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Rico Module5 GE102-Ethics

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Name: Jina Marie S.


Course and Year: BSEd-Science

Module 5

Lesson 1

Activity 1. Driftwood at Sea

Directions: Analyze the picture below and answer the questions that follows.

1. To which direction is the driftwood going?

Answer: I think the direction of the driftwood is going back to the shore.

2. When can you or any person be like the driftwood?

Answer: Yes, we can be like a driftwood because like us in this journey of our life we face and
experience different challenges and struggles. Many people are driftwood. They go where life takes
them. They do not make decisions that alter their course. And ultimately, their condition becomes a
result of what life does to them. Those people become a driftwood because it is easy it is the do
nothing option. It is easier not to make choices. Not to be wrong. Not to be embarrassed and their
always reason is “ what can I do it’s life brings me here, this is my destiny.”


1. In what sense is an indecisive person considered a driftwood?

Answer: The indecisive person are have a hard time making decisions. When you finally do make a
decision, you may not be confident about it, or you might change your mind. So, we can consider
person as a driftwood when a person just go on what life takes them and where it brings them. That
like a driftwood they will just rely where it will landed them. And people that have the kind of
attitude go with the flow.
Assessment: 7 to 10 sentences essay

1. St. Paul said: “I know the good to do but why is it that I do that opposite of the good that I

a) Do you experience that same? Does this means unity of the intellect and will or lack
of unity? Explain.

Answer: There are times in my life that even I know what to do or what I’m going to do is a good
ones I ended up doing the opposite. And I can say that, it is the stupid kind of mind-set the most
people have. It is a lack of unity of your intellect and your will because it tells you to do the right
thing but your will do the opposite which causes you to regret at the end. For example- me and my
family are going to mall to eat. I know in my self that the mall we are going to is fully air conditioner
and I don’t really comfortable with the place that too cold. Everyone were fully dress but no one
bring or wear a jacket so I doubted if I will bring or not. I know in myself it is the best option to wear
jacket but I still ended up doing the opposite because I didn’t bring jacket. At first I’m confidently
walking in the mall and entering in the fastfood, ordering food, and starting eating when it arrives.
Sadly in the middle of enjoying my food I feel really cold, the small hair in my arms started to stand. I
can’t freely move my finger because it’s already froze and hard. I’m not already comfortable sitting
in my chair, I can’t even enjoy my food. There is one thing runs in my mind at that moment if I only
follow my intellect I’m sure I will not ended up getting cold and I can probably enjoy my food up to
the end but unfortunately I do the opposite, and I ended up with my what if and regretting.

b) For the individual persons to be truly moral, how should their intellect and the will


Their intellect and will must work together and United. What should be done by the mind should be
done and not the opposite. So we can do wrong because we oppose what we know is right. If we
change this behavior, everything will be easier. We can avoid mistakes and things we will regret.
Sometimes there are things that are related to the same point of view and action. Sometimes maybe
there are situations where you have to do the opposite of what you think but in many cases the
intellect and will of a person need to be united.
2. Distinguish the roles of intellect and free will.

Answer: The intellect is the human capacity to cognize. The will is the human motivational capacity;
it is the capacity that moves us to do what we do. The will depends upon the intellect to identify
what alternatives for action are possible and desirable. Intellect is the ability to learn and reason, as
well as the capacity for knowledge and understanding. It is intelligence and using your mind
creatively. Free will, in this sense, is a freedom of the individual to act as he or she would choose,
differently from what another person would choose. It will be important to distinguish models that
try to predict what a particular individual will do from models that try to predict particular actions
that all people will do.


1. Like St. Paul have you also experienced knowing the good to do but ended up doing the
opposite of the good that you know? What have you been doing to strengthen your will?

Answer: Yes, I already experienced that kind of things and been there many times. Our choices is not
always a right thing. We sometimes make bad and wrong decision but we can consider it as normal
because we are just human being, not perfect and not always right. Those mistake we make play a
vital role in creating a better decision making and progressing the way we think into a mature things.
I always act out of my best intention for the greatest outcome but the ability to do good is limited by
the awareness of good, distortions in perspectives, and unintended consequences. I reflect a lot on
the outcomes of things. Being humble and knowing that there’s always ways to do things better
even if you did them well is important because betterment requires the willingness to change. Even
when I get complemented, I think, where on the scale of goodness am I? I met an expectation but it
doesn’t mean there isn’t room to grow. I strengthen my will through things like fasting and
abstaining from indulging in actions or emotions. And I always put an extra effort and be more
careful on how I will response to a certain situation.

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