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Handout On Concrete Mix Design

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This chapter is taken from the book titled "Concrete" (2nd Ed.

) written by
Mindess et al., Copyright: Pearson Education, Inc.


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Proportioning Concrete
any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research. If electronic
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constitutes “fair use”, that user may be liable for copyright infringement.
These materials are made available for the educational purposes of students
enrolled at the University at Buffalo. No further reproduction, transmission,
or electronic distribution of this material is permitted. The proportioning of concrete mixtures, more commonly referred to as mix design, is a
process that consists of two interrelated steps: (1) selection of the suitable ingredients
(cement, aggregate, water, and admixtures) of concrete and (2) determining their rela-
tive quantities ("proportioning") to produce, as economically as possible, concrete of
the appropriate workability, strength, and durability. These"proportions will depend on
the particular ingredients used, which will themselves depend on the application.
Other criteria, such as designing to minimize shrinkage and creep or for special chemi-
cal environments, may also be considered. However, although a considerable amount
of work has been done on the theoretical aspects of mix design, it still remains largely
an empirical procedure. And, although many concrete properties are important, most
design procedures are based primarily on achieving a specified compressive strength at
some given workability and age; it is assumed that if this is done, the other properties
(except perhaps resistance to freezing and thawing or other durability problems, such
as resistance to chemical attack) will also be satisfactory. But before turning to the mix
design methods now in common use, it is worthwhile to examine the basic design con-
siderations themselves in more detail.


The cost of concrete is made up of the costs of materials, labor, and equipment. How-
ever, except for some special concretes, the costs of labor and equipment are largely in-
dependent of the type and quality of concrete produced. It is therefore the material
costs that are most important in determining the relative costs of different mix designs.
Since cement is much more expensive than aggregate, it is clear that minimizing the ce-
ment content is the most important single factor in reducing concrete costs. This can, in
general, be done by using the lowest slump _!_~~!- ~ill ~rmit_~cl-~9.!!_ate__pl~m:~_!J>y
- - --
the largest
- --
···- ··-
of aggregate, by using th~_QQti!llU_!Il
··-·- - - ___,,,_, __ __...------ -
·-·-.~ -
ratio of

222 Chapter 10 Proportioning Concrete Mixes Section 10.2 Fundamentals of Mix Design 223

CQ~s..e tQ~~g~~~'-~~d, where necessary, by__l:l~RP.JOpria~~ -~~~ures. It should Water/Cement Ratio

"be noted here that in addition-fo-oos(tliere-are otl!~!..1'~nefits_to_ using__a.1Q~ cemep.t con- In 1918, Duff Abrams enunciated his water/cement ratio law for the strength of con-
tent; shrinkage will in general be reduced, and there will be less heat of hydraUoitHow- crete: "For given materials, the strength depends only on one factor -the ratio of water
-ever, !Jlie:cg:-menCc6iit~i!!§.~~!~=f~°-J.~~;~!~~i~J1f~_§~~i~hJfre eai-iv-sfreilgiliO!___t__he to cement." 1 This can be expressed by a formula in the form
concrete and will make uniformity of the concrete a more critical consideration. -
---- The ec"c)iiomy -of a p-a~ticufa~ mi~ design should ~lso b~ ;~i~ted-i01Iiedegree of
quality control that can be expected on a job. As will be discussed in Chapter 15, the A
=- - -
Bl.5 (wlc)
mean concrete strength must be higher than the specified minimum compressive
strength because of the inherent variability of concrete. On small jobs, it may be cheaper
to "overdesign" the concrete than to implement a quality-control program in conjunction where <Tc = compressive strength at some fixed age, A = empirical constant,
with a more cost-efficient concrete. B = constant that depends mostly on the cement properties, and w/c = water/cement
ratio by weight. Usually, A is taken to be 96.5 MPa (14,000 lb/in. 2 ), and B depends on
Workability the type of cement, but may be taken to be about 4. This observation, that strength is
Clearly, a properly designed mix must b~ capable of being placed and compacted prop- inversely proportional to the w!c ratio, remains the basis for most mix design proce-
erly with the equipment available. Finishabilitymust__be adequate, (l_!!_c!_~~_r_e_gation and dures. The reason for this was shown by Powers and Brownyard2 to be the fact that the
bleeding should be minimized. As a geiieralfule, the concrete should be suppileda°fthe w/c ratio determines the porosity of the cement paste. This was discussed in terms of
· minimum workability-that will permit adequate placement. For concretes without min- the gel/space ratio concept in Chapter 4. Of course, Eq. (10.1) must be normalized in
eral admixtures, the water requirement for workability depends mostly on the charac- terms of the maturity (degree of hydration) of the cement. It might be noted as well
teristics of the aggregate rather than those of the cement. Where necessary, workability that, since the w/c ratio controls the porosity, it also largely controls the durability of
should be improved by redesigning the mix t9 increase the mortar content rather than the concrete, as will be discussed in Chapter 18.
by simply adding more water or more fine material. Thus, cooperation between the mix
Aggregate Grading
designer and the contractor is essential to ensure a good concrete mix. In some cases, a
less economical mix may be the best solution. A deaf ear should be turned to the fre- Grading of granular materials to produce dense packing is of broad industrial interest.
quent pleas from any job site for "more water." However, prudent planning is needed An "ideal" curve determined by Fuller and Thompson in 1907 is given by
to ensure that concrete with the required workability is delivered.
Strength and Durability (10.2)

In general, concrete specifications will require a minimum compressive strength. They

may also impose limitations on the permissible w/c ratios and minimum cement con-
where Pr= fraction of total solids finer than size d and
D = maximum particle size.
tents. It is important to ensure that these requirements are not mutually incompatible.
This "Fuller curve" is a special case of a more general equation developed by Andreasson.
As we will see in Chapter 19, it is not necessarily the 28-day strength that is most im-
portant; strengths at other ages may control the design. Specifications may also require
that the concrete meet certain durability requirements, such as resistance to freezing (10.3)
and thawing or chemical attack. These considerations may provide further limitations
on the w/c ratio or cement content and in addition may require the use of admixtures. where q lies between 0 and 1.
The process of mix design, then, involves the satisfactory resolution of all the require- It may be shown that when all aggregate sizes below D are present, the void con-
ments just described. Since these requirements cannot all be optimized simultaneously, tent depends only on q, decreasing as q decreases.Although values of q between 1/3 and
some compromises (as between strength and workability) will be necessary. It must be 1/z have been used for concrete, the lowest practical value of q is about 1/z, the value
remembered that even a "perfect" mix will not perform properly unless the proper recommended by Fuller and Thompson. The reason is that minimizing void content, to
placing, finishing, and curing procedures are carried out.
give more economical concrete that has a minimum cement, results in concrete with


'Feret in 1896 had formulated a more general "law," expressing concrete strength in terms of the
There have been two aspects of mix design in which most of the theoretical work has cement/total voids ratio, of which Abrams's law is a special case.
been carried out: water content and aggregate grading. Most of the modern empirical 2 T. C. Powers and T. L. Brownyard, "Studies of the Physical Properties of Hardened Portland Cement Paste,"

design methods depend heavily on these two considerations. Bulletin 22, Research Laboratories of the Portland Cement Association (1948).
224 Chapter 10 Proportioning Concrete Mixes Section 10.2 Fundamentals of Mix Design 225

Coarse (37.5 within the band shown in Figure 10.3 are expected to produce cohesive concrete that
Fine to4.75 mm)
100 can be readily consolidated by high-frequency vibration and that will generally exhibit

s::: 80
·;;: 60
"'p,. w
"' Oil
Q) .s 60
u ~
.... 40
20 ~


Aggregate size (mm) 0
0.15 0.3 0.6 1.18 2.36 9.5 19.5 37.5
Aggregate size (mm)
Grading curves indicating the specified grading limits (ASTM C 33) for fine aggregate and one size
of coarse aggregate. A combined grading curve (40% fine aggregate and 60% coarse aggregate for FIGURE 10.2
the midrange of the ASTM limits) and the corresponding Fuller-Thompson "ideal" grading curve
are also shown. Combined aggregate gradations, including designations of size fractions as particles that
aid workability (W) , intermediate particles (/), and quality filler (Q) . (Adapted from J.M.
Shilstone, Sr.)
poor workability. In addition, very fine particles cannot form densely packed aggre-
gates; packing density decreases as the average particle size decreases. To improve con- 45
crete behavior, ASTM C 33 (and CSA A23.1) requires that 2 to 10% of the fine
aggregate must pass the 150-µ,m (No.100) sieve, and 10 to 30% must pass the 300-µ,m >
(No. 50) sieve. In terms of packing, the gradations used in ASTM C 33 can only ,...., 40
approximate the Fuller curve, as shown in Figure 10.1. .... ci
Shilstone3 has developed an empirical procedure that uses a combined aggre- oZ ........
g9 35

gate gradation to optimize concrete workability, economy, and strength. As shown in ;E? ~[_...;-.- i..--
Figure 10.2, the combined aggregate is characterized as consisting of material equal to :s~ L---[_...;-.-
and larger than 9.5mm (3/sin.) (designated as Q for quality filler), material smaller
..0 .
.!<I Oil
.... s::: 30
L--- ~
o·~ ~ · ~
than 9.5 mm (3/s in.) and retained on the 2.36-mm (No. 8) sieve (designated as I for ~ p,.
~ __.. L---' L---'
intermediate particles that fill major voids and aids in mix "mobility"), and material i5
i .... L..--
smaller than 2.36-mm (designated as W for particles that aid workability). Shilstone u
observed that experimentally "optimum" combined aggregate gradations can be ex- e:...
pressed by the relationship between a workability factor [the fraction of total aggre- 20
gate passing the 2.36-mm (No. 8) sieve = Wl(Q + I + W)] and a coarseness factor 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
100 90 80
[ratio between the weight fraction of particles retained on the 9.5-mm (3/s-in.) sieve to
Coarseness factor
the weight of all particles retained on the 2.36-mm (No. 8) sieve = Q/(Q + I)] . Mixes (Percent of plus 2.36 mm (No. 8) retained on 9.5-mm (3/8 in.) sieve]

M. Shilstone, Sr., "Concrete Mixture Optimization," Concrete International, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 33-39 (June Band of aggregate gradations on coarseness factor chart that produce optimum concrete mixtures.
1990). (Adapted from J.M. Shilstone, Sr.)
226 Chapter 10 Proportioning Concrete Mixes . Section 10.3 ACI Method of Mix Design 227

the lowest water demand for a given cement content. The concrete used to develop Mix Design Procedures
Figure 10.3 contained 335 kg/m 3 ( 564 lb/yd 3 ) of cement. Since cement particles also aid 1. Required information. Before starting the mix design process, information is required
workability, the W factor should be adjusted by treating any increase or decrease from on both the materials to be used and the structure into.which the concrete will be placed.
this cement content as an increase or decrease in the W content of the combined ag- Raw material properties include sieve analyses of both the fine and coarse aggregates,
gregate (accounting for differences in the specific gravities of the fine aggregate and unit weight of the coarse aggregate, bulk specific gravities, and absorption capacities of
cement). the aggregates. Information on the structure includes the type and dimensions of the
The grading limits for fine and coarse aggregate shown in Figure 10.1 are, like structural members, the minimum space between reinforcing bars, the require~
the combined gradations in Figures 10.2 and 10.3, based on practical experience strength, and the exposure conditions to which the concrete will be su~efed.
rather than on theory. In fact, it is possible to make a satisfactory concrete from al-
most any type of aggregate grading, although gradations outside the limits of Figure 2. Choice of slump. Usually, slump will be specified for a particular job, to take into
10.1 (and even some gradations within these limits) may be uneconomical and diffi- account the anticipated methods of handling and placing the concrete. However, where
cult to handle with regard to segregation, consolidation, and finishing. The procedures the slump has not been specified, appropriate values can be chosen from Table 10.1,
developed by Shilstone are fairly new and are not, as yet, standard practice in the con- which applies when the concrete is to be consolidated by vibration. As a general rule,
crete industry. the lowest slump that will permit adequate placement should be selected. This, howev-
er, does not mean that the minimum slump should automatically be chosen from Table
10.1. "Adequate placement" requires the consideration of job-site conditions, which
often leads fO me seiectio-;: of.a slump cfoser-tothe maximum recommenaecrvalue-:-ms
beoomingi~singlycommon to design a concrete for a kiwer.sfiimp-aiid thell'"ii;rease
There are a number of different methods of mix design available. Although they are it to a higher value using a water-reducing admixture.
not directly comparable, they do give approximately the same relative proportions of 3. Maximum aggregate size. Generally, the largest maximum size of aggregate avail-
materials, and all are capable of yielding suitable concrete mixes. The most common able (and consistent with the limitations to be listed) should be used, as this will mini-
method used in North America is that established by ACI Standard Practice 211.1, and mize the required cement content. The limitations on maximum aggregate size (see
this method will be described here in some detail. It must be remembered, however, Section 7.1) are as follows:
that any mix design method will provide only a first approximation of proportions.
These must be checked by trial batches in the laboratory or in the field and then ad- a. For reinforced (or prestressed) concrete, the maximum size may not exceed one-
justed as necessary to produce the desired concrete characteristics. With any given set fifth of the minimum dimension between forms, or three-fourths of the minimum
of materials, it may be found that considerable deviations from the ACI recommended
practice may be necessary. Once sufficient experience with local materials is acquired, TABLE 10.1 Recommended Slumps for Various Types of Construction. a,b
the tables used in the ACI method should be modified to take their properties into
Slump (mm) Slump (in.)
account. Types of Construction Max. < Min. Max.< Min.
As was stated earlier, the job specifications may dictate certain mix require-
ments, such as minimum cement contents and w!c ratios, slump, air content, maximum Reinforced foundation walls 75 25 3 1
and footings
aggregate size, strength, the use of admixtures, or other special requirements. But re- Plain footings, caissons, and 75 25 3
gardless of the specification requirements, the establishment of the batch weights substructure walls
[note that it is nearly always preferable to batch concrete by weight (Chapter 11) Beams and reinforced walls 100 25 4 1
rather than by volume] can best be accomplished by following the sequence of steps Building columns 100 25 4 1
laid out next. This will ensure that the characteristics of the available materials are Pavements and slabs 75 25 3 1
Mass concrete 50 25 2
properly considered in combining them into a suitable concrete mixture. In summary,
the mix design process consists of (1) determining the job parameters-aggregate "From ACI 211.1. Reproduced with permission.
b Slump may be increased when chemical admixtures are used, provided that the ad-
properties, maximum aggregate size, slump, w/c ratio, and admixtures; (2) calculating mixture-treated concrete has the same or lower water-cement ratio or water--cemen-
the batch weights; and (3) adjusting to the batch weights based on a trial mix made titious material ratio and does not exhibit segregation potential or excessive bleeding.
according to these calculations. <May be increased 25 mm (1 in.) for methods of consolidation other than vibration.
Section 10.3 ACI Method of M ix Design 229
228 Chapter 10 Proportioning Concrete Mixes

clear spacing between bars, strands, bundles of bars, or between the steel and the TABLE 10.2 Approximate Mixing Water and Air Content Requirements for Different Slumps and Nominal
formwork. 4 Maximum Sizes of Aggregates. a,b
b. For slabs, the maximum size may not exceed one-third the slab depth. Water, kg/m 3 (lb!yd 3 ) of Concrete for Indicated Nominal Maximum Sizes ofA ggregate
If it is shown by experience that it is possible to place the concrete without honey- Slump 9.5 (318 12.5 (112 19 (314 25 (1 37.5 (2' 75' (3'
combing or voids, these requirements may be relaxed. It has also been found that, at a mm in. mm in.) mm in.) mm in.) mm in.) mm in. ) mm in.)
given w!c ratio, higher compressive strengths can be achieved with smaller maximum
sizes of aggregates. There is, thus, a trend toward the use of reduced maximum aggre- Non-Air-Entrained Concrete
gate sizes, especially for high-strength concretes (see Chapter 19). In many areas, the 30-50 1-2 210 (350) 200 (335) 185 (315) 180 (300) 160 (275) 155 (260) 130 (220)
largest sizes available are 19 or 25 mm(% in. or 1 in.). It should also be remembered 80-100 3-4 225 (385) 215 (365) 200 (340) 195 (325) 175 (300) 170 (285) 145 (245)
that, for a given job, it may be unwise to recommend different maximum aggregate 150-180 6-1 240 (410) 230 (385) 210 (360) 205 (340) 185 (315) 180 (300) 160 (270)
Approximate amount
sizes for different parts of the structure, as this may lead to confusion and increases the of air in non-air-
probability of error. entrained concrete, % 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3

4. Estimation of mixing water and air content. As we have seen in Chapter 9, t~~ork­ Air-Entrained Concrete
~bjlity of concrete is dependent primarily on the paste content of the concrete; the 30-50 1-2 180 (305) 175 (295) 165 (280) 160 (270) 145 (250) 140 (240) 120 (205)
amount of entrained air; and the maximum size, grading, and particle shape of the aggre- 80-100 3-4 200 (340) 190 (325) 180 (305) 175 (295) 160 (275) 155 (265) 135 (225)
gate. An estimate of the water requirement to produce different slumps for both 150-180 6-7 215 (365) 205 (345) 190 (325) 185 (310) 170 (290) 165 (280) 155 (260)
Recommended average
air-entrained and non-air-entrained concrete can be obtained from Table 10.2, which is total air content, % , for
based on experience obtained over many years C?f practice. It is, however, better to estab- level of exposure:
lish these numbers from experience with the actual materials in question rather than Mild exposure 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 l.5d
resorting to the use of Table 10.2. When water-reducing admixtures are used, these val- Moderate exposure 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5d
ues should be decreased according to the amount of water reduction anticipated. Table Severe exposure' 7.5 7.0 6.0 6.0 - 5.5 5.0 4.5 d

10.2 also shows the approximate amount of entrapped air to be expected in non-air- a Adapted from ACI 211.1. Reproduced with permission.
entrained concrete and gives the recommended levels of air entrainment (when bThese quantities of mixing water are for use in computing cement factors for trial batches. They are maxima for rea-
sonably well-shaped, angular, coarse aggregates graded within limits of accepted specifications.
required) for different maximum sizes of aggregate and for three different levels of
' The slump values for concrete containing aggregate larger than 37.5 mm (1 1/2 in.) are based on slump tests made
severity of exposure. Since there is frequent pressure from the job site for concrete with
after removal of particles larger than 37.5 mm (1 1/z in.) by wet screening.
"more slump" (which is often obtained by adding more water rather than by adding dFor concrete containing large aggregates, which will be wet screened over the 37.5-mm (1 1/z-in.) sieve prior to testing
more paste, leading to a higher w/c ratio and lower strength), it is suggested that the trial %
for air content, the percentage of air expected in the 37.5 mm (1 in.) minus material should be as tabulated in the
batches of the mix used to develop the strength relationships be made to represent the 37.5-mm (1 1/z -in.) column. However, initial proportioning calculations should include the air content as a percent of
most unfavorable combination of air content and water content. That is, both the max- the whole.
imum allowable air content and the maximum allowable slump should be used in these ' These values are based on the criterion that 9% air is needed in the mortar phase of the concrete. If the mortar vol-
batches rather than using average values. This will help prevent overestimating the ume will be substantially different from that determined in this recommended practice, it may be desirable to calcu-
late the needed air content by taking 9% of the actual mortar volume.
with a pozzolan.5 Of course, it is possible that the specifications may be based on
5. Water/cement or water/cementitious material ratio. The selection of the appropri-
a required strength at a time other than 28 days (e.g., at the time when forms are
ate w/c or w/cm ratio may be governed not only by strength, but also by durability
to be stripped), or the design may require the use of another standard type of
requirements: portland cement (Types II, III, IV, or V), blast furnace slag, or very high quanti-
a. Strength. In the absence of strength vs. w/c ratio data for the specific materials, a ties of pozzolans. In these cases, Table 10.3 is not applicable. The designer must
conservative estimate can be made for the expected 28-day compressive strength develop his or her own data for these cases, or when the design is governed by a
from Table 10.3, when Type I portland cement is used, either alone or together flexural strength requirement. It is always more desirable to develop the appro-
priate strength-time-w/cm ratio relationships for the materials that are actually
to be used on the job. In this way, the effects of admixtures can also be determined.
4ACI 211.1 and ACI 318 (Building Code Requirements) do not impose the limitation based on the spacing
5Although ACI 211.1 does not specifically address the use of blast furnace slag, the procedures described
between steel and formwork. This oversight can result in voids and honeycombing as larger aggregate parti-
here can be applied equally well for all mineral admixtures.
cles become wedged between the reinforcing steel and the face of the form.
230 Chapter 10 Proportioning Concrete Mixes Section 10.3 ACI Method of Mix Design 231

TABLE 10.3 Relationships between Water/Cement or Water/Cementitious Materials Ratio TABLE 10.4 Maximum Permissible Water/Cement or Water/Cementitious Material Ratios for Concrete in
and Compressive Strength of Concrete. " Severe Exposures.a,b

Water/ Cement Ratio, by Weight Structure Wet Continuously ..

or Frequently, and Exposed Structure Exposed to
Compressive Strength Non-Air-Entrained Air-Entrained
Type of Structure to Freezing and Thawingc Seawater or Sulfates
at 28 days b Concrete Concrete
Thin sections (railings, curbs, sills, 0.45
45MPa 0.37 ledges, ornamental work) and
40MPa 0.42 sections with less than 25-mm (1-in.)
35MPa 0.47 0.39 cover over steel
.l_OMPa 0.54 0.45 All other sections 0.50
25MPa 0.61 0.52
20MPa 0.69 0.60 •Adapted from ACI 211.1. Reproduced with permission.
15MPa 0.79 0.70 bBased on report of ACI Committee 201, Durability of Concrete in Service. Cementitious materials other
than cement should conform to ASTM C 618 and C 989.
6000 lb/in.2 0.41 c Concrete should also be air entrained.
5000 lb/in. 2 0.48 0.40
dlf sulfate-resisting cement (Type II or Type V of ASTM C 150) is used, permissible water/cement or
4000 lb/in.2 0.57 0.48
water/cementitious material ratio may be increased by 0.05.
3000 lb/in.2 0.68 0.59
2000 lb/in.2 0.82 0.74
The following relationships allow for conversion between weight fraction F
a Adapted from ACI 211.1. Reproduced with permission. ' W'
and volume fraction, Fv:
bValues are estimated average strengths for concrete containing not more than the percent-
age of air shown in Table 10.2. Strength is based on 150 .x 300 mm (6 x 12 in.) cylinders
moist-cured in accordance with ASTM C 31. 1
Fw= (10.4)
b. Durability. If there are severe exposure conditions, such as freezing and thaw- 1
Fv = (10.5)
(~:) (}w - 1)
ing or exposure to seawater or sulfates, the more severe w!c ratio requirements
of Table 10.4 may govern. It might be noted that other standards may have 1+
somewhat different requirements. For instance, CSA Standard A23.l provides a
more detailed guide to the selection of maximum permissible w/c ratios, con- where Fw and Fv = ratio of mineral admixture weight or volume, respectively, to
crete strengths, and air contents for severe exposure conditions. These require- weight or volume of total cementitious material; Ge = specific gravity of cement (gen-
ments are shown in Tables 10.5 and 10.6. Table 10.7 shows the ACI requirements for erally 3.15); GP = specific gravity of mineral admixture.
concretes exposed to different concentrations of sulfates in soils or groundwaters, When calculating the cementitious material content, it is easiest to first calculate
which include a specification of the type of cement to be used (see Chapter 18). the total weight of cementitious material on the basis of 100% cement, CT, and then to
calculate the final weights of the individual cementitious materials based on the de-
sired weight or volume replacement percentage. On a weight replacement basis, the
6. Calculation of cement or cementitious material content. Once the water content and
weight of pozzolan is P = FwCT, and the weight of cement is C = (1 - Fw)CT. On a
w/c ratio (Steps 4 and 5) are determined, the amount of cement or cement plus min-
volume replacement basis, P = Fv(GJGc)CT and C = (1 - Fv)CT. All common min-
eral admixture per unit volume of concrete is determined simply by dividing the esti-
eral admixtures have specific gravities lower than portland cement, so that when re-
mated water requirement by the w/c ratio. However, many specifications, in addition,
placed on a mass basis, they occupy a larger volume than the cement they replace.
require a minimum cement content. Such a requirement may be used to ensure satis-
factory finishability, quality of vertical surfaces, or workability; it may also ensure 7. Estimation of coarse aggregate content. It has been found empirically that aggre-
against low strengths due to increased water demands at the job site. · gates having the same maximum size and grading will yield workable mixes when used
When a portion of the cement is replaced by a mineral admixture, the replace- in concrete in the volumes (on a dry-rodded basis) 6 shown in Table 10.8. For the same
11).ent can be made on the basis of mass (weight) or volume, although mass is most com- workability, the volume of coarse aggregate depends only on its maximum size and on
monly used. Since portland cement and the admixture have different specific gravities,
the values of the weight and volume percentages will differ. 60ven-dry rather than air-dry.
Section 10.3 ACI Method of Mix Design 233
232 Chapter 10 Proportioning Concrete Mixes

TABLE 10.7 Requirements for Concrete Exposed to Sulfate-Containing Solutions. a

TABLE 10.5 Minimum Specified Compressive Strengths and Maximum Permissible Water/Cementitious Material
Ratios for Different Types of Structures and Varying Degrees of Exposure. a ' Maximum Water- Minimum Specified
Cementitious Compressive Strength
Minimum Specified Maximum Water-Soluble Material Ratio, Normal Weight and
28-day Compressive Water/ Cementitious Air Content
Class of Condition of Sulfate (S0 4 ) in by Mass, Normal Lightweight
Strength, MPa (lb/in.2 ) Material Ratio Category
Exposureb Exposure Sulfate Soil, Percent Sulfate (S0 4 ) in Weight Aggregate Aggregate Concrete,
35 (5100) 0.40 Exposure By Mass Water, ppm Cement Type Concreteb MPab (lblin.2 )
C-1 Structurally reinforced concrete exposed
to chlorides with or without freezing and Negligible 0.00 s S0 4 < 0.10 0 s S0 4 < 150
thawing conditions. Exarp.ples: bridge decks, Moderatec 0.10 s S0 4 < 0.20 150 s S0 4 < 1500 II,IP(MS) ,
parking decks and ramps, portions of marine IS(MS), P(MS),
32 (4600) 0.45 1 I(PM)(MS),
structures located within the tidal zone.
C-2 Non-structurally reinforced (i.e., plain) I(SM)(MS) 0.50 28 (4000)
concrete exposed to chlorides and freezing Severe 0.20 s S0 4 s 2.00 1500 s S04 s 10,000 V 0.45 31 (4500)
and thawing. Examples: pavements, sidewalks, Very severe S0 4 > 2.00 S0 4 > 10,000 V plus pozzoland 0.45 31 (4500)
curbs and gutters. Adapted from ACI 318. Reproduced with permission.
30 (4400) 0.50 2 a
C-3 Continuously submerged concrete exposed to
bA lower water-cementitious material ratio or higher strength may be required for low permeability or for protection
chlorides, but not freezing and thawing. against corrosion of embedded items or freezing and thawing.
Examples: underwater portions of marine
structures. dpozzolan that has been determined by test or service record to improve sulfate resistance when used in concrete
25 (3600) 0.55 2
C-4 Non-structurally reinforced concrete exposed
containing Type V cement.
to chlorides, but not freezing and thawing.
Examples: interior parking slabs-on-grade.
30 (4400) 0.50 1
F-1 Concrete exposed to freezing and thawing in TABLE 10.8 Volume of Coarse Aggregate per Unit Volume of Concrete. a
a saturated condition, but not chlorides.
Examples: exterior walls and columns. Maximum Volume of Dry-Rodded Coarse Aggregateb
25 (3600) 0.55 2 Size of per Unit Volume of Concrete for Different
F-2 Concrete in an unsaturated condition exposed to
freezing and thawing. Aggregate Fineness Moduli of Sand
Examples: exterior walls and columns. mm in. 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00
N Concrete exposed to neither chlorides 3
nor freezing and thawing. Examples: interior slabs, for structural for structural 9.5 8 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44
design design 12.5 I
0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
walls and columns. 2
a Adapted from CSA Standard A23.l , Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Co_nstruction, which is copyrighted 19 _ j 0,66 0.64 0.62 0.60
by the Canadian Standards Association. Copies may be purchased from the Association, 178 Rexdale Boulevard, 25 1 0.71 0.69 Q,§7 0.65
Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1R3. 37.5 1~ 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.70
b"C" classes pertain to chloride exposure. so 2 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
"F" classes pertain to freezing and thawing exposure only. . . 75 3 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76
"N" class pertains to nonexposure to either chlorides or freezmg and thawmg. .
cuse Category 1 for concrete exposed to freezing and thawing. Use Category 2 for concrete not exposed to freezmg 150 6 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81
and thawing (see Table 10.6). a Adapted from ACI 211.1. Reproduced with permission.
bVolumes are based on aggregates in dry-rodded condition as described in ASTM C 29.
For less workable concrete, such as that required for concrete-pavement construction, they
may be increased about 10%. For more workable concrete, such as sometimes may be
required when concrete must be placed around congested reinforcing steel or when place-
TABLE 10.6 Range of Total Air Content for Various Classes of Exposure as ment is to be by pumping, they may be reduced up to 10% .
Defined in Table 10.5.a
Range in Air Content for Concrete with Indicated the fineness modulus of the fine aggregate. The OD weight of coarse aggregate re-
Nominal Maximum Sizes of Coarse Aggregate, % quired per cubic meter of concrete is simply equal to the value from Table 10.8 multi-
Air Content plied by the dry-rodded unit weight of the aggregate in kg/m3 . (The volume of
IO mm 14-20mm 28-40mm
Category aggregate in ft 3/yd 3 of concrete can be obtained by multiplying the appropriate value
1 6 to 9 5 to 8 4to 7 by 27. This volume can then be converted to an OD weight by multiplying it by the dry-
2 5 to 8 4 to 7 3 to 6 rodded weight per cubic foot of coarse aggregate.) To convert from OD to SSD
a Adapted from CSA Standard A23.l. See note to Table 10.5. weights, multiply by (1 + A/100) as in Eq. (7.2) (Section 7.1).
Section 10.3 ACI Method of Mix Design 235
Proportioning Concrete Mixes
234 Chapter 10
Use Volume Method Only in this course
b. "Volume" Method. This is the preferred method, as it is a somewhat more exact
TABLE 10.9 First Estimate of Weight of Fresh Concrete." procedure, which requires a knowledge of the volumes displaced by the various
ingredients. That is, the volumes of the cementitious material, water, air, and
First Estimate of Concrete Weightb
coarse aggregate are subtracted from the total voh.\me; the difference is the vol-
Maximum Size Non-Air-Entrained Air-Entrained ume of fine aggregate. The weight of fine aggregate can then be obtained by mul-
ofAggregate Concrete Concrete tiplying this volume by the density of the fine aggregate.
mm in. kglm 3 lblyd3 kg/m 3 lblyd3
The aggregate calculations just described are best carried out using SSD weights,
9.5 3
8 2285 3840 2200 3710 but they can be done by using OD weights. In this case, the coarse aggregate weight is
2 2315 3890 2230 3760 converted to OD by measuring its absorption capacity and then using the OD bulk spe-
4 2355 3960 2280 3840 cific gravity.
25 1 2375 4010 2285 3850
37.5 1 l2 2420 4070 2320 3910 9. Adjustment for moisture in the aggregates. The actual water content of the paste
50 2 2445 4120 2345 3950 will be affected by the moisture content of the aggregates. If these are air dry, they will
75 3 2490 4200 2400 4040 absorb some water, thereby effectively lowering the w!c ratio and reducing the worka-
bility. On the other hand, if the aggregates are too wet, they will contribute some of their
a Adapted from ACI 211.1. Reproduced with permission.
bValues calculated by Eqs. (10.6) and (10.7) for concrete containing 330 kg/m3 (550 lb/yd 3 ) surface moisture to the paste, increasing both the w/c ratio and the workability and
of cement, slump of 75 to 100 mm (3 to 4 in.), and aggregate bulk specific gravity of 2.7. reducing strength. Therefore, these effects must be estimated and the batch weights
adjusted to take them into account. The adjustments will leave the actual mix propor-
tions unchanged on an SSD basis.
8. Estimation of fine aggregate content. We have now established the weights of all of
the concrete ingredients except that of the fine aggregate. We can establish fine aggre- 10. Trial batch. Having now estimated the proportions of all the ingredients, the next
gate content in two ways: step is to prepare a trial batch using these estimates, using only as much water as is need-
a. "Mass" ("Weight") Method. This requires a knowledge of the weight (per m 3 or ed to reach the desired slump (even if it causes the permissible w/c ratio to be exceed-
yd 3) of the fresh concrete, which can often be estimated from previous experi- ed). This batch may be prepared in the laboratory or using a full-sized field batch. The
Do NOT ence with the materials in question; failing this, Table 10.9 may be used as a first concrete thus produced should be tested for slump, unit weight, yield, and air content,
as well as observed for segregation tendencies and finishing characteristics. The batch
use Mass estimate.
An exact calculation of the weight of fresh concrete in kg/m3 or lb/yd 3 can be weights and the unit weight are then used to calculate the weight of each material per
Method in cubic meter or cubic yard, as actually obtained in the trial batch. This is done by multi-
obtained as follows:
this course plying the weight of each constituent in the trial batch by the number of trial batches
um = 10Ga(100 - A) +cm ( 1 - ~:) - wm(Ga - 1) kg/m3 (10.6) per cubic meter or cubic yard (the volume of concrete in a trial batch is the total weight
of the trial batch divided by the unit weight). 8 Finally, 28-day (or other age) compres-
sive (or flexural) strength should also be determined. Adjustments can now be made in
U = 16.85Ga(100 - A) + C ( 1 - ~:) - W(Ga - 1) lb/yd3 (10.7) the batch proportions for those requirements that were not satisfied by the original esti-
mate, as follows:
where Um,(U) = weight of fresh concrete, kg/m3 (lb/yd 3 ); Ga = weighted average a. For any deviation in slump, a new water content can be estimated based on the
bulk specific gravity (SSD) 7 of combined fine and coarse aggregate, assuming rea- observation that an increase or decrease of 6 kg/m3 (10 lb/yd 3 ) in water will
sonable weight proportions; Ge = specific gravity of cement (generally 3.15); increase or decrease the slump by approximately 25 mm (1 in.). If the correct slump
A = air content,%; Wm (W) = mixing water content, kg/m3 (lb/yd3 ); and Cm (C) = is obtained at a lower water content, it is permissible to reduce the cement content
cement requirement, kg/m3 (lb/yd 3 ).
If the first estimate of the weight of the fresh concrete is not very good, an iter-
ative procedure may be required to obtain Ga. The weight of fine aggregate is then
the difference between the total weight of the fresh concrete and the weight of the
other ingredients. 8Theweight of each material per m3 or yd 3 of concrete can also be calculated by multiplying the ratio of the
weight of each material in the trial batch to the total weight of the trial batch by the concrete density in
kg/m3 or lb/yd 3 ( = 27 ft 3/yd 3 X unit weight in lb/ft 3 ) .
7If the aggregate is in a condition other than SSD, the appropriate BSG should be used.
236 Chapter 10 Proportioning Concrete Mixes Section 10.3 ACI Method of M ix Design 237

to reach the design w/c ratio, consistent with any specified limitations on cement Step 4: Estimation of mixing water and air content. Since the concrete will be ex-
content. If the water content must be increased to obtain the desired slump, then posed to freezing and thawing, it must be air entrained. From Table 10.2,
the w/c ratio will also be increased. In this case, additional cement must be added the air content recommended for severe exposure is 6.0%; the water re-
until the design w/c ratio is again achieved (or the entire mix redesigned). quirement is 180 kg/m3 (305 lb/yd 3 ).
b. If the desired amount of entrained air is not achieved, the amount of air-entraining Step 5: Water/cement ratio. From Table 10.3, the (conservative) estimate of the
admixture should be reestimated. The mixing water required should then be in- required w/c ratio to give a 28-day compressive strength of 30 MPa (4500
creased or decreased by 3 kg/m3 (5 lb/yd3 ) for each decrease or increase of 1 % air psi) is 0.45. This does not exceed the limits based on durability in Table 10.4
entrainment, because of the influence of entrained air on workability. (or Table 10.5).
c. If the weight method of proportioning is used and if the estimated weight of fresh
Step 6: Calculation of cement content. The required cement content, based on the
concrete is incorrect, this can be reestimated from the unit weight of the trial
results of Steps 4 and 5, is 180/0.45 = 400 kg/m3 (305/0.45 = 678 lb/yd3 ) . 10
batch, making allowance for the necessary changes in air content.
d. Any adjustment will change the yield, and therefore new batch weights must then Ste_p 7: Estimation of coarse aggregate content. Interpolating in Table 10.8 for the
be calculated, following the foregoing procedure from Step 5 on. fineness modulus of the fine aggregate of 2.70, the volume of dry-rodded
coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete is 0.63. Therefore, the
coarse aggregate will occupy 0.63 m3/m3 (or 0.63 x 27 = 17.01 ft 3/yd3 ).
Example Mix Design The OD weight of the coarse aggregate is 0.63 x 1600 = 1008 kg
To illustrate the mix design procedure, consider the following sample problem: Concrete (17.01 X 100 = 1701lb ). The SSD weight is 1008 x 1.01 = 1018 kg
is required for an exterior column to be located above ground level in an area where it (1701 x 1.01 = 1718 lb). •
will be wet and subjected to substantial freezing and thawing. The concrete is required to Step 8: Estimation of fine aggregate content. The fine aggregate content can be
have an average 28-day compressive strength of. 30 MPa (about 4000 lb/in. 2 ). 9 For the established either by the mass (weight) method or by the absolute volume
conditions of placement, the slump should be between 75 and 100 mm (3 and 4 in.). The method.
column is 635 mm (25 in.) square with a minimum clear space for aggregate of 50 mm (2 a. Mass (weight) method. From Table 10.9, the estimated concrete weight
in.). The properties of the materials are as follows: is 2280 kg/m3 (3840 lb/yd3 ). Although for a first trial it is not generally
Cement: Type I, specific gravity = 3.15 necessary to use the more exact calculation based on Eq. (10.6), this
value will be used here:
Fine aggregate: Bulkspecificgravity (SSD) = 2.63; absorption capacity = 1.3%;
surface moisture = 4.2% based on SSD state; fineness modulus = 2.70 um= (10) (2.66) (100 - 6) + 400(1 - 2.66/3.15) - 180(2.66 - 1)
Coarse aggregate: Maximum size = 19 mm(% in.); bulk specific gravity (SSD) = 2264kg/m3
= 2.68; absorption capacity = 1.0%; surface moisture = 0.5% based on SSD
state; dry-rodded unit weight = 1600 kg/m3 (100 lb/ft3 ) Using Eq. (10.7), the equivalent value of 3812 lb/yd3 is obtained. The
weights already determined are water = 180 kg (305 lb), cement =
The sieve analyses of the coarse and fine aggregates fall within the limits specified in 400kg(678lb), and coarse aggregate (SSD) = 1018kg (1718lb).
ASTM C 33. With this information, the mix design will now be carried through in de- Therefore, the weight of the fine aggregate (SSD) is 2264 - 180 -
tail, using the sequence of steps outlined. 400 - 1018 = 666kg (3812 - 305 - 678 - 1718 = l llllb).

Step 1: Required material information. This is already given.

Step 2: Choice of slump. The slump is also given, consistent with Table 10.1.
Step 3: Maximum aggregate size. The maximum aggregate size, 19 mm (%in.),
10If the problem is altered to require a 15% (weight basis) replacement of cement by fly ash, the total weight
meets the limitations of one-fifth of the minimum dimension between
of cementitious material would be unchanged. The weight of fly ash would be 0.15 x 400 = 60 kg/m3
forms and three-fourths of the minimum clear space.
(0.15 x 678 = 102 lb/yd3 ) and the weight of cement would be 0.85 x 400 = 340 kg/m3 (0.85 x 678 =
576 lb/yd3) . If a 15% (volume basis) replacement is used, the weight of fly ash would be 0.15 (G/ Gc)Cr. For
fly ash with GP = 2.30, 0.15 (2.30/3.15) 400 = 44 kg/m3 [0.15 (2.30/3.15) 678 = 74 lb/yd3]. As with the 15%
(weight basis) replacement, the cement content would be 340 kg/m3 (576 lb/yd3 ) . (Volume replacement with
9This value takes into account the difference between the average strength required and the specified design
fly ash maintains the total paste volume in the concrete, but reduces the mass percentage replacement, as
strength, which is based on the variability of the concrete (see Chapter 15). well as the total weight of cementitious material.)
238 Chapter 10 Proportioning Concrete Mixes Section 10.3 ACI Method of Mix Design 239

b. Volume method. Knowing the weights and specific gravities of water, Step 10: Trial batch. A trial batch is now made using the proportions calculated.
cement, and coarse aggregate and knowing the air volume, we can cal- The properties of the concrete in the trial batch (including unit weight)
culate the volumes per m3 (yd 3 ) occupied by the different ingredients: must be compared with the desired properties, and the mix design must
Water: 180/1000 (305/62.4) 0.180 m3 ( 4.89 ft3)
be corrected as described. To illustrate this process, consider the follow-
Cement: 400/(1000 x 3.15) [678/62.4 x 3.15] 0.127 m3 (3.45 ft 3 ) ing trial batch results:
Coarse Aggregate (SSD) 11 :1018/(1000 x 2.68) 0.380 m3 Small trial batches are prepared based on the example m 3 and yd 3 mix designs
[1718/(62.4 x 2.68)] (10.27 ft 3 ) (0.015 m 3 and 0.02 yd 3, respectively). The desired slump is 100 mm (4 in.), and the de-
Air: 0.06 (0.06 X 27) 0.060m3 (1.62 ft 3 ) sired air content is 6%. During the course of the trial match, we find that extra water is
Total 0.747m 3 (20.23 ft 3 ) needed to achieve the desired slump. The final properties of the concrete are
slump = 75 mm (3 in.), air content = 5%, and unit weight = 2286 kg/m3 (142.6 lb/ft3 ).
Therefore, the fine aggregate must occupy a volume of
The weights used in the trial batches are expressed in terms of SSD aggregate:
1 - 0.747 = 0.253 m 3 (27 - 20.23 = 6.77 ft 3 ) . The required SSD
weight of the fine aggregate = 0.253 X 2.63 X 1000 = 665 kg
Cement: 6.00kg (13.56 lb)
( 6.77 x 2.63 x 62.4 = lllllb ). As may be seen, this is essentially
Coarse aggregate (SSD): 15.27 kg (34.36 lb)
the same as the weight calculated according to the weight method.
Fine aggregate (SSD): 9.98 kg (22.22 lb)
Step 9: Adjustment for moisture in the aggregate. Since the aggregates will be nei-
Water (includes surface
ther SSD nor OD in the field, it is necessary to adjust the aggregate weights
moisture on wet
for the amount of water contained in the aggregate. (Note that very dry ag-
aggregate): 2.84 kg (6.40 lb )
gregates will absorb water from the mix, and this too must be allowed for.)
Total batch weight: 34.09 kg (76.54 lb)
Only surface water need be considered; absorbed water does not become
part of the mix water. For the given moisture contents, the adjusted aggre-
Based on manufacturers recommendations, air-entraining agent was added at a rate of
gate weights become (see Section 7.1):
0.23 L/m3 (6 fluid ounces/yd3 ). •
Coarse aggregate (wet) = 1018 (1.005) = 1023kg/m3 The batch weights and unit weight can now be used to determine the actual quan-
[1718 (1.005) = 1727 lb/yd 3] tities used on a m 3 (yd3 ) basis:
Fine aggregate (wet) =665(1.042) =693kg/m3
[1111 (1.042) = 1158 lb/yd 3] _ 2286 kg/m3 _ 3
Batch factor - 34 _09 kg/batch - 67.06 batches/m
Surface moisture contributed by the coarse aggregate is 0.5%; by the fine
- [ 142.6 lb/ft3x 27 ft 3/yd3-
aggregate 4.2%. The mixing water (that needs to be batched separately)
is then
- 7654 lb/batch - 50.30 batches/yd
180 - 1018(0.005) - 665(0.042) = 147kg/m3
m3 batch yd 3 batch
[305 - 1718(0.005) - 1111(0.042) = 250 lb/yd3] Cement: 6.00 x 67.06 = 402 kg (13.56 x 50.30 = 682 lb)
Coarse Aggregate (SSD): 15.27 x 67.06 = 1024 kg (34.36 x 50.30 = 1728 lb)
Thus, the estimated batch weights per m3 (yd3 ) are: Fine Aggregate (SSD) 9.98 x 67.06 = 669 kg (22.22 x 50.30 = 1118 lb)
Water (to be added) = 147 kg (250 lb) Water: 2.84 x 67.06 = 190 kg (6.40 x 50.30 = 322 lb)
Cement = 400 kg (678 lb)
Coarse aggregate (wet) = 1023 kg (1727 lb)
Fine aggregate (wet) = 693kg (1158lb) Note that, due to the extra water required and lower air content, the actual weights of
Total = 2263 kg (3813 lb) the ingredients differ from the original values.
The mix design must now be modified to obtain the desired slump, air content,
and w/c ratio.
The water content for a 100-mm (4-in.) slump will be 190 kg/m 3 + 6 kg/m3 [to
11 If bulk specific gravities of the aggregates are given on an OD basis, then the OD weight should be used to
increase the slump from 88 mm (3 in.)] - 3 kg/m 3 [to take into account the extra
calculate the solid volume of the coarse aggregate, and the weight of the fine aggregate will be determined
slump that will be obtained as the 5% actual air content is increased to the desired
on an OD basis also. 6%] = 193 kg/m 3 (322 + 10 - 5 = 327 lb/yd3 ).
240 Chapter 10 Proportioning Concrete Mixes Problems 241

We now proceed from Step 5 to recalculate the batch weights. Powers, T. C., The Properties of Fresh Concrete. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (1968).
Step 5: w/c = 0.45 is unchanged Proportioning Concrete Mixes, SP-46. American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Ml (1974).
Shilstone, J.M., Sr., "Concrete Mixture Optimization," Concrete International, Vol. 12, No. 6,
Step 6: Cement content = 193/0.45 = 429 kg (327/0.45) = 727 lb
pp. 33-39 (June 1990).
Step 7: Coarse aggregate (SSD) content = 1018 kg (1718 lb) is unchanged Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and M ass Concrete, ACI
Step 8: Fine aggregate (SSD) content: For this problem, we will use the "volume" 211.1. American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI (1991).

Water: 193/1000 (327/62.4) . 0.193m3 (5.24 ft3 ) PROBLEMS

Cement: 429/(1000 x 3.15) [727/(62.4 x 3.15)] 0.136m3 (3.70 ft3)
Coarse Aggregate (SSD): 1018/(1000 x 2.68) 0.380m3
10.l What are the criteria that must be used when designing a concrete mix?
(1718/(62.4 x 2.68)] (10.27 ft3 )
Air: 0.06 (0.06 >< 27) 0.060m3
10.2 Calculate Abrams' w!c ratio law for the w!c ratios given in Table 10.3 for non-air-
(1.62 ft3)
Total: 0.769m3 (20.83 ft3) entrained concrete and compare the calculated strengths with those tabulated.
10.3 Plot the ideal grading curves computed from Eq. (10.3) with q = 0.33, 0.5, and
0.67 for a maximum aggregate size of 25 mm. Compare your results with the
Absolute volume of fine aggregate = 1 - 0.769 = 0.231 m 3 (27 - 20.83 = 6.17 ft 3 ).
ASTM grading limits.
SSD weight of fine aggregate= 0.231 X 2.63 X 1000 = 608kg (6.17 X 2.63 X 62.4 10.4 Design an air-entrained concrete mix using a maximum aggregate size of
= 1012 lb). 27 mm to be used for an interior beam having a 28-day compressive strength of
35 MPa. The material properties are as follows:
Air-entraining agent. As discussed in Chapter 8, the amount of air entrained is Cement: All types have a specific gravity of 3.15.
a function of other properties of the concrete, ~uch as temperature, slump, and aggre- Coarse aggregate: Bulk specific gravity (SSD ) = 2.90, absorption capacity =
gate gradation. The two factors with the greatest effects are the amount of air-entraining 0.5 %, effective absorption = 0.3%, and dry-rodded unit
agent (as one might expect) and the amount of cement (increased cement content weight = 1700kg!m3 .
tends to decrease the amount of air entrained). The new dosage rate of air-entraining Fine aggregate: Bulk specific gravity (SSD) = 2.62, absorption capacity= 1.2%,
agent is calculated by multiplying the original dosage by the ratios of (1) desired air surface moisture = 2.8 %, and fineness modulus = 2.80.
content to actual air content and (2) new cement content to initial cement content: Use the upper value of the recommended slump range. Present the results
based on the given moisture contents.
Air-entraining agent = 0.23 (%) ( 42%00 ) = 0.37 L/m3 10.5 Recompute the mix in Problem 10.4 if the bulk specific gravities of the aggre-
gate now represent the OD condition and if the total moisture contents are
0.8 % (coarse) and 2.5% (fine).
= [6 (%)( 727/ 678 ) = 9.7 fl. oz/yd3]
10.6 Recompute the mix in Problem 10.4usinga 15% weight replacement of cement by
A new trial batch should now be made to check the concrete properties. In addi- fly ash with a specific gravity of 2.2. Present the results in terms of SSD aggregate.
tion to slump, air content, and unit weight, the concrete should be checked for cohe- 10.7 Design a concrete mix that has a 28-day compressive strength of 4500 lb/in.2
siveness, finishability, and strength. %
and a maximum aggregate size of in. The concrete will be placed in a column
exposed to freezing and thawing and will be in contact with soil that has a sul-
fate content of 0.3%. The material properties are as follows:
o,ment: All types have a specific gravity of 3.15.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Coarse aggregate: Bulk specific gravity (SSD ) = 2.65, absorption capacity =
Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction, CSA Standard A23.l-94. Canadian 1.5 %, surface moisture = 1.0%, and dry-rodded unit
Standards Association, Rexdale, Ontario (1994). weight = 105 lb/ft3.
Fine aggregate: Bulk specific gravity ( SSD ) = 2.75, absorption capacity = 1.0%,
Day, K. W., Concrete Mix D esign, Quality Control and Specification. E & FN Span, London,
surface moisture = 3.0%, and fineness modulus = 2.70.
Use the upper value of the recommended slump range. Present the results
de Larrard, F., Concrete Mixture Proportioning: A Scientific Approach. E & FN Span, London, based on the given aggregate moisture contents.
(1999). 10.8 Recompute the mix in Problem 10.7 if the bulk specific gravities of the aggre-
Kosmatka, S.H., B. Kerkhoft, and W.C. Panarese, Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 14th gates now represent the OD condition and if the total moisture contents are
ed., Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL (2002). 1.0% (coarse) and 3.0% (fine).
Kosmatka, S.H., W.C. Panarese, K.D. Gissang, and N.F. Mac Lead, Design and Control of Concrete 10.9 Recompute the mix in Problem 10.7 using a 10% volume replacement of cement by
Mixtures, 6th Canadian ed., Canadian Portland Cement Association, Ottawa, Ontario (1995). fly ash with a specific gravity of 2.4. Present the results in terms of SSD aggregate.
242 Chapter 10 Proportioning Concrete Mixes

10.10 The following batch weights (cubic meter, SSD basis), selected using ACI 211.1,
produced concrete with a unit weight of 2280 kg/m 3 , a slump of 75 mm, and an
air content of 5%.
Cement: 408 kg/m 3 (specific gravity 3.15).
Water: 163 kg/m3 .
Coarse aggregate: 1018 kg/m3 [19 mm, bulk specific gravity (SSD) = 2.62, ab-
sorption capacity = 3.8%, dry-rodded unit
weight = 1505 kg/m3].
Fine aggregate: 653 kg/m3 [bulk specific gravity (SSD) = 2.58, absorption
capacity = 1.0% , fineness modulus = 2.50].
Air-entraining agent: 0.30 L/m3 .
a. What volume of concrete was produced?
b. What were the actual mix proportions on a cubic meter basis?
c. What batch quantities (cubic meter, SSD basis) should be used to produce
concrete with a 100-mm slump and 61/z % air content?
10.11 The following batch weights (cubic yard, SSD basis), selected using ACI 211.1,
produced concrete with a unit weight of 141.8 lb/ft 3, a slump of 2 in., and an air
content of 4%.
Cement: 573 lb/yd3 (specific gravity 3.15).
Water : 275 lb/yd 3.
Coarse aggregate: 1657 lb/yd3 [% in., bulk specific gravity (SSD) = 2.58,
absorption capacity = 3.5%, dry-rodded
unit weight = 94 lb/ft3].
Fine aggregate: 1247 lb/yd3 [bulk specific gravity (SSD ) = 2.62, absorption
capacity = 1.5%, fineness modulus = 2.70].
Air-entraining agent: 8 fl. oz/yd3•
a. What volume of concrete was produced?
b. What were the actual mix proportions on a cubic yard basis?
c. What batch quantities (cubic yard, SSD basis) should be used to produce
concrete with a 4-in. slump and 61/2 % air content?

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