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original paper Physiotherapy Quarterly (ISSN 2544-4395)

2021, 29(4), 33–41

© Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences

Core stability in adolescent swimmers with swimmer’s shoulder syndrome


Azza Mohammed Abdelmohsen1, Salam Mohamed Elhafez1, Bassam Ahmed Nabil2

Biomechanics Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University
Biomechanics Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, October 6 University, Giza, Egypt

Introduction. Swimmer’s shoulder syndrome (SSS) is the most common overuse injury affecting swimmers and surfers. Core
stability is crucial to prevent SSS. The study investigated the effect of isokinetic core strength of trunk flexors and extensors
and core endurance on shoulder stability in adolescent swimmers with SSS.
Methods. The study involved 30 swimmers, assigned to 2 equal groups. The experimental group (A) suffered from SSS; the
control group (B) included healthy swimmers with no history of shoulder pain or instability. The mean values of age, body
mass, and height were 12.86 ± 1.59 years, 41.73 ± 3.99 kg, and 142.0 ± 3.96 cm, respectively, in group A and 13.2 ± 1.56 years,
42.66 ± 3.9 kg, and 142.26 ± 4.39 cm, respectively, in group B. Isokinetic peak torque (PT) for trunk flexors and extensors was
measured with a Biodex isokinetic dynamometer. Four functional tests assessed core endurance: side bridge endurance test,
static back endurance test, ball bridge test, and unilateral bridge test.
Results. There was a statistically significant between-group difference in mean PT of trunk extension at both angular veloci-
ties: 60°/s, 180°/s. No significant differences were detected in mean PT of trunk flexion. All functional core stability tests revealed
a greater endurance time in group B.
Conclusions. Weak core inhibits shoulder muscles, which is a major risk factor for shoulder instability and SSS. It is crucial to
incorporate core stability training into the rehabilitation plan to provide proximal stability for obtaining safe and proper distal
mobility across the shoulder joint.
Key words: shoulder dislocation, shoulder pain, central core, muscle strength

Introduction for women [11]. The cause of shoulder pain in swimmers is

considered multifactorial and may involve many different
Shoulder pain is a major problem that leads to muscle in- aetiologies related to poor biomechanics. These causative
hibition. This, in turn, affects muscle strength and joint sta- factors include the subacromial impingement syndrome,
bility, augmenting the problem and adding another risk fac- overuse and subsequent muscle fatigue, scapular dyskine-
tor to shoulder injuries [1]. O’Donnell et al. [2] reported that sia, laxity and instability, labral damage, os acromiale, and
swimming was a sport applying a remarkable overload on suprascapular neuropathy [8, 12]. Microtears or stretching
shoulders. This is frequently accompanied by an undesir- of the glenohumeral ligaments aggravate the static instability.
able increase in joint laxity. Numerous swimmers exhibited As soon as these athletes experience fatigue, their rotator cuff
signs of scapular dyskinesia through the course of a 100-min- muscles become unable to stabilize the humerus alone. This
ute swimming session [3]. Elite-level competitive swimmers increases the translation of the humeral head, mainly upward
accomplish between 1500 and 4000 stroke cycles per day, or superior-posterior, overloading the rotator cuff tendon.
or about 1,000,000 stroke cycles per year [4]. In the same Shoulder abduction and rotation with excessive humeral head
context, Oyama [5] demonstrated that swimmers typically translation lead to the contact of the posterior supraspinatus
performed very high repetitions of strokes compared with or anterior infraspinatus against the posterior glenoid rim and
baseball throwers and tennis players. Therefore, swimming labrum. This disorder is described as internal impingement
requires the shoulder to perform work over a greater period [13]. Scapular protraction is a common sign of scapular dys-
of time and thus a greater number of repetitions, and this kinesia in swimmers [3, 14].
needs an incorporated action of a group of muscles that act The core of the body includes both passive and active
in a much more synergetic way to obtain the required force structures: the passive structures of the thoracolumbar spine
with minimal joint loads. These muscles are the shoulder gir- and pelvis and the active contributions of the trunk muscu-
dle musculature and core stabilizers. lature. In other words, spine stability depends not only on
Swimmer’s shoulder syndrome (SSS) is the general term muscular strength, but also on the proper sensory input that
for an overuse injury in swimming athletes in which they alerts the central nervous system about interaction between
suffer from shoulder pain and instability [6, 7]. Shoulder pain the body and the environment, providing constant feedback
is the most common musculoskeletal complaint in swimmers and allowing refinement of movement. The core is anatomi-
and is typically classified as a chronic injury due to repeti- cally defined as a muscular box. The boundaries of this box
tive overuse [8–10]. The National Collegiate Athletic Asso- are designed as follows: the abdominal muscles in the front,
ciation revealed through a 5-year survey that the whole paraspinal and gluteal muscles in the back, the diaphragm
elite swimmer injury rates were 4 injuries per 1000 hours of as the roof, and the pelvic floor and hip girdle musculature as
training for men and 3.78 injuries per 1000 hours training the bottom [15]. Within this box, there are 29 pairs of muscles

Correspondence address: Azza Mohammed Abdelmohsen, Biomechanics Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University,
7 Ahmed Ezzayyat Street, Bein Essarayat, Giza, Egypt, e-mail:

Received: 22.04.2020
Accepted: 19.06.2020

Citation: Abdelmohsen AM, Elhafez SM, Nabil BA. Core stability in adolescent swimmers with swimmer’s shoulder syndrome. Physiother
Quart. 2021;29(4):33–41; doi:
A.M. Abdelmohsen, S.M. Elhafez, B.A. Nabil
Core stability in adolescent swimmers with swimmer’s shoulder syndrome Physiother Quart 2021, 29(4)

that stabilize and support the spine, pelvis, and kinetic chain Subjects and methods
during functional movements. The spine cannot be mechani-
cally stable without these muscles as the compressive forces Participants
placed on it are at least 90 N. Once the core muscular sys-
tem works properly, the consequence is appropriate force Thirty adolescent competitive swimmers of both sexes
distribution and maximum force [15, 16]. This is not only the (16 males and 14 females) volunteered to participate in this
core benefit; also, it decreases the compressive, translational, study. They were college students at the preparatory stage
and shearing forces at the joints of the kinetic chain to the of learning. They had 2–5 years of swimming practice and
minimal value, reducing the loads on the upper and lower showed a good swimming style, passing the 3rd Star test of
extremities. In overhead activities, a strong core minimizes the Egyptian Swimming Federation. They swam 3000–7000 m
loads on the shoulder joint, providing a base for safe shoulder per day and performed 8–14 hours/week of swimming ses-
movement. In addition, the diaphragm muscle (the roof of the sions and 3–6 hours/week of dryland sessions. They were
core) delivers good respiration that ensures good posture and assigned into 2 equal groups of 15. There were no potential
efficient shoulder movement. Core stability is perceived as differences between the 2 groups. The experimental group (A)
being a key for well-organized biomechanical function to aug- were referred by a physician and had a diagnosis of SSS.
ment force generation and diminish joint loads in all kinds However, at the time of testing, they were pain-free to avoid
of activities, ranging from running to swimming [16]. Kibler muscle inhibition due to pain. The control group (B) were
et al. [14] defined core stability as the capability to control healthy swimmers with no history of shoulder pain or insta-
the position and motion of the trunk over the pelvis to enhance bility. The mean values of age, body mass, and height were
the peak production, transfer, and control of force and mo- 12.86 ± 1.59 years, 41.73 ± 3.99 kg, and 142.0 ± 3.96 cm,
tion to the distal segment in incorporated athletic activities. respectively, in group A and 13.2 ± 1.56 years, 42.66 ± 3.9 kg,
A strong core zone qualifies an athlete to fully transfer and 142.26 ± 4.39 cm, respectively, in group B. Normality
ground reaction forces from the lower extremities to the torso, tests (Shapiro-Wilk) were applied for these variables for data
and eventually to the upper extremities. Better core strength exploration to exclude outliers before conducting the suit-
and endurance improve sports performance. The core serves able statistical analysis. Once the normality tests revealed
as the centre of the functional kinetic chain. The core is seen normal data distribution for these variables, parametric sta-
as a muscular corset that works as a unit to stabilize the body, tistical analysis using an independent t-test was conducted.
in particular the spine, both with and without limb movement. The results demonstrated no significant differences in the
In the alternative medicine world, the core has been referred mean values of the participants’ demographic data, including
to as the ‘powerhouse,’ the foundation or engine of all limb age, weight, and height, between the 2 groups, as shown in
movement [17, 18]. An efficient core ensures good flexibility Table 1.
of trunk flexors and extensors, which makes it easy for the Table 1. Participants’ demographic data
human movement system to sustain favourable force cou-
ple relationships throughout the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex Experimental Control
group group Experimental
(LPHC) [19, 20]. This neuromuscular capability of the core is
(n = 15: (n =15: group vs.
habitually known as core stability, but it is more accurately Characteristics
8 males, 8 males, control group
described as LPHC stability, consisting of local or interseg- 7 females) 7 females) (p)
mental stability (local stabilization system), global stability (mean ± SD) (mean ± SD)
(global stabilization system), and global mobility [21, 22]. This
interdependent system needs to be properly trained to em- Age (years) 12.86 ± 1.59 13.2 ± 1.56 0.52
power it to function professionally throughout dynamic ac- Weight (kg) 41.73 ± 3.99 42.66 ± 3.9 0.56
tivities. High-level sports performance requires functional
strength, power, neuromuscular control, and muscular en- Height (cm) 142.0 ± 3.96 142.26 ± 4.39 0.86
durance in definite muscles.
SSS should perfectly be diagnosed, and concentrated Eligibility criteria
functional rehabilitation of the shoulder girdle and core mus-
cles should be started as early as possible to regain muscle Swimmers were included in group A if they met the fol-
balance [23]. Isokinetic testing is a critical part of shoulder lowing criteria: (1) Their problem started 6–12 months ear-
injury evaluation. Research has established its value in ob- lier and they were diagnosed by the referring physician as
taining clinically relevant information concerning muscular having SSS with symptoms of pain, muscle imbalance, tendi-
performance [24]. Shoulder injury is first managed through nitis, impingement, bursitis, and instability. During the time of
core stabilization and then by scapular stabilization [25, 26]. testing, they were pain-free (asymptomatic) to avoid muscle
Up to the authors’ knowledge, there are few studies that inhibition. (2) The swimmer was diagnosed with appropriate
assessed the isokinetic and functional strength of core mus- imaging techniques, including plain films (X-ray including an
cles in adolescent swimmers. Adolescence time is very im- outlet view to fully visualize the acromion) and/or magnetic
portant for athletes, especially swimmers, to be assessed for resonance imaging. (3) They had unilateral affection (domi-
injury risk. This, in turn, increases swimmers’ awareness of nant side).
and concern for prevention of risk factors that predispose to Participants were excluded from the study if they were
injuries. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to inves- characterized by any of the following: (1) Traumatic injury or
tigate the effect of trunk muscle weakness on shoulder sta- surgery related to shoulder and trunk. (2) Breast type swim-
bility. This may help predict the diagnosis, prognosis, and ming stroke. (3) Severe shoulder laxity exhibiting signs of
treatment of SSS. Moreover, it may help protect swimmers ligamentous hyperlaxity elsewhere in the body, such as hyper-
from possible risk factors for shoulder pathology in order to extension of the elbow, knees, fingers, or hand. (4) Other over-
enable them to elevate their level of performance and elimi- head sport practice. (5) Rheumatoid arthritis or other inflam-
nate shoulder pain by incorporating core stability training into matory joint disease. (6) Previous surgical operation or injury
the rehabilitation program of such cases. in the neck, trunk, or upper or lower limbs.
A.M. Abdelmohsen, S.M. Elhafez, B.A. Nabil
Physiother Quart 2021, 29(4) Core stability in adolescent swimmers with swimmer’s shoulder syndrome

Core stability assessment study to measure the isokinetic trunk flexion and extension
peak torque (PT), which expresses muscle strength. The Bio-
Each swimmer was assessed 24–48 hours after the last dex isokinetic dynamometer has been widely used in research,
training (swimming or dryland session). This was done to mini- clinical setting, and rehabilitation to objectively assess fac-
mize the difference of training load impact either over training tors of muscles performance that would otherwise be diffi-
or unloading of muscles. cult to obtain by using the manual testing technique [27]. The
isokinetic dynamometer maintains a constant velocity while
Measuring trunk muscle strength via a Biodex System 3 giving an accommodating resistance throughout a joint range
Pro isokinetic dynamometer of motion when measuring internal PT [28]. Performance
measures were automatically recorded by the system’s cus-
A Biodex multi-joint testing and rehabilitation system tom software at the different angular velocities [29]. The Bio-
(Biodex Medical Systems, Shirley, NY, USA) was used in this dex isokinetic dynamometer used in the current study con-
sists of a dynamometer head, positioning chair, and control
unit. The main parts of the device are illustrated in Figures 1
and 2. Moreover, the Biodex software compensates for the
effects of gravity as part of the setup with the subjects po-
3 sitioned appropriately [30].
The procedures of the isokinetic trunk flexion and exten-
sion tests were as follows (Figures 3–5):
– The trunk seated compressed protocol was used, iso-
lating trunk movement, with no pelvic or hip muscles sharing.
The participant was allowed to sit on the adjustable seat of
the Biodex isokinetic dynamometer system in the optimal
resting position that allowed a greater range of motion both
2 in flexion and extension and hence was the preferred testing
position [31, 32].
– The dynamometer head was coupled with chair attach-
ment for testing the trunk.
Figure 1. Biodex isokinetic multi-joint system:
– The pelvic strap was then applied and positioned as far
1 – control unit, 2 – head assembly, 3 – positioning chair as possible to press firmly, but comfortably, against the supe-
rior aspect of the proximal thighs. Two curved anterior leg pads
were secured to adjust the knee block position. In addition,
a lumbar support pad was located against the lower lumbar
spine. Therefore, the pelvis was stabilized to minimize any
contribution from the hip muscles [31]. Both thighs were then
stabilized by another strap and the feet were held in place
without being in contact with the floor.
– The participant sat erect with the head stabilized neu-
trally against an adjustable head seat. The 2 anterior force
application straps were aligned vertically and then connected
to another horizontal strap, which was aligned with the sec-
ond intercostal cartilage on the anterior chest wall when
measuring the flexion torque. The posterior force applica-
tion padded roller bar was placed on the posterior trunk just
distal to the spine of the scapula when measuring the exten-
sion torque.
– The range of motion was set from 70° lumbar exten-
sion (obligatorily limited by a metal bar implemented behind
the lumbar region) to 20° trunk flexion and limited by con-
tacting the arm attachment with the subject’s thigh.
– Isokinetic testing was performed at 2 angular velocities:
60°/s, then 180°/s. Concentric mode of contraction was se-
lected in the control panel of the computer unit.
– To prevent any jerky or unintended arm movement, the
participant was instructed to rest the crossed forearms on the
anterior chest wall. In addition, the participant was requested
to maintain a neutral head position throughout the testing pro-
cedure to avoid any contribution from the neck muscles [33].
– The subject was instructed to hold the attachment firmly
and perform 10 maximal concentric contractions at an an-
gular velocity of 60°/s.
– There was a 60-second break between the trials (after
each 10 repetitions) and PT was recorded.
Figure 2. Trunk attachment with its components:
– The same was repeated at an angular velocity of 180°/s.
1 – adjustable head seat 5 – thorax padded roller bar
2 – chest straps 6 – lumbar support pad – After finishing all trials, each participant was given
3 – thigh strap 7 – pelvic strap 5 minutes for cooling down (in the form of respiratory exercise)
4 – anterior leg pads 8 – testing chair to avoid any post-test complications.
A.M. Abdelmohsen, S.M. Elhafez, B.A. Nabil
Core stability in adolescent swimmers with swimmer’s shoulder syndrome Physiother Quart 2021, 29(4)

Core endurance functional tests

Four tests (in non-weight-bearing positions) [22] were

performed in a similar order to ensure the same successive
loading. The tests were: (1) side bridge endurance test (qua-
dratus lumborum endurance stretch), (2) static back endur-
ance test or prone extension endurance test (paraspinal en-
durance strength), (3) ball bridge test, and (4) unilateral bridge
test. In each test, the participant was instructed to maintain
the position as long as they could to calculate core endur-
ance time, and the test was repeated 3 times. Then, the av-
erage time was calculated in seconds.
Side bridge endurance test. The participant assumed
a side-lying position on the floor while the feet and the fore-
arm were closest to the ground and the contralateral fore-
arm was set across the chest. The legs were extended. The
subject was instructed to lift the body up off the floor while
supported on the dominant side and hold this position as
Figure 3. Starting position of isokinetic trunk flexion long as possible while supporting the body weight. The test
and extension tests position is shown in Figure 6.
Static back endurance test (prone extension endurance
test). The participant assumed a prone lying position on a flat
bench, with the ankles anchored underneath a pad. The tip
of the iliac crest was rested on the edge of the bench and the
arms were folded across the chest. The participant was in-
structed to lift the body up off the floor and hold this position
for as long as possible. They assumed a horizontal position
that was secured by using a water scale put along the lower
spine (lumbar, sacrum, and midway between the buttocks),
as illustrated in Figure 7.
Ball bridge test. The participant assumed a supine lying
position, with both heels rested on a medical ball; both arms
were placed beside the body, with the palms contacting the
ground. The subject was instructed to lift the body up off the
floor and hold this position for as long as possible [34], as
demonstrated in Figure 8.
Unilateral bridge test. The participant assumed a half-
crook lying position, with a knee flexed at 90°. The sole of foot
was rested on the ground. The other leg was extended, with
the heel contacting the ground. The subject supported them-

Figure 4. Isokinetic trunk flexion test

Figure 6. Side bridge endurance test

36 Figure 5. Isokinetic trunk extension test Figure 7. Position of static back endurance test
A.M. Abdelmohsen, S.M. Elhafez, B.A. Nabil
Physiother Quart 2021, 29(4) Core stability in adolescent swimmers with swimmer’s shoulder syndrome

Figure 8. Ball bridge test Figure 9. Unilateral bridge test

selves on the flexed leg, and lifted the body and the extended has followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki, and has
leg up off the floor, then held this position for as long as pos- been approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Faculty
sible, while supporting the body weight and the extended of Physical Therapy, Cairo University.
leg [34], as shown in Figure 9. The stopwatch was started
when the subject assumed the correct position and was Informed consent
stopped when the position was no longer maintained. The Informed consent has been obtained from the parents of
test was repeated for the contralateral leg. The average time all individuals included in this study.
for the right leg was added to that for the left leg and then
divided by 2 to gain the total average time. Each participant Results
had 5 minutes for cooling down in the form of respiratory ex-
ercise, gentile stretch of the entire body, and pendulum exer- Isokinetic trunk flexion and extension peak torque
cises for either upper or lower extremity to avoid any post-
test complications. There were no significant differences between group A
and group B in the mean trunk flexion PT values at either
Statistical analysis angular velocity (60°/s or 180°/s) (p > 0.05). In turn, group B
showed a significant difference in trunk extension PT values
First, data exploration was carried out to test the homo- compared with group A at both angular velocities (60°/s and
geneity of variances between the groups. Normality test re- 180°/s) (p = 0.001). These results are summarized in Table 2
sults (Shapiro-Wilk) were insignificant (p > 0.05), revealing and Figure 10.
homogeneity, and frequency distribution curves showed nor-
mal skewness and kurtosis after excluding outliers. Then, one- 200
way between-subject design multivariate analysis of variance Experimental group A 179,06
Mean isokinetic peak torque (PT) values (Nm)

(MANOVA) was used to assess the isokinetic PT for trunk Control group B
flexors and extensors in addition to functional core stability 160
between group A and group B. The study included one in- 140
dependent variable: the tested group (between-subject factor)
120 110,92
with 2 levels, group A and group B. The 6 dependent vari- 99,36
ables were the isokinetic PT for trunk flexors and trunk exten- 100
sors, as well as the results of the 4 functional core stability 80 67,48
tests, including side bridge endurance test, static back endur-
ance test, ball bridge test, and unilateral bridge test. The sta- 60 48,26 51,61
tistical analysis was performed by using the Statistical Pack- 40
age for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20 for Windows.
The level of significance for all statistical tests was set at
p < 0.05. 0
Trunk flex. at Trunk flex. at Trunk ext. at Trunk ext. at
60º/s 180º/s 60º/s 180º/s
Ethical approval
The research related to human use has complied with all Figure 10. Mean isokinetic peak torque values of trunk flexion
the relevant national regulations and institutional policies, and extension measured at the angular velocities of 60°/s
and 180°/s for both groups

Table 2. Results of one-way MANOVA for peak torque values of trunk flexion and extension measured at the angular velocities
of 60°/s and 180°/s for both groups

Experimental group (A) Control group (B) MANOVA test

PT (N · m)
(mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) F p

Trunk flexion PT at 60°/s 48.26 ± 17.29 96.22 ± 19.26 3.19 0.08

Trunk flexion PT at 180°/s 43.93 ± 11.53 51.61 ± 14.3 2.62 0.11

Trunk extension PT at 60°/s 110.92 ± 31.43 179.06 ± 24.93 43.26 0.001*

Trunk extension PT at 180°/s 67.48 ± 13.34 99.36 ± 31.92 12.73 0.001*

PT – peak torque 37
* significant at alpha level < 0.05
A.M. Abdelmohsen, S.M. Elhafez, B.A. Nabil
Core stability in adolescent swimmers with swimmer’s shoulder syndrome Physiother Quart 2021, 29(4)

Table 3. Results of one-way MANOVA for core stability functional tests

Experimental group (A) Control group (B) MANOVA test

Test results (s)
(mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) F p

Side bridge endurance test 38.4 ± 4.82 85.86 ± 9.17 314.31 0.001*

Static back endurance test 59.53 ± 11.91 101.53 ± 9.25 116.21 0.001*

Ball bridge test 151.73 ± 28.73 227.26 ± 14.54 82.49 0.001*

Unilateral bridge test 98.96 ± 20.67 160.53 ± 17.17 80.48 0.001*

* significant at alpha level < 0.05

250 flexion PT value between the groups may be attributed to

Experimental group A 227,26 muscle imbalance between trunk flexors and extensors.
Mean values of core endurance tests (s)

Control group B Trunk extensors are more activated and overloaded in swim-
200 ming. The mechanics of trunk extensors is needed to maintain
160,53 horizontal body position (prone and supine) during swimming
151,73 without stopping, thus enabling swimmers to glide straight
forward through the water with less resistance. This, in turn,
101,53 increases the load placed on trunk extensors during swim-
100 85,86 ming. Trunk extensors are also necessary in the floating hori-
zontal position as the centre of gravity becomes near to the
heavier lower body, unlike the centre of buoyancy, which be-
50 38,4
comes near to the lighter upper body (lungs inflated with air).
The force couple created by these 2 forces will rotate and
0 drop the lower body (trunk and lower extremities). As for the
Side bridge test Back static Ball Unilateral majority of time, the workout in swimming training is per-
endurance test bridge test bridge test formed with freestyle stroke (prone), the swimmer needs
Figure 11. Mean values of core stability functional tests a high strength from trunk extensors to overcome the sinking
force couple. This, in turn, produces imbalance between trunk
Core endurance functional tests flexors and extensors. This imbalance may: (a) affect the hor-
izontal position of swimmers to be slightly stooped; (b) affect
Group B exhibited a significant difference in the endur- the 2 force couples that control anterior and posterior pelvic
ance time compared with group A in the 4 functional core tilting (lumbopelvic rhythm), with subsequent lumbar curve
stability tests: side bridge endurance test, static back en- changes (mainly a flattened curve or, rarely, hyperlordosis);
durance test, ball bridge test, and unilateral bridge test. The (c) change the muscle length tension relationship. These
mean time values for the side bridge endurance test were changes can decrease the gliding of the swimmer through
85.86 ± 9.17 s and 38.4 ± 4.82 s for group B and group A, the water, which puts more resistance on the body, so the
respectively (p = 0.001). The mean time values for the static swimmer requires more internal forces for locomotion, mainly
back endurance test were 101.53 ± 9.25 s and 59.53 ± from the upper extremities [36].
11.91 s for group B and group A, respectively (p = 0.001). As reported by Kibler et al. [14], the new approach to the
In the ball bridge test, the achieved endurance times equalled rehabilitation of shoulder joint that focuses on movement
227.26 ± 14.54 s in group B and 151.73 ± 28.73 s in group A patterns addresses glenohumeral motion through scapular
(p = 0.001). Similarly, the mean values of the unilateral bridge control and trunk movement. Fritz et al. [37] demonstrated
test were 160.53 ± 17.17 s and 98.96 ± 20.67 s for group B that the core acted through the thoracolumbar fascia (TLF),
and group A, respectively (p = 0.001). All functional core sta- ‘nature’s back belt,’ which is responsible for a cooperated
bility scores are summarized in Table 3 and Figure 11. trunk stability, playing a significant role in shoulder torque
production [38]. This is consistent with the proximal-to-distal
Discussion kinetic link model of biomechanics and applies recent theo-
ries of motor control and closed kinetic chain exercise [39].
Isokinetic peak torque of trunk flexion and extension The core (LPHC) is stabilized during functional movement
by 2 principal mechanisms: the thoracolumbar stabilization
This study revealed that the mean values of isokinetic mechanism and the intra-abdominal pressure stabilization
trunk extension PT were significantly different in group B com- mechanism [22]. The TLF stabilization mechanism is accom-
pared with group A, suffering from SSS, at both angular ve- plished through a fascial system of noncontractile tissue that
locities: 60°/s and 180°/s. This result confirms the relationship plays an important role in the functional stability of the core
between weak core and shoulder instability. Trunk extensors and is divided into the posterior, anterior, and middle layers.
have a very important role in swimming to allow efficient Although TLF is noncontractile, it can be involved dynami-
transfer of force from lower limbs to trunk and then to upper cally because of the contractile tissue that attaches to it. The
limbs, minimizing overload on the shoulder joint [35]. Within muscles that attach to TLF include the deep erector spinae,
time, poor body positioning or weak back muscles can con- multifidus, transverse abdominis, internal oblique, gluteus
tribute to shoulder pain both during and after workouts. How- maximus, latissimus dorsi, and quadratus lumborum [40].
ever, despite the greater value of trunk flexion PT in group B The transverse abdominis and the internal oblique muscles
compared with group A, no statistically significant difference are chiefly important for stabilization. They attach to the mid-
was obtained between the 2 groups at either angular velocity dle layer of TLF via the lateral raphe, and the activation of
(60°/s or 180°/s). This insignificant difference in the trunk both generates a traction and tension force on TLF, which
A.M. Abdelmohsen, S.M. Elhafez, B.A. Nabil
Physiother Quart 2021, 29(4) Core stability in adolescent swimmers with swimmer’s shoulder syndrome

augments the regional intersegmental stability in the core, of the applied training program, and the program duration.
reducing the translational and rotational stress. Basically, Thus, they cannot decrease the important role of core train-
TLF serves as part of a ‘hoop’ around the trunk that provides ing in providing proximal stability for distal mobility, mini-
a connection between the lower limb and the upper limb [15]. mizing the risk of shoulder injuries.
The second stabilization mechanism involves the intra-ab-
dominal pressure mechanism. Increased intra-abdominal Limitations
pressure decreases the compressive forces in the core. The
abdominal muscles contract against the viscera, pushing the The present study has some limitations. (a) The measure-
viscera superiorly into the diaphragm and inferiorly into the ment of trunk isokinetic PT was performed in a sitting posi-
pelvic floor, and providing the intersegmental stabilization tion, in accordance with the Biodex isokinetic dynamometer
to the core (LPHC) [41]. manual, which was not functional for swimming. (b) The re-
sults of this study may not be applicable to all swimmers with
Core endurance functional tests SSS as acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints pathol-
ogy. (c) Participant withdrawal from the study was its another
This study indicated that there was a significant differ- limiting factor. (d) The study lasted for 8 months, which
ence in the scores of all functional core endurance tests (the means that some athletes were tested during the early pre-
side bridge endurance test, static back endurance test, ball season period (not reaching high performance), while others
bridge test, and unilateral bridge test) between group B and were investigated during the competitive season (maximal
group A. This means that the efficiency of core stabilizers was performance).
smaller in swimmers with SSS than in healthy swimmers.
This, in turn, affected the swimmers’ performance during swim- Conclusions
ming and during testing. It also explains the strong relation-
ship between shoulder pain and low core stability efficiency. Musculoskeletal overuse injuries are the main source of
Each of them can lead to the other, creating a vicious circle. shoulder pain in competitive swimmers. There is a vicious
In swimming, the fluid medium (water) needs high mechani- circle in the relationship between the weakness of core mus-
cal coordination between the core stability of LPHC and the cles and shoulder injury. Weak core inhibits shoulder muscles,
speed mobility of upper and lower extremities. The forces which is a major risk factor for shoulder instability and SSS.
start from the core region and then are directed to the more The development of core muscle strength and durability de-
distal regions. Moreover, core strength is required to over- creases the reaction time at which these muscles are acti-
come the dipping force couple created by the centre of gravity vated as a preparation for making corset-like posture before
and centre of buoyancy, as discussed before. Core has an distal movement and this, in turn, minimizes shoulder injuries.
important role in absorbing high load, protecting other deli- Thus, it is very important to incorporate a core stability train-
cate parts, like the shoulder, and is considered the central ing program into the rehabilitation plan to provide proximal
station that is necessary to develop force production and stability for obtaining safe and proper distal mobility across
reduce joint loads in all types of activities. Additionally, core the shoulder joint.
stability may be required to control the position and motion
of the trunk to allow optimum production, transfer, and syn- Acknowledgements
chronization of force and motion to the distal limbs and, finally, The authors thank all participants in the study for their
to hands and feet to integrate swimming activities. Thus, cooperation.
weak core may participate in developing SSS.
These results are in line with those achieved by Johnson Disclosure statement
et al. [42], who recognized the need to address the legs and No author has any financial interest or received any finan-
trunk as contributors to shoulder function and for general cial benefit from this research.
conditioning. They used electromyography to prove that the
rapid right shoulder forward reaching produced a consistent Conflict of interest
pattern of activation and deactivation of leg and trunk mus- The authors state no conflict of interest.
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