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The document provides an overview and analysis of Giuseppe Verdi's Messa da Requiem, including information about its composition, premiere, and musical structure.

It was composed in memory of Alessandro Manzoni, one of Italy's most important writers and patriots. It premiered on the first anniversary of Manzoni's death in 1874 in Milan.

The main sections are the Introit, Kyrie, Dies Irae, Offertory, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Lux Aeterna, Libera Me and Libera Me.


Messa da Requiem (1874)

Giuseppe Verdi
I. Requiem
II. Dies iræ
Dies iræ
Tuba mirum
Liber scriptus
Quid sum miser
Rex tremendæ
III. Offertorio
IV. Sanctus
V. Agnus Dei
VI. Lux æterna
VII. Libera me
Indra Thomas Soprano
GeDeane Graham Mezzo-soprano
Chou Po Ku Tenor
Kiyotaka Kaga Baritone

Jahja Ling Conductor

Jakarta Oratorio Society

Jakarta Simfonia Orchestra
Giuseppe Verdi
(10 October 1813 – 27 January 1901)

MESSA DA REQUIEM The soloists then make

exuberant entry in the Kyrie,
Alessandro Manzoni, one of where the tempo quickens and
the most important writers, the mood brightens for the
thinkers, and patriots of 19th- prayer for mercy.
century Italy, died at the age
of 88 in 1873. Giuseppe Verdi, It continues with terrifying Dies

along with most Italians, Iræ (Day of Wrath), which by

venerated Manzoni almost to far is the longest section of the

the point of sainthood. Prior Requiem. This music is the most

to this, Verdi then immediately recognizable to audiences,

finished his “unfinished work” but familiarity cannot dent its

that he had been working on powerful impact. In its opening

before, “Requiem”. The premier pages Verdi pulls out all the

of the Messa di Requiem took stops, unleashing the full power

place on 22 May 1874, the first of his large orchestra and

anniversary of Manzoni’s death, chorus in its portrayal of the

in St. Mark’s Church, Milan. terrors of Judgment Day.

The Requiem begins with a The Offertorio is more intimate

hushed and solemn falling in character, at times taking

phrase on the cellos, a motif that on a chamber music quality. It

recurs later on. It opens with the omits the chorus but spotlights

Introit consisting of the antiphon all four soloists, both individually

“Requiem æternam dona eis” and as an ensemble. This

(Eternal rest grant them) and plaintive opening eventually

the psalm “Te decet hymnus” (A gives way to the traditionally

hymn becometh Thee), the latter imitative treatment of Quam

sung a cappella. olim Abrahæ promisisti et

semini ejus (Which you once and tuba return in an ominous
promised to Abraham and his accompaniment to the bass
descendants), music evoking the soloist. The tremolo strings
many lines of Abraham’s family lend a sense of expectancy to
tree that populated the world. the modest, final prayer of this
penultimate movement.
The Sanctus is short but spirited,
and contains the only truly The solo soprano who had
joyous music in the Requiem, a been silent throughout the Lux
fugue sung by double chorus æterna, suddenly springs to
(in eight parts). The choir the fore at the beginning of
magnificently sing out the the Libera me (Deliver Me). In
exuberant exhortation “Sanctus, terrified tones that might well
sanctus, sanctus, Dominus Deus have come from an operatic
Sabaoth. Pleni sunt coeli etterra recitative, she implores the Deity
gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis!” for salvation from the agonies
(Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of of hell. This might as well
Sabaoth, Heaven and earth are summarize the entire Requiem
filled with your glory. Hosanna in for reprising the terrifying Dies
the highest!). Iræ, but the swirling winds
finally die down, leaving a
Verdi returns to a more intimate
bare landscape for the final
texture with the supplicating
Requiem æternam that closes
Agnus Dei (Lamb of God),
with the chorus intoning a final
which features an a cappella
supplication for deliverance.
duet between the soprano and
(Steffanie Surya)
mezzo soprano soloists, who
are then joined by the full choir.
The text asks God to grant the
soul everlasting rest (Dona eis
requiem sempiternam).
The Lux Æterna (Eternal Light) is
a feature for the quartet of vocal
soloists, and the trombones
Jahja Ling
Jahja Ling is the first and only Leonard Bernstein Conducting
Indonesian born conductor of Fellow at Tanglewood Music
Chinese descent to have held Center and the Los Angeles
a music director position with Philharmonic Institute where
a major orchestra in the US Mr. Bernstein became his most
and has conducted all of the influential mentor. He earned
major symphony orchestras a bachelor's and master's
in North America including degree from The Juilliard School
Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Los and a Doctor of Musical Arts
Angeles, New York, Philadelphia from the Yale School of Music
and San Francisco. where he recently received
Ian Minnenberg Distinguished
Mr. Ling played piano by self
Alumni Service Award in May
taught at the age of four. He
of 2015. He was awarded an
began his piano study at 7
honorary doctorate by Wooster
under the tutelage of Suzy
College in 1993. In 1988 Jahja
Djoeandy then with Rudy Laban
Ling was awarded the Seaver/
at Yayasan Pendidikan Musik.
National Endowment for the Arts
In 1970 he was awarded John
Award for the most promising
D Rockefeller 3rd Fund Grant
young American Conductor with
to study piano at The Juilliard
a cash award of $50,000.
School under Mieczyslaw
Munz and conducting under Mr. Ling holds a special
John Nelson. Jahja Ling was relationship with one of the
the first pianist from Indonesia world’s greatest orchestras, The
ever accepted as a student Cleveland Orchestra, beginning
in Juilliard history. Mr. Ling in 1984 and continuing for 38
continued his orchestra seasons, having conducted
conducting study under Otto- more than 550 concerts over
Werner Mueller at Yale School 600 works, making him the
of Music, and was awarded conductor who has conducted
this ensemble for the longest Hall with Lang Lang as soloist,
time in its 105 years history. followed by a tour to China with
Among the distinguished Augustin Hadelich and Joshua Bell.
positions he had held were
Both events marked San Diego
Blossom Festival Director
Symphony first performance at
(6 seasons) and Resident
Carnegie Hall as well as their
Conductor (17 seasons). He
first international tour. The
has also led the Orchestra for
Orchestra has named him as
millions of audience in its annual
their first Conductor Laureate
downtown concerts as well as
in its history in 2017. Mayor and
conducted the most number of
the City Council of San Diego
concerts in its Blossom Festival’s
each proclaimed May 25, 2017
history. His telecast of A Concert
and May 28, 2017 respectively
in Tribute and Remembrance
as Jahja Ling Day in San
with the Orchestra for 9/11/2011
Diego to honor his legacy and
received a local Emmy®
dedication to the community.
Award. The U.S. House of
Representatives presented a Mr. Ling has also served as
Congressional Record of his Music Director of The Florida
outstanding achievements in the Orchestra (1988-2003),
U.S. Capitol in September 2006. Artistic Director of the Taiwan
Philharmonic/NSO (1998-2001),
Mr. Ling is universally praised
and Assistant and Associate
for his work as music director
Conductor of the San Francisco
of the San Diego Symphony
Symphony. Deeply committed
Orchestra, having built the
to education, Mr. Ling served
ensemble from of post-
as founding Music Director of
bankruptcy state into one of the
the Cleveland Orchestra Youth
top tier major orchestra during
Orchestra (1986-1993) and
his 13 years tenure from 2004
the San Francisco Symphony
to 2017. In October of 2013,
Youth Orchestra (1981-84) and
Mr. Ling led the orchestra in a
co-director of Tanglewood/
sold out concert at Carnegie
BU Young Artists Orchestra in
summer of 1983 and 1984. Ling led the Scottish Chamber
Orchestra in Hong Kong in May
Jahja Ling made his European
debut with the Leipzig
Gewandhaus Orchestra in 1988 In May 2000 his gala
on the invitation of Kurt Masur, performance with the St. Louis
who had been his closest mentor Symphony and cellist Yo-Yo Ma
throughout his musical life. He was featured on the ABC News
has since conducted many program 20/20. In 2001 Mr. Ling
prominent orchestras in Europe, was invited to conduct the Super
Asia and Australia. As music World Orchestra, an orchestra
director of the Florida Orchestra, comprised of principals of
Mr. Ling was the first classical the world’s most prominent
music conductor ever invited orchestras in Europe, America
to conduct at a Super Bowl and Asia for performances
where he conducted Whitney in Osaka and Tokyo. In 2009
Houston in the legendary he conducted the Worldwide
national anthem at Super Bowl Chinese Festival Orchestra in
XXV. It was televised to 750 the new National Center for
million viewers worldwide and the Performing Arts in Beijing,
their recording went platinum. an orchestra comprised of
It is commonly acknowledged the best Chinese musicians
as the best and most beautiful who hold major positions with
rendition of the US National the world’s most prestigious
Anthem to date. orchestras. His performance
was telecast by Chinese Central
In 1983 Mayor/Senator Dianne
Television (CCTV) and was made
Feinstein invited Jahja Ling to
available for video streaming
conduct a special concert in
on their website. Chinese
Davies Hall, San Francisco for
Central Television (CCTV) and
a state visit of England’s Queen
Phoenix Television in China also
Elizabeth II. As part of the
telecast an hour-long profile of
celebrations marking the return
his musical journey worldwide.
of Hong Kong to China, Mr.
In June of 2012 he conducted
the Schleswig Holstein Festival
Orchestra in Berlin’s O2 World
on the occasion of Lang Lang’s
30th birthday concert with Lang
Lang. The concert, attended by
more than 10,000 people, was
also telecast live by German
and Spanish TV.

Mr. Ling’s recordings with

Royal Philharmonic of London,
Scottish Chamber Orchestra,
Florida Orchestra, The
Cleveland Orchestra, New
York Philharmonic, Taiwan
Philharmonic and San Diego
Symphony Orchestra are
available on various record
labels. His first recording
with Scottish Chamber
Orchestra, with trumpeter Rolf
Smedvig, was nominated for a
Grammy® Award.

Mr. Ling is a Christian of reformed

faith. He is the co-founder of
the Stephen Tong Evangelistic
Ministries International and has
served as its Vice President since
its founding in 1978. Rev. Tong
has been the most important
spiritual mentor in his life.
Indra Thomas
Known for her lush and warm In the wake of her professional
voice, Ms. Thomas has performed debut at Carnegie Hall in Messa
at many of the world class opera di Requiem by Verdi, her work has
houses and venues, such as the been marked by rapturous public
Metropolitan Opera and the and critical acclaim. She soon
Vienna State Opera; she has blossomed into one the world’s
performed at prominent venues truly great operatic and concert
here in the US, France, Germany, sopranos, with a particular
Spain and England, including the affinity for Verdi roles.
Royal Albert Hall
In constant demand, her
and Carnegie Hall.
performances are consistently
Among numerous top orchestras distinguished by the striking vocal
with which she has appeared are beauty and deep emotional
the New York Philharmonic, the impact of her singing—as well
London Symphony and Leipzig’s as her smoldering intensity as a
Gewandhaus Orchestra – as well singing actress.
as leading orchestras in Paris,
Catch Ms. Thomas cameo
Spain, Brazil, The Netherlands,
appearance on the big screen
Japan, Finland, South Korea,
in “The Upside” (starring Brain
Malaysia, Abu Dhabi, Boston,
Cranston and Kevin Hart) as the
Cleveland, and Detroit.
Queen of the Night and singing
Ms. Thomas has graced several “What a Friend We Have in
famous music festivals such Jesus” in the funeral scene of the
as the Bregenz Festspiele in Academy Award-winning film
Bregenz, Austria, Chorégies, “Driving Miss Daisy”. Ms. Thomas
d’Orange in France and the was Emmy nominated for her
Proms Summer Festival performance of the “Porgy and
in London. Bess Suite” on the New Year’s
Eve Broadcast Live from Lincoln
Center and also was Grammy of Shorter College and of the
Nominated for her recording of prestigious Academy of Vocal
Michæl Tippett’s “A Child Of Our Arts in Philadelphia. Ms. Thomas
Time” with the London Symphony is now Visiting Professor of Voice
Orchestra. at Berry College in Rome, GA
and the Assistant Music Liaison
A minister’s daughter whose
and Head of the Video Ministries
mother was a nurse and gifted,
at Little Friendship Missionary
amateur singer, Ms. Thomas
Baptist Church in Decatur, GA.
was born and raised in Atlanta,
Georgia. She is a graduate
GeDeane Graham
Mezzo-soprano GeDeane audience favorite the Premiere
Graham is a native of Bay Opera Foundation International
Springs,Ms and is known for her Vocal Competition as well as
rich low range and refulgent being a semi-finalist/finalist
top voice. This Fall, she will join among several prestigious
Christine Goerke and Alan Held in competitions as in the Detroit Aria
Detroit Opera’s The Valkyries as Competition, D’Angelo Vocal
Schwertleite. The dramatic yet Competition, and Partners of the
quite lyrical mezzo has gained Arts to name a few.
the attention of several national
and international competitions
such as, being a finalist and
Chou Po Ku
Po-Ku Chou received his master’s International Francesco Paolo
degree in 2010 at National Taiwan Tosti Singing Competition Asia
Normal University, where he Preliminary. In 2011, he won third
studied vocal performance with prize and the best Chinese art
Prof. Jenny Ron Ren. song award at the 8th Mondial
Chinese Vocalist Concours of
He used to study electrical Taipei.
engineering at college and had
a bachelor’s degree in this field. Chou is active solo performer
Since 2004, he started to study and has sung in Taiwan, Japan,
singing. He has participated in Indonesia, and Italy.
many vocal seminars and master
classes and been instructed by He cooperates frequently with the
many famous masters such as Yinqi Orchestra and Chorus in
Francesco Sanvitale, Donata its evangelical concerts. He was
Lombardi, Alba Riccioni, and also invited to sing with Taipei
Kiyotaka Kaga. Symphony Orchestra and the
symphony orchestra of
Chou participated in several Aletheia University.
competitions and won prizes: In
2004, he won the Honorable His repertoire includes Bruckner’s
Mention of the second Taiwanese Te Deum, Verdi’s Requiem and the
Church Music Competition. In messenger from Aida, Donizetti’s
2005, he received the New L'elisir d'amore, Rudolf arias from
Artist Award at the 5th Mondial Puccini’s La Bohème, Haydn’s Die
Chinese Vocalist Concours of Schöpfung, Handel’s Messiah,
Taipei. He was the winner of Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy in C
the vocal concerto competition minor, Tosti’s songs, and many
at NTNU in 2009. In October, sacred pieces.
2010, Chou won third place in the
Kiyotaka Kaga
Born in Hokkaido, Japan, Kaga Self-taught in composition, he has
received his Vocal Performance written and published the comic
degree from Toho Gakuen School operetta 'The Gentle Convent', the
of Music (桐朋学園大学) and the disaster prevention music piece
Tokyo University of the Arts 'Neighbourhood Tale', the family
(東京藝術大学). music piece 'The Rat's Wedding',
based on bible 'Lutz and Naomi'
He also studied at the Bologna and the operas 'The Happy
Conservatory in Italy. Kaga Prince', and 'Lady Godiva', among
made his NIKIKAI 東京二期会 others. His musics are in textbooks
(Japan’s top opera organization). approved by the Ministry of
Also appeared in The Magic Education. His works are "Songs
Flute, The Barber of Seville, The of winter wrenches", and "Seven
Knight of the Roses, Carmen, Die Songs from Heise's Italian Poems"
Fledermaus, etc. are among the collections of his
own compositions.
Lyrics & Translations
Chorus Chorus
Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine; Grant them eternal rest, O Lord;
et lux perpetua luceat eis. and may perpetual light shine upon them.
Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion, A hymn in Zion befits you, O God,
et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem. and a debt will be paid to you in
Exaudi orationem meam: Jerusalem.
ad te omnis caro veniet. Hear my prayer:
all earthly flesh will come to you.
Quartet and Chorus Quartet and Chorus
Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christe eleison. Christ, have mercy upon us.
Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy upon us.


Chorus Chorus
Dies iræ, dies illa, The day of wrath, that day will
solvet sæclum in favilla, dissolve the world in ashes,
teste David cum Sibylla. as David and the Sibyl prophesied.
Quantus tremor est futurus, How great will be the terror,
quando judex est venturus, when the Judge comes,
cuncta stricte discussurus! who will smash everything completely!
Tuba mirum spargens sonum, The trumpet, scattering a marvellous
per sepulchra regionum, sound,
coget omnes ante thronum. through the tombs of every land,
will gather all before the throne.
Bass Bass
Mors stupebit et natura, Death and Nature shall stand amazed,
cum resurget creatura, when all Creation rises again
judicanti responsura. to answer to the Judge.
Mezzo-soprano and Chorus Mezzo-soprano and Chorus
Liber scriptus proferetur, A written book will be brought forth,
in quo totum continetur, which contains everything
unde mundus judicetur. for which the world will be judged.
Judex ergo cum sedebit, Therefore when the Judge takes His seat,
quidquid latet apparebit: whatever is hidden will be revealed:

nil inultum remanebit. nothing shall remain unavenged.

Dies iræ, dies illa, The day of wrath, that day will
solvet sæclum in favilla, dissolve the world in ashes,
teste David cum Sibylla. as David and the Sibyl prophesied.

Soprano, Mezzo-soprano and Tenor Soprano, Mezzo-soprano and Tenor

Quid sum miser tunc dicturus? What can a wretch like me say?
Quem patronum rogaturus, Whom shall I ask to intercede for me,
cum vix justus sit securus? when even the just ones are unsafe?
Solo Quartet and Chorus Solo Quartet and Chorus
Rex tremendæ majestatis, King of dreadful majesty.
qui salvandos salvas gratis: who freely saves the redeemed ones,
salva me, fons pietatis. save me, O font of pity.
Soprano and Mezzo-soprano Soprano and Mezzo-soprano
Recordare, Jesu pie, Recall, merciful Jesus,
quod sum causa tuæ viæ: that I was the reason for your journey:
ne me perdas illa die. do not destroy me on that day.
Quærens me, sedisti lassus; In seeking me, you sat down wearily;
redemisti crucem passus: enduring the Cross, you redeemed me:
tantus labor non sit causus. do not let these pains to have been
in vain.
Juste judex ultionis: Just Judge of punishment:
donum fac remissionis give me the gift of redemption
ante diem rationis. before the day of reckoning.
Tenor Tenor
Ingemisco tamquam reus, I groan as a guilty one,
culpa rubet vultus meus; and my face blushes with guilt;
supplicanti parce, Deus. spare the supplicant, O God.
Qui Mariam absolvisti, You, who absolved Mary Magdalen,
et latronem exaudisti, and heard the prayer of the thief,
mihi quoque spem dedisti. have given me hope, as well.
Preces meæ non sunt dignæ, My prayers are not worthy,
sed tu, bonus, fac benigne, but show mercy, O benevolent one,
ne perenni cremer igne. lest I burn forever in fire.
Inter oves locum præsta, Give me a place among the sheep,
et ab hædis me sequestra, and separate me from the goats,
statuens in parte dextra. placing me on your right hand.
Bass and Chorus Bass and Chorus
Confutatis maledictis, When the damned are silenced,
flammis acribus addictis, and given to the fierce flames,
voca me cum benedictis. call me with the blessed ones.

Oro supplex et acclinis, I pray, suppliant and kneeling,

cor contritum quasi cinis: with a heart contrite as ashes:
gere curam mei finis. take my ending into your care.

Chorus Chorus
Dies iræ, dies illa, The day of wrath, that day will
solvet sæclum in favilla, dissolve the world in ashes,
teste David cum Sibylla. as David and the Sibyl prophesied.

Solo Quartet and Chorus Solo Quartet and Chorus

Lacrymosa dies illa, That day is one of weeping,
qua resurget ex favilla, on which shall rise from the ashes
judicandus homo reus. the guilty man, to be judged.
Huic ergo parce, Deus. Therefore, spare this one, O God.

Pie Jesu Domine: Merciful Lord Jesus

dona eis requiem. grant them peace.
Amen. Amen.


Quartet Quartet
Domine Jesu Christe, Rex gloriæ: O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory:
libera animas omnium fidelum deliver the souls of all the faithful
defunctorum de poenis inferni dead from the pains of hell
et profondo lacu; and from the deep pit;
libera eas de ore leonis; deliver them from the mouth of the lion;
ne absorbeat eas tartarus, that hell may not swallow them, and
ne cadant in obscurum. that they may not fall into darkness.
Sed signifer sanctus Michael But may the holy standard-bearer
repræsentet eas in lucem sanctam. Michael show them the holy light;
quam olim Abrahæ promisisti which you once promised to
et semini ejus. Abraham and his descendents.

Hostias et preces tibi, Domine, We offer to you, O Lord,

laudis offerimus. sacrifices and prayers.
Tu suscipe pro animabus illis, quarum Receive them on behalf of those
hodie memoriam facimus. souls whom we commemorate today.
Fac eas, Domine, de morte Grant, O Lord, that they might pass
transire ad vitam, from death into that life
quam olim Abrahæ promisisti which you once promised to
et semini ejus. Abraham and his descendents.
Libera animas omnium fidelium Deliver the souls of all the faithful
defunctorum de poenis inferni; dead from the pains of hell;
fac eas de morte transire ad vitam. Grant that they might pass from
death into life.
Double Chorus Double Chorus
Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, Holy, holy, holy,
Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Lord God of Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt coeli et terra Heaven and earth are
gloria tua. filled with your glory.
Hosanna in the highest!
Hosanna in excelsis!
Blessed is he that comes
Benedictus qui venit
in the name of the Lord.
in nomine Domini.
Hosanna in the highest!
Hosanna in excelsis!
Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, and Chorus Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, and Chorus
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins
dona eis requiem. of the world, grant them rest.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Lamb of God, who takes away the
dona eis requiem sempiternam. sins of the world, grant them rest


Mezzo-soprano, Tenor and Bass Mezzo-soprano, Tenor and Bass
Lux æterna luceat eis, Domine, Let eternal light shine upon them, O Lord,
cum sanctis tuis in æternam; with your saints forever;
quia pius es. for you are merciful.
Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine, Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,
et lux perpetua luceat eis, and may perpetual light shine upon them
cum sanctis tuis in æternam; with your saints forever;
quia pius es. for you are merciful.
Soprano and Chorus Soprano and Chorus
Libera me, Domine, Deliver me, O Lord,
de morte æterna in die illa tremenda; from eternal death on that awful day,
quando coeli movendi when the heavens
sunt et terra: and the earth shall be moved:
dum veneris judicare when you will come to judge
sæclum per ignem. the world by fire.
Tremens factus sum ego et timeo, dum I tremble, and I fear the judgment
discussio venerit atque ventura iræ, and the wrath to come, when
quando coeli movendi sunt et terra. the heavens and the earth shall be moved.
Dies iræ, dies illa The day of wrath, that day
calamitatis et miseriæ; of calamity and misery;
dies magna et amara valde. a great and bitter day, indeed.
Requiem æternam, dona eis, Domine, Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,
et lux perpetua luceat eis. and may perpetual light shine upon
Libera me, Domine, de morte æterna them.
in die illa tremenda. Deliver me, Lord, from eternal death
on that awful day.
Libera me, Domine, quando coeli Deliver me, O Lord, when the heavens
movendi sunt et terra; and the earth shall be moved;
dum veneris judicare sæclum when you will come to judge the world
per ignem. by fire.
Libera me, Domine, de morte æterna Deliver me, Lord, from eternal death
in die illa tremenda. on that awful day.
Libera me. Deliver me.
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