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Digital Marketing ODigma

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S.NO. TITLE Page No.

Front Page

Acknowledgement II

Declaration III

Certificate (Company Guide) IV


Executive Summary 1-2

Objective of the Project (at least 5) 3


Company Profile

(History, mission, vision, milestones, products, management,

overview of departments)


Introduction to TOPIC (process, method, techniques, types)


Research Methodology

Research Problem

Research Design

Data Collection Sources

Sample Size and Sampling Techniques

Limitations of Research


Data Analysis & Interpretation





Annexure (Questionnaire)

Specifications for Project Report:

● Prepare this file on MS Word.
● The page for project must be A4 size paper.
● Font Type: Times New Roman
● Font Size: 14 for headings and 12 for text of project.
● Spacing between the lines should be 1.5.
● Pages should have page number.
● Content on each page must be justified and left aligned.
● Final Report must be hardbound with black color, with front page as per the format.
● Ensure that no grammatical or spelling errors are there in the report.
● Report should include minimum 65 pages.
● Questionnaire should comprise of at-least 20 questions.

Project title:-
A study on growth of digital marketing in India generation with reference to ODigMa.”

Digital marketing is marketing that makes use of electronic devices (computers) such as
personal computers, smartphones, cell phones, tablets and game consoles to engage with
stakeholders. Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such as websites, e-mail,
apps (classic and mobile) and social networks.

ODgiMa consultancy solutions Pvt.Ltd has emerged as one of the best online media
companies in the Indian marketplace. The company offers a plethora of services in all online
media platforms. The offerings include marketing and consulting on Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, slideshare, YouTube, and Google. Though the company was started only two years
ago, it is way ahead of most of competitors through its relentless pursuit of perfection and
enormous amount of creativity which they put in their work. The firm worked with multiple
brands on social media and currently have 4 out of Top 30 brands in Facebook India.
The project was in the marketing department of ODigMa. The project was “A study on digital
marketing and its impact on revenue generation with reference to ODigMa”. This report will
help to get an idea about digital marketing and how the digital marketing has impact on
revenue generation for digital marketing companies and with reference to ODigMa. Through
this study we will see how online media companies emerging how they are generating
revenue and how they are growing economically and revenue generation models of online
media companies particularly reference to OdigMa.

Main findings of this internship are given here. Indian customers are highly information
seekers. They collect more information about a product before buying it. Internet penetration
in India is key player for this phenomenon. Most of Indians are getting stimulus through
advertisements, but they are not reaching to end phase of customers purchase journey, mainly
in high involvement purchases. Brands are getting more touch point to reach their target
group in this digital era. More details about findings are given this report.


• The main objective of the study is to understand the consumer buying journey in
Digital era.

• To know affinity in customers for collecting information before purchase.

• To determine out the media, which is most important in creating stimulus in


• To understand the media consumption of Indians.

• To figure out how Indian will purchase a product.

• To understand post purchase behaviour of Indian


Odigma, a digital marketing firm with a performance-based pricing strategy, is Gearing up to

serve clients in over 150 cities in India, in addition to setting up shop in Singapore and the
Middle East by the end of next fiscal.
Odigma is a digital marketing company based in Bengaluru, India. The company was
founded by Advit Sahdev in 2010. The company is one of the top 100 digital marketing
companies in India. The company was acquired by Infibeam in 2014.

Odigma was founded by Advit Sahdev in 2010, an alumnus of the NIT-K batch of 2001.
Before Odigma, Advit worked for 10 years in IT and global marketing experience with
companies and teams of Intel, Infosys, P&G and Unilever. He has also authored 4 books on
Social Media Marketing. Advit is also on a digital marketing expert panel with Digital
Infibeam acquired Odigma in 2014 to strengthen the e-commerce and digital marketing
service offerings.
Infibeam, Ahmedabad based Indian e-commerce company acquired Odigma in 2014 with
100% stake and complete ownership. The acquisition was focused to strengthen and expand
a broad range of e-commerce and digital marketing service offerings by Infibeam.

The company offers services like Search, Social Media Marketing, Video creation and
marketing, Email marketing, Website development, Social CRM, Brand campaigns, Mobile
application development, Cross device distribution of content, Affiliate marketing, Digital
Media distribution and solutions.

Customer Satisfaction is our primary objective and we strive for Excellence in it. End user
Contact and Immediate Problem Resolution is our Strength.


Our vision is to set the high standards for Digital marketing & Technology around the world,
across all industries through hard work, innovation and creativity until the preferred outcome
is achieved.


Odigma’s services entail Facebook brand building suite, Twitter strategyplanning and
implementation, social media platform connect, strategy on social media applications and
SEO and Google AdWords PPC. Its clientele spans across sectors and includes companies
such as Myntra, Infibeam, Indus League, HI design, MakeMyTripand Toyota, to name a few.
While 75 per cent of its clients are acquired through referrals and online marketing.
Digital Marketing and Customer Acquisition

From optimizing search campaigns to gain maximum leverage on media spends (SEM), to
optimizing your internet property for gaining a better rank in organic search results (SEO),
we ensure that you reach your objectives in the best possible way.

Plan companies social media campaigns to reach your exact target market with the right
communication message.

Understanding brand message and creating interactive videos to showcase your brand
presence is our speciality.
Creating custom mailer designs and execute them to drive your inbound marketing strategy.

Creating brand partnerships by leveraging an ecosystem with over 30,000 active partners.

Omni Channel Strategy and Business Solutions:

Designing and developing, visually appealing and functional websites which are accessible to
your audience across multiple platforms. We ensure that whatever we deliver has the highest
quality of experience.
Creating integrated campaigns to create brand presence and recall in the mind of your

We help understand the key pain areas of your CRM process and ensure the elimination of
negative impression of your brand across the web.

Mobile App Development:

Specially designed enterprise and retail apps to ensure that your buyers can easily find and
purchase products, leveraging technology in your favour to increase your revenues.
Our visualizers think out of the box every day, thus helping you to leverage on existing
content through innovative concepts to gain revenue.

Apps specifically conceptualized and designed to meet your business objectives. Our team of
highly skilled visualizers, designers and developers, ensure that your users will experience
only the best.

Digital Media Distribution and Solutions:

Brand campaigns using a mix of media and marketing. We partner with some of the largest
music labels globally.
Distribution of music, videos & other digital content across devices. Our platform and
analytics power some of the largest labels globally.

Want to launch a story telling campaign built around music/videos/films celebrities.


To begin with, as a part of the curriculum a summer internship programme was to be
conducted for a period of two months. Given a choice one was allowed to choose the field in
which he/she was interested. As my interest and curiosity was in online or digital marketing I
choose to work with a start-up company named ODigMa, I choose the start-up company
because with start I can explore myself and why digital marketing? Because it is booming
industry, the growth of digital marketing is tremendous and expected to grow more. Due to
this summer internship, I learnt every aspect of digital marketing include (business
development process, content writing, social media) Marketing practices have dramatically
shifted with the rise of social media and proliferation of devices, platforms, and applications.
Your prospective and current customers are trying to communicate with you, and you can
listen and respond faster, and with more personalization than ever before. This shifting
environment presents new opportunities and challenges for marketers. With digital
marketing, it's easy to fall behind. Digital marketing equips you with the tools you need to
assess your organization’s social media and digital marketing strategy and helps you identify
areas of improvement. Useful for individuals from small- to medium-sized businesses who
want to use new media as a vehicle for growth.Organizations are leveraging digital marketing
methods for successful marketing strategy implementation inbound marketing through
publishing content online in the form of portals, podcasts, e-journals, online campaigns,
social media marketing, search services; and outbound marketing including email marketing,
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds and others. A recent survey of 3300 business
executives from various industries indicates that on an average, 34% of a company’s leads
come from inbound marketing verses 22% through1 outbound marketing .

1.1 Digital Marketing:-

Digital marketing can be defined as the process of promoting of brands using digital
distribution channels comprising internet, mobile and other interactive channels. The basic
advantage in this form of advertising lies in its low cost model.
Digital Marketing can be classified into Pull and Push marketing.
Pull digital marketing technologies involve the user having to seek out and directly grab (or
pull) the content via web searches. Web site/blogs and streaming media (audio and video)
are good examples of this. In each of these examples, users have a specific link (URL) to
view the content.

Push digital marketing technologies involve both the marketer (creator of the message) as
well as the recipients (the user). Email, SMS,RSS are examples of push digital marketing.
In each of these examples, the marketer has to send (push) the messages to the users
(subscribers) in order for the message to be received.

1.1.2 Web Site Designing

From the initial process of taking inputs from clients, planning on the basis of such inputs
to final implementation and testing – all are done using latest web designing techniques
and skills. Our services have the advantage of offering clarity in its design style, which is
backed up with an easy and free flowing content and latest technical know-how. Not only
we provide affordable web site design and ecommerce web development services but also
search engine friendly designs. Our Service Includes
 Website Design
 Website Redesign
 Shopping Cart Web Design
 Detailed and Advanced Page Layout
 Custom Logo Design
 Banner Ads

 Custom Graphics Design using advanced design tools.

1.2 Digital Marketing Trends:
Organizations are implementing a wide range of digital channels so as to engage customers in
a more personalized way. Digital marketing trends that organizations are rapidly embracing

1.2.1 Mobility:
Business Insider's recent report indicates that globally, one in every five people owns a smart
phone, and one in every 17 owns a tablet. That's an increase of nearly 1.3 billion smartphones
in last four years. Therefore an increased user base accessing the internet via smartphones has
prompted many companies to optimize their online content for mobile devices.

1.2.2 Social media:

Organizations are focusing on engaging with customers through social media to offer real-
time interactions. Social media helps organizations reach out to a vast pool of potential
customers by supplying them with medical and campaign-related information.

1.2.3 Social-Local-Mobile marketing:

The growing popularity of smart mobile devices, increasing location based social activities
like experience sharing, review reading via social media and the evolution of Global
Positioning System (GPS) are helping companies leverage Social-Local-Mobile marketing

1.2.4 Personalized Content marketing:

Customer engagement, acquisition and retention have all taken on a new dimension with the
delivery of unique, personalized, and relevant messages through identified digital
channels.Email is one of the most preferred marketing channel to broadcast targeted
organization messages and campaigns to existing and prospective customers.
1.2.5 Advanced analytics:
Increased adoption of digital channels is generating large volumes of customer behavioural
data. Advanced actionable analytics can help organizations define targeted marketing
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Organizations are
focusing on SEO efforts and paid search advertising for enhancing the visibility of their
products and services.
One more trend that has been observed recently is the continually mounting costs of pay-per-
click (PPC) that has resulted in the increased disappointment with this form of search engine
Advertising. According to experts, the reason behind such high costs is the huge investments
made by large business concerns. Consequently, online business owners have now turned to
the organic search results delivered through search engine optimization to enjoy so many
advantages. There is currently more emphasis given to user-generated content, improved
conversion rates, location- or language specific campaigns, and E-mail newsletters.
The future of online Advertising is going to be more interactive with elevated bandwidth and
computing speed. Viewing and transmitting videos will be a cakewalk for web surfers. There
is also every possibility of witnessing browser-specific results in the coming days. Social
media will consolidate their dominance further. They will not only make more revenues, but
will grab the attention of more and more users as well. As far as search engine optimization is
concerned, the search engine algorithms and link determination factors will be complicated.
Further, thereby giving a hard time to online Advertising companies. Websites will be a lot
slimmer to enhance user browsing experience. Last but not least, video search will grow in
prominence with the potentiality to dictate the terms in the world of Internet advertising.
The Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) Industry, one of the most vibrant and exciting
industries in the world, has had a tremendous impact on the lives and the Indian economy. As
the M&E industry widens its reach, it plays a critical role in creating awareness on issues
affecting, channelling the energy of and building aspirations among India’s millions. As it
entertains and informs the country, the M&E industry has been a catalyst for the growth of
large parts of the Indian economy. M&E industry consist of TV, Print, Films, Radio, Music,
OOH, Animation and VFX, Gaming and Digital Advertising.

The FICCI-KPMG 2014 Report 'The Stage Is Set' showing the Indian media and
entertainment (M&E) industry has grown by 11.8 per cent in 2013 while comparing with
2012 and touchedRs918 billion. It is expected to touch Rs 1785.8 billion by 2018, with a
CAGR of 14.2 per cent.

By the end of 2014, the industry is expected to stand at Rs 1039 billion. Additionally, digital
advertising has shown promising growth in 2013 while comparing with 2012, which is about
38.7 per cent, followed by gaming which grew by 25.5 per cent. As for the 2018 prediction:
Digital advertising is expected to lead the CAGR with 27.7 per cent, followed by radio with
18.1 per cent. Gaming and television are expected to register a CAGR of 16.2 per cent each,
followed by growth rates of animation and VFX (15.9 per cent), music (13.2 per cent), films
(11.9 per cent) and OOH with 9.2 per cent expected CAGR.
Business Method of Industry:

ATD- Agency Trading Desk DSP- Demand Side Platform SSP- Selling Side

4.1.1 About Process

Clients would give authority to agencies, to wear the shoes of clients. Agency will create ads,
which may be banner ads or videos. After the creation and getting approval from clients,
agency while find out the portals or websites where the T.G is present. Later give the order to
DSP or ATD, this order contains details regarding where to place ads or which portal is
requiring to placing the ad. This DSP/ ATD will bid in ad exchange for that portal.
Otherwise agency can directly approach to ad networks and give orders. These ad networks
buy the inventories from publisher and give to agency. From publisher view he can sell
inventories through Ad networks or through SSP. If publisher give to SSP, they will place
those space in ad exchange for bidding. Through ad exchange DSP/ATD will buy those
inventories. Bidding will not only for space but also for T.G which required for clients.

Ad exchanges are technology platforms that facilitate the bids for buying and selling of
online media advertising inventory from multiple ad networks. The approach is technology-
driven as opposed to the historical approach of negotiating price on media inventory.


Digital Marketing (also Online Marketing, Internet Marketing or Web Marketing) is a

collective name for marketing activity carried out online, as opposed to traditional marketing
through print media, live promotions, tv and radio advertisement.

The rapid growth of Digital Marketing Industry is a direct consequence of the global
phenomenon that is the Internet, and effectiveness of Digital Marketing channels in
generating revenue and awareness.  Compared to traditional methods of advertising, Digital
Marketing offers rather realistic costs (particularly important for small- and medium-size
businesses and start-ups), accurate targeting and excellent reporting.
6.1 Types of Digital Marketing
In normal outbound marketing, we will use pull and push marketing strategy. Like that in
digital marketing also pull and push are types.

In push digital marketing the marketer sends a message without the recipient actively seeking
the content, such as display advertising on websites and news blogs. Email, text messaging
and web feeds with customized

Contents can also be classed as push digital marketing when the recipient has not actively
sought the marketing message. Push marketing allows you to target your demographics and
use your marketing dollars to promote your product to the people you know are interested in
what you have to sell. A push marketing campaign can be more expensive when it comes to
upfront costs, so you really need to be sure that your marketing is going to reach the right
people at the right time. Behaviour targeting is good example for push digital marketing.

In Pull digital marketing includes blogging, email marketing, social media, info graphics and
other forms of visual messaging and search engine optimization (SEO). A pull marketing
campaign also includes public relations or other ways of reaching out to potential or already
realized customers who you want to keep engaged. While a pull marketing campaign can be
less expensive to get started, you will incur costs in other ways. For example, if you are
running a social media campaign, you will need to hire someone to manage your social media
and respond to people who leave comments or ask questions. Social media gets people
talking and that has a major impact on sales. Pull marketing also requires a greater investment
in time, but it gives you more ability to entertain your customers and educate them about your
company. But don't get confused by seeing Email in push and pull, there is a difference. If
marketer is sending emails with customized content or banners to specific group of customers
is push digital marketing. If marketer is sending emails with the same content or banner to all
customers is pull digital marketing.

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a
web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results. SEO may target
different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic
search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people
search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search
engines are preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its
content, HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and
to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase
the number of back links, or inbound links, social book marking, directory submission is the
SEO tactic.

1.2 Social bookmarking:

Essentially, a social bookmark is a link that people post to social websites for others to see
because they find it interesting, valuable or cool. In a way, social bookmarks are just like the
bookmarks you already have on your private computer. The difference between the two is
that social bookmarks are saved to the web where they can be easily shared while private
bookmarks are saved to your own browser. The idea behind social bookmarking is simple:
post links on popular social bookmarking websites to increase your own traffic and gain an
ongoing stream of new readers and customers. Content that are openly shared with other
Internet users literally have unlimited growth potential. For example, one link can quickly
multiply and reach thousands of desktops across the world if one user passes it on to others,
and those users in turn do the same, and so on. Online marketing has gravitated away from
true-and-tried ad and affiliate marketing toward the rapidly growing world of global social
networking. Social bookmarking is a great traffic-boosting search engine optimization (SEO)
strategy because it’s easy, effective and trendy.

2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing):

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion
of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through
optimization and advertising.] SEM may use search engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts
or rewrites website content to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages, or use
pay per click listings.



There are four categories of methods and metrics used to optimize websites through search
engine marketing.

1. Keyword research and analysis involves three steps ensuring the site can be indexed in the
search engines, finding the most relevant and popular keywords for the site and its products,
and using those keywords on the site in a way that will generate and convert traffic. A follow-
on effect of keyword analysis and research is the search perception impact. Search perception
impact describes the identified impact of a brand's search results on consumer perception,
including title and Meta tags, site indexing, and keyword focus. As online searching is often
the first step for potential consumers/customers, the search perception impact shapes the
brand impression for each individual.
2. Website saturation and popularity, or how much presence a website has on search
engines, can be analyzed through the number of pages of the site that are indexed on search
engines (saturation) and how many backlinks the site has (popularity). It requires pages to
contain keywords people are looking for and ensure that they rank high enough in
searchengine rankings. Most search engines include some formof link

Popularity in their ranking algorithms. The following are major tools measuring various
aspects of saturation and link popularity: Link Popularity, Top 10 Google Analysis, and
Market leap’s Link Popularity and Search Engine Saturation.

3. Back end tools, including Web analytic tools and HTML validators, provide data on a
website and its visitors and allow the success of a website to be measured. They range from
simple traffic counters to tools that work with log files and to more sophisticated tools that
are based on page tagging (putting JavaScript or an image on a page to track actions). These
tools can deliver conversion-related information. There are three major tools used by
EBSCO: (a) log file analyzing tool: Web Trends by NetIQ; (b) tag-based analytic tool:
WebSideStory'sHitbox; and (c) transaction-based tool: Tealeaf RealiTea. Validators check
the invisible parts of websites, highlighting potential problems and many usability issues and
ensuring websites meet W3C code standards. Try to use more than one HTML validator or
spider simulator because each one tests, highlights, and reports on slightly different aspects of
your website.
3. SMM (Social Media Marketing):

Social media marketing is the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social
media sites. Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that
attracts attention and encourages readers to share it across their social networks. The resulting
electronic word of mouth (eWoM) refers to any statement consumers share via the Internet
(e.g., web sites, social networks, instant messages, news feeds) about an event, product,
service, brand or company. When the underlying message spreads from user to user and
presumably resonates because it appears to come from a trusted, third-party source, as
opposed to the brand or company itself, this form of marketing results in earned media rather
than paid media.

3.1 Engagement

In the context of the social web, engagement means that customers and stakeholders are
participants rather than viewers. Social media in business allows anyone and everyone to
express and share an opinion or an idea somewhere along the business’s path to market. Each
participating customer becomes part of the marketing department, as other customers read
their comments or reviews. The engagement process is then fundamental to successful social
media marketing.

3.2 Facebook Marketing

Facebook is the world's mostpopular social network for both businesses and individuals. With
over one billion users, your friends and fans are likely already using the platform and you
should be too. In fact, people are 51% more likely to make a purchase after "liking" a
brand on Facebook. Face book marketing requires a good intellects and unique thinking to
make the campaign effective.

In face book marketing in fact in visual /web marketing your content speaks a loud that is
why make sure your content should be relevant to your audience and business.


Facebook is a low-cost marketing strategy

Marketing activities that would cost thousands of dollars through other channels can be used
on Facebook for a fraction of the cost. This makes it ideal for small to medium businesses
with a limited marketing budget. Larger businesses can also trial marketing concepts and
themes through Facebook before committing to bigger campaigns.

Share basic information about your business

Your Facebook page is a place where you can publicise your business name, address and
contact details, and briefly describe your products and services. You can also talk about
your staff, history, or any other aspect of your business that is likely to attract other
Facebook users and create interest in what you do.

3.3 Twitter marketing (A game of 140 characters)

Twitter’s flexible, real-time platform allows you to get creative and drive results at the same
time. Whether you’re looking to drive sales, increase brand awareness or launch a product.
Twitter marketing is not much popular than face book but still it has an impact on audience

The very first thing in twitter marketing you need to understand and learn the twitter
terminologies well.
A hashtag is any word beginning with the # sign. People use hashtags to organize
conversations around a specific topic. Clicking on a hashtag takes you to search results for
that term.
Sometimes you want to bring a Tweet to someone’s attention, but you still want all of your
followers to see the message. So instead of a reply, use a mention. Include the @username of
whomever you want to mention in your Tweet, and it will appear in the Mentions section (in
the Connect tab). All @username mentions are clickable and link back to the mentioned
individual’s profile.
You can respond to a Tweet by hitting the reply button. When you reply, your response is
public, and will show up in your home timeline and the timeline of the person to whom you
are responding. The reply will also be visible in the home timelines of people who follow
both you and the person to whom you sent the reply. Meaning, someone not in the
conversation has to follow both of the people replying to be able to read both sides of the
You can pass along someone’s Tweet by retweeting it. Just hit the retweet button to send the
original message to all of your followers.
Twitter’s link- shortening feature allows you to paste a link of any length into the Tweet box
and it will automatically be shortened to 19 characters. This makes it easier to fit long URLs
into the 140 character limit.

You can favourite the tweet for future reference. This is just like an archiving something
that’s really interesting to you.
7. DM (direct message)
You can send private messages to someone, just like an email. For DM, sender and receiver
should be following each other.

Thumb rules:
 Remember, you just have 140 characters to play around. Compose your message within 120
characters or less and leave atleast20 characters so that others can re-tweet (RT).
 Utilization of # hash tags Tweets with hash tags get twice the engagement of those
Create a list of #Hash tags relevant to your brand Build a campaign around those #Hash tags
and invite followers to re-tweet.
 Posts with images have double the engagement of those without even though users can’t see
them until they click on them. It creates an interest among the audience.
3.4 Linked In Marketing:

LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking service. Founded in December 2002 and

launched on May 5, 2003 it is mainly used for professional networking. In 2006, LinkedIn
increased to 20 million members. As of June 2013, LinkedIn reports more than 259 million
acquiredusers in more than 200 countries and territories.

LinkedIn allows companies to create professional profiles for themselves as well as their
business to network and meet others. Through the use of widgets, members can promote their
various social networking activities, such as Twitter stream or blog entries of their product
pages, onto their LinkedIn profile page. LinkedIn provides its members the opportunity to
generate sales leads and business partners. Members can use “Company Pages” similar to
Facebook pages to create an area that will allow business owners to promote their products or
services and be able to interact with their customers. Due to spread of spam mail sent to job
seeker, leading companies prefer to use LinkedIn for employee's recruitment instead using
different job portals. Additionally, companies have voiced a preference for the amount of
information that can be gleaned from LinkedIn profile, versus a limited email.

Pros and Cons of social media marketing on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of today’s biggest social networks but it’s not exactly what you might call
“strictly social.” LinkedIn provides a great deal of exposure to businesses and can help find
new partners, business opportunities, or employees. Some might even call LinkedIn a social
network for business as it’s used mainly for “professional networking.” As a social platform
LinkedIn incorporates many social aspects, but its main focus is the business world. As a
result, many small business owners join LinkedIn with the hopes of expanding their ventures
and creating new connections that might prove beneficial. But like most things, LinkedIn has
its pros and cons.
3.5 Pinterest:
It is a visual discovery social network. It is a way of sharing images of anything, from fashion
to pets to pot plants. You can create your own online pinboards to suits any theme and share
it with likeminded people.
Pinterest completely revolves around the premise of being creative and visual. 70% users are
female and aged between 25 and 44. So if you are targeting women pinterest is the right
platform. Pinterest is now one of the top 10 social networking sites tracked by Hit wise.

How brands can use pinterest

Pinterest does not encourage product pushing, this means brands must look at crating

boards that are culture and lifestyle related. You can create boards on trends, behind the

scenes, preliminary sketches for products.

3.6 Instagram:
Instgram, the new revolutionary photo-sharing program, making it easier than ever to share
your best pictures with the world. The social media program allow you to upload, add digital
filters, and then post your pictures on your Instagram-feed, as well as other social networking
sites. You can connect your Instgram account with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,
Flickr,Foursquare and your email account. This makes it easy to share your pictures on
multiple platforms all at once.
When it comes to brands and businesses, Instagram goal is to help companies to reach
their respective audiences through captivating imagery in a rich, visual environment.
Moreover, Instagram provides a platform where user and company can communicate
publicly and directly, making itself an ideal platform for companies to connect with their
current and potential customers.
3.7 Google +:
Google has described Google+ as a "social layer" that enhances many of its online properties,
and that it is not simply a social networking website, but also an authorship tool that
associates web-content directly with its owner/author. It is the second-largest social
networking site in the world after Facebook. 540 million monthly active users are part of the
Identity service site, by interacting socially with Google+'s enhanced properties, like Gmail,
+1 button, and YouTube comments.In October 2013, Google counted 540 million active
users who used at least one Google+ service, of which 300 million users are active in "the
3.8 You tube
YouTube is a video Social Networking site, and the 2nd most popular search site on the
Internet after Google, who owns YouTube. YouTube video watching is a significant activity
on the Internet, with over 1 billion visits to YouTube daily and over 100 million videos
watched daily. And it's easy for anyone who sees your video to rate it and share it with his
Social Network.
A Research Methodology defines the purpose of the research, how it proceeds, how to
measure progress and what constitute success with respect to the objectives determined for
carrying out the research study A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series
of questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Questionnaires can
be thought of as a kind of written interview. They can be carried out face to face, by
telephone, computer or post.

Questionnaires provide a relatively cheap, quick and efficient way of obtaining large amounts
of information from a large sample of people.

The research design and methodology is presented as follows

2.1 Data collection:

 The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research
design has been chalked out.
 While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, the research
should keep in mind two types of data viz. Primary and Secondary.

2.2 Sources of data

a)Primary Data.

b) Secondary Data.

2.2.1 Primary data:

The observation method is the most commonly used method. Data pertaining to digital
marketing process and most of information is collected from project guide in the company.
Questionnaire method is also very widely used in order to give a structure to the entire study.
2.2.2 Secondary data:

Secondary data is collected from already existing sources in various organization broachers &
records. Secondary data for the study were collected from the magazines, websites & other
previous studies. To meet the objectives, the study used qualitative research. The descriptive
study was done through review of existing literature that helped in validation and extraction
of the important variables and factors. Data was collected from secondary sources. Secondary
sources were magazines, websites, books, office executives, and company data.

Technical Aspects of problem:

 Finding the online presence of the client.
 Understanding why it is so weak.
 Identifying what solutions would be better for particular client.
 How to improve their presence, etc.

Managerial Aspect of the problem:

 To define SWOT for the client.

 To define their requirements and the corresponding solutions.
 To define the gap analysis for the client.

Business Aspect of the problem:

 To find better business opportunity for ROW.

 To resolve the client’s problem in terms of ROI.
 Competitive benefits and bets pricing offering.
Sample Size & Techniques
For this research project, I have selected a sample size of 100 from the population. As it was
an anonymous online survey, the sample was selected randomly. The survey was anonymous
because most of the people using online are very cautious about privacy for which they do
not want to disclose information to other people especially while in a survey. In this research,
the sample is all the people who are active users of social media with diversified profession
as student, job holders etc.

 In collecting primary data, it is really hard to get correct information from people as
they might not feel comfortable or provide their false feeling.
 To observe the whole corporation activities and come up with a fruitful result requires
the huge amount of time, so the time limit is another crucial limitation of this study.
 The internship proposal is conducted based on several secondary data which were
rather inefficient or unreliable.
 Due to confidentiality clauses within the organization, it was not possible to gather
some more information that could make the report much greater from all aspects.
 Awareness about Digital Marketing among the consumers of the area allotted was
very low.
 Consumer was not paying attention in filling questionnaire.
 Consumers were not so cooperative.
 As the consumers heard about the product which are paid services they immediately
refuse in listening even.
 Most of the consumer was not interested in any kind of digital marketing due to risk
factor of internet.
 Differences in understanding and interpretation.
 Respondents may have a hidden agenda.
 There is no way to tell how truthful a respondent is being .

The foundation for Grapes Digital was laid in the year 2009, when Himanshu Arya, a
successful MBA Professional, decided to bring an unprecedented digital revolution to India.

Today, we are amongst the most successful all-encompassing independent digital agencies in
India. Our team is ever-expanding, with the NEXA, Google, Videocon La Caste, Mankind
consumed with the next big idea and innovation in digital marketing. Based out of offices in
Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore, we help brands grow into success stories through 360° brand
strategy and planning, design, customer response management, search engine optimization,
and social media marketing.

Numerous awards for our campaigns and brands, such as Best Use of Social Media
Marketing — JSW Group (CMO Asia 2016) and Most Digitally Engaging Brand in South
East Asia — Gap India (Campaign Asia 2016), are a testament to the dedication, expertise
and proficiency that we bring to the table.

The endless experimentation and ingenuity that drives conversations; the countless hours of
perseverance; the vision of pushing our brands to the top of the digital mountain; and, of
course, an obsession with being change-makers- this is essentially what makes us one of the
best digital agencies in India.

A universe of interactive and immersive experiences that bring brands face to face with their
audience and leave an everlasting impact on their minds. Having served over 150 clients
world-over with a tailored suite of Brand Strategy and Planning, Customer Review
Management, E-Commerce, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Content
Strategy and Development, Online Reputation Management and other services, we can
successfully claim to be rewriting the rules of being a top marketing agency.
Limitations of the Research:

Data Source:

Primary Source:

Primary data on social media is collected from surveying of target group and personal

Secondary Source:

Like primary source, secondary source is also major stream of information for this report.
List of Secondary source are;

- Internet

- Social Network sites

- Text Book

- Several others report

-The time span for the project is limited.

- This revenue generation model completely with reference to OdigMa

- Time of campaigns for some client is more than three months.

- Advertising expenditure of some companies is confidential so it can’t be revealed

1. How do you get information about new Products?

Other Sources 7%

News 13%

Advertisements 40%

Family 10%

Friends 30%

 Samples showing that 40% of people get to know about new products through advertisements
and followed by friends means reference group

2. Do you Collect information before purchasing the products?




 Survey results showing that 95% of people collect information before purchasing the
products. Only few people don’t bother about info before purchasing product.
3. What type of information will you collect?


Quantity 11%

Attributes 10%

Quality 32%

Price 26%

 Survey results showing that people who said they collect information before purchasing
product they mainly concern about the product quality and price least concern about

4.Did you ever purchase from an online site?




 Question asked to most of young people and 81% people said they buy from online site and
only few people said they never purchased from online because of reliability issues.
5.If yes, then what type of product / services did you purchase online?

Electronic 22%

Books 11%

Travel products 17%

Fashion accessories 19%

Kichen an home items 2%

Toys 2%

Sport equipments 11%

Gifts 13%

Automotives 3%

 People who said they purchase products from online they purchase electronic products,
followed by fashion and travel accessories through online.

6. Do you watch television?




 Question asked to various age people and most of them said yes about 93% people said they
watch television only 7% said NO to television.
7. Do you watch television programs through online?

47% Yes
53% No

 Survey results showing that almost equal percentage of results.53% people watch TV
programs through online.

8. Do you read Newspapers?




 Question asked to various age people 93% people said they read newspaper only few people
said no to reading newspaper

9. Do you read the News through online?




 93% people said YES to reading newspapers, 74% are reading newspapers through online
portals and only 26% people said NO to read newspaper through online.
10. Do you have mobile phone?




 Question asked to various age people maximum number of people said yes that they have
mobile phone 99% answered YES that they have mobile phone.

11. Do you have a laptop or PC?




 This survey sample collected from students and working professional and 94% people said
they have laptop or PC.only 6% don’t have laptop or PC.
12. Do you have a tablet?




 Question asked to same students and working professionals and collected results that 70%
people have tablet only 30% people don’t have tablet.

13. Do you have an internet connection in any of the above mentioned gadgets?




 Question asked to people who said YES to above asked questions and 96% people have
internet connection to any of those gadgets only 4% people using gadgets without internet
14. When do you use these gadgets?

With friends 33%

College 26%

Office 16%

Watching T.V 25%

 Survey results showing that 33% of people using gadgets when they are with friends and
while watching TV.

15. What you do with these gadgets?

Chatting 21%

Watch Videos 14%

E- books 6%

Blogging 6%

News reading 11%

Shopping 12%

Surfing 16%

Games 14%

 Survey results showing that 21% use these gadgets for chatting, 16% for surfing and 14% for
watch videos & games.
16. Do you ever notice advertisement?




 97% of the samples are seeing ads, among them 35% of samples noticed ads through online
media, 22% on TVC and 17% on Newspapers

17. If yes, from where?

Radio 6%

OOH 6%

Magazines 14%

Newspaper 17%

Online Ads (Banner & Videos) 35%

TV 22%

 35% People notice advertisements from online ads and TV and OOH takes less part.
18. Mention one from of media, which you give more importance?

Radio 4%

OOH 3%

Newspapers 11%

Online 48%

TV 34%

 48% of the samples are saying they have trust in online ads, 34 % are saying they have trust
in T.V.

19. How do you normally purchase a product?

Visit and purchase from retail shop itself 19%

Visit the retail shop and purchase from laptop 7%

Visit the retail shop and purchase from mobile 4%

Research and purchase from laptop 11%

Research and purchase from mobile 6%

Research in mobile and purchase from laptop 10%

Research in laptop and purchase from retail shop 22%

Research in mobile and purchase from retail shop 21%

 22% of samples will do research on online and purchase from retail shop, 21% of the samples
will do research in mobile and purchase from retail shop. But 19% of the samples will
purchase directly from a retail shop only.
20. After purchase, what type of experience will you share with others?

Nice deal, in terms of price 14%

Bad experience 2%

Good experience 17%

All the above mentioned 67%

 67% of the samples will like to express their experience with others; it may be a nice deal,
good experience or bad experience with product.

21. How will you share your experience with others?

Face to face talk 37%

In company website 4%

Write a blog 3%

Messaging 24%

Social networking sites 32%

 37% will share their experience through face to face talk, 32% through social networking sites
and 24% through messaging.

46. Digital Marketing Spending Averages 2.5% of Company Revenue

Customers are transitioning to communicating and buying through digital channels. That means
marketing spending is rapidly shifting to digital marketing. On average, annual digital
marketing operating budgets represented 2.5% of a company's revenue in 2014. These expenses
include personnel costs, contract labour, software as a service and external marketing services
such as agency creative services, search, website design, content creation and management,
social and mobile marketing.Three percent of the marketers responding to our survey said they
are spending more than half of their marketing budgets on digital activities. The majority
spends between 10% and 50% of their marketing budget on digital marketing activities the
average is 25%.
It is becoming more difficult to count and allocate digital marketing spending as digital and
traditional marketing techniques are merging. For 20% of companies, digital marketing
activities have already been incorporated into each function within marketing, and budgets are
no longer broken out separately. We expect this trend to continue growth as areas such as
second screen TV, social TV and QR codes integrate with traditional channels.

2. Most of the real sector people actually understanding the value and opportunities of digital
3. With the study of digital marketing I came to its emergence and extreme growth in today’s
4. What I found in client servicing is convincing clients is bit complex as they too have
complete knowledge about the digital marketing and also explaining how we are better than
5. Most of the sectors initially opt for the digital marketing channels name search engine
optimization, search engine marketing and social media marketing and later they will think
about other channels which mean these three channel high acceptance.
6. It is easier to approach a company’s if you first send them an E-mailer to related sector and
then call them in fact sometimes the company itself call having seen the E-mailer.
7. Indian customers are highly information seekers. They collect more information about
quality, price and refer customer’s experiences before purchasing a product.
8. Advertisements have high impact for creating stimulus in Indian customers. But this stimulus
will get in to action only through opinion leaders.
9. Indian consumers have high tendency to go for online purchase. They have high affinity to go
online for electronic products and apparels.
10. One of the current trends in Indian youth and young Indians are watching the T.V programs
via online portals. May be the main reason is convenience of time, they can watch programs
which they had skipped due to some reasons.
11. The same thing is happening for the newspaper also, people have more affinity towards online
news portals. Here's the reason may be they can get news updates very early; they don’t need
to wait for daily newspapers.
12. In both of these cases, one opportunity is lost for marketer and one opportunity is emerging
for them to reach their T.G.
13. More than 90% of the samples have a mobile or Smartphone and laptops or PC. 96% of
samples have an internet connection is any of these gadgets, this showing the penetration of
internet in India.
14. If we take tablet, penetration in Indian is low. But it doesn’t mean that no one is using tabs.
More than 30% of samples have tablet. For brands they are getting three more platforms to
reach their T.G and engage them.
15. 33% of the samples are using these gadgets while they are with their friends, so just think
about the reach. If one person noticed something which is cool and awesome they will surely
communicate to others.
16. 25% of the samples are using these gadgets while watching T.V; it’s again a barrier for
brands which use TVC only. 21% of the samples are using this gadget for chatting and 16%
are using for surfing. What they are surfing? It can be about a product, local events or
17. In this situation, one opportunity is again losing to brands and one opportunity is emerging for
brands to reach their T.G.
18. More than 90% of samples are noticing ads, among them 35% of samples noticed ads through
online media, followed by TVC and Newspapers.
19. 48% of samples are telling they give more importance to online ads and 34 % of samples give
importance to T.V.C.
20. From the first part of this research itself, we know that customers are highly information
seeker. It may be the reason for high trust in online ads. They can search for more information
after seeing an ad or online is the only two way communication channel for customers.
21. 22% of the samples do research through their lap or PC before purchasing a product from the
retail shop and 21% do research via mobile.
22. Most of the Indians prefer to purchase from a retail shop only, but before going to retail shop
they will seek information about the product through an online platform. Here is actually
change happens in consumer buying journey, early times consumer belief a product only after
seeing the product in a retail shop.
23. But now Indian customers want to get conviction about a product before going to retail shop.
So from a marketers view they want to convince their customers before going to a retail shop.
24. Brands want to build a cool presence over digital platforms because the customer will do
research about the product after seeing an ad or after getting stimulated.
25. Brands are getting more touch points to reach target group in a cost effective manner.
The successful completion of this internship indicates that the future of marketing is in the
hands of digital. Digital marketing is not only concerned with placing ads in portals, it
consists of integrated services and integrated channels. Marketers want to use these
components in an effective way to reach target groups and to build a brand. In this digital era
marketer is not the custodian for a brand, people who are connected across the digital
platforms are the custodians.

Brands want to build their presence over digital platform, because customers have high
affinity towards digital media than other media’s. More than that customers are highly
information seekers and digital media is the only platform for two way communication
between brands and customers.

Digital media is the best platform to convert a product to a brand. Because it is more cost
effective and it provide lot of touch points to marketer. Brands can able to engage their target
group in an effective way through digital platforms. Digital media is not only for
engagement, brands can increase their customers or they can retain their existing customers.
Digital platforms help to increase the impact of brand recall in target groups.

Importance of digital presence increasing importance of digital agencies, so they making

money through digital advertising raising of digital marketing consciousness making money
for digital agencies by which they are booming and making more money with small

I honestly believe that this project report will be at most useful for marketers to understand
the digital marketing and also to plan for future strategies.

 There is a need to increase the awareness of digital marketing among the people so
that they can utilize it properly.
 The security level must increase so that people can use it without any doubt.
 Audit and update your SEO more frequently.
 Prioritize blogging as a lead generation tool.
 Take a deep look at how customers are currently experiencing your brand
 We should focus on the customer review as nowadays its effects very much.
 Marketers should do something that can make the female users encouraged to use
digital media which may increase the number of the female user
 The businesses that are still thinking of doing only conventional marketing should
start investing in digital media and make their communications more effective.
 Whoever doing businesses especially online shopping related businesses should take
some important measures to make customer information secure and give a good
customer experience. Customer Privacy and customer experience should be the
concern of all marketers.
 Digital marketing communication is not so costly than any other media but content
management in digital marketing communication is very important. So marketers
should give more emphasize on content management and integrate that with
conventional media and invest effectively both in digital and conventional media
 So, brands should go digital and increase the digital marketing communication budget

 Marketing strategies
 Understanding of digital marketing – by Damin Rayan, Calvin-online

1. Contact Person
2. Company Name/email ID
3. What five keywords defines your business
4. Out of those five – what two are most critical either profitable line or those
which bring the most new customer in the door.
5. Do you currently have online profile?
6. Do you produce new content for your website at least quarterly?
7. Any analytical software you use to track online activity.
8. What product and service your companies provide? And to whom?
9. What are you doing now to promote your business?
10. What digital marketing services does your business need?
11. Your customer segment on the basis for:
 Age ( )
 Gender( )
 Income level( )
 Locality( )

12. What is your aim for your online marketing campaign?

13. Have you used any following online marketing services to market your website
in the past –
 SEO (search engine optimization),
 Pay per click marketing,
 Social media marketing,
 Email marketing,
 Press release or any other?

14. Have you planned budge for your online marketing?

15. How soon are you looking to launch your online marketing campaign?
16. To what extent is top level management is involved with digital marketing

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