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10 Icse Physics Holiday Homework

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Answer the following questions in a separate paper

Question 1
(a) Two similar vehicles are moving with same velocity on the road, such that one of them is
loaded and the other one is empty. Which of the two vehicles will require larger force
to stop it in a given distance? Give reason.

(b) Write the S.I. unit of power.

(c) Draw a graph between the acceleration and mass for a constant force.

(d) Why do we use a long handle with a screw jack?

(e) A uniform metre scale is balanced at the 20 cm mark when masses of 100 g and 50 g are
suspended from the 10 cm and 30 cm marks respectively. Calculate the mass of the
meter scale.

Question 2
(a) The focal length of a camera lens is 20 cm, find by drawing how far away from the film
must the lens be placed to photograph an object 100 cm from the lens.
(Take 1 cm = 1 mm)
(b) A TV station transmits waves of frequency 200MHz. Calculate the wavelength of the
waves if their speed in air is 3 x 108 ms-1.

(c) A ray of light travelling in air strikes the glass surface at an angle of incidence 60°. Find
the angle of refraction in glass if refractive index of glass is 3/2.
(Given: sin 35°=1/ √3 and sin60°= √3 /2)
(d) State the laws of refraction.

Question 3
(a) Define specific latent heat of fusion of a substance. Write its SI unit.

(b) What is the principle of calorimetry?

(c) A piece of iron of mass 2.0 kg has thermal capacity of 966 J/°C. How much heat is
needed to warm it by 15 °C? What is its specific heat capacity in SI units?
(d) Explain why water is used in hot water bottles for fomentation and also as a universal

Question 4
(a) (i) A heater of power P watt raises the temperature of m kg of a liquid by T K in time
‘t’sec. Express the specific heat capacity of liquid in terms of above data.
(ii) State the effect of increase of pressure on the melting point of ice.

(b) Why are infrared radiations preferred over ordinary visible light for taking photographs
in fog?
(c) A device is used to transform 12V a.c. to 220V a.c.
(i) What is the name of this device?

(ii) Name the principle on which it works.

(d) State two ways of providing energy to a metal to emit electrons from its surface.

Question 5

(a) A person standing between the two vertical cliffs produces a sound. Two successive echoes
are heard at 4s and 6s . Calculate the distance between the cliffs. ( speed of sound in air =

(b) Figure 9.1 shows a rectangular coil ABCD placed in between the pole pieces of a horse-shoe
magnet with its plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. The ends of the coil A and D
are connected to a battery.


Fig. 9.1

(i) What is the direction of force on the arm AB of coil?

(ii) Will the coil rotate due to the forces on its arms?
(iii)State the function of spilt rings in a D.C. motor.
(c) A ball of mass 0.20kg is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 20m/s. Calculate
the maximum potential energy it gains as it goes up.

Question 6
Draw labelled diagrams for the following
(a) Block and tackle system with (i) VR = 4 and (ii) VR = 5
(b) Lateral displacement
(c) Total Internal Reflection
(d) AC generator
(e) Step up transformer
(f) Single movable pulley
(g) VI graph for ohmic and nonohmic resistors

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