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GST 103 2017/2018

The following services are rendered in the library except__________

A. Photocopying
B. Lending of Library materials
C. Library orientation
D. Current awareness services
E. Storage services

Electronic materials are readable through______________

A. Smart phones
B. Print journals
C. Tablets
D. Display shelf
E. Smart phones and Tablets

_________ is the umbrella term that describes E-learning

A. Internet based training
B. Web-based training
C. Education using electronic devices
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

The grouping of similar subject is called_________

A. Arrangement schemes
B. Classification
C. Access
D. Library rules
E. Mixed notation

___________ organizes a whole body of knowledge into TEN main classes

A. Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme
B. MOYS Classification Scheme
C. Library of Congress Scheme
D. MOYS Classification Scheme, Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme and Library of Congress
E. None of the above

Alpha numeric is also known as ___________

A. Mixed Alphabets
B. Mixed Numbers
C. Mixed Notations
D. Mixed Letters
E. None of the above

________ provides bibliographic description and location of items in the Library

A. Call mark
B. Subject content

C. Library catalogue
E. Index

OPAC can only be accessed through the ________

A. Book catalogue
B. Print catalogue
C. Computer
D. Catalogue cabinet
E. All of the above

____________ is a database that provides information of organization, products and individuals.

A. Full text
B. Numeric
C. Bibliographic
D. Directory
E. Multimedia

The library that caters for the community is called a _________

A. Private library
B. Governors library
C. Public library
D. Government library
E. Librarians library

A document with 50 pages or less can be found________

A. In the serials room
B. Entrance to the serials room
C. In the E-library
D. On the shelves as back issues
E. None of the above

Materials that can only be used in the library is called______________

A. Reference queries
B. Reference materials
C. Reference information
D. Reference services
E. Reference answers

ISBN means ___________

A. International Status Book Number
B. International Standard Bibliographies Number
C. International Standard Book Number
D. Information Standard Book Number
E. Information Status Book Number

To protect a work from undue exploitation requires_________

A. Copyright information
B. Copyright
C. Legislation right
D. Economic right

E. Industrial property

Works eligible for copyright protection includes all except____________

A. Artistic work
B. Literary work
C. Printing work
D. Films
E. Musical works

C 2010, 2011, 2012 signifies

A. Date a material was created
B. Date a material was created and modified
C. Date a material was created and published
D. Date a material was organized
E. Date of copyright coverage

Copyright validity established

A. Lifetime of the author and 2 years after death
B. Lifetime of author and 100 years after death
C. Lifetime of author, 50 and 25 years after
D. Lifetime of author only
E. Lifetime of author and forever.

Limitation of copyright laws is known as

A. Fair play
B. Fair use
C. Fair works
D. Privilege
E. Copyright.

Infringement of copyright includes _________________

A. Photocopy
B. Unauthorized copy for commercial purposes
C. Not giving credit where credit is due
D. Reproduction of fake copies for commercial purposes
E. All of the above.

The following are types of library except________________

A. National Library
B. State library
C. Public Library
D. Private Library
E. Academic Library

Libraries organize their items by _____________

A. Subject content
B. Book title
C. Author’s name
D. Call mark

Library materials that cannot be borrowed out of the library include_____________
A. Reference sources
B. Special collections
C. Serials
D. Reserved materials
E. All of the above

Libraries found in higher institutions of learning are called ___________________

A. Academic Library
B. School library
C. Universities Library
D. Polytechnics Library
E. College Library

Most tertiary sources of information give users only _________________________

A. Bibliographic details
B. The complete textbook
C. The full text of the article
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

___________ is a reference tool that contains information pertaining to a specific year

A. Encyclopedia
B. Almanacs
C. Periodical literature
D. Guinness book of world record
E. None of the above

Libraries established to serve pupils, students and teachers are called____________

A. Public Libraries
B. School Libraries
C. Academic Libraries
D. Research Libraries
E. Private Libraries

To locate a book in the library, the first step to take is to _______________ before going to the shelf.
A. Check the OPAC
B. Check thelist of books
C. Ask from library staff
D. Go directly to the shelf

Central Bank and NNPC libraries are examples of__________________

A. National Libraries
B. Bank Libraries
C. Private Libraries
D. Academic Libraries
E. Special/ Research Libraries

Late Chief ObafemiAwolowo Library at Ikenne is an example of________________

A. Private Library

B. Academic Library
C. Law Library
D. National Library
E. Research Library

A computerized and internet accessed list of items held by a library is known as _________
A. Catalogue
C. Online database
D. Indexes
E. E-library

________________ is a reference source that gives information on charts, tables, numbers etc
A. Manual
B. Statistical source
C. Statistical data
D. Yearbook
E. Handbook

The library that houses all forms of materials useful for different categories of people in the society is
called a ____________ library
A. Private
B. Academic
C. Public
D. National
E. School

When using library materials, you should do the following except

A. Use book marks to demarcate pages
B. Not deface the library book
C. Eat and drink in the library
D. Return the book at the appropriate time
E. Handle all library materials borrowed with care

The major function of any library has to do with___________________

A. Acquisition, collection, organization, storage and dissemination of information
B. Collection of information
C. Educating and informing people
D. Promoting culture and recreation
E. Relaxation and discussions

___________ is a dictionary of geographic names that gives the location of each entry.
A. Gazetteer
B. Atlas
C. Maps
D. Gazette
E. Geographical source

___________ gives a summary of the content of a larger work such as books or an article.
A. Index
B. Bibliography

C. Statistical data
D. Abstract
E. Handbook

Information ___________are characterized based on the manner of presentation.

A. Sources
B. Types
C. Formats
D. Disseminations
E. None of the above

When I need short, non-explanatory answers, I prefer to use _______________________

A. Textbook of Biochemistry
B. Encyclopedia Britannica
C. Grant’s Atlas
D. Journal of Humanities
E. National Bureau of Statistics Abstracts

____________ essentially shows the types and location of information item in a library
A. Class mark
B. Call number
C. Library Catalogue
D. Abstracts
E. Dewey scheme

Example of reference sources that contain the information needed is__________________

A. Index
B. Bibliography
C. Library catalogue
D. Abstract
E. Handbook

A material published by the Federal Government of Nigeria is treated as__________ in Bowen

University Library.
A. Reference Material
B. Thesis
C. Pamphlet
D. Textbook
E. Special Collection

What is the full meaning of OPAC?

A. Open Public Access Catalogue
B. Online Private Access Catalogue
C. Online Public Access Catalogue
D. Open private Assess Catalogue
E. Online Public Assess Catalogue

To borrow a book in the library, I must _______________________

A. Be a Bowen student
B. Be Registered in the library
C. Have a matriculation number

D. All of the above

A database that combines photo and text is otherwise known as

A. Multimedia database
B. Full text database
C. Numeric database
D. Library catalogue
E. Textbook database

In the in-text citation, Modern Language Association uses author and ______________
A. Publisher
B. Page number
C. Date of publication
D. Place
E. Subject

____________ is used to check if an author consulted or cited other sources of information used in
his/her work
A. Objectivity/accuracy
B. Scope/audience
C. Citations /documentation
D. Authority/reliability
E. Primary/secondary

A machine-readable record for information storage and retrieval is_______________

A. Computer files
B. Internet locator
C. Databases
D. Bibliographical source
E. Biographical source

_______________ is an example of databases

A. Education index
B. Web search tools
C. Family studies index
D. Print abstracts

____________________classification scheme is not mixed notation.

A. Library of Congress
B. Dewey Decimal
C. Moys
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

A _______________ is a library tool for arranging materials into the various subjects in the library.
A. Shelf
B. Computer
C. Librarian
D. Classification Scheme
E. None of the above

Z10 .E34 2016 is an example of the call number for a_________ in Bowen University Library.
A. Student project
B. Textbook
C. Dictionary
D. Journal article
E. Pamphlet
Bamberg, Michael G. W. (1987). The Acquisition of Narratives. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. What
type of source is cited above?
A. Newspaper article
B. Magazine article
C. Textbook
D. Journal article
E. None of the above

Dubcek, L. 1990, ‘Science fiction aids science teaching’, Physics Teacher, vol. 28, pp. 316-318. What
type of source is cited above?
A. Book Review
B. Journal article
C. Conference paper
D. Pamphlet
E. None of the above

____________________ are reference sources that point a user to the location of particular information
within the document.
A. References
B. Table of contents
C. Indexes
D. Abstracts
E. Bibliographies

___________________is an example of publications from which authoritative information may be

A. Fact books
B. Reference sources
C. Yearbooks
D. Dictionary
E. All of the above

_________________is a book that has less than fifty pages

A. Serials
B. Pamphlet
C. Newspaper
D. Magazine
E. Manual

_______________information consists of references or citations to other works

A. Reference

B. Citation
C. Index
D. Bibliographic
E. Primary

Library classification schemes exclude the following ______________

A. Moy’sClassification Scheme
B. Library of Congress Classification Scheme
C. Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme
D.All of the above
E. Bibliographies

________________ of copyright law allows a user to photocopy just one chapter in a book or one article
in a journal.
A. Plagiarism
B. Reprography
C. Fair-use
D. Piracy
E. None of the above

A copyright owner isthe ________________

A. Seller of a book
B. Editor of the work
C. Producer
D. Creator of the work
E. None of the above

To find information about history of Professor Timothy Olagbemiro, which of the following sources will
you use?
A. Dictionary
B. Textbook
C. Periodical
D. Biographical Source
E. Bibliography

Online databases are accessible through the____________________

A. CDs
B. Computer
D. Internet
E. None of the above

Reference sources are categorized into _________________

A. Electronic and print
B. General and specific
C. Dictionaries and bibliographies
D. Indexes and abstracts
E. Periodical and newspapers

Database that provides statistical and data in table and graphs is known as _________________
A. Directory base

B. Statistical database
C. Numerical database
D. Graphical database
E. All of the above

Otunla, A.O. and Akanmu-Adeyemo, E.A. 2010.Use of Library. End-time Publishing House. Ibadan.
The example above is _________________ referencing style.
A. American Psychological Association
B. Modern Language Association
C. Harvard
D. Chicago
E. Turabian

The full meaning of MLA is ________________________.

A. Modern Language Association
B. Mathematical Language Association
C. Modern Linguistics Association
D. Modern London Association

Otunla, Aderonke O. and Akanmu-Adeyemo, Esther A. Use of Library. Ibadan, End-time Publishing
House, 2010 is an example of _____________ referencing style.
A. Modern Language Association
B. Harvard
C. Chicago
D. American Psychological Association

Sources of information to be cited includes all except _______________________

A. Books
B. Magazines
C. Websites
D. General sayings

What is the full meaning of APA _____________________________?

A. American Physiological Association
B. American Physiological Avenue
C. American Psychological Avenue
D. American Psychological Association

_______________are often used to find specific information about individuals in a particular

organization responsible for different tasks and biographical information of an organization
A. Biographies
B. Autobiographies
C. Directories
D. Google Maps
E. Internet

Obasanjo Presidential Library is an example of a ____________

A. Special Library
B. AcademicLibrary
C. PublicLibrary
D. ResearchLibrary

E. Private Library

_________________ Classification scheme is only used for classifying___________ materials

A. Library of congress, Law
B. Dewey Decimal, Law
C. Moys, Law
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

In Bowen University Library, I am allowed to take drinking water into the Library.
A. True
B. False

While using a borrowed book, I should_____________

A. Handle it with care
B. Demarcate pages with another book
C. Dog-ear pages to indicate where I stopped
D. Highlight / underline salient points with a biro / marker
E. Turn an open book upside down

In Bowen University Library, a document with call number BDSC HD4345.5 .M683 1998 FAO is
regarded as a __________________.
A. Multimedia item
B. Periodical Literature
C. Reference material
D. Special collection
E. Student’s Project

____________ highlight the salient points of original work or articles.

A. Indexes
B. Bibliographies
C. Abstracts
D. Dictionaries
E. Directories

When travelling to a new location, I need ____________ to give geographical description of the area.
A. Encyclopedia
B. Directories
C. Gazetteers
D. Bibliography
E. Biographical source

There is an international copyright law that enables the author to protect his work throughout the world.
A. True
B. False

_____________ of copyright work is not an infringement of copyright

A. Photocopy
B. Counterfeiting
C. Fair Use
D. Plagiarism

E. Piracy

It is important to always_______________________
A. Monitormy library accounts
B. Proceed to the shelves without searching the OPAC
C. Allow a friend use my library account
D. Keep valuables in my bags at the cloak area of the library
E. Appreciate library staff by giving gifts and money

The username and password for accessing past question papers and E-resources in Bowen University
Library are _____________ and _____________ respectively
A. Bowen, Library
B. Library, Bowen
C. bowen, library
D. library, bowen
E. Bowen, library

Which of the following is not a repository of information?

A. Libraries
B. Museums
C. Archives
D. Stadium
E. Data centre

All of the following are examples of a special library except ____________

A. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Library
B. Federal Institute of Industrial Research Library
C. Nigeria Institute of Social and Economic Research Library
D. Ogun State University Library
E. CocoaResearch Institute of Nigeria Library.

Which of the following libraries acquires its collection by legal deposits?

A. Special
B. National
C. Public
D. Academic
E. Private.

Which of the following provides bibliographic description and the location of every item in the library?
A. Library catalogue
B. Library bulletin
C. Library card
D. Library portal
E. Gazetteer.

An index of the names of places and geographical features in an atlas is called?

A. Guides
B. Gazetteers
C. Encyclopaedia
D. Almanac
E. Directories.

___________ indicates where information can be found and does not provide information sought?
A. An index
B. An abstract
C. Periodical
D. Syllabuses
E. Templates

You are looking for information on decrees and legislations, appointments published by the government.
Which of the following information sources will be appropriate?
A. Year book
B. Gazette
C. Government Publication
D. Indexes
E. All of the above

A Database that provides factual information about organization, companies, products, individuals or
A. Directory
B. Multimedia
C. Bibliographic
D. Numeric
E. Google

Toyin is an artist employed by Bowen University and she created an artistic work in the course of doing
her work. Who is the copyright owner?
A. Bowen University
B. Toyin
C. National archives
D. National library
E. Museum

Copying someone else’s ideas or work and pretending that you created it is ___________
A. Plagiarism
B. Piracy
C. Reprography
D. Borrowing
E. Counterfeit

Bibliographic databases give ___________

A. Full Text
B. Multimedia
C. Graphs and Tables
D. Texts
E. Bibliographic records

Machine-readableformats of indexes and abstract are called ______________

A. Databases
B. Internet
C. Directory Databases
D. Online Databases
E. None of the above

_____________ is regarded as an academic theft, dishonesty or misconduct.
A. Reprography
B. Piracy
C. Counterfeiting
D. Plagiarism
E. Photocopying

A person who _____________ cheats on and fails to learn to express himself/herself

A. Counterfeits
B. Plagiarizes
C. Photocopies
D. Pirates
E. Publishes

Bowen (2017) is an example of __________________

A. Copyright date
B. End note
C. Parenthetical citation
D. Foot note
E. Bibliography

(Bowen 395) is an example of in-text citation used by ___________________ referencing style

A. American Psychological Association
B. Modern Language Association
C. Harvard
D. Modern London Association
E. American Physiological Association

Advantages of the Harvard Style referencing include all except _______________

A. Simplicity
B. Flexibility
C. Clarity
D. Searching
E. Ease of use

The arrangement of books on the shelves is based on the ________________

A. John Mark
B. Class Mark
C. Call Mark
D. David Mark
E. Frank Mark

One of the following is not eligible for copyright protection.

A. Musical works
B. Fashion works
C. Sound recording
D. Cinematograph films
E. Literacy works

The act of producing fake copies of an author’s work for commercial purposes is known as __________

A. Piracy
B. Plagiarism
C. Counterfeit
D. Stealing
E. Copycat

One of the following libraries issues ISBN

A. Primary library
B. Special library
C. National library
D. Academic library
E. School library

A Library owned by an individual is called __________________

A. Special library
B. School library
C. Private library
D. State library
E. National library

Information which consists of citation can be otherwise called ____________

A. Current information
B. Numeric information
C. Multimedia information
D. Bibliographic information.
E. Current awareness

Sources where information can be organized includes_____________

A. Dictionaries
B. Indexes
C. Databases
D. Encyclopaedias
E. All of the above

Libraries owned by individuals are called_____________

A. Public libraries
B. Research libraries
C. Private libraries
D. Bowen library
E. None of the above

One of these is a primary function of the library

A. To publish books
B. Editing of books
C. Information dissemination
D. Evaluating information.
E. Educate users

A source that contains information about someone’s life is __________

A. Bibliography
B. Directory

C. Biography
D. Geographical
E. Bio-data

Another name for multimedia materials is ____________

A. E-Library
B. Imprint
C. Non-print
D. References.
E. Database

An information source that provides data in tables and graphs is __________

A. Numeric
B. Directory
C. Bibliography
D. All of the above
E. None of the above.

The development of library in Nigeria began in________

B. 1920
C. 1932
D. 1964
E. 1900

___________Collection were bought by the Nigerian government which formed the basis of the
University of Ibadan library.
A. Henry Carr
B. Kurt Carr
C. Tom Jones
D. Alan Burns
E. Herbert Macaulay

When was the Lagos Library inaugurated?

A. 1964
B. 1970
C. 1948
D. 1932
E. 1920

Copyright was enacted for what purpose?

A. To promote creativity and the dissemination and application of its result
B. To encourage fair trading in order to contribute to the economic and social development of the
C. To give statutory expression to the moral and economic rights of the creators in their creations
D. To provide incentives for the effective dissemination of works produced
E. None of the above

Who is a copyright owner? ________________________________________________

Define citation? _________________________________________________________

One information to note in citations is ____________

A. All paraphrases
B. Published works
C. Speeches
D. Ideas and facts used in the written work
E. Publication information

Another name for parenthetical citation is__________

A. Reference list
B. In-text
C. End note
D. Foot note
E. Turabian

Write out the citation content for a website __________________________________________

A call mark is made up of __________________________________________________________

A document with 50 pages or less is a ______________

A. Periodical
B. Pamphlet
C. Special collection
D. Reference material
E. All of the above

The commonly used classification scheme for law materials is called_______________

A. Moys
B. Library of congress
C. Dewey Decimal
D. Universal Decimal
E. None of the above

One of the following tells a user where information can be found

A. Bibliographies
B. Dictionaries
C. Biographical sources
D. Encyclopedias
E. Manuals

Which classification scheme gave room for expansion?

A. Dewey Decimal
C. Library of Congress
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Unauthorized copy of copyright materials made for commercial purposes is called ____________
A. Counterfeits
B. Reprography

C. Piracy
D. Plagiarism
E. None of the above

Exceptions to copyright infringements include all except

A. Reproduction and/or performance for judicial proceedings
B. A student copying verbatim from a published source
C. Inclusion in a film where it can be publicly viewed
D. None of the above
E. All of the above

The first people in charge of information keeping are ____________

A. Archivist
B. Information Scientist
C. Librarians
D. Monks
E. None of the above

Which referencing style has its year of publication as the last when referencing any material?
A.Moys Classification Scheme
B. Modern Language Association
C. Harvard Referencing style
D. American Psychological Association
E. Turabian Style

All are library rules except one

A. Books should not be removed from the shelve an hour before closing time
B. No food or drinks is allowed in the library
C. Use clean hands to handle library materials
D.Deposit your bag at the property counters
E. Be a registered user before you can borrow a book.


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