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Modality Philosophy

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Modality is the study of those things that are possible and those things that are necessary.

The modality of a proposition is the way in which it is true or false. The most important division
is between propositions true of necessity, and those true as things are: necessary as opposed to
contingent propositions.
Modality is a semantic concept dealing with necessity and possibility of the knowledge of
the world. It is basically divided into two types, viz. epistemic modality and deontic modality.
Various grammatical categories are possibly used to show modality. However, modal verbs are
one of the most important means related to the modality. Modal verbs are flexible in showing
modality. This article discusses basic knowledge of modality including definition, classification
(epistemic and deontic) and relationship between modality and modal verbs etc. The apparatus of
possible worlds allows us to introduce a set of modal notions: a proposition is necessary just in
case it is true in all possible worlds, a proposition is possible just in case it is true in some
possible worlds, and it is contingent just in case it is true in some but not all possible worlds. A
sentence is necessary (possible, contingent) just in case it expresses a necessary (possible,
contingent) proposition
It was David Lewis (1973) who recommended taking this heuristic to have metaphysical
significance. He argued that modal claims can be paraphrased with claims about possible worlds.
Many agreed with this much, but resisted Lewis's genuine modal realism," according to which
each world in this plurality was as robust and concrete as one thinks of this world.
While the intuition behind modal logic dates back to antiquity, the first modal axiomatic
systems were developed by C. I. Lewis in 1912. Note that the illocutionary force of a statement
may generate modality, such as "the food is a bit spicy" could be interpreted as a sign that he
doesn't like spicy food.
Modality itu ada beberapa macamnya. Metaphysical modality, epistemic modality, moral or
deontic modality, and nomic or natural modality.
1. Metaphysical modality (the standard notion of modality)
Metaphysics of modality deals with questions relating to modes of truth specifically just
things relating to the ways in which things are able to be true. Anything that is logically possible,
doesn’t entail a contradiction and all the laws of math and logic are metaphysically necessary.
2. Nomic or natural modality
Slightly more restrictive than metaphysical. It deals with those things that are possible
given the laws of science and nature.
3. Epistemic or doxastic modality
It has to do with what we can conclude based on ideal reasoning and our evidence.
Contohnya Ketika jaksa pada persidangan dapat menyimpulkan bahwa terdakwa tidak bersalah
berdasarkan bukti yang disajikan dan berdasarkan penalaran mereka.
4. Deontic modality
This is morally not allowed, permitted, and obligatory, which are is morphically similar
to impossible, possible, and necessary. Contohnya seperti kamu tidak boleh membunuh orang.
Pencetus Deontic modality: Immanuel Kant.
Modality is expressed lexically or grammatically or a combination of both. Lexical expressions
include adverbs such as ‘possibly’, ‘maybe’, ‘probably’, ‘presumably’, ‘supposedly’, for
example. Grammatical expressions make use of the modal verbs ‘can’, ‘may’, ‘must’, ‘shall’,
‘will’ (ini yang ada di pdf)

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