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Tholos Bones 2015

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Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology Centre for Forensic Research

University of Windsor Simon Fraser University

The Tholos Tomb and Ossuary at Tzannata, Kefalonia, Greece:

Preliminary Findings and Research Potential
By John Albanese
Introduction Homeric Ithaca on Kefalonia
A Late Helladic III (Mycenaean) Kefalonia has the greatest
concentration and largest sites, with
tholos tomb and ossuary were
over 10 major Late Helladic III Period
found in 1991 at Borzi Hill, near the sites (1400 to 1050 BC). There are at
modern town of Tzannata on the least three tholos tombs including
island of Kefalonia (see map), and the largest tholos tomb on the Ionian
excavated from 1992 to 1994. Aside Islands and north-west Peloponnese
from a cursory separation of at Borzi Hill, Tzannata. If there was a
human and animal bones, the King Odysseus, this is where he
skeletal remains were not assessed would have been buried.
for their research potential until
Left and below:
May 2015. The preliminary results Pronounced chin Preliminary Results
from this study are presented here. morphology seen in 2 Extrapolating from the 15% of the
out of 2 chins examined. remains surveyed, there are about
150 individuals in the sample. There
The Tholos Tomb is evidence of healed trauma;
A tholos tomb is a beehive-shaped burning (not cremation); bronze
structure that was used for the Below: Subadult bones staining; and animal bones with cut
burial of elites after 1500 BC. It had miscataloged as animal marks. About 25% of the sample
one or more shafts or cysts that bones. consists of subadults ranging in age
were lined with stone slabs. Bodies from under one year to late teens.
Several individuals have a distinctive
were placed in a cyst until there
chin morphology, as well as shoveled
was complete decomposition of lateral incisors and metopic sutures
soft tissues or until the cyst, which as seen in several individuals from
was continually reused, was Gravel Circle A Shaft V including the
needed again. This tholos tomb was Above: Seal stone “Mask of Agamemnon” at Mycenae.
from ossuary. “King
built in 1350 BC after the previous Odysseus… was
smaller tomb collapsed. The smaller wearing… a golden Future Research
tomb was first built in 1450 BC. The brooch…a hound
The remains from the tholos tomb
Above: Tholos Tomb, Borzi Hill, clenching a dappled
last internment in the tomb took fawn in its front and ossuary at Tzannata, chamber
Tzannata. Profile reconstruction
place after 900 BC, more than 200 showing beehive corbelled vault and paws slashing at it as tombs at Tzannata and chamber
years after the Mycenaean collapse main cyst (top); entrance (stomion) it writhed… the tombs at Voudeni (see map) will be
on the Peloponnese. visible at the end of passage hound slashed, compared using multiple lines of
(dromos) after excavation (middle); throttling the fawn in evidence including: gross skeletal
interior view with three cysts as it death throes, hoofs
flailing to break
analysis of adults and subadults; DNA
The Ossuary appears now (bottom).
free.” (Odyssey Book analysis for familial relationships;
The ossuary at Tzannata was 19 Lines 259-267). stable isotope analysis for
constructed outside the tholos Below: Miniature reconstruction of diet and migration;
tomb as a large cyst with slab stone Above: Well-healed trauma
gold axe from and faunal analysis.
walls and a pebble floor; and was on left eye orbit.
used for secondary burial after Left: Cut marks on a goat(?) Thanks to Dr Lazaros Kolonas, Henriette Putman Cramer,
humerus at left and goat(?) Gerasimos Metaxas, Dr John Pierce, Jan Pierce, Dr Lynne
removal of bones from the cyst in femur(?) at right. Bradley. Images of bones are by the author; other images
the tholos tomb. were taken from “Homer’s Ithaca” Blog (Cramer and

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