts, 10
back of the hammer-head. When used against an
armored foe, the spike can penetrate armor. When used
Throwing Ax
as a hammer, it does 1d8 points of bludgeoning
damage. When used as a spike, it does 1d10 points of
Short Bow
piercing damage.
Long Bow
Hand Staff (42”)
Hand staves are cheap and easy to acquire. A
Hand Bow
little more than three feet long, they are just a straight
one inch thick piece of polished wood with a slight
Recurved Bow
taper at each end. Hand staves do 1d6 points of
bludgeoning damage in combat.
Compound Bow
Staff (72”)
Crossbow, Hand
Similar to the hand staff, the full staff is about
1 ½ inches in diameter and also tapers along the last
Crossbow, Light
foot of each end. Since it is used with both hands, it can
deliver more force, and does 1d10 points of
Crossbow, Heavy
bludgeoning damage.
Crossbow, Foot Drawn
Crossbow, self-loading
Spiked Mace
Crossbow bolts (10)
Morning Star
Mounted Crossbow
Long Star
Mounted Crossbow Bolts (10)
Crossbow, Ballista
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Ballista Bolts (5) Leather Armor

Blowgun, hand (12”) Studded Leather Armor

Blowgun (30”) Banded Mail

Blowgun, Large (60”) Plated Leather (Stripped Plate)

Blowgun, Steam Powered, Mounted Ring Mail

Dragon Cannon, non-rifled Scale Mail

Cannon, rifled Chain Mail

Cannon balls, each Light Plate or Chain Plate

Catapult, small War Plate or Combat Plate

Catapult, Large

Hand Shield, wood
A shield about eight to ten inches across, with
a single leather strap across the back used to grip it, the
hand shield provides little defense. Wooden ones are
usually of poor construction, and will not survive much
damage. It provides a +1 to Armor rank, and a +1 to

Hand Shield, steel

Made of steel rather than wood, but otherwise
similar, the steel hand shield stands up better to attack
then the wooden version. It also provides a +1 to Armor
Rank and a +1 to parry.

Small shield, wood

Small shield, steel

Large shield, wood

Large Shield, steel

Heavy Plate or Full Plate
Great Shield, steel Heavy plate is a form of armor that covers its
wearer from head to toe with solid, overlapping steel
Gauntlets, leather plates. Usually there is a layer of chain mail worn
under the armor, or at least worn as a ”skirt” to protect
Gauntlets, Steel the hip joint area.
Full plate armor is extremely heavy and
Cloth armor cumbersome, although it provides awesome protection
from damage. The armor usually requires a second
Soft Leather Armor person in order to put it on, and is one of the main
reasons that knights had squires.

Full plate is also tremendously expensive and

must be personally fitted to the wearer when it is made.

Jousting Plate (decorative)

Adventurer’s Equipment
Spikes (10)

Lock Picks

Climbing Tools

Rope, 50’

Rope, 100’

Flask, glass, 1 quart

Flask, iron, 1 quart

Sack, small, 1 cu. Ft.

Sack, large, 3 cu. Ft.

Backpack, small, 1 cu. Ft., cloth

Backpack, small, 1 cu. Ft., leather

Backpack, large, 3 cu. Ft., cloth

Backpack, large, 3 cu. Ft., leather

DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Chapter 19: Setting Off For However, for every skill point the caster has
achieved beyond the skill level needed to cast the spell,
Adventure they will take one less point of fatigue for ”speed
casting” the spell. However, no ”speed cast” spell can
Now that your character has been defined, cause less fatigue then the original casting cost of the
their race chosen, their skills honed, and their spell.
equipment, well, equipped, it’s time for adventure. This It is also possible for a spell caster to cast a
is the part of the game where role-playing truly begins. spell which is beyond their skill level, but for each skill
The Game Master will have an adventure laid level above their own, the fatigue level is tripled. For
out ahead of time, and you and possibly a group of example, Zilfin the Magus has a skill level in
other players will guide your characters through that Magecraft: Elemental Fire of 2. He wants to cast the
adventure. spell Fiery Blast which is a fourth circle spell whose
only skill requirement is a skill level of 4 in Magecraft:
Elemental Fire. Zilfin is two levels lower then this, so
Fatigue for him to cast this spell will cost him a minimum of 36
fatigue points, arrived at as follows:
Over the course of an adventure, the character
will face many challenges, pitfalls, and hazardous Circle of the spell 4x1= 4
situations, a gauntlet of both physical and mental tests Skill Level 2 to 3 4 x 3 = 12
that will leave a character fatigued. Skill Level 3 to 4 12 x 3 = 36 total fatigue.
Fatigue plays a major role in the game of
DragonSpawn, as the leveler between different
characters and skills. As a character does more and
more, they will also become more and more fatigued. Effects From Fatigue
In particular, combat is especially fatiguing. As fatigue scores increase, the character is
A freshly rested character will have a fatigue affected adversely. The following table shows the
score of zero (0). For each hour they are awake, up to general effects of building fatigue.
twelve hours, their fatigue score increases by two Fatigue Score Effect on Other
points (2). When a character has been awake for Dodge and Information
twelve hours, their fatigue score increases at a rate of Movement
five (5) fatigue points per hour. After a character has 0-30 None Rested
been awake for thirty-six hours or more, the rate 30-50 -1 Tired
increases to ten (10) points per hour.
51-60 -2 Need sleep
Close combat situations cause 1 point of
61-70 -3 Very Tired
fatigue per turn of combat.
Spell casting also causes fatigue. In fact, 71-80 -4
fatigue is the singular bane of the spell caster. All of 81-85 -5
the spells given in the Game Player’s Guidebook 86-90 -6 Zombie like
require certain skill levels to cast. The sum of all these 91-95 -8
skill levels is the total effort required to cast the spell. 96-100 -10 Fatigued
This is also known as the ”Circle” of the spell. When stupor, will
casting a spell under ”normal” conditions, the spell will fall asleep
cause the same number of fatigue points as the Circle immediately if
of the spell, and will take the same number of turns to allowed to
cast as the Circle of the spell. 101-110 -15
However, it is combat where most spells are 110-120 -20 Pass out
most useful. In that case, it is often necessary to cast a unless in
spell in a great hurry. The penalty for this extra effort is constant pain
paid in fatigue. Spells can be cast in as little as one 120-150 -30 Comatose
tenth the normal casting time, but the price is ten times 151+ ---- Death
the fatigue. Similarly, casting the spell in one fifth the
time causes five times the fatigue. Casting in half the
time causes twice the fatigue. Under no circumstances
can a spell be cast in less than one tenth of its original
casting time.

Recovering From Fatigue

Although there are many ways of becoming
fatigued, the simple fact is that there is only one
effective method of recovering from fatigue, sleep.
Sleeping restores 1 point of fatigue per 10
turns, or 6 points an hour. Sleeping less than ten turns
has no effect on fatigue.
Sleep which is interrupted or nervous will not
be as effective as sound sleep, restoring only 1 point
every 15 turns, or 4 points per hour. Unless otherwise
stated, magical sleep is usually considered sound sleep.

Ability Feats
During an adventure, it is often necessary to
perform acts that test the ability of the character. For
example, it may be necessary for the character to creep
along the edge of a building, a task for which agility is
the key.
At such a time, the GM may decide to ask the
player to roll an ability feat. The basis of the ability feat
is to roll your ability score or less on one or more dice.
The die used to make an ability feat is a d6.
There are several different levels of ability
feats, simple, easy, difficult, hard, awesome and
legendary. Each level of difficulty adds an extra die
roll. For example creeping along the edge of a building
may require a difficult feat roll. For a character with a
16 agility score, he needs to roll a 16 or less on 3d6,
something he will most likely do. However, with an
agility of only 11, Rarg the barbarian will fail the feat
almost as often as he makes it.
Simple feats require rolling 1d6, easy feats
require 2d6, difficult feats use 3d6, and so on, up to
legendary feats which require the player to roll their
character’s ability score or less on 6d6. Since the
average roll on 6d6 is 21.9, it means that a character
would need an agility of 22 to succeed as often as they
fail at a legendary feat. It would require a skill of 36 to
succeed every time at a legendary feat.
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Chapter 20: Encounters and attack hits, damage is rolled. The armor rank is then
subtracted from that damage, and the remainder is
Combat subtracted from the Health score of the character.
Obviously, the higher the Armor Rank, the better off the
For anything to happen there must be a point character is.
where two things come together. That event is called an The following table lists the various types of
encounter, and it’s what drives the action in a role armor and the protection that it lends to the character
playing game. There is no fun in an adventure that that’s wearing it.
simply starts in one place and ends in another, with Armor Type Armor Rank
nothing in-between. How each character handles an Human / Elf / Fairykin Skin 0
encounter is what the game is all about. Dwarf Skin / Clothing 1
Sometimes encounters can be with inanimate
Padded Clothing 2
objects, a door or a trap. More often, however, they will
Silur Skin / Soft Leather 3
occur between the characters and other entities within
the game, known as non-player characters or NPCs. Leather 5
Such an encounter is one of the best opportunities for Studded Leather 8
role-playing. Is that wizened old man really just a Banded Leather 10
beggar who knows the workings of the underworld, or Stripped Plate 12
is he actually an agent who is setting your party up for Ring Mail 14
an ambush? Is that eleven foot tall warty-skinned Scale Mail 16
humanoid friendly, or is that really the hindquarters of Chain Mail 17
your war horse that he’s chewing on? You must answer Chain Plate 19
those questions when an encounter occurs. Combat Plate 21
Full Plate 24

Dodge Shield, Hand (v. 1 +1

The ability of the character to avoid being
Shield, Small +1
struck during combat is represented by the character’s
Dodge score. The dodge score for an immobile object Shield, Large +2
in the middle of an open room with no impediments Shield, Great +4
interfering is zero. Anything that can move has a dodge
score of at least one. To strike someone, a player has to
roll at least the target’s dodge score on a 20-sided die. Armor Damage (Optional)
Notice that bonuses can make a die roll exceed twenty,
so Dodge scores of 21 and more do not make a target The main problem with armor is that when you
”unhittable.” use it, it takes damage. For instance, an ogre smashes
The character’s dodge score does not increase Rarg across the chest with a spiked club. Rarg is
with experience. The only way to improve dodge score wearing Combat Plate, so the damage from the ogre’s
is through the skill Combat: Dodging. attack, 13 points, is absorbed by Rarg’s armor, leaving
Rarg whole and hale. However, that same blow leaves a
large dent in the breastplate of the armor, with various
scrapes and weakening of the armor. Therefore, Rarg’s
Armor Rank armor is no longer as strong as it was. This is armor
Every type of armor protects its wearer, not damage.
from being hit, but from being hurt. In other words, Each armor type has it’s own ”health” score,
wearing armor means that the ax hit that would have known as damage capacity. In addition, any damage
normally killed you simply bounces off your breastplate that the armor absorbs is taken off the damage capacity
leaving just a nick in the steel. DragonSpawn reflects score for the armor. Thus, the more damage that the
this reality of armor with separate scores for Dodge and armor saves the character from, the more damage that
Armor Rank. Dodge scores have already been the armor takes.
discussed; Armor Rank is covered in this section. As armor loses damage capacity, it degrades in
Armor Rank is a value given to the armor that quality at the same rate. For instance, armor with only
describes how many points of damage the armor will 50% of its original damage capacity points left will
stop from a single attack. In other words, when an only protect against half as much damage. This reflects

the way that the armor degrades from its constant use chain-mail bikini wearing warrior amazon women
and abuse. spring to mind.)
For example, given the above example, Rarg In the course of adventuring, a character is
now faces the ogre in armor that has seen better days. likely to come across various pieces of armor left
In fact, this armor is at only 20% of its original damage behind by others. In particular, the armor from defeated
capacity. Thus, the armor is only 20% effective. The foes is often available after combat. It is entirely
ogre again hits Rarg across the chest, but this time possible, therefore, that the armor bits left behind may
Rarg’s armor only stops 4 points of the damage, and be better then the armor that the character is wearing.
Rarg takes 9 of his 15 health points in damage. Rarg In this case, the character may choose to wear partial
now wishes he had gotten his armor repaired in that last armor. For instance, an opponent was slain, destroying
small city. In fact, Rarg has to make a constitution his leather armor; however, he was also wearing a
check to see if he falls into shock from the crushing metal helmet, the equivalent of Combat Plate for the
blow that took more than half of his health. head.
Rarg, seeing this helmet, grabs it and slaps it
over the chain-mail coif he was wearing before. He can
Repairing Armor do this, because the helm is a little large for his head
Obviously, if armor is damaged, it can also be normally, but with the extra padding of the chain mail
repaired. Many towns support a blacksmith or tack and coif, it fits snugly. Now any attack directed specifically
harness shop that can do repairs on steel and leather at Rarg’s head (see Called Shots below), will have to
armor. Large towns will have trained armorers and hit an armor rating of 38. When an attacker aims at the
leather workers who can repair armor at a faster rate rest of the body, the armor rating is only 21, as he was
and higher quality. wearing combat plate.
In general, a town blacksmith can repair Nevertheless, the helm can only absorb 40
metallic armor at a rate of 25 points of damage capacity points of damage before it becomes useless. Each
per day, at a cost of one ssp per day. However, they will portion of the armor constitutes a different percentage
only be able to restore 75% of the damage taken. They of the whole armor.
will also be able to repair chain mail armor at a rate of Portion % of Whole
10 points per day, at the same rate. However, the Helm 10%
average blacksmith can restore 90% of the damage Breast Plate 20%
done to chain mail armor. Back Plate 20%
A tack and harness shop can repair 5 points of
Arms (each) 10%
damage an hour to leather armor, at a cost of one ssp
Legs (each) 10%
per day. However, they can restore at most 80% of the
original damage capacity of the armor. This effect is Gauntlets (each) 5%
cumulative, and leather armor can only be repaired five
times before it can no longer be used without replacing
substantial portions of the armor. ”Called Shots” & Intentional
Skilled armorers can repair metallic armors at
a rate of 50 points a day, at a cost of 3 ssp. They can Aiming (Optional)
repair ring and chain mail armor at a rate of 30 points a Since different regions of the body can have
day at the same rate. In addition, they can repair all different armor ratings, it only stands to reason that a
armors to 100% of its original damage capacity. character can aim at a specific part of the body. Called
A trained leather worker will be able to restore shots are done at a penalty to the ”to hit” score as
10 points of damage capacity every hour, at a cost of follows, presuming a man-sized humanoid.
three ssp per day. They can restore 90% of the armor’s Body Portion Penalty To Damage
original damage capacity. However, this doesn’t Hit Multiplier
remove the limit of only repairing leather armor five
Head -5 x4
Eye -10 x8
Arm -2 ---
Partial Armor (Optional) Hand -5 x2
In some situations, it may be advantageous, or Leg -2 ---
at least necessary for only parts of a character to be Foot -4 x2
wearing one kind of armor, while the rest of the Torso -1 ---
character is armored differently, or not at all (All those Hip -1 ---
Back (Hand to -8 x3
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Hand only) +3 for When the door opens, Thorian quickly
opponents recognizes the dark, misshapen creatures within as
next attack goblins. They are surprised by the sudden appearance
Note that an attack to the back is only possible of the adventurers and take a moment to react.
in close combat, and requires maneuvering that gives This is the point at which combat occurs. Ken,
the opponent a bonus on their to hit whether the attack who is playing Thorian, needs to roll initiative. Thorian
is successful or not. is wielding a broad sword, which has a speed penalty of
Successful attacks do additional damage as 5, however, Thorian has a skill of 3 in Close Combat:
above. Remember that the multiplier is applied after Broadsword, so the penalty is reduced to a 2. Thorian
armor ranking has been subtracted. has an agility of 14, so he also has a speed bonus of 2.
Additionally, Thorian was prepared for combat, so he
gains a five-point bonus for this first turn. On this first
round, however, he must close to attack with his close
Combat combat weapon, for a penalty of minus two. Ken rolls a
When negotiations break down, and all 15 on the initiative, and his bonuses and penalties total
methods of peaceful discourse are exhausted or three. His final roll is adjusted to an 18, so he is
unavailable, the result is usually combat. attacking on the twelfth second of combat.
Combat in DragonSpawn revolves around a Brittany, who plays Liliva, is using a bow, in
series of back and forth turns of attack and defense which she has a skill of 6. Bow speed is normally a
between the opposing forces. Each combat turn is penalty of 10, but the arrow is already nocked and
broken down further into the actual seconds that drawn, giving her a speed penalty of only 1. Her skill
comprise a one-minute turn. Combat takes place based changes this to a bonus of 5; In addition, she is
on turns, but actions take place in seconds. prepared for combat for an additional 5-point bonus,
Another value, called combat sections, are bringing her total bonus to 10. She has a 17 agility for a
used in reference to spell casting. A combat section is a bonus of 5 more points, and her thought score of 14
period of six seconds, or ten sections per turn. adds 2 more. Her initiative bonus totals 17 for this first
A combat turn consists of three phases: turn of combat. Brittany rolls an 18 on the d20, and the
Initiative, Melee, and Resolution. total is adjusted to 32. Subtracted from thirty, this gives
a –2, which means her attack occurs at the starting
moment of combat. The negative value should only be
Initiative Phase used to determine the order of extremely good combat
initiative rolls which would all adjust below 0.
The first phase of combat, called the initiative
Jarvan, however, had been planning to cast a
phase determines which actions will occur on which
fiery blast, but the room is smaller than he thought, so
second of combat. Initiative, like most of combat
the blast would expand into the corridor. In addition,
involves rolling a d20.
Thorian and Pevrath, using their broadswords would be
The result of the d20, plus any bonuses for
too close anyway. Hastily he switches to a different
agility and cognition, weapon speed, casting time, and
spell, Mystic Bolt, and plans to speed cast it in 3 turn
skill, are subtracted from 30. The result is the second of
segments. His initiative roll is a 12, but he faces several
combat in which the action will occur. The following
penalties. Because he switched spells, he is no longer
gives a simple example.
prepared for combat, so he loses his 5-point bonus. His
Thorian is moving through a dungeon corridor
spell will take 3 segments to cast, at a penalty of 6 per
with the rest of his party, Jarvan the Mage, Liliva the
segment, or 18. His roll plus penalties is now a negative
Archer, and Pevrath the Holy Warrior. They discover a
six. His agility is average, although he gains a plus two
door at the side of the corridor, and after quietly
for his thought score of 14, bringing his total to
conferring, they decide to open it. Liliva checks the
negative 4. However, he is in the back of the group, and
door for any obvious trap mechanisms, while Pevrath
must maneuver for a clear shot. Since he is behind
and Thorian watch the hallway in each direction. After
Thorian, he takes another 2-point penalty for a total of
informing the party that the door is not trapped,
negative six. His initiative, subtracted from 30, gives a
Pevrath, brandishing his broad sword, steps forward and
36, or the 36th second of combat.
swings the door open into the hallway. Thorian stands
Pevrath, who opened the door, will have to
ready with his own broad sword, and Liliva nocks and
maneuver to enter combat, giving him a penalty of two.
draws an arrow in her long bow. Jarvan stands behind
In addition, he is using a broad sword, which is a close
and a little to the side of Liliva, mentally preparing a
combat weapon, so he must close to attack, this means
covering a good ten feet of floor, for another 2 point
penalty. Pevrath’s broadsword is a heavy weapon, and

has a modifier of –4, giving Pevrath a total of –10 in difficult, yet more realistic combat system, is described
penalties. He gains the +4 bonus for his skill level of in the optional Opposed Combat system below.
four with the broadsword, and an additional 5-point Combat begins when either side of a conflict
bonus for being ready for combat. Pevrath has only a enjoins martial action against the other. As a skills
12 agility, so he gets no agility bonus. He rolls a 13, based system, the character's skill with the weapon he
and his remaining one point penalty lowers it to a 12. is using is tantamount to the resolution of combat.
He will attack in the 18 th second of combat. Each participant in the combat has a Dodge
The goblins get their own initiative rolls, and score. (C.f. Chapter 1: Creating a Character) Since each
they will be attacking on the 24th, 29th, and 38th second participant will also, most likely, be using some kind of
of combat. weapon, the parry bonus for that weapon will be added
Therefore, Liliva will attack first, Thorian will to their dodge score.
attack second, then Pevrath, despite everything, will The attacker receives a number of attacks per
attack third. After those three attacks, the first two turn equal to half of their skill with the weapon they are
goblins will attack before Jarvan looses the Mystic using, rounded up. So at skill one and two, the attacker
Bolts. If the last goblin is still standing, it will then be receives one attack per turn, at skill level three and four
his turn to attack. Pevrath, who has two attacks per turn they receive two, and so forth. At the GM's option you
because of his skill level, then gets his second can, at the even numbered levels, receive one extra
broadsword attack. The same applies for Liliva, who attack every other round.
can draw and fire a second arrow from her bow because For each attack, the attacker rolls a d20. Added
of her skill of six. to this is his attack skill bonuses, any magical bonuses
of the weapon, and any other bonuses which
Initiative Modifiers specifically are listed as an "attack bonus."
If the adjusted roll is greater then the
Several factors can modify the final initiative
opponent's dodge score, then the attack has landed. The
roll. A semi-complete list of these modifiers is given
attacker then rolls for damage, by weapon type, adding
below. Other situations may arise during game play,
skill bonuses, magical bonuses and brawn bonuses to
and the bonus or penalty that they incur is up to GM
the damage.
The damage actually done to the opponent is
mitigated by the opponent's armor ranking. The
Condition Bonus/Penalty
opponents armor ranking is subtracted from the damage
Weapon not readied -5
the attacker does, and any remaining damage is applied
Prepared and expecting +5 (first turn only)
to the opponent's health score. The process is then
repeated for each attack. Pay attention to the initiative
Closing to Attack -1 per 5 feet of distance
order for each attack.
Maneuvering around -2 per companion or other
companions (Clear shot) obstacle
Weapon Skill +1 per skill level Adjusting Damage
Weapon Speed Penalty as listed per There are a few cases where an attacker may
weapon type wish to do less damage then the amount rolled. This is
Agility Bonus Per agility score listing allowed within the rules as follows. The attacker may
Thought Bonus Per though score listing add all, some, or none of their skill damage bonus to
Fatigued -1 per 10 points of fatigue the attack damage.
Spell casting time -6 per segment of casting In addition, they may choose to reduce the
time remaining damage by a number of points equal to their
Each attack after the first -10 per attack added to the skill level. As an example, when using a hand sword
(simplified combat) initial roll (do not re-roll) with a skill of six, the player rolls a four for damage.
Each attack after the first -5 per attack added to the With a 10 brawn, the damage would normally be 12
(opposed combat) initial roll (do not re-roll) points of damage (4 for the roll plus 8 for skill bonus).
However, the player doesn't want his character to do
that much damage, he wants this to be a "warning hit."
The Standard Combat System He removes his skill bonus, reducing the damage to a
(Simplified Combat) four. He then removes three more points, which is less
then his skill level of six, for a final damage of 1 point.
DragonSpawn uses two different methods for
This, of course, doesn't include the opponent's armor in
resolving combats. The first, and most easy to use, is
the equation, which will most likely reduce the damage
the standard or simplified combat system. The more
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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to zero, although the armor (if the optional rules are
used) would take 1 point of damage.
Massive Damage
It is possible, during combat, that an opponent
Attacking to Disable will do a large amount of damage to a character. If that
amount of damage is greater then half of their
There are times when an attacker may not remaining health points, then the character needs to
wish to kill an opponent, for instance, when it is make a willpower check to avoid going into shock and
desirable to take prisoners. In this case, the damage falling unconscious.
bonuses due to skill are considered to be disabling
damage instead of killing damage. Skill damage will
always be the "last" points done when the armor Open Ended Damage (Optional)
ranking is subtracted. When the opponent's health is During combat, it is possible for a skilled
reduced to zero or below, the opponent is rendered opponent to cause extreme damage to an opponent.
unconscious. When an attack is landed on an opponent, the
If the "real" damage done to the opponent is maximum damage that is caused often may not
enough to bring them to zero health, then the opponent penetrate the armor. Unless armor damage is used, this
will die unless immediate medical attention is given. may mean that the opponent doesn’t take any damage
(C.f. Chapter 1: Comatose States) from an attack. This is where open-ended damage
comes into play.
When the damage rolled is the maximum
Opposed Combat (Optional) damage available, the die may be re-rolled, and that die
added to the original damage. This can be repeated a
The second combat system used in number of times up to the skill level of the character’s
DragonSpawn is the Opposed Combat system. weapon skill.
Although similar to the simplified combat rules in some For example, your character is using a long
ways, it is entirely different in others. As in the sword to strike an opponent, and rolls a successful hit.
simplified system, the attacker rolls a d20 plus their Now you roll 1d8 damage, and get an eight, the
various bonuses. However, the defender's dodge score maximum. You roll again, getting another eight, for
is not modified by their parry bonus. Instead, the sixteen total points of damage. At this point you stop,
defender also rolls a d20 with their parry bonus added because your character only has a skill of two in the
to their roll along with any magical bonuses. If the long sword. If your character’s skill was higher, you
defender's roll is greater then or equal to the attacker's could roll again.
roll, then the attack has been successfully parried by the Added to the sixteen points are your
defender. If the attacker's roll is greater than the character’s skill of two and his brawn bonus of four, for
defender's roll, but still less then the defender's dodge 22 points of damage total.
score, the attack misses.
In the opposed combat system, the attacker
gets a number of attacks equal to their skill level each Combat Fatigue (Optional)
turn. The defender gets a number of parries equal to It is still possible, even with open-ended damage and
their skill level each turn. For each parry they attempt high skills, that an opponent’s armor is impenetrable.
beyond this number, the roll is at another –1 penalty. This causes problems in a combat situation, and it
This means that a defender with a skill of five can parry doesn’t necessarily reflect the reality of the situation.
five attacks per turn without penalty, but if he were to For example, you are wearing a football
parry eight attacks, the sixth parry would be at –1, the helmet, and I whack you in the head with a baseball
seventh at –2, and the eighth at –3. This penalty is bat. Now, the helmet does prevent me from splitting
open-ended, meaning that if he tried to parry 14 attacks your scalp wide open and generally making mush out
in a turn, he would be at a –9 for the last parry. The of your brain. However, you will feel the result of the
penalty also applies to the character's dodge score, so impact. Your head will ring, you’ll stagger from the
when the minuses accumulate, the character becomes blow, and you will not be as coordinated as if I hadn’t
easier to hit, as he is overextending his skills and just smacked you in the bean.
leaving himself open for attack. In DragonSpawn, this is reflected as follows.
Both the Attacking to Disable rule and the When a blow strikes your armor, and is wholly
Adjusted Damage rule can be used in the opposed absorbed by your armor, then that blow can cause
combat system as well as in the simplified combat fatigue. For every point of damage absorbed by the
rules. armor that exceeds your stamina score, you take one
point of added fatigue.

For example, Rarg the barbarian has a stamina

of seventeen. He is wearing full plate mail armor,
which absorbs up to 24 points of damage per strike. He
is hit, and takes 16 points of damage. However, his
armor absorbs the whole hit, and he takes no damage to
his health. In addition, because of his high stamina, he
shakes off the blow, without addition to his fatigue.
Garvan, the skulker, is wearing light chain
mail, which can absorb up to 17 points of damage per
strike. He is hit for the same 16 points of damage,
which is also absorbed totally by his armor. However,
Garvan only has a stamina score of 8. Therefore,
Garvan now takes six points of fatigue from concussion
damage. His fatigue, already at a score of 26, now
becomes 32. Garvan’s fatigue score now moves into the
”tired” category, and he faces a –1 penalty on both
movement and dodge score.
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Chapter 21: Advancement can now seek out the training that he needs to reach
skill level six.
It is easy to see from this scale that earlier
After an adventure has reached its conclusion, levels are much easier to achieve than later levels. In
or perhaps even while it is going on, there arises the fact, advancing to skill level 11 will require, on
possibility for advancing the character’s skills. This average, 1000 skill points in that skill.
chapter deals with the process a character must go Although skill levels are theoretically
through to improve their skills. unlimited, the number of skill points needed to advance
a level quickly increases to a very large value. On
average, to reach the 21 st skill level would require 4000
skill points, and the 51st skill level would require
25,000 skill points. Since a skill point is granted only
Experience when the skill is used, this would represent 25,000 uses
Each time a skill that a character possesses is of that skill.
used, the player should make a check mark next to that
skill on his character’s data sheet. When an adventure
is complete, a player can determine if their character is
ready to advance in that skill by using the following
Number of Skill Check Marks
< d20
(Current Skill Level)2

Note that the denominator (the bottom

number) is the current skill level, squared, or multiplied
by itself. This means at skill level 1, the denominator
is (1 x 1) or 1, at skill level 2, the denominator is (2 x
2) or 4.
In other words, take your current skill level,
square it, so to advance to skill level 4, take your
current skill level, 3, and square it to get 9. Divide the
number of check marks, for example 58, by the squared
value, 9, and take the result, rounding down. In our
example, this would be a six.
Now the player rolls a d20, and if the roll is
lower then this value, the character is ready to advance
in that skill.
For example, our barbarian, Rarg, has used his
Combat Skill: Short Sword skill a total of 23 times. He
is already at skill level two, and wants to advance. He
takes his skill level, 2, and squares it to get 4. He
divides it into 23 and gets a result of 5.75 that is
rounded down to 5. Rarg’s player rolls a 12 on the d20,
so Rarg is not ready to advance to skill level 3 yet. Rarg
will have to use his skill more before he can try to
advance again.
On the other hand, our Magus, Zilfin, has used
his skill of Magecraft: Elemental Control - Fire a total
of 314 times. He is currently at skill level 5 in
Elemental Control - Fire, so his player squares 5 to get
25, and divides it into 314 to get a result of 12.
Zilfin’s player rolls an 11 on a d20, meaning
that Zilfin is now ready to advance to skill level 6. This
doesn’t mean that Zilfin is skill level six, just that he
DragonSpawn: The Game Player's Guidebook
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Chapter 22: Magic and cause more fatigue. They also require more varied
skills on the part of the magus. Eventually the skill of
Spells Magecraft: Ritual Magic will become a part of all
spells, returning that image of the arch-magi with his
The most in-depth part of being skilled in bubbling chemicals and strange incantations.
magecraft is the use of spells. Spells are the basis of However, the problem for magus characters is
what gives a magus his power. A warrior skilled in that there exists no central repository for this
sword play does not need to forge a new sword to knowledge, no Spell Library from which to glean these
become more powerful, yet, in essence, that is exactly potent incantations. Spells are the life’s blood of the
what a magi must do to advance in power and prestige. magus – they give the magus his power and prosperity.
The world of DragonSpawn uses a magic Therefore, it is easily seen that any magi would be
system in which each character creates and researches loathe to allow even one such spell to slip out of their
their own spells, developing their powers as they go control. Most magi regard their spells as their most
along. The following sections will provide you, the treasured possession and will protect them with their
player, with information on how to define the spells life. Although magi who take apprentices will often
that your Magecraft trained character can develop. teach the apprentice a few of the simpler spells, it is
always in return for large amounts of money or
Spell Research services.
Thus, it becomes necessary for the fledgling
Magus characters will begin the game with magi to create spells of their own. This research is often
only a handful of weak spells of which they have a slow, arduous, and potentially hazardous process. It
knowledge. It is their goal to increase the number of often results in failure or unexpected results even after
spells that they know and can perform. long periods of trial and error.
Spells in DragonSpawn, at least at early Even success may result in a spell of a higher
Circles, are not very similar to spells of legend and Circle then expected, possibly putting the spell outside
myth. There is no strange chanting or bubbling pots of of the capabilities of the magus who created it.
noxious materials. DragonSpawn’s spells are based on a For the player, the process is somewhat easier,
combination of skills special to those who can control if no less harrowing. The player needs to come up with
certain elemental forces. It is the controlled the effect they want the spell to achieve. The player
combination of these elemental forces that create the then presents this spell to his GM, who will decide
spells in DragonSpawn. whether the spell is allowable within the game. If he
Certain types of spells are common in the decides it is, then the Player has more work to do. They
world of DragonSpawn and most novice magus are need to create a complete description of the spell, with
taught these spells by the master they learn from. An all of its effects outlined.
example of these simple spells is the first circle Mystic The GM will then inspect the spell again. At
Bolt spell. This spell, which is produced solely by the this time he will eliminate certain effects, or add side
control of the mystic energy of magic, does not require effects. The GM will then determine the skill levels for
skills in any other element of Magecraft. the spell based on its complete description. Once this is
On the other end of the spectrum is the third complete, the spell will have been researched, and will
circle Shadow Knife spell. The Shadow Knife spell be assigned a circle.
requires a skilled control of Negative Energy, Force, Each researched spell has an associated cost in
and Shadow. materials, time, and money. In general, the amount of
For the Shadow Knife spell applies those skills time to research a spell is based on the Circle of the
as follows. The control of force is used to shape the spell. The following table lists the average cost of
Shadow Knife, giving it a solid form, control of researching a spell.
Negative Energy is used to create the heart of the blade Circle Cost
that allows it to cut through armor protection, and the
1st 1 ssp
control of Shadow provides protection from the light of
2nd 8 ssp
annihilation as the blade cuts through matter. It also
gives the blade its dark, shadowy appearance. Because 3rd 27 ssp
the spell requires all three skills at the first level of 4th 64 ssp
experience, it is a third circle spell, because 1 + 1 + 1 5th 125 ssp
equals three. 6th 216 ssp
Spells start at first circle, and can theoretically 7th 343 ssp
be of any level. Higher circles require more effort and 8th 512 ssp

9th 729 ssp made this change because Zilfin has no experience in
10th 1000 ssp the skill Magecraft: Elemental Control - Air. Zilfin also
11th + Circle3 ssp would not know that the spheres were hollow and were
In general, each spell cost is calculated by blown apart by expanding air.
taking the circle of the spell and cubing it (multiplying This new spell does similar damage, 1d12 per
it by itself three times.) This value is taken as the main ball, 1d4 for each large chunk, but each piece now
number of silver pieces it costs to research the spell. In strikes as a blunt object rather then the 6 sharp pieces
addition, it will take a number of weeks equal to the doing 1d2 each. For each extra skill level in each skill,
Circle of the spell to research the spell. Zilfin will be able to form an extra ball above the two
If any of the side effects of the spell are he can form normally with the spell.
dangerous, such as explosions, fire, or disease, then Zilfin already has Magecraft skills of Mystic
there is a chance that the magus was injured during the Control -4, Elemental Control - Earth 4, and Force 4.
research. The GM will decide whether such an injury Since this is only 1 greater than what he needs in
occurred, and how much the magus was injured. Elemental Control - Earth, he can create only 3
There are additional factors in spell research spheres. By advancing his skill to 5, he would now
that the GM will take into account. For example, if the exceed each skill by two, and could create 4 balls.
spell the character is researching is one whose effect he Zilfin had seen the spell used before, and since
has seen before, perhaps used against the magus in he had skill in most of the areas, he would have
combat, then the research costs will be lowered. If it is recognized most of the ”weaving” of the spell. Thus,
a spell that the magus has seen many times, the the GM gives him a 20% bonus for cost and research
research costs could be cut in half. If the researching time. This means Zilfin can research the spell in only 5
magus has access to the notes of another wizard who ½ weeks, at a total cost of 343 * 80% = 274 ssp.
developed the same spell, then the research time may Jake decides that this is an acceptable cost for
be as little as one tenth of the cost otherwise. this rather potent spell, and decides that Zilfin will
There are also penalties, if any of the skill undertake this research.
levels required for the spell is more than the current Had there been any possible damage involved
level of the magus, it is possible that research time may with researching the spell, the GM would have
double or more. informed Jake of it after his decision to research the
It is this constant struggle for new spells and spell was made.
knowledge that drives many of the magi out into After this point, the spell is Zilfin’s, and it is
careers in adventuring. By garnering the knowledge of unique within DragonSpawn. Very few of the more
other magi, or at least seeing other spell effects, the powerful spells are common, or spread around, almost
magus will gain power much more quickly then the all are unique, having been researched for a certain
magus who researches slowly and carefully. Of course, purpose by a specific magi. Only some of the simpler
many adventuring magi end up on the business end of spells are common and similar to each other. Research
some sharpened implement, wondering why they didn’t is the sole means of achieving magical power in
stay home researching spells. DragonSpawn.
As an example, we turn to Zilfin, our
adventurous magus, who wants to research a spell. Last Spell Books
time out on adventure, an evil shaman attacked his
adventuring group by gouging rocks out of the ground, Many magi will eventually choose to write
down the spells they have learned, and keep the notes
shaping them into balls and hurling them at great force
into the midst of the group where they burst into chunks for the ones which they have researched safely in
volumes for use in later research and for safekeeping.
of gravel that pummeled and disoriented the group.
Zilfin’s player, Jake tells his GM that he wants These spell books are often guarded with magical traps
and guardians. These books are a concentration of the
to research this spell. The GM, who knows that the
spell is possible, allows Jake to write out the spell’s knowledge of the magi, and as such represents the sum
total of their life’s work.
description. Jake writes out a description of the spell,
similar to the one above and gives it to the GM. The Capturing or obtaining a magus’s spell book
does not provide the holder with instant access to every
GM inspects the spell and makes a few changes, and
marks it as a seventh circle spell, with the following spell that the magi possessed. The spell book is not a
step-by-step instruction book on how to cast the spell.
Magecraft skills: Mystic Control - 2, Elemental Control
- Earth - 3, Force - 2. However, the spell has changed In fact, magic in DragonSpawn is more a trial and error
process. Possession of a spell book may make it
slightly, the balls tend to tear themselves apart before
striking, rather then exploding as shrapnel. The GM has incredibly easy to research the spells of the magi who
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wrote it, but it doesn’t provide the instant gratification Zilfin has already started to cast the spell
of a group of new spells. again, when he is struck by the arrow. It pierces his soft
Using a complete and well-written spell book leather armor, causing 3 points of damage.
will reduce the time it takes to research the spells it Zilfin’s base success rate is now 70%, because
contains by a factor of ten, but it still requires research. 100% - (10% x points of damage) = 70%. Zilfin’s
For instance, if Zilfin had found that evil player, Jake, rolls an 83 on the d100 roll, and Zilfin’s
shaman’s spell book, he would have been able to spell fizzles. The GM decides that the spell is not
research the spell in a fraction of the time it took. powerful enough to cause any side effects, and it
However, he would not have been able to cast the spell, simply fizzles with no effects.
since he has no experience in the Magecraft skill of However, Zilfin is now in a fix. With only 5
Elemental Control - Air, a skill that the initial spell health points remaining, he must choose a spell to use
required at a skill level of 1. In this case, having the wisely.
spell book might actually prevent Zilfin from Realizing that the Orks are safely separated
researching a spell that he could use. Of course, he from his companions, he chooses his Fiery Blast spell,
could just train for Magecraft: Elemental Control - Air a fourth circle spell. It is a new round, and Jake rolls an
and be able to cast the full spell. 18 for combat initiative. The Orks roll a 4, giving Zilfin
In either case, should Zilfin research the spell a differential of 14 seconds. Realizing that he has only
using the spell book, he would only have to spend 34 used this spell three times before, he steps behind an
ssp, and spend a little less than five days researching outcrop of rock to make himself harder to hit, and then
the spell. In this case, however, due to the fact that he prepares his spell.
doesn’t understand the control of Air, he could be Zilfin’s base chance of success is 65%, or 50%
subject to damage from his initial experiments that + (3 x 5%). The Ork archer, realizing the danger Jake
might backfire. That choice is up to the GM. represents takes aim and fires again, but now Jake has
taken partial cover, providing a -4 on his to hit roll. The
Ork needs a 10 normally, but now needs a 14. The Ork
Spell Failure rolls a 16, and an arrow again hits Zilfin. This time, he
takes only one point of damage from the arrow, which
When casting a spell, there is always a chance changes his base percentage to 55% (65% - 10%). Jake
that the spell will fail. This chance may be nil, or it rolls a 45% on the d100 roll, meaning that Jake will
may be quite large, especially if the spell caster is successfully cast the spell.
distracted or attacked while casting the spell. When a Zilfin has chosen to cast the spell in 4 turn
spell fails, the results can range from harmless to segments, or at 10 times normal speed. He takes a hit of
disastrous. 40 fatigue points for this action, pushing his two turn
For example, Zilfin, our magus, has been total to 52 points. Added to his initial fatigue score of
casting Mystic Bolt since his apprenticeship, and now 14, Zilfin is struck by exhaustion at the completion of
needs to cast it in combat. His base chance for success the spell, when his fatigue score becomes 66,
is 50%. He has cast the spell successfully more than ten equivalent to being awake for almost 24 hours straight.
times, so his base percentage is now 100% plus. As However, the fiery blast sails across the
long as he is not disturbed, his base chance to cast the cavern, exploding in a blazing ball of carnage, doing
spell is 100%. 4d6 damage, and nearly obliterating the Ork party,
However, he is in the middle of combat, and leaving only a lingering smell of fried bacon. Zilfin’s
more than half of his friends are already down. The companions tend to the wounded while he collapses,
attack is coming from arrows launched by a distant exhausted, for a short nap.
group of Orks, and his spell is his last hope. He can cast The next time he casts the spell, his base
8 bolts, because of his skill level of 4, and he plans to success rate will be 70%, for he has now successfully
rain down fire on the two archers facing him. The spell cast the spell 4 times. He does not tell his companions
takes only a turn segment to cast, costing him 6 fatigue that, should the spell have failed, he could very well
points to speed cast at ten times speed. He has decided have roasted all of them, as well as himself had the GM
he can afford 12 fatigue points, so he will cast it twice, chosen to make the Fiery Blast explode prematurely.
forming 16 bolts. For each skill level required beyond the ones
On the first cast, he is undisturbed, and eight possessed by the character, the chance of failure
white-hot bolts lance towards the archers, five hit, increases by 20%.
doing 5d4 damage, or 13 points, and one of the archers
drops to the ground, dead.
The other archer, seeing this new danger takes
careful aim at the magi and lets loose an arrow.

Unraveling Spells Some Common Spells

Magi have the ability to attempt to block spells So, what are some of the more common spells
using their own skills. If they can identify the parts of a found in DragonSpawn? What follows is a list of a few
spell being woven, they can forfeit any other action to common spells just to give you, the player, a starting
attempt to "unravel" the spell being made. point for research, and a quick idea of what each circle
of a spell means.
In general they start with a 50% chance and
then get the following bonuses: First Circle Spells:
+5% for each skill level in they possess in Magecraft.
Mystic Bolt
-5% for each skill level in Magecraft possessed by the
Casting Time: 1
opposed caster
Duration: Instantaneous
+5% for each skill level greater then the skill required
Area of Effect: Selected target
in the weaving
Range: 100’/level
-5% for each skill level less than the skill required in
Skills: Magecraft – 1
the weaving
-10% each skill level in the weaving that is unknown to
the blocking mage.
The Mystic Bolt spell is probably the most
common spell out there in terms of teaching young
For example: Joe the Journeyman mage (Magecraft - 2,
apprentices the ropes. This spell conjures into existence
Elemental Fire - 1, Elemental Earth - 2) attempts to
two small, diamond shaped bolts of pure white mystic
block Agnaroth the Black casting a Fiery wind spell. He
energy. The bolts leap from the caster’s hands to the
has skills of Magecraft - 4, Elemental Fire - 3,
intended target without fail. If the target is visible to the
Elemental Air - 4, etc.) Fiery Wind uses Magecraft 1,
caster, then the bolt strikes the target. The caster cannot
Elemental Air 1, and Elemental Fire 2.
hit any target that he cannot see.
For each level of skill in Magecraft beyond
Base chance is 50%.
one, the caster can create another two Mystic Bolts.
Thus, at a skill level of 6, the caster can create twelve
Going in order, Joe gets +10% for Magecraft of 2. Joe
mystic bolts.
then loses 20% for his opponent's magecraft skill of 4.
Each mystic bolt delivers 1d4 points of
Joe posesses a 2 in Magecraft, and thus gets a +5%. Joe
damage to the intended target. If more than one bolt
has a 1 in elemental fire, thus a -5%. Joe then loses -
strikes a target, then the damage is done as if it were a
10% for a skill level of unknown in Elemental Air.
single attack. In other words, if four bolts strike a
target, then the damage is 4d4 for the purpose of
Total is 50% + 10% - 20% + 5% - 5% - 10% = 30%
damage absorbed by the armor of the target. It is not
chance of disrupting the spell if that is *all* he does
1d4 taken four times. This is because each bolt will
that round. In any case, the fatigue is equal to the
strike exactly the same spot.
fatigue caused as if the blocking mage had attempted to
The caster can chose a different target for each
cast the spell himself, whether he successfully unravels
and every bolt, although if they choose to do so, then
the spell or not. (Caveat: There is a 25% penalty for
there will be a one second delay between each target
each skill level lacked by the blocking mage) So for
chosen as the caster adjusts to track a new target.
Joe, the total is 40 fatigue points for a fourth circle
Consider this when determining initiative order of
spell speedcast x10, -1 for his skill in magecraft, +1
needed skill level in elemental air and fire for a total of
If a bolt strikes any intervening object before
a 50% penalty for
striking the target, for instance, if the target is behind a
59 fatigue points. That's quite a strain on Joe, and will
pane of glass, then the bolt’s damage is done against
move him from a rested state to anywhere from "Needs
the intervening target, and not the intended target.
Sleep" to "Zombie Like" depending on how fatigued he
was when he started.
Flame Spurt
Casting Time: 1
Obviously these are measures for last-stands, or for
Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/skill level
vastly powerful mages to crush the spells of weak
Area of Effect: See description...
Range: 0
Skills: Magecraft – Elemental Control – Fire –1
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Description: Duration: 1 turn + 1 / Magecraft skill
This spell is rather simple, a control over fire. Area of Effect: 100 sq. Ft. + see Description
When cast, a single spurt of fire extends from the hand Range: 0
of the caster in a straight line. The fire lasts for one Skills: Elemental Control-Fire -- 2, Elemental Control
turn. At the first skill level, this flame is three feet long, Air -- 1, Magecraft -- 1
and does 1d6+1 points of damage to anyone caught
within the flame. Description:
For each skill level beyond one, the flame’s The fiery wind calls into being an area of sheets of
length is increased by one foot, and the damage done is fire driven by a magical wind. This can cause massive
increased by +1. So, at the sixth skill level, the flame damage to creatures caught within its confines. A
would be nine feet long, and would do 1d6+7 points of creature trapped within takes 4d6 points of damage for
damage. In addition, the flame lasts one turn longer for each turn it is within the area of effect.
each additional skill level, so the 6 th level skill would The area is 100 sq. feet, or, for example, a 10 x 10
allow the flame to last for seven turns. foot area. However, for each level of skill in control of
This flame will set alight any easily flammable elemental air beyond the first, the area can be increased
objects like paper in a single turn. Objects such as by another 100 sq. feet. Note that increasing the area
wood or cloth can be set alight if the flame is held on increases the circle of the spell as well.
the object for the entire turn. This spell comes in very For each level of skill in elemental fire beyond
handy for lighting campfires. two, the mage can increase the amount of damage done
This flame will cast light, equivalent to a torch by 1d6. For each 2d6 added, however, the spell circle
for the length of the spell. increases by one.
The spell duration can be increased by one turn for
Wind Gust each level of magecraft skill beyond one. However, the
Casting Time: 1 spell cannot be held for longer in turns then the mage's
Duration: Instantaneous willpower score.
Area of Effect: 100 square feet / level
Range: 0
Skills: Elemental Control-Air – 1

This spell causes a sudden, and tremendous
gust of wind to come into being. The gust begins at the
caster and continues forward in a ten-foot wide swath
for 10 feet for each level of skill possessed by the
caster. This gust will fowl small missiles in flight such
as arrows and crossbow bolts. Loose items will be
blown away from the caster, and small objects which
can be picked up and thrown may strike anyone
”downwind” from the caster doing 1d2 points of
damage each. The gust lasts only a few moments, and
then is gone.
Creatures smaller then 1 foot tall, or weighing
less than 10 pounds will be picked up and thrown by
the gust, suffering 1d6 points of damage.
Any non-shielded flame (e.g. a torch) will be
extinguished by this spell.

Second Circle Spells:

Third Circle Spells:

Fourth Circle Spells:

Fiery Wind
Casting Time: 4
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Chapter 23: Prayer and
For those characters that have chosen
devotional skills, there arises the possibility that those
characters can communicate with their patron deity, and
request that they cause miraculous events to occur. This
ability is the realm of Prayer and Miracles.
This chapter describes some of the more
common prayers and miracles that a deity will grant
within the DragonSpawn game.
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Chapter 24: Mental Abilities
Characters that study and become disciplined
in the many varying skills of mental control can begin
to attain a certain control of events outside of their own
body. Down through the ages this control has become
known as the paranormal or psychic powers. This
chapter describes some of the psychic powers available
in the game of DragonSpawn.
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Appendix A: Sample Character Sheet

Name: ________________________ Race: ________________________

Physical Attributes Mental Attributes Social Attributes

Brawn: _______ Knowledge: _______ Beauty: _______
Stamina: _______ Willpower: _______ Character: _______
Agility: _______ Thought: _______ Leadership: _______
Manual _______ Wisdom: _______ Socialization: _______

Health: _______
Fatigue: _______ 0-30 31-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-100 101-110 111-120 121-150 151+
0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -8 -10 -15 -20 -30 death

Dodge: _______
Armor Rank: _______ Armor Type: _________ Damage: ___________

Weapons: Name Skill Damage Initiative Condition

Level Penalty

Equipment: Name Number Condition


Ability Scores.....................................................2 Knowledge..........................................................2
Agility.............................................................2, 6
Brawn..............................................................2, 4 magecraft..........................................................99
Manual Dexterity............................................2, 6
Mental Attributes..............................................2
Character Race..................................................15 Physical Attributes............................................2
Contents............................................................vii Preface...............................................................iv
Dice.....................................................................x Role Playing Games...........................................x
Social Attributes................................................3
Elves..................................................................15 Socialization.......................................................3
Introduction.........................................................x Willpower............................................................3

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