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Concept Strengthening Sheet (CSS-04) Based On AIATS-04 (CF+OYM) - Botany

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CF+OYM Based on


Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456


AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)-Q.142 (3) Regression coefficient
Topic: Biodiversity & Conservation: Biodiversity (4) Y-intercept
Which of the following equations correctly 5. Regression coefficient for a small area lies
represents species-area relationship in the form between
of rectangular hyperbola? (1) 0.1 to 0.2
(1) log S = log C + Z log A (2) 0.2 to 0.6
(2) log C = log Z + S log A (3) 0.6 to 1.2
(3) C = SAz (4) 1.15 to 1.2
(4) S = CAz AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)-Q.117
Topic: Biodiversity & Conservation: Biodiversity
The outermost part of biosphere reserve in
which active cooperation between reserve
management and the local people is seen is
(1) Buffer zone (2) Transition zone
(3) Natural zone (4) Core zone

Practice Questions:
1. Species-area relationship on a logarithmic
scale shows
(1) Straight line, graphically
(2) Rectangular hyperbola, graphically
(3) Parabola, graphically
(4) Bell shaped curve, graphically
2. Which of the following equation represents Practice Questions:
species-area relationship in the form of straight
line? 1. Which zone of biosphere reserve comprises an
(1) Log S = log C + Z log A undistributed and legally protected
(2) S = CAZ
(1) Buffer zone (2) Transition zone
(3) Log A = log S + Z log C
(4) A = SCZ (3) Core zone (4) Outermost zone
3. Which of the following scientists proposed the 2. Which zone surrounds core area in a biosphere
linear relationship between species richness reserve?
and area up to a certain limit? (1) Buffer zone (2) Natural zone
(1) David Tilman
(3) Transition zone (4) Core zone
(2) Paul Ehrlich
(3) Alexander von Humboldt 3. Which zone in a biosphere reserve is managed
to accommodate a greater research and
(4) Robert May educational activities?
4. In the equation S = CAZ , Z represents
(1) Transition zone (2) Buffer zone
(1) Species richness
(2) Area (3) Core zone (4) Natural zone

CSS-04 Botany

AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)-Q.121
Practice Questions:
Topic: Biodiversity & Conservation: Biodiversity
Conservation 1. In a food chain, which trophic level is occupied
by primary carnivores?
Kaziranga National Park is important for
protection of which of the given animals? (1) T2 (2) T3
(3) T4 (4) T1
(1) Lion (2) Tiger
2. What percent of energy in the form of food is
(3) Elephant (4) Rhino
transferred from one trophic level to the next in
a food chain?
(1) 90% (2) 50%
(3) 10% (4) 99%
3. The percent of solar energy falls on the green
parts of the plant that is trapped by them is
(1) 1% (2) 10%
(3) 90% (4) 25%
4. If 1 kcal solar energy is falling on the green parts
of plants, then what amount of energy would be
available at herbivores level?
Practice Questions: 1
(1) kcal
1. Which among the following national parks is 1000
meant for protection of lions? 1
(2) kcal
(1) Corbett National Park
(3) 1 kcal
(2) Bandipur National Park 1
(4) kcal
(3) Gir National Park 10

(4) Kanha National Park 5. How much energy of a plant that is consumed
by a herbivore is used in various biological
2. Periyar Sanctuary is important for protection of activities and maintenance of body heat?
(1) Tiger (1) 1%
(2) Elephant (2) 9%
(3) Snow leopard (3) 10%
(4) Rhinoceros (4) 90%
3. The Sundarbans Reserve in Bengal is famous AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)– Q.131
for protection of
(1) Lion (2) Snow leopard Topic: Environmental Issues: Water Pollution and
Its Control
(3) Elephant (4) Tiger
Match the following columns w.r.t composition
of waste water and select the correct option.
AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)-Q.105
Column-I Column-II
Topic: Ecosystem: Ecosystem Function
If 100 kcal energy falls on the green parts of (A) Colloidal materials (i) Clay
plant in a food chain shown below, then how
much energy will be available to primary (B) Suspended solids (ii) Nitrate
carnivores? (C) Dissolved (iii) Cloth
Plant (T1)  T2 T3 T4 materials
(1) 100 cal (2) 100 kcal (A) (B) (C)
(3) 10 cal (4) 1 kcal
(1) (ii) (i) (iii)

(2) (i) (iii) (ii)

(3) (iii) (ii) (i)

(4) (iii) (i) (ii)

CSS-04 Botany

of the occurrence of a large number of

variety of ecosystems

Practice Questions:
1. Domestic sewage contains lots of different
impurities. Which of the following is suspended
impurity in sewage?
(1) Clay
(2) Cloth Practice Questions:
(3) Calcium 1. What is ecological diversity?
(4) Bacteria (1) Variety of species within a region
2. Which of the following is not a colloidal pollutant (2) Variety of ecosystems indicating diverse
in sewage? niche, trophic levels and ecological
(1) Paper processes
(2) Nitrate (3) Variety in genetic information contained in
(3) Cloth the organisms
(4) Total number of species found on earth
(4) Faecal matter
2. Ecological diversity is also known as
3. Nutrients like nitrate, ammonia, phosphate etc.,
in sewage are which type of impurity? (1) Global diversity
(1) Colloidal material (2) Population diversity
(2) Dissolved material (3) Community diversity
(3) Suspended solids (4) Species diversity
(4) Heavy metal 3. India has more ecosystem diversity than
Norway because
(1) India has larger area
AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)– Q.116
(2) Penninsular India is surrounded by sea
Topic: Biodiversity and Conservation: (3) India has large number of birds and
Mark the statement which is incorrect for
ecological diversity. (4) India has large number of ecosystems

(1) It is the variety of ecosystems which 4. Product of species richness and species
evenness is
indicates diversity in the number of niches,
trophic levels, food webs, nutrient cycles (1) Genetic diversity
and ecological processes sustaining energy (2) Species diversity
(3) Species gene pool
(2) It is also known as community diversity (4) Population diversity
(3) Ecosystem diversity is the product of
species richness and species evenness
(4) India has high ecosystem diversity because


CSS-04 Botany

Based on

Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456


Answer Key

AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)-Q.142 AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)-Q.105

Topic: Biodiversity & Conservation: Biodiversity Topic: Ecosystem: Ecosystem Function
1. (1) 1. (2)
2. (1) 2. (3)
3. (3) 3. (1)
4. (3) 4. (1)
5. (1) 5. (4)
AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)-Q.117 AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)– Q.131
Topic: Biodiversity & Conservation: Biodiversity Topic: Environmental Issues: Water Pollution and Its
1. (3)
1. (1)
2. (1)
2. (2)
3. (2)
3. (2)
AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)-Q.121
AIATS-04 (CF+OYM)– Q.116
Topic: Biodiversity & Conservation: Biodiversity
Conservation Topic: Biodiversity and Conservation: Biodiversity
1. (3) 1. (2)
2. (2) 2. (3)
3. (4) 3. (4)
4. (2)



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