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1st Midquarter Examination

Mathematics 5
Name: ________________________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

I. Choose the correct answer inside the box below. Write your answer on the space provided. (2 pts.)

____________________1. If the estimate is less than the exact value.

____________________2. If the estimate is greater than the exact value.
____________________3. It is an acronym for the rule on how to simplify order of operations.
____________________4. It is used to find the total number of objects in groups which have the same number of objects.
____________________5. It is used to find the number of groups or number of objects in each group.
____________________6. It is used to find how many are left in a set of objects after a number of objects are taken away.
____________________7. It is used to find a total amount of quantity.
____________________8. States that any number added to 0 is equal to the number itself.
____________________9. States that changing the order of the addends will not affect the sum.
____________________10. States that changing the group of addends will not affect the sum.

II. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank before each number.

1. What is the place value of a digit situated 3 places to the left of hundreds place?
A. Thousands B. Ten Thousands C. Hundred Thousands D. Millions
2. In 234 849 268, what is the value of the bold digit?
A. 200 000 000 B. 20 000 000 C. 2 000 000 D. 200 000
3. What is the greatest whole number that can be rounded off to 5000?
A. 5 500 B. 5 499 C. 4 999 D. 4 599
4. What is 2 thousands, 3 hundreds, eight ones in standard form?
A. 3 208 B. 2 380 C. 2 308 D. 8 302
5. Numbers can be written in different ways. It can be ________ , _________ , __________.
A. Word Form, Standard Form, Expanded Form B. Place Value, Value, Digit Value
C. Front- End, Underestimate, Overestimate D. Commutative, Associate, Identity
III. Perform the indicated operation. (3 pts)

1. 32 267 2. 24 3. 100 767

+ 67 728 ×8 - 11 728

4.27 840 ÷ 40 = 5.50+ ( 8−4 ) ×10 ÷5=¿

IV. Read and analyze each problem then solve. Show your neat and complete solution. (5pts)

1. Cruz Academy has 245 boys and 105 girls. If each pupil paid Php 500 for medical fee, how much was the total amount
collected from the pupils?

2. In ABC Amusement Park, the price for an adult ticket is Php 125 and Php 75 for child ticket. If the Santiago family has 6
children and 7 adults, how much did they pay in all?
1st Midquarter Examination
Mathematics 6 45
Name: ________________________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

I. Write TRUE if the statement is true and if false change the underline word.(2pts)
1. Like fractions are those fractions with the same denominator.
2. Unlike fractions are those fractions with different denominators.
3. Mixed numbers are those that are written with unlike numbers.
4. If the fractional part is equal to or greater than , round to the next whole number.
5. If the fractional part is less than , round by dropping the fraction.
6. When we multiply a decimal by a power of 10, we simply move the decimal point to the right depending on the
number of zeros.
2 1
7. is equal to .
4 2
8. To divide fraction by another fraction, multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.
9. To divide mixed fractions, write the mixed numbers as improper fractions and multiply the dividend by the
reciprocal of the divisor.
10. We divide fractions by expressing it as the product of the numerators over the product of the denominator.
II. Perform the indicated operation. Reduce your answer in lowest term. (3pts)
1 2
1. +
2 9
1 2
2. 1 ×
4 3
2 1 2
3. + +
3 3 15
7 1
4. 4 ÷5
8 4
3 1
5. 5 −2
5 10
III. Read and analyze each problem then solve. Reduce your answer in lowest term. (5pts)
1. Gabby paints7 everyday to finish project. If he worked for a total of 4 days how many hours did he paint?

2. John drove his car 9.5 km on the first day and 7.4 km on the second day. What is the total distance john drove for two days?
1st Midquarter Examination
Mathematics 7 50

Name: ________________________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

I. Matching Type. Match A to B.

1. It is the set of all elements under consideration. A. Roster Method
2. It is used to illustrate sets pictorially. B. Well- Defined
3. A group or collection of objects or things.
C. Empty Set
4. The objects belonging to set
5. Two sets are ___ if they have exactly the same D. Cardinality
elements. E. Equivalent
6. Two sets are ____ if they have the same cardinality.
F. Equal
7. It is the number of elements in the set.
8. A set with no elements. G. Elements Or Members
9. A set is ___ if its elements can be specifically H. Set
I. Venn Diagram
10. Describe set by listing the elements on the set.
J. Universal Set
K. Set- Builder Notation
II. Describe the following sets in two ways.
1. G is the sets of all counting numbers less than 40 which are divisible by 5.
Roster Method:
Set- Builder Notation:
2. It is the set of all letters in the word BEAUTIFUL.
Roster Method:
Set- Builder Notation:
3. It is the set of all letters in the English alphabet before D.
Roster Method:
Set-Builder Notation:
A. Identify whether the set is well- defined or not.
1. The set of kind teachers in your school.
2. The set of books in the library.

B. Classify the following as finite or infinite.

1. B= (x/x is a counting numbers less than 83)
2. C= (x/x is a number divisible by 6)
C. Classify the following sets as empty or non- empty.
1. D= ( x/x is a counting number between 10 and 11)
2. WE= (x/x is a number divisible by 5)
D. Write EQUAL if the sets are equal and EQUIVALENT if the sets are equivalent.
1. O = (pencil, book, paper)
P = (paper, book, pencil)
2. Q = (x/x is a whole number greater than 5 but less than 9)
R = (b, f, g)

IV. Identify all the subsets and list all the subsets. (5 pts)

1. A= (2, 4, 6, 8)

2. B= ( A, B, C)

3. C= (1)

V. Draw a Venn diagram showing the following sets. Let U be the universal set. (11 pts)

1. C = (a, b, d, e, h)
D = (c, f, g)
U = (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
1st Midquarter Examination
Mathematics 8 60
Name: ________________________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

I. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank before each number.
1. A polynomial having two terms is called _________.
A. Monomial B. Binomial C. Trinomial D. Multinomial
2. A polynomial having three terms is called ________.
A. Monomial B. Binomial C. Trinomial D. Multinomial
3. The products of two binomial can be obtained by using ________ method.
A. Foil Method B. Coil Method C. Fill Method D. Toil Method
4. It is obtained by squaring the first term minus the square of the second term.
A. Product Of The Sum And Difference Of Two Terms.
B. Sum Of The Sum And Difference Of Two Terms.
C. Difference Of The Sum And Difference Of Two Terms.
D. Quotient Of The Sum And Difference Of Two Terms.
5. Square of a binomial can be obtained by
A. a 2 ± 3 ab+b 2 B. a 3 ± 3 ab+b 2 C.a 2 ± 2 ab+b2 D.a 2 ± 3 ab ±3 ab+b2
6. Cube of a binomial can be obtained by
A.a 3 ± 3 ab+b 3 B. a 2 ± 3 ab+b 2 C. a 2 ± 2 ab ±3 ab b 2 D.a 3 ± 3 a2 b+3 ab2 ± b2
7. Square of a trinomial can be obtained by
A. a 2+ b2+ c 2+ 2ab +2 ac+2 bc C.a 2 ± 3 ab ±3 ab+b2

B. a 3 ± 3 a2 b+3 ab2 ± b2 D.a 3+ b3 +c 3 +2 ab+2 ac+ 2bc

8. Find the product of (5x+2y) (x+2y+3z)
A.5 x 2+ 4 2
y +12 xy+ 15 xz +6 yz C. -5 x 2−4 2
y −12 xy −15 xz+−6 yz
B. 5 x 2−4 2
y +12 xy−15 xz +6 yz D. -5 x 2+ 4 2
y −12 xy +15 xz−6 yz
9. Find the product: { ( 9−7 b ) +3 c }
A. −a 2+14 ab−48 b2 +6 ac−42 bc+ 9 c 2 C. −a 2−14 ab−48 b 2+ 6 ac−42bc−9 c2

B. a 2−14 ab+ 49 b2 +6 ac −42 bc+ 9 c 2 D. a 2+ 49 b2 +9 c 2

10. Find the product of (2x+5y) (3x+2y)
A. 6 a 2+19 xy +10 y
C.−6 a 2+19 xy +10 y

B. −6 a 2−19 xy−10 y
D. 6 a 2−19 xy+10 y

II. Perform the indicated operations and simplify. Show your solution. (5pts)
1. (8ab +3b) (8a-5b)
2. (9x +y – 5z) 2
3. 5x (x+2y-3)
4. (12g-11) (5g+3)2
5. (3m+2n) 3
6. (7r2+2st) 2
7. (a +b) 3
8. (a +b +c) 3
9. (a +b) 2
10. (3f+2g) (3f-2g)


1st Midquarter Examination
Mathematics 9 60
Name: ________________________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

I. Choose the correct answer inside the box below. Write your answer on the space provided. (2 pts.)
Law of a power Negative Integral Exponent Index
Quotient of a power Fractional Exponent Product Property of radical
Power of a product Radical Expression Division Property of radical
Power of Quotient Radical Sign Rationalizing the denominator

Law of Zero Exponent Radical Power of a Power

______________________ 1. It is used to multiply the radical.

______________________ 2. It is used to divide radicals.
______________________ 3. b x . b y =b x+ y
______________________ 4. y
=b x− y ; b ≠0
______________________ 5. (ab)2= ax bx

______________________ 6.
() a x ax
= x ;b≠ 0
______________________ 7. (bx)y = bxy
______________________ 8. b0=1; b≠ 0
______________________ 9. b-x = x
; b ≠0
m n m n m
______________________ 10. b = √b ( √ b)
______________________11. The expression √
b is called a ______.
______________________ 12. The symbol √ is called the ________.
______________________ 13. The expression inside the radical sign is called the _______.
______________________ 14. The number n is called the _________
______________________ 15. It is used to remove the radical from the denominator.
II. Perform the indicated operation and simplify . (3 pts.)
1. 3 k 6 ∙ 12kh 5 ∙ 4 k 2 h4 5. 8 3

2. (2g3k4)5
6. (20 yx-2) -3
14 18 12
8a b c
14 a3 b14 c 8
7. √4 81 x 8 y 3
8. ( √ 3 + 5)2

( )
3 6
4. 3 9. ( 12 √ 18) ÷ ( 2√ 8)
10. ( √ 5) ÷ (√ 3)


1st Midquarter Examination 50
Mathematics 10
Name: ________________________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

I. Multiple choices: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. A function whose domain is the set of natural numbers.

A. Sequence B. Term C. Series
2. A function whose domain is the set of all natural numbers
A. Infinite Sequence B. Finite Sequence C. Arithmetic Sequence
3. A function whose domain is the set of a n natural numbers, where n is a positive integer
A. Finite Sequence B. Infinite Sequence C. Arithmetic Sequence
4. A sequence x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ,… x n−1 , x n is an ________ if there is a common difference between any two successive terms.
A. Arithmetic Sequence B. Arithmetic Series C. Geometric Sequence
5. It is found by subtracting a term from the succeeding term.
A. Common Difference B. Common Ratio C. Nth Term
6. The formula in finding the nth term of arithmetic sequence

n xn
A. x n=x 1+ ( n−1 ) d B. sn= (x +x )
2 1 n
C. r =
x n−1
7. If x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ,… x n−1 , x n is an arithmetic sequence, the numbers x 3 , … , x n−1 , are the _________ between x 1 and x n .
A. Arithmetic Means B. Arithmetic Series C. Arithmetic Sequence
8. Find the general term of the sequence 1, 4, 9, …,
A. f(n)= n2 B. f(n)= 2n C. f(n)= n + 2
9. The sum of the terms of an arithmetic sequence
A. Arithmetic Series B. Arithmetic Sequence C. Arithmetic
10. Find the 18th term of the arithmetic sequence 3, 7, 11, …
A.71 B. 72 C. 73
A. Identify whether each sequence is finite or infinite.
1. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
2. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, …
3. 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, …
4. 5, 9, 13, …, 29
5. -3, -2, 3, 8, …..,n
B. Find the general term of each sequence
1. 2, 4, 6, 8….
2. 1, 3, 5, 7, …
3. 4, 8, 16, 31, ...
4. 2, 5, 8, 11…
1 1 1
5. , , ,…
2 4 8

C. Determine whether or not each of the following is an arithmetic sequence and find the next four terms of all the arithmetic

1. -5, 3, 11, ... 2. 5, 7, 10, 13, …

D. Solve the following. Show your solution.

1. Insert three arithmetic means between 7 and 12 2. 3, ____, ____, ____, _____, 103,____

E. Find the indicated sum. Show your solution.

1. 4+8+12+16+…; S30 2. 9+14+19+24+…;S77

1st Midquarter Examination 50
Values Education 5
Name: ________________________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

I. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

_________ 1. King Benhadad of Syria led his entire army against Israel.
_________ 2. The king of Israel didn’t believe the prophet’s word.
_________ 3. Elisha received a message from God.
_________ 4. The four men with skin disease were very hungry
_________ 5. The four men with skin disease found many enemy soldiers in the camp.
_________ 6. The four men with skin disease discovered only a little food.
_________ 7. A donkey’s head cost eighty pieces of silver
_________ 8. Half pound of dove’s dung cost five pieces of silver.
_________ 9. Ten pounds of best wheat or twenty pounds of barley were sold for one piece of silver.
_________ 10. God has caused enemy to run away.

II. Fill in the blanks. Complete the verse by choosing the correct answer inside the box.(2pts.)
You Never 130
Pleased Loyalty Trust
People Faithfulness Word
God Neck Lord’s
Heart Write Eagerly

“ I wait 1.) ________________ for the 2.) ________________ help, and in his
3.) ________________ I 4.) ________________.”
Psalm 5.) ________________ : 5

“ 6.) ________________ let go of 7.) ________________ and 8.) ________________. Tie them around
your 9.) ________________; 10.) ________________ them on your 11.) _______________. If you do this, both
12.) ________________ and 13.) ________________ will be 14.) _______________ with 15.)
Proverbs 3 : 3-4
III. From the topic Decision-Making. What is the meaning of the acronym SMART. (10 pts.)
1st Midquarter Examination 50
Computer 5
Name: ________________________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

I. Multiple choices: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

________1. It is a software commonly used by accountants and other people involved in businesses.
A. MS Excel B. MS Word C. MS Powerpoint
________ 2. MS Excel are arranged and grouped according to their uses.
A. Tie B. Ribbons C. Cursor
________ 3. It is composed of rows and columns.
A. Ledger B. Ribbons C. Spreadsheet
________ 4. It is represented with a number.
A. Rows B. Columns C. Spredsheet
________ 5. It is represented by a numbers.
A. Rows B. Columns C. Spredsheet
________ 6. It is a point were a column and row intersect.
A. Cell Pointer B. Name Bar C. Cell
________ 7. It is represented by a box with thick borderline.It is used instead of a cursor.
A. Cell Pointer B. Name Bar C. Cell
________ 8. It tells you the position of the cell pointer.
A. Cell Pointer B. Name Bar C. Cell
________ 9. It tells you the cell entry or the content of the cell.
A. Cell Pointer B. Name Bar C. Formula Bar
________ 10. This software replaces the traditional big yellow paper with horizontal and vertical lines called
columnar sheet.
A. MS Excel B. MS Word C. MS Powerpoint
II. Write down atleast 5 advantages of using an electronic spreadsheet or MS Excel.

III. State the process of opening and closing the MS Excel. ( 5pts. )

IV. Open an MS excel program. Look for other command icons and take notes of its function.
1st Midquarter Examination 50
Computer 4
Name: ________________________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

I. List atleast 3 advantages of using a type writer.


II. List atleast 3 advantages of using an electronic word processor.


III. Write the commands for the following actions :

1. To open MS Word Program

2. To save a document

3. To close MS Word program

4. To print a document

IV. Open an MS Word Program. Look for other command icons and take notes of its function.
1st Midquarter Examination 40
Computer 6

Name: ________________________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Date: ________________________

I. Multiple choices: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

__________ 1. When the table is combined with other tables, you form a ____________.
A. Database B. Spreadsheet C.Data
__________ 2. MS Excel: Spreadsheet ; MS Access: _____________.
A. Table B. Records C. Fields
__________ 3. MS Excel: Rows ; MS Access: ______________.
A. Table B. Records C. Fields
__________ 4. MS Excel: Columns ; MS Access: ____________.
A. Table B. Records C. Fields
__________ 5. Each entry of information in the columns is called ___________.
A Records B. Tables C. Fields

II. Give 5 examples of field names.


III. Give 5 sets of records.


IV. Gather the following data from your classmates: Names, Date of Birth and Address. Open an MS Access and create
a table for the set of information.

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