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 The exchange of goods and services between countries


 Exports as percent of GDP

31.7% of GDP (2009)

 Current Account balance by percentage of GDP

4.1% of GDP (2010)
Involves a lot of things

 Jobs, Consumption, The fight against poverty, environmental issues, natural resources,
Export- goods or merchandise that are sold to other countries in order to earn dollars
Import- goods or merchandise bought from foreign countries
Trade deficit- occurs when a value of nation’s export is less than the value of its imports
Exports < Imports
Trade surplus- occurs when a value of nation’s export is greater than the value of its imports
Exports > Imports
Top Trading Partners of the Philippines

 United states, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Germany, Holland, Singapore, South Korea
Major Export commodities of the Philippines

 Transport Equipment, Garments, Fruits, Coconut oil, Petroleum products, Copper

Products, Electronic products
Provides goods and services

 Some of the goods and services we are provided of come from outside the country
Provides employment

 Create jobs
 International trade also motivates workers to produce the goods or services better
Dictates the cost of goods/services
 Supply and demand affects global events
Examples: oil and political conditions
Paves the way for globalization
“Globalization is the integration of economies and cultures through a global network of political
ideas through communication, transportation and trade.”
Domestic Trade

 Deals with the exchange and distribution of goods and services made for local
 Includes the marketing of different goods and services to various parts of the country

 “Middlemen” Rounding up and movement of products within the country are made
possibly by them.
 Connects the producers and the consumers

 Include brokers and jobbers who buy products in bulk or large quantities which they sell

 Directly to the consumers, retailers have great influence on them

Middle Men

 The prices of products go higher because of the profit they need

 Without middlemen it would be hard to get goods and services easier and quicker.
Domestic vs. International

Factor Domestic trade International trade

1. Mobility in factors of Free to move from one state Quite restricted
production (land, to another within the same
labor, capital and country
2. Movement of goods Easier to move goods Restricted due to
without much restrictions complicated custom
procedures and trade buyers
like tariffs, quotas or
3. Currency Same Different
4. Markets Limited market due to limit in Broader markets
5. Language and culture Speaks and practice same Communication challenges
barriers culture due to language and cultural

Reasons for international trade

 separation of tasks within a system (definition)

 means a nation produces a certain product with cheaper cost
 excess production can be used to export to other countries
The trading of different foods and services is directly affected by these two basic principles:
Principle of Comparative Advantage

 "countries will benefit by concentrating on the production of those goods in which they
have a *relative advantage"
 When the product is more advantageous to the customers than the competing brands
Principle of Absolute Advantage

 Sometimes, a country finds it cheaper to acquire imports than produce it.

 The cost of production might be cheaper in other countries that may be due te their
difference in climate, labor force or capital.
1) Buyer Insolvency

 The purchaser cannot pay the goods and services that they avail.
2) Non-Acceptable

 The buyer rejects goods and services as different from the agreed upon specifications
3) Credit Risk

 Because of the trust given by a country to its buyer, it allows to take of possession of
goods prior to payment.
4) Regulatory Risk

 A change in rules within a country that may cause problems during transaction.
5) Intervention

 Intervention is a governmental action to prevent a transaction being completed. It is

done in order to block goods coming from other places that must not enter the
country's territory.
6) Political Risk

 When a country changes its leader(s). it can result to change in transactions and prices
due to the interference of the new government system.
7) War and Uncontrollable Events
Programs and solutions

 is an economic policy of controlling or restraining trade between nations through

methods such as tariffs and quotas
 also through government regulations and laws designed to discourage imports and to
prevent foreign domination of domestic markets and companies
• charges imposed on the price of imports
• causes an increase in the revenue of the government
• encourages demand for domestic products
• demand for imports decrease
Kinds of Tariffs
1) Revenue Tariffs

 a set of rates designed primarily to raise money for the government

2) Protective Tariffs

 intended to artificially inflate prices of imports and protect domestic industries from
foreign competition
• a restriction on the quantity of imports a country is allowed to have increase in the price of
• encourage defend for domestic products
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
• a worldwide organization that sponsors multilateral trade negotiating rounds itgrease in the
price of imports
• main objective: to increase world incomes and standards of living through the expansion of
international trade
• If the country opt to trade outside GATT, she will be subjected to higher tariffs and stricter
trade restrictions
• deals with the rules of trade between nations at a global or near-global level
• operates a system of trade rules
* an organization for liberalizing trade
° a forum for governments to negotiate trade agreements and to settle disputes
Philippine WTO Membership
• it made substantial commitment on market access and at the same time continued to
consolidate the liberalization program under the Tariff Reform Program, undertaken
unilaterally since the 1980s
TRF or Tariff Reform Program
• is the review/restructuring of the Philippine tariff system by the government

 undertaken on a continuing basis to make the tariff structure responsive to the needs of
the economy
• changing patterns in trade and advancements in technology are taken into account
PTIC or Philippine Trade and Investment Center
° an agency under the Embassy of the Philippines and the DTI
• provides commercial representation for the Philippines to foreign countries

 Located in the world's major cities in North America, Europe, Middle East and Asia
Our mandate:
• To promote and develop the growth of Philippine products and services in the world market;
• promote inward foreign investments;
• provide commercial intelligence to government and industry sectors;
• and assist in bilateral and multilateral trade and economic negotiations
It can be found in places like
• Brussels (Belgium)
• Silicon Valley (California)
• Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
• Chicago (Illinois)

 Los Angeles (California)

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