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2 - A Coupled Finite Element and Mesh Free Analysis of Erosive Weae - Wang - Yang

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Tribology International 42 (2009) 373–377

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A coupled finite element and meshfree analysis of erosive wear

Yu-Fei Wang, Zhen-Guo Yang 
Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China

a r t i c l e in fo abstract

Article history: Erosive wear is a kind of material degradation, which is largely involved in many industries, and
Received 2 August 2007 caused a series of serious problems and economic loss. Many theoretical models and numerical
Received in revised form models have been established to study the erosion phenomena. In this study, a coupled finite
13 June 2008
element and meshfree model was developed for the simulation and prediction of erosive wear. By
Accepted 18 July 2008
Available online 3 September 2008
utilizing the meshfree technique, the error due to mesh distortion and tangling at impacted area
in the finite element analysis could be effectively avoided. The fundamental mechanisms of erosion
Keywords: by solid particle impact were investigated as well. Comparison against the results of analytical
Erosion model erosion models and finite element model are made. It is shown that the predicted results are in
agreement with reported results. The present study could be very useful and efficient in studying
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
erosive wear.
Finite element method (FEM)
& 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction plane stress or axisymmetric model, and the multi-particle

erosion effect is difficult to be modeled. The 3-D model
In many industries, such as transport, marine, offshore, [12,18–22] also has limitation such as the coarseness of the 3-D
process, aeronautical and mining, power station, petrochemical grid would affect the accuracy of the result. Moreover, for the
plant, etc., there is a regular requirement for components such as erosion under middle and low particle speed, the traditional FE
valves, pumps, pipework, extrusion dyes, powder mixers, turbines models could normally simulate the erosive behavior. As for the
and helicopter blades to perform in aggressive environments, high speed erosion, the great kinetic energy of erodent particles
which are erosive [1]. Erosive wear is a dynamic process that may make Lagrange meshes of the impacted area distortion
causes material degradation and shortens the service life to the during large deformation. Some studies [23,24] used Euler or
components. Bitter [2] defined erosion as ‘‘material damage Arbitrary Lagrange–Euler (ALE) meshes to fix the problem.
caused by the attack of particles entrained in a fluid system However, the element failure and erosion rate could not be given
impacting the surface at high speed’’. Generally, removal of by Euler or ALE meshes.
materials on erosive wear is involved in different mechanisms [3]: In recent years, the meshfree methods have been developed for
cutting and chip formation for ductile metals and polymers; crack specific applications [25–27]. In these methods, the domain of
formation and brittle fracture for ceramics, glasses and brittle interest is discretized by a scattered set of particles. The meshfree
polymers; tearing and fatigue for rubbers. methods have a number of advantages over other methods of
Since the erosion phenomenon is important and complicated, processing in that it is gridless and therefore there are no
it has been studied extensively [4–10]. Some analytical models mesh tangling problems, as in the standard Lagrange methodol-
and prediction equations have been obtained and reported ogy. So these methods are ideal for hp-adaptivity, fracture
through experimental methods [11]. Analytical models have problems and large deformation problems. However, the meshfree
limited applications because these models and equations usually methods are usually more expensive in computation time than
require experimental constants and cannot be extended to FEM. Thus, several mixed FEM and meshfree methods have
cover all materials, coatings and erosion parameters [12]. In been proposed [28–31] to use the advantages of each method. In
recent years the finite element (FE) models have been developed the current study, the cumulative damage model with the
to study the erosion process. The 2-D simulation [13–17] coupling algorithm of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
has advantages of fine meshes and less computation time. [32] scheme and FE mesh was used. The impacted area with
However, it has to obey certain assumption such as plane strain, fracture is modeled by the SPH, while the other section with less
deformation uses FE discretisation. The effect of impact angle
and impact velocity on the target material as well as the crater
 Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 2165642523; fax: +86 2165103056. depth, residual stresses after impact and the energy transforma-
E-mail address: (Z.-G. Yang). tion were discussed.

0301-679X/$ - see front matter & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

374 Y.-F. Wang, Z.-G. Yang / Tribology International 42 (2009) 373–377

2. Modeling particles. The solution time is set to 1.5  t5, where t5 is the time
when the last particle contacted to the target surface.
The erosive processes are simulated using a 3-D explicit Only a half-model was evaluated, so the constrains and SPH
dynamic analysis within ANSYS/LS-DYNA. The Johnson–Cook symmetry plane were set for the FE and SPH sections at the
(J–C) [33,34] viscoplastic material model with Grüneisen equation boundaries to achieve the symmetry conditions. All of the bottom
of state (EOS) was employed to model the flow stress behavior of and outside nodes of the target materials were defined for non-
the target Ti-6Al-4V material. Johnson and Cook express the von reflecting boundaries. The SPH scheme and FE mesh of the erosion
Mises flow stress as detailed in Eq. (1): model are shown in Fig. 1.
Generally, the erosion rate (mg/g) was used to characterize the
s ¼ ðA þ Bn Þð1 þ c ln _ n Þð1  T nm Þ (1) erosion performance of the target materials. It is defined as
where A and B are yield stress constant and strain hardening Cumulative mass loss of target materialsðmgÞ
constant; n, c, m are constants; and e is the equivalent plastic Erosion rate ¼
Impact particles weight ðgÞ
strain, _ n ¼ _ =_ 0 is the dimensionless plastic strain rate for
_ 0 ¼ 1.0 m/s. T* ¼ (TTr)/(TmTr), T, Tr and Tm are the target
material temperature, room temperature and melting point of the In this study, the variation of impact angle and impact velocity
target material, respectively. in the model was achieved through ANSYS Parametric Design
A shear failure model is utilized to model the failure: the Language (APDL). The impact angle varies from 151 to 901 in
damage occurs when the damage parameter D ¼ De/ef reaches increments of 151. The impact velocity varies from 60 to 105 m/s
the value of 1. De is the incremental plastic strain per computa- in increments of 15 m/s.
tional cycle, and the failure strain ef is given by

f ¼ ðd1 þ d2 exp d3 sn Þð1 þ d4 ln _ n Þð1 þ d5 T n Þ (2) 3. Results and discussion

where s* is the dimensionless pressure–stress ratio and d1–d5 are

For the solid particle erosion on ductile materials such as
experimental constants determined from compressive split
metals and alloys, as shown in Fig. 2, material removal is caused
Hopkinson bar tests.
The Grüneisen EOS is adapted for the ductile solid materials.
The cubic shock velocity vs and particle velocity vp are related by
vs ¼ C 0 þ Svp (3)
where C0 is the intercept of the vsvp curve and S is the coefficient
of the slope of the vsvp curve.
The material constants for Ti-6Al-4V alloy are detailed in
Table 1. The erodent is 500-mm steel sphere particles with a
density of 7890 kg/m3. Five-particle FE model was employed to
calculate the erosion rate. In the computer simulation, the
particles are modeled as rigid bodies to save CPU time.
Totally 1000 SPH particles were used in modeling the impacted
section at the target center. The uniform mass of each SPH particle
was 3.5424  1011 kg. The other section of the target was meshed
by the eight-node linear brick hexahedral elements with one
integration point. The tied_nodes_to_surface contact was estab-
lished between the SPH scheme and FE mesh in order to couple
the SPH and FE section. Also, the eroding_nodes_to_surface
contact was defined between every impacting particle and the
SPH section. There is no contact defined among the impacting

Table 1
Material constants of ductile materials [35–37]

Materials properties Symbol Ti-6Al-4V

Density r (kg/m3) 4428

Shear modulus G (GPa) 41.9 Fig. 1. Numerical model of erosive wear at 301 impact angle: (a) FE mesh section
Poisson’s ratio n 0.31 and (b) SPH section at center of the target material.
J–C yield strength A (MPa) 862
J–C hardening coefficient B (MPa) 331
J–C strain hardening exponent n 0.34
J–C strain rate constant c 0.012
J–C softening exponent m 0.80
Melting temperature Tm (K) 1878
Specific heat Cp (J/kg K) 580
J–C damage constant d1 0.09
J–C damage constant d2 0.27
J–C damage constant d3 0.48
J–C damage constant d4 0.014
J–C damage constant d5 3.87
Elastic bulk wave velocity C0 (km/s) 5.13
Slope in vs versus vp diagram S 1.028
Grüneisen coefficient g0 1.23
Fig. 2. The erosive failure behavior of ductile materials.

Y.-F. Wang, Z.-G. Yang / Tribology International 42 (2009) 373–377 375

by the micro-cutting and micro-ploughing processes in which the 5

material reveals a large plastic deformation at the impacted
location. Fig. 3 shows the plastic strain of the target material after

Cumulative mass loss of target (x 10-6 g)

erosion with 301 and 901 impact angle at 75 m/s. The plastic 4
deformation at 901 impact angle is greater than the situation at
301, but the weight loss at 901 impact angle is less than the Erosion rate = 2.92124 mg/g
situation at 301 The cumulative mass losses by erosion at 30 and 3
901 impact angles are shown in Fig. 4. The erosion rates are given
by calculating the slopes of the curves. Fig. 5 shows the simulation
results of erosion rate (as a function of the impact angle) as well as
the analytical results by Bitter’s model [2,7] and FE results in the
literature [21]. The maximum erosion rate appeared when
the solid particles obliquely impacted the target materials.
This phenomenon has been approved by lots of experiments and 1
tests [38].
The relationship between erosion rate and the impact velocity
has also been discussed through the model. For metallic materials, 0
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8
the erosion rate is proportional to the Nth-power of the impact
Cumulative mass of particles impacted (x 10-6 g)
velocity, and the value is within 2.05–2.44 [6]. Yerramareddy and
Bahadur [39] found the value for Ti-6Al-4V alloy is 2.35 by the Fig. 4. Variation of erosive mass loss with mass of impacting particles.
experiment at 301 impact angle with 120 grit silicon carbide



Fig. 3. The erosive plastic strain on the target material: (a) at 301 impact angle and (b) at 901 impact angle.

376 Y.-F. Wang, Z.-G. Yang / Tribology International 42 (2009) 373–377

4 8

Erosion rate (mg/g)

Crater depth (m)

2 5

Coupling Algorithm
1 Bitter’s model
Finite element model 3

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Impact angle (deg.) 1
15 30 45 60 75 90
Fig. 5. Variation of erosion rate with impact angle for ductile materials. Impact angle (deg.)

Fig. 7. Variation of crater depth with impact angle.



00 50 100 150 200 250 300

Erosion rate (mg/g)

Stress (MPa)

Erosion rate ∞ (velocity)2.337 -400




0.1 -1600
60 70 80 90 100 Distance beneath the target surface (m)
Impact velocity (m/s)
Fig. 8. The residual stress (sx) profiles after five-particle impact.
Fig. 6. Variation of erosion rate with the impact velocity for ductile materials.

erodent. Fig. 6 shows the simulated results of variation of erosion

rate with the impact velocities on log–log coordinates. The slopes
3 Total energy
of the straight lines fitted through the data points provide the
exponent N equal to 2.337. This value of exponent falls within the Kinetic energy
corresponding ranges.
Energy (mJ)

For ductile materials, despite the maximum erosion rate is at

oblique impact angle, the crater depth increases as the angle 2
increases as shown in Fig. 7. Higher normal component of the
velocity causes greater plastic deformation with lower material
removal. This has also been validated by the study of Shimizu
et al. [14]. 1 Internal energy
Due to the high-speed impingement of particles, there are
residual stresses in the impacted materials, which are difficult to
investigate by experimental methods. Fig. 8 gives the residual
stress, sx, in the X direction after five-particle normal impact, 0
0 10 20 30 40
along the path defined from the top node to the bottom node. Time (s)
There are certain compressive residual stresses at the impacted
surface and the new surface after the failed elements removal. The Fig. 9. Variation of global energy with time (half-model).
residual stress magnitude increases below the surface until
reaching a maximum at a certain depth and then tend to decrease, After impact, the kinetic energy of the impact particles is
transforming into low-magnitude tensile residual stresses. The transferred to the target, and as the erosion takes place, the
similar results were also given in the previous FE analyses [21,22]. kinetic energy will be reduced while the internal energy of the

Y.-F. Wang, Z.-G. Yang / Tribology International 42 (2009) 373–377 377

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