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Isopodos Marinos de Chile (Incompleto)

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15 V




Contribution from the Lamont Geological Observatory, No. 431

Read before the Royal Physiographic Society, October 14, 1959

Historic resume
Our early knowledge of the marine isopod fauna came mainly from expeditions
to the Magellan region, e.g. the "Alert" ( M I E E S , 1881), the "Romanche" (DOLLFUS,
1891), the "Gazelle" (STUDEE, 1884) the "Novara" ( H E L L E R , 1865), and the U.S.
Exploring Expedition ( D A N A , 1852). Their reports, as far as the Chilean fauna was
concerned, were, naturally, fragmentary. Because of the large percentage of subpolar
species in the Chilean fauna the reports of various expeditions and studies on the
insular fauna are important. Most significant are the results of the Swedish South
Polar Expedition (NORDENSTAM, 1933) and the German South Polar Expedition
(VANHOFFEN, 1914). Curiously American south polar expeditions, even those of
recent date, have added little to the knowledge of the fauna.
Prior to this report around 35 species including synonyms and animals of dubious
validity were known from Chile. Roughly one-half, or fourteen of them were found
in the Lund University Chile Expedition collections. The following is a listing of the
probably valid species previously reported from Chile. Those represented in the
"LUCE" collections are marked with an asterisk.

A list of the species of marine isopod s known previously irom Chile

1.* Aega magnified (DANA) as Pterelas FEN, as Sphaeroma calcarea of

2.* Aega semicarinata M I E E S DOLLFUS, non DANA
3.* Amphoroidea typa M. E D W . 13.* Exosphaeroma lanceolata ( W H I T E ) ,
4. A ntarcturus americanus B ED D ARD , as Sphaeroma lanceolata W H I T E
as Arcturus and 8. gayi NICOLET
o. Astacilla diomedea B E N E D I C T 14 Exosphaeroma gigas (LEACH), as
6. Chaetilia ovata DANA Sphaeroma gigas LEACH, S. chilen-
7. Cleantis linearis DANA sis LEACH, S. propinqua NICOLET
8.* Dynamenella eatoni (MIERS) as 15 Excirolana chilensis RICHARDSON
Dynamene 16 Gnaihia antarctica STUDER
!>. Edotea tuberculata G.-M. 17 Iathrippa longicauda (CHILTON),
10. Edotea magellanica CUNNINGHAM as Ianira
11.* Euvallentinia darwini (CUNNING- 18.* lais pubescens DANA
HAM) as Vallentina 19 Idothea metallica Bosc
12.* Exosphaeroma studeri VANHOF- 20 Jaeropsis curvicornis NICOLET
4 Robert James Menzies

21.* Lironeca raynaudi M. E D W . 27. Notidotea rotundimuda ( M I E R S ) ,

22.* Macrochiridothea michaelseni as Austridotea
OHLIN 28.* Paramunna subtriangulata
23.* Macrochiridothea stebbingi OHLIN (RICHARDSON) as Austrimunna
24. Macrochiridothea Icruimeli N I E R - 29. Paranihura porteri BOONE
STRASZ 30. Rocinela australis S. & M.
25. Meinertia gaudichaudd (M. E D W . ) , 31.* Serolis schythei L U T K E N
as Cymothoa 32. Serolis paradoxa (FABR.)
26.* Neastacilla magellanica (OHLIN), 33. Serolis gaudichaudd A. & E.
as Astacilla

Twenty-five currently valid genera had been previously reported from Chile.
Only seven were not represented in the L.U.C.E. collections; Antarcturus, Astacilla,
Idothea, Meinertia, Notidotea, Paranihura, and Rocinela. The genera Idothea, Roci-
nela, and Meinertia are probably contaminants of the fauna being transported t o
there from elsewhere. The genus Sphaeroma (not mentioned above) is probably a
case of misidentification being based only on old species described by DANA and
NICOLET. Notidotea and Paranihura were reported from central Chile; whereas,
Antarcturus and Astacilla characterize the Magellan region.

Scope of the Lund University Chile Expedition collections

The L.U.C.E. collections contained 34 genera. Fifteen are recorded as new to the
fauna b u t only one of which is described as a new genus. The number of species
now amounts t o 71, or about two times as many as were known previously and
roughly one-half of which are described as new species. Clearly, the additions to
the fauna through the efforts of the L.U.C.E. collections are highly significant.

Disposition of the specimens

All specimens on which this report is based will be sent to the Swedish State
Museum (S.S.M. abbreviation) in Stockholm where the types of new species are t o
be kept.


The writer is first indebted to the leaders of the expedition for the privilege and
honor of examining the specimens, and, second, to the Charles P . Berolzheimer
Foundation Inc., New York, for a grant of money of sufficient size to permit the
employment of an artist to 'ink in" the pencilled sketches and arrange the plates
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 5

and maps for final publication. My sincerest gratitude is due Mr. E R N E S T P O W E L L

and Miss L E S L I E BURCAW, of Palisades, New York, for this artistic assistance.
Finally, the writer acknowledges the use of the excellent facilities of the biology
laboratory of the Lamont Geological Observatory, supported by the Rockefeller
Foundation (Grant No. R F 54087), where this work was finally completed. Dr.
THOMAS BOWMAN of the U.S. National Museum in Washington, D.C. kindly provided
a tracing of DANA'S Chaetilia.
The Chilean coast-line extends from Arica at about 18° S to Cape Horn at about
55° S. Geographically it may be divided into three regions, northern Chile from
Arica (18°28'S) to Coquimbo (20°58' S), central Chile from Coquimbo (20°58'S)
to San Vicente (36° S) and southern Chile from San Vicente {36° S) to Cape Horn
(ca 55° S). These divisions are rather insignificant as far as the faunal distribution
alone is concerned. A much more important parameter is the seawater temperature.

Marine thermal geography

Various aspects of the temperature regime have been considered important in

influencing the distribution of marine organisms. The average annual range of
temperature along the entire Chilean coast-line is between three and 22° C {H.O.
Pub. 225, 1944). This range is wide enough for one to suspect a zonation of the fauna
within it, including as it does, polar to subtropical temperatures ( H E D G F E T H , 1957,
p . 364). Unlike many marine regions the annual temperature curve at a given point
along the Chilean coast is remarkably flat, varying only 5—6 degrees at a maximum.
(Table 1). This situation characterizes the eastern oceanic shores in the temperate
regions in general (MENZIES and H E D G P E T H , in press) and is a function of cold
northward-streaming currents, Humboldt and Benguela in the southern hemisphere,
and the phenomenon of upwelling.
EKMAN (1953, p. 208) recognized a "Peru fauna" including the "warmtemperate
fauna — on the shelf of Peru and northern Chile." This fauna he suspected to extend
to Chiloe Island (ca 43° S) where the cold temperate region (containing an antiboreal
coastal fauna) is believed to start. This division EKMAN established on the basis
of extreme annual temperatures and on a recognition of a "Magellan" fauna. In doing
this, E K M A S may have been correct, but the distribution of the marine isopod fauna
suggests that the situation is more complex.
On the basis of the duration of a particular average monthly temperature it is
possible to divide Chile into at least three distinct marine thermal regions:
A. Warm temperate region: This is located between 15° S and 25° S and is a region
in which the most frequent average monthly temperatures lie between 17 and
21° C.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods

Table 1. Average monthly sea surface temperatures along the Chilean coast-line, from H.O.
pub. 225, 1944.
South 1.1 21 21 21 20 IS 17 17 17 16 17 18 18 Warm
Latitude 20 21 21 21 20 IS 17 17 1(5 16 17 18 18 Temperate
25 21 21 22 18 17 17 10 15 15 15 17 18 (17—21}
30 18 18 18 16 t€ 16 14 14 13 14 16 16
35 16 17 16 Ifi 13 13 13 12 12 13 14 16 Cold
40 16 16 16 13 13 12 12 11 11 12 13 14 • Temperate
45 13 ia 13 12 11 11 11 9 8 11 11 13 (12—16)
m 11 ii 11 8 S 8 7 7 7 8 8 s Subpolar
.55 7 8 8 7 6 6 4 3 5 7 6 6 (6—11}

B. Cold temperate region: This is located between 25° S and 45° S and is a region
in which the most frequent average monthly temperatures lie between 12 and
16° C.
C. Magellan or subpolar region: This is located between 45° S and 55° S where
average monthly temperatures are most frequently between 6 and 11° C.
EKMA>-'S Peru fauna extends from the warm region into the cold temperate region
and his antiboreal region includes the subpolar and much of the cold temperate
region above.

Generic considerations

The general geographic distribution of the 41 genera (exclusive of probable imi-

grants) comprising the Chilean fauna is shown in Table 2 where the following salient
features may be recognized.:
Worldwide genera: Nineteen, or slightly less than one-half of the genera have
essentially a worldwide distribution, being found in polar as well as tropical regions
and therefore tell one little regarding the affinities of the Chilean fauna to other
Antitropical genera: Five, or 22 percent of the remaining twenty-two genera show
an antitropical distribution; being characteristic of temperate regions and lacking from
the tropics. These genera are Cleantis, Dynamenella, Edotea, Serolis, and Paramunna.
Endemics to the southern hemisphere: Sixteen, or 72 percent of the remaining
twenty-two genera are endemic to the southern hemisphere, and include the following:
1. Atnphoroidea 5. Ghaetilia 9. Jsocladus 13. Neojaera
2. Antarchirus 6. Cymodocella 10. Janthopsis 14. Notidotea
3. Austrosignum 7. Euvallentinia 11. Macrochiridothea 15. Paradynamenopsis
4. Cassidinopsis 8. Iathrippa 12. Neastacilla 16. Pleurosignum
8 Robert James Menzies

Table 2. Table of Distribution


1n I If T
"3 _=3
13 ~>
Chilean Genera 2
11 o



1. Aega X
2. Amphoridea X X X
3. Antarcturus* X X X X
4. Astacilla* X X
5. Antias X
6. Austrosignum X X
7. Cassidinopsis X X
8. Chaetilia X X
9. Cirolana X
10. Cleantis X X X X
11. Cymodocella X X X X
12. Dynamenella X X X X
13. Dynamenopsis X
14. Edotea X X X X
15. Euvallentinia X X
16. Excirolana X
17. Exosphaeroma X
18. Gnathia X
19. Iais X X X X X
20. laniropsis X
21. Iathrippa X X X X
22. Idothea* X
23. Isocladus X X
24. Jaeropsis X
25. Janthopais X X X
26. Limnoria X
27. Lironeoa X
28. Macroehiridothea X X
29. Meinertia* X
30. Munna (M.) X
31. Munna (TJ.) X
32. Neastacilla X X
33. Neojaera X X
34. Kotidotea* X X
35. Paradynamenopsta X X
36. Paramunna X X X
37. Paranthura* X
38. Pleurosignum X X
39. Rocinela* X
40. Serolis X X X X X
41. Tridentella X |
Total 19 6 16 3 0 0 7 9 | 5 13 0 5 2

* Xot in L.U.C.E. collections.

The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopoda 9

Of these, two are endemic only to South America, namely, Chaetilia and Macro-
ckiridothea. One genus, Paradynamenopsis, ia new and appears also to be endemic
to South America.
Twin genera: Genera endemic to the southern hemisphere which have comparable
genera in the northern hemisphere are Pleurosignum-Pleurogonium, Isocladus-Zuzara,
Macrockiridotkea-Mesidothea or possibly Chiridothea; Neqjaera-Jaera, andNeastacilla-
Astacilla, Antarcturus-Arctur us. These are all antitropical rather than bipolar twins
except possibly for Antarcturus and Arcturus.
Bipolarity: No bipolar genus is known from the Chilean fauna (see above).
Antarctic or polar affinities: Only five, or 22 percent of the Chilean genera, exclu-
ding new and worldwide genera, are found also in the Antarctic Continent. These
are Serolis, Neojaera (auct Austrofilius), Cymodocella, latkrippa, Pleurosignum, and
Antarcturus. Only one of these, Pleurosignum, is exclusively Chilean-Antarctic.
Subpolar Islands: Genera endemic to the southern hemisphere and common to
one or more subpolar island and also Chile are numerous, amounting to 60 percent
of those Chilean genera. These genera are Austrosignum, Cassidinopsis, Cymodocella,
Dynamenella, Euvallentinia, Iathrippa, Janihopsis, Neastacilla, Neojaera, Serolis,
and Antarcturus.
Peruvian Region and Juan Fernandez Islands: Not one genus endemic to the
southern hemisphere is known yet from the virtually unknown Peruvian region.
This applies also to the much better known marine isopod fauna of the Juan Fer-
nandez Islands off Chile.
South Africa: The Chilean fauna and that of the colder part of South Africa are
markedly similar. The genera in common are of two types: a), antitropical genera
(4) and b), subpolar insular genera (6), Ten, or 45 percent of the Chilean genera,
exclusive of worldwide genera, are found in both places. These genera are: Ampho-
roidea, Cleantis, Cymodocella, Dynamenella, Iais, Isocladus, Janthopsis, Paramunna,
Neojaera (auct. Austrofilius), and Antarcturus.
Australia-New Zealand: Like the South African fauna the Chilean fauna is related
to the Australian-New Zealand fauna through two types of genera, a) antitropical
(4) and b), subpolar insular genera (2) which are found in both places. These genera
are Amphoroidea, Cleantis, Edotea, latkrippa, Iais, and Serolis. These amount to
27 percent of the Chilean genera which are endemic to the southern hemisphere.
The Chilean fauna is most closely related to a generally circumsubpolar fauna
surrounding the Antarctic. The fauna has a much lower percentage of polar genera.
Antitropical and circumsubpolar genera establish the affinities which exist between
the fauna of South Africa, Australia-New Zealand and California. The genera common
to California, Norway and Chile are antitropical, or worldwide genera.
The Chilean marine isopod fauna shows no unusual relationships with the Peruvian
or the fauna of the Juan Fernandez Islands.
Only two genera and possibly a third new one, or about 15 percent of the Chilean
genera which are endemic to the southern hemisphere are endemic to South
10 Robert James Menzies

Table 3. List of species in the L.U.C.E. collection

1. Munna (M.) ehilensis, n. sp. 31. Macrochiridothea stebbingi Ohlin.
2. Munna (M.) lundae, n. sp. 32. Macroehiridothea setifer, n. sp.
3. Munna (U.) schauinslandi (G. O. Sars) 33. Chaetilia paueidens, n. sp.
4. Munna (TJ.) nana Nbrdenstam, f. typica 34. Serolis (S.) plana Dana
and Alpha 35. Serolis (S.) schythei Liitken
5. Paramunna subtriangulata (Richardson) 36. Limnoria (P.) ehilensis, n. sp.
6. Paramunna kerguelensis Vanhoffen 37. Lironeca raynaudi M. Edw.
7. Paramunna simplex n. sp. 38. Aega magnifica (Dana)
8. Austrosignum latifrons n. sp. 39. Aega semicarinata Miers
9. Austrosignum globifrons n. sp. 40. Tridentella laevicephalax, n. sp.
10. Austrosignum grande Hodgson 41. Cirolana ehilensis, n. sp.
11. Pleurosignum magnum Vanhoffen 42. Cirolana ooncinna Hale
12. Pleurosignum chilense n. sp. 43. Cirolana urostylis, n. sp.
13. Antias mawsoni Hale 44. Cirolana robusta, n. sp.
14. Antias laevifrone n. sp. 45. Cirolana albinota Vanhoffen
15. Antias dimorphis n. sp. 46. Excirolana hirsuticauda, n. sp.
16. Jaeropsis intermedius Nordenstam 47. Isocladus calcarea (Dana)
17. Jaeropsis btdens n. sp. 48. Isocladus sp.
18. Iathrippa ehilensis n. sp. 49. Exosphaeroma studeri Vanhoffen
19. Iathrippa multidens n. sp. 50. Exosphaeroma lanceolata (White)
20. Iais pubescens (Dana) 51. Exosphaeroma gigas (Leach)
21. Neojaera elongatus, n. sp. 52. Dynamenella eatoni (Miers)
22. Ianiropsis tridens Menzies 53. Dynamenella tuberculata, n. sp.
23. Ianiropsis perplexus n. sp. 54. Dynamenella acuticauda, n. sp.
24. Ianiropsis ehilensis, n. sp. 55. Cymodocella f oveolata, n. sp.
25. Janthopsis laevis, n. sp. 56. Amphoroidea typa Milne-Edw.
26. Neastacilla magellanica (Ohlin) 57. Euvallentinia darwini (Cunningham)
27. Edotea dahli n. sp. 58. Dynamenopsis bakeri, n. sp.
28. Edotea transversa, n. sp. 59. Cassidinopsis emarginata (G.-M.)
29. Cleantis ehilensis, n. sp. 60. Paradynamenopsis lundae, n. sp.
30. Macroehiridothea michaelseni Ohlin 61. Gnathia vanhoffeni, n. sp.

Species distribution

Sixty-one species excluding varieties were in the L.U.C.E. collections (Table 3). To
this may be added seven species from the Magellan region and some others which
had been reported previously but were not in the L.U.C.E. collections (Table 4).
These include Cymodocella tuhicauda, Chaetilia ovata, Excirolana ehilensis, Gnathia
antarctica, Idothea metallica, Jaeropsis curvicomis, Meinertta gaudichaudi, Paranthura
porteri, Serolis paradoxa, and Serolis gaudichaudi.

General distribution

The generalized picture of distribution of the Chilean species of marine isopods

is one in which the majority are restricted to the Chilean coast.
Chilean Endemics: Over one-half of the species are known from the Chilean coast
and from nowhere else.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine laopods 11

Table 4. Distribution of Chilean Species Within Chile

Cold Temperate
WarmTemperate Subpolar

© in © ©
S.Lat. ©
2 ©
J o

1. Paramunna kerguelensis X
2. Munna (M.) ehilensis X
3. Munna (M.) hmdae X
4. Paramunna subtriangulata X
5. Austrosignum globifrons X
6. Neastacilla magellanica X
7. Macrochiridothea miehaelseni X
8. Antareturus americanus X
9. Astaeilla diomedea X
10. Edotea tuberculata X
11. Edotea magellanica X
12. Iathrippa longicauda X
13. Macrochiridothea kruimeli X
14. Rocinela australis X
15. Notidotea rotundicauda X
16. Euvallentinia darwini X
17. Cassidinopsis emarginata X
18. Iathrippa multidens X
19. Iais pubeseens X X X
20. Pleurosignum chilense X X
21. Ianiropsis ehilensis X X
22. Iathrippa ehilensis X X
23. Serolis (f.) schythei X X
24. Exosphaeroma studeri X
25. Dynamenella acuticauda X X X
26. Exosphaeroma gigas X X
27. Edotea dahli X X X
28. Dynamenella eatoni X X X X X
29. Munna (U.) nana f. ("a") X X X X
30, Exosphaeroma lanceolata X X X
31. Edotea transversa X
32. Cirolana urostylis X
33. Aega semicarinata X
34. Tridentella laevicephalax X
35. Janthopsis laevis X
36. Paramunna simplex X
37. Austrosignum latifrons X
38. Antias mawsoni X
39. Pleurosignum magnum X X X
40. Jaeropsis intermedius X
41. Macrochiridothea stebbingi X
42. Aega magnifica X X
43. Isocladus sp. X
44. Munna (U.) schauinslandi X
12 Robert James Menzies

Table 4.
| Cold Temperate
Warm Temperate Subpolar
SPECIES © O © © lO
S.Lat. i so 1
6 IN
in o

45. Cirolana concinna X

46. Cirolana chilensis X
47. Munna (TJ.) nana f. typica X
48. Lironeoa raynaudi X
49. Cirolana albinota X
50. Gnathia vanhoffeni X
51. Serolis (8.) plana X
52. Antias dimorphis X
53. Ianiropsis perplexue X
54. Macrochiridothea setifer X
55. Austrosignum grande X
56. Limnoria (P.) chilensis X X
57. Excirolana hirsuticauda X X X
57. Paradynamenopsis hindae, dwarfs X X X
59. Paradynamenopsis lundae, giants X X X X
60. Amphoroidea typa X X X X X
61. Isoeladus calcarea X X X
62. Neojaera elongatus X X
63. Cymodocella foveolata X X X
64. Jaeropsis bidens X X X X
65. Chaetilia paucidens X
66. Cirolana robusta X
67. Dynamenella tuberculata X X X
68. Antias laevifrons X X
69. Dynamenopsis bakeri X X X
70. Cleantis chilensis X
71. Ianiropsis tridens X

Chile and Falkland Islands: Slightly less than 15 percent of the Chilean species,
or 12 of the total extend to the Falkland Islands as well. They certainly would be
expected to occur in Patagonia and many do.
Antitropical species: Only one species, Ianiropsis tridens is antitropical in distribu-
tion. This species is known from California and Chile.
Chile and South Africa: Eight species, or about 10 percent of the Chilean species
occur in South Africa as well. These are:

1. Iathrippa longicauda 5. Exosphaeroma lanceolata

2. lais pubescens 6. Lironeca raynaudii
3. Exosphaeroma studeri 7. Isoeladus calcarea
4. Exosphaeroma gigas S. Jaeropsis curvicomis
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 13

These species are all very "old" species nomenclaturally and may actually involve
one or more different species.
Chile and Antarctic: Close to 10 percent or seven of the species are common to
the Antarctic and Chile. Two of them are found at the Falkland Islands as well.
Peruvian affinities: Only one species, the parasitic Meinertia gaudichaudi is believed
to be common to Chile and Peru. This species was not in the L.U.C.E. collections.
Australian affinities: Three species are common to Chile and Australia, These are:
1. Exosphaeroma gigas 3. Lironeca raynaudi
2. Cirolana concinna
Circumsubpolar species: Chilean species also found at one or more subpolar islands
are six in number. They will probably be found to be truly circumsubpolar. These are:
1. Paramunna kerguelensis 4. Iais pubescens
2. Paramunna subtriangulata 5. Dynamenella eatoni
3. lathrippa longicauda 6. Aega semicarinata

A list of the marine isopods reported from Peru

The following is a list of the species of marine isopods which have been reported
to occur in Peru, This list is probably far under the actual representation and clearly
indicates the inadequacy of our knowledge regarding the marine isopod fauna of
Meinertia gaudichaudi Asotana formosa S. & M.,
Sphaeroma peruvianum Sphaeroma laevigatum PHILLIPPI,
Orbimorphus constrictus Sphaeroma propinquum NICOLET,
RICHARDSON, RICHARDSON, 1910 NIERSTRASZ, 1931 ( = Exosphaeroma
Anilocra laevis MIERS, RICHARDSON, gigas (LEACH)
1910 Sphaeroma gayi NICOLET,
Cymothoa oestrum ( L I N N E ) NIERSTRASZ, 1931 ( = Exosphaeroma
RICHARDSON,1910 lanceolata W H I T E )

Distribution within Chile

Magellan or subpolar fauna: This fauna characterizes the Magellan or subpolar

region and consists of 19 (of the approximate 77 species) which are not known
northward of this region in Chile. These species are:
1. Antarcturus americanus 4. Cassidinopsis emarginata
2. Astacilla diomedea 5. Edotea magellanica
3. Austrosignum globifrons 6. Edotea tuberculata
14 Robert James Menzies

7. Euvallentinia darwini 14. Neastacilla magellanica

8. Iathrippa longicauda 15. Notidotea rotundicauda
9. Iathrippa multidens n. sp. 16. Paramunna kerguelensis n. sp.
10. Macrochiridothea kruimeli 17. Paramunna subtriangulata
11. Macrochiridothea michaelseni 18. Rocinela australis
12. Munna (M.) chilensis n. sp. 19. Exosphaeroma studeri
13. Munna (M.) lundae n. sp.

An additional sixteen species are found in the Magellan region and in locations
northward. These species are found in the cold temperate region as well. They are:

1. Iais pubescens 9. Dynamenella eatoni

2. Pleurosignum chilense n. sp. 10. Munna (U.) nana f. "&"
3. laniropsis chilense n. sp. 11. Exosphaeroma lanceolata
4. Iathrippa chilense n. sp. 12. Aega magnifica
5. Serolis (8.) schythei 13. Paradynamenopsis lundae, dwarfs
6. Dynamenella acuticauda 14. Amphoroidea typa
7. Exosphaeroma gigas 15. Isocladuscalcarea
8. Edotea dahli n. sp. 16. Pleurosignum magnum

Not one species is a member of all of the Chilean regions.

Cold temperate fauna: All of the above sixteen species are members of the cold
temperate fauna. I n addition to them, twenty-eight are found only here. These are:

1. Cirolana urostylis n. sp. 15. Cirolana concinna

• 2.Aega semicarinata 16. Cirolana chilensis n. sp.
3. Tridentella laevicephalax n. sp. 17. Munna (U.) nana f. typica
4. Janthopsis laevis n. sp. 18. Lironeca raynaudi
5. Paramunna simplex n. sp. 19. Cirolana albinota
G. Austrosignum grande 20. Gnathia vanhoffeni n. sp.
7. Austrosignum latifrons n. sp. 21. Serolis (S.) plana
8. Antias laevifrons, n.sp. 22. Antias dimorphis n. sp.
9. Antias mawsoni 23. Macrochiridothea setifer n. sp.
10. Jaeropsis intermedins 24. laniropsis perplexus n. sp.
11. Macrochiridothea stebbingi 25. Edotea transversa
12. Cirolana robusta n.sp. 26. Limnoria (P.) chilensis, n.sp.
13. Isocladus sp. 27. Excirolana hirsutieauda, n.sp
14. Munna (V.) schauinslandi 28. Chaetilia paucideus, n. sp.

Warm temperate fauna ("Peruvian"): Only two species are found restricted to the
warm temperate region. These species are Gleantis chilensis and laniropsis tridens.
Nine species are found there additionally, and they are:
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 15

1. Exosphaeroma lanceolata 5. Neojaera elongatus n. sp.

2. Paradynamenopsis lundae, 6. CymodoceUa foveolata n. sp.
n. sp. 7. Jaeropsis bidens n. sp.
3. Munna (U.) nana forma ("a.") n. 8, Dynamenella tuberculata n. sp.
var. 9. Dynamenopsis bakeri n. sp.
4. Amphoroidea typa

Juan Fernandez Islands: Only one species, JEga semicarinata, a fish parasite,
is common to Chile and the J u a n Fernandez Islands. The species, like the genera,
show scarcely any affinity with the Fernandez Islands fauna.
About 10 species were not included in the above enumerations due to the fact
t h a t the data regarding them was too scanty to permit a discussion of their distribu-
The Chilean coast-line affords a variety of habitats. The majority of the intertidal
species were collected from exposed rocky beach, fewer were collected from exposed
sandbeach locations. Fewer intertidal species were collected from sheltered rocky
beach localities and still fewer from sheltered sandy beach stations. The Chilean
intertidal marine fauna is composed in the main of species inhabiting the exposed
wave-swept rocky beaches.
Exposed rocky beach: The marine isopods inhabiting the exposed rock beaches of
Chile amount to 37, or over half of all species collected. These are:

I. Amphoridea typa 21. Ianiropsis chilensis n. sp.

2. Antias dimorphis n. sp. 22. Ianiropsis tridens
8. Antias laevifrons n. sp. 23. Ianiropsis perplexus n. sp.
4. Antias mawsoni 24. Isocladus calcarea
5. Austrogisnum globifrons n. sp. 25. Jaeropsis bidens n. sp.
0. Cassidinopsis emarginata 26. Limnoria (P.) chilensis n. sp.
7. Cirolana robusta n. sp. 27. Munna (M.) chilensis n. sp.
8. Cymodocella foveolata n. sp. 28. Munna {M.) lundae n. sp.
ft, Dynamenella eatoni 29. Munna (U.) nana f. "a"
10. Dynamenella acuticauda n. sp. 30. Neastacilla magellanica
11. Dynamenella tuberculata n. sp. 31. Neojaera elongatus n. sp.
12. Dynamenopsis bakeri n. sp. 32. Paradynamenopsis lundae, dwarf
13. Euvallentinia darwini n. sp.
14. Exosphaeroma gigas 33. Paradynamenopsis lundae, giants
15. Exosphaeroma lanceolata n. sp.
16. Exosphaeroma studeri 34. Pleurosignum chilense n. sp.
17. Iais pubescens 35. Paramunna kerguelensis n. sp.
18. Iathrippa chilensis n. sp. 36. Paramunna subtriangulata
19. Iathrippa longicauda 37. Exciroktna hirsuticauda, n. sp.
20. Iathrippa multidens n. sp.

Sheltered rocky beach. Four of the species found at exposed rocky beach localities
are also found at the sheltered rocky beach localities these are:

1. Dynamenella tuberculata n. sp. 4. Paradynamenopsis lundae, giants

2. Dynamenopsis bakeri n. sp. n. sp.
3. Cirolana concinna 5. Isocladus calcarea
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and System aties of the Chilean Marine Isopods 17

Additionally one species was found only at the sheltered rocky beach localities.
This was Munna (U.) schauinslandi
Exposed sand beach: The species found at the sandy beaches of exposed locations
are five in number:

1. Macrochirodothea michaelseni 4. Exospkaeroma lanceolata

2. Isoladus calcarea 5. Excirolana hirsuticauda n. sp.
3. Edotea dahli

Protected sand beach: The species Chaetilia paucidens, Excirolana hirsuticauda and
Girolana concinna were the only ones found at this habitat.
Depth distribution: Twenty-three species were found a t depths below the intertidal
and were never captured from the intertidal.
0—10 meters: Here were seven species, Euvallentinia darwini and Antias mawsoni,
Isocladus calcarea, Exospkaeroma lanceolata, Amphoridea typa, Iani-
ropsis chilensis, Munna nana f. {"a").
10—20 meters: Five species were found in this depth range. They are: Aega magnifica,
Gleantis chilensis, Onathia vanhoffeni, Cirolana chilensis, and Serolis
20—40 meters: Sixteen species were found between this depth range. They are:

1. Aega semicarinata 9. Macrochiridothea setifer

2. Austrosignum grande 10. Macrochiridothea stebbingi
3. Antias mawsoni 11. Pleurosignum magnum
4. Cirolana chilensis 12. Serolis plana
5. Cirolana urostylis 13. TridenteUa laevicepkalax
6. Gnathia vanhoffeni 14. Isocladus sp.
7. Ianiropsis chilensis 15. Aega magnifica
8. lathrippa chilensis 16. Edotea dahli

40—80 meters: Nine species were found between these depths: Aega magnifica,
Pleurosignum magnum, Girolana chilensis, Gnathia vanhoffeni, Jan-
thopsis laevis, Edotea dahli, Pleurosignum chilense, lathrippa
chilensis, and Serolis schythei,
80—100 meters: Nine species were found here, Austrosignum, latifrons, Girolana
albinota, Janthopsis laevis, Jaeropsis intermedius, Edotea dahli,
Edotea transversa, Munna (U.) nana f. typica, Paramunna sim-
plex, and lathrippa chilensis.
Belov- 100 m: Two species were found below 100 meters. These were lathrippa
chilensis, and Jaeropsis bidens.
Eurybathyal species. Ten intertidal species also were found at significant subtidal
depths. These were:
18 Robert James Menzies

1. Amphoroidea typa to 6 m. 6. latkrippa chilensis to 300 m

2. Antias mawsoni to 40 m 7. Isocladus calcarea to 6 m
3. Edotea dahli to 60 m 8. Jaeropsis bidens to 300 m
4. Exosphaeroma lanceolata to 5 m 9. Munna (U.) nana /. ("a") to 8 m
5. Ianiropsis chilensis to 40 m 10. Pleurosignum chilense to 70 m
Subtidal eurybaihyal species include:
1. Cirolana chilensis 12 — 60 m 4. Pleurosignum. magnum 20—45 m
2. Gnatkia vankofjeni 20—225 m 5. Serolis schythei 15—70 m
3. Jantkopsis laevis 50—100 m
The eurybathyal species are of interest because of the possibility that they might
show submergence coincident with their geographic separation. This appears to be
the case for three species, namely, Ianiropsis chilensis, Iathrippa chilensis, and
Pleurosignum chilense.
Brackish water species. One species, Munna (U.) schauinslandi was taken from
water which was quite brackish. The genus Notidotea which was not in the collec-
tions of L.U.C.E. is reported to be euryhaline in Chile and, like Munna (U.) schauins-
landi, is also known from New Zealand and the Chatham Islands as well, in similar
List of stations at which marine Isopoda were collected by the
Lund University Chile Expedition
Cf. BBATTSTHOM & DABX (1951) 1952.

St. M 3. Seno Reloncavi, Canal Tenglo, Isla Tenglo, northern shore, opposite Puerto Montt
harbour, 41°29'15" S, 72°57'50" W; tidal belt, very sheltered; Band and gravel with mud and
small stones; hand sampling; macro- and micro-fauna samples from stones, algae and mud;
November 29, 1948. Cirolana cuncinna, Isodadus calcarea, Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St. M 6. Canal Chaoao, Bahia de Aneud, Playa Brava, between Punta San Antonio and
Punta Colorada, 4l°51'35" S, 73°49'20" W; tidal belt, extremely exposed; rooks and boulders;
hand sampling; November 16 and 19, 1948 and February 2, 1949. lais pubescens, Isocladus
calcarea, Exosphaeroma lanceolata.
St. M 7. Canal Chacao, Golfo de Quetalmahue, SW of Punta Bangui, 41°50'40" S, 73°57'10" W;
depth 2—5 m; wooden frames with concrete for oyster cultures; hand samphng; November 17,
1948. Isocladus calcarea, Exosphaeroma lanceolata.
St. M 8. Canal Chacao, Golfo de Quetalmahue, Isla Pullinque, N of Punta Rangui, 41°50'12" S,
73°56'57" W; tidal belt, sheltered, rocks, hand sampling; November 17, 1948. Isocladus calcarea.
St. M 9. Canal Chacao, Bahia de Ancud, Peninsula Lacui, Punta Ahui, southern shore,
41°49'54" S, 73°51'46" W; tidal belt, rather exposed; rocks, boulders and stones; hand sampling;
November 17, 1948; samples from under stones. Isocladus calcarea; Exosphaeroma lanceolata;
Micro fauna samples from algae. Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St. M 10. Canal Chacao, Bahia de Ancud, Punta El Morro, 41°52'42" S, 73°50'46" W; tidal
belt, very exposed; rocks and stones; hand sampling; micro-famia samples from algae and under
stones; November 18, 1948 and March 2, 1949. Exospliaeroma lanceolata, Isocladus calcarea,
Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St. M 11. Canal Chacao, Bahia de Ancud, Lechagua, 41 c 53'03" S, 73°51'18" W; tidal belt,
very exposed; sand beach with rather fine sand; hand sampling; November 18, 1948. Isocladus
calcarea, Exosphaeroma lanceolata.
St. M13. Seno Reloncavi, Canal Tenglo, between Isla Tenglo ("Quinta Hoffman") and
Angelm6 (ship-yard " I r a r a r " ) , 41°29'16" S, 72°58'10"W; depth 0—6 m, very sheltered;
stones, gravel and sand with mud; brood trawl; November 30, 1948. Isocladus calcarea, Ampho-
roidea typa.
St. M 14. Seno Reloncavi, the bay off Puerto Montt, between Isla Tenglo and Punta Pilluco,
41°30'05" S, 72°56'22" W; depth 225 m; small stones and boulders in fine sand; Agassiz trawl;
position and depth somewhat uncertain; December 1, 1948. lathrippa chilensis, Gnathia van-
St. M 16. Seno Reloncavi, Piedra Azul, NW of Punta Quillaipe, 41°31'30" S, 72°48'15" W
(the position indicates the centre of the trawling area); depth, 40—55 m; sand and small atones;
December 4, 1948. Lironeca raynaudi. — Depth 30 m; hard, grey, coarse sand; circular dredge,
Agassiz trawl and Van Veen grab; December 14, 1948. Cirolana chilensis.
St. M 20. Golfo de Ancud, northern part, Estero Huito, central part, 41°43 W S, 73°10T5" W;
20 Robert James Menzies

depth 15 m; very fine sand mixed with mud; triangular dredge, circular dredge, Agassiz trawl;
December 15, 1948. Aega magnijica, Cirolana chilensis.
St. M 21. Golfo de Ancud, northern part, Canal Calbuco, between Punta Meimen and P u n t a
Pinto, 41°48'50" S, 73°09'40" W; depth 25 m; small stones; triangular dredge and Agassiz trawl;
December 15, 1948. Edotea dahli, Aega magnijica.
St. M 22. Golfo de Ancud, northern part, Isla Quenu, Punta Pinto, western side, 41°49'15" S,
73°10'15" W; tidal belt, rather exposed; boulders and stones in sand; hand sampling; December
16, 1948 and May 11, 1949, Isocladus calcarea, Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St. M 23. Golfo de Ancud, northern part, Isla Quenu, Punta Pinto, northern side, 41°49'10" S,
73°10' W; tidal belt, rather sheltered; boulders and stones in sand; hand sampling; December
16, 1948, Isocladus calcarea.
St. M 24. Seno Reloncavi, S of Isla Guar, W of Bajo Pucarl, 41°44'25" S, 72°55'45" W;
about 70 m; sand with shells; Agassiz trawl; December 16, 1948. Iathrippa chilensis, Serolis
(S.) schythei.
St. M 27. Golfo de Ancud, northern part, between Isla Quenu and Isla Chidguapi, 41°49'40" S,
73°08' W; depth 45 m; coarse sand with shells; triangular dredge and Agassiz trawl; May 3,
1949. Edotea dahli, Aega magnifica, Gnathia vanhoffeni.
St. M 29. Seno Reloncavi, Estero Reloncavi, inner part. Bahia Ralun, E of Punta Direcei6n;
41°24'30" S, 72°19'45" W; depth 35—40 m; very fine, elay-like sand; triangular dredge, rectan-
gular dredge and Agassiz trawl; January 4, 1949. Cirolana chilensis.
St. M 30. Seno Reloncavi, Estero Reloncavi, inner part. Bahia Ralun, Banco Petrohue,
41°24' S, 72°19'20" W; tidal belt, very sheltered, old tree trunks with barnacles; hand sampling;
J a n u a r y 5, 1949. Munna {U.) schauinslandi.
St. M 33. Canal Chacao, Bahia de Ancud, Punta San Antonio, 41 D 51'33" S, 73°50'14" W;
tidal belt, extremely exposed; rocks; hand sampling; micro-fauna sample from algae; January
3, 1949. Exospliaeroma lanceoktta, Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St. M 37. Seno Reloncavi, Punta Pilluco, 41°30'06" S, 72°53'57" W; tidal belt, rather exposed;
boulders in sand, some beds of hard clay; hand sampling; micro-fauna samples from algae;
March, 1949. Isocladus calcarea, Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St. M 39. Seno Reloncavi, the bay E of the church on Isla Quellin, 41 o 52'30" S, 72=53'50" W ;
depth 25 m; bottom unknown; dip net; January 22, 1949. Cirolana chilensis.
St. M 40. Seno Reloncavi, N. of Isla Quellin, 41'50' S, 72 c 55' W; depth 100 m; small stones,
probably on hard sand; triangular dredge, Agassiz trawl; January 23, 1949. Munna (U.) nana,
Paramunna simplex. Austrosignum latifrons, Jaeropsis intermedins, Iathrippa chilensis, Jan-
thopsis laevis, Edotea dahli, Edotea transversa.
St. M 41. Golfo de Ancud, eastern and southern part, ESE of Isla Tac, 42°26'40" S, 72°59' W;
depth 250—300 in; sand and clay with small stones and shells; triangular dredge; January 23,
1949. Jaeropsis bidens, Iathrippa chilensis.
St. M 42. Golfo de Ancud, western part, Paso Tenaun, S of Punta Tenaun, 42°20'50" S, 73°22'
W; about 50 m depth; hard bottom; triangular dredge; micro-fauna samples from algae and
Spongiae; January 24, 1949. Pleurosignum chilense, Iathrippa chilensis, Janthopsis laevis,
Gnathia vanhoffeni.
St. M 43. Golfo de Ancud, western part, between Quemchi and Isla Caucauhue, W of Punta
Quelar, 40°08'20" S, 73°28'20" W, 30—40 m depth; coarse sand, small stones, and a few boulders;
triangular dredge; January 24, 1949. Gnathia vanhoffeni.
St. M 47. Seno Reloncavi, Paso Maillen, between Punta Panitao and Punta Puchegui,
41°33'45" S, 73°02'05" W; depth about 22 m; coarse sand with Chaetopierus tubes, small stones
with calcareous algae; triangular dredge; micro-fauna samples; January 25, 1949. Iathrippa
chilensis, laniropsis chilensis.
St. M 49. Seno Reloncavi, Isla Guar, bay on the western side, 41Q40'55" S, 73° W; tidal belt,
rather sheltered; stones, shell-sand; hand sampling; miero-fauna samples from sand and algae;
February 6, 1949. Munna (U.) schauinslandi.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 21

St. M 52. Islas Guaitecas, Puerto Melinka, 43°53'45" S, 73°44'30" W; tidal belt, rather ex-
posed; rocks, stones and sand; hand sampling; February 14, 1949. Antias dimorphis,Limnoria
(P.) chilensis.
St. M 55. Canal Chacao, Bahia de Aneud, between Punta San Antonio and Punta Colorada,
41°51'30* S, 73°49'40" W; tidal belt, extremely exposed; rocks with rock pools; hand sampling;
January 25—27, 1949 and March 7, 1949. Dynamenella eatoni, Isocladus calcarea.
St. M 56. Canal Chacao, Peninsula Laqui, Punta Corona, norheastem point, 40°47' S, 73°
53'07" W; tidal belt, extremely exposed; flat rocks with small holes and very shallow rock pools;
hand sampling; February 26, 28, 1949. Jaeropsia bidens, Isocladus calcarea, Exospkaeroma
lance,oktta, Dynamenella eatoni, Dynamenella tuberculata, Dynamenella acuticauda, Cymodocella
foveolata, Amphoroidea typa, Dynamenopsis bakeri.
St. M 57. Canal Chacao, Bahia de Ancud, Pemnsual Lacui, Punta Ahui, 41°49'51" S, 73°
51'46" W; tidal belt, very exposed; rocks with rock pools; hand sampling; March 1, 1949. Dyna-
menella eatoni, Amphoroidea typa.
St. M 59. Seno Reloncavi, Canal Tenglo, Isla Tenglo, western point, 41°30'45" S, 73°00'13" W;
tidal belt, rather exposed; upper part with beds of hard clay, lower parts with boulders and
stones in mud; hand sampling; March 13—14, 1949, Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St. M GO. Seno Reloncavi, Isla Tenglo, the bay on the south side, 41°30'15" S, 72°58'50" W;
tidal belt, rather exposed; sand; hand sampling; macro- and micro-fauna samples; March 25,
29, 1949. Cirolana concinna, Excirolana hirsuticauda, Isocladus calcarea.
St. M 64. Golfo Corcovado, lightbuoy Vettor Pisani, 42°46'20" S, 73°28' W; depth 0—10 m;
very exposed; buoy and accumulator, cable and anchor; hand sampling; had been at its station
for one year after last cleaning and painting; February 17, 1949. Ianiropsis chilensis.
St. M 69. Boca (Paso) del Guafo, Isla Guafo, Punta Weather, 43°33'30" S, 74°49'30" W;
tidal belt, extremely exposed; rocks; hand sampling; February 19, 1949. Dynamenella acuticauda.
St. M 70. Boca (Paso) del Guafo, Isla Guafo, the anchorage E of Punta weather, 43°33' S,
74 J 49'W; depth 25 m; rather coarse sand with some stones; circular dredge; February 19,
1949. Macrochirodothea setifer, Serolis (S.) plana, Cirolana urostylis.
St. M 71. Archipielago do los Chonos, Canal Moraleda, Cayo Blanco, 44°48'20" S, 73°35' W;
tidal belt, very exposed; steep rocks; hand sampling; micro-fauna samples; February 21, 1949.
Dynamenella eatoni.
St. M 72. Archipielago do los Chonos, Canal Moraleda, El Morro, 45°07'40" S, 73°40'40" W;
tidal belt, exposed; steep rocks with roek pools; hand sampling; February 21, 1949. lais pub-
escens, Dynamenella eatoni, Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St. M 73. Archipielago de los Chonos, Canal Errazuriz, "Islote Elena", (Faro Islote Diego),
45D39'20" S, 73°52' W; tidal belt, rather exposed; rather steep rocks; hand sampling; micro-
fauna samples; February 22, 1949. Paradynamenopsis lundae. — Depth 3—5 m; small stones,
sand and gravel, some detritus; circular dredge; micro-fauna samples; February 22, 1949.
Isocladus calcarea.
St. M 74. Archipielago de los Chonos, Canal Moraleda, Puerto Lagunas, 45°17' S, 73°45' W;
depth 5—7 m; stones with algae and Mytilidae; hand sampling with diver; February 22, 1949.
Amphoroidea typa.
St. M 75. Archipielago de los Chonos, Canal Moraleda, Pefion Blanco, 44°24' S, 73°34' W;
tidal belt, very exposed; rather steep rocks with roek pools; hand sampling; February 24, 1949.
Munna (U.) nana, Antias laevifrons, -Ianiropsis perplexus, Dynamenella eatoni, Paradynamenopsis
St. M 77. Archipielago de los Chonos, Canal Moraleda, Islotes Locos, 43°59'20" S, 73°27' W;
tidal belt, extremely exposed; rocks; hand sampling, micro-fauna samples; February 25, 1949.
Ianiropsis perplexus.
St. M 78. Archipielago de los Chonos, Canal Perez Norte, Roca Negra, 44°07' S, 73°47' W;
tidal belt, very exposed; rocks with roek pools; hand sampling; micro-fauna samples from algae;
February 26, 1949. Cymodocella foveloata.
22 Robert James Menzies

St. M 82. Seno Reloncavi, Estero Reloncavi, central part. Bahia Sotomo, 41 c 38'30" S, 72°
22'47" W; tidal belt, rather sheltered; rocks; hand sampling; March 31, 1949. Paradynamenopsis
St. M 86. Seno Reloncavi, Estero Reloncavi. Inner part. W of Relonhue, 41°28'4CT S, 72°
19'25" W; depth 100 m; sand with a little mud and some stones; triangular dredge; March 31,
1949. Cirolana albinota.
St. M 88. Seno Reloncavi, Estero Reloncavi. Inner part. Bahia Ralun, between Cayo Xahuel-
giiapi and Punta Veriles, 41°24'30*' S, 72°18'58" W; depth 12 m; coarse sand, tree trunks and
leaves from terrestrial plants; circular dredge; April 1, 1949. Cirolana chilensis.
St. M 91. Seno Reloncavi, Ensenada de Guatral, SW of Punta Guatral, 41°43' S, 73°03'15" W;
tidal belt, rather sheltered; boulders and stones on sand; h and sampling; April 13, 1949. Isocladus
calcarea, Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St.M94. Canal Chacao, W of Rocas Amazonas, 41°46'30" S, 73°45'45" W; depth 40 m;
small stones; triangular dredge, rectangular dredge; May 4, 1949. Antias mawsoni, Janiropsis
chilensis, Isocladus sp.
St. M 95. Canal Chacao, Golfo de Quetalmahud, SW of Punta Aucan, 41°51' S, 73°57'10" W;
depth 6—7 m; muddy sand covered with dead algae; shells; triangular and rectangular dredge;
May 4, 1949. Ianiropsis chilensis.
St. M 98. Canal Chacao, Bahia de Ancud, SE of Punta Ahui, 4r50'10" S, 73°51'20' 7 W;
depth 8 m; small stones with algae; triangular and rectangular dredge; May 5, 1949. Munna
(U.) nana, Antias mawsoni, Ianiropsis chilensis.
St. M 104. Golfo de Ancud, northern part, SE of Punta Tres Cruzes, XE of Punta Piedras,
41°&Q'30* S, 73°28'30" W; depth 50—60 m; stones and clinkers; triangular dredge; May 5, 1949.
Edotea dahli.
St. M 107. Golfo de Ancud, northern part, X of Punta Barranco at Isla Abtao, 41t>47'18" S,
73°20'55" W; depth 60 m; coarse sand with mud and some dead algae; triangular dredge and
Agassiz trawl; May 5, 1949. Cirolana chilensis.
St. M 108. Golfo de Ancud, northern part, Canal San Antonio, inner part, 41°44'10" S,
73°15'15" W; depth 15 m; coarse shell and dead algae; triangular dredge; May 6, 1949. Serolis
(S.) schythei.
St. MHO. Golfo de Ancud, northern part, SE of Bajo Corvio, 41°50'45" S, 73°12'10"W;
depth 24 m; stones with calcareous algae; triangular dredge; May 6, 1949. Aega semicarinata,
Tridentella laevicephalax.
St. M 112. Estrecho de Magallanes, Punta Arenas, X of the town Punta Arenas, 53"08' S,
70 = 51' W; tidal belt, exposed (shelter kelp); sand; hand sampling; micro-fauna samples; May 1,
1949. Edotea dahli, Macrochiridothea michaelseni, Exosphaeroma lanceolata.
St. M 113. Estrecho de Magallanes, Punta Santa Maria, near Agua Fresca, 53°22' S, 70°57' Wj
tidal belt, exposed, (shelter, kelp); sand, gravel, and muddy clay, covered with boulders, hand
sampling; May 2, 1949. lais pubescens, Exosphaeroma gigas, Dynamenella eatoni.
St. M 114. Estrecho de Magallanes, Punta Santa Maria, near Agua Fresca, 53°22' S, 70°57' W;
holdfasts of kelp, thrown up on the shore during gale; May 2, 1949. lathrippa chilensis, Euval-
lentinia darwinii.
St. M 115. Estrecho de Magallanes, near the estuary of Rio los Ciervos, S of Punta Arenas,
53°11'S, 70°55'W; tidal belt, exposed (shelter; kelp); gravel and clay, mixed with mud and
covered with boulders; hand sampling; May 3, 1949. Munna {M.) chileyisis, Munna (M.) lundae,
Munna (U.) nana, Paramunna subtriangulata, Paramunna Icerguelensis, Austrosignum globifrons,
Pleurosignum chilense, Antias mawsoni, lathrippa chilensis, lathrippa multidens, lais pubescens,
Ianiropsis chilensis, Neastacilla magellanica, Exosphaeroma studeri, Exosphaeroma gigas, Dyna-
menella acuticauda, Cassidinopsis emarginata.
St. M120. Bahia San Vicente, the Ramuntcho bay, SE of Punta Gualpen, 36°44'54" S,
73°11'02" W; tidal belt, exposed; hard rocks and boulders. Between the lower boulders coarse
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 23

sand; hand sampling; June 8, 1949. Cirolana robusta, Exosphaeroma gigas, Dynamenella eatoni,
Amphoroidea typa, Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St. M 121. Bahia San Vicente, Punta Liles just W of San Vicente, 36°43'36* S, 73°08'10* W;
tidal belt, rather exposed; rocks with small rock pools; boulders; June 9, 1949, Paradynamenopsis
lundae. — Micro-fauna samples from algae. lAmnoria (P.) chilensis.
St. M 122. Golfo de Arauco, Bahia de Lota, small promontories SE of Punta Fuerto Viejo,
37D06'17" S, 73°09'15" W; tidal belt, extremely exposed; hard rocks and boulders in coarse
sand; hand sampling; June 10, 1949. Dynamenella eatoni, Amphoroidea typa. — Micro-fauna
samples from algae; June 10, 1949. Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St. M 123. Montemar (N of Valparaiso), Estacion de biologfa marina, 32°57'24* S, 71°33'25" W;
tidal belt, exposure varying in different parts of the station; rocks with rock pools; hand sampling;
September 17, 19, 21, 1948; October 5, 14, 15, 16, 1948; June 15, 1949. Antias mawsoni, Antias
laevifrons, Jaeropsis btdens, Neojaera elongatus, Edotea dahli, Isocladus calcarea, Dynamenella
tuberculata, Cymodocella joevolata, Amphoroidea typa, Paradynamenopsis lundae. — Micro-fauna
samples from algae; September 15, October 17, 1948; December 14—16, 1948. Munna {U.)
nana, Antias laevifrons, Cymodocella foevolata, Dynamenella eatoni.
St. M V2i. Bahia Herradura de Guayacan, northern part, SW of the factory "Melon", W of
Guayacan, 29°57'55* S, 71°22'17" W; tidal belt, rather sheltered; hard rocks; hand sampling;
June 21, 1949. Dynamenella tuberculata, Dynamenopsis bakeri, Paradynamenopsis lundae.
St. M 127. Peninsula Coquimbo, headland S of Roea Pelieanos, N of Coquimbo ("Fuerte"),
29°55'56' S, 71°22'08" W; tidal belt, very exposed; yellow rocks; hand sampling; June 24, 1949.
Dynamenella tuberculata, Amphoroidea typa, Dynamenopsis bakeri, Paradynamenopsis lundae.
— Micro-fauna sample from algae; June 24, 1949. Jaeropsis bidens.
St. M 131. Iquique, southern part of the town, 20°13'10" S, 70°10'19' W; tidal belt, extremely
exposed; red rocks with rock pools; hand sampling; July 1, 4, 6, 1949. laniropsis tridens, Dyna-
menopsis bakeri. — Micro-fauna sample from algae; July 4, 1949. Munna [V.) nana (var. "a"),
Jaeropsis bidens, Neojaera elongatus, laniropsis tridens, Cymodocella foveolata.
St. M 133. Iquique, the harbour, 20°12'30" S, 7O°10'19" W; tidal belt, very sheltered; roeks
and boulders; hand sampling; July 2, 1949. Dynamenopsis bakeri.
St. M 134. Punta Negra, N of Iquique, 20°H'13' , 'S, 70°09'15" W; tidal belt, extremely ex-
posed; sand beach; hand sampling, July 3, 1949. Exosphaeroma lanceolata.
St. M 135. Cavancha, S of Iquique, 20°14'07" S, 70°10'05' W; tidal belt, exposure varying
in different parts of the station; rocks with rock pools; hand sampling; July 5, 1949. Jaeropsis
bidens, Neojaera elongatus, Dynamenopsis bakeri.
St. M 142. Seno Reloncavi, the bay off Puerto Montt, E of Isla Tenglo, 41°30'15" S, 72°
57'50" W; depth abt. 35 m; coarse sand; triangular dredge; July 14, 1949. Austrosignum grande.
St. M 145. Seno Reloncavi, Bahia Chincui, 41°32' S, 73°01'3O W; depth 70—80 m; fine, soft,
grey sand with small stones; triangular dredge and Agassiz trawl; July 16, 1949. Onathia van-
St. M 147. Seno Reloncavi, S of Punta San Pedro at Isla Maillen, 41°35'40" S, 72°58'15" W;
depth 40—45 m; coarse sand; triangular dredge; July 16, 1949. Pleurosignum magnum.
St. M 14S. Seno Reloncavi, S of Punta San Pedro at Isla Maillen 41°35'35" S, 72°58'20" W;
depth 20—25 m; coarse sand; triangular dredge; July 16, 1948. Pleurosignum magnum, Macro-
chiridothea stebbingi, Onathia vanhbfjeni.
St. M 152. Montemar (N of Valparaiso), "Estacion de biologla marina", 32°57'24" S, 71°33'
25" W (position not exact); tidal belt, rather sheltered; small sand beach with rather fine sand;
hand sampling; September 14, 15, 16 and 25, 1948; Chaetilia paucidens, Excirolana hirsuticauda.
St. M 153. Bahia San Vicente, the Ramuntcho bay, SE of Punta Gualpen, 36°44'58* S,
73°11'02" W; tidal belt, exposed; sand beach with coarse sand; hand sampling; June 8, 1949.
Excirolana hirsuticauda.
St. M 156. Tocopilla, off the power plant S of the town, 22°05' S, 70° 13' W (position not
exact); depth about 13 m; hard bottom; triangular dredge; January 5, 1949. Cleantis chilensis.
24 Robert James Menzies

St. M 158. Tocopilla, at the rubbish dumps, 22°05' S, 70°13' W (position not exact); tidal
belt, extremely exposed; rocks and boulders, hand sampling; January 5, 8, 1949. Dynamenopsis
St. M 159. The Antofagasta area, Antofagasta, at the cold storage plant, 23°39' S, 70 c 25' W
(position not exact); tidal belt, extremely exposed; rocks; January 3, 1949. Dynamenopsis bakeri.
Goljo de Ancud, Punta Chulao. From the dorsal side of a fish called "congrio Colorado", about
1 m long, 10 kg. Depth about 180 m; March 8, 1949. Lironeca raynaudi.
Oolfo de Ancud, S of Isla Quellin. From skates. July 1949. Aega magnified, Aega semicarinata.
In the general features of classification I am following, with modification, t h e
scheme proposed by MONOD (1922). MONOD (op. cit.) recognized the necessity of
separating the tanaids from the isopods and made the further important change of
separating the gnathiids (=Decempedes) from the remainder of the isopods which
he calls the Quatuordecempedes b u t which might just as well be called the Tetracera,
a name used by LATEEILLE in 1804 for similar isopods. His separation of the anthurids
from the isopods is not followed. These are instead made one of the Subtribes of
the Flabellifera, the Anthuridea. In Table 4 is shown the classification as proposed
by several different students. In the first column is shown the classification used
in this study. When the remainder of the Chilean isopods are studied it may be
necessary to further modify the scheme. For the moment it is considered only a
convenient classification and is not intended to imply particular morphologic or
especially phylogenetic relationships.

A key to the major divisions of the Isopoda

1. Adults with five pairs of peraeopods Suborder Gnathiidea

1. Adults with seven pairs of peraeopods Suborder Tetracera or Quatuorde-
cempedes 2
2. Entirely parasitic on Crustacea Tribe 4. Epicaridea
2. Not parasitic on Crustacea, free living, or parasitic on fish 3
3. Uropods lateral or ventral 4
3. Uropods terminal 5
4. Uropods lateral 6
4. Uropods ventral, hinged ventrolaterally to pleotelson to form opercular plates
covering pleopods Tribe 2. Valvifera*, **
5. Aquatic, pleon consisting of less than six somites Tribe 1. Asellota**
5. Terrestrial, pleon usually consisting of six somites Tribe 5. Oniscoidea
6. Aquatic, uropods flattened and with pleotelson form a eaudal fan
Tribe 3. Flabellifera**
6. Terrestrial, uropods, laterally compressed Tribe 6. Phreatoicidea

* Tylidae of Oniscoidea have opercular plates similar to those of Valvifera but are terrestrial,
not aquatic.
** Considered in the report.
Robert James Menzies


1905 1882 STEKHOVEN 1930

Order: Chelifera Order I. Chelifera Order I. Tanaids Order: Anisopoda Order: Tanaidacea

Order: Isopoda No equivalent Order II. Isopoda Order: Isopoda Order: Euiso-
Genuina poda KOSSMAN,
Richardson inch 1880
the Chelifera as
the first order
of the Isopoda

Subord: Gnathi- in Flabellifera Sect: I Anomala Subord: Gnathi- Subord: Decem-

idea (see below) Anceidae- oida pedes Gnathi-
Gnathiidae idea

Subord: Tetra-
cera Latreille
1804 or Suborder: Sect. I I . Genuina
Quatuordecem- Quatuordeeem-
pedes MONOD pedes

Tribe 1. Asellota Ord. 4. Asellota Fam. 34. Asellina Subord: Asellota Norma lia
Munnop- Asellota

Tribe 2. Valvifera Ord. 3. Valvifera 2. Serolidae Subord: Valvifera Valvifera

5. Idotheidae

Tribe 3. Flabelli- Ord. 2. Flabelli- 7. Sphaero - Subord: Flabelli- Flabellifera

fera fera Incl: midae fera (excl: Anthu-
Gnathiidae 8. Aegidae incl: Anthuridae ridae Gnathidae)

Subtr: Anthuri- Anthuridae Fam. 6. Anthuri- Aberrantia

dea dae Anthuridea

Subtr: Cirolan- Cirolanidae 9. Cymo-

oidea. nom. nov. tlioidae

Tribe 4. Epicari- Ord. 5. Epiearidea Fam. 11. Bopy- Subord: Epicari- Normalia
dea ridae dea Epiearidea
11. Crypto -

Tribe 5. Oniscoi- Ord, 6, Oniscoi- Fam. 1. Oniscoi- Subord: Oniscoi- Oniseoidea

dea dea dea dea

Tribe 6. Phreatoi - Gammarif ormes

cidea not considered not considered not considered Phreatoicidea
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 27

Suborder Quatuordecempedes


The internal classification of the Asellota is in considerable disorder. Groups,

subgroups, families, and super-families have been proposed by various workers.
This has been done with little regard or complete misunderstanding of what had
been proposed before. The situation is vastly complex and no single worker has yet
been able to cover all of the Asellota and come up with a single functional scheme
of classification. This is not the place for a general revision of the Asellota. Nonethe-
less, a system of classification has been derived from the works of H A N S E N (1916),
and is considered with due regard to the general classification of the Isopoda used
herein. The major divisions established by H A N S E N (op. cit.) have been followed
and about the only alteration has been to elevate the status of his Families to
Subtribes and to consider his groups as Families.


1. Male first pair of pleopods coupled along midline, consist of an elongate sympod,
lacking rami.
Second male pleopods coupled with first pairs.
First pair of female pleopods lacking; second fused along midline to form a large
operculum covering remaining pleopoda Subtribe: Paraselloidea*
1. Male first pair of pleopods consist of a short sympod and a short ramus, neither
coupled with second pair. First pair of pleopods of female small, not covering
completely the remaining pleopods 2
2. Sympods of male first pleopods free. First pair of pleopods of female with sympod
and a single ramus Subtribe: Aselloidea
2, Sympods of male first pleopods fused. First pair of pleopods of female fused to
form a small operculum Subtribe: Stenetrioidea

The Status of NORDENSTAM'S Subfamilies

Four subgroups of the group Munnidae were established by NORDENSTAM (1933).
These are Antiasini, Munnini, Deiidrotiini and Pleurogoniinae. I t will be noted from
the following key that I have considered each of these as separate families. The
genus Antias differs strongly from Munna in having pedunculate uropods and a
narrow maxillipedal palp having the articles all of similar width; from Pleurogonium
further in having a strongly developed mandibular molar process. Pleurogonium
is widely separated from Munna in the structure of its mandibular molar process
and in the epimeral or coxal plates which are strongly developed on most peraeonal
somites; ocular peduncles are lacking. Antias and Dendrotion are separated from one

Considered in this report.

28 Bobert James Menzies

another in the development of coxal plates and in the structure of the peraeopods.
Each of these genera in my opinion differs enough from one another to estabhsh it
as the type of distinct families. NORDENSTAM'S (1933) Jaeropsini is elevated to
familial rank and I concur with NORDBNSTAM about its uniqueness.

A key to the families of the tribe Asellota

Subtribe: Paraselloidea
1. None of the peraepods modified for swimming 5
1. Some of the peraeopods modified for swimming 2
2. All peraeopods except first pair modified for swimming, similar in structure
2. Only peraeopods 5—6 or 7 inclusive paddle-like. Others simple walking legs or
fossorial appendages 3
3. Only peraeopods 5—6 paddle-like, seventh a simple walking leg Ilyarachnidae
3. Peraeopods 5—7 inclusive paddle-like 4
4. Peraeopods 5 — 7 inclusive lack dactyls Munnopsidae
4. Peraeopods 5—7 inclusive with dactyls Eurycopidae
5. Claws lacking from peraeopods Macrostylidae
5. Claws present on peraeopods 6
6. Uropoda lack peduncle 7
6. Uropoda with peduncle 8
7. Molar process of mandible normal, strong, truncated at denticulate grinding
apex Munnidae *
7. Molar process of mandibles weak, pointed Pleurogonidae*
8. Fourth and fifth peraeonal somites elongated twice as long as wide
8. All peraeonal somites similar in width, none twice as long as wide, most wider
t h a n long 9
9. Palp of maxilliped with narrow similar articles all less than one-half the width
of endite 10
9. Palp of maxillipeds with last two articles narrow, others twice as wide at least
and about equal width of endite 13
10. Molar process of mandible normal, strong, truncated at denticulate grinding
apex 11
10. Molar process reduced, pointed, no grinding end present Jaeropsidae*
11. Dactyl of seventh peraeopod with one elongated terminal claw 12
11. Dactyl of seventh peraeopod with two short claws Antiasidae *
12. Coxal plates spiniform and well developed Dendrotidae
12. Coxal plates lacking Haploniscidae
13. Dactyls of peraeopods 2 — 7 inclusive with two principal claws and a smaller
accessory elawr Ianiridae*
* Considered in this report.
* Considered in this report (Kuphorminna BARNARD, belongs here to the Antiasidae).
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 29

13. Dactyls of peraeopods 2 — 7 inclusive with one or two terminal claws but never
three 14
14. Molar process of mandible reduced to short setiferous tubercle Nannoniscidae
14. Molar process normal, expanded apically and truncated, grinding 15
15. Coxal plates present 16
15. Coxal plates absent Echinotkambemidae
16. Body not markedly elongated 17
16. Body length exceeds four times its width Thambemidae
17. Pleon with one somite Ianirellidae
17. Pleon with two somites 18
18. Coxal plates spiniform Schistosomicide
18. Coxal plates rounded Abyssianiridae


1. Claws present on peraeopods. Uropoda lacking peduncle 2

1. Claws present on peraeopods. Uropoda with peduncle 13
2, Molar process of mandible normal, strong, truncated at grinding apex 3
2. Molar process weak, pointed 12
3. Coxal plates of peraeon visible in dorsal view , 4
3. Coxal plates of peraeon not visible in dorsal view. Mandible with triarticulate
palp. Peraeon lacks spines 10
4, Coxal plates visible in dorsal view on peraeonal somites 2—7 inclusive. Body
without spines 5
4. Coxal plates visible in dorsal view only on peraeonal somites 5—7 inclusive 8
5. Uropodal ventral ramus rounded in X-section with spines at apex 6
5. Uropodal ventral ramus leaf-like, lacking spines 7
6. Cephalon frontal margin convex Munna (Munna) lundae n.sp.
6. Cephalon frontal margin concave Munna (Munna) chihnsis n.sp.
7. Maxilliped with two coupling hooks
Munna (Uromunna) nana NORDENSTAM, var. typica and "a" n. vara.
7. Maxilliped with three coupling hooks Munna (Uromunna) sckauinslandi
8. Postero-lateral borders of peraeonal somites 1 — 4 denticulate
Austrosignum iMifrons n. sp.
8. Postero-lateral borders of peraeonal somites 1 — 4 entire, not denticulate . . . 9
9. Eyes not on pronounced stalks Austrosignum globifrons n. sp,
9. Eyes on pronounced stalks Austrosignum grande HODGSON
10. Uropoda biramous 11
10. Uropoda uniramous Paramunna simplex n. sp.
11. Lateral borders of pleotelson smooth . . . Paramunna subtriangulata RICHARDSON
11. Lateral borders of pleotelson with spines Paramunna kerguelensis VANHOFFEN
12. Lateral margin of pleotelson with spines and setae, apex pointed
Pleurosignum magnum VANHOFFEN
so Robert James Menzies

12. Lateral margins of pleotelson lacking spines or setae

Pleurosignum chilense n. sp.
13. Molar process of mandible normal, strong, truncated as grinding apex 14
13. Molar process reduced, pointed, no grinding end present 18
14. Palp of maxilliped with narrow similar articles, all less than one-half the width
of endite 16
14. Palp of maxilliped with last two articles much narrower than others 15
15. First three articles of maxillipedal palp less than one-half the width of endite
Janthopsis laevis n. sp.
15. First three articles of maxillipedal palp as wide as endite 20
16. Frontal border cephalon convex 17
16. Frontal border of cephalon concave Antias dimorpkis n. sp.
17. Pleotelson laterally with a few minute setae Antias laevifrons n. sp.
17. Pleotelson laterally with two stout setae Antias mawsoni H A L E
18. Rostrum spear-point shaped. Lateral borders of pleotelson each with eight
spines Jaeropsis intermedins NORDENSTAM
18. Rostrum evenly convex 19
19. Each lateral border of pleotelson with two (male) three (female) spines
Jaeropsis bidens n. sp.
19. Lateral border of pleotelson incised but lacking spines
Jaeropsis curvicornis (NICOLET)
20. Male first pleopod with margins straight to apex which is bilobed 21
20. Male first pleopod with apex laterally expanded 22
21. Eyes with two facets, third pleopod lacking plumose setae
Iais pubescens ( D A N A )
21. Eyes with six facets, third pleopod with plumose setae
Neojaera elongatus n. sp.
22. Cephalon with pronounced rostrum 23
22. Cephalon without rostrum or with only a slight median lobe 25
23. Lateral borders of pleotelson lack stout setae lathrippa. longicauda (CHILTON)
23. Lateral borders of pleotelson with stout setae 24
24. Maxilliped with 3 coupling hooks. Each lateral border of pleotelson with 14—17
stout setae lathrippa chilensis n. sp.
24. Maxilliped with 5 coupling hooks. Each lateral border of pleotelson with 20 — 30
stout setae lathrippa multidens n. sp.
25. Lateral border of pleotelson denticulate laniropsis tridens MENZIES
25. Lateral border of pleotelson not denticulate 26
26. Eyes red. Male first pleopods with lateral apex abruptly recurved
laniropsis perplexus n. sp.
26. Eyes black. Male first pleopods with lateral apex not abruptly recurved
laniropsis chilensis n. sp.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 31

Family Munnidae
Type genus: Munna K K O Y E K , 1839.
Diagnosis: Molar process of mandible normal in structure, strongly developed
with a truncated, denticulate grinding apex. Uropoda lack peduncle. All peraeopods
bear at least one apical claw. The first pair of peraeopods is generally subchelate,
the others being unmodified walking appendages. Second antenna usually has a
small scale.
Composition: According to NOKDENSTAM (1933) the Family contains six genera;
Munna K K O Y E E , Echinomunna V A N H O F F E N , Paramunna G. 0 . SAKS, Austrosignum
HODGSON, Notoxenus H O D G S O N and Coulmannia HODGSON.
The validity of the genera Echinomunna V A N H O F F E N and Notoxenus H O D G S O N
may be subject to serious question.
Whether the coxa] plates, described for Notoxenus by HODGSON (1910), are visible
in dorsal view or not is a matter for speculation. H O D G S O N (1910) does not say.
NOKDENSTAM (1933) indicates they are not visible in dorsal view. HODGSON'S figures
are too unreliable to discern from them.
There is no certainty as to the delimitation of coxal plates in VANHOFFEN'S (1914)
Echinomunna although NOKDENSTAM assumes they are as in Munna. However,
because V A N H O F F E N seldom noted the coxal plates of Munna it is altogether possible
t h a t Echinomunna has none. These questions cannot be answered without specimens
a t one's disposal.


1. Coxal plates of peraeon not visible in dorsal view 2

1. Coxal plates of peraeon visible in dorsal view 3
2. Mandible lacks palp Coulmannia
2. Mandible with triarticulate palp 5
3. Coxal plates visible in dorsal view on peraeonal somites 2—7 inclusive 4
3. Coxal plates visible in dorsal view only on peraeonal somites 5—7 inclusive . . . .
A ustrosignum *
4. Body strongly spinose Echinomunna
4. Body lacks spines Munna*
5. Each somite of peraeon with a spine on dorsal surface a t midline . . . . Notoxenus
5. Peraeonal somites lack spine Paramunna*


The genera Notoxenus, Coulmannia and Echinomunna and Austrosignum are

known only from the Antarctic. Munna is widely distributed throughout the world.
Paramunna is found in Northern Europe and the North Atlantic where 2—3 species
are known and in the Antarctic where about 10 species are now known. The genus
was encountered in this study from the southern Chilean coast.
* Considered in this report.
32 Robert James Menzies

Genus Munna KR0YER, 1839

Synonyms: Haliacris PFEFFER, 1881.
T y p e s p e c i e s : Munna boeckii KR0YER, 1839.
D i a g n o s i s : Munnidae having coxal plates visible in dorsal view on peraeonal
somites two to seven inclusive. Body lacking spines. Eyes on a short immovable
peduncle, preocular lobes generally present. Uropoda lacking peduncle. Antennae
usually one-half or more the body length.
C o m p o s i t i o n : That it is possible for one to subdivide Munna into several groups
has already been indicated by MENZIES (1952). I shall do so in the following para-
graphs, erecting subgenera for the principal types and placing those species which
are inadequately described in an ''incertae sedis" list. Altogether over 44 species
have been described exclusive of synonyms.
RICHARDSON'S (1905) Munna coeca was transferred to Haplomunna RICHARDSON
(1908), a genus which does not belong to the Munnidae but its precise designation
is impossible due to its inadequate description.

Subgenus Munna, new subgenus

T y p e s p e c i e s : Munna boecki K R 0 Y E R , 1839 (ref. G. 0 . SARS 1897, pi. 44).
D i a g n o s i s : Munnidae with inferior uropodal ramus rounded in cross-section,
lacking recurved apical spine.

List of species
Spt '.cies Author, date Locality
1. Munna (Munna ) boecki KR0YER, 1839 ST. Europe
33 55
2. minuta H. J. H A N S E N , 1916 N. Europe
35 53
3. halei MENZIES, 1952 California
4. groenlandica HANSEN, 1916 Greenland
5J 35
5. acanthifera HANSEN, 1916 N. Atlantic
6. » JJ
affinis NORDENSTAM, 1933 S. Atlantic
7. antarctica (PFEFFER, 1881) Antarctic
JJ 3;
8. neglecta MONOD, 1931 Antarctic
55 JJ
9. limicola G. 0 . SARS, 1868 N. Europe
10. » M
neozealanica CHILTON, 1892 N. Zealand
and Antarctic
11. maculata BEDDARD,1885 Antarctic
12. spitzbergenensis GlJRJANOVA, 1930 Arctic
55 35
13. amholdi GURJANOVA, 1933 Artie
14. •'. JJ
bituberculata NORDENSTAM, 1933 Antarctic
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 33

D i s t r i b u t i o n : This subgenus shows a clear bipolar distribution with arctic-

boreal and antarctic-antiboreal species. None is known from the tropical regions
to date.
The following species, collected by the L.U.C.E. are assigned to this subgenus:

Munna (Munna) chilensis, new species

Figure 1
S y n o n y m s : Kone.
D i a g n o s i s : First antenna with seven articles, last article about one-third the
length of prior article. Second antenna slightly longer than the body, flagellum
with thirty-three articles. Cephalon twice as wide as long, eyes present, preocular
lobes small, yet evident, frontal margin concave with five large setae. Maxilliped
with three coupling hooks. Pleotelson pyriform, lateral margins smooth, lacking
large setae or spines, but with a few very small setae along margins; terminal margin
truncated, with fourteen setae in a characteristic arrangement. Uropodal inferior
ramus small, tubular, lacking spines; superior ramus evident, with a single apical
bristle. Apex of first male pleopod, slightly expanded laterally, margin convex,
with about five fine setae. Apex of female operculum convex, slightly pointed,
outer surface with four large two-pointed setae near proximal border. Male and
female gnathopods similar.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : First maxilla outer lobe with about eleven
apical setae, inner lobe with four large setae. Outer lappet of outer lobe of second
maxilla with four apical setae, inner lappet also with four apical setae, inner lobe
with about eight or nine apical setae. Right mandible incisor with four teeth, setal
row with five setae, molar process large, with teeth; left mandible incisor with
five teeth, lacinia with four teeth, setal row with three setae, palp with three articles.
Inferior margin of propodus of seventh peraeopod with two two-pointed setae,
inferior claw of dactyl of seventh peraeopod smaller than superior claw. Apex of
exopod of second male pleopod sharply pointed. Distal article of exopod of third
pleopod about two times the width of endopod, endopod with three plumose setae
at apex. Distal article of exopod of fourth pleopod with two plumose setae at apex,
endopod lacks plumose setae. Fifth pleopod uniramous, lacks setae. Larger, more
mature males may have the unusually developed gnathopods.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype male length 1.2 mm, width 0.5 mm; allotype, length
1.0 mm, width 0.5 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Holotype, allotype, 5 male (one figured and
dissected) and 6 female paratypes. St. M 115, 3 May, 1949, southern Chile, Estrecho
de Magallanes, near the estuary of Rio los Ciervos, S. of P u n t a Arenas, tidal belt,
gravel and clay mixed with mud and covered with boulders, exposed (shelter, kelp).
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Species known only from the type locality.
A f f i n i t i e s : The lack of a dentate suburopodal shelf and the lack of strong spines
on the pleotelson serves to distinguish this species from most other Munna (Munna).
34 Robert James Menzies

Figvire 1. Munna (Munna) chilensis, new species, specimens about 1.2 mm in length. A, toto
paratype male; B, first antenna; C, maxilliped; D, gnathopod; E, male second pleopod;
F, male first pleopods; G, apices of male first pleopods; H, outer lateral border of male first
pleopod; I, male third pleopod; J, male fifth pleopod; K, male fourth pleopod; L, seventh
peraeopod; M, right mandible; N, female operculum; O, uropod.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 35

Except for M. (M.) spitzbergenensis GURJANOVA, the first antennae of which have
six articles only, all remaining species have 8 or more articles, being unlike M.
(M.) chilensis which has seven. The species is generally related to M. (M.) limicola
G. O. SAKS, a northern European species and to M. (M.) affinis, M. (M.) antarctica,
and M. (M.) bituberculata from the Antarctic. However, the species appears to be
most closely related to Munna (M.) neglecta MONOD (1931). Although that species
is described as having a first antenna composed of eight articles, NORDENSTAM
(1933) describes one having only seven articles. Also, the male first pleopoda are
less expanded laterally in this species than they are in M. (M.) neglecta, and the
preocular lobes and the frontal margin have stout setae lacking in M. (M.) neglecta.
The similarities between ckilensis and lundae are discussed below.

Munna (Munna) lundae, new species

Figure 2
Synonyms: None.
D i a g n o s i s : First antenna with seven articles, last articles about one-fourth the
length of prior article. Cephalon twice as wide as long, eyes present, preocular lobes
exceedingly small, frontal margin convex, with five setae. Maxilliped with two
coupling hooks. Telson pyriform, lateral borders smooth, lacking teeth or spines,
but with a few small setae, dorsal surface also with a few setae, posterior margin
with two setae. Uropod inferior ramus small, tubular, lacking spines; superior ramus
very small, with a single apical seta. Apex of first male pleopod slightly expanded
laterally, with an acute recurved postero-lateral angle, margin convex, with four
setae. Male and female gnathopods probably similar. (Type lacks seeond antennal
flagellum, hence number of articles not known.)
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : The mouth parts, except for the maxillipeds,
are similar to those described for M. (M.) ckilensis. Remaining pleopods also very
similar. Inferior margin of propodus of seventh peraeopod with eight two-pointed
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype male, length 1.2 mm, width 0.5 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Holotype male only specimen, St. M 115, 3 May,
1949, Southern Chile, Estrecho de Magallanes, near the estuary of Rio los Ciervos,
S. of Punta Arenas; tidal belt, gravel and clay mixed with mud and covered with
boulders, exposed (shelter: kelp).
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from the type locality.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species is closely related to Munna (Munna) chilensis in having
similar antennae and pleopods. On the other hand, the frontal margin is convex
and not concave, the eyes are large and swollen with hardly any preocular lobes.
The apex of the pleotelson in the two species is also markedly different in bristle
arrangement. These latter facts indicate t h a t the two are distinct species and it is
because of them t h a t I describe this form as new even though it is based upon a
single specimen.
36 Robert James Menzies

Subgenus Neomunna, new subgenus

T y p e s p e c i e s : Munna stephenseni GURJANOVA, 1933.
D i a g n o s i s : Munnidae with inferior uropodal ramus round in crossection, with
a t least one large medially recurved apical spine.

List of species
Name Author, date Locality
1. Munna (Neomunna) stephenseni (GTTRJANOVA, 1933) Artie
2, JJ
» chromatocephala (MENZIES, 1952) California
3. » » subneglecta (GTJKJANOVA, 1936) N. Pacific
4. H
» avatshensis (GURJANOVA, 1936) N. Pacific
5. " S!
hr&yeri GOODSIR (of G. O. SARS, N. Atlantic
» » palmata (LLLLJEBORG, 1851) N. Atlantic
7. » SJ
fabrici K R 0 Y E R (of H A N S E N , nee,
G. 0 . SARS, 1897) N . Atlantic
coeca (GURJANOVA, 1930) Arctic

D i s t r i b u t i o n : This subgenus, like Munna, is bipolar in its distribution; having

Antarctic-antiboreal species, but no truly tropical ones. None was found in t h e
L.U.C.E. collections.

Subgenus Uromunna, new subgenus

T y p e s p e c i e s : Munna ubiquita M E N Z I E S , 1952.
D i a g n o s i s : Munnidae with leaf-like ventral uropodal ramus, flattened in cross
section. Apical spines lacking.

List of species
Name Author, date Locality
1. Munna (Uromunna) ubiquita (MENZIES, 1952) California
a 77
2. ocarina (MILLER, 1941) Hawaii
77 JJ
3. nana (NORDENSTAM, 1933) Antarctic
>7 17
4. mediterranea (PlERANTONI, 1916) Mediterranean
77 77
5. petiti (AMAR, 1948) Mediterranean
J3 77
6. schauinslandi (G. 0 . SARS, 1905) Antarctic

D i s t r i b u t i o n : This subgenus, unlike the preceding two, has no Arctic repre-

sentation, and does have a few temperate-tropical species. Two of the species M.
(U.) nana (NORDENSTAM) and M. (V.) schauinslandi (G. 0 . SARS) were found in
the L.U.C.E. collections.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematics of the Chilean Marine Isopods 37

Figure 2. Munna (Munna) lundae, new species, Holotype male, length 1.2 mm, width 0.5 mm.
A, toto; B, apex of pleotelson; C, first antenna; D, apices of male first pleopods; E, seventh
peraeopod; F, gnathopod; G, apex female operculum.
38 Robert James Menzies

Munna (Uromunna) schauinslandi (G. 0 . SARS)

Figure 3
S y n o n y m s : Munna schauinslandi G. O. SABS, 1905, pp. 372—375, pi. 14, figs. 1—12.
D i a g n o s i s : First antenna with six articles, last article about one-half the length
of prior article. Second antenna about seventeenths the length of body, flagellum
with ten articles. Cephalon twice as wide as long, eyes present, preocular lobes
small, yet evident; frontal margin concave with about two small setae. Maxilliped
with three coupling hooks. Telson pyriform, lateral margins smooth, lacking setae
or spines; terminal margin with a small median projection of bisetiferous lobe.
Uropod ventral ramus small, lacking spines; dorsal ramus evident, provided with
a single seta as apex. Apex of first male pleopod simple, expanded laterally, margin
with four small setae. Apex of female operculum concave, with two setae. Male and
female gnathopods similar.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Although an obvious antennal scale is not
present a large bristle is located where the scale would normally be expected. First
maxilla outer lobe with ten apical setae, inner lobe with three apical setae. Outer
lappet of outer lobe of second maxilla with four apical setae, inner lappet with three
apical setae, inner lobe with about eight apical setae. Right mandible incisor with
four teeth, setal row with four setae, molar process large; with teeth; left mandible
incisor with four teeth, lacinia with four teeth, setal row with three setae, palp with
three articles. Number of two-pointed setae on inferior margin of propodus of seventh
peraeopod variable; inferior claw of dactyl wider at mid-line than superior claw.
Apex of exopod of second male pleopod not sharply pointed. Distal article of exopod
of third pleopod less than onehalf the width of distal article of endopod, endopod
with two plumose setae at apex. Distal article of exopod of fourth pleopod with
two plumose setae at apex, endopod lacks plumose setae, fifth pleopod uniramous,
lacks setae. Scattered black chromotophors characterize this species.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : 1.20 mm length (G. O. SARS, 1905). One large male examined
by the writer was 1.0 mm in length and 0.4 mm in width, a female of large size
was 1.2 mm in length and 0.5 mm in width.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Southern Chile, St. M 30, 3 males, 2 females, 1 juvenile.
St. M 49, 1 male, 11 females, most ovigerous.
T y p e l o c a l i t y : Chatham Islands, intertidal (G. 0 . SARS, 1905).
D i s t r i b u t i o n : This species was first collected from brackish water on the
Chatham Island of New Zealand by Professor SCHAUINSLAND. In Chile the species
shows a brackish water habit as well, being collected at Estero Reloncavi where
the salinity is greatly reduced, varying between 0.6 and 2.4 °/00 in the intertidal belt
(BRATTSTROM and D A H L , 1952, p . 71, Tab. 10). The absence of this species from
oceanic collections suggests it is not a widely euryhaline species but more probably
simply a brackish water species as was earlier indicated by G. 0 . SARS (1905). A land
bridge-type connection between the Chatham Islands and Chile is suggested from
the distribution of this species.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 39

Figure 3. Munna (Uromunna) scliauinslandi (G. 0 . SABS). A, male toto about 1.0 mm long;
B, apex of pleon, male; C, fourth pleopod, male; D, male first pleopod; E, male second pleopod;
F , third male pleopod; G, female operculum; H, male fifth pleopod; I, male gnathopod;
J, apex of seventh peraeopod of male; K, male maxiliiped; L, male first antenna; M, male
seventh peraeopod.
40 Robert James Menzies

R e m a r k s : The specimens examined showed few differences from the description

given the species by G. 0 . SAKS (1905). The antenna consists of six and not five
articles, minute preocular lobes are present, and the uropods are not as truncated
as G. O. SARS figured them. The male first pleopods and other features are almost
exactly as Sars figured. Thus it seems probable t h a t the differences noted are due
to differences in illustration and variation of the animals rather t h a n to specific
differences. The truncated telson figured by G. 0 . SABS is present in the specimens
examined by the writer b u t examination of the posterior border of the telson with
high magnification shows it to be turned under somewhat and that the real posterior
margin has a slight median lobe but is otherwise evenly rounded.

Munna (Uromunna) nana (NOEDENSTAM)

forma typica and forma "a"
Figure 4—5
S y n o n y m s : Munna nana NoBDENSTAM, 1933, pp. 222—225, figs. 56, 57.
D i a g n o s i s : First antenna with six articles, last article three-fourths to one-half
the length of prior article. Second antenna about five-sevenths the length of body,
flagellum with eight to thirteen articles. Cephalon twice as wide as long, eyes present,
preocular lobes very small, frontal margin almost straight. Maxilliped with two
coupling hooks. Lateral margins of pleotelson smooth, lacking setae or spines;
terminal margin with a small median projection or lobe. Uropod ventral ramus
flattened, lacking spines; dorsal ramus fairly large, with two apical setae. Apex of
male first pleopod simple, not expanded laterally, either evenly curved or pointed.
Apex of female operculum with truncated apex, with two setae. Male and female
gnathopods similar.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Antennal scale present on second antenna.
First maxilla outer lobe with eleven apical setae, inner lobe with four apical setae.
Outer lappet of outer lobe of second maxilla with four setae, inner lappet with four
apical setae, inner lobe with eight apical setae. Right mandible incisor with five
teeth, setal row with three setae, molar process large, with teeth; left mandible
incisor with four teeth, lacinia with four teeth, setal row with two setae, palp with
three articles. Number of two-pointed setae on inferior margin of propod of seventh
peraeopod variable. Apex of exopod of second male pleopod sharply pointed. Third,
fourth and fifth pleopods as in Munna schauinslandi G. 0 , SARS,

Munna (Uromunna) nana (NOEDENSTAM) forma typica

Figure 4
D i a g n o s i s : Superior claw of dactyls of peraeopods with spinulate inferior margin.
Penultimate and ultimate articles of peduncle of second antennae subequal in
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 41

Figure 4. Munna (Uromunna) nana (NOBDENSTAM) forma, typica. A, male toto, about 1 mm
length; B, pleotelson, male; C, first antenna, male; D, first antenna, male; E , male third
pleopod; F, male gnathopod; G, male uropods; H, male second pleopod; I, male maxilliped;
J, seventh male peraeopod; K, female operculum; L, apex male first pleopods; M, male first
pleopods; N, first pleopods, male, 0 , cephalon male, P , male fourth pleopod; Q, male seventh
peraeopod. Note regenerating sixth peraeopod in regeneration's capsule.
42 Robert James Menzies

M e a s u r e m e n t s : Male 0.7 mm length, 0.25 mm width. Female 0.9 mm length,

0.44 mm width.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Southern Chile, St. M 40, 1 male, 2 females.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : This species was taken previously by the Swedish Antarctic
Expedition at the Falkland Islands. I t s occurrence in Chile might be expected.
R e m a r k s : The spinules of the claw of the peraeopods serves easily to distinguish
this forma from the following, forma "a".

Munna (Uromunna) nana (NOEDENSTAM) forma "a"

Figure 5
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Superior claw of dactyls of peraeopods with smooth inferior margin,
lacking spinules. Last article of peduncle of second antenna two times the length
of penultimate article.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Most specimens were slightly less than one millimeter in length
and 0.5 millimeters in width.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Northern Chile, St. M131, 2 females; Central Chile,
St. M 123, 6 males, 22 females, some ovigerous; Southern Chile, St. M 98, 1 male,
St. M 73, 1 female, St. M 115, 5 males, 12 females, some ovigerous.
R e m a r k s : All samples of forma "a" in this collection were very similar mor-
phologically and all b u t one from 8 meters depth were collected at similarly exposed
localities. Forma typica was collected from 100 meters depth. There exists the
possibility that a deep water race and an intertidal race are present b u t more collec-
tions from intermediate depths are of course desirable before one could firmly esta-
blish such a possibility.
NOEDENSTAM like many earlier researchers failed to notice the scale attached to
the second antenna and the dorsal uropodal ramus. I t is conceivable, of course,
that I have failed to identify the species properly and that the above mentioned
structures are actually lacking in M. nana NOEDENSTAM; on the other hand it is
equally possible t h a t the very small size of the above-mentioned structures (oil
immersion lens is needed to see them well) and the fact that they were previously
believed to be lacking from the genus Munna (AMAK, 1948) accounts for their being
overlooked by NORDENSTAM.

Munna species of Incertae Sedis

The following list contains species of Munna which are too imperfectly known to
be assigned to a subgenus at present.
1. Munna (?) hanseni STAPFERS, vide H A N S E N , 1916.
2. " studeri HILGENDOBF 1893, vide VANHOFFEN, 1914.
3. " " neglecta of H A L E , 1937.
4. " " pellucida GUEJANOVA, 1929.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematics of the Chilean Marine Isopods 43

Figure 5. Munna [Uromunna) nana (NORDENSTAM) forma "a". A, male second pleopod;
B, male first pieopods; C, peduncle of second antenna; D, dactyl of seventh peraeopod showing
absence of denticles along superior claw; E, first antenna.
44 Robert James Menzies

5. Munna (?) brandti ZIKWAS, 1910.

6. " macquariensis H A L E , 1937.
7. " " psyckrophila VANHOFFEN, 1914.
8. " " globicauda VANHOFFEN, 1914,
9. " " cryophila VANHOFFEN, 1914.
10. " " sp. MONOD, 1933.
11. " " sp. MONOD, 1933.
12. " truncata RICHARDSON, 1908, ( = t y p e of Caecimunna RICHARDSON
13. " caeca RICHARDSON, 1905, transferred to Haplomunna RICHARDSON,
1908; probably does not belong within the family Munnidae.

Genus Paramunna G. O. SARS, 1866

S y n o n y m s : Leptaspidia BATE and WESTWOOD, 1868.
Metamunna TATTERSALL, 1906.
Auslrvmunna RICHABDSON, 1906, 1908, 1913, HODGSON, 1910.
Austronanus HODGSON, 1910, RICHARDSON, 1913.

T y p e s p e c i e s : Paramunna bilobata G. O. SARS, 1866.

D i a g n o s i s : Munnidae without coxal plates visible in dorsal view on all peraeonal
somites. Body lacking spines. Eyes on immovable peduncles. Uropoda lacking
peduncle. Antennae less than one-half the length of the body.
C o m p o s i t i o n : This genus contains about 16 described species. The species
described by HALE (1937) as Paramunna dubia should be transferred to Austrosignum.
His Paramunna lunata (op. cit.) should probably be transferred to Pleurosignum
but such a transfer will be impossible until the mouth parts of that species are
described. VANHOFFEN places P. incisa (RICHARDSON, 1908) in Austrosignum.

List of the known species

Name Author, date Locality
1. Paramunna bilobata G. O. SARS, 1866 N. Europe but
not Arctic
2. » subtriangulata (RICHARDSON,1906) Antarctic
3. » integra NORDENSTAM, 1933 Antarctic
4. n dentata NORDENSTAM, 1933 Antarctic
5. » capensis VANHOFFEN, 1914 South Africa
<;. » dilatata VANHOFFEN, 1914 Antarctic
7. kerguelensis VANHOFFEN, 1914 Antarctic
8. )> gaussi VANHOFFEN, 1914 Antarctic
9. " rostrata (HODGSON, 1910) Antarctic
10. » concavifrons BARNARD,1920 South Africa
11. » laevifrons STEBBINQ, 1910 South Africa
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 45

12. Paramunna brevipes (BATE & WESTWOOD, 1868) N.Atlantic

13. serrata (RICHARDSON, 1898) Antarctic
14. gaini (RICHARDSON, 1913) Antarctic
15. antarctica (RICHARDSON, 1906) Antarctic
16. typica TATTERSALL, 1906 N. Atlantic
D i s t r i b u t i o n : This genus shows a clear-cut bipolar type of distribution, with
two or three boreal species and over a dozen antarctic-antiboreal species. Tropical
species are not known. The species P. bilobata G. 0 . SARS from N. Europe and
P. integra NORDENSTAM are clearly analogous and perhaps homologous species.
I t is of considerable interest to note t h a t the genus is not a t all represented in the
northern Pacific Ocean. The Chilean fauna is represented by three species. One is
P. subtriangulata (RICHARDSON), the other P. kerguelensis VANHOFFEN, the third
is new,

Paramunna subtriangulata (RICHARDSON, 1908)

Figure 6
Synonyms: Austrimunna subtriangulata RICHARDSON, 1908, p. 7, fig. 8.
Paramunna subtriangulata (RICHABDSON). MONOD, 1926, p. 16, figs. 7A, B, C. —
NORDENSTAM, 1933, pp. 235—237, figs. 63. — NTEBSTBASZ, 1941, p. 290. —
VANHOFFEN, 1914, p. 572,

D i a g n o s i s : Frontal margin cephalon triangulate, smooth. Lateral borders of

peraeonal somites and pleon smooth, lacking spines or bristles. First antenna con-
sisting of six articles; first peduncular article longest, second narrower and shorter
than first, flagellar articles all short, subequal in length. Maxilliped with two coupling
hooks. Mandibular palp lacking. Each first male pleopod with a single bristle a t
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Mouth parts, with exceptions noted above
very similar to those of Munna, sens. lat. Preserved specimens were pink in color.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Male 0.76 mm length and 0.32 mm in width. Female, length
0.70 mm, width 0.36.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Southern Chile, St. M 115, 18 males, 12 females, some
ovigerous, 10 juveniles.
T y p e l o c a l i t y : - Type specimens were collected from the Antarctic Graham
Region (RICHARDSON, 1908). Since then specimens have been found from the Straits
of Magellan (MONOD, 1926) and South Georgia Island (NORDENSTAM, 1933).
D i s t r i b u t i o n : The species would appear to be Antarctic-cirumpolar in its
distribution. I t is not known from northern Chile.
A f f i n i t i e s : The smooth pleotelson and pointed front ally this species most
closely with P. antarctica from which species it differs in having shorter and thicker
ocular peduncles and in having the first pleonal somite almost completely covered
by the last peraeonal somite (ref. H A L E , 1937). The first antennae have six articles
in both species.
46 Robert James Menziea

Figure 6. Paramunna suhtriangulata (RICHABDSON), male of 0.7 mm length. A, toto; B, eye;

C, firat antenna; D, uropoda; E, male fourth pleopod; F, left mandible; G, seventh peraeopod;
H, second pleopod, male; I, fifth pleopod, male; J, maxilliped; K, third male pleopod; L, male
gnathopod; M, inner surface of carpus of gnathopod; N, inner surface apiees male first pleopoda.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine laopods 47

Paramunna kerguelensis VANHOFFEN

Figure 7
Synonyms: Paramunna kerguelensis VANHOFFEN, 1914, p. 574—575, abb. 105.
D i a g n o s i s : Frontal margin entire, evenly and slightly convex. Lateral borders
of peraeonal somites 1—4 and 6 each with a single bristle. First antenna with six
articles; second article longest, terminal article longer than penultimate. Maxillipeds
with two coupling hooks. Mandibular palp apparently lacking. Each first male
pleopod with three setae at apex. Posterior border of pleotelson with a characteristic
fringe of 18 setae, lateral borders each with large denticles.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : With exceptions noted above the mouth
parts and pleopods are as described for M. subtriangulata (Fig. 6). The teeth and
bristles of the gnathopod (Fig. 7D) are probably characteristic.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Male, length 0.78 mm, width 0.36 mm.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Southern Chile, St. M 115, 3 males, no females.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known previously from Kerguelen Island (VANHOFFEN, 1914).
I t probably is an Antarctic circumpolar species. I t was not found in the collections
from central or northern Chile.
A f f i n i t i e s : In the lack of a pointed rostrum and in the presence of a dentate
pleotelson this species resembles P. gaussi VANHOFFEN, P. gaini (RICHARDSON).
I t differs from P. gaussi and P. gaini in having fewer and larger spines on the pleotel-

Paramunna simplex, new species

Figure 8
Synonyms: Xone.
D i a g n o s i s : Frontal margin entire, almost straight. Lateral borders of each
peraeonal somite entire, each with one small bristle. First antenna with six articles,
second longest, last two sub-equal in length. Maxilliped with two coupling hooks.
Posterior border of pleotelson with six characteristic setae; lateral borders with
13—15 denticles. Uropods with inferior ramus only.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Mouth parts and pleopods as in Paramunna.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Type female 1.4 mm long, 0.6 mm wide.
T y p e l o c a l i t y : Southern Chile, Seno Reloncavi, 23 January 1949, St. M40,
N. of Isla Quellin, 100 meters depth, hard sand, five females.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from type locality.
A f f i n i t i e s : At first I thought this species was Paramunna gaussi VANHOFFEN
which it resembles in pleotelson and head structure. However, it differs markedly
from P. gaussi in having uni- and not biramous uropods and in lacking teeth in
the first articles of the second antenna.
48 Robert James Menzies

Figure 7. Paramunna kerguelensis VANHOFFEN, male. A, toto, length 0.8 mm; B , apex of first
pleopods; C, uropoda; D, gnathopod; E , seventh peraeopod.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine laopoda 49

Figure 8. Paramunna simplex, new species. Female. A, toto, 1.4 mm long; B, third pleopod;
C, mandible; D, gnathopod; E , maxiUiped; F, uropod and lateral margin of pleotelaon; G, firat
antenna; H, operculum.
50 Robert James Menzies

Genus Austrosignum, HODGSON 1910

S y n o n y m s : Austrimunna RICHARDSON 1908 (in part).
Austrosignum HODGSON, 1910 — MONOD, 1931 — NORDENSTAM, 1933 — VAN-
HOTTEN, 1 9 1 4 .

T y p e s p e c i e s : Austrosignum glaciate HODGSON, 1910.

D i a g n o s i s : Munnidae with coxal plates visible in dorsal view only on peraeonal

somites 5—7 inclusive. Otherwise the characteristics are the same as for Paramunna
(p. 44). Both antennae shorter t h a n body length.

List of species of Austrosignum

Name. Author, date Locality
1. Austrosignum glaciale HODGSON, 1910 Antarctic
2. grande HODGSON, 1910 Antarctic
3. " incisa (RICHAKDSON, 1908) Antarctic
4. falclandicum VANHOFFEN, 1914 Antarctic
5. dubia ( H A L E , 1937) Antarctic
D i s t r i b u t i o n : This genus is known only from the Antarctic where it has a
circumpolar distribution. Two species were found in the collections from Chile;
both of these appear to be new.

Austrosignum latifrons, new species

Figure 9
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Frontal margin of cephalon convex, evenly rounded. Ocular
peduncles two times as long as wide. Posterolateral borders of peraeonal somites
1 — 4 denticulate. First antenna with six articles, last two subequal in length. Poste-
rior border of pleotelaon with six characteristic setae, lateral borders with setae
but no spines.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Flagellum of second antennae with ten
articles. Mouth parts and pleopods as in Paramunna. Mandibular palp triarticulate.
Uropoda biramous.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Female eotype length 1.28 mm, width 0.6 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y : Southern Chile, Seno Reloncavi, 23 January 1949, St. M 40,
N . of Isla Quellin, 100 meters depth, hard sand, 3 females.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from type locality.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species differs from all previously known species in having the
denticulate posterolateral margins of the first few peraeonal somites and in having
ocular peduncles which do not exceed twice their width in length.
The Zoogeography, Eeology, and Systematics of the Chilean Marine Iaopods 51

Figure 9. Austroaignum latifrons, n. sp., A, toto, female eotype, 1.2 mm long; B, uropods;
C, apex of operculum; D, gnathopod; E, left mandible; F , first antenna.
52 Robert James Menzies

Austrosignum globifrons new species

Figure 10
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Frontal margin of cephalon convex, evenly rounded. Ocular pedun-
cles short, about as long as wide. Peraeonal somites with entire lateral margins.
First antenna with seven articles, second one-half longer than first, last two subequal
in length. Posterior border of pleotelson with ten characteristic setae, lateral borders
with a few setae and no spines or denticles.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Maxilliped with two coupling hooks, maxillae
as in Munnidae. Mandible normal but palp lacking. Pleopods as in Paramunna.
First antennal flagellum with four-five articles.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype male, length 1 mm, width 0.45 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y : Southern Chile, Estrecho de Magallanes, 3 May 1949, St. M 115,
near the estuary of Rio los Ciervos, S. of Punta Arenas, tidal belt, gravel and clay,
mixed with mud and covered with boulders; exposed; (shelter, kelp); 3 males,
3 females.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from the type locality.
A f f i n i t i e s : Superficially the species resembles A. falclandicum NORDENSTAM
(1933, p . 244} especially in the shape of the cephalon. The second antenna, however,
has 7 and n o t 6 articles and the pleon is composed of 2 and not 3 somites.

Austrosignum grande HODGSON

Figure 11
S y n o n y m s : Paramunna antarctica of H A L E , 1937, p p . 38—39, non RICHARDSON.
Austrosignum grande HODGSON, 1910, p p . 66—68.
D i a g n o s i s : Austrosignum with eyes on stalks, front produced. First antenna
with six articles. First somite of peraeon longer than other peraeonal somites.
Lateral borders and apex of pleotelson entire and almost devoid of setae.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Male length 1.3 mm, width a t widest part 0.5 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y : Antarctic Continent (HODGSON, p p . 66—68).
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : The only specimen was collected at St. M 142, Southern
Chile, Seno Reloncavi, off Puerto Montt, July 14, 1949, about 35 meters depth,
coarse sand.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Besides being known from the winter quarters of the Scottish
National Antarctic Expedition, this species is also known from the Antarctic Conti-
nent a t Commonwealth Bay, Adelie Land (HAiE, 1937, p p . 38—39).
A f f i n i t i e s : This species is close to A. globifrons n.sp., from which it differs
markedly in having the eyes on pronounced stalks. Whether Paramunna antarctica
RICHARDSON is this species or not will depend upon the correctness of NORDENSTAM'S
generic assignment of RICHARDSON'S species. The latter apparently is the type of
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopoda 53

Figure 10. Austrosignum, globifrons, n. sp. A, toto, male paratype, length 1.0 mm. B, first
antenna; C, second pleopod; D, gnathopod; E, apex of pleotelson; F, male first pleopods;
G, uropods.
54 Robert James Menzies

Figure 11. Auatrosignum grande HODGSON, A, holotype male in toto. B, uropoda; C, apex of
sympod of male first pleopod.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematics of the Chilean Marine Isopods 55

RICHARDSON'S genus Austrimunna (RICHARDSON, 1906), and if it be found t h a t

P. antartica is an Austrosignum HODGSON, 1910, then of course, Austrosignum will
become a synonym of Austrimunna emend., and not a synonym of Paramunna as
NORDENSTAM has suggested. I am inclined to believe t h a t P . antarctica has been
correctly assigned to Paramunna because NORDENSTAM had seen representatives of
the genera involved.

Family Pleurogonidae
T y p e g e n u s : Pleurogonium G. 0 . SARS, 1863.
D i a g n o s i s : Molar process of mandible reduced to narrow point which bears a
few setae a t its apex. Lacinia present on left mandible. Uropoda lacking peduncle.
Except for gnathopod, all peraeopods simple walking legs. Antennae shorter than
body length. Peraeopods bear a t least one claw on dactyl. Second antenna without
a scale. Last two articles of maxillipedal palp narrower than first three.
C o m p o s i t i o n a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n : This family contains at least three genera:
Pleurogonium G. O. SARS which is known from the Arctic and from off California
and from the Antarctic, Pleurosignum VANHOFFEN and Antennulosignum N O R D E N -
STAM, both known solely from the Antarctic.


1. Cephalon lacking eyes and ocular peduncles Pleurogonium
1. Cephalon with ocular peduncles and eyes 2
2. Second article of first antenna with a long extension at its medial border which
exceeds the flagellum in length Antennulosignum
2. Second article of first antenna normal, without any projections or extensions . . . .

Genus Pleurosignum VANHOFFEN, 1914

S y n o n y m s ; Pleurosignum VANHOFFEN, 1914, p . 576 — NOBDENSTAM, 1933, p . 246.

T y p e s p e c i e s : Pleurosignum elongatum VANHOFFEN, 1914, pp. 576—577.

D i a g n o s i s : Pleurogonidae with spinelike epimera visible in dorsal view on a t
least peraeonal somites 2—7 inclusive. Antennae of similar length, not longer than
body. Second article of first antenna without projections or expansions. Mandibular
palp lacking.
List of the species of Pleurosignum
Name Author, date Locality
1. Pleurosignum elongatum VANHOFFEN, 1914 Antarctic
2. magnum VANHOFFEN, 1914 Antarctic
3. " lunata (HALE, 1937)? Antarctic
* Considered in this report.
56 Robert James Menzies

C o m p o s i t i o n a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n : All known species occur only in Antarctic

regions. P. lunata ( H A L E ) is assigned tentatively to the genus; the structure of its
mouthparts is not known. Two species were found in the Chilean collections. One is
P. magnum VANHOFFEN and the other is new.

Pleurosignum magnum VANHOFFEN

Figure 12
S y n o n y m s : Pleurosignum magnum VANHOFFEN, 1914, p . 577—578 — NOKDENSTAM, 1933,
pp. 246—248, fig. 68.
D i a g n o s i s : Cephalon with front convex, evenly rounded. First antenna with
six articles, first two articles subequal in length, third one-half the length of second,
third, fourth, fifth and sixth subequal in length. Lateral margins pleotelson with
11 — 12 stout setae anterior to uropods and 8 stouter setae posterior to uropods,
apex pointed. Dactyl of gnathopod with inferior margin provided with five sharp
denticles, propod with two characteristic recurved two-pointed setae.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Gnathopodal setae characteristic.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Female length 1.5 mm, width 0.75 mm. VANHOFFEN (1914)
cites one gravid female being 1.5 mm long.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Southern Chile, St. M 147, three females, St. M 148, one.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : The species was previously known from the East Antarctic
(VANHOFFEN, 1914, "Gauss" Station and the Falkland Islands a t Port William and
Burwood Bank (NOBDENSTAM, 1933, p . 248). This is the first record of the species
from Chile.

Pleurosignum chilense, new species

Figure 13
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Cephalon with convex front, almost triangulate. First antenna with
six articles, first two subequal in length, flagellar articles one-half length of pedun-
cular articles and also subequal in length. Lateral margins of pleotelson entire,
without spines, denticles or setae; apex with four small setae. Dactyl of gnathopod
with four blunt denticles, setae of propod normal two-pointed type which are not
recurved at apex.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Apex of male first pleopod with a single seta.
Maxiliiped with two coupling hooks.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype male, length 0.87 mm, width 0.37 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y : Southern Chile, Estrecho de Magallanes, 3 May 1949, St. M 115,
near the estuary of Rio los Ciervos, S. Of P u n t a Arenas, tidal belt, gravel and clay,
mixed with mud and covered with boulders, exposed, (shelter: kelp), four males,
1 gravid female.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 57

Figure 12. Pleurosignum magnum, VANHOFFEN, Female, 1.5 mm long; A, pleotelson; B, apex
operculum; C, gnathopod; D, ocular peduncle and antennae.
58 Robert James Menziee

Figure 13. Pleurosignum chilense, n. sp. A, holotype male toto length 0.87 mm; B, third
pleopod; C, maxilliped; D, gnathopod; E, apex pleotelson; F , male first pleopoda; G, uropods;
H, left mandible; I, right mandible; J, Beoond male pleopod.
T h e Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine iHopods 59

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Southern Chile. In addition to the types, one male was

examined from St. M 42.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species is wide like P. magnum but the structure of the male
gnathopods which lack the large recurved setae on the propod indicates its distinct-

Family Antiasidae
T y p e g e n u s : Antias RICHARDSON, 1906.
D i a g n o s i s : Articles of maxillipedal palp all narrow, similar in width and one-
half the width of endite. Dactyl of seventh peraeopod with two short claws, not
three. Mandibular molar process normal, expanded apically with a grinding edge.
All peraeonal somites of similar width, none twice as long as wide. XJropoda with a
peduncle. Peraeopods except for gnathopods, all of similar structure.
C o m p o s i t i o n a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n : This family contains two genera Antias
RICHARDSON, and Kuphomunna BARNARD. The former is known from the North
Pacific and the South Atlantic; whereas the latter is known only from South Africa.
MILTON A. M I L L E R (in letter) reports the genus Antias from Bermuda, hence one
must conclude that it is a cosmopolitan genus having, however, its most pronounced
representation in t h e South Atlantic.


1. Rostrum present, exceeding length of cephalon by two times
Kuphomunna BARNARD, 1914
1. Rostrum lacking Antias* RICHARDSON, 1906

Genus Antias RICHARDSON, 1906

T y p e s p e c i e s : Antias charcoti RICHARDSON, 1906.
S y n o n y m s : Antias RICHABDSON, 1906, p p . 16—17 — NOBDENSTAM, 1933, pp. 220 — VAS-
HOTFEN, 1914, p . 533.

Eight species of Antias are now known (MENZIES and M I L L E R , 1955) and a key
to the species has been already given by those authors. The following is a list of the

List of the species of Antias

Name Author, date Locality
1. Antias unirameus MENZIES & MILLER, 1955 New Zealand
2. " uncinatus VANHOFFEN, 1914 S. Africa
3. " hispidus VANHOFFEN, 1914 Antarctic

Considered in this report.

60 Robert James Menzies

4. Antiat f mawsoni HALE, 1937 Antarctic

5. hirsutus MENZIES, 1951 California
6. >; marmoratus VANHOFFEN, 1914 Antarctic
7. » hofsteni NORDENSTAM,1933 Antarctic
8. !> charcoti RICHARDSON, 1906 Antarctic
The genus obviously has its greatest representation in the Antartic, namely over
one-half of the species. Three species were found in the collections from Chile,
one is A. mawsoni HALE; the others are new species.

Antias mawsoni H A L E
Figure 14
Synonyms: Antias mawsoni HALE, 1937, pp. 29—30, fig. 10.
D i a g n o s i s : Frontal border of cephalon convex, evenly rounded. First antenna
with five articles, terminal antenna longest. Uropodal rami two in number, as long
as or longer than peduncle, endopod about two times length of exopod. Lateral
borders of pleotelson with two stout setae; posterior margin with two minute setae.
Body with few marginal setae.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Mandibular palp triarticulate. Maxilliped
with three coupling hooks. Flagellum of second antenna with nine articles and a
prominent scale. Margins of coxal plates with long two-pointed setae.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Central Chile, St. M123, one male, Southern Chile,
St. M 98, one young female, St. M 94, one male, St. M 115 one male.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Length female 1.6 mm (HALE, 1937, p. 30).
A f f i n i t i e s : This species appears most closely related to Antias hispidus V A N -
HOFFEN from the Antarctic. I t differs from that species principally in a lesser number
of setae in the body and lateral margins of the pleotelson. H A L E ' S (1937), specimen
had one less bristle on the pleotelson. Otherwise it is very similar to the specimens
described here.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : This species was first collected a t the main base of the "Australian
Antarctic Expedition" in depths of 3—5 fathoms ( H A L E , 1937, pp. 29—30). These
collections extend its range to Southern Chile. I t is probably an Antarctic circum-
polar species.

Antias laevifrons, new species

Figure 15
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Frontal border of cephalon convex, truncated a t apex. First antenna
with five articles, last article three times the length of penultimate article. Uropodal
rami two in number, subequal in length, about two times the length of peduncle.
Lateral borders of pleotelson entire, with three minute setae. Posterior margin
with two minute setae. Body lacking marginal or dorsal setae.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematics of the Chilean Marine Isopods 61

Figure 14. Antiaa mawsoni HALE, female, length 1.0 mm. A, pleotelaon; B, first antenna;
C, uropod; D, peduncle second antenna; E, cephalon.
62 Robert James Menzies

Figure 15. Antias laevifrons, n. sp. A, toto, female holotype, length 1.3 mm; B, uropod;
C, gnathopod.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Iaopods 63

A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Mandibular palp triarticulate.

M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype ovigerous female, length 1.3 mm, width 0.5 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y : Central Chile, Montemar (N. of Valparaiso). St. M 123, "Estaeion
de biologia marina", 15 J u n e 1949, tidal belt, rocks with pools, microfauna samples
from algae, one female, and four additional specimens.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : St. M 75, one, St. M 123, four specimens.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Chile, 32° S to 44° S.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species is most closely related to A. mawsoni H A L E in antennal
and uropodal structure b u t it differs markedly in lacking stout setae at the lateral
borders of the pleotelson.

Antias dimorphis, new species

Figure 16
Synonyms: None.
D i a g n o s i s : Frontal border of cephalon concave. First antenna with five articles,
terminal article longest. Uropodal rami two, both as long as or longer than peduncle.
Exopod about two times length of endopod. Lateral borders of pleotelson and body
devoid of setae. Male with first peraeonal somite two times the length of second.
Female with peraeonal somites subequal in length.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Mandibular palp triarticulate, maxilliped
with two coupling hooks. Flagellum of second antenna with at least 19 articles.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype male 2.0 mm long, 0.5 mm wide. Gravid female
allotype, 2.5 mm long, 0.75 mm wide.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Southern Chile, Islas Guaitecas, Puerto Melinka,
14 February 1949, St. M 52, tidal belt, rocks, stones and sand, rather exposed;
holotype male, allotype gravid female, and three male paratypes.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from type locality.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species shows no marked affinities with other known Antias.
The smooth and elongate body, concave frontal margin, and sexual dimorphism are
enough to distinguish it from all others.

Family Jaeropsidae
T y p e g e n u s : Jaeropsis KOEHLBB, 1885.
D i a g n o s i s : (Family and genus) Molar process reduced, elongated, and no grin-
ding edge present. Palp of maxilliped with narrow similar articles all less than one-
half the width of endite. All peraeonal somites of similar width, wider t h a n long.
Uropoda with peduncle. Peraeopods with a t least two dactylar claws, all similar
in general structure, none adapted for swimming (e.g., paddle-like).
C o m p o s i t i o n a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n : This family contains only one genus, hence
the familial diagnosis equals the generic diagnosis, Jaeropsis. I t is known from the
04 Robert James Menzies

principal oceans of the world, excspt the Arctic Ocean. The greatest number of
species are found from the Antarctic region.

Genus Jaeropsis K O E H L E R , 1885

Synonyms: Jaeropsis KOEHLEB, 1885. — STEBBING, 1905. — RrcHAHttson', 1905.—• VAN-

D i a g n o s i s : See diagnosis for family.

C o m p o s i t i o n a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n : See family (p. 63).

List of the species of Jaeropsis

Name Author, date Locality
1. Jaeropsis curvicornis (NICOLET, 1849) Chile
2. lobata RICHARDSON, 1899 California
3. paulensis VANHOFFEN, 1914 Antarctic
4. marionis BEDDARD,1885 Antarctic
5. patagoniensis RICHARDSON, 1909 Antarctic, Patagonia
6. rathbunae RICHARDSON, 1902 Bermuda
7. intermedins NORDENSTAM, 1 9 3 3 Antarctic
8. dubia MENZIES, 1951 California
9. dubia var paucispinis MENZIES, 1951 California
10. brevicornis K O E H L E R , 1885 Europe
11. hawaiiensis MILLER, 1941 Hawaii
12. dollfusi NORMAN, 1899 Mediterranean
13. neozealandica CHILTON, 1909 N. Zealand
14. palliseri H U R L E Y , 1957 N. Zealand
J. cw'vicornis (NICOLET) and J patagoniensis RICHARDSON are believed by
NORDENSTAM, 1933, p. 192, to be synonymous.
I t is impossible a t this time to construct a key to the species because their charac-
teristics are too imperfectly known.
The presence or absence of spines a t the lateral borders of the cephalon and
pleotelson and the shape of the rostrum are characteristics separating one species
from the other. Also important is the number of coupling hooks attached to t h e
maxillipeds and the presence or absence of a claw on the uropodal peduncle.
The location of the eyes on the cephalon is probably not an important charac-
teristic as described because the various authors have not been precise in their
RICHARDSON (1905), M I L L E R (1941) and others have failed to indicate the molar
process characterizing species belonging to this genus.
I must concur with NORDENSTAM (1933, p. 194) t h a t "revision of the southern
species of Jaeropsis is very much needed" b u t expand these remarks to include all
of the species.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 65

Figure 16. Antias dimorphis, n. sp., male holotype, 2.0 mm long. A, toto; B, gnathopod;
C, first antenna; D, first pleopods; E, seventh peraeopod.
66 Robert James Menziea

From the Chilean collections two species were found. One is almost certainly
Jaeropsis intermedins NORDENSTAM, which was previously known from Argentina
and the Falkland Islands. The other species I am describing as new.

Jaeropsis curvicornis (NICOLET)

Figure 51 C - E
S y n o n y m s : Jaera curvicornis NrcoLET, 1849, p . 263, pi. 3, fig. 10.
Jaeropsis curvicornis (NICOLET), BABNABD, 1914, p . 224 and synonyms.
Jaeropsis patagoniensis RICHARDSON, 1909, pp. 421—422, H A L E , 1637, p p . 22—23.

D i a g n o s i s : Jaeropsis with blunt rostral process having a sharp median projec-

tion. Pleotelson incised laterally cephalad of uropoda. Stout setae lacking from
cephalon and pleotelsonal margins.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Chile, Patagonia, New Zealand, South Africa, Antarctic (BAR-

Jaeropsis intermedins NORDENSTAM

Figure 17
S y n o n y m s : Jaeropsis intermedins NORDENSTAM, 1933, pp. 194—197, fig. 46.
D i a g n o s i s : Rostrum spear-point shaped, with minute and irregular denticula-
tions on margin. Each lateral border of pleotelson with eight spines between each
of which are one-three setae. Uropodal peduncle with a stout claw. First antenna
with six articles, last article short, about one-third the length of penultimate article.
Lateral borders of cephalon with six stout spines.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : U p to 3.5 m m (NORDENSTAM, 1933, p . 197).
T y p e l o c a l i t y : Coast of North Argentina, latitude 37°50' S, longitude 56°11' W.
100 meters, gravel mixed with sand, 23 December 1901 (NORDENSTAM, 1933, p, 197).
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Southern Chile, St. M 40, one ovigerous female.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Argentina to Chile.

Jaeropsis bidens, new species

Figure 18
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Rostrum evenly convex, lacking any spines or fringe of scales.
Each lateral border of pleotelson with two (male) or three (female) spines between
each of which are 4 characteristic setae. Uropodal peduncle with a claw at distal-
medial angle. First antenna with six articles, last two short, as wide as long, and
subequal in length. Apex of each first male pleopod with thirteen setae. Lateral
borders of cephalon lacking spines.
A d d i t i o n a l d e s c r i p t i v e n o t e s : Palp of mandible triarticulate. Flagellum of
second antenna with 7—8 articles. Maxilliped with three coupling hooks.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematics of the Chilean Marine Isopods 67

Figure 17. Jaeropsis intermedius NOKDENSTAM. Gravid female, length 2.7 mm. A, cephalon;
B, lateral border of pleotelson; C, first antenna; D, rostrum.
68 Robert James Menzies

Figure 18. Jaeropsis bidens, n. sp. Holotype male, length 2.6 mm. A, toto; B, left mandible
C, palp of mandible; D, first peraeopod; E, second pleopod; F , dactyl of seventh peraeopod
G, uropod; H, first antenna; I, maxilliped; J, lateral margin pleotelson; K, flagellum of second
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 69

T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Northern Chile, Iquique, southern parts of the

town, 4 J u l y 1949, St. M131, tidal belt, red rocks with rock pools, extremely
exposed; microfauna sample from algae, four male holotypes, five females, one gravid.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Type male length 2,2 mm, width 0.7 mm.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Northern Chile, St. M 135, two males, seven females.
St. M 127, one male, two gravid females, one juvenile, plus one. Central Chile,
St. M 123, one gravid female albino, one female pleotelson, one male, two juveniles,
one head. Southern Chile, St. M 56, one ovigerous female. St. M 41, one female.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Northern to southern Chile, intertidal to 300 meters depth.
A f f i n i t i e s : In the presence of only three spines on each lateral border of the
pleotelson the females of this species show a marked resemblance to J. dubia var,
paucispinis MENZIES. I t differs from t h a t species in lacking the fringe of scales
around the rostrum and on the peduncular articles of the second antenna.

Family laniridae
D i a g n o s i s : Paraselloidea with none of the peraeopods modified for swimming.
Dactyls with claws, two on first peraeopod, three on other peraeopods. Pleon con-
sisting of two somites, first narrow and inconspicuous, second shield-shaped and
large. Uropoda subterminal or terminal, with peduncle, generally biramous. Mandi-
bular molar process normal, strong, truncated at grinding apex. Coxal plates visible
in dorsal view on most peraeonal somites. Maxillipedal palp with last two articles
markedly narrower than first three; first three wide, over one-half the width of
endite. Second antenna with a distinct squama.
This family has for a long time been a catch-all for any genus roughly fitting its
charcteristics. Because of this its composition has shifted depending upon the
investigator's knowledge. The most recent listing of its genera is found in NIERSTRASZ
(1941, pp. 282—288) who cites 16 genera.
The genera Acanthaspidia STEBBING, Jolanthe B E D D A R D , Janthopsis, JaereHa
RICHARDSON, Janirella RICHARDSON, Trichopleon B E D D A R D , Pseudoinaira BARNARD,
Protojanira BARNARD, and Microprotus RICHARDSON certainly do not belong to the
laniridae because in those genera the pleotelson is composed of only one somite,
not two. lanirella was placed in a new family by M E N Z I E S (1956) and in this paper
Janthopsis and Acanthaspidia which are possible synonyms are similarly placed in
the Ianirellidae. The number of genera comprising the laniridae can thus be reduced
to eleven; with one genus, Ectias RICHARDSON, only tentatively assigned to it due
to the fact t h a t too few of its anatomical features are known to insure adequate


(Exclusive of Protojanira and Ectias)

1. Coxal plates not visible in dorsal view, uropodal rami as wide as long and shorter
than peduncle 2
70 Robert James Menziea

1. Coxal plates visible in dorsal view 3

2. With eyes Jaera L E A C H
2. Without eyes , Caecijaera MENZIES
3. First peraeopoda subchelate 4
3. First peraeopoda simple, not subchelate 5
4. Propod and carpus of gnathopod hugely swollen, dactyl present
4. Propod and carpus of gnathopod hugely swollen, dactyl lacking Bagatus N O B I L I
5. Male first pleopod with margins straight to apex which is bilobed 6
5. Male first pleopod with apex laterally expanded 7
6. Eyes with two to six facets only 9
6. Eyes, large, with many facets. Third pleopod with plumose setae Janira L E A C H
7. Propod of first peraeopod with inferior margin dentate for about 1.3 of its length
Janiraktfa MBNZIES
7. Propod of first peraeopod lacking dentations on inferior margin 8
8. Cephalon with pronounced rostrum Iathrippa BOVALLIUS*
8. Cephalon without or with minute rostrum Ianiropsis G. O. S A B S *
9. Eyes with two facets, third pleopod lacking plumose setae . . Iais BOVALLIUS*
9. Eyes with about six facets, third pleopod with plumose setae
Neojaera NORDENSTAM* (=Austrofilius HODGSON)

Genus Iathrippa BovALLros

S y n o n y m s : Iathrippa BOVALLIUS, 1886, pp. 32—33, NORDENSTAM, 1933, p . 172.
Notasellus P F E F F E B , 1887, p . 125.
Jorina NIERSTRASZ, 1918, pp. 134—317.

T y p e s p e c i e s : Janira longicauda CHILTON, 1884, p, 250, pi. 18.

D i a g n o s i s : Ianiridae with eyes protruding, situated laterally. Uropods broad
and flattened, the width of peduncle increasing towards the distal end. First pleopods
of male with latero-distal angles triangular and protruding. Exopod of third pleopod
of male widening toward distal end and not concealed by second pleopod. Endopod
of third pleopod with three plumose setae at distal margin. Third pleopod acting
as operculum in male and not the second as is the case in other genera (modified
after NORDENSTAM, op. cit.).

Iathrippa ckihnsis, new species

Figure 19
S y n o n y m s : None.

D i a g n o s i s : Rostral apex dentate. Uropodal exopod one-half to one-third as long

as endopod. Each lateral border of pleotelson with 14—17 stout setae. Maxilliped

Considered in this report.

The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 71

Figure 19. lathrippa chilensis, n. ap. A, toto, male; B, rostrum; C, gnathopod; D, setae at
apex of maxillipedal endite; E , maxilliped; F , setae of maxilla; G, uropod; H, apex of first
male pleopods; I, first male pleopods; J, second male pleopod; K, lateral border pleotelson.
72 Eobert James Menzies

with three coupling hooks. Pre-apical angle of first male pleopod rounded, lacking
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype male length 6.0 mm, width 1.5 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Southern Chile, Seno Reloncavi, the bay off
Puerto Montt, between Isla Tenglo and Punta Pilluco, 1 December 1948, 225 meters,
small stones and boulders in fine sand, St. M 14, holotype male, allotype and one
female paratype.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Southern Chile, St. M 40, two females, one gravid; St. M 47,
one specimen, St. M 41, three specimens; St. M 42, one male, three females, three
juveniles, St. M 24, one young, St. M 114, one young; St. M 115, one young.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species differs from those previously described in the large
number of stout setae on the margin of the pleotelson and the fact that the pre-
apical angles of the male first pleopoda are rounded and not denticulate. Its closest
relation appears to be J. multidens (see below).

lathrippa multidens, new species

Figure 20
Synonyms: None.
D i a g n o s i s : Rostral apex dentate. Each lateral border of pleotelson with 20—30
stout setae. Maxilliped with five coupling hooks. Pre-apical angle of first male
pleopod with serrations.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Male holotype 10 mm long, 2 mm wide.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Southern Chile, Estrecho de Magallanes, near the
estuary of Rio los Ciervos, S. of P u n t a Arenas, 3 May 1949, tidal belt, gravel and
clay mixed with mud and covered with boulders, exposed (shelter: kelp), St. M 115,
male holotype, eleven paratypes, males and females.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from type locality.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species is most closely related to 1. chilensis. Characteristics
given in the diagnosis serve to distinguish it from all known species.

lathrippa longicauda (CHILTON)

Figure 51 F - G
Synonyms: lanira (lathrippa) longicauda CHILTON, NORDENSTAM, 1933, pp. 173—176 and
synonyms, also.
lathrippa longicauda (CHILTON), HURLEY, 1957, pp. 17—18, figs. 92—107.
Janira capensis BARNARD, 1914, pp. 220—221, pi. XXB.
D i a g n o s i s : lathrippa without stout two-pointed setae on lateral margins of
pleotelson; instead, the setae present are fine, simple setae. Maxilliped with three
coupling hooks.
This species has been described in varying degrees of detail by NORDENSTAM,
1933, H U H L E Y , 1957 and RICHARDSON, 1910.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 73

Figure 20. lathrippa multidens, n. sp. A, maxilliped; B, third pleopod; C, first male pleopods;
D, pre-apical angle of firat male pleopod; E, lateral border of pleotelson; F , rostrum; G, second
male pleopod.
74 Robert James Menzies

D i s t r i b u t i o n : New Zealand, West Chile, Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Magellan

Straits, Falkland Islands, South Georgia Islands, Campbell Islands, (NORDENSTAM,
op. cit.), South Africa (BARNARD, 1914, p . 220).

Genus Iais BOVALLIUS, 1886

S y n o n y m s : Iais BOVALIJUS, 1886, MENZIES and BARNARD, 1951.

T y p e s p e c i e s : Iais hargeri BOVALLITJS, 1886,=Jaera pubescens, DANA, 1852.

D i a g n o s i s : Ianiridae with eyes dorsal, composed of only two facets. Uropoda
shorter than pleotelson. Rostrum minute, head slightly lobed a t frontal margin.
Exopod of male third pleopod narrower than endopod, concealed by second pleopod,
endopod lacking plumose setae.
C o m p o s i t i o n : The genus contains three species (MENZIES and BARNARD, 1951,
p. 138). One of these, / . pubescens (DANA) occurs in Southern Chile. There it is
found in association with a large sphaeromid.

Iais pubescens (DANA)

Figure 21 — 22
S y n o n y m s : Iais pubescens (DANA), MENZIES and BARNARD, 19S1, p p . 138—141.

D i a g n o s i s : First antenna about one-seventh as long as body and one-fifth as

long as second antenna. Second antenna more than two-thirds as long as body;
flagellum with 26 articles. Maxilliped with two coupling hooks. Inferior claw of
dactyl of peraeopods 1 — 7 bifid. Uropoda one-third as long as pleotelson. (After
MENZIES and BARNARD, 1951, op. cit.)
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Nassau, Tierra del Fuego ( D A N A , 1852, p . 744).
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Antarctic circumsubpolar species, Falkland Islands, Kerguelen,
Auckland and Campbell Isls., Tasmania and Str. Magellan, S. Africa and New Zea-
land. (MENZIES and BARNARD, op. cit.).
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : I n the L.U.C.E. collections specimens were obtained
from four stations in Southern Chile (two from the Magellanes region). St. M 6,
two females, St. M 72, five specimens, St. M 113, 48 specimens, St. M 115, eleven
A f f i n i t i e s : All species are closely related. This one is unique in having the
bifid accessory claw on its dactyl.

Genus Neojaera NORDENSTAM, 1933

Synonyms: Neojaera NORDENSTAM, 1933, pp. 187—188.
? Austrofilius HODGSON, 1910.
T y p e s p e c i e s : Jaera antarctica PFEFFER, 1887, pp. 134—316.
D i a g n o s i s : Ianiridae with minute dorsally situated eyes composed of about
six facets. Body length exceeds four times the width. Coxal plates visible in dorsal
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 75

Figure 21. lais pubescens (DANA). A, toto, adult female; B, maxilliped; 0, apex of male first
pleopoda; D, left mandible (after MBNZIES and BAKNABD, 1951).

view on peraeonal somites 3 — 7. Uropoda much shorter than pleotelson. Endopod

of third pleopod with 3 plumose setae. Antennae about twice as long as cephalon.
Pronounced rostrum lacking. Pre-apical angles of male first pleopoda spiniform and
directed along pleopod margin toward apex. Dactyls of peraeopoda biunguiculate.
C o m p o s i t i o n : The genus is reputed to have two species, antarctica P F E F F E R
and serrata (BAKNARD). Neither has been adequately described. Both are known
only from the Antarctic regions. The probability is very good t h a t Austrofilius
HODGSON and Neojaera are synonyms yet it is altogether curious t h a t the discovery
was not made by VANHOFFEN (1914) who described both Jaera antarctica ( P F E F F E R ) ,
the type of Neojaera and Austrofilius furcatus HODGSON, the type of Austrofilius.
The male first pleopoda are identical in general aspect.
7fi Robert James Menziea

Figure 22. lais pubesoena (DANA.). A, second male pleopod; B, male fourth pleopod; C, uropod
and apex of pleotelson; D, third male pleopod; E , dactyl of first peraeopod, female; F , aper-
culum, female; G, first antenna; H, dactyl of seventh peraeopod, female*(after MENZIES and
BARNARD, 1951).

Neojoera elongatus, new species

Figure 23
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : First antenna with six articles. Lateral margin cephalon with two
stout setae. Lateral margin pleotelson with 7 stout setae. Endopod of second male
pleopod coiled at apex. First male pleopod with pre-apical angle spiniform and not
reaching apex.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype male length 2.5 mm, width 0.45 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Central Chile, Montemar (N. of Valparaiso),
Estaci6n de biologia marina, tidal belt, rocks with rock pools, St. M 123, male and
female types.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 77

Figure 23. Neojaera elongaius n. sp., allotype, 2.1 nun long. A, toto; B, lateral margin head;
C, second male pleopod; D, first male pleopod; E, apex seventh peraeopod; F , apex first
peraeopod; G, lateral border pleotelaon; H , first antenna.
78 Robert James Menzies

D i s t r i b u t i o n : Besides the types, specimens were also collected from Northern

Chile at Iquique, St. M 131, twenty four specimens, and St. M 135; Central Chile,
St. M 123, one female.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species is quite distinct from all previously described forms in
having such a short pre-apical angle on the first pleopod and in the small number
of stout setae at the margins of the head; also distinctive is the small lobate frontal
margin of the cephalon.

Genus Ianiropsis G. 0 . SAKS, 1807—99

S y n o n y m s : Ianiropsis G. O. SABS, 1897—99, p. 102.
T y p e s p e c i e s : Ianiropsis breviremis G. O. SARS, 1897 — 99.
D i a g n o s i s : Ianiridae with cephalon, peraeon, and pleon lacking projecting
lappets. Cephalon lacking long rostrum. Coxal plates visible in dorsal view on at
least peraeonal somites two to seven. Pleon with two somites. Uropoda biramous.
Maxillipedal palp with first three articles about as wide as endite. Male first pleopoda
expanded laterally at apex, second pleopoda conceal third pleopoda from ventral
view, exopod of third pleopod narrower than endopod which has three plumose
setae at apex. Dactyls of first peraeopoda biunguiculate. Those of second to seventh
inclusive triunguiculate. Propod of first peraeopod without serrations near its origin.
Second antenna with obvious squama (modified from MENZIES, 1952, pp. 134—135).
C o m p o s i t i o n : No species from this genus has been recorded from Chile up
to the present time. Here three species are described.

Ianiropsis tridens MENZIES, 1952

Figure 24
S y n o n y m s : Ianiropsis tridens MENZIES, 1952, pp. 156—158, fig. 71.
D i a g n o s i s : Ianiropsis with frontal margin cephalon with slight convexity.
Each lateral (posterior half) border of pleotelson with three spine-like serrations.
First antennal flagellum with nine articles. Each lateral apex of male first pleopod
directed posteriorly but not abruptly so. Uropoda exceeding slightly one-half the
pleotelson length (after M E N Z I E S , op. cit.).
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Northern Chile, St. M131, twenty specimens, males,
females and young.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Central California (MENZIES, 1952) and northern Chile.
A f f i n i t i e s : See M E N Z I E S , 1951.

Ianiropsis perplexus, new species

Figure 25
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Cephalon with slight medial convexity. Eyes red, large, laterally
situated. First antenna with 9 articles, 3 — 4 subequal in length, 5th two times'the
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematics of the Chilean Marine Isopods 79

Figure 24. laniropsis tridens MENZTBS. A, toto; B, second male pleopod; C, first male pleopod;
D, lateral border of pleotelson; E, first antenna; F, pleotelson; G, seventh peraeopod. Figures
A, B, E—-G, after MENZTES 1952; C—D based upon Chilean specimens.
80 Robert James Menziea

length of 4th. Uropoda exceed onehalf the pleotelson length. Postero-lateral border
of pleotelson with four stout setae. Body pigmented with brown speckles. Male first
pleopod with postero-lateral angle abruptly curved. Margin of each with 16 setae.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype male, length 2.6 mm, width 0.70 mm, figured allotype
length 1.35 mm, width 0.45 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Southern Chile, Archipielago de los Chonos, Canal
Moraleda, Islotes Locos, 25 February 1949, tidal belt, rocks, exposed, microfauna
samples; St. M 77, holotype, allotype, eight paratypes.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from Southern Chile at the Canal Moraleda area;
type locality and St. M 75, nine specimens.
A f f i n i t i e s : I n pigmentation and the absence of spines on the pleotelson this
species appears to be close to laniropsis minuta MENZIES (MENZIES, 1952). I t differs
from that species in having the postero-lateral angle of the male first pleopod
abruptly bent and in having the 3—4 articles of the first antenna subequal and not
dissimilar in length.

laniropsis chilensis, new species

Figure 26
Synonyms: None.
D i a g n o s i s : laniropsis with frontal margin convex. Lateral margins of pleotelson
lacking denticles, a few setae present. Eyes black. First antenna with 12 articles,
fifth article two times the length of sixth. Body pigmented with scattered black
chromatophors. Lateral angles of male first pleopods not abruptly bent, margin
of each with 15 setae.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype male, length 2.0 mm, width 0.9 mm, allotype length
2 mm, width 1 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Canal Chacao, Bahia de Ancud, SE of Punta Ahui,
8 meters depth, small stones with algae, May 5, 1949, St. M 98, one male, one female,
and six paratypes.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Southern Chile, St. M 95, one male; St. M 94, twelve specimens,
St. M 47, seven specimens, St. M 64, one female, St. M 115, one female.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species differs from those previously described in having a
smooth pleotelson, male first pleopoda lacking recurved postero-lateral angles and
in having black eyes. The partial obscurement of the first pleonal somite and the
interlocking of peraeonal somites 5—7 inclusive are also distinctive features.

Family Ianirellidae
T y p e g e n u s : Ianirella BONNIER, 1896, MENZIES (1956).
D i a g n o s i s : Paraselloidea with free head. None of the peraeonal somites fused,
all subequal in length. Mandibles normal, molar process expanded at truncated
apex. Antennae shorter than body. First antenna shorter than second antenna.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopoda 81

Figure 25. laniropsis perplexus, n. sp.; A, toto, male; B, lateral border of pleotelson; C, male
first pleopod.

82 Robert James Menzies

Figure 26. Ianiropais chilensis n. sp. A, toto; B, right mandible; C, first peraeopod; D, maxil-
liped; E, seventh peraeopod; F, second maxilla; O, maxiliipedal epipod; H, first antenna;
I, uropod; J, male first pleopod.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 83

All peraeopods simple; a t least t h e last six are unmodified walking legs. Dactyls of
last six peraeopods with only two claws. Pleon consisting of one somite only. Uropoda
with peduncle, bi- or uniramous, terminal-ventral insertion of peduncle {modified
from M E N Z I E S , 1956).
C o m p o s i t i o n : When first instituted, this family by definition could contain
only Ianirella. The above diagnosis has been made more liberal and it is now appar-
ent t h a t the family contains in addition t o Ianirella the following genera and perhaps
Janthopsis B E D D A R D
Acanthaspidia S T E B B I N G
Jolanthe BEDDARD
Iolella RICHARDSON (sensu stricto)
Microprot-as RICHARDSON

The presence or absence of dorsally visible coxal plates divides these into two
Group A, with coxal plates Group B, without coxal plates
Microprotus Janthopsis
Ianirella Iolella

Genus Janthopsis BEDDARD, 1886

S y n o n y m s : lanthopsis BEDDARD, 1886 p . 15. VANHOrrEN, 1914, p, 539.
T y p e s p e c i e s : Ianthe bovallii STTJDER, vide BEDDARD (op. cit.).
D i a g n o s i s : Janirellidae with coxal plates not visible in dorsal view. Uropoda
terminal, biramous, maxillipedal palp with first three articles less t h a n one-half
the width of endite. Antennae shorter than body, second with a squama. Mandibular
molar process strong, truncated a t apex. (This diagnosis is based upon the species
reported here and upon those described by V A N H O F F E N . I have not seen S T U D E R ' S
C o m p o s i t i o n : The genus contains five species, all of which are Antarctic in
distribution and t h e majority of which are from deep water. The Chilean species
is from comparatively shallow water and, unlike the others, has eyes.

Janthopsis laevis, new species

Figure 27
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Peraeonal somites minutely serrated, and provided dorsally with
long setae. First antenna with 8 articles. Bleotelson laterally with 18 stout setae,
84 Robert James Menzies

apically with 9 plumose setae. Uropodal rami shorter than peduncle. Eyes large,
bulging, and dorsally situated. Maxilliped with three coupling hooks.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype female, length 5.0 mm, width 2.0 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Southern Chile, seno Reloncavi, N . of Isla Quellin,
23 January 1949, 100 meters, small stones, probably on hard sand, micro-fauna
samples; St. M 40, holotype female, paratype female.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Southern Chile, Golfo de Ancud, St. M 42, two specimens.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Chile.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species shows no close affinities with previously described
forms. I t differs markedly from most in its having eyes and in the lack of spines or
elevations on the dorsal surface of the body.


Valviferans occur in Chile in considerable quantity and a t least 16 species are

known. Their diagnostic features are indicated in the following key:


1. Uropoda uniramous 2
1. Uropoda biramous 6
2. First antenna less than one-half the length of second antenna
Idothea metallica Bosc
2. First and second antennae about equal in length; first slightly shorter 3
3. Body with deep transverse grooves, pleon with three distinct somites
Edotea transversa n. sp.
3. Body lacking deep transverse grooves 4
4. Pleonal sutures obvious laterally for only two somites
Edotea magellanica CUNNINGHAM
4. Pleonal sutures obvious laterally for only one somite 5
5. Frontal lamina bifid Edotea tuberculata GITERIN-MENEVILLE
5. Frontal lamina pointed Edotea dahli n. sp.
6. All peraeopods simple, none subchelate 7
6. Some peraeopods subchelate 13
7. First four pairs of peraeopoda directed towards mouth and provided with
plumose setae 8
7. First four peraeopods similar to last three, not provided with plumose setae 11
8. Fourth peraeonal somite over two times the length of third 9
8. Fourth peraeonal somite only as long as third
Antarcturus arnericanus (BEDDARD)
9. Lateral parts of first peraeonal somite expanded downward or not expanded
downward 10
10. Expanded downward Astacilla diomsdea B E N E D I C T
10. Not expanded downward Neastacilla magellanica (OHXIN)
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 85

Figure 27. Janthopsis laevis, n. sp., holotype female. A, toto; B, last pleopod; C, apex of
pleotelson; D, apex second antenna; E, incisor and Iaeinia left mandible; F, first maxilla;
G, seventh peraeopod; H, right mandible; I, last pleopod; J, cephalon; K, maxilliped; L, right
mandible; M, second maxilla; N, third pleopod; 0 , first antenna; P, first peraeopod; Q, lateral
border of pleotelson; R, maxillipedal endite.
86 Robert James Menzies

11. Coxal plates marked off in peraeonal somites 2—7 inclusive. Flagellum of
second antenna multiarticulate with subequal articles
Notidotea rotundicauda (CHILTON)
11. Coxal plates marked off on peraeonal somites 2—7 inclusive. Flagellum of
second antenna with an elongate proximal article and a few minute terminal
articles 12
12. Apex of pleotelson truncated Cleantis linearis DANA
12. Apex of pleotelson rounded Cleanthis chilensis n. sp.
13. First three pairs of peraeopoda sub chelate, others ambulatory, none as long
as body 14
13. First five pairs of peraeopoda subchelate, last two ambulatory, sixth as long as
body Chaetilia paucidens n. sp.
14. Lacking eyes and dorsal body tubercles Macrochiridothea michaelsoni O H L I N
14. Bearing eyes, with or without dorsal body tuberculcations 15
15. With sharp tuberculations on dorsum of body Macrochiridothea stebbingi OHLIN
15. Without sharp dorsal tuberculations 16
16. Apex of pleotelson with median spine-like projection
Macrochiridothea setifer n. sp.
16. Apex of pleotelson without median spine-like projection
Macrochiridothea kruimeli NIERSTRASZ

Family Arciuridae
T y p e g e n u s : Arcturus Latreille.
D i a g n o s i s : Valvifera with elongate subcylindrical body. First antenna shorter
than second antenna; flagellum with single article. First four pairs of peraeopods
elongated provided with ciliated setae and directed toward the mouth. Last three
peraeopods short, stout, adapted toward clinging and lack plumose setae. Pleonal
somites variously coalesced. First peraeonal somite often coalesced with cephalon.
Uropoda generally biramous (modified after RICHAKDSON, 1905).
This family contains several genera. Only one, Neastacilla, was represented in
the L.U.C.E. collections.

Genus NeastaciUa TATTEBSALL, 1921

T y p e s p e c i e s : Astacilla falclandica OHLIN, TATTEKSALL, 1921, p. 243.
D i a g n o s i s : First peraeonal somite coalesced with head, only a groove remains.
Pleon with one somite but with groove-like indications of two additional somites,
incisions not apparent. Dactyl of first peraeopod lacks claws. Lateral parts of first
peraeonal somite not expanded forwards and downwards. Secondary ramus of
uropoda with a single long plumose apical seta (diagnosis after NORDENSTAM,
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 87

Neastacilla magellanica (OHLIN)

Figure 28
S y n o n y m s : Astacilla magellanica OHx,m, 1901.
Neastacilla magellanica (Osurs), NOBDENSTAM, 1933, p . 122.
D i a g n o s i s : Ultimate article of second antennular peduncle slightly shorter t h a n
penultimate article. Apex of flagellum of second antenna with claw, margins of
flagellum with row of teeth-like setae. First peraeopod lacks claws, terminal article
with four apical setae. Frontal margin of cephalon with median point. Epimera
visible on all peraeonal somites except the first. Fifth epimera largest. Body lacking
spines. Only slight grooves on pleotelson indicate the various segments; suture lines
not evident. Color variable, yellow to purple, body with scattered brown chromato-
S p e c i m e n s e x a m i n e d : A total of 42 specimens was examined. These were
all collected from Southern Chile. Gravid females have a much expanded third (free)
peraeonal somite and are usually two times t h e size of non-gravid specimens.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : The species was first collected from the Straits of Magellan a t
Dungeness Point, 10 fathoms ( O H L I N , 1901, p . 268). Nordenstam reported it from
the Falkland Islands. I t was taken by the Lund University Expedition a t St. M 115.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species appears very close to Neastaeilla faldandica ( O H L I N ) .
The principal differences between the two appear to be in t h e stoutness of the second
antennae. Those of N. faldandica seem stouter. This seems to be a somewhat variable
difference; however, I hesitate to unite the two species because I have not seen the
type specimens.

Genus Astacilla COBDINER, 1793

T y p e s p e c i e s : Astacilla longicornis (SOWEBBY), G. O. SABS, 1897, p p . 88—89.
D i a g n o s i s : Arcturidae with a short lateral suture between cephalon and first
peraeonal somite. Lateral parts of first peraeonal somite expanded. Flagellum of
second antenna with three articles. Fourth somite of peraeon elongated, being over
two times t h e length of the individual other peraeonal somites. (Modified from
NORDENSTAM, 1933, p p . 118—119).

Astacilla diomedea BENEDICT

(No figure available)

D i a g n o s i s : "The head is excavated in front, nearly rectangular, a little broader
behind t h a n in front. The eyes are b u t little swollen, are round, and are situated a
little anterior to t h e middle of the margin.
The antennae are closely like those of Astacilla nodosa ( D A N A ) . The first segment
of the thorax has t h e same width as the head; the second and third segments are
successively wider and also shorter than the first; the fourth segment is very wide
88 Robert James Menziea

at the anterior end, as in nodosa; ... the segments posterior to the fourth are longer
than the first three and are successively narrower. The abdomen is constricted at
the base and has sub-parallel sides; from the slight posterolateral protruberance it
narrows rapidly to the apex ... all the articles of the antennal peduncles have a
narrow ring of black a t the distal ends, except the fifth" (modified from B E N E D I C T ,
1898, pp. 50—51).
T y p e l o c a l i t y : "Straits of Magellan, 17 fathoms, St. 2774 "Albatross"; a single
gravid female" (BENEDICT, op. cit.).

Genus Antarcturus ZUR STRASSEN, 1902

T y p e s p e c i e s : Arcturus coppingeri MIERS, 1881, p. 75, pi. 7.
D i a g n o s i s : First peraeonal somite coalesced with cephalon. Lateral margins of
first peraeonal somite not prolonged downward and forward; mouth organs visible
in lateral view. Pleon with three somites anterior to pleotelson. Pleonal length not
exceeding length of last five peraeonal somites together. Antennae a t least equal in
length to body, flagellum of adult with a t least five articles. First peraeopods prehen-
sile, dactyl long and narrow. Exopod of first male pleopod of male with diagonal
furrow on posterior surface (NORDBNSTAM, 1933, p. 129).

Antarcturus americanus ( B E D D A R D )
Figure 51 A—B
S y n o n y m s : Arcturus americanus BEDDABD, 1886, pp. 104—105, pi. X X I I I , figs. 5—8.
Antarcturus americanus (BEDDABD), Nordenstam, 1933, p . 135.
D i a g n o s i s : Antarcturus with head lacking spines but having tubercles or granula-
tions. Pleotelson with acute subapical spines. Dorsum of peraeonal somites one to
seven each with one pair of short erect spines (STEPHENSEN, 1947, p. 20).
This species was not in the L.U.C.E. collection. I t was reported from the Magellan
region by O H L I N and B E D D A R D , vis. NORDENSTAM, 1933, p. 138.

Family Idotheidae
T y p e g e n u s : Idothea Fabricius.
D i a g n o s i s : Valvifera with body generally somewhat depressed or strongly
depressed. First pair of antennae often shorter than second pair, flagellum with single
long article and a few or no minute apical articles. First pair of peraeopods usually
stout and similar to other pairs of peraeopods. Pleonal somites variously coalesced.
First peraeonal somite always distinct from cephalon. Uropoda usually uniramous
(modified after RICHARDSON, 1905).

Subfamily: Idotheinae DANA, 1852,

M I E R S , 1881, NORDENSTAM, 1933
D i a g n o s i s : Differing from the other subfamilies of the Idotheidae in having
the uropoda uniramous. First antennae shorter than second antennae. Second
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 89

Figure 28, Neastactlla magellanica (OHLIN). A, whole animal, lateral view; B, pleotelson,
dorsal view; C, frontal border of eephalon; T>, inner surface uropod; E, apical articles second
antenna; F, last peraeopod; G, apical articles first peraeopod. Figured specimen about one mm
in length.
90 Robert James Menziea

antennal flagellum multiartioulate, Cephalon without incisions laterally. Peraeopoda

all similar, not subchelate.
Two genera, Edotea and Cleantis, of this ubiquitous subfamily were represented
in the L.U.C.E. collections. Cleantis should probably be removed from t h e family
because of its having biramous uropoda.

Genus Idothea FABEICIUS, 1775

Synonyms: Numerous, see MTEBS, 1883.
T y p e s p e c i e s : Idothea baliica (Pallas), OHLIN, 1901, p . 285.
D i a g n o s i s : Idotheidae having a multiartioulate second antennal flagellum.
Coxal plates separated on peraeonal somites 2 to 7 inclusive. Pleon with three
sometimes plus lateral incisions of a fourth.
C o m p o s i t i o n : This genus contains a great number of species, one is occasio-
nally found in the Chilean fauna, Idothea metallica Bosc.

Idothea metallica Bosc

Figure 51—N
S y n o n y m s : Numerous, see RICHABDSON, 1905, p. 362.

D i a g n o s i s : Idothea with a truncated pleotelsonal apex and subparallel lateral

margins. Frontal process pointed. Coxal plates triangular. Body length about three
times the width. Maxilhpedal palp with four articles.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean. The species is distributed
widely in the plankton and becomes an occasional visitor to the shores of many
countries. (NAYLOR, 1957, pp. 599—602.)

Genus Edotea GUERIN-MENEVTJXE, 1843

T y p e s p e c i e s : Edotea tvberculata G.-M.
D i a g n o s i s : Idotheinae with flagellum of second antenna rudimentary, appearing
generally as a single clavate article. Pleon with dorsal grooves indicating placement
of three somites, lateral incisions not always evident. Maxilliped with three articles
to palp. Coxal plates united firmly to peraeon, grooves indicate coxal plate separa-
tion in some species. Flagellum of second antenna actually composed of three or more
This genus contains eight species, five of which are known from the Southern
Hemisphere and three from the Northern Hemisphere. Here two additional species
are described from the L.U.C.E. collections; both appear t o be new species.

Edotea tubercuktta GUERIN-MENEVILLE

Figure 51-K
S y n o n y m s : Edotia tubercutata Gtrfoim-Mfii-rEvrLLE, 1843, OHLIN, 1901, pp. 292—295, and
synonyms. SHEPPAUD, 1957. p . 160.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 91

D i a g n o s i s : "Segments of the peraeon each with a dorsal tuberculum in the

middle line and with two lateral longitudinal grooves on each side, t h e most lateral
grooves often incomplete or indistinct. Abdomen with all segments coalesced with
one another, but with two anterior segments indicated, the first by a transverse
groove, the second by a short lateral suture or incision. Uropods slightly hollowed
distally with lower part of the sympodite and its ramus not bent upwards so as to
form a secondary ventral border; ramus triangular, not even half as long again as
it is broad." NORDENSTAM, 1933, p. 95. Eyes not on tubercles (SHEPPARD, 1957,
p . 160).
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Magellan Straits, near Cape Horn,
Falkland Islands, (SHEPPARD, and NORDENSTAM, op. cit.).

Edotea magellanica CUNNINGHAM

Figure 51—L
S y n o n y m s : Edotia magellanica CvwsmGK&M, 1871, p . 499, NOKDENSTAM 1933, p p . 97—98.
D i a g n o s i s : "Head and peraeon devoid of tuberculae. Peraeon segments with
a faint laterally situated longitudinal groove on each side. Abdomen with two anterior
segments indistinctly marked off by grooves, the second on each side ending in a
free lateral tip. Uropods markedly hollowed distally, with the lower part of the
sympodite and its ramus bent upwards, so as t o form a small ventral secondary
border; ramus triangular about twice as long as it is broad." NORDENSTAM, 1933,
p. 97.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Magellan Straits, South America
(NORDENSTAM, op. cit.).

Edotea dahli, new species

Figure 29
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Frontal margin of cephalon entire. Frontal lamina projecting and
pointed, dorsum of head with a bilobate elevation medially, head foveolate, covered
with short setae. Eyes small, black and laterally situated. Maxilliped with one
coupling hook. Dorsum of peraeon generally smooth. Pleon with indications of three
coalesced somites, first with slight lateral incisions, coxal plate areas of peraeon
with longitudinal grooves. Appendix masculinum with six stout setae near apex
which is bluntly pointed.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Male holotype, length 5.2 mm, width 2.0mm. Other specimens
of similar size.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : The type specimens consist of two males, St. M 21,
from southern Chile a t the Golfo de Ancud, Canal Calbuco, between P u n t a Meimen
and Punta Pinto on December 16, 1948; small stones, 25 meters.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n : The species was also collected from
92 Robert James Menzies

Figure 29. Edotea dahli, new species, holotype male. A, whole animal; B, maxilliped; C, first
antenna; D, appendix masculinum; E,uropod; F, first peraeopod; G, penes; H, second antenna.
Length figured specimen 5.2 mm.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 93

the Golfo de Ancud between Isla Quenu and Isla Chidguapi, St. M 27, one juvenile,
May 3, 1949, coarse sand with shells, 45 meters; from S.E. of P u n t a Tres Cruzes,
ISLE, of P u n t a Piedras, St. M 104, May 5, 1949, one male, 50—60 meters; St. M 40,
Seno Reloncavi, 1 specimen, J a n u a r y 23, 1949, small stones probably on hard sand,
100 meters; a n d from Central Chile at Montemar, St. M 123, March 10, 1949, t w o
females; Southern Chile, Estrecho de Magallanes, N . of town P u n t a Arenas, St. M
112, one female, sand.
A f f i n i t i e s : The species seems closely related to Edotea bilobata NORDENSTAM
from t h e Falkland Islands. I t differs from t h a t species in having the lobes of t h e
cephalon much less pronounced and the pleon less pointed. The epimeral areas of
the peraeon are also more pointed. I n bilobata they are contiguous on lateral margin.

Edotea transversa, new species

Figure 30
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s ; Frontal margin of cephalon entire. Frontal lamina projecting b u t
blunt a t apex. Dorsum of cephalon with two large tubercles near frontal margin,
eyes situated laterally. Epimeral areas of peraeon with swellings, dorsum with
transverse grooves which are best developed on somites 1 — 6 inclusive, five to seven
with median lobe. Pleon with two obvious somites and a third one indicated b y
depression on pleotelson each with mid-dorsal lobe. Appendix masculinum with
over 15 rows of spines, apex pointed.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Female holotype, length 11.0 mm, width 5.0 mm, male allotype,
length 18.0 mm, width 7.0 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Types, male and female, were collected from South-
ern Chile, St. M 40, Seno Reloncavi, N of Isla Quellin, 100 m depth, J a n u a r y 23,
1949; small stones, probably on hard sand.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from type locality.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species differs from most in having the first two pleonal somites
clearly indicated dorsally and laterally, otherwise however, i t is very much an
Edotea. The flagellum of the second antenna has four articles, the first of which is
longest. The male peraeopoda, as seems characteristic of many idotheids, are strongly
pubescent. The transverse grooves are also distinctive.

Genus Cleantis DANA, 1852

T y p e S p e c i e s : Cleantis linearis DANA, 1852.
D i a g n o s i s : Body linear. Coxal plates marked off from peraeon on all b u t first
somite. Pleon with more than one somite. Flagellum of second antenna with large
proximal article and a few minute terminal articles. Maxilhpedal palp with five
articles. Uropoda biramous. (After NORDENSTAM, 1933).
94 Robert James Menzies

Figure 30. Edotea transversa, new species, female holotype. A, whole animal; B, second antenna;
C, first antenna; E>, appendix masculinum; E, first peraeopod; F , penes. Length measured
specimen 11.0 mm.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 95

NOBDENSTAM (op. cit.) has discussed the various Antarctic species. NIERSTRASZ
(1941) lists 16 species. One of these, C occidentalis RICHARDSON is the young of
Idothea urotoma, according to M E N Z I E S (1950). The genus appears to have a n anti-
tropical distribution. No purely tropical species are known.

Cleantis linearis DANA

(No Figure available)
S y n o n y m s : Cleantis linearis DANA, 1852, p . 472, pi. 46, figs. 9a—91, NOBDENSTAM, 1933,
pp. 101—102.
D i a g n o s i s : Pleon with four free somites anterior t o pleotelson. Distal margin
of pleotelson truncate. Antennal flagellum biartieulate (modified from NOBDENSTAM,
1933, p . 101).
T y p e l o c a l i t y : Northern Patagonia ( D A N A , 1852).
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Patagonia a n d central Chilean coast (NOBDENSTAM, 1933, p. 102).
This species was not found in t h e L.U.C.E. collections.

Cleantis ckilensis, new species

Figure 31
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Frontal margin cephalon slightly concave, frontal lamina triangulate,
clypeus bifid and extending forward rather t h a n frontal lamina. Eyes oblong,
transverse, located at margin cephalon. Last three pairs of coxal plates pointed
postero-iaterally. Pleon with three distinct somites and lateral incisions indicating
a fourth, apex pleotelson rounded. Flagellum of first antenna with single article,
second with four articles. Uropoda biramous. Fourth pairs peraeopoda minute,
directed laterally. Antero-lateral parts of pleon with fringe of delicate setae.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype, length 11.0 mm, width 2.0 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Type collected a t St. M 156, from Northern Chile
at Tocopilla, off power plant south of town, J a n u a r y 5, 1949, on hard bottom, about
13 meters depth.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known from type locality only.
A f f i n i t i e s : The affinities of this species are difficult to discern. The fringed
pleotelson allies it with C. granulata H E L L E R from which it differs, however, in
having the pleotelson apically convex and not concave. The pleotelsonal suturing
is similar in both.

Subfamily: Me.sidote.inae RACOVITZA and SEVASTOS, 1910

D i a g n o s i s : Idotheidae with biramous uropoda. Second antennal flagellum
multiarticulate. Coxal plates marked off in peraeonal somites two to seven inclusive
(derived from NOBDENSTAM, 1933, pp. 103—105).
Robert James Menziee
This subfamily is represented in Chile by one genus, Notidotea, a curious counter-
part of Mesidothea of the Northern Hemisphere.

Genus Notidotea NICHOLLS, 1937

T y p e S p e c i e s : Notidotea lacustris (G. M, THOMPSON)

D i a g n o s i s : Idotheidae with biramous uropoda. Pleotelson with two partly

delimited somites in addition to two fully separated somites. Maxillipedal palp
with only four fully separated articles. Flagellum of second antenna multiarticulate.
Coxal plates delimited on paraeonal somites two to seven inclusive.
The Chilean species is Notidotea rotundicauda (MIERS). The genus is close to Mesi-
dothea in many respects besides the fact that both have marine and fresh water

Notidotea rotundicauda (MIERS)

(No figure available)

S y n o n y m s : Austrtdotea (Notidotea) rotundicauda (MIERS), NICHOLLS, 1937, pp. 131—132,
figs. 16—17, and synonyms.
D i a g n o s i s : "Body depressed, ovate; head widest behind the eyes, its antero-
and postero-lateral margins produced into lobes meeting in an obtuse angle against
the eyes, dorsally the sinuous transverse furrow strongly marked; eyes appearing
dorsal, submarginal, also distinctly visible on the ventral surface as facetted areas;
second antennae with multi-articulate flagellum, with no marked setosity in the
male; lateral border of first peraeon segment extending well forwards on either side
of the head; peraeon segments 2 — 7 with coxal plates distinct; pleon narrowing
posteriorly, with but two free segments, the third incompletely separated from the
succeeding pleotelson by a pair of deep incisures. Palp of maxilliped with five distinct
joints; peraeopods divided into two groups, I — I I I subchelate, IV—VII simple
ambulatory; second pleopod in the male with appendix masculina extremely long,
reaching almost to the hind end of the body. Uropods (opereula) with strong lateral
setose spine and retaining both rami." (NICHOLLS, 1937, p. 115—116).

Subfamily: Chaetilinae DANA

Synonyms: Chaetilidae DANA, 1852, Macrochiridotheinae NORDBNSTAM, 1933.
D i a g n o s i s : Cephalon laterally expanded, its posterior part immersed in first
peraeonal somite. Eyes small, present or absent. First antennae larger or almost as
large as second antennae, each with flagellum appearing as single clavate article,
Coxal plates marked dorsally off only on last three peraeonal somites. Maxillipeds
with four-jointed palp. First pair of peraeopods large swollen gnathopods. Second to
fifth inclusive weak, sometimes subchelate. Peraeopods six t o seven lacking claws on
dactyl. Uropoda biramous. (Modified after NORDENSTAM, 1933.)
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine laopods 97

Figure 31. Cleantia chilensis, new species. A, whole animal, type; B, cephalon; C, first antenna;
D, second antenna; E , first peraeopod; F, uropod; G, seventh peraeopod. Specimen 11 m m
in length.

Robert James Menzies
NOKDENSTAM (op. cit.) reports the maxillipedal palp in this subfamily to have
three articles. I t has four, with the small first article being generally overlooked.
Two genera were found in the L.U.C.E. collections, Macrochiridothea O H L I N and
Chaetilia D A N A . The coxal plate morphology is the same in both genera.

Genus Macrochiridothea OHLIN, 1901

T y p e s p e c i e s : Macrochiridothea michaelseni, OHLIN, 1901.
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Chaetilinae with lateral borders of cephalon expanded and with a
deep incision on either side. Eyes dorsal when present. Pleon with four somites.
Sixth pair of peraeopoda elongate but not as long as body. First three pairs of
peraeopoda subchelate.

Macrochiridothea michaelseni OHLIN

Figure 32
S y n o n y m s : Macrochiridothea michaelseni OHLIN, 1901, pp. 287—289, fig. 8.
D i a g n o s i s : Dorsum of cephalon, peraeon, and pleon smooth, lacking tubercula-
tions. Eyes lacking. Pleotelson with a single apical spine on either side of which are
three-four pairs of plumose setae. Second article peduncle of first antenna with a
strongly projecting outer angle. Flagellum of antenna with short terminal articles.
Flagellum of second antenna with seven articles.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Length 11.5 mm, breadth 5.5 mm female smaller (OHLIN, 1901).
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : In brackish pools Magellan Strait, Punta Arenas,
in branch of delta of Rio de las Minas, March 16, 1893, 12 fathoms, one specimen
( O H L I N , 1901).
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Ten specimens in L.U.C.E. collections were from St. M 112,
Estrecho de Magallanes, Punta Arenas, N. of town, tidal belt, sand.
A f f i n i t i e s : The peculiar elongation on the apex of the second article of the
first antenna! peduncle is distinctive for this species as are also the absence of eyes
and tuberculations on the body.

Macrochiridothea stebbingi OHLIN, 1901

Figure 33
S y n o n y m s : Macrochiridotfiea stebbingi OHLIN, 1901, p p . 289—291, fig. 9.
D i a g n o s i s : Body and cephalon tuberculate, eyes small, dorsal. Cephalon with
a frontal row of two and a posterior row of four tubercles along posterior margin;
sixth with three tubercles, seventh with one median tubercle. Pleotelson with one
median spinelike tubercle a t base of last pleonal somite. Epimera curved upward with
spinelike posterolateral margins. Apex of pleotelson with a medial spine surrounded
by plumose setae. Flagellum of first antenna triarticulate. First pair of peraeopoda
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematics of the Chilean Marine Isopods 99

Figure 32. Macrochiridothea michaelseni OHLIJT. A, whole animal; B, second antenna; C, uropod,
D, first antenna; E, first antenna; F, seventh peraeopod; G, maxilliped; H, gnathopod;
I, apex pleotelson.
100 Robert James Menzies

Figure 33. Macrochiridothea stebbingi OHLIN. A, whole animal; B, second peraeopod; C, apex
pleotelson; D, first antenna; E, seventh peraeopod.

gnathopod-like, second and third subehelate. Fourth pair lacks dactyl, five to seven
with minute dactyl bearing a long terminal seta.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Female, 7 mm long (OHLIJT, op. cit.).
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Types were collected from Tierra del Fuego between
Isla Nueva and Navarino a t 30 fathoms, February 1, 1896 ( O H L I N , 1901).
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : Specimens in the L.U.C.E. collection came from St. M
148, southern Chile.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 101

D i s t r i b u t i o n : Tierra del Fuego to Chile.

A f f i n i t i e s : The closest relative to this species is what NORDENSTAM called
M. stebbingi var muUituberculata. This is probably a distinct species. I t s tubercula-
tions are much more pronounced and differ in their arrangement from those of
stebbingi, e.g. the pleon has three tuberculations and the last peraeonal somite has
three rather t h a n one as in the true stebbingi. The eyes are small in both.

Macrochiridothea setifer, new species

Figure 34
S y n o n y m s : None.
D i a g n o s i s : Cephalon with lateral margins deeply incised, dorsum flat, lacking
tubercles except for a pair of flattened elevations at margin of maxillipedal somite
groove. Remainder of body flattened, lacking tuberculations or swellings. Third
somite of pleon connected at midline with long carina going to apex of pleotelson.
The apex has a large terminal spine lateral to which are numerous plumose setae.
Lateral margins of cephalon and peraeon with stout setae. Gnathopod and peraeopods
similar to those described for stebbingi. Eyes small but obvious.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype female, length 4.0 mm, width 2.0 mm.
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : The type and only specimen is from St. M 70,
Southern Chile, Isla Guafo, the anchorage E. of P u n t a Weather, February 19, 1949,
25 meters depth, rather coarse sand with some stones.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from type locality.
A f f i n i t i e s : The smoothness of the body allies this species with M. michaelseni,
however, the presence of eyes, stout marginal setae, and the carina on the pleon
serves to distinguish the two species.
From M. kruimeli NIERSTRASZ this species differs in having an apical spine on
the pleotelson which kruimeli lacks (SHEPPARD, 1957, fig. 13c).

Macrochiridothea kruimeli (NIERSTRASZ)

Figure 51-J
S y n o n y m s : Macrochiridothea kruimeli NIERSTBASZ, 1918, pp. 130—132, figs. 13, 54—64,
SHEPPARD, 1957, p p . 172—173.

D i a g n o s i s : The eyes are very small and contain a little pigment. The antenna
is considerably longer than the antennule and its flagellum consists of fifteen joints,
the first of which is the longest. The maxilliped has four joints to the palp. (SHEPPARD,
1957, p p . 172 — 173).
T y p e l o c a l i t y : P u n t a Arenas, Chile.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Magellan region and Falkland Islands, (SHEPPARD, 1957, p . 173).
This species not found in the L.U.C.E. collections.
102 Robert James Menzies

Figure 34. Macrochiridothea setifer, new species. A, whole animal; B , first antenna; C, apex
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 103

Genus Chaetilia DANA, 1852

Synonyms: None, ref. NORDENSTAM, 1933.
T y p e s p e c i e s : Chaetilia ovata DANA.

D i a g n o s i s : Chaetilinae with lateral margins of cephalon not expanded and not

incised. Eyes laterally located. Pleon with four or five somites. Sixth pair of peraeo-
poda as long as body. First five pairs of peraeopoda subchelate. Last two pairs lack
claws or daetylus.
This genus was established nearly one hundred years ago on C. ovata D A N A , I t had
not been collected since. One other species was found in the L.U.C.E. collections.
D A N A was incorrect in believing t h a t the sixth pair of peraeopods were multiarticulate
(e.g. with 14 articles). This is not the case on the specimen I have examined. The
peraeopods do appear to be multiarticulate due to peculiarities on calcification of
t h e peraeopods; they are, however, quite like the other peraeopods in actual seg-

Chaetilia paucidens, new species

Figure 35
Synonyms: None.
D i a g n o s i s : Second and third articles of peduncle of first antenna each about
twice as long as wide. Frontal margin cephalon projecting medially b u t with pro-
nounced apical convexity into which inserts the first peduncular articles of the first
antennae. Pleon with four somites; pleotelson with apex bluntly pointed and provided
with six teeth, three on either side of midline. Flagellum of first antenna with a
minute apical article. Flagellum of second antenna with seven articles.
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Holotype oostegite bearing female, length 5.0 mm, width 2.0
T y p e l o c a l i t y a n d t y p e s : Collected from St. M 152, Central Chile, Montemar
(N. of Valparaiso), Estacion de biologia marina, tidal belt, sand beach, September
16, 1948.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known only from type locality.
A f f i n i t i e s : This species is related b u t not closely to C. ovata D A N A . The second
and third peduncular articles of the first antennae are much longer than wide, the
apex of the pleotelson is sharply pointed and the pleon has five somites in C. ovata
DANA. I n C. paucidens the second and third peduncular articles of the first antennae
are only slightly longer than wide, the apex of the pleotelson is blunt, and the
pleon has four somites.

Here the Flabellifera is considered to have three subtribes, the Anthuroidea, the
Seroloidea and the Cirolanoidea (auct. Cymothoidea of other authors).
The typical flabelliferan has seven peraeonal somites and six pleonal somites
104 Robert James Menzies

Figure 35. Chaetilia paucidens, new species. A, whole animal; B , maxilliped; C, seventh
peraeopod; D, third peraeopod; E.apexpleotelson; F, gnathopod; G, first antenna; H, uropod.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 105

inclusive of the pleotelson which bears uropoda. Also five pairs of pleopoda and
seven pairs of peraeopods are present. The mouth parts are normal, having mandibles
with a well developed molar process, lacinia mobilis (left) setae row, and triarticulate
palp. The first maxillae bear three lobes and the second two lobes. The maxilliped
has an epipod and a palp with five articles. The eyes are dorsal when present. How-
ever, there are exceptions to each characteristic listed above. For example, uropods
are lacking from Anuropus; mandibular molar process lacks in Limnoria. The lobes
of the maxillae are reduced or absent in the cymothoid genera, and the number
of articles to the maxillipedal palp is similarly reduced. Sphaeromids have less than
six free peraeonal somites and serolids have less t h a n seven peraeonal somites b u t
retain their seven pairs of peraeopods and five pairs of pleopods. Except in Limnoria
and in many sphaeromids the uropoda are flattened.
The flabelliferan forms the stem from which other isopod types can be derived
and it is only with extreme difficulty t h a t they may be characterized from the other
Isopoda. Only the fact t h a t the uropoda are more lateral in their insertion than
terminal serves to distinguish the flabellifera from the asellota; the fact that the
uropoda do not inflex under the pleon to form an opercular covering of the pleopoda
serves to distinguish it from the Valvifera. These are tenuous items on which to
base a classification of a group; however, such is the the situation today.
As was indicated, we see the flabellifera are far from being a homogenous group.
The following key serves to distinguish the three major subtribes:


1. Individual peraeonal somites longer t h a n wide. Uropoda with exopods arching
medially over pleotelson Anthuroidea
1. Individual peraeonal somites much wider than long. Uropoda in plane of pleo-
telson 2
2. Peraeon with first somite fused medially to cephalon. Seventh somite present or
absent in dorsal aspect, when present not reaching the lateral contour of body.
First to third pleopoda smaller t h a n operculiform fourth and fifth pairs
2, Peraeon with seven distinct separated somites. First not fused with cephalon.
Pleopoda generally similar, no one pair especially operculiform . . . Cirolanoidea


1. Individual peraeonal somites longer t h a n wide. Uropoda with exopods arching

medially over pleotelson. Mouth parts adapted for piercing and sucking
Paranthura porteri (BOONE)
1. Individual peraeonal somites much wider t h a n long. Uropoda in plane of pleo-
telson 2
2. Peraeon with first somite fused medially to cephalon. First to third pleopoda
smaller than operculiform fourth and fifth pairs 3
106 Robert James Menzies

2. Peraeon with seven distinct separated somites. Pleopoda generally similar,

fourth and fifth pairs not operculiform 6
3. Coxal plates marked off from peraeon of second to fifth somites inclusive . . 4
3. Coxal plates marked off from peraeon of second to fourth somites inclusive 5
4. Peraeonal somites with transverse ridges Serolis (S.) paradoxa (FABRICIUS)
4. Peraeonal somites without transverse ridges Serolis (S.) schythei L U T K E N
5. Posterolateral angles of pleural of 2nd and 3rd pleonal somites extending to
lateral margins of pleotelson
Serolis (S.) gaudichaudi AUDOUIN & M I L N E - E D W A R D S
5. Posterolateral angles of pleurae of 2nd and 3rd pleonal somites extend about as
far back as to one-third the length of the pleotelson . . Serolis (S.) plana DANA
6, Pleon with six fully separated somites inclusive of pleotelson 7
6. Pleon with less than six fully separated somites inclusive of pleotelson 20
7. Uropodal rami tubular or claw-like
Limnoria (Phycolimnoria) chilensis n. sp.
7. Uropodal rami flattened, fan-like 8
8. Some or none of the peraeopods prehensile 10
8. All of the peraeopods prehensile 9
9. First pair of antennae contiguous a t base
Meinertia gaudichaudi ( M I L N E - E D W A R D S )
,.\ 9, First pair of antennae widely separated a t base
Lironeca raynaudi M.- E D WARDS
10. Mandible lacks lacinia mobilis and molar process reduced 11
10. Mandible with molar process and tooth-bearing lacinia mobilis 14
11. Terminal articles of maxillipedal palp with stout recurved setae 12
11. Terminal articles of maxillipedal palp without stout recurved setae
Tridentella laevicephalax n. sp.
12. Maxillipedal palp with two articles Rocinela australis SCHIOEDTE & M E I N E R T
12. Maxillipedal palp with five articles 13
<s 13. Spoon shaped enlargement on inferior margin of propod of first three peraeopods
Aega magnified (DANA)
13. Spoon shaped enlargement not present on inferior margin of first three peraeo-
pods Aega semicarinata MIERS
14. Front of cephalon rostrate 15
14. Front without a projecting rostrum 16
15. Anterolateral margins of cephalon truncated
Excirolana chilensis RICHARDSON
15. Anterolateral margins of cephalon rounded Excirolana hirsuticauda n. sp.
16. Apex of pleotelson with acute point medially 17
16. Apex of pleotelson evenly rounded 18
17. Coxal plate of seventh peraeonal somite acutely produced, extending almost to
pleotelson Cirolana albinota VANHOFFEN
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopode 107

17. Coxal plate of seventh peraeonal somite not acutely produced, extending only
to margin of first pleural somite Cirolana chilensis n. sp.
18. Rami of uropoda acutely pointed . . . . Cirolana urostylis n. sp.
18. Rami of uropoda blunt 19
19. Coxal plate of seventh peraeonal somite with blunt margin
Girolana robusta n. sp.
19. Coxal plate of seventh peraeonal somite pointed at posterolateral margin . . . .
Cirolana concinna HALE
20. Pleopods four to five with exopods pelucid, thin; endopods thick and fleshy
with deep transverse folds 21
20. Pleopods four to five with both rami thick and fleshy with deep transverse
folds 25
21. Last somite of male peraeon with a long mesial process 22
21. L a s t somite of male peraeon without long mesial process 23
22. Uropodal rami rounded, not crenulated a t margin Isocladus sp.
22. Uropodal rami truncated, often with crenulated margin
Isocladus calearea (DANA)
23. Dorsum of pleotelson smooth 24
23. Dorsum of pleotelson tuberculate and rugose
Exosphaeroma studeri VANHOFFEN
24. Apex of pleotelson broadly rounded, uropodal rami pointed :
Exosphaeroma gigas LEACH
24. Apex of pleotelson more pointed than rounded, uropodal rami rounded
Exosphaeroma lanceolata ( W H I T E )
25. Exopod of pleopod three two jointed 26
25. Exopod of pleopod three not jointed 30
26. Basal articles of antennulae expanded, plate-like, extending beyond margin of
cephalon Amphoroidea typa M I L H E - E D W A R D S
26. Basal articles of antennulae not greatly expanded, not plate-like 27
27. Lateral margins of pleotelson bent downwards to form a tube
Cymodocella foveolata n. sp.
27. Lateral margins of pleotelson not bent downwards to form a tube. Distal margin
of pleotelson notched in both sexes 28
28. Apex of uropodal rami pointed Dynamenella tuberculata n. sp.
28. Apex of uropodal rami blunt 29
29. Uropodal rami not reaching to posterior margin of pleotelson
Dynamenella acuticauda n. sp.
29. Uropodal rami reaching to posterior margin of pleotelson
Dynamenella eatoni (MIERS)
30. Apex of pleotelson with chordate foramen Dynamenopsis bakeri n . sp.
30. Apex of pleotelson incised b u t lacking chordate foramen 31
31. Apex of pleotelson feebly incised, swollen ridge above incision in dorsum of
pleotelson Paradynamenopsis lundae n. sp. (dwarf & giant phases)
108 Robert James Menzies

31. Apex of pleotelson incised or emarginate b u t lacking swollen ridge above

incision 32
32. Uropodal exopod less t h a n one-half the length of a pointed endopod
Euvallentinia darwini (CUNNINGHAM)
32. Uropodal exopod one-half the length of an apically truncated endopod
Cassidinopsis emarginata ( G U E R I N - M E N E V I L L E )

Subtribe Anthuroidea
This subtribe contains flabelliferans in which the individual peraeonal somites
are longer than wide and in which the uropodal exopods arch medially over the
None was represented in the L.U.C.E. collections. One species Paranthura porteri
B O O N E is known previously from the Peruvian fauna.

Paranthura porteri BOONE

(No figure available)
The description of this species was not available to the writer.

Subtribe Seroloidea
Family Serolidae
T y p e g e n u s : Serolis LEACH.

Earlier modern workers have been content to consider the genus Serolis a family
of the Flabellifera. The homogeneity of the group and lack of transitional forms
suggests t h a t this is incorrect. The operculiform 4—5 pairs of pleopoda which are
unlike the preceding three pairs is unique and not duplicated by any other flabelli-
feran. Because of this and because the cephalon is fused medially with the first
peraeonal somite I am of t h e opinion t h a t t h e Serolidae should belong to a category
higher than the family and equivalent to the Anthuroidea. Accordingly, Serolis is
considered as belonging to a tribe, the Seroloidea, The family Serolidae remains
with its single genus Serolis.
D i a g n o s i s : Flabellifera with the 4—5 pairs of pleopoda large and operculiform,
pleopods one to three normal, smaller than 4—5. Cephalon united medially with
first peraeonal somite. Body strongly depressed, much wider than high (thick).
Uropoda small, normal, subapical, not arching over pleotelson.

Genus Serolis LEACH, 1814

Subgenus Serolis NOEDENSTAM, 1933
T y p e s p e c i e s : Serolis (Serolis) paradoxa (FABRICIT/S, 1775).
D i a g n o s i s : Uropods two-branched (not spiniform). Tergum of seventh peraeon
segment entirely vanished. Tergum of sixth peraeon segment well demarcated from
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematica of the Chilean Marine Isopods 109

first abdominal segment in its entire length. Second joint of palp of maxilliped
cordate (modified after NORDENSTAM, 1933).

Serolis (Serolis) plana DANA

Figure 36 C
Synonyms: Serolis plana DANA, 1855, Atlas, pi. 53, figs, la—lc.
? Serolis convexa CUNNINGHAM, NOBDENSTAM, 1933, pp. 77—82.
D i a g n o s i s : Group IV Serolis of NORDENSTAM (1933). Pleon with apex bluntly-
pointed, excavate below. Median pleonal carina entire, not broken in middle; lateral
carinae lack teeth a t distal ends; instead a sulcus terminates each carinae. Rami of
uropods elongate, narrow.
Whether this species is identical with Serolis (S.) convexa CUNNINGHAM or not is
subject for speculation. D A N A ' S types have been lost; however, t h e agreement be-
tween his illustration and the specimen a t hand is remarkably complete, lending
support to NORDENSTAM'S (1933) contention that they are distinct species. The
two are, however, very closely related. The species does have all the characteristics
of group IV Serolis as cited by NORDENSTAM (1933, p . 51). The eyes are reniform.
T y p e l o c a l i t y : This species was originally collected by Fuegia ( D A N A , 1853,
p. 794).
M e a s u r e m e n t s : Length, one inch; width three-fourths of an inch ( D A N A , op. cit.}.
Our specimen measured 8.3 mm in length and 7,0 m m in width.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : One female, from Southern Chile, St. M 70.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : Known previously from Tierra del Fuego ( D A N A ) .
A f f i n i t i e s : This species is closely related to and perhaps identical with S. (S.)
Serolis (Serolis) schythei LUTKBN
Figure 36 D
S y n o n y m s : Serolis schythei LUTKEN, NOKDENSTAM, 1933, p, 55.

D i a g n o s i s : Head of greatest width across the eyes. Coxal plates marked off
by dorsal sutures on the second t o fifth peraeon segments. Epimeral angles of the
second to sixth segments of peraeon all successively extending beyond the epimeral
angles of the preceding segments. Epimera of second abdominal segment extending
further back than the posterior angles of the epimera of the fifth peraeon segment,
but not as far back as those of the sixth peraeon segment. Pleotelson with three
diverging longitudinal ridges. Posterio-lateral angles of pleotelson prolonged into
retro verted points. First maxillae with inner lobes expanded distally. Outer lappet
of the outer lobe of second maxilla provided with two apical setae, inner lappet
of the same lobe with six or seven. Maxilliped with a vestigial fourth joint, Basipodite
of the first three pairs of pleopods with proximal part of the inner margin slightly
convex and devoid of setae, Endopodite of fourth pleopod bifid (from NORDENSTAM,
op. cit.).
T y p e l o c a l i t y : Region of Magellan Straits (NORDENSTAM, 1933, p . 55).
110 Robert James Menzies

Figure 36, A—B, Lironeca raynavdi M.-Enw., A, in toto, male; B, lateral border gravid female,
C, Serolis plana DANA, D, Serolis schythei LUTKEN.
The Zoogeography, Ecology, and Systematics of the Chilean Marine Isopods 111

M e a s u r e m e n t s : 17,3—31.5 mm in length (NORDENSTAM, op. tit.).

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : A total of 96 specimens were from St. M 108 and one
from St. M 24, both stations in Southern Chile.
D i s t r i b u t i o n : NORDENSTAM (op.cit.) records the species from the coast of
North Argentina, latitude 37° S, from the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, Pata-
gonia, Graham Land, and the Magellan Region a t P u n t a Arenas.

Serolis (Serolis) paradoxa (FABRICITTS)

{No figure available)

S y n o n y m s : Serolis paradoxa {FABBICIUS), NORDENSTAM, 1933, pp. 51—55, and synonyms.
D i a g n o s i s : "Anterio-lateral angles of the head triangularly prolonged. Coxal
plates delimited by dorsal sutures on the second to fifth pereion segments. Posterior
epimeral angles on the second to sixth segments of pereion all successively reach
further back than the epimeral angles of the preceding segments. Posterio-lateral
epimeral angles of the second and third abdominal segments extend to the lateral
margins of the pleotelson. Pleotelson with three longitudinal diverging ridges. Inner
lobe of first maxilla expanded distally. Outer lappet of outer lobe of second maxillae
with two, and inner lappet of the same lobe with five or six, apical setae. Maxilliped
without suture between the distal epipodite and the basipodite, the distal epipodite
being fused proximally with the basipodite to about half its length; second joint of
the palp cordiform. Basipodite of the first three pairs of pleopods with proximal
part of the inner margin slightly convex. Fourth pair of pleopods with the endopodite
bifid." (NORDENSTAM, 1933, p. 52.)
D i s t r i b u t i o n : "Coast of Central Chile (NIERSTRASZ 1917), Tierra del Fuego
and Patagonia (AUDOTJIN and M I L N E - E D W A R D S 1841), Falkland Islands ( B E D D A R D
1884), South Georgia (Sw. Ant. Exped.).
The species has not previously been recorded from South Georgia. I t occurs with
certainty as far northwards as the coast of Central Chile, Perhaps it may also be
distributed at the coasts of North Chile and Peru. In any case, there are at the
Swedish State Museum two specimens which are labelled: "Vanadis Expedition,
Callao" (coast of Peru). This locality I regard, however, as uncertain." ( N O R D E N -
STAM, op. cit. p. 55.)
R e m a r k s : This species was not found in the L.U.C.E. collections.

Serolis (Serolis) gaudichaudi ATJDOUIN and


(No figure available)

S y n o n y m s : Serolisgaudiehaudi AuDornNetMILNE-EDWARDS,NORDENSTAM, 1933, pp. 76—77.
D i a g n o s i s : Anterior-lateral angles of the head prolonged in a lateral direction,
so that the head has its greatest width anteriorly. Coxal plates marked off by dorsal

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