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Analysis of Employees Satisfaction in Remote

Working Model of Business Process Outsourcing

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)


Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Guide: Submitted by:

Muskan Arora
Assistant Professor Naina Saini
Institute of Innovation in Technology & Management,
New Delhi – 110058
Batch (2020-2023)


I, Ms. Naina Saini, Roll No. 08590301720 certify that the Project Report (BBA311) entitled “Analysis of
Employees Satisfaction in Remote Working Model in business process outsourcing” is done by me and it
is an authentic work carried out by me at Grow Asia Services Pvt Ltd. The matter embodied in this
project work has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Signature of the Student


Certified that the Project Report (BBA-311) entitled “Analysis of Employees Satisfaction in Remote
Working Model in business process outsourcing” done by Ms. Naina Saini, Roll No. 08590301720 is
completed under my guidance.

Signature of the Guide

Name of the Guide:
Designation Date:
(Director / Project Coordinator


I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support
and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.
I am highly indebted to Ms. Muskan Arora for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for
providing necessary information regarding the project and for their support in completing the project.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my faculty guide Ms. Muskan Arora and members of
Invincible web solution for their kind co-operation and encouragement which helps me in completion of
this project.
I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry person for giving me such attention
and time.
My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and people who have
willingly helped me out with their abilities.


S No Topic Page No
1 Chapter-1: Introduction 7
Business Process outsourcing 8
Outsourcing 9
How does BPO work 10
Objective of study 12
Literature Review 13
Research Methodology 15
Research Design 16
Sources of Data 17
Limitation of Study 18
4 Chapter-2: Organization Profile 20
5 Chapter-3: Data Interpretation & Analysis 23
6 Chapter-4: Conclusions and Recommendations 37
7 References/Bibliography 39

List of Figures

S No Topic Page No
1 Responses of work objectives 23
2 Responses on the productivity of employees 24
3 Responses on work life balance 25
4 Responses on quality of communication 26
5 Responses on connection with team mates -27
6 Responses on support and flexiblity -28
7 Responses on support by team leaders 29
8 Responses on satisfaction with management 30
9 Responses on time off for personal reasons 31
10 Responses on Benefits from remote working 32
11 Responses on overall satisfaction from 33


1.1 Introduction

In a recent years Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) has added a new dimension to the practice of

global sourcing of service. BPO refers to handing over of a client organization's business process(es), in

part or full, to specialist third party provider(s) who may be located within or outside of the client's

national boundary.

Two significant market forces are driving this practice: a growing low-cost white-collar labor pool and

automation and codification of best practices. The potential for lower labor cost and greater efficiency

are two important factors as companies consider BPO. One of those two factors alone isn’t enough to

create sustainable value because skilled labor and technology are the most important cornerstones of any

business process and both must be optimized to create lasting value and maintain a competitive edge.

The main activities or areas covered by the BPOs include customer care, such as remote maintenance,

help desk, and sales support; finance and administration, examples of which are data analysis, medical

transcription, insurance claims, and inventory management; and HR and payment services including

payroll, credit-card services, check processing, and employee leasing. In addition, the BPO industry has

expanded into engineering and design, animation, market research, network consultancy and

management, remote education, and content development (i.e., digital content, LAN networks, and

application maintenance).

In this research we will study the employee’s satisfaction survey being working completely Work from

home. We will see if employees are satisfied whole working completely remotely and what are the

benefits, they see for them.

Business Process Outsourcing

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the delegation of one or more IT-intensive business processes to

an external provider that, in turn, owns, administrates and manages the selected processes based on

defined and measurable performance metrics. BPO offerings are categorized in two major categories:

horizontal offerings (those that can be leveraged across specific industries) and vertical-specific

offerings (those that demand specific industry vertical process knowledge).

Organizations engage in business process outsourcing for two main areas of work: back-office functions

and front-office functions. Back-office functions, sometimes called internal business functions, comprise

support operations including accounting, information technology (IT) services, human resources (HR),

quality assurance and payment processing.

Front-office functions are processes and business operations that serve or relate to existing and potential

customers, such as customer relation services, marketing and sales.

Some organizations outsource an entire function, such as the HR department, to a single vendor. Other

companies outsource only specific processes within a functional area, such as only payroll processing,

while having their own team perform all other HR processes.

Commonly outsourced processes include the following:

payroll and accounting, administration, customer support, IT management and services, manufacturing

,marketing, research


Outsourcing is the act of transferring some of an organization’s recurring internal activities and decision

rights to outside providers, as set forth in a contract. Outsourcing today involves either IT or BPO.

Information technology outsourcing (ITO) which involves a third party who is contracted to manage a

particular application includes all related server networks and software upgrades. BPO generally features

a third party who manages the entire business process such as accounting, procurement or HR. When the

outsourcing facility is located outside the principal company’s country this is termed as offshoring.

Offshoring and outsourcing have a synergistic relationship. The traditional model for insourcing keeps

the work in-house and onshore. Manufacturing work during the 1980s began to migrate to areas that

offered lower labor costs. Manufacturing moved from expensive urban areas to rural areas offering

relatively cheaper land, tax incentives and holidays and skilled manpower at lower wages. In their quest

to achieve a higher cost arbitrage, global corporations started moving their internal manufacturing,

operations, and service functions such as call centers and back-office processes to lower-cost countries

while keeping them in-house as company-run operations. This move is motivated by a desire to be closer

to and gain improved access to foreign markets in addition to pursuit of low-cost operations

How does BPO work?

Enterprise executives opt to outsource a business process for a variety of reasons. Those reasons vary

based on the type, age and size of the organization as well as market forces and economic conditions.

Startup companies, for example, often need to outsource back-office and front-office functions because

they do not have the in-house resources to perform them.

An established company may opt to outsource a task that it had been performing after determining that a

third-party service provider could do the job better or cheaper. Management experts advise enterprise

executives to identify functions that can be outsourced and then determine if shifting that task to an

outsourcing provider makes sense.

If so, the organization must go through the process of not only identifying the best vendor for the work,

but also shifting the work from in-house to the external provider. This requires a significant amount of

change management, as the move to an outsourced provider generally affects staff, established processes

and existing workflows. The shift to an outsourced provider also affects the organization's finances -- not

only in terms of shifting costs from the internal function to the outsourced providers, but often in terms

of corporate taxes and reporting requirements.

The organization may also need to invest in new technology to enable the smooth flow of work to the

outsourced provider. The extent and cost of that technology depend on the scope of the function being

outsourced and the maturity of the technology infrastructure in place at both enterprises.

This process typically starts with enterprise leaders identifying specific functions or business processes

to outsource as a way to save money, gain flexibility, improve performance and redirect resources to its

core business capabilities.

Business leaders then consider whether one vendor should handle all the work being outsourced

or whether contracting multiple providers for the various tasks would deliver the best value. For

example, a company could decide to outsource most of its HR functions and then either contract

for a single provider to perform all the outsourced processes or it could hire one for payroll and

another for benefits administration. Those considerations should lead to a list of requirements as

well as a detailed scope of work for outsourcing. Organizations use those to shape a request for

proposal to share with vendors that determine whether they can meet the requirements, at what

price and with what value-adds.

Once an organization has selected the provider or providers it wants to hire, it must determine

the type of contract. Such contracts generally fall into one of the following categories: time and

materials contracts, in which the business pays the provider for the time worked and the

materials used; or fixed-price contracts, which set an upfront price for the specified work.

Additionally, organizations must draft with their vendors the service-level agreement detailing

the quality of the provided services and the metrics for determining success. Depending on the

needs and nature of the outsourced work, some organizations also negotiate with providers on

whether to have the following: specific workers on teams dedicated to their outsourced work;

workers located only onshore or, conversely, globally distributed; or

workers available 24/7 or only during set hours.

It is truly said that “A study without objectives is like a tree without roots.” In

any area of research, the first and the foremost task is to decide and define the

objectives of the research i.e., the reason why the research study should be

conducted. A research study may have many objectives, but all these objectives

revolve around one major objective, which is the focus of the study. In this

objective, the prime objective is to identify the opportunities and challenges of

the marketing through social networking sites.

In order to pursue the afore-mentioned prime objective, some allied objectives

have also been identified which are as follows: -

 To examine the remote working model of Business Process Outsourcing Industry.

 To determine the satisfaction level among the employees.

 To analyze the quality of work the employees can able to provide.

 To analyze the work life balance between family and profession.


Jack Nilles in his book titled “The Telecommunications-Transportation Tradeoff: Options for

Tomorrow” proposed the term Telecommuting that telecommuting. Teleworking has been proven to be

an effective and valued part of hybrid working solutions since the 1970s. This could be used to cut down

unwanted transportation. The idea was to reduce vehicle traffic as well as the use of nonrenewable


Although the term ‘remote working model’ is commonly used these days, it was usually referred to as

telecommuting back in the 1970s. Here, (Nilles, 1976)

Hazel Buttler in her article titled “The History of Remote Work: How It Became What We Know

Today” stated that most people probably think that remote working is a relatively new trend and didn’t

exist before. And a lot of professionals think that only the pandemic has caused this trend to rise. Well,

not quite. Remote working is actually very old. This article helps to understand the evolution of the

remote working model. Here, (Buttler,2022)

Leo in his article titled “The Past, Present, and Future of Remote Working” stated that A survey by PwC

shows some reasons why remote working is prevalent today is Flexibility: A survey by PwC showed that

64% of millennials would like to work from home sometimes, and 66% want flexible work hours. It’s

clear that the modern workforce wants flexibility in their professional lives.

Online consulting platforms: The advent of online consulting platforms have made it easier for

companies and freelance consultants to connect. The ease of finding high-paying freelance consulting

gigs has made many consultants leave the corporate world and go freelance.

Technology: Unlike the 1970s, when the internet was still in its preliminary stage, this is the era in which

even a 10-year-old may know how to set-up a Wi-Fi connection. Cloud computing and video

conferencing have taken remote working to a whole new level. Now, businesses can hire consultants

who live in a different time zone and both parties can even work simultaneously. The positive aspects of

remote working have been proven by various studies also before the spread of the COVID-19

emergency. Here, (Leo,2021)

Christoph Hilberath, Julie Kilmann, Deborah Lovich, Thalia Tzanetti, Allison Bailey,

Stefanie Beck, Elizabeth Kaufman, Bharat Khandelwal, Felix Schuler, and Kristi Woolsey in their

research paper titled “Hybrid Work Is the New Remote Work” stated that at the team level, employers

should encourage each group to create shared norms to support remote work and reduce the likelihood of

burnout and stress. Four Building Blocks to Support New Work Models for a Hybrid Future: Leadership,

culture, and purpose, Structure and roles, ways of working, systems and spaces. Here, (Hilberath,

Kilmann, Lovich, Tzanetti, Bailey, Beck, Kaufman, Khandelwal, Schuler, Woolsey(2020)

This paper examines the scope of Business process outsourcing model of working remotely which can


The contributions from this research could yield a unique approach to a remote work environment that

adds value to the BPO industry or initiate some change that could yield benefits to come

We will also conclude how the remote setup of Business process industry increase the employee’s

productivity through a survey with a sample size of 20 employees from Grow Asia Services Pvt Ltd.

This questioner consists of 12 questions through which we measure the satisfaction survey of employees

while working remotely


Research methodology is a careful investigation for inquiring in a systematic method and finding

solution of a problem. It comprises the defining and redefining of problem formulating hypothesis,

collection and evaluating data, making detection and reaching conclusion.

Descriptive research design is used in this process. There are 3 types of descriptive research design

methods- observational, case study and survey method. The descriptive method used in this project is

survey method and observations to see analyze the Remote BPO industry . A questionnaire was circulated

to collect the responses.

A sample design is a procedure or plan drawn up before any data are collected to obtain a sample from a

given. It is impossible to conduct research with entire population. The sample design was selected in

advance according to the objectives of the study.

Sample size determination is the act of choosing the number of observations or replicates to include in

a statistical sample. The sample size is an important feature of any empirical study in which the goal is

to make inferences about a population from a sample.


Descriptive research design is used in this process. There are 3 types of descriptive research design

methods- observational, case study and survey method. The descriptive method used in this project is

survey method. A questionnaire was circulated to collect the responses.

A sample design is a procedure or plan drawn up before any data are collected to obtain a sample from a

given. It is impossible to conduct research with entire population. The sample design was selected in

advance according to the objectives of the study.

Sample size determination is the act of choosing the number of observations or replicates to include in

a statistical sample. The sample size is an important feature of any empirical study in which the goal is

to make inferences about a population from a sample.

Sample size of this survey is 20 employees


1.6.1 Primary Source of Data

Primary data are those collected by the investigator himself for the first time and thus they are original

in character, they are collected for a particular purpose. A well-structured questionnaire was

personally administrated to the selected sample to collect the primary data.

Primary research is typically used when individuals and organizations need to gather feedback directly

from target markets instead of relying on already existing data. Primary research gives the

organization more control over the research process and results in more objective research findings.

1.6.2 Secondary Source of Data

Secondary data are those, which have already been collected by some other persons for their purpose

and published. Secondary data are usually in the shape of finished products. External Data, was

generated from magazines, research books and internet.


No project is without limitations and it becomes essential to figure out the various constraints that we

underwent during the study.

The following points in this direction would add to our total deliberations: -

• Lack of time is the basic limitation in the project.

• Money played a vital factor in the whole project duration.

Lack of proper information and experience due to short period of time



 About the Grow Asia

We are a team of experienced professionals, based in Singapore who help B2B ventures establish a
presence in Asia Pacific & India, make the right connections, access funding, hire resources and grow.

We go beyond traditional advisory to provide execution services across the value chain (like business
strategy, company incorporation, business development, hiring resources and transition to full setup) and
thereby acting as your Asian execution team.

For maximum synergies we focus on companies in enterprise software (fintech, proptech, HRTech,
edtech, logistic tech etc.) & staffing space.

We have an extensive network of independent third-party consultants across the industry to help
accelerate growth. We are aligned to numerous industry associations in the region to ensure that we can
rapidly create a brand presence across the local industry.

 Who are we?

We are a team of experienced professionals, based in Singapore who help B2B tech ventures establish a
presence in Asia, make the right connections, access funding and grow!

We go beyond traditional advisory to provide execution services across the value chain (like business
strategy, company incorporation, business development and transition to full setup) and thereby act as
your Asian execution team.

For maximum synergies we focus on companies in Enterprise Software (fintech, proptech, HRTech,
edtech, logistics-tech etc) including IoT, AI & Cyber Security Space.

 Business Staffing
 Business Development
 Business Setup
 Business Funding

 What We Do
i. Provide low risk high growth entry to emerging high tech vendors into the Asia Pacific region.
ii. Help early-stage enterprise tech companies raise funds and grow them globally.

iii. Brand Advisory.
iv. Kick start and grow your Asia Operation.
v. Seed stage investments.

 Our Approach
Through the unique cooperative models, we grow your APAC operations to provide
Speed to market: You get immediate access to experienced regional management, market
knowledge, channel, and customer network, reducing the ramp up time drastically.
We walk the talk and execute the Asia strategy for you. Seamless integration with the rest of your
organization, thus removing the challenges associated with remote region management.
Regional Complexity, compliance, and coordination – You don’t have to deal with language and
culture issues, local accounting, tax, and such complexities. Grow Asia has a reliable ecosystem
of associates to manage this.

 Existing Clients

Our employee’s support many blue chip companies like Dell, DLL, 8X8, Corteva etc in all time zones

Chapter 3
Analysis and Interpretation of

Ques 1:



1) The above chart represents the clearance of work objectives for the employees of sample size.

2) About 80% of employees said their work objectives (Key performance Indicators) are clear each

week as well as each month and about 20% of employees feel they are not clear with their work


Ques 2

Fig 3.2


1) This Chart represent the views of employees on their productivity while working completely
on remote basis.
2) Out of 20 respondents 50% of them i.e 10 employees strongly agree whereas 30% of employees
i.e 6 employees agree and 20% of employees i.e 4 have neutral thoughts regarding the
productivity through Work from home approach.

Ques 3:

Fig 3.2


1) This Chart represent the satisfaction of employees towards the work life balance i.e employees of
an organization are able to balance their personal and professional lives.
2) Out of 20 respondents 50% of them i.e 10 employees strongly agree whereas 30% of employees
i.e 6 employees agree and 20% of employees i.e 4 have neutral thoughts regarding the Work life

Ques 4

Fig 3.4


1) This chart represents the quality of communication from leadership.

2) Communication plays a crucial role. Good communication promotes motivation by informing and
clarifying the employees about the task to be done, the manner they are performing the task, and
how to improve their performance if it is not up to the mark.
3) Majority of employees are satisfied with the quality of communication from their leaders. Only 2
employees are not satisfied with the quality of communication.

Ques 5:

Fig 3.5


1) This chart represents the connection of employees with their teammates.

2) Importance of connecting with teammates is an important part as it increases morale i.e.,
kindness in offering help when needed can improve morale. Support i.e., when you support your
colleagues, they may be more likely to support you. Leadership i.e helping others is an important
quality for developing leadership skills. Productivity i.e when colleagues support each other and
work as a team, they are often able to work more productively.
3) 55% of employees strongly agree with the statement whereas 30% are agree and 15% have
neutral views.

Ques 6:

Fig 3.6


1) This chart represents the employees’ views on supports and flexibility.

2) Employees who have opportunities to work flexibly have been shown to have greater job
satisfaction and this increases both their productivity and their sense of loyalty to the
3) 60% of employees are strongly agree whereas 25% are agree, 10% are neutral and 5% Disagree.

Ques 7:

Fig 3.6


1) This Chart indicates that how many employees are in favor of being supported.
2) Support increases performance and decreases work absence and lateness. Employees that feel
valued also have increased job satisfaction, positive mood and decreased psychological strain,
meaning they show fewer symptoms of fatigue, burnout, anxiety and headaches.
3) About 90% of employees feel supported by the organization and their team leaders.
4) This indicates organization is continuously supporting its staffs and understanding their needs.

Ques 8:

Fig 3.7


1) This chart shows what employees think about the effectiveness of management team
2) A strong management team is particularly significant if you want the business as a whole to grow
and develop. As a business grows a management team is also important in spreading leadership
3) On a scale of 1 to 5 65% of employees feel the management team is excellent whereas 20% of
employees feels it is good, 10% of employees have neutral thoughts and only 5% of employees
are not satisfied with their management team.

Ques 9:

Fig 3.9


1) This above chart represents employee’s satisfaction towads their supervisor when they need a
time off for personal reasons.
2) 65% of employees are strongly agree whereas 20% agree and 15% have neuyral thoughts.

Ques 10:

Fig 3.10


1) This above chart represents the benefits employees see while working remotely.
2) Most of the employees see the ability to spend time with the family is biggest benefit for them.
3) Same percentage of employees i.e., 20% each see the flexibility to work from anywhere and
cost and time saving in travelling as biggest benefit for them.
4) 15%of employees see not to commute from one place to another is benefit for them.
5) 10% of employees see Flexible work schedule as a benefit for them.
6) Rest 10% see different benefits depending upon as per their needs.

Ques 11:

Fig 3.11


1) This above chart shows employees satisfaction towards working remotely and if they feel the
organization is positive place to work.
2) Each and every employee recommends their organization as a positive place to work and they
enjoy working remotely as there are many benefits associated with it.


The data read through various sources help to understand the various aspects of remote working what are

main key factors that organization needs to keep in mind for the employees’ satisfaction and wellbeing.

To maintain the constant productivity of employees it is necessary to take care of them. Different aspects

studied through various secondary resources related to BPO industry and employees satisfaction helps in

building a questionnaire which is the crucial aspect of this study and these are the findings according to

the responses collected through the questionnaire.

1) The results showed that the employees are satisfied working remotely they see this as

a opportunity for them to be more productive and more efficient.

2) Employees are more productive while working remote as compared to brick-and-mortar.

3) It’s important to make it clear to employees that your organization understands the importance

of work-life balance. Encourage employees to follow work-life balance best practices, and offer

support and guidance if they need it. At the end of the day, an optimal work-life balance for your

employees and you will be beneficial to your organization as a whole.

4) If the flow of communication is smooth employees are willing to work as they are clear with

the thoughts. Good communication is the key to success

5) In a workplaces, team management can determine whether a team or company will reach its goals

and KPIs, how processes and culture are forged, how employees are treated and retained, and

more and most of the employees are satisfied with the management team.

6) Several benefits employees seek are ability to spend time with family, flexibility to work from

anywhere, cost saving, not have to commute, flexible work schedule etc these are the

important indicators in every employee’s life which are ignored through brick-and-mortar

approach but while working in remote model employees are able to enjoy these benefits.

7) Each and every employee agree that they have a positive place to work and all of them would like

to recommend their company to their friends, family members etc. this means that the

organization is constantly working for the wellbeing of employees supporting them as and when

needed, employees are valued in the organization. Managers and team leaders are supportive and

flexible with the employees therefore employees are happy working there.

Chapter 4
Conclusion and Recommendations

4.1 Conclusion

It is well known if employees are happy and satisfied, they will work well and this will increase

Their productivity. Every employee wants to work in a healthy environment with friendly management

and coworkers, do meaningful work, and get paid well. If a business prioritizes its employees’ job

satisfaction, they can reap considerable benefits.

The empirical nature of this study is really a contribution to identify the factors that determine employee’s

satisfaction while working remotely with an organization which has a remote setup.

Majority of employees are very satisfied with the work from home and most of the respondents can able

to balance their work life balance. During work from home most of the organization also encouraging,

boosting and supporting the employee during their work from home they can able to work productively

equal to traditional method of working. The main benefit enjoyed by employee during work from home is

they are able to spend time with family.

Some of the employees are not very much satisfied but yes they are favor of recommending the

organization as a positive place to work. If the organization take care about employees understand their

needs, support then as when needed the employees are willing to work and maintain their loyalty towards

the organization and the productivity of the organization will remain positive.

So the overall results indicated that majority of the employees were satisfied with the work from home.

4.2 Recommendations

1) The company can motivate and encourage employees more actively the company can regular

check ins with the employees when working remotely these regular check ins will ensure

that your remote teams are on the same page regarding their work duties.

2) Personal interactions are essential part of each company culture because they make work

meaningful and enjoyable. These casual talks provide opportunities for the team members to

come to get to know each other better.

3) Most of the employees agree to they have good work life balance but still company should make

regular efforts to maintain the consistency.

4) Some of the employees are not satisfied with the quality of communication. Good and clear

communication is key to success and organization and leaders should take care each and every

information is provided to the employees regarding their work duties


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1. Are your work objectives clear each week or each month?

2. Since you are working from home completely do you agree you are more productive
through this approach as compared to traditional approach working from office?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
3. Do you feel you have a good work-life balance?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
4. How satisfied are you with the quality of communication from leadership?
(1= poor and 5= Excellent)
1 2 3 4 5
5. Do you agree with the following:" I am connected with my teammates so that when I need
them, I can ask them for help"
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

6. Do you agree with the following: I have been offered the support and flexibility necessary
to thrive at work?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
7. Do you feel supported by your team leader and by the organization?
8. How much would you rate your management team?
(1= poor and 5= Excellent)
1 2 3 4 5
9. Do you agree with the following: “My supervisors do their best to accommodate me when I
need a time off for personal reasons”?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
10. What is the biggest benefit you see working remotely?
Flexible work schedule
Flexibility to work from anywhere
Not having to commute
Ability to spend time with family
Cost and time saving in travelling
11. Do you enjoy working remotely and will you recommend your company as a positive place
to work?


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