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Gatpu - Me144l 2 - C2 - Exp 1 - Heating Surface of A Boiler

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29 GATPU, Dikimbie Aldrei A. Date Performed: LATE ENROLEE

ME144L-2 / C2 Date Submitted: Sept 19, 2022

Engr. Teodulo A. Valle


Objectives… .............................................................................................................................1
Theories and Principle .............................................................................................................. 1
List of Apparatus…...................................................................................................................2
Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 4
Setup of Apparatus… ............................................................................................................... 5
Final Data Sheet or Table of Data….........................................................................................7
Computation…......................................................................................................................... 8
Test Data Analysis… ................................................................................................................ 9
Questions with answers.............................................................................................................10
Conclusion… ............................................................................................................................ 11
References… ............................................................................................................................. 12
1. To be able to determine the heating surface area of the Mapua University Fire Tube
2. To learn the basic principles of boilers, along with its applications.


A boiler is a water-filled vessel that converts heat from a fuel source (oil, gas, or coal)
into steam, which is then routed to a site where it can be used to power industrial
equipment, sterilize, provide heat, steam-clean, and so on. Steam's energy output is
sufficient to convert it back to water. A closed system is one in which all of the steam
generated is reused. Closed systems include closed steam heating systems, hot water
heating systems, and "one-pipe" systems. Because some activities can pollute the
steam, feeding the condensate back into the boiler is not always optimal. An open
system does not return the condensate.

The two main types of boilers are:

• Firetube - The fire or hot gases are routed through the interior of the boiler
shell's tubes, which are surrounded by water. The tubes are structured in
banks, allowing gases to pass through the boiler up to four times before
exiting the stack. The most heat transfer surface is exposed to the water
using this strategy.
• Watertube - The fire or hot gases are directed to and around the outside of
vertically stacked water tubes. Watertube boilers are rectangular in shape
and normally contain two or more drums. Steam and water are separated in
the top drum, while sludge is collected in the bottom drum.

The equations used on this report are the following:

A1 = πdmL1N1 (LSA for the Flue tube)

A2 = πd2L2N2 (LSA for the 2nd Pass)
A3 = πd3L3N3 (LSA for the 3rd Pass)
ACS = π/2 [dCS² – d1²N1 – d2²N2 – d3²N3] (Crown Sheet Cross-sectional Area)
HS Total = A1 + A2 + A3 + ACS (Experimental Value)
% Error = (True value – Experimental value) / True value

Inside caliper

Outside caliper

Digital caliper
Steel tape

Aluminum rod



1. Open the front and back cover of the boiler.

2. Count the number of tubes for each pass.
3. Using a long aluminum rod, mark the length of the tube for each pass by inserting the rod
through the end side of the tube.
4. Measure the length of the tube using the steel tape which are marked on the rod using the
5. Measure the inside and outside diameter of the tube using the calipers
6. Using steel tape, measure the diameter of the crown sheet cover.
7. Calculate the total heating surface area of the boiler.

Front and back of the boiler

Long aluminum rod for measuring the length of the tubes

Measurement of the inside diameter of a tube

Measurement of tube diameter

Measurement of crown sheet diameter using a steel tape


Pass Number of Inside Outside Length Heating

Tubes Diameter Diameter Surface
1st 1 56cm 62cm 273cm 54.467ft2
2nd 38 58mm 64mm 298cm 245.075ft2
3rd 30 58mm 64mm 304cm 197.378 ft2
Crown Sheet Cover 150cm --------- 27.448 ft2
True Value = 503 ft2 Experimental Value = 524.368
Percent Error = 4.248%

A1 = π(56+62)(273)(1) = 50601.63𝑐𝑚2 = 5.060163 𝑚2 (10.764) = 54.467ft2

A2 = π (6.4)(298)(38) = 227682.53 𝑐𝑚2 = 22.768253 𝑚2 (10.764) = 245.075ft2
A3 = π (6.4)(304)(30) = 183368.48 𝑐𝑚2 = 18.336848 𝑚2 (10.764) = 197.378 ft2
Acs = π ((150)2 - ((56+62 )2 (1)) – ((6.4)2(38)) – ((6.4)2(30)))
2 2
Acs = 25499.87 𝑐𝑚 = 2.549987 𝑚2 (10.764) = 27.448 ft2

Experimental Value = 54.467 + 245.075 + 197.378 + 27.448 = 524.368

Percent error = 503−524.368 (100) = 4.248%

In this experiment, the boiler is a three-pass kind. The number of tubes tallied is 1 on the first
pass, 38 on the second pass, and 30 on the third. The interior diameters of the first and second
passes were measured to be 56cm and 62cm, respectively. Meanwhile, the inside and outer
diameters of the second and third passes are 58mm and 64mm, respectively. However, their
lengths fluctuate, with the first pass being 273cm, the second pass 298cm, and the third pass
304cm. The equations on theories and principles were derived from the previously presented
sample and were used to calculate the heating surface area, crown sheet over surface area,
experimental value, and % error. The heating surface area was calculated in sqcm, which was
then translated to sqm, which was then converted to sqft. This is because the correct value was
calculated at sqft., and obtaining the percentage error will be easier when the experimental value
is at sqft. The percent error was 4.248%, indicating that the computations are reasonably
accurate. The inaccuracy may result from using different significant figures than the correct
value, as well as other considerations such as the likelihood of surface area expansion while the
boiler is heated.

1. What is a boiler?
Ans: A boiler is described as a closed vessel that is used to heat liquid, typically water, or
to generate vapor, steam, or any combination of these under pressure for external use,
mostly through the combustion of fossil fuels.

2. What is the purpose of a gauge glass on a steam boiler?

Ans: Its function is to display the correct water level in the boiler. The gauge glass is a
required boiler component. If the gauge glass is shattered, the boiler should not be used.

3. Asides from natural gas, give at least 3 examples of fuel used on boilers.
Ans: Solid fuels like coal, liquid fuels like diesel, and biofuels like maize cobs can all
be utilized as boiler fuel.
4. What's the difference between a boiler and a furnace?
Ans: A boiler is a type of heating equipment that heats your home with water. A hot
water boiler system circulates water in the heat exchanger of your boiler, which is then
pushed through pipes to heat baseboards or radiators before returning to the unit to
repeat the cycle. Meanwhile, a furnace is part of a heating system that heats your home
with hot air. A blower motor moves air through the furnace, where it is heated, and then
distributes the hot air throughout the duct system of a residence. The heat is then
evacuated from the duct system through your home's vents and registers.

5. Asides from heating homes, what are the other uses for boilers?
Ans: When connected to turbines, they can be utilized to generate electricity. They were
also employed on ships to generate steam and turn propellers. They are also employed in
sectors when some industrial plants require additional power generation.

The experiment was a success since we were able to measure the heating surface area of
the Mapua University Fire Tube Boiler and studied the fundamental principles of boilers as well
as their applications. The first goal was met since the heating surface areas of the fire tube boiler
were calculated using the calculations provided in the sample presentation. The percent error
was also deemed modest, and the 4.248% mistake may have been caused by small reasons such
as the use of different significant numbers from the genuine value, as well as other
considerations such as the likelihood of surface area growth when the boiler is heated. The
second goal was likewise deemed a success because we learnt the fundamental concepts of
boilers as well as their applications. Because there are questions in the questions and answers
section that address the definition, basic principles, and applications, it is still recommended to
complete this experiment in a face-to-face situation. This is because being able to see the boiler
and conduct measurements more properly will allow the students to collect data more

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